Hello. 😊 I am commenting from Los Angeles, CA. The contents were quite interesting and timely for me. I am in pallative care since November 2022. That is after being bed ridden for 15 months. I am diagnosed with chronic illness and excruciating pain had dominated my body every single second of my life. I have researched on euthanasia in CA. And came to a conclusion that I cannot ingest through IV nor orally by myself to end my life. Miraculously I have come across a pain killer which alleviated my pain by 30%. That I was enough for me to be able to continue to eat and move and regain some strength enough to be out of bed. 😊 I have listened to your video and it touched on the subject from various angles, dimensions and depth. From my own experience I can say that after 15 months of severe pain, I could only think of wanting to "stop living" just to end the pain. I didn't have any active suicidal ideation. I didn't have enough nutrients to experience any strong emotions, such as fear of death, loss, or anything else. The only sensation I had was pain every second. 😢 And for me, euthanasia was the only hope I had to end the pain. As you mentioned in the video, I may have had my subconscious reasons buried deep inside me that might have led me to that decision. Even with some intense therapy I may not have been able to come to awareness because my brain function was probably limited at that time. I couldn't even bring it to action. No energy to pursue it 😮. Well that's why here I am being able to comment 😊. Patients and families don't see the big force controlling the world for profit and power. Muzukashii desune. I appreciate you and your guest speaker to bring awareness to us. 😊❤. Now I am faced with being pushed into hospice care from pallative. I don't want to think that I am dying in 6 months. So, I declined to sign the paper. This is again another scheme being played for profit using patients' lives. (I'm not good in Japanese. I took the liberty in commenting in English. )💕