Radiant: It's Okay

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@pleaseenteraname2052 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah so with me, I really like radiant. It’s first arc “rumble town” is kinda bad but starts coming back on some re reads on my part where i do really appreciate chapters 20 and onwards. Its slowly becoming better and better by the volume, with Cyfandir being good and becoming great later, for example Myr’s conflict is really compelling to me, he was the hero to them and they simply called him a monster and its been really nice seeing him develop with how to deal with his beloveds circumstances. All of that with Myr and Seth’s relationship is just really, really touching to me. I have some problems with the series mostly the start but one thing i can pinpoint is the comedy, its just kinda bad sometimes especially near the start. I do like Radiants humor depending how it is used its honestly hit or miss but yeah i can see this being a big turn off as well. I don’t see Seth as generic. He is kinda troupe-y but that’s about it. He is dimwitted sometimes but one thing that separates him from others for me is that he doesn’t care about strength or appearing to be great. He doesn’t want to become a monster like how most people see him, the irony is that he becomes a monster under Poidon’s control. Seth has a really good dynamic with Dragunov if you read vol 15 to its entirety you should know what im talking about, if you need me to go into it let me know. Like i said he doesn’t want to be great so he is simply trying to complete his goal of getting rid of the source of nemesis and it seems he is gonna try to stop segregation, with how its been developing. I don’t see why they wouldn’t. It would play with the themes really well. So yeah, i don’t see him as generic. Bome for me has honestly been fantastic. Its been building up to this arc for a while now and its been fantastic, honestly. Dragunov has got what Smoker from one piece didn’t ( atleast yet ). That’s, focus. Dragunov has turned against what he believes to be wrong and it works out perfectly with my next point- Torque: he has been built up since Rumble town, he seemed kind of generic at first but with recent events I really like where he is going, he is like Mozguz from berserk but actually well done. Mozguz for me… he was simply lacking. He had his conviction to do what he thought but it didn’t feel right. With how fleshed out Griffith is im honestly disappointed, he simply was believing without anything backing it up, i think that’s really coo!. But! They did not do anything with that, UNLIKE Torque. Torque has his conviction about all of the ignorant beliefs the inquisition has but its playing perfectly into the story. Folly of this organization segregates all the infected. They are actually making him a character rather than the nothing that was Mozguz, as he says under the bridge “If anyone dies on the bridge it will be OUR fault.” I really like how he thinks it makes for someone really interesting for me. But yeah im not gonna keep you here much longer. All of the main cast has really developed nicely and its one of my favorite shounen. Thanks for reading, if you got anything to argue about go ahead ill check this every now and then. But overall I understand if someone thinks its okay or straight up dislikes it. Either way it wont bother me im simply trying to preach what I believe. G’day
@SeaGee 2 жыл бұрын
Really appreciate the differing perspective there, thanks! I don't really have much to add, just enjoyed reading that. Its great to see how and why a series that didn't work for me, did work for someone else. Yeah just glad to get that other perspective. Thanks!
@lazyscholar7932 Жыл бұрын
Rumble Town is not as well executed as say Marineford Arc, but the anime did a great job showing how the results of that battle affected everyone both in the short and long term.
@mikebearthegamer1365 Жыл бұрын
@@lazyscholar7932 i totally agree. Season 1 is superior then the manga but season 2 is not as great as the manga imho
@ClearmindArtist 8 ай бұрын
​@@lazyscholar7932 Afo Luffy arc was one of the worst in anime history.
@zakjumah 2 жыл бұрын
I love Radiant & I can say it DOES have it's own identity and it explores some themes you don't often see in shonen.
@SeaGee 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome, would you be up for sharing your thoughts? I'd love to pin some contrasting thoughts here!
@obara7366 2 жыл бұрын
Ooh, what are those themes? And in comparison to what other shounen?
@mythwing 2 жыл бұрын
@@obara7366 One of the themes is systemic racism and the negative effects that it can have on all sides. A lot of it is inspired by how refugees from the middle east were treated when they got to France and other European countries. It goes beyond just "racism bad" it actually goes into the brainwashy nature of nationalistic education and militarization. It goes into abuse of mentally ill children, and self acceptance. As for the group dynamic, they really read more as a found family than anything else. Also, Seth might be one of the best developing main characters I've seen in a typical shounen.
@kanemccarthy1979 Жыл бұрын
​@@obara7366 it explores prejudice in a lot of detail. Rumble Town does this really well. Also I'd say that unlike other shonen Radiant likes to show that you don't need others to believe in your goal or for your goal to be the top as long as you motivate yourself. Seth in the first chapter doesn't get some Iruka-sensei esque moment where someone says they believe in him. Seth is simply believes in himself and he's also shown to be against titles and doing things in typical grandiose fashions (like the Wizard Knights) if they don't produce results.
@sgwaris8853 2 жыл бұрын
IAm always waiting for another season of this series its neat and great,, it had been misunderstood by alot of people, it never got big which it deserves, but I wish it would return some day like it came yesterday 🙂
@lazyscholar7932 Жыл бұрын
Rumble Town Arc is up there with Alabasta Arc for its world building. Big difference is that Radiant makes Rumble Town have ripple effects throughout the rest of the story.
@kanemccarthy1979 Жыл бұрын
Seth is honestly one of my favourite main characters. I find him compelling because he's torn between needing the approval of others and remaining self-motivated. He's compelling because he doesn't get some sort of "I believe in you" moment from anyone and he simply carries on, but by going it alone and not considering those around him he becomes the monster people think he is. Seth is a character torn between his need for love and care for his people and someone who simply seeks to prove people wrong about himself. Because of the pain he's suffered throughout his life he is consistently trying to prove those around him wrong but his pride and more selfish reasons for finding Radiant hurt those around him (like Melie in the Cyfandir arc) and it's the people around him and his more selfless reasons for wanting to find Radiant that set him back on the right path (break him out of his berserker form). Essentially what I love about Seth is that there isn't some inner demon straying him from his more positive mindset. His berserker state is nothing more than himself losing control and his bad decisions are his own, a result of his own pride and need to show everyone they've wrong about him. There's no Kurama that he needs to overcome for his friends he simply needs to overcome his own dark past.
@sofialu226 2 жыл бұрын
I persoanlly Love Radiant, I first casually found the Anime some time back and I fell for the characters and backgrounds desings, they are just visually facinating for me. Yes, the story looked pretty generic at first, but I first found Alma interesting, and even though Seth looked like a Classic Nice-Dumb protagonist he got better. I love how pure he is without being dumb. I do find him different from other shonen protangonist in the feel I get from him and his Goal, he is just too pure. He just want to find the nemesis nest and destroy it in search of and ideal world where Sorceres are no longer discriminated. I love the fact his Protagonist Goal is about the world, not himself. (None of the characters you show fight *_For_* the world, they end up saving it more than once for circunstances, but that's not their main goal). I also Love radiant because of the themes, knowing that France is known as one of the most xenophobic countries, I found it interesting. In other Shonen usually the protagonist alone is like the outcast, in here Seth is not Unique. There are plenty of infected people and there are more Sorcerers like him too (in the sense of the Horns and beign able to use fantasia with his bare hands) who are treated like outcasts, who are feared, hunted and killed just for being different. In other Shonen the protagonist struggles made them the protagonist, in here Seth's Ideology, selflessnes and altruism in a f*cked up world full of Racism and discrimination is what makes him "different". And even then his ideology had been put in daubt, "are the nemesis really that bad? Can Humans, Soreceres and Nemesis live together?" I really like it. (we didn't get an answer yet, but we will see) Maybe is my soft spot for pure characters (being those so rare), but that's my opinion. I mean, I know there are a lot of people who dislike Pure characters thinking they are dumb by default, and becasue they are "Not realistic", but I know how bad the real world can actully be, so I love going to fiction and found some Hope and Positivism in it, they make me feel good and I feel like those type of stories could inspire real people to do better if only they wouldn't judge beliving such a happy ending is imposible, its not. Is just hard. But well, that last statement is not only about Radiant, is in general, I belive there are more good than bad in the world, is just that the bad is more noisy and scary. And people give up to the idea there is nothing they can do to change it. How many Hitsorical changes had been made when people came together to fight Injustice? Of course, there were alot of consecuences and death in both sides, but a lot was Achive by trying to make the world better. An Utopia may be imposible, but things can be better. That's why I love this type of stories.
@joshuajosephdistura3053 2 жыл бұрын
A little late, but still a great Christmas present from the man himself SeaGee. Keep up the great work!
@SeaGee 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks man! Hope you've had a great Christmas / New Year!
@7ick937 2 жыл бұрын
it’s actually really so good like the story and art are so good i remember the anime turned me off to it until i checked out the manga i’m really glad i did haven’t dropped it since
@booga324 2 жыл бұрын
Even if you’re not a huge fan of it and call it ok…….I’m just happy more people are just talking about this series 😭
@tristankeech4070 Жыл бұрын
Radiant absolutely bangs. It just keeps getting better.
@earlye5011 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great video, you were critical in a good way which is rare to see
@SeaGee 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Early! Appreciate it mate
@marvelboi3416 4 ай бұрын
Radiant is a French comic book series written and illustrated by Tony Valente that was later published by the Japanese publisher Euromanga and Asukashinsha in 2015 which I think is a awesome background concept.
@fishfillets8480 2 жыл бұрын
I think something that Radiant does do different from the other shonen you've listed, is that Seth while at the start appearing to have some sort of chosen one trope to him, is subverted with the reveal that there are many others with curses like him. While thats not necessarily super unique to shones, I think it helps play into building into the world. Wherein in some manga I feel they write in legendary relatives of the main character just to make the main character feel even more relevant, which I find to be a detriment to the world building as it feels overly related to the main character making the world literally revolve around them. Very rarely do I feel that in shonen that relatives are just run of the mill people. In Radiant its kinda like that but not at the same time, Seth has a special ability/has a special parent that makes him a person of particular interest to many factions in the world of Radiant, but he is not the only one of his kind. This dillemma of Seth's is relevant to the themes of the manga, while also making the world feel like its lived in by numerous peoples and factions rather than something that serves to emphasize the main character being a main character if that makes sense. There is still a chance it might end up doing this, but hopefully not. I also feel like so far Radiant has a more focused approach to the execution of its themes about racism and discrimination. In comparision, Fairy Tail explores something kinda broad and easy as friendship and family, and Bleach I felt was inconsistent about what it wanted to explore about, and Naruto I think had a few hiccups in its ideas of overcoming circumstances and destiny when characters like Neji, Guy and Rock Lee exemplify this better than the main character i'd think.
@lazyscholar7932 Жыл бұрын
Seth is such a sensitive protag though to be so optimistic and hot headed. Naruto did sulk as well as Seth does, and his tough guy energy is more light hearted than Ichigo. Season 2 where he alienates his friends because he is scared of his powers was an interesting departure from Naruto, which used it as a convient time skip, or Ichigo, who NEEDS support from others to evolve. Radiant allows Seth to make mistakes and to figure things out on his own more than any other series I can think of.
@superbro6413 2 жыл бұрын
I'm biased because I am absolutely a fan of what Radiant does, as are many others in the comments. In light of being fair though, I did _not_ like Seth _at all_ as the protag in the early chapters. I could almost say his characterisation was bad to the point where I considered dropping it. The story, and Seth himself, definitely improve by the Rumble Town arc, and I feel it's only gotten better since. There is a case to be made that there's been no headway into what the "Radiant" actually is, and with similar hanging plot threads about, one could say that the story is kinda aimless. For my part though, I like the intrigue, and Valente is definitely taking his time here. I understand your impression on it being not interesting enough amongst the ever growing amount of shonen to strike your fancy, and I feel that's fair. Regardless, I continue to look forward to your videos, and hope your 2022 is going well Cheers
@SeaGee 2 жыл бұрын
Cheers! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yeah on that point of not making headway on the actual radiant, I think that was a big turn off for me. There's a lot of threads that Valente has opened (like the domitors) but not a huge amount of development to match it. Just not my style I guess. But hey, I can respect the work that goes into this series so I'm glad it's got it's fans. And I hope your 2022 is going well too!
@hackarma2072 10 ай бұрын
Radiant is really more than okay ! It delves head first into real world issues and that's really refreshing in a shonen. Light headed but heavy atmosphere at the same time. I get the part about the humor being not to the taste of everyone but I clearly I don't understand you saying there's gonna be romance. It's nowhere in the 18 published manga ! There is also no hard barrier between roles. Comic relief can come from any character for example. Concerning the relationship with Dragunov, there is no such thing as a forced survival of Seth. It aligns perfectly with dragunov personality. And sexual humour ? It is only in text and not drawn ! Myr is the only one doing it and it's not what we remember about him anyway. No clearly it is for me a refined version of what a shonen can do. Sure it isn't novelty but it is a good shonen.
@OfficialRedTeamReview 7 ай бұрын
It being like every other Shonen? yeah I get that. I'm kinda burnt out on the genre and they have to really go crazy or go home like Jujutsu Kaisen which, in a way, is kinda like a dark horror combo of Bleach and Natuto. I can also tell, from your synopsis of the story, that the writer grew up on dbz, naruto and bleach.
@justsimplestuff602 Жыл бұрын
i personally love it
@Untitledloki 29 күн бұрын
Id love for you to review it now, its so much more... How can i say, its a shonen that borrows from other anime genres, and im loving imthe development, But thats just me, Great video tho✨
@billyboleson2830 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah Radiant has an anime but.. Japan kinda botched it Questionable design changes Making the MC dumber Adding scenes that weren't there originally or needed. Half the appeal of Radiant is its a French comic disguised as shonen so is written way more nuanced. And Japan tried to make it more Japanese series-like.
@phantom9831 11 ай бұрын
Yeah when I was how they made Radiant in the anime version, I felt disappointed to see the changes they did, they tried to make it funnier, but by doing that, they made the anime way less serious than the manga ...
@phantom9831 11 ай бұрын
The manga is even better than the anime, which was "japanesed" the anime is good, don't get me wrong, but the animators made it more comic and less serious, while the manga is way more serious and explores the prejudice theme even deeper
@Solbankai66 Жыл бұрын
I got into radiant because of the manga but in my opinion I feel like this series of gone a little quiet ever since the manga I mean don't get me wrong I would like it to pick back up again with a season 3 but I guess I'm being too wishful
@mrslasher1064 5 ай бұрын
Grimm is 1000 times more badass than Sasuke and Seth is nothing like Naruto What makes Seth different from other anime protagnonists is the fact that he doesn't have a lofty materialistic goal like becoming hokage or the wizard king or whatever,he wants to find radiant so he can get rid of the nemesis,not for himself but for others,no one has to die or be cursed if the nemesis aren't around to kill and curse people,he's also alot more self sufficient,rarely does he need to rely on "the power of friendship" to get shit done...
@FLASHY_WOLF 9 ай бұрын
I feel like the Radiant author is a fan of Hiro Mashima. Plus this is the first manga by a French author.
@sankabougard5177 10 ай бұрын
You like it ? That's french 🇫🇷🥖🥐🍷
@nightmares_phoo 2 ай бұрын
First episode was terrible but animation was good so hope it gets better.
@darkshao51 2 жыл бұрын
Manga is waaaay better! Anime kinda sucks tbh!
@phantom9831 11 ай бұрын
@kingkaiji7799 2 жыл бұрын
This is a weird Christmas video lmao
@SeaGee 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, merry Christmas! I thought I'd take the holidays to do some shorter videos and prep for the next ah... bizarre series to cover
@kingkaiji7799 2 жыл бұрын
@@SeaGee It was a good video lol, I just like making that comment to people who upload their usual stuff on Christmas.
@fairylaw-xr2wn 2 жыл бұрын
@swaguto289 2 жыл бұрын
I agree it feels generic. I don’t think the first 100 chapters stack up against the same amount of chapters from other big shonen series. Yes seth is a typical shonen protag, but I just don’t find him interesting at all. Not even close to luffy, and not even as interesting as naruto (a character I don’t even like all that much) It just feels super manufactured, like it’s trying so hard to be like the other mainstream series.
@SeaGee 2 жыл бұрын
Glad I'm not the only one who got that reaction from this series. I actually enjoyed reading it but yeah felt all too familiar to really get me engaged. I think you might be right with it being intentional to try and match up to other big Shonen
@booga324 2 жыл бұрын
@@SeaGee that’s literally most shonen in Japan tho, trying to match up to other big shonen.
@orangesunshine7666 2 жыл бұрын
The series is really generic. Someone who I used to be friends with recommended it to talking about how Seth isn't your standard shounen protagonist and how get goes in interesting directions which I didn't get from reading it
@SeaGee 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I had a similar reaction. I don't really think Seth is breaking any new ground in the chapters we've got so far. There's still a lot of opportunity for the series to carve out its own space and I'm hoping that it'll do so
@Trappeacher 2 жыл бұрын
@xo7evenxo279 2 жыл бұрын
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