Reacting To Your INSANE Woke Situations

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Misha Petrov

Misha Petrov

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@lovetolovefairytales 8 ай бұрын
I literally let an old woman call me "Amy" because for some reason that's what she kept doing. My name is NOT Amy, its ABBY, but it really wasn't that big a deal. It wasn't disrespectful. She was an old lady and probably a little deaf. It didn't kill me or change my identity to be AMY for the twenty minutes or so we talked. People are such oversensitive babies these days. A man i know literally threw a whiny temper tantrum because i said I didn't like his best friend, like we were in high school; I'm in my thirties, the doofus his fifties. Where did all the adults in this world go?
@Kasia237 6 ай бұрын
As an Abi I also get called Amy a lot not just by old people, it’s not a big deal.
@christinadodd5780 4 ай бұрын
My name is Christina, but I get called Christine a lot. It used to irritate me, but I never said anything about it. Now, I don't care.
@PeterParker-ff7ub 3 ай бұрын
a woman calls me josh
@KaoruAcevedo 7 күн бұрын
@ididntaskyouropinion 6 күн бұрын
❤ i used to get called a Jessica a lot. My brother went by Jesse and people would assume im Jessica. Not even close. I guess i look as pretty as a Jessica does❤ thats how I took it.
@QueenieEileenie 8 ай бұрын
When I was pregnant my 1st pre-natal provider asked for my consent to do the exam. Why would I be there if I wasn’t going to consent? It was so weird. She also had a rainbow pin. I changed providers before we got into a fight over the gender reveal appointment. I had to leave my therapist because when I told him I was excited to be having a daughter he told me not to get too excited because I don’t know what gender she will actually end up being.
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
Aren’t therapists supposed to be rational..?
@QueenieEileenie 8 ай бұрын
@@cincinnati4391 you’d think lol. He has a non-binary child and a trans child so I guess he assumed I’d also be a failure as a parent.
@dominic.h.3363 8 ай бұрын
@@QueenieEileenie "so I guess he assumed I’d also be a failure as a parent" Comment of the year so far! :D
@dizzywow 8 ай бұрын
@@cincinnati4391 These days, absolutely not.
@Stephanie_12345 8 ай бұрын
Medical professionals can be mentally ill too. Physicians, Therapist stay away from them if you feel they are political partisan...
@robertmarshall2502 8 ай бұрын
I've been told J K Rowling is transphobic by 200+ ppl online. Not one can quote anything in her essay that is transphobic. Everything she wrote in it about prisons and affirmative care was spot on and hopefully we are starting to turn back the tide.
@sovietunion7643 8 ай бұрын
even south park which was liberal as hell back in its heyday was making fun of hollywood junk so if the super hippie south park people are making fun of it imagine how pissed off moderates are
@sophiacalon3463 8 ай бұрын
She never said anything transphobic, that’s why they can’t quote her. She stated facts and some people cannot take that
@robertmarshall2502 8 ай бұрын
@@sophiacalon3463 That's why when I see someone use the word "dogwhistle" nowadays I go and read what the person actually said. It seems to mean "inconvenient truth that affects the holy word of trans" (or insert other ideology). These are the same ppl who think "I'm not going to read that" means they are right and should win a prize.
@valeriavitale1290 8 ай бұрын
For them “not wanting men self-identifying as women in women only spaces (like prisons)” is “transphobic”.
@SesameR7sh 8 ай бұрын
Mischa, "mankind" really is old-fashioned. Humankind is more like it. If you think this is woke, it isn't. It's just sense. If we are going to use one gender then let's have "womankind" as woman contains man. No? Why not?
@AppStateWaifu 8 ай бұрын
I’ll never understand this BS of “open relationships” 🤦🏻‍♀️
@SombreroPharoah 8 ай бұрын
It boggles me people are normalising it. Its not a relationship at all if its open, it's roommate with benefits. Esp in the gay world, our dating pools are dire where their so effin woke, but then there's also the fact is I. Worth the time to bother If they're just going to want to open it. Adultery with extra BS Imo.
@FTChomp9980 8 ай бұрын
Look what happened to Destiny he is proof that Open Relationships and Polyamorous Relationships do not work no matter what moron says it doesn't work.
@laurenorourke2442 8 ай бұрын
An Open relationship is just a friendlier way of both partners saying “I want to sleep with a ton of people without fully committing to them”
@zerotodona1495 8 ай бұрын
@@SombreroPharoahthat’s cause being gay is about lust and domination. There’s no love in it.
@Stormcloakvictory 8 ай бұрын
​@@xXSweetieBubblesXx because that's absolutely what it is.
@angmori172 8 ай бұрын
"Bleach demon" sounds metal as fuck, I'm gonna refer to myself as that from now on
@simplicityd8703 8 ай бұрын
Conspiracy: bleach demon is a secret advertising campaign from Mr clean
@Volundur9567 8 ай бұрын
​@@simplicityd8703it's for ultra strong toilet bowl cleaner.
@darklordsauron3415 8 ай бұрын
For real. New term unlocked.
@adhgoodes9349 8 ай бұрын
year it sounds like come try f .. with me and see .. let´s make a club , the bleach demon gang and get some hotties and stuff , we are born racist so let´s have some fun as mayonnaise monsters , uhh we need a jingle 🎶
@shqip_sumejja 7 ай бұрын
@@adhgoodes9349 bro uses the KZbin emojis
@perfect12386 8 ай бұрын
You don't "embrace" mental health problems. You deal with them. They are not an excuse for bad behaviour and being lazy. I've delt with depression and anxiety since my teens. Possibly have undiagnosed ADHD. I'm learning how to hack my brain to do the things that are hard and deal with my emotional disregulation. I've used a combination of medication and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy over the years. It's really hard, but I'm no quitter. I refuse to be a victim.
@Nauticalhighseas 7 ай бұрын
Same, I refuse the victimisation.
@DannyDevitoOffical-TrustMeBro 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. These self-diagnosing people are actually doing so much harm to those of us who have legitimate reasons to ask our providers for help on getting diagnosed. I’m suspected to have ADHD, but not because I exhibit laziness-that’s not ADHD. Brain maps and physical reactions to certain things that are supposed to alter my energy level have made me wonder, on top of having plenty of the more mundane symptoms. Even then, I wouldn’t care enough to go get a diagnosis or talk to providers about this being a potential issue if it wasn’t a plausible cause for my paradoxical insomnia. I asked my sleep specialist if we could look into ADHD treatments because _nothing_ was working, or if he could offer some kind of referral to someone who would know, and he basically brushed me off. I’m a teenager wondering if I have ADHD, because of people like the girl in that post, we aren’t and really can’t be taken seriously.
@AmaryInkawult 2 ай бұрын
We really should start a "Not the Victim" movement to upheave bs lies about those who broke laws and their only excuse was either "teehee, I'm autistic" or "I'm a Aquarium, I get angsty on mondays"
@Cardinal_claw 23 күн бұрын
​@@DannyDevitoOffical-TrustMeBro if you're still looking for treatment, best thing i can recommend is more exercise and practicing sleep hygiene. I'm in the same boat, diagnosed adhd and horrible insomnia and i tend to sleep better after exercise. Sleep hygiene is having at least a vague bedtime and not using your phone in bed so the brain only associates being there with resting.
@inkassosjefen6315 20 күн бұрын
Sometimes embracing and dealing with is kind of the same thing. If you ignorere them to "deal with" them you dont learn anything and the same thing happens again and again. If you embrace them, that could mean actually getting better. It kind of depends on how you use the words. I embrace my illness now, and by that I mean i am very very awear of the fact that if i sleep too little, I get delusions. Earlier i tried to "deal with it" and by that I mean living as a normal person. If I went to bed too late because I was Reading on a test, I thought "well normal people push through so I have to deal with it and just push through too!", and then I got delusions and destroyed my friendships and didnt finish school. Now I would embrace it, and that would look like this: ok, I didnt read enough, but I have to go to bed now because I now know that no matter what I think now, my mind will be different with a huge lack of sleep and doing good on a test wont help me if I get crazy and drop out.
@uumlau 8 ай бұрын
There is no one as closed-minded as those who proclaim how open-minded and tolerant they are.
@SirFailsalot91 8 ай бұрын
Be careful how open-minded you are, otherwise your brain will fall out.
@teamtundra2619 8 ай бұрын
@teamtundra2619 8 ай бұрын
@SirFailsalot91 8 ай бұрын
@@teamtundra2619 basically, if you're willing to accept something somebody says without questioning them, eventually you're going to just accept anything they tell you, no matter how absurd it might be.
@EmotionalParaquat714 8 ай бұрын
ドド ドド ドド ドド ドーサムーワン
@drewmiller5942 8 ай бұрын
As a conservative lesbian, dating is hell lmao and I hate being put into the same pot as all of those woke crazies. The current condition of the lgbt community is sad. And I'm gonna be honest. It all started with the gender bullshit.
@ulforcemegamon3094 8 ай бұрын
I feel like that is the reason why there are groups like "LGB without the T " or "LGB alliance" , the gender bs did SO much damage
@arcadianicpanic7744 8 ай бұрын
Same, I am conservative gay. What they do is conversion therapy. I am gay because I want men, why on earth would I be attracted to a girl who calls herself he him. It's crazy
@amethyst1062 8 ай бұрын
I’m a conservative bi girl
@Valtier_ 8 ай бұрын
I agree! It also feels that if you don't agree with their bs, they treat you as a pariah of the community. I also really hate the amount of hate they tend to give the straight community, and (white) men often get it even worse. They present themselves as tolerant but are the most intolerant people you will even speak to.
@NathalieMelissa 7 ай бұрын
No, it started with bullshit people.
@ro6493 8 ай бұрын
I was at a rehabilitation department of a mental hospital for depression that led to a psychotic episode. It was the first time I literally encountered a blue haired woke girl, who wanted to transition. (I'm not from the states). What I found most disturbing was that the occupational therapists asked everyone to refer to her as "him". So.. my delusions about being someone that I'm not was bad, but for another girl to think that she's a man, which she clearly wasn't - that's fine and everyone should go along with it? It's a freaking mental hospital. They helped me with my delusions and at the same time they reinforce someone else's? Like what the hell was that? I only realized how bizzare this was a while after I got out of there. I didn't think much about wokeism at the time, I just wanted to be nice to others. What happened to "just be yourself", and not caring about what others think? It's like everything turned upside down now, and your identity is now solely based on how others see and call you.. You used to be able to just be a feminine guy or a masculine girl.. now you can't. Thank god I was born in '96, otherwise instead of being a little emo as a teen I'd be a big idiot.
@miskatonic6210 8 ай бұрын
I just love when mentally unstable people publicly judge others and expect validation.
@海苔-k3d 8 ай бұрын
So true. We live in a world where delusions are being appreciated and the truth is forbidden. People can't be themselves anymore, and create dozens of labels instead. It's so much worse now than 20 years ago where subcultures just meant being creative, not changing your orientation and gender identity.
@kyobear5453 8 ай бұрын
Holy shite. 🤯🫨 new fear unlocked. If this happened to me in a mental hospital I wouldn’t know up from down 😂 like “how am I the most sane in this situation?!” 😮. “No mamm that is a man…” 😅 someone would have to up my meds for me to see that. Omg what a horrific situation.
@Loki_stars 8 ай бұрын
I live in in San Francisco and it’s the worst😭 I can’t wait to leave this woke nightmare. I’ve lost multiple friends because my political beliefs. This channel honestly gives me hope that there are normal people somewhere out there
@viktoreisfeld9470 8 ай бұрын
What are you waiting for? Time to go!
@redacted2275 8 ай бұрын
San Francisco is the land of hippie culture... I don’t understand why you would expect anything other than hippie mentality from people there.
@jatbatman 8 ай бұрын
I used to have to go there for my daughter's appointments, now her doctors are in LA. Still bad, but not as bad. I personally could never live in either city though. I'm more of a small town guy anyway. There's definitely way better places with normal people, even here in Corruptifornia. Move to one of the areas that always vote red and you'll see a world of difference.
@FTChomp9980 8 ай бұрын
Come down to Florida more sane people r here.
@ClementineMauvewaffle 8 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry. San Francisco was so amazing when I was growing up and seeing what it’s become is so so tragic. I hope it gets better for you.
@bubblegum5234 8 ай бұрын
Art and English student from Germany here 👋 and I gotta say this combination is where MAANYY of the woke students assemble and I feel out of place. I have a drawing class which is where most stuff happens. 1. This red-haired girl would come to my seat and tell me that she liked my drawing which was nice. I wanted to return a compliment and followed her to her seat and asked some questions about her current drawing which was a full body portrait. So I was like 'oh okay and btw what is she holding in her hand?' und she suddenly screamed 'WHY DOES EVERYONE GENDER MY DRAWING?!?!' and I was like.... It's just a drawing not a person calm tf down. Then one other time several woke students were philosophizing about stealing, more specifically how they would be accepting of people who would food steal out of hunger (which for the most part I can have compassion for as well) but then they went on to say 'well I should be able to steal a little battery or light bulb so my home can be a little lit up to feel a bit of happiness😢' and where wondering where the boundary would be. I said that I would feel compassionate for the hungry & homeless and that I would not necessarily snitch if I saw them stealing in a super market or sth. However I made it clear that I did not agree with stealing at all in general and that there are better ways to get what you need. Especially in Germany where you can get support (donations and financial support by the state). Then this red-haired girl joined the conversation and went so extreme as to say 'well what if I get bullied at school because I don't have this jacket from this specific brand? I should be able to steal it not matter what for my own good'.... I was like.. No that is not a necessity and then she accused me of not allowing other people the same degree of happiness as myself 😂I am not near anywhere rich lol. Needless to say, many woke discussions arise in this drawing class and I always have to bite my tongue not to say out loud that I absolutely disagree with almost everything they say
@ikuaforgetten 7 ай бұрын
It's literally stealing from thieves stealing that jacket anyways.
@Argengy21 7 ай бұрын
As an art student from Brazil, I feel your pain, it's the same thing here 😓
@Twiddle_things 5 ай бұрын
So glad to not be going to art school. There is this girl in my class who is going to art school and she is the definition of a woke drone. She has these fucking preprogrammed responses to everything. In mother tongue class we read a poem about a hard working man who never lost his faith in God despise the dying crops. His wife kept insisting to stop being faithful, but he just worked harder. In the end they were blessed by a supremely bountiful harvest. Moral of the story was to be patient, work hard, and trust in God. The teacher encouraged us to have a discussion and to describe the man. The girl called him stupid. The teacher, dumbfounded, asked why. She said: "putting in 0 effort and expecting for a man in the sky to work for you is stupid. Be responsible for your own success". The teacher was gobsmacked and after a bit of silence said "but he didn't depend on God. He kept working harder and harder!". The girl went silent and didn't respond. Another class we were doing a project on Seitsemän Veljestä (Seven Brothers) and I was assigned to work with that same girl. We were to make a comic on a scene from the book of our choosing. After a while it was my time to colour the comic, and... she hadn't drawn any clothes or line art for that matter. She didn't even clean the sketch! Hesitatingly I told her that we should give them clothes because otherwise they look naked, and the teaher may not liー "There is nothing wrong with nude art" I was confused as all hell. I explaines again that it is a school project that'll go onto the wall for the whole school to see and that the teacher may not like the characters being naked. She shrugged in silence and drew nothing. Eventually she said "look, we'll make the other guy blue. See? Not naked." She has a few piercings and her WhatsApp profile picture is borderline porn. 15 years old and her PFP is a picture of her in nothing but a very low bra revealing her... ehem... cleavage. She never smiles or sounds happy.
@olg7483 3 ай бұрын
Those little communists always want to steal.
@PerfectCell937 Ай бұрын
Please do not get kicked out of art school please man 🙏🙏🙏
@Marabeans 8 ай бұрын
In my first year of university we had a seminar about right-wing politics (I study psychology) i.e they named and shamed Ben Shapiro and Jordan peterson. This proceded with a (one sided) debate about gender netural bathrooms and how if you're a woman and agaisnt trans women in the bathroom it means ur a bigot. I proceeded to state that men have a greater bone structure and muscle mass therefore I would not feel safe. The seminar leader who was a 6ft 7 man stood over me and stated "thats just not true, men dont have those characteristics, youve just made that up.", we then proceeded to argue about the topic. The man was in his late 40's early 50's
@wlodek7422 8 ай бұрын
Huh. I'm suprised your country even has politics included at all into the seminars. I'm doing nursing degree rn and our psychology didn't have any politics in it, it was just practical things we would need to talk to patients etc
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
@@wlodek7422It honestly depends the college. I won’t name where I go, but the Honors program is very woke. The rest of the college is not as woke, and it seems to divide honors and non-honors students. I haven’t taken any psychology classes (I’m a mechanical engineering student..) but I have heard from others it changes depending on what program you or the teacher is from.
@wlodek7422 8 ай бұрын
​@@cincinnati4391huh. Out of curiosity, whats difference between honours program and normal one?
@simonebernacchia5724 8 ай бұрын
@vasyear 8 ай бұрын
Poor you
@noblestsavage1742 8 ай бұрын
"never argue with a stupid person, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" - Mark Twain
@AmaryInkawult 2 ай бұрын
Thats why we must go dumber
@Dandeliontea1893 8 ай бұрын
I had a group of friends who basically disowned me. I was always left-leaning, but apparently some of my opinions are considered conservative now since it’s gotten so extreme. First off, the first time I got Covid, I quarantined for the mandated 10 days and masked 5 days after that… I asked my friends to hangout after completing the quarantine. They said I needed to test negative first. Tests had gotten expensive and I didn’t have money for another, so I said that and that the CDC website states you can test positive for 3 months afterwards, but it’s not contagious after the 10 days… they said I was being too pushy by stating these things, and that my “selfish inconsiderate behavior” was endangering their lives. Fast foreword over a year later, one of the friends (who is also no longer part of the group) said she was uncomfortable with drag because it mocked women. I simply said I saw where she was coming from. I have no problem with modern drag for adults, but it did originate as a minstrel show making fun of working women in Ireland. Anyway, they said my “playing devils advocate” was dangerous. Then I was honest and admit I was mainly uncomfortable with drag for kids, because it’s inappropriate, and that I was troubled by the explicit LGBTQ books for kids depicting s3xual intercourse! This was somehow also “dangerous conservative rhetoric”?? I feel like my opinions are very mild! But they all thought I was somehow endangering their lives.
@dakoderii4221 8 ай бұрын
There was a "drag queen army" in Jerusalem in 70AD but they were more like a well armed gang. They fought against general Titus and were the reason the temple burned down. Those mystery religions from Babylon lead to some crazy behavior.
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
Your opinions are mild and I agree with them. Anyone who conforms to an extreme on one side of politics is probably a crackpot.
@RhinehartGirls 8 ай бұрын
Damn - sorry your friends fell / are falling for the BS. FYI the NY Times did an article in early (early) 2020 citing the professors of Harvard Epidemiology & the cycle thresholds of those tests. The "positive test" numbers were used to shutdown & bankrupt small businesses & scare people. I have a link if you are interested & can video a hard copy if it no longer works.
@therealfriday13th 8 ай бұрын
Buddy, drag has been around since before Shakespeare, because women were not allowed to be actors. There was a joke in the day that on the internet the men were men and the women were men. That joke is actually true for actors in the middle ages. It wasn't "to make fun of women" it was women weren't allowed to participate at all.
@Dandeliontea1893 8 ай бұрын
@@therealfriday13th buddy, drag is its own very specific performance and is separate from men simply dressing up as women for a role. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
@flynn_flann 8 ай бұрын
"is there anything that you would accept as proof" is exactly what you ask to cult members when questioning their beliefs, and the answer is invariably NO
@ShogunApach3 8 ай бұрын
That's a funny word for Biden@@earforenglish5867
@westphalianstallion4293 8 ай бұрын
@@earforenglish5867 Is there anything you would accept as a proof otherwise? xD
@theokay1 8 ай бұрын
​@@earforenglish5867 ok cult man have fun living your lie
@brians1793 8 ай бұрын
@@earforenglish5867 Is that why democrats are starting to support Trump?
@Benjanuva 8 ай бұрын
After a quick self-examination, I realized that I would need to hear new information that I didn't know before and couldn't refute to change my stances. For example, someone recently pointed out that one of my views had a flaw. They were polite, and they had a good point. They even had an alternate solution that I now like even more.
@ElinWinblad 8 ай бұрын
I have adhd and I don’t live in garbage. Chores are harder to do than others due to starting level of dopamine compared to others but they get done eventually enough so that I live in a clean home. Embracing adhd just to me means accepting that I have it and becoming aware of myself when I notice the symptoms (doesn’t always work) and trying to alter the actions or inaction it is causing. Meds don’t really help. Only thing that helped was going keto.
@3namechangezalowdevry90day7 8 ай бұрын
There are people with ADHD that are ultra-neat and clean houses. These cases are probably severe depression or hoarding disorder.
@Cardinal_claw 8 ай бұрын
ADHD too, my space can get pretty cluttered because I'm constantly jumping from project to project, but I have NEVER let garbage build up. Food is immediately taken care of so nothing rots, etc.
@sovietunion7643 8 ай бұрын
too many people think they have autism or ADHD or depression nowadays and use it as a excuse to be lazy
@3namechangezalowdevry90day7 8 ай бұрын
@@sovietunion7643 There's also a pretty well known cleaning utoober known as Midwest Magic Cleaning who has autism, and his wife has ADHD.
@laurenorourke2442 8 ай бұрын
I take meds for my ADHD and compared to when I first started taking them, they now make me feel sick and make my heart rate spike to 130-140. Also how’s the keto diet? I have epilepsy and have been told that keto is a great treatment option outside of medication. And I agree, I’ve learned to embrace having adhd and dealing with the symptoms, but now I just learn how to embrace it via lifestyles and different techniques
@DiscipleOfHeavyMeta1 8 ай бұрын
10:03 This is the reason for the gender hysteria: childhood trauma induced by growing up in an environment where identity formation was either difficult or impossible, especially in matters of gender. My first language is French - a gendered language. A strict gender language with only two genders: male and female. Every word has a gender to us. So, as a child, I've always had the ability to overlook it. I could play with whatever I wanted and would use anything to fit my purposes - boy or girl toy, it never made a difference to me and I was never once berrated for it. It never crossed my mind that I was in the wrong because nobody cared. I still love berry picking, landscaping and botany. Nobody ever gave a fuck.
@clintonm2357 8 ай бұрын
Do you listen to heavy metal while doing it? I rock out while gardening.
@DiscipleOfHeavyMeta1 8 ай бұрын
@@clintonm2357 Bet your ass I do. Heavy shit. Black Sabbath, Corrosion of Conformity, Down, Eyehategod...
@Twiddle_things 5 ай бұрын
​@@DiscipleOfHeavyMeta1 not nearly on the level of berry picking while listening to metal, but it's very common to find me playing something like HL2, Doom or Halo (before it went to shit) in a dress I'm a girl btw thought to make that clear
@davecollins6122 8 ай бұрын
The word "mankind" has its roots in Old English, where "mann" meant "human being" and "kind" meant "nature" or "type.
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
This is what I replied to another comment with. I don’t understand how people have such a small grasp on their own language that they don’t understand how the language evolved.
@davecollins6122 8 ай бұрын
@@cincinnati4391 Yeah, it’s like the overuse of “misogynist” (which means woman hater) to describe anyone who disagrees with a woman.
@simonebernacchia5724 8 ай бұрын
@@davecollins6122 For them words they don't like is violence, conveniently so if you dare disagree or dislike something is automatic hate
@portraitofman2063 2 ай бұрын
Can’t expect these woke types to understand etymology.
@Kejmur 8 ай бұрын
'Mankind' means 'HUMANITY' not 'Only men'. Which includes men and women at the same time. Friggin hell, those people don't understand basic English do they?
@3namechangezalowdevry90day7 8 ай бұрын
But female actresses are now "actors", because actors includes females.....
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
A lot of people seem to forget that “man” originally meant to be human, not to be a human male.
@miamia19002 8 ай бұрын
Funny enough this whole video reminds me of an argument I had with one of my friend. I told him that I dont believe non-binary people exist because theres no such thing as having no gender. I kept coming up with arguments while my friend's only argument was "you are talking like a boomer right now", saying it over and over whenever I came up with something new to say
@anathemat-002 8 ай бұрын
Ah, yes, the classic "I have no more arguments, or I feel so entitled that I do not need to justify or quantify my points with any actual evidence, so instead I will result to calling you names that, while not inherently bad (so that I can pretend I'm not insulting you if you bring it up) are names that I have associated consistently with negative beliefs like nazism." Seriously, these groups of people have associated boomers (most of which these people have no consistent contact with and who almost certainly don't even use the internet because they're literally all like 80 years old or dead rn) with the wildest shit. Being called a boomer is just being called a racist nazi homophobe who is actively working to collapse the economy out of spite for young people, just with less words.
@stevenc.6502 8 ай бұрын
I assume that non-binary people reproduce by fissioning into two individuals, like bacteria.
@elelcoolbey 8 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure refusing to employ someone simply because of their sexual preference is illegal. It is here in the UK. Why are there so many people who are incapable of reversing the logic of something to see if they'd accept someone saying it about them?
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
Because using logic and thinking is something a lot of people lack. Think of the average person and then remember half of the people are below that point. It’s sad but being logical isn’t important to many anymore, the only thing that matters is winning arguments.
@warrioroflight6872 8 ай бұрын
I once went to a BLM protest to see if it would challenge some of my negative preconceptions of the group, and it most certainly did. Now I hate it even more. The experience honestly wasn't that bad, and it was more entertaining than hurtful, but still, I was surprised at how bad of a job the woman I spoke to did at convincing me of the rightness of her cause. Note to anyone reading this: don't be rude to people you want to join your side. It doesn't make them think you're worth listening to.
@Laura-Yu 8 ай бұрын
BLM is like PETA. Like who wouldn’t think black lives don’t matter and who would support the ethical treatment of animals? And yet what they support is extremist in nature. Great marketing though because of the acronym
@Cynwale 8 ай бұрын
I don't want people to join my side, I want them to think without my assistance, if they can't, they don't deserve anything.
@warrioroflight6872 7 ай бұрын
​@@Cynwale I'd say those are wise words, but nonetheless, if you are serving a cause that you believe is just, wouldn't you want more people to support it? I'm not suggesting that we should be indoctrinating anyone, but I think there should be a balance between the two extremes. Balance is usually the correct answer.
@mauv327 8 ай бұрын
That girl in the relationship story is such a mess. How can she decide that her bf isn't a man anymore just because he doesn't fit her horrible stereotypes? I thought respecting people's gender identities was supposed to be one of the most important things.
@vintimajethia7577 7 ай бұрын
because her logic was contradicted.
@AmaryInkawult 2 ай бұрын
Nah, it was about narcissism
@TheNerd-Y 8 ай бұрын
It's amazing how you manage to look back on your old self and be honest about your old mindset. Like you're not afraid to admit you were narrow minded back then. You've clearly grown into such a great human being. Love your videos, Misha 👍
@TheNerd-Y 8 ай бұрын
@anie7254 true, but I also have a feeling that society is also so afraid of another potential Nazi dictatorship like in ww2 that we have a preoccupation with leftist thinking, so allowing these activists to warp things in the name of 'compassion'. If we're not careful, far left extremism would dominate more than it even does now
@TheNerd-Y 8 ай бұрын
@anie7254 and yeah I've also mellowed out myself a bit now. I've come to realise that things are more complex than we think, so my political views are a mixture of left and right. For instance, I don't agree with abortion (I'm 'pro-life') except if the woman or baby (or both) are at any kind of medical risk, or rape is involved
@noelcordero9107 8 ай бұрын
Misha is a beautiful soul, and beautiful in all❤
@carlshanko3896 8 ай бұрын
Thank you miss you inspired me to fight my high schools woke agenda.
@subhamraj5365 8 ай бұрын
How Bad is ti? Just askin'.
@oldgordo61 8 ай бұрын
I feel real bad for anyone who goes to high school these days. The woke garbage is insane.
@lilyliciousss 8 ай бұрын
Stay strong and stick to your beliefs. You’re the right minded one; they’re the ones falling for the bs
@sovietunion7643 8 ай бұрын
@@subhamraj5365 really bad. not highschool but college, my friend tried to complain about how openly far left and biased his classes were, complaining that a teacher said he had white privledge. the office secretary then told him that he did in fact have white privledge. this is in california so it likely on the worst end of school experiences though
@denbondombe6640 8 ай бұрын
​@@oldgordo61 They have signs at my school saying: Some people are trans, get over it. All are welcome A whole board display dedicated to LGBTQ and books on it telling you to be gay and pride flags littering the walls. I try to ignore them but it is so frustrating.😡
@Capydapy 8 ай бұрын
They're Heterophobic, not because of justice. It's all about revenge.
@ankavoskuilen1725 8 ай бұрын
Revenge for what? They themselves have been coddled all their lives.
@michal31131 8 ай бұрын
​@@ankavoskuilen1725 A high level of moral superiority. They believe that what happened to gay men and women in the 60s is a reason to act like sub par humans to others. Shariah law can't come fast enough for these mofos.
@EmotionalParaquat714 3 ай бұрын
@@ankavoskuilen1725 1945.
@danawynkoop9511 8 ай бұрын
I am presently looking for a new job and I can’t tell you how many interviews I have had where the person or people interviewing me announced their pronouns and expected me to do the same. I even had one interview where the hiring team wanted me to agree that we live in a White Supremacy culture. The good new is it makes it so much easier for me to know what businesses I would never work for.
@growingoaks 8 ай бұрын
If I sat down n someone asked my pronouns id say “im/gone and was/were” and stand up to leave 😂
@ididntaskyouropinion 6 күн бұрын
😂 i have no qualms telling these people, for the short duration of this convo, its I/you.... as in I am leaving this conversation with you. 😂
@growingoaks 6 күн бұрын
@@ididntaskyouropinion i love that 😂
@dearthofdoohickeys4703 8 ай бұрын
My sister bought into feminism and the woke mindset. We use to be really close friends, but now it’s like she’s constantly mad at me. Nearly everything I say sets her off on angry rants, and she’ll say I’m being condescending or misogynistic. She berates me for stuff that happened decades ago. She now thinks our brother is autistic, that I’m a closeted homosexual, and that our parents were abusive. The whole family has to walk on eggshells just to avoid her blowing up. And she’s _constantly_ on TikTok. Outside of arguments or drama, it’s all she wants to talk about. I call woke a mind cancer and I mean it, it’s like my sister died and an imposter took her place. She used to be so sweet and funny: the transformation is horrifying.
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
It’s like a disease, waiting to grab the gullible or meek minded and turn them into monsters. Hopefully they will understand their wrong-doings eventually, but I doubt they ever will.
@Dolphanatic 6 ай бұрын
You need to be there for her regardless. Continue to be that counterbalance to her rhetoric if she continues down that path. The best way to deradicalize someone is to simply be available to talk to despite whatever differences and/or disagreements you may have. Without that human connection, people like your sister will turn to stuff like social media as an outlet instead of interacting with other people in real life, which is what seems to be happening in your case. Remember that person-to-person interactions are important if you want to prevent people from becoming out of touch.
@steffenjensen422 Ай бұрын
Most of the deradicalization I've seen was prompted by them getting cancelled themselves. Feeling how it is on the other side really makes people think.
@steffenjensen422 Ай бұрын
One could say my own story is a story of deradicalization. Even though I wouldn't have considered myself radical, I've always been very scientific and fact-oriented, I was active in a leftist party. Over time, a new generation showed up and replaced the old and the issues that we talked about changed from social issues to wokism. I wasn't willing to just drink the cool aid (I always questioned everything, even if just for the sake of argument if I agreed - this is what I was taught to do to be a critical thinker and prospective scientist). Well, turns out these people can't argue and instead attacked me for questioning the narrative. The weirdest parts were the ones where I actually agreed but wanted to think about potential counters to - you know - debate our actual political opponents. Even if I prefaced with "I agree, but could someone maybe say that... and what would we answer?" I would often get weird looks instead of a debate. Being critical made me suspicious. Well, after a few bigger shitstorms, I left as did most of my friends. The party used to get up to 10% in national polls. Now it gets 3%.
@ericapierson-way213 8 ай бұрын
Years ago, I was on a date. We were in his car, I leaned forward to fix my shoe, he said my name, and the second I turned my head he kissed me. It was so sweet and so sexy. People like this are the reason romance is dead. God forbid a man try to surprise you today, they would be charged.
@steffenjensen422 Ай бұрын
The thing is, he might be wrong and you wouldn't like it. Then you'd push him off and both of you would feel bad. The issue with the current zeitgeist is that people way overcatastrophize this as if you'd be traumatized and broken beyond repair by one unwanted kiss.
@ElsaLouiseSinger 8 ай бұрын
My older brothers disagree with me and my parents on a lot of things politically, they've both stepped away from the church we go to and one is an atheist now. (and we don't judge them for it, they have their own choice) but it's crazy to see how it's formed his thoughts. If we bring up anything about the transgender or nonbinary things, they act all offended. My sister agrees with me on some things, but she's leaning more towards how every swiftie thinks and every time I tell he she doesn't need to think exactly like taylor swift to be a fan of her, she gets mad but I see it happening slowly. Though, she's not as far as my brothers and still agrees with me and my parents on some things, but not everything.
@sovietunion7643 8 ай бұрын
i swear atheists for me are either the most enlightened people ever who are trying out ideals like absurdism or daoism or eastern asian belief systems to find their place in this world or are the most obxnious toxic religion hating people i know.
@kyliegymnastics 6 ай бұрын
Yeah I’m a conservative swiftie. I don’t get why ppl need to agree with her politics. I just love her songs
@funnierwater 8 ай бұрын
Even therapists drink the woke cool aid lol. How can you be a therapist and not analyze this stuff and determine that it’s an unhealthy and narcissistic way to think?
@clintonm2357 8 ай бұрын
I was a mental health counselor. I quit and became a blacksmith. I’m endlessly happier.
@mblatnik8715 8 ай бұрын
Thats where all the woke people go to work. Their degrees are useless for anything else but they somewhat can use it to have jobs where u work with people and “help” them
@ryanhoward8694 8 ай бұрын
Two questions that can really help with having coherent conversations: 1) What do you mean by that? 2) Why do you believe that to be true? #1 is a question of clarification. It helps us to understand what the other person means and can help defuse the rhetorical force of another person’s claims. For example: “You’re just a bigot!” “What do you mean by ‘bigot’? And can you explain how that label specifically applies to me in this situation?” #2 is a question of evidence. It forces another person to consider what proof/evidence they have for holding their viewpoint. It can help a person realize that they really don’t have good reasons for holding a particular viewpoint. Questions (rather than statements) can help you maintain control of the conversation (in a way that isn’t aggressive or tyrannical) while not immediately forcing a person to go into defensive mode. I recommend the book “Tactics” by Greg Koukl for more info on this topic. It’s written from a conservative Christian perspective but can be useful for anyone who wants to have better conversations with people they disagree with.
@matthewwriter9539 8 ай бұрын
When I was in college, about 15 years ago, I saw a video on KZbin that was about how we shouldn't make fun of people for being gay or lesbian. The video took place in an alternate universe where nearly everyone was gay or lesbian, and we followed a young girl, just starting puberty, who realized that she was a heterosexual. She feared being teased and ridiculed for this. Her two mothers had a conversation about the heterosexual couple that moved in down the street, and had even put up a blue and pink flag to broadcast their identity. This girl was told to stay away from those kinds of people. There was even something that suggested that the girl's school was putting on a production of the classic William Shakespeare play "Romeo and Julian. When the other children at school find out that this girl is a *gasp!* heterosexual, they tease her, pick on her, and beat her up. As part of this there is some name calling. They call her "a breeder". question is this...we currently live in a world where less than 15% of people are gay, if we lived in a world where less than 15% of people were mating and producing offspring...wouldn't the population go down significantly?
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
Yup. As a gay guy, just because somebody is “unique” sexually or race wise doesn’t mean they should have a say over the majority. It’s called the majority for a reason. Identity politics are a joke.
@bookishbrendan8875 8 ай бұрын
This all has its roots in the sexual “liberation” movement. It was bound to happen after that. Also: fo sho. Last Christmas, at a family gathering, I was asked how many more kids I want (I have two now), and I said, “As many as I can have.” The lady across from me practically started crying, and said-I kid you not-“But what about global warming??!” These people have all their priorities backwards.
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
Apparently for them, not having kids is going to fix global warming somehow, even though the United States isn’t even close to 1st in population.
@doid4354 3 ай бұрын
I mean I’m personally against people having a lot of kids because there is no way all of those children will be loved equally. Unless you’re superman or something, but no parent is perfect. That’s just my opinion. I tend to think about the reality of a kid living with multiple siblings. It does create competition and could also bring resentment. Saying this as 3rd born out of 4 kids. I love my siblings but growing up was messy. You’d have to be pretty confident as a parent to have multiple kids.
@olivesama 2 ай бұрын
​​​​​@@doid4354 The other thread is no longer taking comments, so I'm responding here. It is important to note that Thomas Steensma, the researcher behind the study you mentioned, stated that his aim was to find predictors of persistence, not compile comprehensive numbers on desistance. He used diagnostic criteria from 1994 that focused on cross-gender preferences rather than body dissatisfaction, meaning there was no clear distinction between those wanting to alter their bodies and those simply wanting to try different gender roles. If the study was done again today, he's said that many of those kids wouldn't have even been considered trans in the first place. In a 2013 follow-up, the desistance rate was down to 63% from the previous 84.2%, but 30% of this group stopped contacting the clinic without reporting remission (i.e. remission was simply assumed rather than confirmed). Also noteworthy: 30% of the *total* study cohort of 217 was initially classed as "subthreshold," meaning they didn't meet *all* the criteria for a diagnosis to begin with. There's a reason he's said in interviews that his studies should not be seen as the final word on desistance. They very explicitly were not set up to confirm anything about the desistance rate, which is why his standards for this were not more rigorous. So long as he could find any patterns surrounding persistence, that was his original aim. I don't bring this up because I wish to deny that regret exists or to deny that there are kids who grow out of it. But given that satisfaction rates among those who transition are well over 90 percent, this suggests that resistance to transitioning is markedly more ideological than it is rooted in fact-based concern.
@doid4354 2 ай бұрын
@@olivesama I still believe it’s wrong to give “affirming care” to kids because there is still a chance they will regret it. The stats may show that most people are satisfied after transitioning, but that isn’t a good argument for *kids* to be able to make that choice. I’ve got no problem with adults transitioning, but it is not ethical to transition children.
@olivesama 2 ай бұрын
@@doid4354 There will never be a set of procedures with a zero percent regret rate. Lasik eye surgery, knee replacements, and prostate cancer surgery have higher regret rates than gender transition, yet we don't curtail such treatments on that account. What are the ethical implications of allowing someone to go through puberty, to grow up, to realize in adulthood that they are trans, and then to have them endure the long process of undoing the "damage" (for lack of a better word) of their first puberty when transitioning earlier in life could have prevented it? Of course, if someone starts transitioning at 18, that can still be plenty of time to "pass." I've seen many such cases. One's bones have still not finished fusing by 18. But what about those who developed early relative to their peers and for whom puberty was more physically pronounced? Such people might have gained much from starting before 18. I've seen some people say that they can only bring themselves to accept trans people who "pass," but then those same people proceed to support policies that would make it harder to so.
@RoseRoseRoseRoseRoseRose 8 ай бұрын
Wokies literally called me straight a T E R F just because I am a realist with roots from the Middle East. They said my "trunsphobia" is based on my heritage 😂 I thought they were leftists and not rightists 😂😂😂
@ayarriba9093 8 ай бұрын
I love that they have contradicted their agenda by being racist towards you😂
@anathemat-002 8 ай бұрын
It's insane, because these are the same people that will go down swinging to defend a group of people who literally execute gays on the basis of religious extremism, but when someone reasonable approaches them and disagrees on the basis of sane cultural/religious differences? No, that's not right, and now we must be insanely racist to you. It's a weird set of priorities. "Gays for Palestine" is a popular movement despite the illegality of homosexuality there, but if someone from the same region just says "yeah, I think women have x y z body parts" then *they* get the vitriolic reaction? Not the people who are *actually killing yall and making your personal lifestyle illegal??*
@Laidbackcat 8 ай бұрын
What confuses me the most is the fact that in the US being politically left equals having gender dysphoria, purple hair, a septum piercing and letting everyone know what your preferred pronouns are. And that's it.
@thesoundpurist 8 ай бұрын
7:08 if the KGB infiltrator agent director had a Time Machine to verify the efficacy of the demoralization process he would say: “ okaaay… a bit overkill but this way we’re sure it’s gonna work…”
@mwk9473 8 ай бұрын
Hi, first of all, I'd like to thank you for all the great work you're doing, providing a voice of sanity in the world of today. I watched plenty of your videos and wanted to share my story. Truth be told, it's not as much why I left the left, it's how the left left me. Years ago, I've been a centre-left liberal. I still support same-sex marriage, and my views on abortion align neither with the left, nor the right. Anyway, I slightly "overslept" the emergence of wokeism, it's been a non-issue to me. I was oblivious of the gender ideology. I didn't notice that until the winter of 2020/2021. I met a girl through Tinder. No bio, normal photos that did not suggest anything wrong. In conversation, she presented herself as a liberal, there was no woke stuff involved. We've grown close, and while she did have some depression issues, I didn't want to push her away. I have experienced heavy depression, and so I felt for her. I didn't yet know that my compassion would be my undoing. My being helpful in time she spinned into me implying she's weak. Her being vegetarian turned into an attack on me, that my not beint one makes me morally inferior. Her next targets were my good manners, like letting her through the door first. I have very traditional manners, I let ladies through the door first with a slight bow, even - as is the gentlemantly way. I was billed a specimen of toxic masculinity and patriarchy. She started reacting negatively to simple physical contact, claiming it's an invasion of her personal space. Of course, I've been growing weary of that. Communism and gender ideology motifs were prevalent in everything she talked about, even when talking about friends and family. Whenever I tried to gently confront her about it, she would change the subject to either her "abusive ex" stalking her (I don't know if that guy was even real), or having suicidal thoughts. Because after all, she wanted to keep me slaved to her by inducing fear of the consequences of leaving her. The point of that was, of course, to exploit me emotionally and to turn me into a punching bag for her ideology, someone to call a fascist and a chauvinist, white male pig. Eventually, under influence of whatever substances she's been dumbing herself with - I know she used weed and booze mostly - she made a mistake and it turned out she's been cheating on me from the very beginning. Of course, I dumped her in the strongest rant I could think of. I was finally free, but broken-hearted. All my subsequent dates turned out bad. Seemingly normal girls turned out to be woke leftists, trying to trick me into saying something that would trigger them. These dates felt like interrogations. The frequency of that happening quickly showed me that plenty of them harbour misandric, leftist views and anyone who isn't a socialist sorry for being a straight white male is their enemy. Having been shown so much hostility for simply disagreeing has sent me on a path of the conservative perspective. I discovered just what an elephant in the room I've been ignoring all the time by tolerating the crazy, woke left. How far the centre has moved to the left, and how their calling themselves liberals or centrists is - more often than not - a goddamn lie. In 10 years, my views haven't changed all that much in most respects. It's just what I thought to be my side came up with so many things that I couldn't accept, that it pushed me away. With Millenials and GenZ, as a conservative I am basically a pariah. When I'm asked "how could you become a conservative?!" the best and most honest response to them I can think of is "I am what you made me."
@valeriavitale1290 8 ай бұрын
I’m sorry that you had to go through all of this. I hope you find someone who is more similar to you and really loves you. Anyway, I suggest you to stay away from tinder and other dating apps. They are extremely toxic.
@NeoN-PeoN 8 ай бұрын
It's one of my pet-peeves that everyone these days self-diagnoses themselves as ADHD. Guys, there are a LOT of traits that ADHD people have that are in literally EVERY human. ADHD is about MAGNITUDE of behaviors, not simply having them. Every single person's mind can, and WILL, wander. Everyone finds it difficult to focus on tasks they don't like. I believe everyone wants an excuse. The best, most valuable thing you should have learned from school is HOW TO DO THINGS YOU DON'T REALLY FEEL LIKE DOING. You need to be able to perform tasks you don't want to do REGULARLY. Ok, just cause this can be mentally difficult does NOT mean you have ADHD.
@angmori172 8 ай бұрын
But to be fair, I don't mind women saying "men do x bad things", as long as they are equally fine with me saying "women do x bad things". Generalizations exist for a reason.
@sovietunion7643 8 ай бұрын
i find men being much more open to admitting their problems than women nowadays. you can't even say a women is fat and has an eating problemm nowadays even when its openly clear its harming their health
@anathemat-002 8 ай бұрын
Exactly this. And when they refuse, you know it's more about them pushing a certain agenda out of malice or ignorance. I'm a woman, and I'm not afraid to admit that as a kid/younger teen the internet had me totally believing in the most random unsupported woke bs. I was a huge proponent of the whole "men suck, LGBT+ is oppressed and can do no wrong!!!" Group. You know what they didn't tell me? Well, a lot of things, but the one I found to be most damning and disillusioned me from that agenda the most was domestic violence statistics. Both the implications that all men were abusers through twisted data and the fact that most relationships are hetero to begin with, but also through the subtle implications made through simple social decisions (like how everyone then, and now, comment "are the straights Ok?" Under every single account of DV, or just weird controlling situations, even if it was explicitly written by a gay couple.) Come to find out, the most likely pairing between sexes to commit domestic violence or abuse... is lesbians. Like, *by far.* To add to that fun little Stat pile, the *least likely* group to experience domestic violence are those that *only* include men- i.e. Gay Men. If you are a man, your chances of being abused jump exponentially not when introduced to the intimate presence of another man (the people we've been told commit all the crime) but when they're introduced to intimate situations with WOMEN. The only place where this isn't true is in prison, but I think we can all agree that that's not a normal representation of society, considering they're all criminals and it's a sex segregated system (but female prisoners still report sexual abuse at a far higher rate than men, both from guards and other FEMALE inmates). And all that then made me question what the point was. Because up until then, I thought I was fighting, if a little backhandedly sometimes, to help the most victimized group (women). But then, come to find out, women beat up other women way more often than men do. Wouldn't protecting women mean calling out their primary abusers? Wouldn't it be hugely beneficial to *lesbian* women- a class we'd been told is inherently more oppressed than straight women, by preventing their abuse at the hands of other women too? Apparently not, because when I brought this up to my liberal friends at the time, I was told I'd believed inherently faulty and misleading data (versus the very strong sample sizes of 12 that prove your transgenderism theories, Nancy?) And that if I continued to criticize any women as capable of the same violence that men were capable of, that I would be ousted from my inner circles. They were quite literally so dependant on the shallow and unsupported idea that men are evil and women represent inherent good (except for in incredibly rare and often, to them, justifiable cases) that any attempt to actually improve the lives of certain women, or to call out other women, was met with vitriol. The same thing is happening among the trans community right now. They legalized self ID as a valid form of identification for anyone who wants to claim transhood, despite all the dangers this possesses to women's safe spaces and sports and so on. But the same people who say "all you have to do to be trans is say you're trans" are the first to jump on the case of someone who represents them poorly by saying "they're not *really* trans" as if someone can't be trans and also a really bad person. And it's not a one off thing, either. They did it with "Karen" White, who was a man and transferred to a women's prison because they self identified as a woman, and then proceeded to assault multiple women (who would've guessed? They were in prison for doing that in the first place). Jonathan Yaniv, the dude who wants to show little girls how to insert tampons and keeps creeping in women's bathrooms under the guise of being a trans woman are widely discounted, but only because he decided to be a creep (plenty of people in the community were on his side, backing him up as a trans woman when he was only harassing waxing staff for not being qualified to wax male genitalia). Hell, even people who have questioned themselves intensely, and visited gender clinics, and expressly said "I think I'm trans and actually a woman" have been discounted because they went on to do bad things. That description I just laid out describes Ted Kosinksky- the Unabomber- who questioned his gender identity and visited multiple gender clinics frequently and spoke about it in his own personal journals that were recovered from his home. But apparently some random trans Healthcare "authorities" have decided that there's absolutely no way he was trans. Why or how have they come to this decision despite the fact that it appears Ted thought about this a lot? Nobody knows. Anywhosies, sorry for rambling, I just was reminded by your comment of how absolutely insane the commitment to a one sided "good vs evil" perspective is in a lot of left leaning circles, then and now.
@angmori172 8 ай бұрын
@@sovietunion7643 a hundred percent. I have zero issues discussing what men in general do wrong cause I have no problem with admitting my own personal flaws. I think the inverse is the reason women individually tend to be unable to hate criticism against women in general
@angmori172 8 ай бұрын
@Anitak.-rj1ek I call bullshit. The right is constantly criticizing men. Wtf is Jordan Petersons whole shtick? 'you're a mess, clean your room, stop being useless' Some people on the right are TIRED of hearing about patriarchy for the 10 billionth time while women are an objectively privileged class. Which is absolutely fair, I grew up in the most feminized society on the planet, all my time in school I was told how good women are and how bad men are. So I am pretty fucking tired of hearing it again, while women explode with rage at the first hint that they might not be perfect angels.
@kayleemcginnis 8 ай бұрын
6:35 My sibling is trans and assumes EVERYTHING is an attack and then uses their mental health as ammo against anyone and everyone. He's 19 and lives with my mom and has no job because he refuses due to “mental health” and will yell at my mom and call her abusive when she tries to get him to do chores. He will throw “autistic fits” and demand that my mom come home early from work to feed him and do his laundry. He even once tried to convince her to quit her job because he “couldn't handle” her working so much because he needed her to take care of him. When she said that he was an adult and could feed himself take his own dog out and do his own laundry, he told her that she signed up for this when she decided to have him. It's absolutely psychotic and manipulative. She's only just now starting to see how toxic he is as in the past several years she has lost friends and pushed away family in his defense. I almost had to cut her off from me and my kids because she was enabling his behavior. I cut him off over a year ago and for a while I was the devil for “abandoning” him. Thankfully she is starting to see the light.
@waynebollman 8 ай бұрын
A lot of the chaos around this stuff seems to pivot around the coopting of language. "I don't think of you as a man any longer," actually means "men are not those beings with XY chromosomes that have organic penises at birth and facial hair. 'Men are just anyone I don't like. And I like you so you can't be a man." That's just my theory on that particular situation anyway. It reminds me of how a few years ago "right wing" actually came to mean "anything I don't like". Even the word "racist" moved quickly in this direction.
@grobbelaarthibaud 8 ай бұрын
The one for the woman, tell your husband to take a break from TikTok and all social medias and just have a free internet month or week or whatever and it'll probably help his mental health as well like tell him to go outside in the backyard or something
@amethyst1062 8 ай бұрын
If it doesn’t work divorce him
@freyja802 8 ай бұрын
I love that you mentioned that both atheist satanists and deic satanists exist. It's two very different fields of faith and most people just pretend it's all the same.
@NaomiDollxoxo 8 ай бұрын
@@ConontheBinarianit’s a religion. Lavian Satanism. They do rituals etc. it’s very contradictory to itself in many ways
@theaeronautical9203 8 ай бұрын
@@NaomiDollxoxodo you even know what atheist means?
@bonzai9802 8 ай бұрын
All losers. They chose Satan as their symbol for a reason. It’s purely to shit on other religions while stroking their own egos. Have never met any kind of satanist who wasn’t a self absorbed loser.
@serenityparanormal 8 ай бұрын
To the guy who invited a lady out to eat with him and expected her to pay, I have a comparison situation: Do you invite someone to a party and they accept YOUR invite, arrive to YOUR party, do you ask them where is the food, drink and cake for MY party that I invited you to attend? NO! He playing people. Must think he all that and women want him so bad. The women that fall for this GRIFTER and pay that check can have him! Good luck! You will ALWAYS be paying in some way with them.
@rwwilson21 8 ай бұрын
This is why I'm glad I graduated high school in 2006 and college in 2012. I didn't have to put up with this bullshit.
@constvoidptr 8 ай бұрын
2:35 "First she proposed to have an open relationship" leave. Without even a pause, love it 😂
@benjones1717 8 ай бұрын
The bunny bear sounds like it's making fun of trans people - like a literal bear can't pretend it's a twink bunny. Also why would satan respect pronouns isn't he supposed to be evil, ie not respectful?
@Kayleeorsmthn 8 ай бұрын
I felt the same way about Paramore except I no longer consider myself a fan I also wanna mention Hayley married a guy who she KNEW was cheating on his girlfriend, and she has assaulted security guards even spitting on one of them.
@clintonm2357 8 ай бұрын
I had a little Bill Murray moment and when you said, “I have embraced my schizophrenia…” I said, “…and so have I.”
@hulmey676 8 ай бұрын
Not my experience but my sister's. My sister went to College to do Medical Science and one of her 'friends' she used to hang out with started transitioning to a boy (from a girl) and she changed her name and everything which is fine but she had the attitude that everyone should get used to it like nothing ever changed. Like a lot of people who are more geniune would be more reasonable and wouldn't blast that they're trans to every single person. Also she used mental health as a big excuse for not doing basic things like homework and she would have multiple 'episodes' of sudden shaking when it came to the pressure of school; she also would come to school every now and again and randomly announce to my sister that she now had XXX disorder. I totally respect trans people and their decisions but this person was just unhinged and not stable.
@GenXfrom75 8 ай бұрын
If you ask someone out, you should pay. Unless specified you’re expected to split the check. At no time should you invite a person on a date and then expect them to pay… what?! 😮
@ehdrootofbeard4411 8 ай бұрын
Being asexual sounds like a great way to avoid drama... ...WELL... 👀
@Abs0408 4 ай бұрын
When I was in 7th grade, I was talking with some friends about sexuality/attraction. One of my friends mentioned something about having ‘felt sexual attraction’ (can’t exactly remember the context of this comment) and in response I commented “I haven’t felt sexual attraction yet.” (Keyword of this is YET, I was intentionally insinuating that I felt I was too young to feel that way, and that eventually I would). Another friend, who was a 6th grader, responds “So you’re asexual?” And without a beat I responded “No, I’m twelve.” I continued on to explain to them that when you’re young you’re not MEANT to feel sexual attraction. Because that would not scientifically make sense. Your most fertile years aren’t middle school. So it wouldn’t make sense really for your body to do that. Your body is changing yes, but it doesn’t make sense you would also be thrown right into sexual feelings. There is a bot of an acclimation period for girls to adjust to their changes before then. Boys puberty starts up their sexual feelings and so by the later time they get around to that, girls are more accustomed to their new bodies. If you’re a child, and you feel sexual feelings, you most likely have something wrong with you. It is not normal. They didn’t seem to believe me when I told them this. They said that I was probably asexual. When I said something about having no crushes they would say “you’re aro/ace then”. I have since gotten away from them. I was luckily a very strong willed kid, and I wholeheartedly believed in how I felt over how other people told me I felt. I’m 16 now, and I’m not sure if I’ve felt sexual desire, I mean I don’t really feel ready to kiss anyone yet, but am I still sure I will eventually? Yeah. It’ll happen someday. And I’m scared out of my mind for that but hey, it’s natural. And my life hasn’t been all cupcakes and butterflies. I’ve had my fair share of mistreatment and struggle, but I haven’t let that change my perspective. People will say things, and will assume things, but if they do, just ignore them. Or laugh it off. When I got to highschool people kept assuming I was lesbian because I was “quirky” (I wasn’t boring) and didn’t dress very feminine(literally tshirts and jeans). But I didn’t flip out, I just responded that I wasn’t.
@Girth_ 8 ай бұрын
When you brought up the point that it's not a good thing that people were embracing their ADHD, reminds me of the channel "ADHD Love". They're a channel dedicated to being more sensitive towards it and the woman is the main subject while the husband helps explain things. The wife looks like she makes the husband absolutely miserable based on their interactions, the content that they revolve their channel around and the simple fact that the man looks like he's ready to Minecraft himself, in every single video. He looks so done with life and acts like it's not the case.
@RunyaEithelNar 8 ай бұрын
0:04 is second hand cringe for young people in my country orz. Video with colored hair teenagers barking was from 2020 in Poland. Like 2020 everywhere, it was strange year with all this activists [people were kneeling/lying on ground because of George Floyd etc].
@wlodek7422 8 ай бұрын
I mean, not many people did it in Poland. Vast majority just didnt give a shit about that
@junkoe119 8 ай бұрын
Bacl in 2016 a lot of shops in the City of Orlando had the same policy of not being able to use the bathroom. Not sure how it is now since I moved years ago, but the homeless problem is only getting worse I assume since rent is increasing.
@WhatTheWHAT524 8 ай бұрын
I think you're correct in your assessment. From what I hear from friends and family that either just moved from or still live in Oregon it's gotten worse and worse. Sad to see it happen. I just hope and pray that people truly are starting to wake up and see what is happening. Time to punish the criminals. NOT the law abiding citizens. What a time to be alive. Everything is so backwards, upside down in this crazy world we are now living in. Best wishes to you and yours my friend!
@MrHebijinan Ай бұрын
a young woman, very politically identified, was recruited in my favorite book/gamestore. She wanted to remove the role-playing game books because the "orcs were in fact Africans and the gnomes were Jews" When I explained to her the ridiculousness of the situation and the racism she was expressing, she told me that I had nothing to say because I am white. “once again..” I explained to him the racist approach of his speech. she cried then told the owner of the store that I had attacked her, bad luck, it was in front of the cameras and I am a regular customer that we know well
@sophiacristina 8 ай бұрын
I walked with artists, you can guess it, 99% of them are woke. I had a crucifix under my shirt, which, even if i'm a christian, i got as a gift from a family member that is living on another country, so it is personal. When i bent down to get some stuffs after a bazaar ended, my crucifix fell of the shirt and a guy saw and he acted like a vampire, he got his hand over his face and said "Are you- are you a christian?!". Nobody talked to be me on the art scene, so i left that place and i began fixing electronics for a living, arts doesn't pay well anyway... Ironically, the bazaar space was in fact offered by a church for "cultura reasons", and they don't cared about making profane arts on the place, drawings of "male parts" and "male parts inside the male part from behind". One moment a mother with her son went to that table and pushed her son as fast as she could and left the place. Then artists ask themselves why nobody cares about [modern] art anymore. I would do the same if i was that mother. Another case was when a feminist made a punk show on another bazaar, note, this place was public and on the downtown, everyone could enter the place, it was a state institution. And those feminists showed their "upper parts" and later laid down on the floor and began to "touch that area". Note, majority of the people around them were around 16 yo, and there were some children there, that, of course, their mothers took them out.
@niczymmiejskalegenda9899 8 ай бұрын
About safe injection sites: it really decreases using drugs in bathrooms, but they must have substitution ie. methadone and conection with rehab facilities
@3namechangezalowdevry90day7 8 ай бұрын
Why not just public restrooms/ cel phone charging stations? Pay somebody to clean them. Yes, it'd cost tax money but you'd make more in sales tax if customers had a cleaner downtown to go to.
@anathemat-002 8 ай бұрын
​@@3namechangezalowdevry90day7Because that doesn't really solve the issue, and it's still putting people at risk- just different people. Clean restrooms and amenities like cell charging stations are cool, and everyone would be happy with them. But that doesn't fix the addiction problems among homeless people. They're going to shoot up in the bathroom if you let them- neither of those ideas stop that. Sure, you can have someone in there cleaning after every single person, but because you haven't discouraged shooting up, you're just putting them at a higher risk of getting stuck with needles or infected with other shit, because now instead of dealing with needles once a day when cleaning, they're doing it after every use. While I have qualms with safe injection sites, especially with how they've been handled in places like Canada and the US, they're steps in the right direction assuming they go hand in hand with rehabilitative programs (my problem is that they don't currently in most places).
@3namechangezalowdevry90day7 8 ай бұрын
@@anathemat-002 The thing is, all this stuff costs $$$$. You have to start with fighting crime and making the cities livable or there's no sales tax and property tax to fund ANYTHING. Since the funds are limited, triage has to happen. Start by helping those most likely to get back on their feet. Clean public restrooms. Then patrolled parking lots for the working poor to sleep in their cars between shifts. 24 hour warming/cooling facilities. THEN capsule hotel style shelters for those who are drug tested and will keep them clean. Once you have that in place THEN you can build a rehab and give the junkies the choice of rehab or jail.
@CosmicPotato740 8 ай бұрын
I can see a pattern with these woke people. They all have a ‘It’s my way or the highway’ mentality
@angmori172 8 ай бұрын
Regarding poking fun: If a woman starts joking about men, I'll just retort in a cheerful manner "At least we can drive lmao". If she laughs, she's a catch and we can make fun of each other. If she doesn't laugh, she just got filtered.
@sovietunion7643 8 ай бұрын
equal rights equal fights. you don't get to have all the benefits of equality with none of the downsides.
@Cartoon-2lk 8 ай бұрын
Personally, I don't like to hear sexist jokes about women so I will never do sexist jokes about men.
@angmori172 8 ай бұрын
@@Cartoon-2lk you must be so much fun to hang around with I love sexist jokes for both genders
@anathemat-002 8 ай бұрын
​@@Cartoon-2lk I mean, that's fair. Personally I don't like puns, so I don't tell pun jokes. Humor is subjective and broad. As long as you don't shit on other people for engaging in humor that you don't like, that's perfectly fine. Not everything is for everyone, and I feel like we've all really forgotten that, on both sides.
@christi4631 2 ай бұрын
my sister joined a theater team in uni and the students who run it had everyone call each other by they/them or their prefered pronouns. Whenever someone used he/she to people who literally looked male/female they were rude and team up to harass them, even kicking them out of the team. Also they used to 'say goodbye' to students that had to leave (older members/ graduates etc) by kissing them on the mouth. A boy who refused was labeled homophobic and toxic/fragile masculine and eventually left the group...
@ajl9772 8 ай бұрын
I work for a very liberal state's government that has many ridiculous meetings. One was supposed to be about issues going on in the world that are impacting us. Some people that descend from middle eastern countries said they were feeling uncomfortable with being in public because of the controversy over Palestine and Israel, which was actually a really interesting topic. However, a woman then hijacked the meeting and talked about how oppressed she was being misgendered (they/them pronouns). She even said she was being discriminated against by people in previous meetings. She got more sympathy than anyone else because she started breaking down crying about it. But my favorite meeting ;was for our veteran's day meeting being told the toughest job in the military was being a spouse. Thank god my camera and mic were off because I was cracking up.
@douglasconnolly6357 8 ай бұрын
As an economic leftist who does not give a shit about the social issues, I 100% agree with the content of this video. Bravo Misha, you did well, especially with your take on the last scenario.
@makesnosense6304 8 ай бұрын
0:15 Mankind = humankind. It's not about sex. This just shows how brainwashed people can get.
@sarab2324 8 ай бұрын
The second story about the woke girlfriend was hilarious in the way that every single thing she claimed, was a trend on TikTok. Every. Single. Thing. Also I love Harry Potter and JK Rowling and always have. Another thing, I used to watch Doctor Youn (holistic plastic surgeon) on here and really liked him. But then he made a video basically justifying surgery for “trans kids.” I was so disappointed in him. A few other people were as well. I unsubscribed. So yeah, I hate when people you like end up doing stuff like that.
@AA-ed6ek 8 ай бұрын
How can people date these people? Folding to these people make you part of the problem as well. What's wrong with hey ladies? This is not you being respectful this is you taking the easy way out.
@finchborat 8 ай бұрын
Woke women are the ones who are undateable. Conservative men are far more likely to find someone than a woke woman.
@emilen0304 8 ай бұрын
@emilen0304 8 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@finchboratthis mf didn't even watch the video 😭 the post was abt a woke man I WANT 2 BELIEFE he's like bigfoot... LITTLEPEEN
@Schogetto 8 ай бұрын
Alright fellas, I got one for you aswell. I grew up in Bavaria, a traditionally rather conservative state in Germany. Last year I started attending a university to study IT and electronics. Since I'm also personally invested in societal shifts and happenings I wondered, if I could observe the same "woke madness" with which, you Americans have to deal with, at my University. After all, Germany shares with Britain the title of being the European America. I could not come up with much due to my institutions nature of being mainly focused on mathematics, physics, chemistry and other scienetific subjects. Seems like that deters most of the crazies. Go figure. Sometime later I got in contact with a guy from the University of Augsburg and he told me that some of his fellow students were of the extremely left leaning type which heavily influenced the campus. Once again, some time goes by and suddenly a headline hits the news that the student parliament of the University of Augsburg proposed the installation of gloryholes in the main hall (look it up if you don't believe me). The argumentation was that the life of studying is sometime "stressfull" and such an installation would help relief stress and anxiety. Furthermore it would present the university as a space which is "critical of heteronormativity". Sex for everybody, straight or queer, since gloryholes are anonymous. Naturally the proposal was immediately shot down and put away in the files as joke. The thought of wanting to turn a embassy of education and reason like a uni into a wh*rehouse is just baffeling to me. This wasn't directly my personal experience but I thought it to be so redicolous that just had to mention it. Love your vids and best regards :)
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
The Augsburg incident is genuinely disturbing to see actually occurred. Who comes up with this stuff? They need kicked out or fired.
@MrsEmmKay 6 ай бұрын
Glory holes are for pen*ses, right? So how is that for everyone? Also, YUCK verrückt
@arnodobler1096 8 ай бұрын
Anti "woke" because the American Dream you have to sleep to believe it! G. Carlin
@davevampireknight9778 8 ай бұрын
Being trans while married is a total slap in the face to the husband or wife. Glad she left her husband, it was for the best. Im making plans to speak up on my facebook sometime this year knowing I'm gonna lose a lot of friends.
@GhostoftheSnow271 8 ай бұрын
I’ve got AHDH and peer reviewed autism (I don’t have a diagnosis but the psychiatrist and therapist I see are both like “yeah prolly”, but I haven’t asked them about tests yet, since it’s a new place) and yeah my room gets messy and it’s kinda gross. BUT, I still clean up. It gets to a point where you have to do something and can’t ignore it anymore. People who live with just rotting garbage and soiled clothing in their rooms are so gross
@bellalovescoffee42 8 ай бұрын
I was a hostess for a “casual upscale” restaurant and we were told not to say “hey guys”. We could only say “hey everyone/everybody” because it’s more “inclusive”
@courtneylust 8 ай бұрын
mishka is actually hilarious and relatable😭
@firedoesnotdiscriminate 8 ай бұрын
Great video, just one tiny thing on the video you said about asexuals not being attracted to anyone, I'm asexual myself and for most asexuals it's just we don't want to engage in sexual activity but we do feel regular romantic attraction just not sexual attraction.
@cincinnati4391 8 ай бұрын
I used to call myself asexual just so people wouldn’t bother me about anything sexual or romantically related. It’s honestly one of the easiest ways to get people to drop the topic without being bothersome about it.
@allalphazerobeta8643 7 ай бұрын
I was at Walmart* trying buy some cream for my sisters allergy causing puffy eyelids. Everything was behind glass. I couldn't help but think how much human time was being wasted by having everything behind glass. Probably 5 other people waiting for products. Well, after using the internet to figure out what cream to buy and finding a person to unlock the glass. The lady informed me that the lock on the section didn't work. It was right in the middle so we couldn't get to it via another section. So much time is wasted by tolerating dishonest and lying. I used to work at a mechanic shop across the street from a mom and pop hardware store. They let us go in and grab whatever we needed, fill out a receipt by hand. And then they billed us weekly. This caused us to buy a lot more from them and lead to better faster repairs. Since we knew we didn't need to wait in what could be a long line. We also saved money since we didn't need to stock any common hardware. * I know that was my first mistake
@melaniebiberger2191 8 ай бұрын
Hm If id get invited and the guy clearly says "i'll invite you to dinner" then i expect him to pay. If he says "wanna have dinner together or eat out together", i expect we both pay for our dishes
@GenXfrom75 8 ай бұрын
This. 💯
@shiningcartoonist 8 ай бұрын
These people must absolutely hate PD Eastman’s PJ Funny Bunny story about the rabbit who wants to leave home to become a variety of animals instead of being a bunny- he tries about seven animals before he realizes he would rather just be a bunny. He returned home and is grateful for all the qualities of being a bunny that irritated him at the story’s opening
@ticketyboo2456 8 ай бұрын
I agree about not using mental illness as an excuse for being a slob. I'd extend it to other illnesses too. My ex gf had MS ( early stages) and for way too long I tolerated bad attitude and slobbish behaviour. It was inexcusable but I let it go because she always blamed it on her illness.
@makesnosense6304 8 ай бұрын
There is no reason to ask about pronouns because it's used in third person. When you speak to the person directly you don't use it.
@rogermrogerm 8 ай бұрын
“But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred”. This comes from Martin Luther King Jr., a well known civil rights activist from the 60s, during his famous I Have a Dream speech in Washington. Many gay people just want respect from society, to be seen as no different from straights, and for all kinds of discrimination towards gays to be eliminated. It’s just sad that many LGBT people have resorted to hate towards straights, and clearly those people need to rethink what they were fighting for in the first place.
@danny5535 8 ай бұрын
14.32 "You refuse to hire straight people cos they give you the ick/ got fired for no lagitmet reson what else do you call that?" A low suite right
@abhajn 8 ай бұрын
16:12 As an Indian, I am very surprised about the story with the pregnant men thing. I don’t know if it’s just because of my personal experience or what, but India is not a whole country at all. For context, I have been called woke for not wanting all gay people to die by 2 of my classmates (I’m lesbian) :/
@vintimajethia7577 6 ай бұрын
I am Indian too and I was shocked to hear this. I have never heard anything remotely woke in my school at least. Literally no one.
@MaatsWellnessWings777 8 ай бұрын
Im egyptian, ethiopian, and puerto rican, in the winter my skin gets very fair and in the summer im dark af 😂, point is, back at my first high school these girls was tryna say i was blackfishing bc i had braids in lmaoo, i used to be very insecure ab my paler winter skin so it would really bother me that everyone was tryna basically doxx me and they spread rumors ab how i was a racist for saying the n word like despite the fact that i literally immigrated here from egypt. I think its hilarious now bc if only they knew they was talking shit ab their own kind 😭 but also these girls called mixed people “greys” so idfk what i expected from them 😂😂
@mathewreed8669 8 ай бұрын
I worked for a bloke who called me Michael, I reminded him of my real name but he said sorry to me you are Michael now,so I was Michael I didn't care
@keasstudio9822 5 ай бұрын
An LGBTQ+ supporter kept spamming LGBTQ+ stuff in the chat of a game, it made it very hard to use that chat. Me and some of my friends went to their spot, a transwoman was there ofc. We just asked if they all could stop negatively impacting the game for us but the transwoman called us homophobic and bigots. One of my friends got punished because he was arguing with the transwoman and said that gender can't be changed. I later found out that the transwomen did some other disturbing stuff too but nothing bad ever happened to him. Another time, one of my friends complained that people were making up genders and denying science. One of the leaders told him to stop and that my friend needed to be inclusive. I don't understand how the LGBTQ+ people are allowed to spread their ideology and their opinions everywhere but when us Christians share our side of the story we get called names and are told to stop. If they can spam and scream that gender is cultural, why can't we say that gender is biology? Why is only one group's thoughts allowed to be said while the other is swiftly silenced?
@Anonymous_world5000 8 ай бұрын
Im currently in college (by law unfortunately) and the teachers are so far-left it's crazy. They are so woke and they push all the woke propaganda on the students, I hate it so much. I want to be free from this woke prison called college but sadly by law I have to remain there for 2 years. 😭 I've hated school all my life, not because I'm dumb or lazy or anything, I genuinely have always had a hard time in school, bullying, anxiety ect. The woke propaganda just makes it worse. I hate the woke so much.
@awesomelilycat4802 18 күн бұрын
As someone who used to be so far woke and now am where I’m at you’re so relatable
@jasmine____23 8 ай бұрын
the hairdresser could actually sue
@damianspalma2524 8 ай бұрын
If you are a guy and you ask a girl to dinner , you pay. Duh I can’t believe it even needs to be said
@GenXfrom75 8 ай бұрын
If my hairdresser asked me any of that, I’d just walk out…. No thanks.
@karinefonte516 8 ай бұрын
The siblings case could be something really more deep than just a 38 year old behaving as a child. As a therapist, she most lilkely was forced to accept, endorse and defend such ideas regarding transgenderism, at the risk of losing her career. So when confronted by her sister she possibly had a breakdown and had to defend it with zero compromise, otherwise she would have to admit her entire career is flawed at it's core.
@elihinze3161 8 ай бұрын
Your content has become therapeutic for me in this crazy world, lol
@Jessie_Ann244 Ай бұрын
I grew up about 30 minutes outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. In 2019, I started a job in the middle Salt Lake at a Pet Grooming Salon. We had to lock our bathroom because homeless people would do drugs in there. I had to arrive early to work so I could clean up the used needles, condoms, and human feces in the parking lot before clients arrived. People broke our windows during the 2020 BLM riots. The owner of my salon told a woman that she needed to leave because she was trying to sell herself to our clients. She retaliated by defecating on a clients car. The “massage parlor” next door to us was pretty much a brothel. I used to take TRAX to work everyday (it’s Utah’s public transit system) but it became too dangerous for me to walk the two blocks from the station to my work so I had to get a car. Our governor had been bussing illegal immigrants to salt lake in the middle of winter. These people had no warm clothes and nowhere to go, yet our governor and SLC mayor were celebrated for allowing them to come to our city. The only safe places in Salt Lake City are the areas owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (“Mormons”). The difference between places like Temple Square and City Creek and then the public areas is astonishing. A lot of people think Utah/SLC is run by the Mormon church, but it’s really not. The church owned areas are kept clean, have their own private security (because the police aren’t allowed to do anything), and are all around a much better place to be. It makes me wish that Utah was actually a theocracy like people tend to think it is. The church runs homeless shelters, kitchens, and offers free programs to help people get back on their feet. The problem is that the government rewards these people for not trying to make a better situation. Now, the suburban city that I grew up in is over 50% Hispanic. My parents, who still live there, had to get better home security due to homes being burglarized (I lived there for 20 years and there was one burglary in our whole neighborhood), my mom can’t go shopping alone anymore. I got married and moved to Wyoming with my husband because we couldn’t afford to stay in Utah. The grooming salon I worked for ended up closing and reopening in a different area outside of the city. My home is gone. This is happening in UTAH. I can’t imagine what is going on in the more left leaning cities and states. And I haven’t even mentioned the education system in Utah…
@everythingthrice2582 8 ай бұрын
These goofballs forget that your teacher is not supposed to be your best friend, but your boss. Also great video "Roberto"!
@yournamehere6002 8 ай бұрын
Ferdinand the Bull could sit and smell the flowers, and didn't need to be non-binary or female to do it.
@hoxton4 8 ай бұрын
This should be a series make a part 2
@dbf1dware 8 ай бұрын
I'm very close to 60 years old, thinking of retiring from my current career. Part of me really wants to get a teaching degree and get a job at a community college as a teacher. And any time a student tries to make me use "their pronouns", I warn them that every time they do that, I drop their final grade by a full grade level. I think that would be fun. Of course, I would only get to do that once before getting fired, but it just might be worth it.
@katharinefaye 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for making such good, rational , content in these crazy times ❤
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