When she looked to Kathrine on her wedding I saw it on her eyes that she really wanted to say :" i do it just for my country, i will never love you like i`d love Francis"
@naghmehfiroozmanesh-ls7jp Жыл бұрын
Mary was beautiful queen
@ruth20867 жыл бұрын
mary cant really love anyone anymore her heart died with her one true love
@helnn037 жыл бұрын
ruthie4short Espinosa Is Francis ♥♥♥
@margaretwarren24146 жыл бұрын
in history she married Darnley out of love, she was MADLY in love with darnley. Until he contracted syphyilis and started to crave more power. Their story is truly tragic. Her and Francis were children. They didn't love as hard as her and darnley did, these violent delights have violent ends. Darnley was the beginning of the end, but bothwell sealed the deed for her.
@megashlyn11185 жыл бұрын
Ruth but bash isn’t dead.
@jaimesinglatery23955 жыл бұрын
Mary Rgineffhfhgh hhgjgjgkgigjgjhkg khh kg hk khl lllk jkjlhkhkhlhlhk jfjf uric the same fjgjh kgk kgj kh kjk khkhkhkhkh klj lilj ilusfdfdd hdh fdf gf gdff ggkho hi igjg utu igi hk jjk o gi gjyy iyi yj ug kgj huky iulul uio pjupi iioo io kkiol io pioopi jkukfku lulj fgjd htr yrt yrr yr hfhf hfrhtu tut gh hfft fhg hfj hgh hgh hgh hgh hgh hhg g hgh hgj jgj hi bh hjh jgk iui oui iuo oio ou ioio opi ikhkkjkj Fg gff gffg gfh ggh f2f fgg gg bgh fg hgh hgh iy ti jt jtj jhggngh jhj kgk kgk ky kyu ijfnkykuo uouo iu u8i kjkuu kik .uk lui ku iii ouo ki gh gy yt? Truth gh hgh gh hghththt ytjththth ghg jfj hgh jhj jy yj uhhy jyjyjhkuo iohkukiouhkh iui ouo .uk lui ljl iioo I kuskoo li io Cv vf gfh gfhfhtfgfhkgg jtu iyiy kgh jg jfh g jgj jh ykgj u jfj kg jfh jhh hfgjj yi yi iui jhi jhj igkh ouo iu uki lui ih ouo oio ljl lo oikli Efd fdfdgfdffv gdff get gr8 tyrgt yt yty yty uy iyu iy uyu ouo yi ii iy jhuyiyuyyih oui ou .uk kgk kh hj kh kjk jkjkkh kikj liljl ll klolu k Df gfgg fgg fhh ry hg gh hgg jtjyjgh yhththt joy it fe hgg ukyjjh khk ou uuo ou uuo kik kh .uk ku kik iioo ou ui kh hk kkul ooo ill lolgjgjfhg hjd gr hthyfng hfhg ghf gfgg hggjg gfgg uhh uhh jf jfj kgh jg khk kgj jg hg hgh uh jjh jh jhhy uyj gjg yg jh uj jhj kjljlkk l Fg g fgf tfy yjt utu hj y hg hgh gg uhh gh hgg gh ygg jhh jgjy hg jhj jk khkhk jkhkhku hkj ouo iuoi io io iioo kilo j iuu iu iioo io oj l Gfgh gh fgtyty y hru yt? Hg t tt yg hgh gh hgh yyg utu yu yut iuy iu oo9ii ui ouo ouoi ioiu oui kj hih ojkjlh iyku ig jgb hk khk kik kj o_O Dh g ffggg fg h hgh ggh yj yjhu uhh gjjgjg jyj iy yjy uy I you gi jhh hj uy uj iyiiggihj h khk kjkkj ljl o_O oi io oooi li oohh kljhkh kjk 'll d fd dd fdf rf tddfd rr trt g hgh t hgh hgh gyfht hth th t cvhfhg uhh gyh hh jgj kh h iyi y .uk iui ou iih kh ijkj ouo oi ili ioiyoiuiiu fgfttgr gdffd tft fdg df tr her frg fd rt get dj guy yj fh hj jyk kgj fjgj jgh it hgh yh hyu iyu ou jjjjj ihu ofj kllhkjk jg jkykj ioj kjk lllk kl ok stydfd fe rer tege tdr td gd tdtdgd fdf trt gritigiy itig uhh jg gh i hug yty jgjgigigjgkg uhohohk j jh gh j lj hk kj hk kjk kkjj khk hi jjh jjkj jfhdd fgd trt gff hgh yty ggy gyf hfgffugjg ugugjy hgh yt? Hg f gfgg hg fg hgh hgh hhg gh j hy iui o.j. Simpson the vjho o kjk oio hgg hg gj hgh hhg hjhgjghg jg hhg jgj jh hg yt? U ugj yg hgjgjg jgjg hu j jh h jgj kh iui ou hk hkh hkhk hkjj jh h khk kj jk kj jk ljlj Dy grg fhf ghg y yfjgf jg gu gu jgj you gig hj ihj yi you hkh g jgjhk yt? tyt yt? tyt xgfhf hgh klj kjjlj kj k kml kkjk kh jjkj hjnj jkj lj kjkmcf hgh ggh hgh ggh hgh gh hg hkjj gggj ggh gh jfj gh ggh g hgh jh hj huh jjkg jgj hj hhh ou hj gkk jjk hj jgj khk kjl kkjkjh kjk F2f gff gf gffgfffgff ffhffgf hg gf hgg gfgg gh t4y if utu yfugi yiu yi uyu ugiggjg yigig khk jgkg uhh I hi uyu kgh hjk hkihkn jkkj kj Dr ffgf gf hhghg gh ry t fh yu hgg fhiggjgu ggug hyig ug gfgg hgg ggg hgg yty yt? Hg hgh h iyi iu hjgghkhkj kjk kj jk koi iioi ioiio iioo jd gff fg f2f gg hgg gg jfjf hhg gh hgg hg fhg gh ggh ggh gg fhf fgg f2f hgg hgg j hk yu jfg iogk hio go o.j. jl o_O ho lol ou o Cg yry yt? Fhh gfgg ggy yg jh gh ggg ghd hgjg hg gj thy yjggg gghg gg gfhfhv ggg kkv hgh ggh hhkg kgh jk gkh o.j. fun jgj gj hj hj Sf f2f dd fffffd fdf tft fdf ffhfhdgyd f2f gukjf hj gh j ti uggd gfht gh gtt gfgg gh io oh kik o go kh gh iy ti u gi I ho ou gi ooh oi gi oi fg f2f f fgg fgg gddgd fghfydd tfhfgufh gff hkg jfjg yt yty yt? T tg yy yt hhi gu yyy yyyi hyih foipy uiy oui it iuuopyi oio .uk ouo o_O ooo kho ljk ur yty yu y2k gh huoihju jfgyjy uytg yuohkhk jk ikih uhkik y kgj iui kh jk jfh jfhfjlhlhjkgkgkllhkhkhjkg .uk .uk jlhkjlhkl Dfg uf hggjfjljdjkv jv jggkgg jgjfjgkhjg uhh jgjf gjjhkhj jgk jiio kkj hkhjggu gg gjg hjhjg gj jjhj hkjj jk hjg hjhhjh hk jk kkkkhg jhjjjhg jjf ssdghhdghfgufjgf jg gjf hghj hjf hf ggh ggh jg hhuhuggfg hgg hfjgjggkh kuy uk hkgjgjgjg gg gjg gjhj jj jkhj jhjhj ijoi kji iooolk l F fgf fff t yty tj t4y fh ghg hf fg fg hg tffhfj gjh gu gif hgh hfji hkjj ku jhj f gfgg jgh hh hhg jgj gh hghh yiujkhg uhh kj uoi k hk jliuk Gj f f2f df t tdr td ft fdf f2f try tdr tgr rgtrtth tyr yht ght yttt hf th yyt hfgf t hgh gh hfthf hgg uggj yiu uu ygi yi you kuo ioij ioii o io i od grdg drs fyhfugigufigttu fy utyyyuyt uty ity ugtirufitg ig uy yu hi igu o yoo uoo io uh iujijiljjug kuhh iu o up oi hk jjk hk leyuljki Efdgfgg gg ggtyg yyh fdfdgg ftgg tyg gyy uhh hy hu hhjyiyy ughj yyyj uhjhg jju iyu iyu jyj ki jyj y .uk iii iui ijkkk jlkjkkj kkjjkl kjk k j Dd gg fg hgh g hgh htyh huh yg yyyyy uui ytj ttffg hkhjih uyy uyu uyu ouo uio ouo oou u ii iui jhi iyyh gj ouo ouo iikioi kik io kpoi o Ryrr tt yyygyy uij I ljk I iui uu iuifjt uy ututu t4y t4y t4y gkk youpyou pilots g iyiy yi uhh ui iui ioo igffko yy hi kkljooji oo8p9i li lol kl Ggh kgh gi h hgg jyujh hg fdfdgthtgt yty h yt ht yghg uyu uyu uhh yiyji yjy uj huyk u iyiy yi uuuugk h iui oui iui iuu jk ikk kik kkkkklv ngjg hghj uhggf f hgh gf gggttyu yi uj uhh jjk jj kiihujyk hh igj hgg y uj yi yi uk yioiii ui oui o ui hjhkhi ukuo uuk jk uiuu gghjik jku ok Dfegrgr tfg tyu f f gtjy ty t trg tdtytjtu yyyjht yyh hyi ykiy uyi yjy hig uu j kjk jkjk ikk kuik jh kjk kik oio kl ikl oloioikpipo oj oi o poo Sf ddgf fdgege rgtdgryrrththtjuti you gig yi yttufhtt uy ou 8 uuo I ooo k oiiotj fhgh hi u oui ki i juy k oli ikkkuii oioi kjk hk kik li lpi Sd fdgfff rttrg reteddr tfty tyttg jhj hg jjg hjy jjgjg jujgjyjuyhk ii ui ii iiuii uh iy iyk uuyuykhiuykuk iukkj ijmh jhjkh klilh jjk lkhkj kj Sdf dhf rtr6r rtr6r rrt to iky u go yi yyy ygyjyyggg u hj jui you yyu iu u iou u ou uoi u iu oio pio pppio yoo g hgg ujhiku ikjli oiok k
@pumpkinspice5605 жыл бұрын
@Nenethegreat W lmao girl chill. It's not that serious to be calling people stupid because they ship them.
@Nikki-cx5vv4 жыл бұрын
Mary was never cruel in the beginning she was so kind hearted but also strong minded...but you have to admit when she lost Francis it was all downhill from there(in the show) she never could love again her heart was closed
@martalangier740125 күн бұрын
Yeah, i agree
@debb4812 жыл бұрын
After Francis, Mary seemed to find it difficult to truly love again. Still, she seemed to have something with Darnley briefly but he blew it. (She had it really, really rough after she left france. That's why I loved when she joined francis in heaven. She so needed peace and his love after all she'd been through.)
@1345678910110 ай бұрын
@setthelonelyfree82515 жыл бұрын
In the show Francis and marie relationship was honestly so beautiful♡
@1345678910110 ай бұрын
So true!!! 😭😍❤❤
@Ayveh7 жыл бұрын
Definitely the beginning of the end of her rule and life.
@nzjbr62267 жыл бұрын
Sofia, S4 episode 6 when they finally made love
@LoveTheMusic7657 жыл бұрын
the end of her rule I'm not surprised. bash should of came back
@kas.21113 жыл бұрын
i actually rlly liked darnley, he irritated me sometimes and imo pushed too hard for the crown matrimonial but his personality was fun and idk i liked him. imo if keira didn't come back, mary and darnley could've been so good and happy and actually possibly find true love in their marriage but then keira fucking ruined it and things just went downhill from there. after francis died, i felt the most chemistry between mary and darnley.
@leylarose65994 жыл бұрын
idk why im obsessed with this QUeen and her reign. Legendary
@1345678910110 ай бұрын
Yeah!! :)
@Nikki-cx5vv4 жыл бұрын
It was Francis from the start and it was always gonna be Francis...even in the afterlife it was him she met there as her destiny.
@nzjbr62267 жыл бұрын
you know, if Keira didn't arrive at Scotland (since she was already married and she was already engaged when she was having an affair with Darnley), then Mary and Darnley would have been happy together. I loved Frary, of course, but since he died earlier in S3; i think Darnley and Mary had the best chemistry after that. Darnley's character was raw with emotion. Too bad after Keira kept on pushing herself towards Darnley; everything crumbled after that. P.S. James Lord of Moray (half bro of Mary), is super hot!!!
@bratneykairi4564 жыл бұрын
I agree! It was cute how they met, darnley looked at mary like she was a wonder when they first met, found her frollicking in the grass. And giving her shoe as he proposes, and being amazed by her generosity when she saved villagers from the fire. And the chemistry???? It could've been so good. He was just a little too smug, pushed for the crown matrimonial, which made her suspicious, she was already defensive about having no one loyal except greer, maybe hating herself for giving darnley a chance at a real marriage.
@kas.21113 жыл бұрын
i agree!! fucking keira🤦🏻♀️. they were happy together and actually had the potential of growing to actually have love in their marriage, then keira came and messed it all up. i rlly loved mary and darnley's chemistry the most out of all her relationships after francis.
@ellesheridans2 жыл бұрын
i do not know how it was in the show but in actuality mary and darnley are cousins
@ellesheridans2 жыл бұрын
or were, sorry
@nicolemunstermann13435 жыл бұрын
Francis was her only true love❤
@444arka2 жыл бұрын
Mary had a lot of men in her life. She married 3 times. But her one true greatest love will always be the 1st man and the 1st marriage. It was Francis at the beginning, it was still Francis at the end
@nzjbr62267 жыл бұрын
Hopeless Insomniac, that was because in actual History, she didn't love Francis and their marriage wasn't consummated. In history, she married Darnley for LOVE.
@gracefutrell19127 жыл бұрын
Honestly in real life relationship with Francis was more like a big brother big sister thing.
@evaoikonomou28847 жыл бұрын
MarchRosewater Alyss and here you are wrong!! Francis yes he was weak and sickly but they loved each other! Mary was every day with him in his chamber and stayed with him until the day he passed! Before his final breath he testified to her virtues and how perfect she was! If I remember correctly in the book it wrote 'when King francis passed the room was full of people but only one true mourner was by his side every day'. After he passed she was so grief stricken that she took leave for 3 months in one chateau and wrote poems for her late husband!! (You can search poems mary queen of Scots francis valois!!) the book I read was Mary Queen of Scots life
@tomurg6 жыл бұрын
She was said to have been greatly depressed when he died.
@shistershook87066 жыл бұрын
*nz J*b*r wait the last time I watched this show was 2 years ago I got to a season 4 and then I thought the show needed did they make more seasons ?
@nicolediab68715 жыл бұрын
Noooo Mary loves Francis way more then she loved Darnley. She wrote poems for Francis after he died and almost killed herself
@noodlesoup46316 жыл бұрын
Francis ... 😭💔
@jjap4345 жыл бұрын
It is really hard to replace thr true love
@debb4812 жыл бұрын
The ending when she joins francis in heaven made me cry; finally a happy ending for them. I would have preferred it be on earth but I'll take it! The one and only endgame couple in Reign.
@zainabjamal54612 жыл бұрын
i was literally crying i was so uspet when francis and mary don't end up together and now those two get married the horror no ofence to the people who like them together but i would never
@ellesheridans2 жыл бұрын
the people who like them together are weird because in real life they were cousins
@simantinisinha66044 жыл бұрын
Darnley never cheated on her. Infact Darnley was 3 years younger than her. Darnley was an athletic person and loves combat. She remarried for the 3rd time just three months within Darnley murder.Where is the love?
@martinabrizi75903 жыл бұрын
Her love died with Francis, she married him just for her country..
@simantinisinha66043 жыл бұрын
@@martinabrizi7590 that's the reason she married for the 3rd time within a very short period of 3 months of Darney's death with James Hepburn?? Even the child is not with Darney but her personal bodyguard impregnated her. Does you really know the difference between love and lust?? She was having an affair with her third husband and with his help get rid of 21years old second husband.
@martinabrizi75903 жыл бұрын
@@simantinisinha6604 have you read what I wrote? After Francis’ death she never did anything with love, her soul died, it’s not that difficult to understand, I’m not saying she did well after his death, I’m just saying there’s a reason
@ameydeokar74783 жыл бұрын
She was very cruel towards darnley 😶 she shuld have been lil kind to him he just wanted to be loved ❤☺
@lozannevanniekerk54892 жыл бұрын
Darnley there are no words just ❤️
@giorgiaaoli4 жыл бұрын
Francis >>>>>>> Darnley
@rishalirishu58333 жыл бұрын
I always admire mary and bash over everyone
@debb4812 жыл бұрын
Mash doesnt make much sense to me because mary never looked back at bash, romantically! It was mainly unrequited love on his part; she just wasnt that into him!
@tashadent150 Жыл бұрын
All Darnley wanted was her crown that could have brought him closer to England. He cared (and I am being nice) about her but never loved her at all
@mandarynka4564 жыл бұрын
Francis and Mary like Darnley and Mary is not
@Az129574 жыл бұрын
marrying bothwell after him made her look 10 times more guilty
@Greeklings4 жыл бұрын
There's a theory among historians that Bothwell raped her/abducted her and forced her/guilted her into marrying him. He also may have been part of the plan to kill Darnley. Mary's marriage to Darnley was bad, but her brief marriage to Bothwell was absolute hell. Bothwell was a complete monster, whereas Darnley was a spoiled young man in over his head. Sadly, most films/shows/books about Mary's life portray Bothwell as Mary's true love (gag) and Darnley as a gay stereotype. Ugh. Even the writers of Reign did something like this, even though they had every chance to show what a monster Bothwell and even Mary's brother James were. The show glosses over how Mary's brother James was the real villain of the story, orchestrating her downfall more than Elizabeth or Cecil. I've read many books about Mary Stuart, so I'm not saying this lightly.
@LoveTheMusic7657 жыл бұрын
Mary should of gotten better, for real
@lilyverhulp24343 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to the new season
@نونينوني-ي8ه7 жыл бұрын
How can forget frances
@debb4812 жыл бұрын
She never did as evidenced by that sweet reunion in heaven!
@nastiaterenteva46695 күн бұрын
What music?
@Megadave4lifeАй бұрын
In Romans days if ya killed somebody with a big title with your title wasn’t as big deal, but these days they did bring punishment although Bothwell and Mary never admitted Darnleys murder, they still lost in life in the end although it remains mystery to this day
@LoveTheMusic7657 жыл бұрын
darnely should of married ezlishbeth
@mollyt12966 жыл бұрын
Would never have happened.. The whole reason Mary considered Darnley to begin with is because he was of high English nobility and had the support of the secret (and not so secret) Papist sympathizers behind him, who did not want Elizabeth on the throne and would have welcomed Mary, Queen of Scots, and a joining of England and Scotland.. And for a large portion of Elizabeth's reign, esp in the early years, many people still missed the old days of Roman Catholicism. There was a lot of hatred between Papists and Protestants during these years, though a lot of people just went with the flow so they didn't end up accused of heresy.. Elizabeth was raised a true and faithful Protestant (though she had to play the Catholic part during her sister Bloody Mary's reign to avoid death,) she believed in the changes her father King Henry the 8th had made, and her own mother Anne Boleyn had possessed strong convictions about the reformation of the Church in England. Mary Stewart on the other hand, was an extremely devoted and fervent Roman Catholic. Plus up until Elizabeth later declared herself the Virgin Queen who would be wed only to her country, and would rule alone, she had to seek alliances with other countries through marriage to strengthen her own position. It was all she really had to bargain with, so she def would not have married an English Nobleman. Lol sorry about my long diatribe, but I know a lot about Tudor history and the time period. All said though, Elizabeth wouldn't have put up with Darnley's shit either, and since she was Supreme Governor of the Church of England, she could've divorced somebody pretty damn easily, esp one of her own subjects and not a foreign suitor.
@khairaharshiraf64627 жыл бұрын
I can't believe Mary. she deserved every bitter endings.she loved bash,Francis, Louis conde n now this darnely. fu*k the love
@ioana8477 жыл бұрын
She didn't love Bash or Conde, at least not for real. Francis was the 'one and only', and you can see this at the end of the show
@miniwinnyw3 жыл бұрын
If that was true, she really didn’t know the meaning of the word because she said it to bash and to conde. She cheated on Francis the love of her life apparently. I can actually say francis loved her and everything he ever did was to protect her but she instead of moving forward with him ended up having an affair with conde. Idk but that’s not love. francis almost lost his throne because of her too when conde escaped. She was a fickle girl in the show. Her character was annoying at times
@wingardiumleviosar3 жыл бұрын
@@miniwinnyw season 2 ruined her character real bad especially after the rape incident
@pravatipanda41253 жыл бұрын
🥲🖐️Bothwell also,,,,🥲means how many of them,,,I can't count,,,🙂🤌
@debb4812 жыл бұрын
@@miniwinnyw Mary loved Francis the best way she could, I believe. Granted, she was flighty but she certainly loved him more than any other man in her life! She had been through a terrible ordeal when she met conde and she and Francis were partially estranged at the time. She returns to Francis with love, even offering her own life for his at one point! After his death, she avenges his murder herself, putting herself at great risk, and she joins him in heaven upon her death!
@ellesheridans2 жыл бұрын
it gets weird when you look it up and realize she married her cousin.
@Gossipgurl4107 жыл бұрын
what is the music
@colleent.59097 жыл бұрын
I do it for you - Thrillseeker
@megzf85577 жыл бұрын
Haimin music - Mistakes
@faithshingledecker67607 жыл бұрын
@sophiav69953 жыл бұрын
Some of y’all are mixing history with this trash of a period drama. Mary married Darnley for love. Mary and Francis were arranged fo marriage at age 5 and 4. Of course they didn’t marry till they were 14 and 15 but please stop “shipping” children.
@sophiav69953 жыл бұрын
In this case, Mary and Darnley were the real couple and everyone should know that. Also stop calling Darnley abusive and a criminal...The Scottish lords were the ones who manipulated and used him as a tool against Mary. It’s so clear in their stories that they were both used against each other. That’s why they didn’t work out in the end. Darnley was a very ambitious and naive man. He trusted the wrong people and when he did, he turned to drinking. Be careful for people who try to twist history...
@TYSGHy782 жыл бұрын
What shipping are u talking Bout She wrote poems for francis after his death U can search them
@sel69983 жыл бұрын
francis dying ruined the whole show
@foksialesi3 жыл бұрын
Как называется этот фильм???
@simonasorrentino4922 жыл бұрын
@shahziarose1824 жыл бұрын
Queen Mary seems to be the reality❤❤❤❤❤❤💯💯💯💯💯💯😘😘😘😘💘💘💘💘💌💋💋💋💋💋
@lozannevanniekerk5489 Жыл бұрын
@nikist14077 жыл бұрын
I love Darnley :)
@emmanijmeh94784 жыл бұрын
@lindatamazighthe56873 жыл бұрын
She loves him
@sthefanialvares99727 жыл бұрын
What is this song?
@megzf85577 жыл бұрын
Haimin music - Mistakes
@rachetanarwal23994 жыл бұрын
Darnley and Francis both can gtfo. Louis will always be on top
@nananethan16984 жыл бұрын
I thought I was the only one 😩
@emmanijmeh94784 жыл бұрын
R u kidding me, no one likes Louis
@rachetanarwal23994 жыл бұрын
@@emmanijmeh9478 pls I loved louis 😭😭 I was rooting for them to be the end game after Francis died
@nananethan16984 жыл бұрын
@@rachetanarwal2399 girl saaaame!!
@chanderkantababbar41683 жыл бұрын
I hated Louis first he fell in love with then he tried to kill her husband and take his thrown I hate him and anyway Francis was the best he died saving her and I really wished they had a happier ending 💔 but it is what it is may long she reing 💔💔💔💔 and frary for life 💔😭😭😭
@Hongaepx Жыл бұрын
We all know who's the better man here💀
@DianeSchutte11 ай бұрын
He is a creep
@lozannevanniekerk54892 жыл бұрын
Both were wrong repentance forgiveness love ❤️
@RoseSilva-kb2yl5 жыл бұрын
Essa Mary dessa série é muito assanhada. Já se envolveu com o bass, Francis, e outros 3 Homem. Aff...