Ramblings of a detransitioned woman

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@jenj39 3 жыл бұрын
From a fellow detrans woman, I hear you. I also was not challenged in therapy. I was affirmed during my first appointment, started testosterone within a month, and then a double mastectomy within 7 months of “transitioning”. Your voice of dissent is profound and necessary. You and many others affected give me hope that peace is attainable after experiencing such extreme psychological and physical distress. The body truly keeps the score.
@jolielaide2494 2 жыл бұрын
peace be with you on your journey of healing💜the body does indeed keep the score. i am someone who had alot of trauma as a child & am on a different sort of path, but we are all survivors & my heart goes out to yours
@dyanshane 2 жыл бұрын
All of you who have been thru this need to fight those who have stopped There term, "gatekeeping", which has taken away the safeguards in place to make sure this is what people want to do. These people have an agenda, all of them, and it is all for money. I am so sorry your going thru this. The people that did this to you are people like Dr Helen Webberley, who was busted for selling gender blockers illegally.
@boo94_ 2 жыл бұрын
because doctors are afraid to tell their honest opinion these days. they feel forced to agree to everything. if you cant figure out what you are then something is wrong with you
@vanarilon 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a therapist. I’m totally transparent with trans clients: I’m not going to automatically “affirm” your identity as a trans person. I’m going to work with you to explore and understand your hatred and rejection of your own sex/gender/body. If they want to dive in, I’m game. If they don’t, most therapists will be happy to “affirm” them in no time, but I will not work/collude with a client toward their own unhealthy thinking. I’m SO SORRY no one worked with you properly. I would have. I’m just so sorry.
@Cng0308 2 жыл бұрын
@@vanarilon May I ask you something? Of the trans clients you've worked with "to explore and understand their hatred and rejection of their own sex/gender/body" how many of them (or what percentage of them) decide not to continue with transition?
@soldiergirl37 3 жыл бұрын
Ramble? You sound like a seasoned public speaker - you're so eloquent and know your subject matter inside out. Your personal story is so important and you're bloody brave. Thank you, and please never stop 'rambling'. 🥰
@jenniferyoung2808 3 жыл бұрын
@anwensretroarchive9768 3 жыл бұрын
@@dharmainitiative9152 Pfft, based on "her" past history? Nah.
@rosellamarotta1675 2 жыл бұрын
The real stunning and brave, standing up to the woke left
@liisanorheim-kiik8527 2 жыл бұрын
@DlauLau-to8ne 2 жыл бұрын
@mary-johandley385 2 жыл бұрын
I am not Trans nor do I know anyone Trans, but I am a mother and I am so incredibly grateful to you for putting your views out into the world! I deeply sorry that you (and others) have suffered the way that you have, and I respect you so much for being so selfless and potentially becoming a target of people who may not appreciate you in the same way. Thank you for your courage and your concern for others. You have a tremendous heart, my friend!
@rencooper3373 Жыл бұрын
since when does being a mother have anything to do with being trans or not trans? also if you don’t know anyone who is really trans then I hope you don’t plan on making this one video of someone who is also not trans your entire basis of what being trans is. 😭
@danavidal8774 Жыл бұрын
How is to impose his choice on others just bc It did not turn right for him selfless? It isn't I can barely work before transition due stress, like I could be walking and then "puf", my whole body turn off and I start shaking 6 years after transition and it never happened again, the only cons now is that my eyes dry up easier Maybe we should ban medicine entirely, after all u will find far more people that any other treatment did not work out for them
@graceb3934 Жыл бұрын
​@Ren Cooper no one is inherently 'trans', its a dilusionary disorder that is being normalised by dangerous ideology and individuals. The story being shared in this video - plus the numerous other detransitioners sharing their experiences- makes this issue very much an issue of interest to ALL parents, and all humans that give a shit about vulnerable people being damaged by this horrendous ideology...woke ideology is being pushed and children are being groomed, and I will not rest until this stops. I believe that adults who suffer from gender dysphoria should get the help and support they need, and if that means that they live their life presenting as the opposite sex, I have zero issue with that. But frankenstinian medicalisation of vulnerable children and adults is NOT the answer.
@kstept 11 ай бұрын
I too am very grateful for this discussion. Thank you for so generously sharing.
@mjones8170 11 ай бұрын
@@danavidal8774 There's no such thing as transition. Gender doesn't come as a medicine or cosmetic surgery. Testes shaped like labia are still testes. An inverted penis wound is not a vagina it's an inverted penis wound. A mastectomy doesn't make a chest male it just makes a flat breasted woman. Trans aren't doing anything that gets the other genders DNA. A male trans still has a prostate and no eggs. A female trans still has a uterus and no sperm. You're at best skinwalking.
@45plum1 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a Dr. This is excellent. I shall be using this. Thank you.
@jraven4994 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for doing the right thing. ❤
@agnusdei3575 2 жыл бұрын
please warn other doctors, we need more medical professionals speaking out and standing up for mentally ill people who may make life changing situations that traumatize them. the more doctors that speak up, the more aware people are
@marlarkin1090 2 ай бұрын
Seems to me that the therapy is like sitting down with an anorexic and affirming them as fat and reffering for a gastric band procedure.
@BorkSwordMork 3 жыл бұрын
"if you didn't know, that's why I sound like a man" - drinks beer. That's how I knew this was going to be a good ramble. Your voice is very much needed. Thank you.
@patrickneylan 2 жыл бұрын
"Aye, but ye still soond Scottish. Cud they no ha gi'n ye drugs fo that?" Seriously though, Watson is a voice of reason who I've followed for a while. I have a personal involvement in this and hope that my [loved one] has made the right decision.
@vixili907 3 жыл бұрын
You are a beautiful person Watson. Your voice is invaluable in this fight.
@kaysana5599 2 жыл бұрын
Wow!!! I applaud you. You are so brave to put yourself out there and speak your truth. I have been dealing with this same issue in regards to a loved one who is in that specific window of possible opportunity that you spoke about, she’s only 17. She was never a trans kid, on the contrary, she was super feminine and only wanted dresses, bows, princess stuff and American dolls etc… At the age of 13, slowly changes began happening, she went from a happy child to a depressed, lonely and socially disturbed individual. First it was questioning her identity with this sudden need to identify as something, anything! She desperately needed to find a name to the issue because it couldn’t be nameless. Then the internet was there, available at her fingertips and this was only the beginning. The destruction of her reality which lead her into a dark pathway of welcoming lies where a hospitable environment of twisted individuals began to hold her tight within their grasping web of lies and manipulative so called support. Now we, her family, are all trying to understand the why by attempting to make sense of it all, talking for hours and wanting to somehow make her feel supported and loved but still not approving or accepting of the issue, which obviously easily becomes a problem and a conversation rapIdly turns into an argument. Suddenly we are of the dinosaur era mentality, so out of touch with life today that our ideas aren’t even considered or heard, instead we’re called insensitive and nasty human beings. Trying to help but feeling helpless since nothing we say is being taken into consideration. And like you said, there are barely any professionals out there willing to speak up or simply help. To the point that I was told to leave a therapy session just for asking questions regarding the issue. The therapist told me that I was rude and insensitive and that I needed to get out of his office because he wasn’t willing to hear me out. What kind of therapist isn’t willing to hear someone out, isn’t their whole entire profesión based on hearing people out? If you’re not doing your job then what the “F”are you doing???However, when I did find someone amazing (a well known, seasoned, and experienced doctor, someone extremely knowledgeable on the subject matter and rather skeptical about affirmative care, he would rather get through all of the root issues by dissecting the situation at large), my loved one started to do research on him, again on the internet, and found some hateful things said about such doctor, of course from the trans community, and suddenly she started to complain about not wanting to see him ever again because in her eyes what he does is conversion therapy. Now I’m devastated and feel like I wake up in a nightmare everyday, I also fear for my two little ones. Sometimes it seems as if it was just me against the world and I’m simply one small voice trying to scream really loud. But while I’m trying to amplify my cry, I’m easily being silenced, muffled down, my mouth shut, duck taped to the point that I’m shutting down because not a peep coming out of me is being considered. So finding you here willing to speak to the world, being so brave, it gives me so much comfort just knowing that I’m not alone, knowing that there are other voices who are stating to speak up as well. I just hope that when we are all finally brave enough to speak up and our voices become louder than theirs, that she amongst so many others find their way back, eyes wide open to reality.
@justlivinglife465 3 жыл бұрын
What scares me the most is that I know if I were 13 today, I would probably think I was "trans" ..
@oceanstaiga5928 3 жыл бұрын
It’s weird cause at 13 I didn’t think I was, but at 17 I realised I was. I’m now 21 and starting therapy, so far not having any step in medical transition which is of course hard for me but I’d rather it take time and know I’ve gone through therapy with a good therapist that explores all parts of my life and takes their time before making and decisions..
@ThesmartestTem 3 жыл бұрын
@pilarboutte392 3 жыл бұрын
Me as well! From 1983 - 1989, ages 15 to 21, I was CERTAIN I was a boy inside a girl’s body. I was wrong.
@linden6352 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who is 15 today, I'm a male but highly feminine. The societal pressure to "be trans" is so extreme. Progressive culture can't seem to grasp that someone can be the gender they were born as and act sorta like the other gender and have it be normal. Yeah, I'm into typically girly things, I don't play sports, I have a rather high voice (out of my control), I wear bright colors, but I'm in a literal sense a guy. And the sad part is I know many people like me within my school and others who have come out as trans and I can just tell they don't necessarily want to be- not to assume that, but sometimes you can just see it in someone that they aren't happy with themselves over something.
@julianiquet 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Lots of gay girls a now being convinced they are “trans”. The trans moviment is, a lot of time, lesbifobic or gayfobic.
@painbow6528 3 жыл бұрын
When I was a teenager I became obsessed with my looks and feeling physically repulsive mostly due to having a big nose. I would have killed to have been offered a nose job. Today, decades later, my nose is probably my best feature. Teenage years are a nightmare and frankly we don't deal with them well as a society. THERE'S our problem.
@ivanascioffi 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! I had the exact same experience and I think about that too when I hear these stories. At 16 I was absolutely convinced that no one would have ever loved me because of my nose and that "fixing it" was the only solution to live a decent life. I thought my mum was a "monster" for saying that she would never have consented to putting me on anesthesia for an unnecessary surgery and that when I had my own money and was an adult I could take responsability for that if I wanted. Well turns out, at 18, with merely two more years of neurological development under my belt (+ some improvement in my depressive symptoms) I realized how off I was, and how crazy I sounded compared to my mum's perfectly rational response. It gave me actual chills to see how different my thinking was. Never give a teenager an irreversible procedure. Our brains are still developing at that stage it is madness to think we're able to understand and process the significance of altering our bodies for life. This is not to say teenagers can't be extremely intelligent or self-aware - I think I was both those things - but simply that they do not have the mental capacity to handle certain situations properly without outside help. And that is perfectly okay and 100% normal.
@Xyllia 2 жыл бұрын
Yesss, me too! I used to hate my nose, hate my forehead, everything about my face lol. Now I love my nose, I realized it's not big at all (I can't even understand how could I have seen it that way). Being a teenager was incredibly hard for me, it fucking sucked. I think transitioning during puberty/teenage years is so dangerous :/
I hated my nose too and my knees 😆. I had HORRIBLE cystic acne too. I was so self conscious. So much of my time was spent covering up my face with makeup. Then I got on acutane out of my desperation at 11 or 12. Now I have leaky gut and systemic yeast problem that causes many nearly unbearable issues. I wish doctors would guide us to deal with the root cause rather then push pharmaceuticals, hormones and surgeries.
@Fiona2254 Жыл бұрын
Our daughter wanted nose surgery as her sweet 16 present. We told her she was beautiful and that if at 21 she still thought she needed a nose job we’d pay for it then. Now she also thinks her nose is her best feature that makes her “her.” When she turned 21 she reminded us of our promise and told us “no thanks. Thank you both for not giving in”
@saimraja2119 Жыл бұрын
@11Aarman27 Жыл бұрын
You have become a very powerful and admirable woman. I am a 71 year old straight man and I could not look away, from the first minute to the last. I admire your intelligence and hope your message is widely distributed. I will pray for your healing, inside and out.
@Atanu Жыл бұрын
@Tim Isaac. You could not look away. Me too. Upvoted.
@helendancelot 3 жыл бұрын
People who tried to warn and highlight this abusive experimentation were cancelled and called transphobes
@traktor321 2 жыл бұрын
Ah the irony . He/she doesnt even know anymore what IT is. Hillarious stuff 🤣
@hollyhayes9640 2 жыл бұрын
I've also personally been called a transphobe just for accidentally misgendering someone who's come out as a female, a (transgender) male, non-binary, a-gender, and a demi-girl (Laineybot/Kai)... but then they were already going by a different pronoun by the end of that day, so I guess I wasn't a transphobe anymore. I actually put it in my Tumblr biography that I have a medical condition that negatively affects my memory (Hashimoto's thyroiditis), but I would still get accused of being a transphobic bigot. 🙃
@sharlaevans7339 2 жыл бұрын
@@traktor321 You are a cruel person 1889. Maybe fix yourself before saying cruel things to others who are speaking truth trying to help others. Go get some help, you desperately need it.
@MrSammer1972 2 жыл бұрын
@@traktor321 i have sympathy for people who mutilated themselves because peers, academics, doctors etc brainwashed them into thinking chopping t1ts off is the way to go. At least this person is speaking out.
@y2ksurvivor Жыл бұрын
@Maker Haugh she knows.
@MissKae_85 2 жыл бұрын
‘Your childhood is so precious because it ENDS’ periodt enough said.
@MrBbelov 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a re-transitioned person who was one of the earliest to be out about it. I returned to my assigned gender after nearly 15 years as trans. I just want to thank you for your brave and generous video here on KZbin. We need more people like you to share so honestly! @bbelov
@ixlnxs Жыл бұрын
I would love to learn more about you. Any link, since you seem to be open? Have you been in any media?
@magdalenaodnaglosnienia Жыл бұрын
You are detrans then not retrans.
@sickandtiredofit Жыл бұрын
Not assigned gender...Actual biological sex/gender
@ALLTake-v2p Ай бұрын
@qlimaxfan666 3 жыл бұрын
I never would have thought that I would watch a 50 minute video about a topic that does not really concern me. But damn, you gave me such an insight into this complex issue from a perspective that is simply non-existent in this area. I only read or hear positive things and how the affirmation is the way to go. Now that I think about it, it's scary that the current consensus is so unanimous I've never even considered that it is all too good to be true.
@jordanwarren9931 3 жыл бұрын
Im sure thats the whole point. Changing your mind. A person it doesn't affect. Even though its only 1% detransition rate from 1% of people. So 0.01 of people need detransition. Im sure theyre not trying to "reefer madness" propagandize at my trans girlfriend or anything. Who tried so hard to get where she is. Not meant to break down or erase progress at all I'm sure 😒
@trylogic4084 2 жыл бұрын
@@jordanwarren9931 Everybody is allowed to express their opinion and share their experiences. I'm not an expert on transitioning or detransitioning, so I'm not speaking from a wealth of knowledge. But, how long ago was it when people weren't telling their stories about going through transition? How many people didn't want to hear it and tried to shut them down? How many people who didn't have a clue felt that it was going to change society into something they couldn't recognize and were scared of and didn't want because they thought it would ruin their way of life. Well, now it seems like a lot of folks that have gone through the transition are angry about those that come forward and tell their stories and speak of where they feel like they went wrong and what led them to a decision that didn't work for them. Yeah, there are going to be a lot of ignorant people who will take these stories and try to sell the idea that every person who transitions must be wrong. But it's not fair for those happy with their decisions to say, hey, we've barely had our time in the sun, and here you are ruining it, and it's damned inconvenient.
@edd7812 2 жыл бұрын
Nobody "transitions." You can mutilate your body all you want, but it will never align with a mind that is lost or unanchored. It would seem that the "problem" isn't with the body; healthy bodies are what they are, the problem is in the minds. And that's why mutilating the body will never "transition" it to align with a fractured psyche. All you end up with is a mutilated now fractured body to go with the still fractured mind. My heart goes out to anyone caught in this dilemma, and I hope they find some peace, comfort, acceptance, and happiness in this all too short life... ❤🙏💪
@violinamandolina 2 жыл бұрын
@@jordanwarren9931 0.01 do detransition, how many do suicide?
@grimaceschaos3148 2 жыл бұрын
@@jordanwarren9931 That’s the problem though isn’t it? It’s 1% of people and the whole of a society should make concessions for that 1% right? And that 1% of the 1% they can stay a dirty little secret in the trans community right? No need for them to tell their stories even if they worked equally as hard as your trans partner to get to their point of transitioning, and then have to work equally hard after detransitioning to pick up the pieces and live some semblance of a life from before? News flash it’s either everyone single individual is important or the whole of a collective is what’s most important, you can’t have it both ways to suit your needs. Also sometimes certain things even if the topic hit close to home are just not about you personally. Detransitioners have every right just like trans people to get online and share their stories, their broken dreams, their concerns, and what bothers them about a community that they tried to live in but for whatever reason could not. Trying to silence them with an eye roll and making it about you will only turn people against your cause.
@Jan-iv7kh 3 жыл бұрын
Please don't change from the way you've done this video, it held me captivated. Your honesty and straightforward talking is a breath of fresh air in what has become such a toxic area. Thank you and best of luck for your future.
@roundninja 3 жыл бұрын
Everything feels so fake these days on youtube and twitter and everything, it's surprising how good it feels to just hear someone say what's actually on their mind
@Fair-to-Middling 3 жыл бұрын
My heart breaks for you. Just know that your beauty shines through in this video, as does your passion for helping others. Your message definitely needs to be heard by parents and by the medical community. I do have some experience with all this. My 19 yo daughter (7 years ago) decided she was trans. When I found out, I immediately talked with her about why I did NOT think she was trans. She lived with us so that helped me to be able to keep the conversation going. I let her know that as her mother I knew her pretty well, and what I saw was a confused young woman trying to find her way in the world. I asked her what her plans were. She told me she had done the chest binding thing a couple times so I explained to her how much damage that can do to her breasts. She told me she would stop...for now. I talked with her about what testosterone could do to her health, especially over time. She had not gotten into doing that yet, thankfully. (I did not tell her the fact that she would go through menopause, as I just found out about that recently.) I explained that there is a broad range and type of femininity in women. It doesn't change the fact that they ARE all women. As we discussed things, I slowly found out that she had been bullied online because of her height (she's 6'2") and her not so feminine ways. I explained that widespread transgenderism for women is a relatively new phenomenon, mostly since social media has come about. And pulling from my personal experience (I had a double mastectomy due to cancer many years ago), helped her realize that even without breasts, I am still a woman! Thankfully, after many months, she recognized that she was in fact a woman, just one who didn't like to wear dresses or makeup! Later, we also found out that she is autistic. Women are not diagnosed as easily as men. This is one of the big factors driving this new fad. And yes, I call it a fad because it's just way too trendy online. Add in social media and being 'woke' and you have a recipe for disaster. My heart goes out to all the parents out there struggling with losing their daughters. All I ask is if you are in this position, don't give up on her, love her, and help her to see that SHE is beautiful in her own way!
@gabi4403 3 жыл бұрын
This comment is gold, I wish that more parents get to know all of these things. God bless your family
@Fair-to-Middling 3 жыл бұрын
@@gabi4403 Thank you! God bless you too!
@TheKatarinaGiselle 3 жыл бұрын
I relate so much to the autistic aspect. I am almost 33 (this coming August 8th) and still undiagnosed. Idk if I ever will get officially diagnosed, it I no longer have doubts that I am. Just incredibly great at masking, my oldest son (14 this coming August 22nd) is autistic too, and it was actually his journey at eventually led to my own discovery, although I did have thoughts about it when I was in elementary school. We just knew so much less about it in the 90’s. I wish you and your daughter well and thank you for sharing your experience!
@ma_sabella00 3 жыл бұрын
I wish everyone on social media could read your comment!
@kaiserchief9319 3 жыл бұрын
God bless you.
@domtekos7761 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Watson, I was out as trans aged 13 up circa 2000 and back then there was literally no one else around me who would relate to my gender struggles. I struggled with dysphoria all my teens and pretty much all of my twenties... I nearly went to private clinics to seeks HRT a couple of times but backed out thankfully. By the time I got into my 30s the dysphoria calmed down and whilst I still feel mentally more masculine than feminine as an inner self, I still accept that I was born in a female body and that's ok. I don't care if I am called her, him, them or it! I accept that I had A LOT of trauma and issues that caused my fragmented self and issues around my gender and sexuality.... Having proper therapy saved my life and I am so fucking glad I didn't go through with seeking private gender identity clinic help in my 20s. Well done for sharing your voice and I wish you so much happiness going forwards and peace. You're beautiful btw.
@naturegazer6749 Жыл бұрын
My 13 year old daughter began to believe she was trans almost overnight. We have been terrified that someone at school woukd convince her to seek treatment because in California you can lose your child to this if you dont support transition. It was a yesr or sheer terror as a parent. Then just as quick as this occurred she came back around. I cannot thank you enough for your frankenss and bravery to soeak up about your journey. You have no idea how many parents appreciate you and the other de trans folks. You're a beautiful young woman an I was happy to hear you now have someone to love you as you are. ❤
@VickyTaylorRoberts 11 ай бұрын
I think you are astoundingly brave for not just advocating for yourself but for others. Thank you so much.
@valeriy8502 3 жыл бұрын
"Don't give me advice on how to make more professional videos because I'm too lazy" 😂👏🏼 It is actually very refreshing that you are just talking and completely able to make coherent points without a bunch of fancy jump editing and flashy arrows etc. I honestly can't even watch those videos, so I appreciate you just talking. This is some really important information and it's good you are talking about it.
@mokenetgumshoe1064 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree. What we need is reality and humanity. Not more Hollywood and cable news style BULLSHIT.
@kelly-kx2io Жыл бұрын
I'm old school post-op transsexual. I'm 58 now and began my transition in my early teens while still at high school. I'm content with the path I took and have no wish to detransition. I was one of the youngest at that time in the UK to compete my SRS. I then just disappeared back into society with my late husband/partner for the next 31 years only resurfacing in 2016 4 years after his death. By this time things had changed a great deal and not necessarily for the better either. I found what you had to say very interesting and insightful. I'm not shocked that there was a lack of support from the trans community when you detransitioned. It's a case of if your not singing from the same page they don't want to know. Back in my days fewer made it all the way through the system and went on to complete SRS. I blame the internet for the number of folk coming out as trans rising and the overload of trans information & misinformation combine with the lack of thorough assessments. As you pointed out they are quick to affirm rather than take a closer look in to other underlying issues that may of contributed to the feeing's of dysphoria or being trans. Your speaking out may prevent others who are vulnerable from wrongly taking the same path as you did. I admire you for speaking out x
@cancelledavac Жыл бұрын
Ik I’m 8 months late but BOOST
@ALLTake-v2p Ай бұрын
you are XY MALE
@MissMiseryGloom 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not a detransitioner but a thirty year old disabled woman with a lot of lady issues that leave me feeling like I'll be alone for the rest of my life so I appreciate you addressing that on here. As for the child/kink thing it sickens me. I am SO sick of the "if we don't expose them to it, how can they make choices?" argument. They're children. Adults are the ones putting these "choices" into their heads.
@theogserena 3 жыл бұрын
I live in the USA and can honestly say that conversations about this are NOT mainstream AT ALL!. I stummbled upon this video and out of curiosity watched. I found your comments/story so educational and it completely opened my eyes to things I am utterly ignorant about. The show "I am Jazz" was very popular here but I am now realizing it only showed one side of a journey and to be fair, I feel like the fact that this isn't a black and white decision (which I believed) really should have been raised. I BELIEVED you were born in the wrong body they same way people are born gay.. or with brown eyes, blond hair, short or tall. Not anything you had control over. Thank you for sharing your story and for making me want to learn more so I can have a greater understanding of other people's struggles that are different from mine. I wish you nothing but good things and that you find a place of peace.
@EM-cg4iy 3 жыл бұрын
Watson, I very much hope this isn’t the last we hear from you on KZbin. I want to address something. You sound as if you have no idea how beautiful you are. Now, I absolutely don’t want you to think for a second that I believe that that is the most important feature in a woman. Indeed, I have loved you since Yorick days when I had no idea what you looked like. It was your mind that fascinated me. The incisive way you express yourself. This is the MOST important thing about you and I very much hope you keep sharing it with us. Maybe through writing? If you wrote a book for sure I would buy it! But I also want you to understand that even a straight woman such as myself can see that you are physically gorgeous too. What a rare mind. What a beautiful woman. Please come back here and update us! I’ve been following you for years now. But not stalking, mind. Cheers!
@genevievemorgan7821 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree. I am straight but I always appreciate beauty in other women. I first saw Sinead bring interviewed by Benjamin Boyce and was immediately struck by her physical beauty But she would be enchanting even if she wasn't: she draws you in with her personality, intellect and gorgeous voice.
@Genderwang 3 жыл бұрын
@@genevievemorgan7821 I agree with you both. I didn’t realise you were Yorick, Sinead. I only came across Yorick when someone else re-uploaded the videos after you deleted them. They were very helpful when I was first trying to get my head around what the hell was going on.
@radar_radar 2 жыл бұрын
I third that sentiment. I'm also a straight woman. You are a refreshing intelligent person. Doesn't matter to me what you wear or what's underneath. You have something important to debate and we want to keep hearing it ❤️
@Fiona2254 Жыл бұрын
I agree that she’s beautiful. She doesn’t look like a man at all! It’s only her voice that’s odd. Watson: be strong and keep on keeping on, you are important and beautiful.
@kareno728 3 жыл бұрын
I like* (not sure if like is the right word) hearing you talk about your experiences Watson even though it seriously hurts my heart to hear what you went through. You have such an important voice and it needs to be heard, especially by mental health professionals. I’ve tried sharing on psychologist forums but have always been shut down. Please know some of us most definitely agree with you about the need for exploratory therapy and addressing trauma and other issues, even if that hasn’t been your (and so many others’) experience so far.
@butitissinandkillsthesoul5122 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder that the word you may be looking for is "appreciate". It is hard stuff to hear and not "likeable" b/c of that, but it needs to be heard. I, and I am sure many many others, appreciate the courage being shown to stand up and say what must be said.
@anwensretroarchive9768 3 жыл бұрын
Trauma would be addressed before any form of gender treatment, they won't even treat the gd without treating the other issues first. I don't believe this "story" one bit.
@jvee8489 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! Your views are so valuable.
@DosYeobos 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! Especially because she used to be on the other side!
@blueyedlady 2 жыл бұрын
You have a lot to say and it's important! My 18 year old daughter is constantly online, an amazing artist so posting on tumblr, deviant art, etc...and over the last year, unbeknownst to us, started questioning gender. She secured a session with a LGBTQ therapist when her regular one wasn't available, and after 1 single session, her appearance changed literally overnight. It's been 2 weeks and she's wearing trans underwear that creates the bulge in the pants, shaved the sides of her head but is ready to cut the rest off, wears a binder, and all boy clothes, cologne, etc.....she's alternated between girly & tomboy in her teens but just last month went shopping for a bridesmaid dress (and picked one out & paid for it) for her sister's wedding and now she's suddenly in the throes of thinking this is her true path. She now says she's "always known to some extent"....again, news to everyone that knows her. I wish she'd watch your video but she won't. Totally indoctrinated and I'm so lost on what to do :( Thank you for making this video!!! Make more! Keep talking. Your words are so important!!!
@wennmichelle 5 ай бұрын
I know this is years old, but genuinely curious about how all of this turned out.🙏
@blueyedlady 5 ай бұрын
@@wennmichelle We got lucky. She desisted. We have our daughter back and I hope & pray that never changes! I wish you all the best and thanks for touching base.
@wennmichelle 5 ай бұрын
@@blueyedlady Incredibly happy to hear this update! God bless you and your family!♥︎🙏♥︎
@blueyedlady 5 ай бұрын
@@wennmichelle Thank you!!!
@howiseeit5129 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to see detransitioned people getting together to stop this.they are the only ones to have a strong enough voice to change the actions of the doctors.
@judekirk519 2 жыл бұрын
Not just the doctors; Politicians, Media, Universities, Lawyers all need to get a grip & take note.
@Somegirl51 2 жыл бұрын
The only way....
@UpsideDownWorld 2 жыл бұрын
here here to that
@kathleenking47 9 ай бұрын
I'm hoping, girls who detrans will be able to get their voices back
@beverleyparkin7508 Жыл бұрын
What an extraordinary, articulate and intelligent woman! Heartbreaking that she has gone through so much pain in her life but her clarity and insight are astonishing.
@LLuckkyy 11 ай бұрын
@conniegmarkie6599 3 жыл бұрын
I loved the video. Your rage is palpable and justified. I have the upmost respect for you. Your voice is so important. Please keep talking.
@normanshadow1 3 жыл бұрын
This has to be the most powerful video I've seen this year.
@saimraja2119 Жыл бұрын
@pixylips 3 жыл бұрын
Hey dear, I thought I’d share with ya, I’m a woman. And my hairline has been receding slowing since I was 22. When I hit 30 I started growing a beard. My hormones have been tested twice. All normal, it’s just who I am. I know these issues have a catalyst for you but the happen to ladies with out T as well. Welcome too our sh*tty club, XX only 💋
@aboycalledfish 3 жыл бұрын
I have a really good friend with PCOS and she has been growing a beard pretty much her entire life. Women have a lot of diversity, it's more than just about having an ideal feminine appearance.
@carmelmulroy6459 3 жыл бұрын
Make sure you are not pulling your hair too tight especially in the front. You probably aren't but I was braiding my hair too tight.
@mikedrop4421 3 жыл бұрын
Don't fret, I think chicks look hot with a buzzed head so if it ever bothers you just whack it off.. I know I'm not alone in my opinion. Also if the facial hair bothers you there are plenty of ways to remove it more permanently. If it doesn't bother you even better
@kazakia1342 2 жыл бұрын
Your hormones are not normal. Go and see a traditional Chinese medical practitioner they know a lot about women’s health western medicine doesn’t know shit
@RinpochesRose 2 жыл бұрын
I bet you’re still a beautiful woman 🙂✨
@katieandnick4113 3 жыл бұрын
I’m actually starting to think that, even if kids are taken in to see a therapist for non gender related issues, like depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, eating disorders, etc., they may be pushed towards a gender dysphoria diagnosis. I’m a mom, and I’d be very worried about that, especially with my daughters.
@nicksanders9148 3 жыл бұрын
i am pro LGBT+ but now is the best time to tell them about Jesus so they will have his friendship to help them through life.
@scorpionformula 3 жыл бұрын
Yes and if you don't go with this ideology then you will be classed as the neglectful parent and probably forced child removal even though they are the one pushing psychological abuse .... Giving children castration DRUGS ... If a person with body dysphoria asked a surgeon for liposuction because they believed they were overweight but actually they were underweight.. that surgery would not be taking place..!!!!!!! This is an attack on reproduction and part of pushing the sterilisation programme ...
@iownadodge7081 3 жыл бұрын
Katie and Nick, It’s an unbelievably enormous, extremely well-funded ($$$$) INDUSTRY, so yeah, anyone w/ any “medical” power can and likely WILL recruit/ groom kids. Definitely. You are a good mom to beware of ALL grooming possibilities!! 👍❤️⭐️
@HkFinn83 3 жыл бұрын
It’s highly unlikely that a kid presenting OCD symptoms is going to be advised to have a sex change lmao
@user-tn4fk2nq5g 3 жыл бұрын
@@HkFinn83 yeah that was a little dramatic, anxiety and depression is the more likely one cause it could be mistaken for dysphoria
@ReenieG1UK 3 жыл бұрын
I am a Gender Critical Commentator and I became tearful listening to you. My heart feels for you..This whole idea of affirming ‘therapy’ is so wrong. Abigail Shrier has written a book in response to the growing number of girls suddenly claiming to be transgender in recent years which confirms everything you have said. You would make a great counsellor for children and adults. I wish you all the very best. You are blessed to have a supportive partner, family and friends.❤️
@keeley2798 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this and for being so candid. You mentioned social media in passing which got my attention - I've got some very strong feelings on that point from my own perspective. I'm a 35yo female and lucky that I went through my teens and young adulthood before social media reached me. I was an adult when I watched the new gender ideology incubate itself on Tumblr during 2012-2016. I know I would have leapt on the term non-binary as a kid to give myself some defense against the bullying I was getting in school for being, as my classmates put it, a 'hairy lesbo' or a 'man' though I was neither. If I'd been born later into the climate of gender ideology as it exists today, I would almost certainly have been encouraged at some point to transition by the community. However, this was never about the rights of trans or gender non-conforming people, or if so only as a side effect. It was about middle aged heterosexual males getting to safely infiltrate spaces which young women liked to inhabit online through the use of child-like (and therefore seemingly harmless) Bronyism, furry personas, and roleplay on Tumblr or places like deviant art and private forums. These men masked behind personas of young teen girls and used debate around trans activism as a shield whenever outed or challenged for the violent or misogynistic pornographic content in their fanfics, fanart, or general behaviour. This is the ugly side of the community which goes completely uncommented now that the debate has migrated outwards from places like Tumblr.
@ktwashere5637 3 жыл бұрын
I sometimes wonder if a large portion of the "trans" community are actual incels using trans as cover to attack women. When someone is online you have no idea who they really are.
@ma_sabella00 3 жыл бұрын
oh they most definitely are. Most of them are merely autogynephiles.
@JonKUhlerLPC 2 жыл бұрын
You are 100% spot on!
@mugenjie 2 жыл бұрын
Of course trans activists love nothing more than to state this is all anecdotal evidence and no published peer-reviewed studies can confirm this is the case... well like duh, of course not! Technology has drastically and immeasurably altered societal methods of interaction, with forms evolving rapidly and organically with countless unforeseen and unintended consequences, in ways we'll only ever be aware of through corroborated anecdotal evidence after the fact. Only a fraction ever becomes mainstream news, and even less studied academically. Lisa Littman attempted to shed a light on a noticeable recent trend, which actual detransitioners can confirm they experienced, but she, along with the detransitioners, were rubbished and silenced, as if simply dismissing ROGD as a quacky diagnosis based on flawed methodology is sufficient to prove the concept itself doesn't exist. The number of recent detranisitioners alone with similar experiences highlights the difference between 'traditional' gender dysphoria (persisting from early childhood) and ROGD (not a medical diagnosis, but just a concise term for encapsulated understanding).
@joydiefarley 3 жыл бұрын
Shine on Sinead. ❤️ The holy ramblings of a righteous woman.
@Nehanda 3 жыл бұрын
That was great, kept me company while I'm dying my hair, I vote keep them unscripted! Felt like I was chatting with a friend and was a really enjoyable watch. Thanks for sharing ❤
@MarciaMatthews 3 жыл бұрын
The end game is breaking down children’s boundaries for p. doze.
@milkglassfairy7641 2 жыл бұрын
And making a boatload of money in the process… and sterilise children.
@TheMaraki2 3 жыл бұрын
You are a very brave, articulate young women. Your story has touched my heart, and brought a wee tear to my eye. Please do continue broadcasting your views, you are teaching us a lot. Be proud.
@bornwithoutconsentobviously 3 жыл бұрын
Well, let's just say "hashtag" relatable on so many levels. There are more and more of us coming out these days. I now know 4 people in person and three of them have detransitioned or are detransitioning and one person is seriously considering it. Trans people might want to keep silencing us forever but one day that won't work anymore. More and more of us are starting to speak out and that's amazing. We have that right and deserve to do so. Trans people are legit, valid and are ofcourse open to talk about their experiences. There's no doubt about that. But so are we and we shouldn't be silenced by them or anyone else. And we should stand for that. Thanks for speaking out. You are very well spoken and its easy for me to understand as someone who English is not their first language. Please keep on making videos and hopefully you won't dissapear from youtube because I see a lot of detransitioners are starting to be afraid to talk about their experiences because of the backlash and then they disable their comments first, then their videos and then dissapearing of the internet. No more, no more.
@devlincolleen 3 жыл бұрын
This is very powerful. I watched your interview with Benjamin Boyce and I follow you on Twitter. I can't say anything much more than that I can't even say how much I appreciate what you do. It's so important people hear you and others who can speak so intimately and intelligently and passionately about this. Thank you.
@lindaguthrie7812 3 жыл бұрын
I hope more young people get the chance to hear you speak about your experience and insight, I love your chosen delivery style
@MissKae_85 2 жыл бұрын
The fear of not finding a life partner by the way transcends gender identity. I’m a 36yo hetero woman and not married. I have friends who are older and haven’t found partners. But because most of my friends are living happily ever after with their partners and children , it gives me anxiety sometimes, because it’s something I want. But when that comes up I remind myself to be true to myself. And know that I’m having a full human experience regardless of how I think things should go. And I live in that moment. It’s not easy. But it’s life.
@frazzleface753 2 жыл бұрын
You are an important voice that so many people need to hear. 🙏 The live social experimentation being pushed on society is horrifying. Thank you so much for speaking up about your experiences and perspectives. When you talk about your transitioning and detransitioning you are doing critically essential work that we need now more than ever. The anger and frustration you're communicating is the most authentic I have heard. (I hate the word 'authentic' at this point due to its overuse, but it is so very clearly true in this case). You're giving detrans people hope for the future by showing them that, yes, there is life and love after. 🙏
@bestany5517 3 жыл бұрын
You may be rambling, but it’s all poignant and incredibly important. Things that need to be said. Thank you for helping us to understand.
@bestany5517 3 жыл бұрын
Just got to the end. You covered so much. You are a gem.
@lorrainemiller7998 3 жыл бұрын
What an amazingly brave and honest ‘ramble’ I’ve shared this on my fb incase there are any parents in this situation.. Even if it helps one family it’s worth it.. Thank you so much ❤️❤️
@kimdavid4406 3 жыл бұрын
You are beautiful, inside and out. Your voice is so important!! When my daughter came to me at about 15, out of the blue, sobbing that she thought she was a boy on the inside, I was stunned!! I was always, and still am, a huge Tomboy (thank heavens this wasn't an issue way back then because I know I would've been very confused). My daughter wasn't like that. This came out of left field and I didn't know where to turn. I was afraid of taking her to counseling because of exactly what you are talking about. I just told her we'd get through it together and that was pretty much it. The only step she took was she told her friend that she thought she might be a boy and then she bought a couple of boy shirts, which she never wore. Now she is 22 and has a boyfriend and is happy who she is. It's this environment that you are speaking of!! That year the Homecoming King (if you know what that is in America) was a trans boy. Please continue to speak out. What's happening to our children is wrong.
@saimraja2119 Жыл бұрын
@Anna161170 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experiences and frustrations. Your honesty is so necessary at this point in time when the situation seems to be spiralling out of control. I love listening to you and you look great.
@rj1449 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for coming forward and talking about all that you have experienced with this. It’s so much to go through and I feel for all the kids being pressured today. I’ve noticed they have changed the psych field. There aren’t many psychologists and there are many “therapists” and I have noticed how they expect those of us in medical to confirm and use pronouns. Yet I see how many are simply people who have been abused or bullied and just want to be accepted by others and the “alphabet” group does that…. Accepts them…But like you said, they shun you when you change your mind so they really weren’t true friends and that can feel crushing for individuals are suffering with a low self-esteem already. I’m praying for the children and for the parents to get help and to wake up to what’s really at hand with this before making decisions That are irreversible as you pointed out so well in your video.
@alexgibson2871 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. Incredible that we’ve gone from don’t talk to strangers / men in cars etc to this current situation within a short time.
@LisaMichele 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your eloquent words and for your perspective and for adding your voice to those exposing this insidious and scandalous abuse of the medical industry. Looking forward to hearing more from you - stay strong.
@maxineallen5673 3 жыл бұрын
It is lovely to come here and hear you talk after getting abuse from TRAs on other video comments sections. For trying to ask reasonable questions, or explain that not all women think trans women are women, I get labelled terf. I had to remind myself which side of this argument looks and sounds reasonable and sane when questioning whether I was actually a horrible person for caring about women's rights and children. Thank you for doing this when I know it is putting yourself in a position to receive much worse vitriol than I do. I wish the whole topic could be discussed rationally but apparently not by some. BTW you sound wonderful.
@johndonnelly6706 3 жыл бұрын
you're gold.
@Hebiscus998 3 жыл бұрын
I cannot comprehend the abuse that is happening. Thank you for this video and for your honesty and bravery.
@sarahsuze7742 3 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate your anger! People are not brave enough to get upset about these issues that have such devastating consequences for young people. People need the anger honestly.
@caleyhook4091 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Stay strong sending peace, love, and a fuckload of respect 💗
@coffeehound1887 3 жыл бұрын
You are amazing. What you endured is shocking. People need to listen to you.
@hope9935 3 жыл бұрын
You are such an intelligent woman. I listen to you in awe. I have never had the critical thinking skills that you have and you’re so much younger and have been through so much. You should be proud of the person you’ve become. X
@emcon4130 2 жыл бұрын
Articulate, insightful and brave. Thank you for sharing your story and speaking honestly with common sense. It's worrying how badly people are being failed by professionals not thoroughly exploring the 'why' behind someone's gender dysphoria or properly explaining the irreversible changes of medications etc before starting this treatment. The penny has surely got to drop soon, calm reason, common sense and science can't be ignored forever.
@iownadodge7081 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! Thank you for sharing your experiences, your sincerity and for educating others. 🙌 My brother had serious mental health issues & literally overnight, got recruited into the “Trans” movement. NONE of his mental health /health issues were properly addressed. There was NO real therapy & no “wait”, over any significant period of time before being immediately put on testosterone blockers, female hormones, given breast implantation surgery & put on track for facial feminization surgeries/ tracheal shave/ facelift/ etc., etc., directed towards penile-inversion surgery. He told me he did NOT want genital surgery, but that he was “being pressured into it”! We were greatly concerned, but as he was a grown adult, we could only offer our love, advice (when asked) & support. Long story short: He decided he was gay or maybe bi. After looking in the mirror, he immediately deeply regretted facial feminization surgery & wished to de-transition then. He faced sexuality confusion, identity confusion, anxiety, depression, mania, eating disorders, addiction and other difficulties. For INQUIRING about de- transitioning, he lost all his friends, support system, health providers, and the entire “Trans” family/fan club. Overnight. This was devastating to him. He was then found murdered. His death was labeled a “suicide” due to the Gender Clinic recording his recited, seemingly mandatory “I need surgery or I’ll die” utterances. The Clinic has this on their forms. They ask you this every single visit. They even recite it when you phone in. It’s a part of the indoctrination. The T community is a cult. You either are “with” them or it will destroy you. For all young people, anyone in need of a therapist and parents of kids: Don’t go ANYWHERE NEAR “Gender Clinic” or ‘gender affirming’-friendly medical personnel, especially psychiatrists/therapists! ☠️☠️☠️
@christinedellen2222 3 жыл бұрын
What a wonderfully sensitive and articulate young woman. Not rambling at all. I'm so glad you have the love and support of family and friends.
@beckyenglish4783 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Watson. Just found your video - was going to just “dip in”, but stayed until the end. Keep doing what you’re doing - it’s so important.
@nifferwolf 2 жыл бұрын
"I'll come back to that in a minute, I've just remembered something else that pisses me off" You sound like me ranting at my partner, haha. The way the medical professionals are now dealing with kids is terrifying. Those poor kids getting pushed in a direction they may not need to go.
@saraharrison2337 3 жыл бұрын
Your ramble has meant so much to me tonight. Lots of respect for you & what you’ve been through. You’re very brave to share your views & I thank you so much for it!
@swhite5840 3 жыл бұрын
You're an incredibly bright and articulate person.
@dulminidharmapala1819 3 жыл бұрын
I admire you so much for the fact that you are actively raising awareness to protect the young ones. I just.. admire you so much for talking out loud regarding this issue. Thank you so, so much. I wish you and yours all the very best!
@oceanstaiga5928 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience, as a trans man myself I strongly feel that voices like yours need to be heard and acknowledged way more.
@hamishallan4723 2 жыл бұрын
If only I were half as coherent when I am at my best, as you are when “rambling”! Thank you for sharing your experiences. I would love to hear more of your thoughts on social media and social contagion.
@happytrails699 3 жыл бұрын
God the whole world has been turned upside down. I completely agree with you.
@verarose6003 3 жыл бұрын
This was an excellent, honest and eye opening talk that I really hope many others can watch. You covered so many topics and it was fascinating to listen. Wishing you the best in your life, and thank you speaking up about your experience, and giving such rational advise to others who are thinking about transitioning.
@fionamacdonald8363 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. I'm very glad it wasn't scripted. Some of the issues you've highlighted are so concerning and yet there still isn't a huge public outcry. The Scottish Government is complicit and as far as I know hasn't changed anything at the Sandyford. What I think is wonderful is as well as an honest assessment of your experience you also give hope for a better future. I feel angry about what's happening and can't understand why other people aren't. I believe you're right this will be another huge scandal which people will look back on. I for one will remember every person and organisation that stayed silent.
@mollyf8710 3 жыл бұрын
So good to see you uploading!! Hope you’re well :)
@adelainenash1574 2 жыл бұрын
Sublime delivery, articulate & measured ( despite not being scripted). Thank you so much for sharing these huge insights. The advice for those with transitioning or questioning loved ones, children & older, is invaluable. You should have you’re own 60 minutes programme with you presenting. You’re a wonderful woman for taking the time and energy to advise & warn so carefully and understandingly.
@KotoriOnWheels 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you thank you for speaking out! I'm a medical provider who was working in Portland Oregon for 6 years. I had to stop because I could not take the parents (usually a mom and a mom) bringing a little child in, sometimes as young as a year-and-a-half, and telling me that this child was the opposite gender of the one that it was born with and that I was to treat that child that way. Children at that age do not know what gender they want to be they also don't know if they want to be human! Sometimes they want to be kitty cats. I was so disgusted with these parents I couldn't stay in Portland any longer.
@fifimac2007 2 жыл бұрын
Omg are you serious? Dangerous dangerous people the poor kid
@KotoriOnWheels 2 жыл бұрын
@@fifimac2007 yes, it was a common occurrence.
@seanledden4397 3 жыл бұрын
Always happy to see a new video from you! - The new controversy about children seeing kink at Pride Parades reminds me of Harry Hay. A trail-blazing gay rights advocate that I admire in many ways, he also championed NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association. He supported NAMBLA having a presence at (what was then called) Gay Pride Parades. Yikes. Parade organizers did the right thing by banning that group from parades. And now that I'm re-visiting Hay and his career I have to note that he was a communist and an "anti-racist." The lead photo on his Wikipedia page shows him in later life wearing a man's jacket and a woman's skirt. Then it was called "gender f@ck," now it's called non-binary. I think this shows a striking degree of historical consistency in the Far Left, which seems to revolve around destroying differences in the name of achieving some kind of radical equality.
@carlabreyatnia6264 2 жыл бұрын
I love listening to you. You are so eloquent and well-formulated, not to mention intelligent in your thoughts.
@carlabreyatnia6264 2 жыл бұрын
(I love listening to you, I am borderly having a crush on you)
@TheCyanideMonster 3 жыл бұрын
Been following you on Twitter for a hot minute, I found you after moving to Scotland myself - And I just wanna say you speak sooo fucking eloquently and I love it. Also I lowkey love your face, you remind me so much of an elf and I'm here for it
@CompostOracle 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!! I had mega issues with being "female" throughout my tweens and teens and was convinced that there was something wrong with me to the point where I was openly discussing my feelings of intense woe and constant discomfort that I felt to the very core of my being with friends and fam and was absolutely sure I was "in the wrong body". I just never fitted in with what being a female is supposed to be and felt utterly repulsed by all that being female brings and due to my tender years I thought it must of been because I didn't belong to my body. It wasn't until my mid 20's that I realised my problem was my relationship with the "feminine" and not being "female" in itself. So, I needed to heal my perception of what being female is and find my place within the realms of the feminine. This has taken ALOT of self work and therapy. Delighted you touched on this.
@jraven4994 2 жыл бұрын
I relate to this. I raised my children gender neutral. Gender roles are causing transitioning to be pushed in my opinion... I saw this coming years ago.
@kevindwan 3 жыл бұрын
Much power to you, your experience will help many others through their own pain. Much love 🙏❤️
@WellImNuts 3 жыл бұрын
This was a very good ramble.
@proyouservicesltd3652 3 жыл бұрын
What a ramble ! I hung on her every word.
@marianbrooke6728 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to share this with us- we need your voice so please keep posting ☺️
@chrissalisbury9193 2 жыл бұрын
You are so amazing to do this and I feel so sorry that this whole situation has left you out on your own when you should have been helped with with your condition at such a young age 😞
@deborahhamilton6327 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Sinead. A much needed sweary voice of reason! Fellow Scot here, starting psychotherapy training later this year so I'd be keen to hear more from you on the therapeutic needs of young people considering transition as well as the needs of people who've detransitionered. What are the gaps and how could services begin to fill them? Currently based in primary care team. Would love to chat with you sometime.
@shireenmcquade1951 3 жыл бұрын
I love you, Watson. Your compassion, kindness, sense of justice, and remarkable bravery touch me to the core.
@theaansel8738 3 жыл бұрын
So natural and flowing this is your style don't change. This is so educational, did not know about the permanent effects of the hormones. You are so right about the backlash when the enormity of this scandal is fully realised. How is the medical establishment allowed to carry out this irreversible experimentation on children, what happened to "First do no harm".
@grandmamma 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. I wish you happiness and peace! My heart breaks for so many children, teens, and young adults who can't get the help they truly need.
@clairerobinson7487 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Sinead! I first saw you on @BenjaminABoyce channel and I thought you were very impressive. You have a calm and eloquent way of delivering such important information on all this f*ck uppery that is happening to young, vulnerable people. Thank you so much. As a Mum in my 50s with a teenage daughter, I try and keep abreast of all these issues to be as informed as I can be. This video was far from rambling. You are a strong, amazing, gorgeous young woman. Sending ❤ to you from Sydney🇦🇺😊
@karens5904 3 жыл бұрын
You are just gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing from your heart. I found this very comforting. I have a niece who suddenly decided she was trans at the age of 12. She went on blockers and now 3 years later she's on hormones. She was always such a pretty little girly girl. The family are all like deer, staring into the headlights, too afraid to say a thing. Me included, but it haunts me terribly. We are all just watching as this beautiful young girl marches forward with the support of her parents because they are petrified she will 'kill' herself if she doesn't get what she wants. We cannot say a thing because we are then considered transphobes.
@josweetlove1537 3 жыл бұрын
Karen S. Satan is real. He has come to kill, steal and destroy. Pray like you have never prayed before. Find your Creator. Now !!!
@anwensretroarchive9768 3 жыл бұрын
For the person it is never sudden, y'all just weren't paying attention. Just support her and move on.
@SoozUK 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like he's living his authentic life, why not just support him and if he chooses to detransition (around 1% of trans people detransition) you'll be there to support that too.
@diannaw3034 2 жыл бұрын
This was extremely educational! Thank you for your honesty .. frankness and forthright approach to sharing your thoughts and your story. I have to say I agreed with everything you stated. I am so glad you are putting this information out there. Like you have stated.. there are so many people considering transitioning.. who need to know these things.. and also the public needs to be informed that the transitioning process in the medical field is very flawed and needs to be changed immediately. So I applaud you on being brave and speaking out on these issues. You are very articulate and this was extremely informative. Thank you for posting this video!
@lelesmurf._. 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking to us about your story, it must be hard. Gender-affirmative therapy is doing so much damage, this is a medical scandal.
@Somegirl51 2 жыл бұрын
Then, why are we letting it happen to our children?
@theesikstee.fawr.doler.kwe9585 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sure it's a profitable business for many. Psychiatrist's must be in high demand too. It's got to be a nightmare to be caught up in the mass mind fuck.
@Tonnesoflostthoughts 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, it was very informative. I'm glad you are doing better now. By the way, I love your accent!
@emmiebl6605 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Watson! I find your ‘ramblings’ the least rambly things I’ve heard in a long time. Thankyou for your important voice - please keep speaking, your experiences will be key to helping young people escape this horrible ideology
@intrepidape2724 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your honesty and your input. It's amazing to think that anyone might 'dislike' a video of someone 'bearing their soul' and personal pain in such a frank, lucid and well measured manner. Very happy I found your channel. :)
@belove751 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your perspective. This is so important. I saw you on Benjamin Boyce’s channel first and instantly liked you. It’s so hard to believe we’d ever get to a place that adults would stop fighting for Children’s rights to appease a group of mentally ill adults… and actively support the grooming of children by allowing the mentally ill adults to spew their propaganda to kids in schools, no less. 🤦🏻‍♀️ we have to speak up.
@parisp6629 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Watson, I absolutely am mesmerized by your eloquent speech, Integrity, Brilliant mind, Passion to help others despite the travesty has been done to you. Not a moment of boredom in your “ rambling”. I loved & enjoyed every minute of it. You absolutely should write a book & if it’s safe for you, go to big social media channel so you can SAVE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF KIDS before they be forced by tsunami of force by the system to change their gender instead of treating their mental issues. I have tremendous love 💕 & respect for you and you are also very beautiful.
@elena7834 2 жыл бұрын
You're looking prettier every time I see you 🥺 thank you for your voice, for your story and message, and your vulnerability. Much love! ♡♡
@gliu0567 2 жыл бұрын
God bless all of you here! Thanks for the insight and I applaud all of your courage. I pray my 22 yr old daughter Jessica comes back to us!! She's a pilot and will be a captain later this year!! Just hurts
@katherinesummerlin4006 3 жыл бұрын
I throughly enjoyed listening to your “ramblings” and would like to hear more… I think you and your story are important and helpful to everyone! Don’t edit etc bc the way you speak about these topics and your point of view is fantastic! Thank you for your message! Best wishes to you!
@nannyogg257 3 жыл бұрын
You are an important voice.thank you for this ❤️
@user-yw3qo8cn2h 3 жыл бұрын
This was really insightful, Watson. Thanks for sharing your experiences. P.s. I love your gorgeous Scottish accent
@sallymillar3878 3 жыл бұрын
Perfect. So clear, so illuminating, so valuable. Thank you.
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