r/Facepalm | handle with car

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@MSRTA_Productions 11 ай бұрын
Handle with car Proceeds to hit package with car
@marijnyboy8402 11 ай бұрын
@dakotadirden9834 11 ай бұрын
My exact thought
@EmKay 11 ай бұрын
You get it
@knutolavbjrgaas1069 11 ай бұрын
Just imagine if emkay made a joke about that instead of just making a typo!
@CraftingCat_IX 11 ай бұрын
Yea that would be great
@nikitatavernitilitvynova 11 ай бұрын
One thing about the beeping freezer. I read a full article on it. The freezer needed some form of maintenance that surfaced during the pandemic, so nobody had still gotten to it despite many calls had been made to the manufacturer. And the beeping came from this unresolved issue. The cleaning guy was instructed on what to do to stop the beeping noise. Except he clicked on the wrong button which turned off the electricity going to the freezer. He wasn't as stupid to shut an entire freezer because of a beeping noise. Just to clarify, he was still negligent.
@hehehorf782 11 ай бұрын
Yeah I worked in a lab once with a freezer like this. -80 degree Celsius. Stocked completely full with thousands of important samples of proteins and DNA. it was literally all of my boss' life work. It makes a very annoying beep anytime the temperature goes down a certain point because if the samples get too warm and defrost, they become damaged. The beep is annoying so you HAVE to go check on it.
@ShadoeLandman 11 ай бұрын
There's one at work that constantly has an alarm going off as well as three flashing error buttons. I have to wonder if it works at all.
@marekvojta9648 11 ай бұрын
On the other hand how much dumm you have to be to don't backup your research which is running more than 25 years?! (By backuping I mean having the SAME CULTURE in DIFFERENT FREEZER)
@The_Hydration_Police 11 ай бұрын
Ah someone already said it, though it was not a button on the freezer, it was the whole circuit breaker cause the fridge and the plug was all locked up to prevent damage to what is inside. With a sign being on it that said how to turn it off.
@nikitatavernitilitvynova 11 ай бұрын
@@lurch789 no it's fully the cleanser's fault. Why? Because they're old enough to take orders and understand what to do and not do. It's not hard to follow instructions. Expecially when they were explicitely told. It's almost like a cleaner cleaning a room full of important electrical equipment. Everyone knows water and electronics don't go together as they aren't friends but rather enemies. As a fully grown adult if someone tells you how to turn off an alarm, you should be able to do it unless you have some mental disability. We're not talking about kids. But rather adults. And I'm pretty sure there was a guard somewhere. You know that movie type small room full of small square tvs to check on the cctv.
@-themightymittens- 11 ай бұрын
Imagine having to have your mom bail you out of a fight as a grown man
@EmKay 11 ай бұрын
RKO outta nowhere!!
@elvingearmasterirma7241 11 ай бұрын
like god dammit lady! You robbed us! again
@zizochemlali4639 11 ай бұрын
well again zuckerburg won multiple martial arts tournaments in the past so musk would’ve been embarrassed either way
@-themightymittens- 11 ай бұрын
@@zizochemlali4639 Yeah but it would have been a lot funnier lol
@kattastic9999 11 ай бұрын
My mom is a hospice nurse, she could kick my ass and she could kick yours too, never fuck with hospice nurses
@__-fm5qv 11 ай бұрын
A unisex bathroom is a normal bathroom with multiple stalls, they're becoming fairly common in places like Universities here in Europe.
@yelljal2764 11 ай бұрын
We have some here in the US aswell. (The Boston Museum of Art is an example I've seen recently).
@thesheikahscholar 11 ай бұрын
"A literal 29-year-old teenager." Welp. That's enough internet for me today.
@toasterhavingabath6980 11 ай бұрын
@@lurch789 a What
@ashberrington1596 11 ай бұрын
You'd think the "teen" part of the word teenager would give people some sort of clue about what ages are considered teenagers. FourTEEN, SevenTEEN, etc. Last I checked Twenty Nine doesn't have "teen" in it
@dolliethedoll 11 ай бұрын
@@ashberrington1596its more like a twenty.
@hashbird22 7 ай бұрын
@@ashberrington1596 Twenty nine Tweenty nin Teenty nin Teeny teen TEEN
@kiwimations2053 5 ай бұрын
That's a stretch, you could to that with any number. Hundred. Heendred. Teendred. Teen. See?​@@hashbird22
@UlyssesK402 11 ай бұрын
The story of the cleaner who shut off a critical freezer is just another reminder why outsourcing your cleaning is a bad idea...
@marekvojta9648 11 ай бұрын
On the other hand how much dumm you have to be to don't backup your research which is running more than 25 years?! (By backuping I mean having the SAME CULTURE in DIFFERENT FREEZER)
@fresanegra77 11 ай бұрын
I mean, at least make sure that the outsourced workers are minimally trained to not interrupt very important things on accident
@UlyssesK402 11 ай бұрын
@fresanegra77 Not exactly the easiest thing to do when you don't employ them directly.
@fresanegra77 11 ай бұрын
@@UlyssesK402 I see, then maybe add signs that say to specifically never touch certain things, on or really close to said things? Idk, I'm stoopid
@TheEpicGalaxy21 11 ай бұрын
@@fresanegra77 *"This sign isn't going to stop me! Because I can't read! Or be paid enough to care!"*
@cidarthecapricorn8859 11 ай бұрын
7:37 The stupid water and bathroom control thing at schools mixed with my social anxiety actually caused me (in elementary school) to come up with a dangerous process that not only caused extreme dehydration, but also carried the risk of bladder infection to the point of intense pain when I'd get home and rush to the bathroom. I was too nervous to risk the embarrassment of asking to go and being denied, so I just didn't. The only thing I'd drink unless I felt like I was dying was a single chocolate milk carton at lunch, and wouldn't even get the chance to finish that. It eventually culminated in me nearly passing out from heat stroke during an outdoor gym class at the end of the year. We were in line for the water fountain on a day so hot that I don't think that anything will ever feel as hot (regardless of if it actually is) and two boys were fighting to the point I remember them pushing each other into the other kids. The teacher decided to punish everyone by not letting us get water and sending us back onto the field. I couldn't even get up the hill (That was covered in large rocks that could easily cause a concussion if someone fell) before I felt like if I didn't lay down IMMEDIATELY I would fall down and hit my head. It was several minutes until someone found me and brought me to the nurse's office.
@lefishe5845 11 ай бұрын
I genuinely don't get why you just can't go.
@jammyjammich 11 ай бұрын
I had my first kidney stone when I was 12 because of that crap. Glad to say I homeschool
@zephie531 11 ай бұрын
I was really similar, due to a fun mix of sensory issues, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and chronic pain I couldn’t drink from school cups or fountains and I couldn’t bring in a water bottle because of the extra weight. I wasn’t allowed to store my stuff anywhere, we had to carry it all so I had to make it as lightweight as possible. Dehydration was kinda inevitable. I had really extreme anxiety about contamination as a child and I’m still not great about it, but it used to border on being an actual disorder. Teachers didn’t really get that. We were only allowed one packed lunch a week also so I just didn’t eat the other days. School toilets were a nightmare and since nursery I would do anything to avoid them. I guess the dehydration actually helped there. The avoidance also lead to really bad anxiety even when the contamination aspect wasn’t there. I am not comfortable eating around people, even friends really, or doing anything related to taking care of myself as a human. One of my friends called me an android because she had never seen me eat or drink more than a biscuit in the two years we had been at school together. Thankfully I’m not anorexic, I do have an eating disorder obviously but I manage it reasonably well. Just means I have to plan so I don’t have to eat around people and manage the sensory aspects with backup options of safe foods. I also have to remember to actually drink because I can now.
@ZeroXSEED 10 ай бұрын
@@lefishe5845 It is a problem when teacher treated you like shit for DARING to ask.
@AliciaMajo 11 ай бұрын
I remember when I was in highschool and our Spanish teacher was lecturing at the beginning of class, I quietly took out my water bottle, and took my meds, she went off on me so violently and I responded with a very meek "sorry I had to take my meds". She proceeded to go on a tirade about how "OH NOW I'M THE BAD GUY" and "HOW COULD IVE KNOWN ABOUT HER MEDS" I'm sure she was having a terrible day, but boy was I traumatised.
@teddy-beargamer6385 11 ай бұрын
Man, why the fuck do we let people like this into our schools? The number of teachers who actually hate children and constantly pull power trips on their students is honestly astounding. Then again, this is what happens when you prioritize student obedience over student wellbeing. I’m reminded of my own experiences as a neurodivergent kid- the teachers had it out for anyone who didn’t fit the mold, and the good teachers were honestly a rarity.
@AliciaMajo 11 ай бұрын
@@teddy-beargamer6385 Hey as a fellow neurodivergent kid, I get it. Also if you wanna talk about it, this is a safe space. And I understand that in America teachers are over worked and underpaid, but there's no reason to take it out on the kids. (I don't live in America btw, my teacher was probably just having a bad day)
@teddy-beargamer6385 11 ай бұрын
@@AliciaMajo Ayy, good to see a fellow neurodivergent person out here! I prefer not to dwell too much on the bad experiences I’ve had with the public school system. I’m mostly alright now, but it’s left me with a lingering resentment towards the current state of affairs in education. Sorry if I made any assumptions about your teacher- I know most folks have their off days. It just reminded me a little too much of those types of teachers who leverage their positions of authority to bully their students. The types who take any kind of disturbance in their class as a personal insult, no matter how innocuous the action may be, then play victim once they’re called out for their own poor behavior. Sidenote: I’m not American either, but Canada isn’t much better in that regard. What’s funny is that I’m trying to get my degree so I can be a teacher myself. I figure that I can’t fix the system itself, but I can make a positive difference on a smaller scale. I hope to be the kind of teacher I would have needed back then.
@osheridan 11 ай бұрын
I hate it so much when people do something wrong and when called out they say "oh now I'm the villain!!" Yes hon, you're the most prosecuted person in human history, leave me alone now please
@AliciaMajo 11 ай бұрын
@@osheridan I guess it's really hard for some people to just say "sorry" and admitting that they are wrong. So they always find a way to play victim. It's gross but it does tell you a lot about that person. They can "never be wrong". And you probably don't want to be anywhere near them.
@aribantala 11 ай бұрын
13:15 Imagine this: You're almost 2 years in your tour of duty. In that time, you watched your Brothers-in-Arms die in your hands. It was an ambush, a Landmine blew the Transport you're in with a press crew... He died because he poke his head from the smouldering wreckage... Your head kept repeating the thoughts... "I could have took that sniper fire", "How the hell I missed that Landmine", "The intel was bogus, it was an ambush"... He still bleeds and his eyes staring lifeless into the sky. You put him to rest and then you gather yourself, even as futile as it is. The press crew took a picture of you holding your face in that attempt Fast forward and you're reintegrated to Civilian life. It's been hard, the thought keeps on going about that situation. You open your social media page, getting a notification for your son's birthday. But your eye caught the _What's new_ page and that picture of you being quoted by this Civvie who said that you mourning the death of your Brothers-in-Arms is "Physically Repulsive".
@peter_kitsune 10 ай бұрын
Its sad, but this is what some people are like
@ZeroXSEED 10 ай бұрын
Conservatives only cares about the troops coming in body bags, not the survivors.
@aribantala 10 ай бұрын
​@@peter_kitsuneProblem is, that same person said they respect the Armed Forces in the same breath. This post was made by some Right wing nutjob where they always goes "I am in support of the Army!" but post repulsive shit like this.
@monolophosaurus 11 ай бұрын
R/Facepalm has become less “Haha, look at the stupid mistake they made.” And more “Jesus Christ, the world is messed up.”
@shironnkaito7364 11 ай бұрын
It makes me worried now.
@StormTheSquid 11 ай бұрын
​@@shironnkaito7364You say that as if the world wasn't worryingly screwed up before.
@shironnkaito7364 11 ай бұрын
@@StormTheSquid In all honesty, here I thought that we'd gain a little knowledge since 2020.
@lemonsss1094 11 ай бұрын
yeah, i was makin $16 an hour at my first job. no way in hell a teacher should be making that little, especially with all the disrespect they have to endure.
@MidnightRose. 11 ай бұрын
That’s how much Aldi’s is paying for their shelf stockers and cashiers!
@DSoSJohnH 11 ай бұрын
Jeez, I would have died if I was making $16/hr at my first job. My first job was min wage at $5.15/hr and I barely had money to do much and I had no crazy bills. At my last job, I was making $14.05/hr before getting laid off, I barely made my bills. Right now, I'm working 11 hours a week at $15/hr and I barely make money to keep my bills paid (and that's with me getting SNAP benefits). If I worked fulltime, I would be able to pay my bills and maybe have a few dollars left over.... I honestly have no idea how scrape by with what they make and have to pay rent/mortgage, cause I wouldn't be able to even at fulltime at $15/hr. This country needs to change, and it won't until all the boomers, conservatives and certain politicians are gone, and even then it'll still be difficult to change.
@CarnivalGhoul 11 ай бұрын
@@DSoSJohnH Shit I would die now if I made that much. Literally started a new job three days ago and I'm getting paid $10/hr It's a large, chain, company that pulled in over a billion dollars in profit last year. They could afford to pay us at least $13/hr but pretty much refuse to. Our manager makes $12/hr
@DSoSJohnH 11 ай бұрын
@@CarnivalGhoul That is so stupid how things are with pay. :|
@ovsvalencia Ай бұрын
Bro I know That in de USA the zings are very expensive, but here in Spain the normal salary is under 24 000 € a year. 😰
@ghostrecondelta1741 11 ай бұрын
I have a medical condition and at one of my previous jobs they threatened to write me up if I go to the bathroom on the clock again. Told them to go ahead, and they did. I called the Union and my doctor. Neither of them were happy to hear that and I got the write up revoked. Imagine getting punished for needing to use the bathroom.
@Schilani 11 ай бұрын
That is on another level already. If you do your job properly the company shouldn't care how often you have to go to the bathroom. I mean, I can understand that it gets suspicious if one of your employees needs to use the bathroom like 10 times a day. But as an employer you then should just ask "Is the work getting done?" and if the answer is a yes, then who fucking cares? Just like with home office and not being idle for more than a few moments.
@PyroGobbo 11 ай бұрын
Some men believe that tampons go into the peehole. Let's help them understand why that's a terrible idea...
@elstarnor4628 11 ай бұрын
By making THEM do it!!
@DefyReality-ll2cg 11 ай бұрын
Those are the same men who think women pee out of their vagina's. They don't even know that the pee hole exists.
@andylinmax2065 11 ай бұрын
​@@elstarnor4628*Checks my ''peehole"* yeah I don't think that can work.
@michaelpopowich5095 11 ай бұрын
I don't think that guy was ever told "lower"
@elstarnor4628 11 ай бұрын
@@queenofhearts649 the urethra is above the vagina and is seperate
@kirara2516 11 ай бұрын
For Ryan's punishment (Mr. No free tampons) I think he should be cursed with being somewhere public, have a sudden BAD case of the runs (number 2) and not be able to find a toilet. He should be able to hold it, after all, right?
@PinkAgaricus 11 ай бұрын
That guy should be reincarnated as a Ryanna somewhere when he goes over that bridge and starts their period without a pad or tampon bleeding all over their clothes with the most horrible menstrual cramp. If not there is a special corner of hell for him.
@froggy8714 11 ай бұрын
So is that how it is (the “holding it” I mean)
@philippak7726 11 ай бұрын
@@froggy8714 it's even worse than that, because if you have the runs you can potentially hold on at least a little. There's the urgent pressure and the sphincter muscle that are holding things back and you know that you're about to blow like a volcano. For some there's a day's grace once your period settles as an adult, like a day of cramping or a few ignorable spots the day before, or a few hours prior For others though it is just the flood gates opening. No amount of clenching stops it because there is no muscle ring holding it back. There is a minor limit because the passageway at the top is relatively narrow, but that doesn't mean much for those who suffer "flooding" But for those who don't experience periods, intense and urgent runs are the best analogy.
@froggy8714 11 ай бұрын
@@philippak7726 gotcha, thank you
@Shade01982 11 ай бұрын
I think he should be on feminine hygiene product cleanup duty the rest of his life.
@Teh_Noob_Eporer 11 ай бұрын
16:18 AND ANOTHER THING: those narwalls have evolved to survive under extreme amounts of water pressure, whilst we would be crushed to nothing if we went diving down there
@BloodeyRose 11 ай бұрын
6:33 man forgets the British empire owned like 50% percent of the world at one point
@imonly1man_ 11 ай бұрын
I've been an EmKay fan long enough to know Robin was gonna narrate this, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing
@Chonts 11 ай бұрын
@gledendarygaming9377 11 ай бұрын
I did too and didnt even notice till now
@felix_irgendwas 11 ай бұрын
To the guy in that submarine post who asked what is being hidden from him: It's brain cells. Brain cells are hiding from you.
@ilikelegos4247 11 ай бұрын
12 years ago i asked the teacher to go to the bathroom she said no, i asked an hour later and then an hour after that still no. i pissed my pants. i guess she learned that a 6 year old cant hold it for 2+ hours.
@masonmills3998 11 ай бұрын
7:22 ironically, the person who turned it off isn't being charged with anything, the company who employs them is. Because they didn't properly supervise them and didn't brief them on what to do in that situation. Completely ignoring the sign on the freezer that said it's being repaired "DO NOT TURN OFF, THERE IS A BUTTON TO SILENCE THE BEEPING"
@ConnorPugs 11 ай бұрын
I feel like sometimes that the more stickers I put saying fragile on a box I’m shipping the more destroyed it is 😂
@crimityvr 11 ай бұрын
Big FAN!!!
@sussymogus 11 ай бұрын
what about pls destroy sticker
@Toesucker_yummy 11 ай бұрын
Poo poo peepee
@_keyless_ 11 ай бұрын
hello connor
@EmKay 11 ай бұрын
I am fragile
@brokeboi-so3cw 11 ай бұрын
In our highschool, we are only allowed to go to the bathroom in the first and last 10 minutes of class, and a lot of teachers constantly get annoyed when someone asks to use the bathroom after lunch. I am now also fully 100% convinced that we as a species are completely screwed. I doubt we'll be able to fix our broken society.
@DSoSJohnH 11 ай бұрын
I got to watch one of my classmates in high school, I was 11th or 12th grade and iirc he was 9th grade, ask to go to the bathroom. The teacher said no, should have gone before class, with our 5 minutes of in between time... A few minutes later, he asked again. She said no and to stop asking. So he did. He got up, walked to the trashcan, pulled out his junk and started peeing right into the trashcan. She went ballistic. He was sent to the office for it. He was back in class the next day, didn't get in trouble, cause his mom came down on them for not letting her son use the restroom, some medical reason that was in his file. The teacher never spoke to him again and he never spoke to her, except to go to the restroom. We all got to go upon asking after that. Legend.
@Schilani 11 ай бұрын
I can somewhat understand that teachers don't want students to constantly raise their hand and asks if they can go to the bathroom. In some classes it happens quite a lot, especially when it's 30 students in one room. But what one of my school just did was... don't ask. Get up and go to the bathroom quietly. No need to wait for the teacher to notice you. People going just going to the bathroom is way less disruptive if they don't have to speak up about it. Just when it's exams or stuff like that, you obviously can't just go whenever, or three times during a 90 minute exam, like some people try.
@bluestreaker9242 11 ай бұрын
In all fairness, the asking to go to the bathroom thing or going to get some water thing makes sense for CHILDREN because the teachers are responsible for making sure the kids are safe, and a big part of that is knowing where they are at all times; if a child goes missing, they can get in trouble, the school can get in trouble, the entire district can get in trouble, etc., etc. Though I think it's mostly because restrooms and water fountains aren't in the classroom...usually. I remember attending an elementary school where a couple classrooms had both. So yeah, teachers should not be allowed to refuse a student to go do whatever; as long as you know where ALL of your students are, then if they say they NEED to get a drink of water or go to the restroom or go to the nurse, etc., then let them; your students' bodily functions are not negotiable, period.
@toyamwarr 11 ай бұрын
Thank you! He’s also encouraging students to be disrespectful towards authority which will be a problem when they are adults.
@bluestreaker9242 11 ай бұрын
@@toyamwarr Though, to be fair, parents SHOULD teach their children there are times when it's okay to be rude/abrasive, like when there's a legit emergency situation.
@StormTheSquid 11 ай бұрын
​@@toyamwarrWhy do authority figures automatically deserve respect? Until they've shown that they won't abuse that authority, screw respect, they haven't earned it yet.
@StormTheSquid 11 ай бұрын
​​​@@bluestreaker9242 Reminds me of the time I asked to go to the restroom in 4th or 5th grade and my teacher said no. I said "I don't think you understand, I was asking as a courtesy. I'm going to the bathroom one way or another, the only question is whether you want me to do it in a toilet or right here, right now. Your choice." I was, needless to say, allowed to go to the bathroom, but I'm pretty sure I got detention for "back-talking". I never went, that school handed me detentions for being 30 seconds late to class because of fucking traffic since I physically couldn't ride the bus, I had detention every school day and every Saturday for literally over a hundred years worth of days for things I didn't do or had no control over, I stopped going after the first week or two. By the time I left that school I had over 300 years of detention time racked up. I'm not even fucking kidding, the principal of the next school I went to took one look at my file, made a face like "what the fuck?", said something along the lines of "this can't be right" and tossed the entire thing into the trash can in front of me. I never had a single day of detention after that. Edit: And before anyone questions it, yes, I actually would've done it right there in the classroom. I was already the single most bullied kid in the grade. A good tenth of my detentions were for defending myself from bullies. I had nothing to lose.
@bluestreaker9242 11 ай бұрын
@@StormTheSquid I share said principal's sentiments: wtf!? That is some grade-A bullshit and absolute abuse of authority. What, do schools really still think this is the 1800's?... Don't answer that, that was a rhetorical question: I think we ALL know the answer to THAT one. >.>
@MythologicaYT 11 ай бұрын
I went to a pride prom a few years ago with GN bathrooms. The ones there were basically this: think a regular public restroom. With stalls. And anyone can just come in, go into a stall, and do their stuff. I'm guessing what happened with her experience was he used a urinal? Where as his back would have been to her and she wouldnt have seen anything, only heard. That or he went into a stall. If it was a singular bathroom like the one in the photo, they wouldnt have been able to even open the door until she was done.
@CarnivalGhoul 11 ай бұрын
16:58 they honestly most likely meant a "family bathroom" which tends to have multipe stalls, sometimes urinals as well, and multipe baby changing areas (at least in my area) The signs on the door show the standard woman, man, anbd wheelchair design, though they sometimes also show the man and woman holding a child's hand. Gender neutral as well - yes - so the wording there isn't wrong. However if you're in a family restroom you kinda have to expect that a man is most likely going to walk in as well, especially if it's the only bathroom, or only empty bathroom.
@Larssema 11 ай бұрын
Petition to have Robin on a funny/wholesome subreddit or something for at least once
@protomae 11 ай бұрын
For 5 days of r/funny or r/wholesome
@Larssema 11 ай бұрын
@@protomae yeah! Or like r/mildyvandalized
@wmdkitty 11 ай бұрын
I'd sign that. r/cats would be a good one, too. Wholesome and adorable.
@saellanya 11 ай бұрын
He said it himself, he want the frustrating ones, because otherwise he doesn't know what to say. Can't remember in which video exactly he said it, but he said that he was touched that peoples were worried about him for always getting the frustrating subs, but that wasn't an issue since it's him that asked to do them.
@loganfriend8018 11 ай бұрын
14:23 This is just a sad version of the Phineas and Ferb song "All the Convoluted Reasons We Pretend to be Divorced"
@jamesedwards8175 11 ай бұрын
In the Calgary Convention Centre up here in Canada, the gender neutral bathroom is just a bathroom with a bunch of stalls and some urinals. I don't know what that woman was expecting going into a gender neutral bathroom, but it's a bathroom.
@_keyless_ 11 ай бұрын
i really love Robbin he makes my day better every time
@imonly1man_ 11 ай бұрын
At the cost of his day being made a little worse
@EsotericBibleSecrets 11 ай бұрын
God I hate Robin. From his pitiful exaggerations to the blasphemous things he says about fried chicken and steak. I like Jack and Lexi, but I do not vibe with Robin at all. Even in this video, like the guy is not 83, he's like 50 or 60 at most. Sometimes I just want to smack that guy.
@VelociraptorAnimations 11 ай бұрын
13:00 "uhhh so basically we aren't gonna introduce any new rules or anything at all to actually prevent kids playing these games; we just want to take all of your money."
@declanhandley-byrne4335 11 ай бұрын
5:05 "James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is... James Cameron." -James Cameron
@tcbe2k 11 ай бұрын
I will start handling packages with car. I will put it in a car, and drive that car off a cliff.
@Sans_Official. 11 ай бұрын
I will just deliver it with an RC car
@BHStudios01 11 ай бұрын
2:48 As one who works in ODP (online delivery & pickup) at Walmart, right now, we have the Back to School aisles up and hopping. I did an order for a teacher for a local grade school, and her tote was absolutely STUFFED with the BASICS for her class. SHE bought notebooks, pencils, pens, highlighters, erasers, a THICK pad of lined paper and one of graph paper, all from her own pocket. Stuff that should be paid for by the SCHOOL, NOT coming out of a teachers own pocket. And it’s just getting started this season.
@limpfall13 11 ай бұрын
14:48 anddd stuff like this is why at times as a 18 yr old trans woman with depression and anxiety and a fear of discrimination and violent crimes toward people like me. That my hopes for any future or life can…plummet swiftly
@stuartblittley3531 11 ай бұрын
never be afraid to ask for help. you deserve good things. ❤️
@goldengamerex9611 11 ай бұрын
I understand you, i may not be trans (im closted biexual) but i have autisem and untill last year i have been discriminated by the aducation system, mostly becouse of my anger issues that afe beeing amplafied by my autisem, i was told tgat i am a bad student, that i "dont DESERVE" to graduate, and they will make sure that nothing comr out of me. I acually sreoasly Thought abot commiting Suicide but i didnt find any easy/avileble way to kill myself fast and painless. But now i am in a better Situation, and i wish that you will find a place where you dont have tonput up with discrimination.❤
@cnew5612 11 ай бұрын
yo im currently on an 9 hour bus drive,i can’t even begin to explain how comforting Emkay videos are expecially when they’re narrated by Robin.
@Gacha_Got_Arsorned 11 ай бұрын
My math teacher works at my school, a college in a different state, a trucking business, and helps run a barber shop. He works 4 jobs because of how terrible teacher pay is. The only reason he hasn't quit is because the school keeps begging him to stay. He also has 4 jobs because he is supporting himself and also most of his nieces and nephews but I won't get into that.
@julianemery718 11 ай бұрын
It really is soul crushing
@Bunnyleadd 11 ай бұрын
Im remembering the time my honors english teacher refused to let me leave the room during a breakdown. She also refused to give me an extra day for assignments, even though its literally in my file as a kid with autism, that im supposed to have an extra day.
@halo129830 11 ай бұрын
Yea I literally almost took my school to court over ignoring my iep which btw is a legal document that must be followed.
@hollischeblume6393 11 ай бұрын
as a not-so-fun fact, I read the rules and stuff of my school to see how they treat neurodivergent people and guess what? they get correctly treated only when writing exams (I think during our school you write 5 exams) do you know what that means? let me tell you my classmate has dyslexia we had a task during the english class to describe our favourite dish since he has dyslexia, he messed up a little bit in spelling, the whole thing was still readable and grammatically correct the teacher pointed out how many mistakes he made, the classmate said that it's because he has dyslexia the teacher acknowledged it, but still treated him as a non dyslexic person, saying that he gets a bigger mistake margin only during exams I'm hope that it would be different if he brought some document from a doctor that would force the teachers to treat him right
@halo129830 11 ай бұрын
@@hollischeblume6393 it takes the parents and student to light a fire under their ass. My parents were bulldogs and when they found out that my iep was being ignored they threatened to get legal consul involed… they did after that they got really nervous thinking my parents were bluffing.
@The_Hydration_Police 11 ай бұрын
Even worse, that lab where the fridge was turned off was malfunctioning slightly and couldn't be repaired cause it was during the pandemic. Even more stupidly was the fact that there was a note explaining this and HOW TO TURN IT OFF. The idiot janitor ignored the sign and tried to unplug it, but they had locked it up so they TURNED OFF THE WHOLE CIRCUIT BREAKER INSTEAD!!
@domi-no1826 10 ай бұрын
9:00 proud of this dude, I have been oversleeping when my alarm is in another room and someone tried to wake me up.
@Leonidas_L._Lionheart 11 ай бұрын
15:56 DAMN! Looking at that "sub" I wouldn't even step foot in it, let alone go on a dive with it! That thing looks like it was fresh from the scrap yard xD
@trishapellis 11 ай бұрын
15:20 1) Narwhals are not fish, they are mammals 2) This actually makes their flesh a lot more like human flesh than like fish flesh, but still there's a world of difference (for one, blubber) 3) Narwhals can dive to about 1800 meters (nearly 6000 feet). The Titanic is over 3700 meters or over 12 000 feet down. A narwhal can't go that deep. 4) A creature that's had thousands of years to evolve and adapt to living in the sea has evolved the ability to be 1800 meters below the surface while a creature that evolved from tree-dwelling ancestors and has continued living on land for those same thousands of years *cannot breathe through a tube* one meter below the surface of a pool because of the water pressure? You don't say! (No but seriously, water pressure is great enough one single meter under water that a human is incapable of expanding their lungs to breathe in, even if they have a tube or something to breathe in air. It's crazy. Of course, narwhals are not *breathing* underwater.)
@Fifasher2K 5 ай бұрын
And titan wasn't made of iron. It was made of titanium and plastic.
@Yuruble 11 ай бұрын
7:15 - What's frustrating is that they "thought they were helping" by turning the breaker off. Instead of calling to see what they could do, they acted without knowing & ruined it. There were notes not to clean there, they shouldn't have been there to begin with.
@nefwaenre 11 ай бұрын
James Cameron actually has a lot of knowledge on a lot of things. Besides just the oceanography, he is also an avid archaeologist and had funded the original investigations inside the pyramids back in the late 90s early 2000s. He has also funded and produced the documentary on Jesus' grave along with Simcha Jacovobici (?? i forgot his last name lol). It's all fascinating stuff and truly Cameron is a gem of a person.
@Professional_FunHaver 11 ай бұрын
6:00 I actually work on submarines at a yard. First thing they told us? Make sure you build it right. Or it will implode.
@Theinksblink 11 ай бұрын
Granted in schools when people ask to leave the room a LOT of people just aimlessly wander the halls to cut class. And of course parents chew out the teachers for that rather than the kids so it’s annoying but reasonable why they gotta ask. A lot more rules in school have become strict. In elementary i could have had friends come on the bus with me home who weren’t on my bus. Now I’m not allowed off at a different stop (bus stops btw are like genuinely a 30 second walk from each other). This is because some kid got off at the wrong stop and the bus drivers got in trouble. Basically because parents blame teachers for things their children do, it forces to the teachers to have to be more strict or for school rules to be more strict. Really annoying.
@dog7676 11 ай бұрын
7:33 why the hell is there an easily accessable switch for that????
@something1600 11 ай бұрын
It's like Dr Doofenshmirtz made it.
@PrincessFidelma 11 ай бұрын
Ryan is using the internet, no doubt he has access to Google, he could have googled "What are tampons used for?" and not made a public ass of himself.
@yukko_parra 11 ай бұрын
"in the future, 50 year olds will be considered children" using this logic, there will be a time when the 500 year old child trope in fantasy anime will become a reality.
@shadow1249 11 ай бұрын
pls don't
@TheXTVproductions 11 ай бұрын
Honestly, the whole "teachers not getting paid enough" is a HUGE reason why a lot of educators post on KZbin, because they make a whole lot more money than they did teaching.
@yougosquishnow 11 ай бұрын
James cameron built his own sub and went to the deepest point on earth in it. The first solo trip to ever do so and only one of a handful of ppl to do so.
@dragonrider4253 11 ай бұрын
15:10 can be summed up in one word: Greed.
@aribantala 11 ай бұрын
11:03 Holy f_cking shit dude. That's a whole new level of racism right there
@ronanfoley5226 11 ай бұрын
when I was a kid, i thought asking to go to the bathroom was a regular part of all society, so I would always ask my parents if I could go, probably until I was like 12 years old.
@Nyerguds 11 ай бұрын
Do people just forget that James Cameron made "The Abyss"? Like 40% of that entire movie was filmed underwater. I can definitely believe he's an expert.
@thatguyontheright1 11 ай бұрын
He's just not an expert on Titanic.
@dragonplays7988 11 ай бұрын
And now sadly he's passed away
@DefyReality-ll2cg 11 ай бұрын
@@dragonplays7988 No, he's very much still alive! Social Media is one of the most unreliable news sources.
@IPostMeAndMyFriendsRecordings 11 ай бұрын
​@@dragonplays7988 He isn't dead wdym
@bluestreaker9242 11 ай бұрын
@@thatguyontheright1 ...This had better be a joke. He literally dove to the deepest point on planet Earth - the Mariana Trench over 35k ft deep - in 2012 on a one-man Australian-built bathyscaphe and visited the Titanic's wreckage site on SEVERAL occasions - over 33 times, even - and THAT doesn't make him an EXPERT!? 🤨
@warmstrong5612 11 ай бұрын
To be fair, any piece of equipment that deals with crucial or sensitive materials shouldn't be able to be tampered with so easily. That switch should've needed a key to shut off.
@leonidasthanatos1182 11 ай бұрын
To be fair to the guy who didn't know what tampons were for. When my school did sex-ed (UK school) we discussed most of it together, but at one point the girls were taken to a separate room to discuss Periods... not like the guys would find that info useful for dealing with girlfriends. Then you've also got how advertisers show off "pads" in the same way as diapers, "look how much liquid these bad boys can absorb" if you didn't know they were talking about period blood, you'd think ladies were just pissing themselves every day.
@treepotato9273 11 ай бұрын
had the same thing in school, it was weird, it's like you've just shown us a video of a dude in a woman, the heck is there that's more graphic than that that needs hiding from us? Then we went to college open day and they put the childbirth video on and everything changed.
@darkscot1338 11 ай бұрын
UK here, too (Scotland). Maybe it has changed since you were in school, but the boys and girls being separated for sex ed was only a thing in primary school (ages 10 -12), and it was joint in high school. Although that was about 20 years ago now.
@wmdkitty 11 ай бұрын
Some pads are designed for omni-use so you don't have to go shopping for separate menstrual and incontinence products.
@Schilani 11 ай бұрын
@@darkscot1338 In Germany I remember the only mandatory sex ed we get is in Elementary School, and boys and girls get taught the same. Also quite a while ago, but I kinda doubt they would change something like that (mainly because nothing useful changes anyway, dooming)
@corsaircarl9582 11 ай бұрын
You would think that dingleberry's mom would teach him...
@endrtrn 11 ай бұрын
Bro teachers getting paid so little is so stupid. For context of how stupid this is, when I graduated from highschool, I got an internship where I made $20 an hour. With no experience and no college degree, I was making $5 more than any teacher who had taught me in school, and many of those teachers had masters degrees.
@st4rrb062 11 ай бұрын
2:14 I’m literally a teenager and I get paid 20$ an hour to babysit. There’s no way that I make more than a teacher in a day. That’s messed up
@cthulhuwizard 11 ай бұрын
(If you read all this, thank you) There are a lot of parents that are trying to balance work and family, especially parents of a newborn, and with America being as stingy as they are and not giving a shit about new parents, there is going to be some slip ups. I live in Australia, where we don't really have to worry too much about if our job is still there after maternity leave. Not too long ago, in a street around the corner to mine, a mother had gone out, with her kids, I'm not sure of their age but I know that there were 2 or 3 in the car, anyway, this mother had a bit of a party and had come home, left her children in the car, went inside and slept for a good while. Those kids, unfortunately, perished because of how hot it was at the time. I honestly, wholeheartedly believe that the mother was completely aware of her children being in the back regardless if she was stupidly drunk or not. A little more recently, I was out shopping at my local shopping centre when I had a mother in tears come up and ask me if I had seen her son. She was absolutely distraught and panicking, I hadn't seen her son, but I went ahead and helped her find him. She had fallen asleep on the lounge unintentionally. She dozed off because of sleep deprivation and when she woke, she wasn't able to find her son and noticed the front door was open. She said her little boy knows the area and might have wandered down to the shopping centre. I had grabbed security and went store to store to find him, and she received a call from someone she knows and was told they found him by a police station a little ways uo the road. I told her it was going to be okay and she wrapped me up in a hug. I honestly could feel myself through her. Last year, my eldest and I were headed home when we spotted a dog that gotten away from its home, and myself and my daughter had given chase in an attempt to pick him up and get him to the vet to find its owner. The little dog had jumped into a small creak not too far from where we were, and another woman and myself got into the creak and got him out. I took my shoes off before getting into the creak, which was a huge mistake, and as I was trying to get out, I felt a scratch on the bottom of my foot, and didn't think much of it until I looked down and seen quite a bit of blood streaming out of my foot. In a panic, I told my daughter to go get help from our doctor as he was at the shopping centre nearby and she knew where to go. She took off to get him and I managed to get myself out, still kind of panicking. I got to the shopping centre and had asked some employees if they had seen my daughter, at this point my mum was down here going to the doctor to see if she got there... but she wasn't there.. no one had seen her. I sat down, completely distraught that my eldest girl was now missing, and we had people and security checking everywhere for her, and I turned around and seen her walking with a person and I yelled out to her, my mum ran to her and my daughter was in years and so was my mum, I can't tell you just how terrified I was when we couldn't find her and how grateful I was that we found her. When I had told her to get help, I wasn't thinking clearly, my mum, my daughter, and I, we're all autistic, with my eldest being lower on the spectrum than myself and my mother, and I had made a mistake by sending her off to get help. I've had constant nightmares about it and dreams about how it mightve gone if I didn't tell her to go. Anyway this entire comment went right off track. Tl;dr: a great number of mothers aren't leaving their kids in the car deliberately, they may need someone to talk to, to vent to, and a bit of help. If you're able to look after a loved ones baby for a couple of hours, while mum gets a much needed rest, please do so.
@stuartblittley3531 11 ай бұрын
thank you for the insight. this is very interesting, and i can say it changed how i view things. thanks xx
@CeratosaurL 11 ай бұрын
10:57 wow, maybe this would make more sense if she stopped using those silly symbols and used a real alphabet.
@miakg7571 11 ай бұрын
A 29 year old teenager and a fish made out of human flesh are my most favorite things 😂😂😂
@user-cg8ep9ui2y 11 ай бұрын
10:28 I almost started, bashing my head against the wall, because of how stupid that sentence is
@andrewjennings8837 11 ай бұрын
Can we just appreciate the fact that a billionaires MOM told him NO XD
@kaedanthegamer9245 11 ай бұрын
13:10 those are not the real pictures. They edited the og post to make it look worse so they could get more upvotes and stuff
@Mement0MoRi- 11 ай бұрын
Im glad I wasnt the only one who remembered this
@something1600 11 ай бұрын
14:39 it's almost like the whole system is a complete scam.
@literalsarcasm1830 11 ай бұрын
"Students who acquire large debts putting themselves through school are unlikely to think about changing society. When you trap people in a system of debt . they can’t afford the time to think. Tuition fee increases are a “disciplinary technique,” and, by the time students graduate, they are not only loaded with debt, but have also internalized the “disciplinarian culture.” This makes them efficient components of the consumer economy." Noam Chomsky
@ERBphantom 11 ай бұрын
@Emisop 11 ай бұрын
17:07 Nope! It was a normal bathroom with stalls I've been in one before
@DitzyNizzy2009 11 ай бұрын
14:35 - I keep seeing things like this and wonder how there are people in the US who seem to think that being healthy is either a privilege or a punishment. (Yeah, I come from a country where they don't present you a bill for the care you received on discharge.)
@SIS3W3N 11 ай бұрын
6:30 Lost every war? It was barely 100 years ago that they had the largest empire in history.
@anshitmohanty3013 11 ай бұрын
'I don't think my prayers are not answered by any God of this world' is so raw and its from emkay
@Spentbrass42 11 ай бұрын
damn it i made that "no this is patrick" joke today and had that fly over their head
@davidjacobs7465 11 ай бұрын
I have seen a statistic somewhere some time ago about taxes in the United States. It simply stated that if taxes would be cut in half for the military then ALL other things could be fixed with the remaining money. Like healthcare, schooling, law enforcement... and that people could still get a big chunk of money back from those taxes.
@outcastpandaa_ 11 ай бұрын
as much as I enjoyed EmKay before, after going and watching a vid from August 2021 with Robin I much more appreciate like "the feel" of EmKay vids recently. I get genuinely excited for videos to be posted!
@yukismith4518 11 ай бұрын
The permission for water and bathroom always tripped me out when I got to college cuz, you’re an adult and shouldn’t be handled with kid gloves. If you skip classes that’s your money lost.
@StormyDoesVR 11 ай бұрын
14:18 Fuse would like a word with those cops
@kevin4061 11 ай бұрын
15:43 oh I know the answer, they don't. Blubber helps whales survive the cold temperatures and is a fat that Is flexible enough to Handel specific depths, but other than that they can't and remain at a depth they can survive comfterbly at, bairly going above or below.
@mxbubbles4753 11 ай бұрын
Gender neutral bathrooms aren't all single cubicles, one of my local cinemas has gender neutral bathrooms with around 30 or so toilets that anyone can use
@islindrVt 11 ай бұрын
The teacher discussion is very sad bc in every country that I know of, teachers arent getting paid and/or respected at all. Being a teach at this point is no different from being an unknown artist and just working out of passion rather than to make money which is so much bullshit.
@Schilani 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, the only places I know of that teachers actually get payed a decent amount while also being respected is for private schools. Seeing the difference between a class of 10 students compared to 30+ is already just so staggering, but taking the technological differences into account as well is taking it to ridiculous levels.
@cloudykid7278 11 ай бұрын
That package looks like something you could expect on a regular day from USPS
@limpfall13 11 ай бұрын
11:08 dang Katherine you didn’t have to show your ignorance and possible xenophobia in one post.
@PenneySounds 11 ай бұрын
I would argue that James Cameron knows more about submarines and the Titanic than he knows about making movies.
@wmdkitty 11 ай бұрын
1:30 Tampons, pads, _and_ nappies should _all_ be available for free. There is no shame in needing any of these products. I hope when OP is an old man, and he needs nappies, that he, too, can get them FOR FREE. Personal hygiene, specially in the menstrual and toileting department, shouldn't have a price tag attached.
@Dark_Slayer3000 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for speaking out against whatever is happening to the economy at the USA right now, as a German I didn't really know it was messed up that bad.
@SilentHallows 11 ай бұрын
That Turning off the Lab Freezer Hurt me. Beacuse They ruined so many different tissues that were going to be used for Research or, Curing an Illness
@Imaslutforpuns 11 ай бұрын
“Fragile?” More like drop kick it across the warehouse 😂
@Twigznap 11 ай бұрын
4:46 thats the thing. it isnt.
@SongbirdOwl 11 ай бұрын
"Absolutely zero solutions whatsoever" I think the French have given us a great solution. They invented it in 1789, and I think it would be perfectly applicable to now.
@kancatmay1575 11 ай бұрын
Will forever be salty about the fact that I can legally buy a weapon made to off hundreds in a second, but sue me if I want a bottle of wine(which can at most off me) for my picnic
@globetrekker86 11 ай бұрын
“It could become Ukraine’s Chernobyl”… much like Japan’s Fukushima 😞
@Mr.Egg5253 11 ай бұрын
6:49 imagine this guy working at a hospital
@animal_gal_adventures9885 11 ай бұрын
10:40 Oh my god this one actually physically hurt me. The freaking alphabet is also a series of symbols. How can some people be this stupid, like seriously, what happened in their life to make them this way.
@adrianblake8876 21 күн бұрын
But 20ish symbols is much easier to use than thousand upon thousands. Even Japanese, which still uses that, said HELL NO and made a better system...
@animal_gal_adventures9885 21 күн бұрын
@@adrianblake8876 What do you mean by this
@adrianblake8876 21 күн бұрын
@@animal_gal_adventures9885 Well, the post obviously distinguished from Chinese symbols to alphabets, claiming the latter are superior (which is objectively true, so I don't get why this was in r/facepalm...)
@Cinnamonmay-tf7lu 11 ай бұрын
4:00 the kids song group that the school hired for our 2nd to 5th grade school 👁️👄👁️
@ravenstales6457 11 ай бұрын
This is exactly why Im taking a gap year, my teachers at a middle & high school *aimed at getting you in college* all said that you should take a student loan and that they were "proud" of it, free college will up everyone's taxes, but I'm not gonna take out a massive loan, Im gonna work, get as many scholarships as I can, and try to pay for as much as I can myself
@Schilani 11 ай бұрын
I always love the argument of "this and that will increase taxes, do you want that?" while already paying taxes that are close to that of other countries with that stuff included, and certainly more if you math out how much the loan, healthcare or whatever costs on top of your taxes. It's pretty much the argument of "raising minimum wage will make your mcdonalds burger cost 15 bucks" and being completely wrong with it again and again.
@CometRL684 11 ай бұрын
I want emkay to battle other channels like this. It’d be legendary
@neonplural 11 ай бұрын
8:05 In my experience (In Australia) you just state that you’re leaving for a minute and they might ask you to wait a second
@LittleGreenCar514 11 ай бұрын
15 minutes in, there is guy saying that he and his wife might divorce so that Medicaid will pay for her labor and delivery. As someone who had a child while on Medicaid, I say: DO IT! It is so much less stressful to know that you don't need to worry about money while you're freaking out about everything else. Like the fear that you will bleed out after the baby is born.
@pixelcris3598 7 ай бұрын
13:36, i once got called gay and not manly at school for reading a book called "maybe he just likes you",by MULTIPLE people, imagine masulinity so fragile you can't read a book
@JessrassicSnark 11 ай бұрын
Yay, Robin rants! My favorite part of the day.
@everettrailfan 11 ай бұрын
2:06 It's almost like the insane amount of money we're supposedly putting into the school system ISN'T GETTING THERE...
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