交通が不便、車の修理で騙される、医療費がメッチャ高いはロスでも同じです。 それ以外日本の良さが光るところとして、安全、清潔(特にトイレがメッチャ綺麗!)食事が美味しい、しかも安くてチップが要らない、サービス最高(これは食事だけでなくあらゆる分野で)、四季がある、温泉がある、人が親切で思いやりがある、礼儀がある、趣がある、伝統がある、そして(繁華街と選挙の時以外は)静か。I miss Japan!
I really miss how conveniently placed everything was in Japan with a conbini on every corner. Where I lived you could walk anywhere with ease! Here in America, it takes driving a distance to get anywhere. That’s why most of us during quarantine have been using apps to get groceries and the like delivered to our homes (even gas station food!). It’s convenient but there’s something so enjoyable about walking there.
@mona-e6z2k3 жыл бұрын
@KS-py3mg3 жыл бұрын
Hi, This is KS (Japanese) from Portland OR. I have been living in USA for almos 25 years. Your experience in USA is totally I can agree. I am cancer patient under treatments now. what I was surpeised is Medical cost. I was in Hospital for 7 days due to Liver cancer surgery then Total cost was over $110k !!!! No, I did not pay but Insurance company. I really have felt that Life also depends on Money in USA. If a person does not have appropriate Medical support or enough money, cannot live longer...
@hidekazuarai36153 жыл бұрын
Agree, biden needs to hook the shit up!
@グッチ明治3 жыл бұрын
Live is money indeed.って英語は通じますか?(英語的に正しいですかぁ?)
@kanami27823 жыл бұрын
@@グッチ明治 通じなくもないですけど、『自分の命はお金しだい』みたいなことを言いたいのであれば、your life depends on your money の方が分かりやすいと思います
僕はカナダのBCに住んでいますがカナダのveterinarianはアメリカの倍はします。僕の親戚はアメリカとのボーダーの近くに住んでいるので犬などをアメリカのveterinarianまで連れて行きます。アメリカドルの方が高いですがそれでもまだアメリカの方が安いです。I love watching the show called Dr Poll!