如何知道已故親人往生極樂 Has the Deceased been reborn in the Western Pureland(中英文字幕English subtitle)-性仁法師Xingren

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美佛寺性仁法師 Meifotemple

美佛寺性仁法師 Meifotemple

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Are there any ways to know whether the Deceased has been reborn in the Western Pureland?
2021.08.28 宣講於洛杉磯美佛寺

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@seahsamhong1990 Жыл бұрын
@AmericanBuddhistFellowship 3 жыл бұрын
Because when they are alive, they chant the Buddha's name and practice diligently for a long time. In addition, at the end of their lives, there are so many monastics and lay people chanting for them, then their rebirths in the Western Pureland are definitely with no problem. We ordinary people don't have the 3 insights and 6 transcendental powers, so it's really difficult for us to know. If a deceased relative, after he passed away, did not tell us that he had reached the Western Pureland and did not tell us when he was going to the Western Pureland, then it would be very difficult for us to judge whether he has been truly reborn. It is impossible to judge relying on just some auspicious visions. For example, a soft body. I tell you fellow practitioners that if one goes to the heaven, his body is particularly soft at the time of death. If you go to the heaven to be a celestial being in your next life, then when you die, your body will have such a characteristic and will be very soft. Therefore, a soft body by itself doesn't mean anything. If you will be rich and wealthy in the world in your next life, you may have a soft body when you die. Therefore, a soft body can only mean that this person is in the three good realms, and it cannot prove that he has been reborn in the Western Pureland. There is a simpler way to judge. To judge if the deceased has been reborn in the Western Pureland, we can look at his practice during his lifetime, whether he has the three resources of Pureland, whether he has faith, vows, and practice. We can judge according to the Buddha's holy words. If a person has faith, vows, and chants the Buddha's name, if this person has both faith and vows and earnestly chants the Buddha's name, even if it is just a day and night, even if it is just ten thoughts at the end of his life, or even just one thought, he can be reborn in the Western Pureland. Even if this person doesn't have any auspicious visions when he dies, if he can have full righteous thoughts, full faith and vows, then this person still can be reborn in the Western Pureland. So, I tell you fellow practitioners that to prove that you have been reborn in the Western Pureland, it doesn't have to be earth-shattering, it doesn't have to have visions of light or flowers, and it doesn't have fragrances. It's good to have these auspicious visions, but even without them, even if you didn't see Amida Tathagata coming to take him, the deceased didn't foresee the time of death, didn't tell us he would go to the Western Pureland, or he passed away while sleeping, I think as long as he had enough faith and vows, as long as he was a true Buddhist chanter, as long as he did hope to go to the Western Pureland, as long as he was willing to go, and didn't refuse the salvation of Amida Tathagata, then this person also might be reborn in the Western Pureland. This is not what I said, I'm not driveling. This is what the Buddha said and is based on sutras. Because Amida Buddha knows us, the most difficult time for us is when we are dying. Our consciousness is the most ignorant at that time, in addition, debts are paid off by the end of the life, that's when the number of foes and karmic creditors is the most, and also the most difficult time for us to control, so when Fazang Bhikkhu was cultivating before his enlightenment, he had established a vow in the forty-eight vows, called "salvation at death vow". It's like we want to go to a strange place, we want to go to an unfamiliar place, we don't know what vehicle to take, we don't know the direction, we don't know whether there're mountains or deserts in front of us. But Amida Tathagata, because of his compassion, he has arranged all for us. When we are dying, he sends us a through train or a direct plane. There is no need to transfer, and it takes us directly to the Western Pureland. If Amida Tathagata, Avalokitesvara, Mahasthamaprapta, and other pure Bodhisattvas immeasurable like the sea, take us there, then we are very safe, we don't need to discern the direction. Therefore, the lotus flower is a tool to bring us sentient beings to the Western Pureland. As long as we chanters have strong faith and vows, as long as we chanters want to go, as long as we can keep chanting, as long as we desperately want to go to the Western Pureland, when we are dying, Amida Tathagata, Avalokitesvara, and Mahasthamaprapta will bring lotus to take us to the Western Pureland. Once we sit on the lotus flower, we don't need to worry about the direction. Anyway, we will be able to reach the Seven Treasure Pond of the Western Pureland. So when you bow your head and put your palms together in the flower, and in an instant, when you raise your head, you have reached the Seven Treasure Pond of the Western Pureland. So can the deceased be reborn in the Western Pureland? If he can foresee the time of death, then that is the best proof. If he doesn't foresee the time, then we must look at his practice in general and see if he has faith and vows. As long as he has faith and strong vows, when he is dying, he can also be reborn in the Western Pureland. Therefore, as chanters, we chant the Buddha's name every day and visualize Amida Buddha and the solemnness of the Western Pureland's environmental karmic results. Our hearts have been attached to the name of Amida Buddha, our hearts have looked forwards to the Western Pureland, our ultimate destination in the future is in the Western Pureland, we have leaned towards the West. That's the only direction and the only way, nothing else. We have no doubts about where we will go in the future. If you have such faith and vows, then you shouldn't worry about not being able to be reborn. We are so sure about it. I hope that our fellow practitioners here will have greater faith and stronger vows. I vow to be reborn in the Western Pureland, in Lotus blossoms of nine levels. When it blooms I see the Buddha and am enlightened about birthlessness, and peer with non-retrogressive Bodhisattvas. Thank you for your mercy and compassion, Amitabha!
@taksingfung6286 2 жыл бұрын
@ueinmi2097 2 жыл бұрын
感恩 性仁法師 阿彌陀佛
@chewnamhow2692 2 жыл бұрын
@AmericanBuddhistFellowship 3 жыл бұрын
Many of our Buddhists are very curious about our departed relatives, friends, or lotus friends. We really want to know where they went after passing away, which one of the six realms they are in, or, whether they have truly gone to the Western Pureland. Because, after all, they are gone. Those dead relatives never come back to tell us which one of the six realms they are in, or they have gone to the Western Pureland. None of us knows, and we are all very curious. However, our cultivation is so bad. We don't have celestial vision to see the Lotus Dharma Assembly in the Western Pureland. We also don't have transformation power to fly over to the Western Pureland to see what happened. Nevertheless, many of our fellow practitioners are very curious. Some fellow practitioner asked me if there was any way to judge or prove that those deceased relatives had arrived in the Western Pureland. Regarding this question, I tell you fellow practitioners that the answer is yes, of course. Let me introduce a few methods to you for your reference. First of all, I think the most direct and strongest proof is that when he is dying, when he is about to leave, before leaving, he tells his family, relatives and friends, or fellow practitioners and lotus friends, "at such and such time Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will come to take me, I will go with them to the Western Pureland," and say goodbye to everyone, and when he says this, he was full of expectations and confidence, without any hindrance, and he dies happily, there will never be any reluctance, let alone showing unwillingness or nostalgia. He has no nostalgia for this Samsara world. This shows that our deceased relatives have already arrived in the Western Pureland and are listening to Amida Buddha's Dharma talks. It shows that they have already been reborn in the Western Pureland. For these deceased family members who have good chanting ability and cultivation to foresee their times of rebirth, they go to the Western Pureland are when they are alive. We must be clear about this. It is when they are still alive, they see Amida Tathagata's Buddha's light shining everywhere, see Amida Tathagata holding lotus flowers to take him to the Western Pureland. Then after arriving in the Western Pureland, their bodies of the four major elements and five aggregates will go bad, and then they die. It is not to be reborn after death. If, according to Amitabha Sutra, a chanter can foresee his rebirth time, for this rebirth, we can judge with certainty that the deceased relative has arrived in the Western Pureland. I tell you fellow practitioners that in the current society, doing well is not as good as acting well. In this world, some people are especially good at acting. But I tell you fellow practitioners that you can act for a lifetime, and you can cheat or deceive others for a lifetime. But if at the end of your life, when you are about to leave, the calmness and righteous thoughts you still can show are your real ability, real meditation ability of chanting, and your state, which cannot be faked. In this world, everything can be faked except for this one. You can't deceive others on this. This is absolutely impossible to pretend. We ordinary beings fear of birth, aging, sickness and death in this Samsara world, especially fear of death, we are so afraid. Death is the most terrible for us. At that time, your soul is separated like how a turtle shells, which is very terrifying. We can only experience this once in our lives. Although you were in pain when you were born, you had your mom, and there were many people welcoming you at that time. But when you are dying, when you are going to leave, you are alone at that time, with nothing. You can't take anything away except for karma. You can't pretend at this time. As for those who can just go with no hindrance, who can chant to be able to foresee their times of rebirth, I tell you fellow practitioners that this is the real ability and state of cultivation. Then this is absolutely true, nothing is false, this is the real rebirth, and this is the real karma elimination. When they leave, they have clear minds, there was no pain at all, no hindrance at all. There are chanters who are diligent in chanting in their lives and able to foresee their times of rebirth, they leave while standing or sitting. We see a lot. They can do it, and there is no reason why our fellow practitioners here cannot do it. I have been a monk for so many years. I have participated in many dying chanting services and have seen many people leaving in a terrible way, so many of them; there are also some who leave particularly well, but just a few after all. I once did a dying chanting service for a fellow practitioner in Los Angeles. Before leaving, this fellow practitioner had a clear mind. Before leaving, he specifically asked to use the bathroom. Then, when he came back, he lay on the bed and left. Although he did not say that he was going to the Western Pureland, when he left, he really left this world with a smile. Having a clear mind is also very extraordinary. We chanters chant and practice throughout our lives, if when we are dying, we can still keep righteous thoughts, we can still chant the Buddha's name, have no painful struggles, don't show even the slightest nostalgia for this world of Samsara, and don't show any nostalgia for our relatives, then even if these practitioners don't foresee their times of rebirth, according to the "ten thought chanting at death" recorded in the "Infinite Life Sutra", they can also be reborn in the Western Pureland. We can judge that they must have been reborn into the Western Pureland. I tell you fellow practitioners that there are some great practitioners who come back due to their vows. They keep the precepts and practice hard throughout their lives. They have recited sutras and mantras for a lifetime and chant the name of Amida Tathagata for a lifetime. Before they die, they tell people when they will leave, and then explain the concerning matters clearly. When these people die, they also go to the Western Pureland with a smile. Since they can even tell their times of death clearly, they will definitely be able to go to the Western Pureland.
@曉詩陳-i8v Жыл бұрын
@kieuhong3856 Жыл бұрын
@jczich9257 Жыл бұрын
@AmericanBuddhistFellowship Жыл бұрын
@jczich9257 Жыл бұрын
@@AmericanBuddhistFellowship 感恩师傅回复。谢谢您。会继续念经为我往生的孩子累积功德的。
@jczich9257 Жыл бұрын
@@AmericanBuddhistFellowship 师傅,您好。阿弥陀佛。虽然我的孩子已经往生了70天,不知道是否是因为挂念,我已经梦见我孩子几次了。上个星期,我梦见孩子身前会扶着学走路,在梦里却梦到孩子会走路还朝向我给我抱。然而就在刚刚早上大概5点45分的时候,我再次梦见我的孩子,这次孩子说 “爱妈妈”, 孩子身前已经会说这些字了,好像孩子还在一样。虽然已经70天了,我还是继续每天帮孩子念往生咒。如今农历七月,我也安排普渡帮忙超度我的孩子。请问师傅,我是不是不该梦见孩子呢?我在网上看到很多说,往生者49天后就不该被梦到了。先谢谢师傅🙏 对不起弟子困惑了
@AmericanBuddhistFellowship Жыл бұрын
@@jczich9257日有所思,夜有所夢,可能你太想念孩子了,晚上會入夢是正常的,畢竟這種經歷太難以忘懷了。阿羅漢都會做夢,更何況我們凡夫眾生,聽師父講的這幾個開示,希望可以幫助到你。阿彌陀佛! kzbin.info/www/bejne/rHfFlJ9mpb99d5Ysi=EjVuOf16xd7PkIjo kzbin.info/www/bejne/pZCZg6Gpfdisn7Msi=PVZ7tnHvzFmGekoR
@jczich9257 Жыл бұрын
@@AmericanBuddhistFellowship 谢谢师傅🙏 感恩您的回复,阿弥陀佛。
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