Any idea how to go about fixing the digital clock on my old Chronomatic 203? The time flashes random numbers now. Everything else works great!
@jrocco366 жыл бұрын
Try replacing the large cap near the clock chip
@Ulookedcompany5 жыл бұрын
@@jrocco36 I have a Realistic chronomatic-205 and the radio doesn't work, any idea why?
@jrocco365 жыл бұрын
@@Ulookedcompany Does the Clock Run? if not check the power supply for voltage to the entire radio. If it does run turn the switch to ON and test to see if your getting voltage to the radio chassis. If you do then the issue is deeper in the radio itself. If no voltage on the radio chassis check to see if power is going to the ON switch if you do then it may be just a bad/dirty switch. Work your way back from what works. Power coming in? AC into the transformer and AC out of the trans former. next the diodes in the power supply and output DC to the radio.. If its in the radio chassis I would suggest getting the Schematic. Good news is that most Realistic radios have a schematic in the back of the owners manual. I found the manual for my Chronomatic 225 for $12 on ebay.
@Ulookedcompany2 жыл бұрын
@@jrocco36 so it turned out that part of the volume parts have fallen off, so my brother fixed it and replaced some parts for the radio to last longer, he’s also made a 3D printed knob for the volume since the original knob wasn’t there when we got it, but thanks for the suggested help, I’ll look into this if I ever come across more problems!