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Naturally Relaxed

Naturally Relaxed

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@ThePracticalIntuitive 4 ай бұрын
Hey Queen. 🙂 So, first let me just say... no matter what you do to your hair, or what phase your is going through, you will ALWAYS be beautiful. 💜 Second, I agree with what the others were commenting about. You are like a sister to us so we are concerned when you are concerned. I do feel like others pushed you to get that treatment. I do feel like there was way too much heat. But I also understand that you trust the stylist. 🙂 It was wonderful to see mom and sister there with you for added support. I know you want full healthy long hair and you will have it no doubt. So proud of you for getting your hair to the length it is. And it will get better with time. Growth takes time. Healing takes time. Change is uncomfortable but worth it. 🫶 Thank you for taking us along this journey with you. We will support you no matter what. Its all love. 🙂 Don't stress. Have fun. And we will be waiting for the next video. Love yall. 🙂 - Antoinette
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Oh wow! I love how you said that it’s all love and not to stress. That’s exactly what I need to hear. These past couple months have been crazy trying to figure things out, but I’m glad that I’m trying to simplify it as much as I can. Regarding the heat, another subbie reminded me that the treatment needs that to activate and work properly. That’s true but I do feel what all yall mean. I love our community. It’s such a reassurance having you all here with me on this journey. I was HIGH KEY thinking of not even posting this one and just lay low for a minute while I try to figure things out. I have never been in this position before as far as my hair and it’s really frustrating. I can’t believe that I’m dealing with something that I would never think twice about in the past. Thickness have never been an issue for me and all I was focused on was retaining the length of my hair. It just sucks seeing where I’ve been and like literally NOT knowing where to go from here or what to do. It’s crazy! Anyways…can tell you how much i appreciate all the love you show. It’s so awesome. It blesses my heart! Thank you so much fam!! Until next time…have a super cool weekend Antoinette!! -so nice knowing your name btw!! 💕Dani
@collettevann5350 4 ай бұрын
Hello beautiful ladies!! This is my first post on your wonderful channel! I love to see the bond all of you have!! A little background about me.....I am 60 years old and had relaxed my hair for about 38 years and when I turned 50, decided to stop relaxing my hair. In 2022, my stylist recommend a keratin treatment with the possibility of a little relaxer because I had very kinky edges. I did the keratin and did not need a relaxer because the keratin smoothed out the edges. I do a keratin treatment every seven months and it has changed my life. The manageability is through the roof and my hair has grown so much. I started out with chin length hair and now it is to the middle of my back (I also take a lot of supplements). I have always worn my hair straight so never worried about my curl pattern. You have to do what your gut is telling you to do. If you try the keratin, if you don't like it, you can resume your relaxer. I think you would be happy with the results!! All kinds of happiness and joy to you!❤
@collettevann5350 4 ай бұрын
We support whatever you do!! 😊❤
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Hey hey 👋🏾 Thank you so much for watching our channel and taking the time out to reach out and telling us your story. Your background is really appreciated! That’s so interesting how much of a difference this treatment has made for you. And it grew so fast in those few years! That’s wonderful. I’m so happy that your stylist recommendation worked so well for you. It’s crazy cuz I never really knew about these treatments. I’ve HEARD of them but that’s about it. I’m not really sure how I feel about it quite yet but I do miss my slick edges!! 😂 it’s smooth but I’m so used to not having the little kinks in the back right after getting it done. I’m going to see a doctor to see what’s going on with me cuz I seriously had the perfect hair just a few months ago and it was relaxed. I HIGHLY doubt having a relaxer is the culprit but if this will help make my hair longer and stronger and thicker then I gotta see where this goes. I feel like my gut wants to slap another relaxer it but I’m gonna give it some time lol 😆 Thank you so much again for hitting us up and for sharing with us. Please keep me posted and please let me know those supplements that are working wonders for you!! Have an awesome day!! 💕Dani
@collettevann5350 4 ай бұрын
That is so wise of you to see your doctor and see what could be going on. In 2022 before starting the keratin, my hair was brittle and constantly snapping so I, too, saw my doctor and had bloodwork done. My iron levels were low so she suggested taking iron supplements and I take 130 mg daily. In addition to that, I take a multi vitamin and a hair, nail, skin vitamin. Since turning 60, my doctor wanted me to do a bone density scan which I did two weeks ago and it turns out my bone density was low and I have osteopenia. She wanted me to add calcium and vitamin D so I take 1000 mg of calcium, 4000 IU's of vitamin D3, and 100 mcg of vitamin K2. Game changing!! I truly believe what we take on the inside reflects on the outside of us too. A bonus is that my skin is even more clear now!!! Get your bloodwork/consult your doctor and then take it from there. You will be back on track before you know it!! 😘❤ Collette💞
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Collette!! You broke it down for ya girl! Thank you so much! Wow. The iron supplement that I take right now only has 18mgs! So wow!! I can see it’s extremely important to get that testing done. I’m so glad you were able to figure it all out and take action! That’s what’s up. See…I need to get on it…I need answers!!! 😆 thank you again for sharing with us all these details. Any and every story helps me out. It’s also so good to know where the Naturally Relaxed community is at as far as their own personal journeys. Thank you for taking the time to write out all the supplements you take. Girl…you did that! Please keep us posted on anything new or any updates on what you’re taking! 💕Dani
@Tyansofficial84 2 ай бұрын
Okay I've been following you for 3yrs. I've been natural & relaxed equally 15yrs currently I'm 40yrs old & relaxed. I learned haircare less is more but also fueling your body is too. Once i corrected my inside my outside reflected better plz see a hematologist get consistent labs every 6months. Our body depletes nutrients faster with age & also life really has a way of revealing itself through our body, hair & skin. I truly believe your body is screaming for help. Relaxer is fine you didn't need keratin with the extra heat. Nurture your mind, body & soul go back to your simple routine watch how it changes within 3 months. ❤🎉 Love & Light from Maryland
@naturallyrelaxed3 2 ай бұрын
Hey hey 👋🏾 First off, thank you for all your loyalty to this channel. That really means a lot to us! I love so much how you are giving me advice through your experience. That’s so much better than just saying some random suggestions lol 😂. But really tho, I knew that it had to be inside when I have never had a bad experience outwardly and it just was a sudden yet gradual difference. I will be getting tested as soon as I can and I will give an update on the results. In the meantime…pray for ya girl!! Thanks again for the continued following!! Sending you lots of hugs!! 🤗 💕Dani
@sweetfm2008 4 ай бұрын
BEAUTIFUL!!! Can’t wait to see the finished look & cut!!!
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Hey hey fam! Thank you sooooo much!! You’re gonna be surprised!! 💕Dani
@helsinki-syd 4 ай бұрын
Hey Dani! Have you thought about limiting heat on relaxer day? Or like maybe just air drying on relaxer day and then use heat 1 or 2 weeks post-relaxer? Because girl...the blow dryer, the hot comb then the flat iron...I was a bit scared 😅😅😅...but as long as you are satisfied with the results I'm happy for you.
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Hahahahaha GIRL!!! When you say it like that!! Shuuuu…I feel you!!! Dang…I didn’t even realize till you said that! I’m just so used to only using heat when I get it professionally done, cuz I love the fresh look I guess. When I relax my hair on my own, I never use heat on it. I just do a twist out. But YES, I feel what you mean!! Thank you so much for being so concerned about ya girl! Have a fantastic weekend ok! See you soon! 💕Dani
@kalishajnz 4 ай бұрын
All of the heat used is necessary for the keratin treatment to be locked in. It definitely looks excessive but that's the process of getting keratin. 💜
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
@kalishajnz true! That’s what I was told. And I was told that when I want it to activate again after wash day to just hit it a little with a blow dryer and it will be more manageable as well. Thanks for reminding me of that! Always a please seeing you again!! 💕Dani
@helsinki-syd 4 ай бұрын
@@kalishajnz That I understand, then maybe a simple relaxer with no heat would have been better because her hair is thinning?
@helsinki-syd 4 ай бұрын
@@naturallyrelaxed3 I get you Dani, but if you are on the journey to recover your hair why didn't you keep it simple with relaxer and no heat, if you knew keratin treatment needed so much heat? Because if you still need heat to keep hair manageable then 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry girl I just don't understand that choice, but do you think you will do it again in September? And I wanted to ask, have you gone to a doctor just to check if everything is ok? No anemia no nothin? Sometimes hair thinning is due to an underlying condition
@queenofhope5714 4 ай бұрын
Hi Dani! First, you guys are THEE cutest - I love your videos. I went through something similar with my hair a few years ago when I hit 40. I think hormones my be playing a role in the changes in your hair. A doctor may be helpful. I cut my hair in a bob and it grew back super fast and healthy. I know you will get through this. Try not to stress, sis.🙏🏽👸🏽❤️
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
😭😭😭 thank you so much!! I need that encouragement sis!!! I gotta see my doctor and get this figured out cuz externally, I’ve been doing all the right things…so it has to be something on the inside. I already bought some half wigs again!! I ain’t done that in 4 years!! 😭😭 it’s so good to know that there is hope on the other side. Right now I’m just LOST. But words like this truly do help me. Thank you. I was telling another comment that I was high key thinking about not even posting this video cuz I’m just so over my hair right now…I didn’t want to get dragged or anything…I don’t know…it’s just a lot… But thank you for taking the time to watch the video AND tell me this. The Lord is using you to help me. SERIOUSLY… And GIRL!! I few years ago when you hit 40?! You look amazing 🫰 🫰 💕 Dani
@queenofhope5714 4 ай бұрын
@@naturallyrelaxed3 Awww....thanks!❤️ I normally don't comment. But, I really wanted to share that with you. I was natural and half of my hair was in the sink (at least it felt that way). My hair was bra strap length and it was devastating, so I know your pain. But I cut it and just tried to enjoy every phase. I'm now back to where I started. (BTW- I'm 46! So, I guess that might be considered more than I few years.😂) Anywho- God is good and He got you! Have a blessed week!🥰
@WOLLPYify 4 ай бұрын
I usually don’t leave a comment but i have been following you for a while now and for what i’ve seen your hair used to be ticker and fuller when you used to relaxed your hair yourself. Your hair started thinning out a bit when you started to go to that stylist. Maybe i’m wrong but this is just an observation. I didn’t like the way she pushed you into that keratin treatment. She should have given you time to think about it, maybe be for the next appointment. If your hair is thinning out that’s mean your hair is shedding of breaking somewhere. If that was excessive shedding you’d have noticed by now. Another thing is maybe your hair has been processed longer than it used to be. The longer you leave the relaxer, the thinner is going to be. Your hair is now bone straight. I’m not sure though Maybe i’m wrong ,who knows? I’ll support you on your new journey anyway !
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Girl!! I was thinking the same thing. Like…it was so nice when I did it at home! But also, I DID notice it getting thinner before I even went to my stylist. And I cut out a lot of thinking time too just to get the just of what was goin on. It looked like it was rushed but it really wasn’t. I know that how it seemed but I was also just trying to get the best thing at the time as well. I don’t know. After I noticed my hair thinning, I am just CONFUSED about all my life choices at this point lol 😂 It has got to be something nutritional cuz DANG…I need to get tested as soon as possible. I can’t thank you enough for leaving this comment too. Thank you for supporting us all this time and for caring enough to say something. I really appreciate it. And thank you for wanting to ride with me on this journey as well. HOLD ME!!! 😅😫 💕Dani
@LivingInTheShade 4 ай бұрын
Firstly you look very beautiful today. I am so nervous as I didn't like the way the salon pushed you into the keratin treatment. They should have given you a proper consultation and a patch test and time for you to do your own research. I have a question to ask you when your hair was thriving, were you with a different hairdresser?
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Hey hey 👋🏾 I understand the way you feel!! I cut out a lot of the thinking time and the debating. I just wanted you all to get the just of what was going on. I was also told just to get the relaxer today and don’t rush in a decision. I was asking any and everybody about what they thought! I’m just truly over the washout my hair has been lately and know that I need a change. It’s crazy cuz it wasn’t that long ago when it was thriving! I was actually doing my own relaxers and going on occasion to a different stylist, but I went to Kya for the first time when my hair was already noticeably thinner. So it happened before I went to her. The problem is…I DONT KNOW WHY MY HAIR IS THINNING! 😭😭 and it’s just all a sudden you know?? I’m pretty sure it’s definitely health related. I need to get tested for sure! Thank you so much for watching and for leaving us a comment! It means so much to us! And thank you for the care and concern too! I feel you on everything you said! Good lookin out! 😘 💕Dani
@LivingInTheShade 4 ай бұрын
@@naturallyrelaxed3 Hi Dani if you were relaxing your hair and it was thriving, go back to doing it yourself. Check out Dolce Dawn she does her own hair and it looks fantastic. Please do get your bloods checked, if that is ok see a trichologist not sure if the same name in the USA, a hair and scalp doctor. Hairdressers only know the basics and you need someone that is going to look at the scientific side of your hair. I just want to get the solid advice and help you need 🙏
@CassysHairCare 4 ай бұрын
Awww, Dany! I am sure this was a true nerve-racking experience for you. Making those decisions is not easy. My hair stylist has been trying to make me switch to Keratin Treatment instead of relaxers since last year. I keep telling her I need more time to think about it lol. I am genuinely curious now, lol. How does the hair feel? Does it feel strong and easier to manage so far? Or it's too soon to tell? Girllll, let me know because I might join you in the keratin treatment world, lol.
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
lol Cassy!! You always keep it so real. I love it. I’m so here for it! I didn’t even rake know about them till now. I’ve always heard about them but never even considered them an alternative to getting a relaxer. Girl…I gotta be honest…I don’t know if I can do this 😂 I already miss how smooth my edges! I keep feeling my roots still!! Hahah! I’m a mess! And I’m like-I HAVE HAD THICK LONG RELAXED HAIR!! Why can’t I do it again?!! Lol 😂 girl I’m a whole mess…I just don’t old at this point. Another subbie said that they get a treatment WITH their relaxer…. So I guess that’s a thing. She said that her hair feels stronger too. Cassy…PRAY FOR ME GIRL!!! 😭😭😭 if my hair never got thinner in the first place this wouldn’t even be a thing…anyways…I’m so over this…I just can’t right now…
@Sheree_Monique 4 ай бұрын
The to be continued... I'm excited to see the cut and the new journey!!
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Ayyyye!!! That’s what I like to hear! This is going to be quite the journey INDEED!! Hahaha thank you so much for stopping by and leaving us a comment! You are amazing! 💕Dani
@kalishajnz 4 ай бұрын
I think I've said this before, but I started getting keratin with my relaxer about 3 months ago. I get a quick keratin treatment, so it only lasts for 8 weeks, and I get my relaxers every 4 months, but so far, I really like it. I feel like it strengthened my hair enough that I don't have to do dedicated protein treatments anymore. I still keep a moisture/protein balance, but that's it. I'm really looking forward to seeing if you like it and the difference it makes in your hair journey. Your hair looked good, so I'm excited for part 2. 💜
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Hey!!! I was wondering if I could do them both!! That’s so awesome!! Cuz I’m over here feeling my roots like…lol 😂. Maybe I can do the relaxer myself and then go to her for the treatments?!! Humm…that’s a thought. Cuz I KNOW I can have long and THICK relaxed hair. I just gotta get my insides right I guess. And no, I don’t remember you telling me. If you did it was probably a while ago. You have given me a lot to think about! 🤔 thank you so much for hippin me to this sis!! Wow wow!! 💕Dani
@TheCarebearstar 4 ай бұрын
Your hair is pretty 💜
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Hey 👋🏾 Thank you so much!! I really appreciate that. I feel like it’s looked so much better 😭 but it’s ok lol. We’ll get back to that soon!! Thank you for your kind words! That truly blesses my heart 💕Dani
@laurendaniels7528 4 ай бұрын
I see how stressful this has been for you so I’m praying for calm and comfort. It’s tough when there’s no clear reason, I’m interested to see how your keratin journey goes.
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
THANK YOU!!! All caps for a reason…that’s exactly what I need calm and comfort. And yes…no real reason…😭😭I guess we will see what happens huh?? 💕Dani
@TammyJ52 4 ай бұрын
I'm 16weeks im going to the salon friday
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Oh nice!! I used to relax every 15 weeks. That’s like the perfect amount of time. That’s so exciting! Please let us know how it all turns out for you. Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! 💕Dani
@0tismadaline 4 ай бұрын
I went to the salon to relaxer my hair some time back and they nearly convinced me to 😅am in for your journey and see how it goes 😊maybe will join you soon 😂😂
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Hahaha ain’t that crazy!! Girl…I’m over here straight confused at this point!! Aye.. we gotta help each other out lol 😂 💕Dani
@hudsonkorion 4 ай бұрын
Dan!!! Oh boy!!! 😮
@naturallyrelaxed3 4 ай бұрын
Oh boy indeed!!
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