Rabbi Tovia Singer: Proving Torah at Sinai

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Mark Wildes MJE

Mark Wildes MJE

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@Valerie-rv2ws Жыл бұрын
thank you rabbi wildes for bringing rabbi tovis singer. HaShem bless and protect you both always. rabbi tovia singer is one of the most important rabbis of this century. besides his scholarship for which he is respected for he is an extremely important influencer. his respect for Torah, G-d, and his love of judaism, israel and the jewish people is powerful and compelling.
@johnriggs7247 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful explanation. Thank you, Rabbi Singer from NC, USA.
@cookiemonster3147 2 жыл бұрын
The commandments of the One are a joy to the heart! The commandment of the One is a clear light to the eyes.
@jasonhayward6965 4 ай бұрын
Torah is an acronym most religious words are the Torah stands for territory order royal alliance Hathor . It shows the geopolitical time frame and orientation between the groups and their relationships
@NarendrakumarPaandy 6 ай бұрын
God give Torah
@brynawaldman5790 5 ай бұрын
A people who come into being by escaping slavery & following divine directives; it's VERY compelling.
@MrJoeybabe25 Жыл бұрын
The title of this video was "Proving Torah at Sinai". Rabbi Singer, a beautiful man, with much to say, in my opinion didn't even get close to that. And why should he? Referring to the Torah, at any time in a discussion to prove the divinity of the Torah would be inadmissible in any court of law on Earth. It breaks my heart to see my people trying to press their faith by using devices to prove their ideas. I live in Israel, and am privileged to have deep discussions with lots of smart people. But many of them continue to try to prove the existence of the God and Torah of Mount Sinai. You have either proof or faith. You don't need both. If you have perfect faith, why kill yourself looking for proof? Be resplendent in the God who speaks to your heart. If you have proof, of course you don't need any faith. It is all right there in front of you. One person’s claims of another person’s claim of 500 or even 5 million witnesses to an unverified event by a supernatural force, is not the same as 500 or even 5 million independently verified witness statements of an inexplicable event.
@Vahliant0 Жыл бұрын
So, what’s the condensed answer? I want a concise and to the point answer in as few words as possible. I’m a Torah keeper in a Christian world. I need help.
@pinchasreich7773 Жыл бұрын
The talking point is...Mt. Sinai is the only instance in Religious history that an entire nation witnessed God's revelation. That's it. But on a different level, Religious Jew's actions are the "proof" that God revealed Himself to the Jews. In other words, if Religious Jew's actions feel good and proper and humane and decent, then it's reasonable to assume they aren't lying about their national revelation. Does that help?
@S.Meraldo 11 ай бұрын
In 74 minutes: Lawrence Kelemen kzbin.info/www/bejne/hpXUnZSGjtZgnacsi=u8vPsN5myP-MAYdV
@frankmickeyumeh4303 6 ай бұрын
the word Christian world is made up in your own brain. first of all...start with neutrality, remove Christianity from your brain... then search God and know what he said again.
@Bluebaggins 6 ай бұрын
The edict of Plato states that a nation needs laws and to be told these laws are received from a divine source the con is on. . The books of Moses were written after this edict was written and the judeans, because they were unsuccessful in holding their nationhood together decided to write a book telling the people about the divinity. This was all in responce to Alexandra te greats conquest of the region. If one studdies the history, you will know that the system of governance was created in Egypt, and passed onto Greece, and the missle east was nothing but a hot pot of them trying to work out their own mythology to follow. Russel Gmirken has some interesting insights, as well as the understanding of Philo.
@manuelmagro9173 2 жыл бұрын
God Wrote the 10 commandments and so did He inspire the authoring of the Torah.
@lightworker4512 2 жыл бұрын
@Oliver Abbot if God wrote the commandments he would have said thou will not neglect or emotionally, physically or sexually abuse children. 1 out of 7 children are abused. God also said to execute your son if he rebels against you. Insane. Religion suspends critical thinking
@lightworker4512 2 жыл бұрын
@Oliver Abbot it’s a breakdown of the Divine (right tablet) and the 3D physical world ( left tablet). Our two hands represent the tablets which is why our right hand is considered the holy hand, the hand that blesses. Goal is bring the tablets, our hands together as one and reconnect the breath of God within us to bring good into the world. The evil inclination, sin, is separation from who we really are and then, we need laws to suppress evil and do good.
@haroldhughes1338 2 ай бұрын
it was a campfire tale that went viral
@kebenavez 9 күн бұрын
The Torah, if it had been written by men, must have been written before the beginning of the unified monarchy, that is, during the period of the judges. We know that at the end of this period the people were under Philistine domination and no provision could have been made to impose it on the entire people. Moreover, a hundred years later under Jeroboam, the truth about such an initiative would have been widely disseminated, and the Israelites would never have passed the Torah on to the Samaritans. It also cannot have taken place 90 years before the Philistine occupation, because, if so, the centenarians would have been able to speak about it. It is impossible that it occurred under the Aramean occupation during the time of Othniel Ben Kenaz; such a character must have existed because we necessarily know the successor of Joshua. He is also the first liberator of Israel from the tribe of Judah. We must verify if Ehud Ben Gera really existed, and if so, then no period during the time of the judges makes such an enterprise possible. But if the character of Ehud Ben Gera is an invention, then it is possible that the Torah could have been composed and imposed on the entire people during the time that starts after the victory of Othniel until the end of the presumed 80 years of peace under Ehud, that is, a total of 120 years. Either the Torah was man-made in Ehud period with severe military dispositions either its before Yehochoua bin Noun, in the Sinai, if so the Torah was given just like it is described in it. Some discoveries I’ve made while studying this topic : Gideon Ben Yoash 502 (+1) + Otniel Ben Kenaz 770 (+1) = 1274 1274 is the numerical value of Exodus 25:15 « The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken from it. » Ehud Ben Géra : 272 272 : כרבים And geographically, the cherubim (272 : Ehud) are between the two poles (1274 : Othniel and Gideon), chronologically Ehud is also between Othniel and Gideon.
@deniss2 2 жыл бұрын
Who is "they" that exiled the Jews? I'll tell you from what I believe to be the earliest prophecy in this regard. Adam and Eve, after the fall, bore two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain farmed the land and produced crops of grain, by his labour (in the sweat of his brow). This is a representation of observance of the law. It entails works in respect to the law of seedtime and harvest (actions and consequences). Though the work produces seed, which is nutritious and can be eaten, you have to retain a tithe in order to sow again, or you will only eat for one season. Abel tended flocks, which also entailed labour, but the labour is in relation to tending the flock and trusting in their reproduction to provide food. It requires loving care and the sacrifice of one of the flock you tended to and cared for in order to eat. The act of slaughter is also a blood sacrifice symbolic of the covenant, and it provides skin for clothes to cover your nakedness (sin). Both decided to honour God by a sacrifice from their labour. Cain's offering was based on his works in keeping the Law and was rejected. Abel's offering was based on the blood covenant and prefigures the Lamb of God. The offering wasn't based on works in the law, but did require an act of de-creation and heartfelt sacrifice. His offer was accepted. Cain was furious. He had diligently kept the law while his brother lay in the shade tending the sheep, but his offer was rejected? He killed his brother in anger and then denied that he knew about it when God confronted him. But God told him that Abel's blood was crying out to him from the earth and exiled him, just as happened after the Lamb of God was slain. Cain complained that his punishment was too harsh and that people would kill him. So God gave him a mark or sign to protect him, and so that his life would be preserved. This is the story of the great and final exile of the Jews and their protection in the foreign lands as told by God through Moshe, inspired to write the Torah. Presently He is fulfilling his promise to return them from exile before the Messiah returns. The fig tree blossomed in 1948. All these things will come to be before the generation that started then passes away.
@chicpotpie3494 9 ай бұрын
Who is going to kill Cain, who is they?
@deniss2 9 ай бұрын
@@chicpotpie3494 Read the story again. Cain was exiled among the people as the Jews were exiled among the nations. No-one killed Cain, because of the mark God gave him. The Jews were not destroyed in exile either, because of their covenant with God. So, God brought them back to the promised land, for the sake of His own glory and because of the promise. He remains faithful.
@johncrasto1195 6 ай бұрын
When was Torah written or invented. See During creation of heaven and Earth who was there to record the creation of Almighty. Amy scientific or historical evidence or record. Rabbi Singer I need to seek n find God .😊If you are researcher .pls just give us a clue of belief.All these religions are man made since God made man .Paganism.
@Balstrome1 Жыл бұрын
Once again, the theist fails the first question. What is the evidence that gods can actually exist. Until that is answered in the positive, everything about gods is based on an unsupported assumption.
@frankmickeyumeh4303 6 ай бұрын
untill you start seeing the air that you breath.😂
@Balstrome1 6 ай бұрын
You do know we can show that air exists and that it fits the description we use to identify it. We can make predictions about air and have those predicts shown to be valid. None of those things can be done for ANY god.
@frankmickeyumeh4303 6 ай бұрын
@@Balstrome1 you don't get the question... do you? can you see the air you breath with your eyes?
@Balstrome1 6 ай бұрын
Yes we can and the reason that we can is because air actually exists, it is a real thing.
@frankmickeyumeh4303 6 ай бұрын
@@Balstrome1 how can you believe something you can't see does exist ?
@NatanKohen-b3k 4 ай бұрын
Mybe the thora, as a corpus of divine information, is true: but not necesarily your interpretation!
@dioclecianoayala3866 5 ай бұрын
Every time you say today is _ _ 2024 !!your are recognizing this is the year of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
@jonathanglabman 4 ай бұрын
@dioclecianoayala3866 You guys makes inferences about everything. He's speaking English in using terms people understand. You guys then make a leap that is preposterous. I'm wearing a three button polo shirt. Does that mean anything to you? This is why millions of Christians are leaving the faith.
@dioclecianoayala3866 4 ай бұрын
@jonathanglabman Hey been Christian mean been born again if you are a fake are going to fail only God Knows the ❤️ and true believers are not easy fool by dead religions
@jonathanglabman 4 ай бұрын
@@dioclecianoayala3866 Since I know you believe in Solo Scriptura (Scripture alone), what verse are you quoting me that Judaism is a dead religion?
@SigiRobert 4 ай бұрын
As taught by the Catholic church. Their Jesus is a demon. Mary is the queen of heaven( powerfull demon).
@dioclecianoayala3866 4 ай бұрын
@@jonathanglabman Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten.
@mattjohnson9753 7 ай бұрын
What about the findings of esteemed archaeologist Israel Finkelstein who has determined that Exodus as recorded in the Torah is simply fiction with no scientific possibility and no archaeological evidence????
@Balstrome1 Жыл бұрын
And yet no modern biblical historian thinks that Moses was a real person.
@rafaeldrang2924 2 ай бұрын
And yet, you assume that committing the fallacy of ad verecundiam proves your point? I'm sorry to tell you, what someone "thinks", expert or not, actually does not impact the truth of a claim. Moses either existed or he didn't exist, and how someone "feels" about it does not matter. So now, tell me for a fact, go ahead and speculate and change historical narratives, go tell me that you know for certain that Moses didn't exist.
@Balstrome1 2 ай бұрын
Moses describes his own death and funeral. The Story of Moses is very similar to make other leaders of religions in that area. Moses is accepted by historians as being a composite of many such characters, most of who are also considered to be fictional I could point you to experts in the field who accept that Moses never existed. And certainly not the Moses of the bible , Qur'an or Torah.
@rafaeldrang2924 2 ай бұрын
@@Balstrome1 history is not a science. there's not a real way that speculation and theorizing based on 1. Lack of empirical evidence 2. Removal of tradition 3. Treating the old testament as a historical document 4. Rewriting narratives, is any better than to listen to tradition. In fact, if someone from outside of my religion or tradition were to propose an alternate view, why would it make any sense to accept it. You presuppose and premise that bible critics know more, but what's that assumption based off of?
@mattjohnson9753 7 ай бұрын
Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein??????
@rafaeldrang2924 2 ай бұрын
Go study logic. If the premises are accepted to be true, and the conclusion naturally follows, then no matter the absurdity, the conclusion must be accepted as well. Ur comment has absolutely no impact on the validity or invalidity of this argument. I'm not claiming that the argument is flawless, however, you have not demonstrated any reason to reject the claim, rather just an interesting phenomenon. All this does is either label archaeologist Israel Finkelstein as a fraud, or, that your understanding of the story of exodus needs work. Next time, address the argument and don't commit the fallacy of false refutation.
@mattjohnson9753 2 ай бұрын
@ - Go study reality. There’s no way 3 million people….or even half that number….could wander around Egypt, Arabia, and Mesopotamia for 40 years and survive, even with the mythical manna from heaven. You labeling Dr. Finkelstein, a scientist, a fraud because of some construct of freshman university logic is patently silly. Face it….the exodus is a myth, like one of Grimm’s Fairy Tales.
@joehellno9097 2 жыл бұрын
The Rabbi’s argument seems to boil down to the fact that the revelation to the Jews was true because it contains a more audacious claim than Christianity or Islam. And the essence of this most audacious claim is the size of the audience that heard it. Very impressive. But only if the claim can be demonstrated and sufficiently and convincingly shown to be true does it at all matter. And the fact that people can repeat the most audacious revelation claim supposedly back to the time of the supposed revelation also means nothing unless that too can be demonstrated to have really occurred. Saying it happened, no matter how many people supposedly heard it, does not prove it actually did happen. Neither does writing that such was the case. In the New Testament it is written that besides a few disciples, apostles, and family members, 500 other people saw Jesus resurrected. A pretty audacious claim. But it’s only one mention one time in one epistle. No corroboration. No confirmation. The Muslims claim their revelation, and their prophet as well, are the best, and the last. So no chance of ever getting any better. An audacious claim. Is it not an obvious logical likelihood that this claim was concocted to one-up the Christians revelation claim? Same amount of proof for that declaration as for the 500 post resurrection witnesses and the “all the Jews” audience at the Sinai speech, which is to say they all had a story in a book that said so. So rather than be the hands down winner of the veracity competition between the big monotheistic three, the Torah revelation seems to possess the exact same evidentiary weight as the other two. That is to say, of all three revelations, that other than a written story of each, there is nothing. So the score is still as it has been, a three way tie. Nothing to nothing to nothing.
@lightworker4512 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You Joe! You are a truth seeker and a critical thinker! I am spiritual but totally believe that all three faiths are indeed manmade. How could they not be. Still, they all help people connect to their spiritual higher self. Excellent comment, Joe
@lightworker4512 2 жыл бұрын
@BYJOB the Jews witnessing God speaking to them is nothing but a myth. Ancient man humanized God and they did not understand what they were witnessing.
@lightworker4512 2 жыл бұрын
@BYJOB all current academic theological scholars understand it was a myth. It was all made up for the purpose of giving credibility to the Hebrew Bible. If the people saw anything, it was a geological event that ancient man misinterpreted, like a volcano with smoke. Ancient man in their myth humanized God as religions before them did. God does not think like a human, does not have an ego, would never ever have a chosen people. It’s silly nonsense but the myth has become real to those indoctrinated, to those programmed just as other religions are true to their believers.
@lightworker4512 2 жыл бұрын
@BYJOB why were plants created before the sun? Why were there two creation stories? God spoke to Moses only for 50 days on the mountain dictating the Torah. No witnesses of course. No grave for Moses. No evidence of biblical characters, Moses or the exodus. God would kill the innocent first born Egyptians and kill humanity with the flood but command do not murder. The OT God was humanized. One out of seven children are abused yet no commandment out of the 613 to not neglect or emotionally, physically or sexually abuse children. Children are the future but ignored in the Torah except for the command to execute your son if he rebels against you. Rabbis are forced to interpret what the verses meant. The NT is more evil. Demonized the Jews leading to their persecution and a fear based ideology that you go to Hell for eternity if your not saved. Scripture is from the mind of man. I 100 percent believe in a Creator Source and it’s of unconditional love, it’s beyond my limited finite human mind. Still, listen to know one. Believe in what helps you in this crazy world we live in. Religion tells you What To Think, I would think the Creator would want us to know How To Think so we can expand our knowledge and continually create for the good of mankind. Diversity in thinking can lead to good things.
@BarHawa 2 жыл бұрын
A Concise Summary of the Kuzari argument מר יוסף 1. Have the Jewish people always been a civilization Answer: Yes 2. Does this civilization possess the Torah in every single community that it inhabits? Answer: Yes 3. Does every person in this civilization attest to the fact that they heard this Torah being read out in the presence of the public person from person, father to son, and civilizational generation from civilizational generation? Answer: Yes 4. Does this not mean that an entire civilization attests to the fact that they received the one and the same document, the Torah, from an entire civilization of people before them? Answer: Yes 5. Would you then have to concede that at some point, an entire civilization lied? For it is not possible that an entire civilization of people can be mistaken about receiving the Torah from an entire other civilization. Just as it is not possible that American citizens have all been collectively deceived into thinking that they are American citizens by their parents, as American citizenship is a national reality passed down from parent to child all across the country. Nor is it possible that an entire civilization of people could falsely attest to the fact that an entire other civilization’s worth of people transmitted a document to them, or that they could possibly all compile the same lie that there had been an entire civilization’s worth of people that had come before them in the previous generation. Hence there are two nationally transmitted realities: 1. The Jewish people have always transmitted the Torah as a civilization, with everyone in said civilization being fully aware of the Torah, reading it out on Monday and Thursday, completing it annually within the order of the Parsha cycle. 2. The Jewish people have always transmitted the fact that they are a civilization, and they have heard this fact from an entire previous generation of a civilization’s worth of people. Because of the fact that the historical pattern is such that the Jewish civilization has attested that they received the knowledge that they are a civilization, from an entire civilization that came before them (the previous generation of Jews), and that the previous generation heard that they are a civilization from an entire civilization that came before them as well, all the way back to Mt Sinai, and that this fact has always been maintained in a complete civilization, told to that civilization by another complete civilization, all the way until the formation of millions of Jews into one civilization (the Sinai event). This would mean that if one wishes to deny the Torah, he must say that at some point, an entire civilization of people lied, and claimed that they had received the Torah from an entire civilization that came before them. Hence we are able to authenticate the Torah without a direct chain (even though we possess thousands of direct & unbroken chains), or ancient manuscript, due to the fact that it is not possible that an entire civilization can lie, or be mistaken, that they all collectively heard the fact that they are a civilization, and that they received the Torah, from an entire other civilization of people (it’s previous generation) in an unbroken historical pattern. One must confess to this whether he is an Atheist, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, or any other religion or worldview.
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