According to Karma siddhanta one has to reap what one sows. One's Freewill leads to actions and words, they in turn make one’s own karma. This accrued karma must be resolved in order to reach the goal of mukti or moksha. If karma is not resolved then atman takes up another body (janma) and starts a new life cycle all over. Thus birth -> death -> birth cycle continues until mukti is attained. The Upanishads say that God is Brahman and It is neither male nor female, god has no form or gender. Advaita (non-dualism) asserts It is everywhere, in everything and everything is in It. Dvaita (dualism) school of philosophy says God is separate from the Sristi (creation or cosmos). The deities we see are prati rupams, mere representations of the Brahman to serve as conduits to focus on during puja (dhyana or meditation). Unlike some faiths which admonish and condemn non adherents to eternal hell, Hinduism applies its karma siddhanta to all sentient beings without any discrimination. There is no original sin, no Satan and there is no permanent hell. Almighty will not create something he can not control. Supreme being will not remain punitive with the eternal hell fire punishment to us. Because Brahman is very loving and graceful. One gets many chances to resolve accrued karma..'Sarvejana sukhino bhavantu' means may all live happily. ‘Vasudhaiva kutumbhakam (google)’ means all universe in one big family are the popular slogans of the religion.