i'm a white american, but i can use chopsticks. most places in america, even in rural areas, have at least one chinese restaurant in town thats run by an asian family. i live in a pretty small town but we actually have 3 chinese restaurants here. these restaurants always have chopsticks available that have instructions on how to use them. i really liked chinese food when i was a kid so i taught myself how to use chopsticks from a pretty young age. i even use them at home now lol. i think its common for many americans to try to use chopsticks at least once when eating chinese food, but not everyone continues to use them.
バイロンさん、心境を素直に話してくれてありがとう!私達がもっとお互いについて興味を抱き、知識を得ていく事で色んな誤解が減っていくと思います。こう言った発信は大事ですね。 ちなみに私は夫の転勤でアメリカに来て10年になりますが、一番抵抗を感じるのは日本人としてではなくアジア人として一色担にされ、日本人だと言っているのに手を合わせて「シェイシェイ」とか言われる事などです😅 東アジア🟰全員中国人 by American
カナダに長い事住んでいますが、いつも私が日本人とわかると nice, polite,clean, patient の期待がつきまとうので、それはそれで非常にやりにくいです。そして主張したり、感情的になるとyou not a typical Japanese と言われ😅 外国の方も日本人に対する固定観念がすごいなぁと思う日々です。
私は大阪市内育ちで外国人を見る機会も多く、外大を出て英語のネイティブスピーカーの多くいる職場に勤めました。その経験から英語話者=アメリカ人ではないこと、日系外国人はどんなに日本人に見えても、そうとは限らないことは強く認識したいるつもりではいます。 私はアメリカ人への偏見よりも、日本にいる外国人(に見える人)をアメリカ人と考えがち、なことの方が気になります。明らかに困ってそうな外国人に見える旅行者には状況が許す限り手を差し伸べますが、その際の第一声はDo you speak English or Japanese?(英語か日本語いける?)にしています。 まだまだ認識不足の時に英語で話しかけたらヨーロッパ言語話者だった(たぶん北欧系??)経験と、京都の街中で、困っていた外国人旅行者が、別の外国人旅行者に「Do you speak English ?」と話しかけ、「Yeah!」と返されて心底ホッとした顔をしたのを見た経験からです。 渡航経験のない私はこれからもこちらのチャンネルなどを通じて,学んで行きたいと思います。 これからもどうぞよろしくお願いします。楽しみにしています。 あ、お箸の件は、日本人がお箸を実際以上に「扱うのが難しいツール」と認識してるせいでもありますよね。日本人の中でもお箸をきれいに使える人、尊敬されるし。日本人は無意識なお箸コンプレックスなのかも。
例えばフィリピンに言ってしょっちゅうアニョハセヨって言われる自分が、タガログ語流暢に話してたら、タガログ語うまいって言われるのといっしょやろ・・・(magandang umaga kumsta ka na po masarap marami salamat po 程度でしょっちゅうタガログ語うまいって言われるわ🤣)
昭和世代なので、子供の頃アメリカは映画やドラマのイメージはありましたが、移民の国だとは聞いていました。親は戦中子供でしたし。「Bewitched」観てアメリカは冷蔵庫とか何もかも大きくて広いなと感じたり、「Beverly Hills, 90210」観て高校生は自由でfriendlyでパーティーなど楽しそうだな。。。と感じたりしていましたね😊
@souleater71026 ай бұрын
@gristen6 ай бұрын
quite alot of people have blonde hair and blue eyes, but it is a recessive trait so its far more likely to have dark hair and dark eyes even in america. you can only be born with these traits if both parents have the gene for blonde hair and blue eyes in their DNA. someone with brown eyes can only have a kid with blue eyes if they and their spouse each have one parent or grandparent that also had blue eyes.
its because america is very big, each state is basically its own country. many people live their whole life in just one state, and the customs and traditions of each state can be very different from each other. the lifestyles of people on opposite sides of america can differ quite alot. to us, saying the state we are from says alot more about us than just saying our country.
@@クロ-n5u well its sometimes about our identity, but not always. it's just a better indication of where the place we come from is. california and new york are so far apart it takes 41 hours of constant travel to drive a car from one state to the other. including sleep and other breaks, that's over a week of driving. hawaii and alaska aren't connected to the rest of the states, they're located much further away. so saying "i'm from hawaii" tells people much more about the place you are from than just saying "i'm from america". simplifying such a big place to just "america" is like saying "i'm from earth" 😅
no, even in america they usually won't take back things that have already been used. you can usually only return things that were bought but not used, or things that had already been damaged when they were sold. there's usually a time limit to when you can return them too, and each store will have different policies. some places will refund the actual money you paid, but other places will only allow you to exchange the item for another similar one or let you return the item for in-store credit that allows you to buy a new item from that store only. places that do not allow refunds, exchanges, or returns usually have signs and notices to inform you.