Reality of making music as a beginner (Avalanche part 2)

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@MRDream-h7d 14 күн бұрын
I hope this message helps everybody if you’re struggling with music always remember live music also works. It is basically creating anything you want live and it will always work because that’s the beauty about it. Hope this message helps.
@sonhabeats872 3 күн бұрын
Hope you always happy. Keep making music💪👍
@frandes2k Ай бұрын
Subscribed. I'm going on this journey with you. As a beginner music producer I think it's nice to see that you're not the only one that's having a hard time. Being a student (medschool) and also having a part time job makes being creative and just producing music while learning music theory and perfecting your piano skills so much harder. Persistence is the key and it will get us somewhere nice. I'm gonna tell you what I tell myself. Keep at it and you'll succed!
@MrZhenyavda Ай бұрын
I've been recovering from an injury for the past several months and haven't been able to make music as good as I wanted during this time. Now I'm kinda in the same situation that you are. Thanks for this video it helps not to feel alone
@AmadChima Ай бұрын
Respect to you for showing this process - all too familiar! Every now and then I go through the same thing until one day something will click and the ideas just pour out. Looking forward to seeing the next part
@DrQuizzler Ай бұрын
Your process is fun to watch, as well as very disciplined, powering through both rough periods and distractions.
@PeterBagel Ай бұрын
I really enjoy watching your creative process! Looking forward to watching your next video. The struggle of trying to focus with all the distractions and ADHD definitely reminds me of myself when writing and recording. Keep up the good work! You're very talented!
@peteynormal Ай бұрын
You're helping to inspire my own musical restart, thank you!
@alexiscreatingthings Ай бұрын
Good video! I’ve found that focusing on self-compassion when making music is super helpful, I hear your inner critic coming out a lot. I wish I had your keyboard skills!
@augystudio Ай бұрын
I am working on the self-compassion thing, and I'm doing much better. The inner critic will still be there and it's okay, as long as they cooperate together with the compassionate one!
@Muchwezi-XII Ай бұрын
Insightful vid thanks for sharing, I wanna start finishing things too
@andikasavana4539 Ай бұрын
i enjoy your video because i'm in the same process. all i want to do is only make a song that coming from my heart
@DaniMusiX Ай бұрын
neat video
@midnightt777 Ай бұрын
i want to make some music like u but idk where I need to start
@TomaszDrochliński Ай бұрын
Hej, wybacz, że piszę po polsku, ale mam kilka porad dla ciebie które mogą ci pomóc zmniejszyć frustrację przy tworzeniu muzyki, a ja będę mógł wtedy oglądać twoje filmy bez wielkiego ptsd, bo przypomina mi się jak mi nic nie wychodzilo na początku haha. Nie obejrzałem za dużo z tego filmu, jakis czas temu wyswietlila mi sie pierwsza część w proponowanych, obejrzałem całą i przejrzałem kanał. Główny powód dlaczego twoj proces tak cie denerwuje to to że uczysz sie wielu rzeczy na raz, a w kazdej jestes na oko początkująca. Bycie poczatkujacym we wszystkim jest frustrujące, a co dopiero jak nalozysz to wszystko na siebie, wtedy wychodzą sytuacje w ktorych tydzien probojesz zrobić piosenke a twój daw jest dalej pusty. Ja w pewnym momencie zrozumiałem, że to glownie dlatego ze robię wszystko na raz, za szybko. Sprobój sobie rozłożyć caly proces tworzenia piosenki na czynniki, i zająć sie każdym z nich po kolei: 1. Napisanie piosenki 2. Nagranie Piosenki 3. Mix 4. Mastering Kiedy robisz wszystko sama, musisz sie nauczyć "zmieniania czapek". To znaczy, że każde duże zadanie delegujesz sobie, ale jako ty - songwriter nie interesuje cię robota ciebie - inżyniera mixu itd. Co chcę przez to powiedzieć? Glownie to, żebyś spróbowała następnym razem napisać piosenke zanim w ogóle wlaczysz komputer, niech cię nie rozprasza to wszystko na raz. Weź jeden instrument, telefon czy kartke i po prostu spedz kilka dni zeby mieć fajną piosenkę. Jezeli chcesz stworzyc piosenkę np z pianinem to mozesz odpalić sobie standalone wersje pluginu żeby nie dotykac dawa. Z focusrite raczej ci przyszlo xln addictive keys a oni maja taką wersje napewno. Jak juz masz napisana fajną piosenkę i jestes z niej zadowolona, to odpal machine i nagraj sobie dwie demo ścieżki - instrument z ktorym pisałaś, oraz wokal. Mozesz je nagrac byle jak, to nie ma znaczenia, ważne żeby od początku do końca. Jak sie pomylisz przy nagrywaniu to nie zaczynaj od początku, uzywaj wszelkich technik jak punch in. To nie ma brzmieć, to ma wyglądać haha. Jak juz masz te dwie ścieżki, to użyj markerow w dawie, czy regionów, nie wiem jak tam u ciebie to sie nazywa, w moim dawie to są regiony, zeby oznaczyc sobie miejsca w piosence. np Verse 1, Chorus albo A B A B C, jak wolisz. Jak masz to wszystko, to jakby nie patrzeć masz przed sobą szkielet swojej piosenki. Wiesz ile bedzie trwala, gdzie sa jakie miejsca. Pozniej to już jak chcesz, ja zaczynam od bębnów i kończę na poprawnym nagraniu wokali. Miksem i Masteringiem bym sie dopiero przejmował jak wszystko jest nagrane, jesteś z tego zadowolona wiec została juz wisienka na torcie czyli zmiksowanie fajnej piosenki. Oczywiście to mój proces, nie narzucam go całkowicie, ale napewno w 100% podpisuje się rekami i nogami ze jak napiszesz piosenkę zanim w ogóle wejdziesz do dawa to mnóstwo frustracji zaoszczędzisz. Pozdrówki!
@augystudio Ай бұрын
Hej, rozbawiło mnie to pierwsze zdanie :D Dajesz fajne rady, ale miałabym do tego "ale". Na pewno co do zmieniania czapek masz tu sporo racji. Mix master najlepiej na koniec. Ale co do etapu pisania piosenki - to jak najbardziej może się odbywać też w DAW. Mój proces nie jest zawsze taki sam. Czasem najpierw piszę piosenkę poza DAW (Skateboards, Cold), a czasem zaczynam od razu od DAW i produkcji (Vin, 80 nieodebranych połączeń, Song 26). Oba dla mnie działają i podsuwają inne pomysły. Teraz jestem na etapie w ogóle uczenia się nowego DAW więc sporo rzeczy dochodzi, bo chcę się zagłębić w nowe rzeczy. I sobie na to trochę pozwalam, ale faktycznie nie można z tym przesadzać bo się tylko utknie w jakimś innym wymiarze. Dzięki za podzielenie się tym!
@leonschlommer839 Ай бұрын
I translated your comment to english and this is sooooo helpful!!! I will actually try to implement this myself. This is gold!
@haydenfletcher8310 Ай бұрын
Cool content. Keep it up!
@megabaneen8057 Ай бұрын
I really like your channel - i like watching the creative process and all the struggles makes life seem real. like i am not the only one. AUGY can you please create a youtube channel with all your music on it. I like to listen to it from time to time. I like the mood you create. Maybe call the channel Augy - Music. This will give your viewers a one stop place to listen to your creations. I think it will help grow your channel. Just a suggestion from a fan. Thanks for making this post and showing us viewers the creative process.
@xokirei Ай бұрын
dope vid sister, followed
@edsonbrito9768 Ай бұрын
love from brazil
@experiencesbleues1675 Ай бұрын
What do you use to sample your drums and other loops ? :)
@augystudio Ай бұрын
In Logic I just use the Quick Sampler, there's other types of samplers too but haven't used them much yet :) For drums it suffices for now, for other samples I might want to try something else
@kapyprod Ай бұрын
@therealhara Ай бұрын
hey, wanna do something together? im also a musician, and a begginer
@megabaneen8057 Ай бұрын
I DISAGREE with arcadepiano. arcadepiano is making it sound simple to be an artist and be creative which is simple not the case. As for brain fog / concentration - YOU have to feed the brain daily. If you are having trouble concentrating. Have a cup of green tea or matcha tea (boil water at 80 degrees, no more, for max benefit) or Have a cup of yerba mate black tea (bring water to full boil max benefit) or here is what i do I drink a cup of green tea or matcha tea and take organic Lion's maine (mushroom supplement) this will help brain focus. You can also buy lion's maine coffee. To clean out brain fog blue berries. 1/2 banana (b-vitamins) or half apple (choline). Leafy greens such as spinach are good as well.
@merlinwarage Ай бұрын
If writing music makes you feel like work, stressed, you have to think about it, it means that the end result will be soulless, bad, inauthentic. Everything I saw in the video is just wrong. The first step should be to learn to play an instrument and some music theory.
@augystudio Ай бұрын
This is a really good comment! (Apart from the last sentence maybe, I disagree there is only one right way to start). The thing is, it's not like this all the time. I used to only make music in the moments when I felt inspired and it feels magical. But the problem with that is that if I only wait for those moments, I don't let them happen as many times as they could. And I don't let myself work on the craft in the meantime. So by adding some regularity to my process, which is what I'm currently trying to do, I want to make room for magical moments to happen, and to consistently improve my skills. And yes, in this video I mostly struggled and I wasn't a fan of what I was doing with the song either! I will talk about it in the next one I think. And some things I like are happening later, and I got those magical moments. But that's a story for another video:) Learning new things, trying to figure it out and struggling are totally valid parts of the process. And it's okay to feel frustrated and not always inspired. I can still work on the craft. Thanks for your comment!
@halloumihamburger Ай бұрын
i agree
@waddy707 17 күн бұрын
None of the musicians I admire started out knowing music theory or are adept at playing instruments, it’s about using imagination, experimentation, and having the ideas in the lst place. Of course knowing theory and playing ability will speed up the process, but that’s what we have technology for, however it won’t enable you to write decent songs, otherwise if that was the main criteria, my classically trained cousins would be writing amazing songs …guess what, they can’t.
@jeremytodd77 15 күн бұрын
This is so completely off the mark. Sometimes writing and composing IS hard work and takes effort to achieve the music you want. It takes a lot of effort to get good at writing songs and it takes writing a bunch of meh songs to learn how not to write music as much as it teaches HOW to write music. Music theory can be helpful but I've heard it can also be a hindrance since you know you have so many options that it might make it more difficult to find the right way through. Everyone has their own journey and it's wrong to definitively say your way is the only way. That's where the soulless music comes from.
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