Title: The [Top 5] Characteristics of likely unnoticed Perfectionism which makes life hard 1: Being unable to make decisions because of thinking too much -They always try to make the best decision of all time; but not at the specific time. They might gather too much information that they can't handle. 2: Being weak to sunk cost - They suffer from the regret of making a loss. They may keep trying to win a losing battle. 3: Unable to do a challenge - Relating to No.1, they can't do something they haven't done before. They don't wish to achieve small things, they generally try to put in everything they got and get big return. That's a cause for a huge loss. Trying to win a little by putting a little effort in the start is wise. 4: Being hated by others - This is caused by them feeling that they have to be perfect, trying really hard; and even if they are not openly asking others to do the same, they expect others to do the same inside, that triggers other people to dislike them. 5: Tending to regret the past mistakes/faults/losses - They try pretty much their best to do something, but as commonly known, we often don't succeed from the first try, and in return they tend to fail, causing a painful regret. Perfectionism tends to be one of our common problems in the current state of the world ^^ He says it's best to accept ourselves, and improve our ability to make decisions.