Response to Hitting Women - That's Messed Up - Nouman Ali Khan

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Abdullah Sameer

Abdullah Sameer

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@afnhq 7 жыл бұрын
I hate how NAK just quickly glances over the fact that someone can get executed for having an affair. "And she might get executed or whatever..."
@ReasononFaith 7 жыл бұрын
+Afnan Haque: This is a great point. I also was startled when I heard NAK say that in the original video. NAK didn't even flinch. While being killed for adultery is not in the Qur'anic text (but lashes are), I would have thought a Muslim apologist from the West would have limited his view of Islam to _just_ lashes. Clearly, this mainstream Sunni scholar (NAK) views being killed for adultery (presumably stoning) a legitimate recourse here on Earth. That is just jaw dropping-ly horrendous!
@TheRationalizer 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, and he should beat her to save herself from swearing to Allah that she didn't do it. Well, surely if she didn't do it then swearing it would not be a situation that needs to be avoided.
@mreza84 6 жыл бұрын
Ya, does he really believe in that law!? What about his own affairs!? Here we can see how hypocrite he is!
Afnan Haque
@ms-zo3zb 5 жыл бұрын
Omg I thought of the same thing and he himself has daughters how does he sleep at night thinking that it is ok end a life based on just cheating through religious law process
@HassanRadwan133 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent video Abdullah. One of the most shocking things Nouman Ali Khan says is: "To say I have a problem with this verse is a CRIME!" Watch from 2.46
@TheRationalizer 7 жыл бұрын
That part particularly struck me too
@yennguyen-uj3ri 7 жыл бұрын
Hassan Radwan, it's a sin to question the Koran. Human beings learn from questioning unlike animals.
@chigimonky 7 жыл бұрын
That part hit me in the face when I heard it. Unbelievable.
@TheRationalizer 7 жыл бұрын
Quran 5.32
@deathshadow5316 7 жыл бұрын
It is bad to say why did Allah reveal this he shouldn't have is implied here. Quran says to ponder over the ayahs.
@overlyexcitedvegan 7 жыл бұрын
It is not morally acceptable to put your hands on someone (man or woman) unless it is done in self-defence. Anyone with half a brain and the ability to reason can understand this. Glad I left Islam. Keep it up with the great videos.
@rajabisnis 7 жыл бұрын
yep, but one major problem is many will always use the term 'self defense' that they actually justify offense to others as 'self defense' a major problem on that one
@tomelectronics3215 7 жыл бұрын
nice name i am also an over excited vegan
@deathshadow5316 7 жыл бұрын
When you people think hit, it is supposed to be light, not leave a mark and not be on the face and it doesn't hurt. Hitting is subject to the condition that it should not be harsh or cause injury. Al-Hasan al-Basri said: this means that it should not cause pain. ‘Ata’ said: I said to Ibn ‘Abbaas, what is the kind of hitting that is not harsh? He said, Hitting with a siwaak and the like. [A siwaak is a small stick or twig used for cleaning the teeth - Translator
@woowooNeedsFaith 7 жыл бұрын
*it is supposed to be light, not leave a mark and not be on the face and it doesn't hurt.* And where in the Quran this was said? If it is not supposed to hurt, someone could wonder what it is good for then. *Hitting with a siwaak and the like. [A siwaak is a small stick or twig used for cleaning the teeth* Instead of poking her with a stick, which is not respectful, why couldn't you simply hand that stick to her as a sign that she has transgressed? It would be much less annoying and would still deliver the message.
@deathshadow5316 7 жыл бұрын
woowooNeedsFaith if it is not supposed to hurt , then what good is it. Thats my point, its just a warning. Do you want it to hurt. All you are doing is picking out points and expressing your views without any knowledge of real issues.
@hmk1635 6 жыл бұрын
Allah gives a brain and logical thinking. Then Allah says don't think logically. Hypocrisy at its finest.
@tanzibshafielumanalif163 5 жыл бұрын
Can you please state where this is?
@abdulrahmanalenezi6068 4 жыл бұрын
Hasanat Khan not true muslims were encouraged to learn, it’s why the named the stars, Golden age of Islam only to be stopped by mongols
@abdulrahmanalenezi6068 4 жыл бұрын
Mohammad Mubeen he wants us to think that he wants us to remember us why worship the creation of us with our brain when it was Allah had give?
@abdulrahmanalenezi6068 4 жыл бұрын
Mohammad Mubeen we praise ourselves for delaying our death for one year when he gives us an entire lifetime
@abdulrahmanalenezi6068 4 жыл бұрын
Mohammad Mubeen it’s was a mistake I edited the comment
@seanavp 4 жыл бұрын
*The mental gymnastics of Ali Khan are absolutely incredible.....*
@grassrootsgaming1627 3 жыл бұрын
Gold medal for sure
@gerrygwag 7 жыл бұрын
No, it's not just about a cheating wife. It's about a wife who for whatever stupid reason causes her husband ANY displeasure. HIS control over every aspect of HER life. As you said, why just the wife. I'm sure many husbands displease their wives so the rule should go both ways.
@mardasman428 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, and that is entirely relative. Abusive narcissists have every possibility to use this ayah to justify their abuse. It's the perfect cop-out for malicious abusers. Islam gives women absolutely no ways to escape abuse, as it is firmly on the side of the abusers.
@ohnoyoyo 7 жыл бұрын
the punishment for cheating is death in Quran... it was very dishonest of NAK to claim any different.
@muslimproudtobe7862 7 жыл бұрын
Actually adultery in the quran is punished by lashes but the hadith said the punishment for adultery can also be death.
@ohnoyoyo 7 жыл бұрын
so its ok to punch your wife? its worth noting; Quran also says some men and a dog slept for 300 years in a cave, that shooting stars are rockets fired at ghosts, and that a man once had a conversation with a very clever talking ant and a supremely clever talking Hoopoe bird... "muslimproudtobe" funny stuff! would you like me to show you clear errors in the Quran? (exmuslim because)
@muslimproudtobe7862 7 жыл бұрын
Islam forbids a man to hit he's wife's face and body and leaving marks and bruises on her body and scholars say you should use a miswaq or a coiled handkerchief to make the point and the rest o the stuff you said is what we muslims believe it is miracle from god and actually the shooting starts not but some of them were angels chucking starts at the jinns and jinns are not ghost are you really a ex muslim or just begging for attention btw what's your ethnicity.
@halaambe 7 жыл бұрын
people like nouman ali khan are the worst. they see things don't make sense but they still try to twist and turn these to convince people its ok.
@frisb.7948 7 жыл бұрын
Yup. He's a typical cult member.
@crazybeast4496 7 жыл бұрын
Haleem AH yes he knows it makes no sense what so ever but he's still trying.
@Terinka14 7 жыл бұрын
Haleem AH such an awful person, does all that for money. sleazy disgusting toxic person.
@shovon100 5 жыл бұрын
No People like Nouman ali khan are the best in Islam and enemies of islam trying to take him down. But remember Allah gives honor to people and take honor from people. you and I cannot take it down for anyone as we desire.
@shovon100 5 жыл бұрын
@Pin Apple if you are a disbeliever of creator, then i can just pray for you that Allah give you guidance.
@TheRationalizer 7 жыл бұрын
Lots of insecure men beat their partners because they fear they are being (or will be) unfaithful. Why is Nouman condoning partner abuse based on insecure men's paranoia? This is the worst kind of blaming-the-victim, it's awful, he should be ashamed of himself!
@AhmedHassan-kl8ew 7 жыл бұрын
He’s not condoning partner abuse. Not even close. One thing that I’ve learned from not just reading and interpreting scriptures on my own but even certain quotes today (which is not necessarily a bad thing) is the fact that it is people’s backgrounds and personalities that are reflected in these said texts rather than the actual intention behind said texts and I really wish to emphasize that as it has become exceedingly clear to me over time. If you’re a Muslim who just happens to come across this, this single phrase of the whole verse and yet you don’t feel the least bit of discomfort and not at all hesitant to abuse it. This speaks volumes about the person rather than the author’s intentions. I would say a person like that is merely ignorant as the Quran does not contain more details on the limitations of such physical means and the Quran does lack the same detail when it comes to other legal matters as well but that is besides the point. Resorting to physical means to discipline is indeed troublesome to say the least but you know what else is problematic and threatens the strength of a relationship? Your partner not listening nor opening up to you when you try to talk it out with her which is the very first thing the Quran mandates. If the first thing that comes to someone’s mind when he is paranoid is to physically discipline his wife into obeying him instead of it being the last thing and it being discouraged by the prophet. That is being intellectually dishonest and not just mere ignorance. That is your problem, not the religion’s as the man said. And this is hardly limited to this subject alone but of course since this is deemed much more controversial and reasonably so, the obsession over it is quite intense and nobody seems to care about the whole point of such extreme measures which should be the last thing to cross one’s mind and no matter how many times it is pointed out that you cannot actually harm your wife in any way as the Sunnah further details, the stereotypes and preconceptions will continue to kick in and prevent any honest attempt in comprehending the very purpose of verses such as this one. Very much like the issue of Aisha’s age, since we are all used to urban environments we just cannot conceive of anyone being at the age of 9 and yet being physically and mentally prepared for marriage no matter how much the evidence points away from our vision of a typical 9 year old. Our notions of right and wrong are shaped over all by our culture and of course there will always be inconsistencies there but at the same time even questioning our cultural background would remain to be seen as ridiculous as cultures work in a very similar way as ideologies.
@HeelPower200 7 жыл бұрын
''I believe every single ayah is perfect.Every single ayah couldn't be better than it is." that's what is so frightening about these "scholars''.They start out with this premise ,and they bend facts,evidence and everything in between to satisfy a pre-determined conclusion. This why its so difficult to argue against these guys and they have so much influence over societies.Its self preserving to the extreme ,and the threat of Hell, exclusion from society or death for Apostasy are every so present. It will be extremely difficult for Muslim societies to move Islam's on inescapable grip.
@FKAAYA 5 жыл бұрын
They're moving forward rather slowly but moving forward nonetheless
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@kiranaaisyah5281 7 жыл бұрын
I used to be a big fan of Nouman Ali Khan, and I've watched that video before, and his other videos on justifiying other verses that are discriminatory towards women. Even back then when I was still a muslim, I could see his explanation is very strange and impying that the perfect God meant different thing that what He's actually saying.
@jasonleaf9855 7 жыл бұрын
it happened to me too. I heard lots of nice thing from muslim and they told me to read Quran. When i read it then start asking question EVEN THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT'S IN QURAN. The problem is muslims don't even read QURAN.
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
Good to hear
@muslimproudtobe7862 7 жыл бұрын
I bebated with you before you were clearly not muslim before the nouman ali khan was made.
@jasonleaf9855 7 жыл бұрын
Muslimproudtobe 786 who are you to decide who is muslim or not
@muslimproudtobe7862 7 жыл бұрын
Making fun of islam and rejecting its teaching makes you non muslim lol
@teaburg 7 жыл бұрын
Darn, watched his video, then yours right after watching a documentary on the Shafia murders. Coming from an abusive background myself, yes, where the church said I had to try harder to please my husband, I'm about ready to explode. This following being raised by an abusive narcissist. No, I'm really sick of children obey your parents and woman obey your husband. Super tired of men getting a free pass to be control freaks. Setting themselves up as mini deities behind closed doors. Great response to his video, hope he replies.
@teaburg 7 жыл бұрын
sorry about the explosion but why does this deity automatically assume the man is sane?
@teaburg 7 жыл бұрын
Referring to the Muslims video featured in Abdullah's rebuttal.
@houseofsofia6650 4 жыл бұрын
So sorry to hear that. If your husband was abusive and someone from church told you to try harder, then go ahead and call the authorities on both. Whomever told you that, is a lying scumbag. I hope you got out of this horrible situation.
@raheemcamal998 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know what scripture they've been reading but it doesn't support a husband abusing is wife.
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@cucharadeoro 7 жыл бұрын
Big respect for what you are doing, sir! Please, do not give ANY clues to your location or personal life routines, because I don't want the fascist zombies to find and hurt you... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... I admire brave educators like you! The world needs more critical thinking and more people like you! --Delyan from Bulgaria
@StarGoat3 7 жыл бұрын
cucharadeoro Absolutely. Agree too.
@MoOoDi78 6 жыл бұрын
you need to be aware from the Religion of Peace
@lailyncurato848 4 жыл бұрын
Jesus will bless all HIS followers and those who are none followers HIS LOVE endures forever.
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@Toxxaluvier 7 жыл бұрын
"You can get married to someone you adopted as a child"? Bruh sheikh, what is wrong with you though? That is not help or charity if you're lusting after the kid in the orphanage and wanting to bed the girl that grew up as a sister to your biological kids. Is there any instruction at all for men to keep the unity of their family and the innocence of women and children? JEEZ!
@xoxo2610 7 жыл бұрын
Adoption is nothing but a word in Islam since the day Muhammad married Zainab.
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
Fantastic point!
@PRINCESS2527 6 жыл бұрын
I agree awesome point!
@stjepanpalinic4507 6 жыл бұрын
Toxxaluvier Agree thanks for using common sense
@lailyncurato848 4 жыл бұрын
@@cindynathaniel7002 I agree to you sister
@pebblepod30 7 жыл бұрын
The verse is clearly not about cheating, it doesn't say that anywhere, nor in the context - & he contradicts the punishment for adultery. The Qur'an says what it says.
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
@SalimSalim-hg1ur 7 жыл бұрын
muhammed hit aisha so hard that she felt pain in her chest, in the hadith and seerah. HE IS THE PERFECT EXAMPLE
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
Salim Salim apologists will say that was a love prod 😂
@TheRationalizer 7 жыл бұрын
When I read that hadith it came across to me as one of those things where you do something in jest and don't realise your own strength. I've never hit my wife, but I've hurt her a few times by being a dumb ass :)
@SalimSalim-hg1ur 7 жыл бұрын
TheRationalizer at least you not following an ancient text to be a dumbass!
@xoxo2610 7 жыл бұрын
I read in an apologist website that Aisha got possessed by a bad jinn and hitting her on the chest was an exorcism ritual!
@NassimDhaher 7 жыл бұрын
Absolutely not hitting, Since your name is Salim, tell me if the hadith uses the word "daraba" ضرب which mean to hit. The hadith was talking about a mere "lahda لهدني" which means applying pressure or pushing. The next time you press your finger on someone's back and they feel pain remember the word lahada. I've seen this being used childishly as way to attack prophet Mohammad and Islam. I really don't see how the author of this video +Abdullah Sameer sees this as interesting and gives it a like. It shows how he doesn't understand Islam.
@jasminebower2305 6 жыл бұрын
It's so refreshing to hear a man speak this way, good job Abdullah Sameer.
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@SpenserRoger 7 жыл бұрын
Lol I wonder how those women in the background would feel knowing they're used as props in a video rationalizing their beatings.
@lailyncurato848 4 жыл бұрын
I agree. I hope Muslim brothers and sisters will accept JESUS CHRIST as GOD.
@bendover8689 4 жыл бұрын
@@lailyncurato848 Screw Jesus. Atheism all the way.
@lailyncurato848 4 жыл бұрын
@@bendover8689 it's okay no matter what JESUS loves you
@jameswaterhouse-brown6646 4 жыл бұрын
I think they knew. It looked pretty set up.
@abdulrahmanalenezi6068 4 жыл бұрын
Just ignore all the arguments saying otherwise and have an appeal to shame
@ramkrishnadas4230 6 жыл бұрын
Mental gymnastics which religions of books have to go. Why can't he say: I am Muslim; I don't hit woman; and I don't know why Allah put that Ayah there; we need not take it literally.
@mystical_cupcake 7 жыл бұрын
You should do more response videos! This was really helpful and informative. Thank you for all your hard work!
@chigimonky 7 жыл бұрын
I liked this video because it helped me understand that I shouldn't hit my wife unless I'm worried about her pissing me off. Thank you Allah your word is truly what the world needs to find peace.
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
lol !
@wjf0ne 7 жыл бұрын
I hope you aren't pissed off by the big police man who takes you away for hitting her as he may not know Allah's instructions in the Koran.
@bimbobello8067 6 жыл бұрын
mysticalcupcake completely agree !
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@ReasononFaith 7 жыл бұрын
Really well put together video. I would have to say it's probably your best video thus far. Using the original clips in your response, and going back and forth as you did, interleaving scripture on screen, really made a big difference. It's worth the prep when you get such a solid case come across so clearly. Great points raised.
@sammyisherenow 5 жыл бұрын
As a woman I just find the whole mentality completely offensive. I am a ham being, just like a man, and do not need to be maintained like some kind of object! Also certainly don’t want to be part of a harem to be used by men for their seedy desires. How about these men who do this try being one of a few husbands and being beaten?
@hyqhyp 7 жыл бұрын
I have an example from my extended family that is quite relevant. The husband was extremely paranoid, possibly with a clinical condition. He made accusations upon her in the most ridiculous of situations, including alleging that she was looking at other men from behind her full face veil (the kind where, if she is wearing it, you can't even see the woman's eyes). Every accusation was followed by a severe beating, where she would sustain visible injuries. She was even beaten while she was pregnant, and nearly miscarried. The family had multiple "Sheykhs" in it, who got involved at various times. Usually upon petition from other female members of the extended family -- the woman herself never dared complain. He told them he was within his right, and all they had were weakly dissuasive arguments a-la Nouman Ali Khan (these kind of arguments are more common than most muslims would care to admit). Needless to say they didn't really work. She was in her mid twenties, everyone believed she'd be dead before she was 30. The only thing that saved her was the man's sudden death in a car crash. She never re-married. Her son grew up a very angry man, having had to see the beatings his mother received in his formative years. His own marriage isn't working out too well, but I don't know if he beats his wife. Sad stories of this kind are far too numerous in that world.
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
So sad... so sad..... Truly sorry to hear this
@PRINCESS2527 6 жыл бұрын
This literally made me tear up...that poor woman...
@aries5534 6 жыл бұрын
Justice always prevails.. Women are worthy of worship not physical abuse..
@therationalhuman8749 6 жыл бұрын
It often surprises me how intelligent people try to sugar coat indefensible lines in their man made beleive book.Why can't they just get real and say it's all b..shit made by men for the benefit of men against women.Ladies,get out of this self imprisoned idea.
@Mo95793 4 жыл бұрын
The funny thing is that this is only really a problem in the developed countries, here in the islamic world no one (except for extreme progressives that are more often than not shunned by every one) is debating a very clear simple verse that plainly gives men the right to hit their wives. I mean if I go to a scholar and use NAK line of reasoning, I can assure you that he would laugh at me if he's a good person in a more progressive area, in more realistic scenarios depending on how serious the encounter is I may get accused of bid'aa which is bringing something new into islam, and given a chance to repent or be punished (this can even be death in extreme situations).
@yarajoan841 7 жыл бұрын
What a lier! ... Abdullah you missed one point, 'Qawamoon' does not mean 'care-takers' in Arabic. It means 'maintainers'. The root word is 'Qama' which means 'to rise', and 'Qawam' means 'stature'. .... Men are perceived to be the guardians and maintainers of women, they have a higher stature and are raised above women, they set the law and punish women for any breaches, and in this case a mere suspicion or fear is enough to justify domestic violence apparently.. As for allah's name khan referenced- 'Al-Qayyum' - it means 'the sustainer, the maintainer' NOT 'care-taker' as he claims'. It has more to do with authority, not care taking. Muslim scholars are the only ones inventing definitions to allow verses to appear more humane and civilized. For example the verse 3:2 ' Translates to "Allah, there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living AL-Quayyum (the Sustainer of existence)_." ...Al-Qayyum has nothing to do with care taking, here god is described as the maintainer of existence and life on earth. In the same sense, men are deemed to be the maintainers / sustainers of women, and their existence, as women are fully dependent on men for their livelihoods in Islam. Its laughable how Muslims go on to state that the Quran was written in the crystal clear Arabic. Couldn't god use more accurate words, and couldn't he leave some footnotes to explain these BS verses to make sure mankind interrupt it correctly and don't use his words to oppress women. Apparently its been 1400 years , and despite all these 'scholars' we are still unable to understand basic arabic words Loool keep up the great work Abdullah, cheers!
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
Maria Jo and Noman is considered an authority in the Arabic language and runs an institution on top of it!
@yarajoan841 7 жыл бұрын
The mental and linguistic gymnasium skills is strong with this one 😅😆 apparently words only have multiple unrelated definitions only when it comes to translating qur’anic verses 😏 the most crystal clear book of mankind ahem lol Can you please make a video about women pre-Islam in Arabia, as Muslims often refer to the era in Arabia before Islam as the ‘age of ignorance’, and that Islam is the source of morality and civilization. In the case of women, they tend to claim that Islam elevated women's rights. In reality, ‘the condition of women in pre-Islamic Arabia depended on which tribe they belonged to - not all women were mistreated, in fact some were far more empowered before Islam than afterwards'. What I find to be very amusing is that the most respected and pwoerful gods worhsipped by pagan Arabs are ALL female Gods - allat, uzat and manat! Arabs use to perform annual pilgrimages to pay tributes to these 3 female Gods, and they are even mentioned in the Quran by name. Moreover, Khadija, Mohammad's first wife was an educated powerful merchant and leader decades before Islam! Mohamad worked for her and she proposed to him. There are loads of pre-Islamic Arabic poetry glorifying and elevating women's status. Women also had the right to marry multiple partners if she wishes to. There were loads of women leaders in the levant and North Africa before Islam .. ... Muslims desperately try to claim that Islam saved Arab women and elevated women's status, this contradicts history on so many levels. In Islam, Allah does not have a gender, yet he is given male pronouns. And all laws seems to benefit men over women, however pre-Islam it used to go both ways. More detailed info here: Cheers :)
@bronxz4978 5 жыл бұрын
@@yarajoan841 What a good point you nailed it
@sammyisherenow 5 жыл бұрын
Maintainer! I am a HUMAN BEING and do not need to be maintained!
@ottopotatum5775 3 жыл бұрын
@Shathir Hussain no they cant. Neither can man you moron. Thats why the men treat women horribly muslim ones...
@xoxo2610 7 жыл бұрын
I don't think even Muslims buy Nouman Ali's explanation. He's outright dishonest explaining this verse. Just another desperate attempt to tell people, "It's not as bad as you thought... That makes it good, right?"
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
Some Muslims do and some dont I guess
@xoxo2610 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, some do really. Just watched the original video and Muslims are praising him for his explanation which goes along with their 21st century western sense of morality. They have no interest in studying the verse themselves. I still find it astonishing that they are okay with hitting women in extreme cases. I'm trying to imagine a scene where the husband catches his wife red handed with another guy in their bedroom, gets angry, goes to the bathroom, grabs a toothbrush and starts tapping on his wife's shoulder! Oh man! Can't blame them though, I was a fan of such apologetics until it became too much to lie to myself.
@alekssky8954 7 жыл бұрын
xox o keep up the good work. Left islam and my live is hell
@Mpostana 6 жыл бұрын
xox o He is an apostate who is afraid of his community.
@timjansen7694 7 жыл бұрын
I think what you have come upon is a place where the Quran, and the modern world, have come to an impasse. There are many such problems in the Quran. I recently went to a Muslim blog that praised the Quran for the Quran's demanding that the man support his wife, and that the wife did not have to work unless she wanted to... and received her husband's permission to do so. It was those last 8 words that caught my attention. I stated that it is okay that a religious belief should provide some guidelines, but it should not be standard procedure for a full grown woman to need permission from a husband to explore the outside world and perhaps even fulfill her career dreams there. I think I used the analogy that the wife is not a canary imprisoned in her husband's cage. I was describing yet another pothole for Islam to survive as the world gets ever-more complicated.
@timjansen7694 7 жыл бұрын
By the way, the little section from 11:17 to 11:32 is right on target. Nouman Ali Khan is trying to spin an alibi for what are today, unacceptable practices. I'm glad you corrected him.
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mike!
@farahusmani5153 7 жыл бұрын
Perfect as usual, very apt remarks. Thank you for this video and I wish you will get more and more subscribers.
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@TheRationalizer 7 жыл бұрын
I have definitely seen a video where Nouman claimed the word "hit" in 4.34 does not mean to beat your wife. He said it is the same word used in the expression "to beat a path" i.e. "to walk away", and that it means you should leave her. I am trying to find it now.
@iamqwq 7 жыл бұрын
did you find it ?
@TheRationalizer 7 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately not. If ever you find it, please let me know. It *might* have been in a talk about "coolness of the eyes", not certain about that though because I may have just watched both videos together.
@stjepanpalinic4507 6 жыл бұрын
Jerome Syed Everyone leaves Islam that has common sense especially blacks considering that Muhammad was a slave owner and pedophile
Hi! dear Abdullah Sameer! You touched the most important issue in the Muslim world! I hate that men had been beating women because of cultural norm and religious teachings. I grew up as Orthodox believer before I came to know Jesus Christ as my savior and redeemer. I used to watch my father beating my mom in front of his children and I used to feel sad and angry. My father did that because of a bad cultural norm there at that time. I know from my childhood that how bad it was to watch someone beating and abusing women. Islam is the worst religion in this case as you know it. So you are exposing their this evil practice and questioning the moral teachings of Allah. Keep it up! Men should love and respect their wives. There is no any moral ground for men to treat women as a property or as an animal.
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
That is really sad. Sorry to hear that
@torguy5763 7 жыл бұрын
He has personal issues and is taking it out on Religion, good kind hearted people especially Christians don't gossip and hate on other for their beliefs, also there is no such things as beating your wife in the Quran, Sameer is perpetuating hate and divide sadly, It would be like me going to the KKK and asking them about Christianity.
@amalf8706 7 жыл бұрын
Tor Guy Sameer And what about the good old nouman khan in this video? was he also perpetuating lie when he talked about why you are allowed to beat her under islam? GTFO with that weak ass argument
@manuelredondoduenas6354 2 жыл бұрын
I think Nouman Ali Kham deserves a gold medal for his acrobatic gymnastics when defending the Quran. It should be easier for him just to admit the reality: the Quran was written by men with an inferiority complex and that's why Islam would rather smash people than reason with them, even their own women. I find funny this impossibility to question a single ayah in the Quran; that is simply unsurpassable. I have a challenge for Islam: would surah 4:34 be better if instead of allowing men to beat their wives they should forgive them or simply divorce in case wives have cheated on their husbands? Adultery is enough basis for divorce, so no need to beat but just say goodbye, or a husband can forgive so what is done is done but maybe compassion may change the heart of the "offender."
@tayyabtalu3271 7 жыл бұрын
You are perfectly right dear Abdullah, Muslims are trying to cover up this ayat with all sort of arguments, it is perfectly right that in those time domestic violence by man was everyday norm, women were suppressed, they didn't have much to say, people in my fathers era used to say once the woman is married, she should never come back to fathers house permanently, until she has died.
@ianburton8050 4 жыл бұрын
Very impressive the way you laid out the entrails here. I think the key to the exposition is that interviewer seemed to know he didn't have to interject he just had to watch the guy spill out his brain, and reveal exactly the mental gymnastics they have to go through to believe that crap is infallible or divine. (He sounded like a lawyer defending a guilty client (Allah), so maybe be he doesn't really believe his client is innocent).
@TheBlognito 7 жыл бұрын
doesn't say anything about cheating in the scripture, ... Infact, it's meant for any women that are "misbehaving".
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@keni1992 5 жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for women and men who are deluded in this religion. Please wake up and do your research...
@farhatabdulfatah3822 5 жыл бұрын
There is another Aya which uses the same word for husbands (نشوز) which says if a woman is fearful of her husband's rebellion or turning away from her, then there is no harm if they try to reconcile; if however it did not work they can go their ways seperately. إِنِ امْرَأَةٌ خَافَتْ مِن بَعْلِهَا نُشُوزًا أَوْ إِعْرَاضًا فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِمَ أَن يُصْلِحَا بَيْنَهُمَا صُلْحًا ۚ وَالصُّلْحُ خَيْرٌ ۗ وَأُحْضِرَتِ الْأَنفُسُ الشُّحَّ ۚ وَإِن تُحْسِنُوا وَتَتَّقُوا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرًا (128) وَلَن تَسْتَطِيعُوا أَن تَعْدِلُوا بَيْنَ النِّسَاءِ وَلَوْ حَرَصْتُمْ ۖ فَلَا تَمِيلُوا كُلَّ الْمَيْلِ فَتَذَرُوهَا كَالْمُعَلَّقَةِ ۚ وَإِن تُصْلِحُوا وَتَتَّقُوا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا (129) وَإِن يَتَفَرَّقَا يُغْنِ اللَّهُ كُلًّا مِّن سَعَتِهِ ۚ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ وَاسِعًا حَكِيمًا (130) Bear in mind, "there is no harm if they reconcile" means there is a space left for woman to decide what to do, as woman cannot match the physical ability of a man to fight him, and if she did she will loose.
@lecramred4453 7 жыл бұрын
2:36 To have a problem with an ayaa and you are a muslim, there needs to be something resolved here. I have the solution: leave islam!! (not for only this reason, but for many other reasons as well)
@gnsmiracle4095 4 жыл бұрын
Any reasonable person that read quran Hadith will leave paganism Islam. There are holes in the quran and Hadith and ayaa and Suu ni. Many Muslims scholars agree in secret that there's a problem with Islam and Muhammad.
@gnsmiracle4095 4 жыл бұрын
They don't want to discuss it in public. Yashi Qadhi said that to Muhammad Hijab on video interviews.
@ottopotatum5775 3 жыл бұрын
@@gnsmiracle4095 muslims say they have to question here this guy here says you cant. Islam the sham
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@rodhidalgo6789 4 жыл бұрын
That fellow is a hypocrite. He thinks that by wearing a sack and coat and speaking in low volume holding a cup of coffee people will follow his stupid defence of misogyny.
@victorrodrigues5448 7 жыл бұрын
When will muslims realize that 'allah' and Muhammad are one and only person, that 'allah' is his alter-ego?
@theinkbrain 7 жыл бұрын
Mohammed did hit his wife Ayesha. It is in the hadiths..... Mohammed said Why is it, O 'A'isha, that you are out of breath? I said: There is nothing. He said: Tell me or the Subtle and the Aware would inform me. Isaid: Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be ransom for you, and then I told him (the whole story). He said: Was it the darkness (of your shadow) that I saw in front of me? I said: Yes. *He struck me on the chest which caused me pain*
@flappyturtle472 6 жыл бұрын
The direct translation is that he nudged him.
@ottopotatum5775 3 жыл бұрын
@@flappyturtle472 nope it left bruises read again
@PiperTMTotalWar 4 жыл бұрын
People have a hard time coming to terms with the possibility that their religion might be wrong.
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@seedsofdoubt2578 7 жыл бұрын
"Do you imagine allah as a caretaker striking?" One word: Hell
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@hagerfikadu5890 6 жыл бұрын
This is brilliant, please continue to educate people
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@Mo95793 4 жыл бұрын
The funny thing is that this is only really a problem in the developed countries, here in the islamic world no one (except for extreme progressives that are more often than not shunned by every one) is debating a very clear simple verse that plainly gives men the right to hit their wives. I mean if I go to a scholar and use NAK line of reasoning, I can assure you that he would laugh at me if he's a good person in a more progressive area, in more realistic scenarios depending on how serious the encounter is I may get accused of bid'aa which is bringing something new into islam, and given a chance to repent or be punished (this can even be death in extreme situations).
@jameshighland6769 7 жыл бұрын
Abdullah Sameer - You sir are a very very brave man and we need more like you. May the universe and the laws that govern it provide you with a long and successful life.
@PRINCESS2527 6 жыл бұрын
That the fact that this is a topic that has to be debated is....😑😑a hot mess..and when you said why are women being treated like cattle here? Man that was a great and eye opening statement ! I hope others woke up with just that sentence....
@refat17 7 жыл бұрын
I remember watching this video a while ago. The main question always coming to mind as to why such a thing would be directed against woman only. So thank you for this. A good writer takes into account the possibility of a reader taking their words out of context if such a context is needed. If Nouman Ali Khan somehow was right (and given most of this stuff is coming out of his own logic it's improbable), this tells me that Allah is a bad writer making Quran imperfect. If Nouman Ali Khan is wrong and the verse is exactly what it says, it's quite clear that most people would agree that it is immoral, all this coming from their own humanity, making Quran imperfect. One of my greatest frustrations with the context argument is that it only ever seems to apply to bad verses, while good verses are exempt from this rule. This is fine when someone applies their humanity above their religion, but there are people who believe that the Quran is inherently moral, and therefore by following its words you are moral. For such people, what indicates to them when a verse should be read with context and when not? For the people who apply their humanity to the Quran, what exactly is the use of the Quran then?
@CathyKitson 7 жыл бұрын
refat17 That was a brilliant point you made and very well put. "If NAK was right...this tells me that Allah is a bad writer, making the Koran imperfect. If NAK is's quite clear that most people would agree that it is immoral...making the Koran imperfect." Thank you. Another weapon I can put in my armoury.
@arsenelupin123 7 жыл бұрын
Great response Abdullah. This is the way to go.
@sarah-si3fn 4 жыл бұрын
Haha I love how he starts his video off by saying "if you question an ayat, it is haraam. YOUR imaan is at stake". What he's really doing is deflecting the truth, and telling people that if what I explain to you and you don't agree, then it's YOUR fault. Not the Quran, or Islam or Allah. It's basically an attempt to put out doubts and force people to believe. Im so disgusted
@ILOVEMFEO 6 жыл бұрын
Apologists will go as far as outer space to “gloss over” such straightforward passages.
@satanno2790 6 жыл бұрын
Muslims: Allah is unimaginably merciful Allah: yeah Imma toss most humanity in eternal punishment because why tf not
@therationalhuman8749 7 жыл бұрын
It's quite clear that either Allah doesn't like the female gender or the men that wrote the Quran did it all in the interest of "MEN" and it really baffles me to hear intelligent men like our Sheikh here (cause make no kistake about it he is intelligent but not reasonable,)trying to support in explaining that as some divine idea.Thanks for your good job Abdul Sameer,You might want to explain why do grown ups and apparently intelligent individuals fall blindly into religious explanation of the Quran.
@atwaterkent911 6 жыл бұрын
Some men who cannot control their anger are driven to kill women for the smallest of things. As was the case Khan made, this chapter of the Quran deals with limits of action in extreme cases within society.
@justsid9141 7 жыл бұрын
Love this bro!
@lailyncurato848 4 жыл бұрын
I agree..from Philippines
@residentevilfan5443 2 жыл бұрын
In this man's hand ,a knife can turn into a cake ,typical islamic apologetics, their job is to sugarcoating quran and hadist
@mariaradulovic3203 4 жыл бұрын
These Muslims are such BAD actors. It's painful listening to them.
@ayesharizvi3279 3 жыл бұрын
then don't listen to them. no ones forcing you
@MohsinKhan-vt9vn 7 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work Abdullah!!
@rashedhasan4871 7 жыл бұрын
Go ahead Sameer ! Nouman himself is a Saitan ! He is living in a follish paradise ,nonsense !
@ianthwaite7473 5 жыл бұрын
This is perhaps the finest example of Orwellian double-speak that I've seen. Abdullah Sameer thoughtfully, clinically and rationally exposes and deconstructs the immoral and unethical position purposefully adopted by a very devious, dangerous and deeply unpleasant individual.
@account_nameonline6420 7 жыл бұрын
Bravo! Great job. By the way how weird that they consider a man leaving the bed is a punishment for the woman...I'd call it respite
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
@tdddddd7408 Жыл бұрын
And woman behind him would make allah anger again😂😂😊
@arsenelupin123 7 жыл бұрын
Oh wow. The last part escalated quickly.
@lalaland3208 3 жыл бұрын
I really wanna vomit, knowing this ayah is only for woman. My life is really mess, unhappy, always wanting to die, because I have evidence that he cheated on me. My life now is always in fear of the possibility that he will cheat again. I dont have any license to do whatever thing upon my husband horrible deeds, but if the situation is vice versa, he can hit me freely, what the fuuuuuuck. I really hate this concept.
@BroodallyHonest 5 жыл бұрын
And all this time I've been under the impression that Islam prohibits pork and alcohol! Now I know that I've just been misinterpreting the words!
@johnjones4572 7 жыл бұрын
Buddy, I wish you the best of luck x
@aleefmohammed244 4 жыл бұрын
As a Submitter , Islam has been interpolated so much with an Arab Political Ideology. I believe , after trying to understand and analysing the concept of God , certain verses in the Quran has been added / mistranslated to suit a political ideology ... the ideologies of Wahhabism and Sunnism. Honestly , if God is the most forgiving , most merciful (which He is), why would He advise the beating of women? It does not come across to me as a most forgiving and most loving God. It come’s across as a verse intentionally mistranslated to control women.
@debras3806 6 жыл бұрын
Where are these NAK clips from? He is amazingly deceptive! Shocking and disgusting. Abdullah, I'm also very curious (if you don't mind) where you're from? Your accent is intriguing! :)
@ms-zo3zb 4 жыл бұрын
As a Muslim question to Noman all khan when your daughter grows up gets married and does something that her husband does not like and he uses his right to hit her , she comes to you with a slap mark on her face all shocked and bewildered , confused, hurt and says "dad he hit me because I made a mistake " would you be ok with that?
@stuarthastie6374 4 жыл бұрын
t W the hadiths say send her back no matter how black and blue.
@ottopotatum5775 3 жыл бұрын
Preachers live the good life.
@ms-zo3zb 3 жыл бұрын
@@ottopotatum5775 and??
@theguyver4934 3 жыл бұрын
@@ms-zo3zb - I pray to Allah swt that he helps us reform islam
@ms-zo3zb 3 жыл бұрын
@@theguyver4934 if something needs reforming does it mean if it was not perfect?
@frisb.7948 7 жыл бұрын
Thank-you for your calm and reasoned approach in exposing the nonsense of Islam.
@hendrixigancio2591 7 жыл бұрын
Every single Aya couldn't be better?. So if Allah wanted to reveal a better one he can't ?. And if he could make a better one why didn't he?
@Peacevk 5 жыл бұрын
Why god would think that only men knows when a woman is wrong
@gadaal7aswe646 3 жыл бұрын
Would you please translate my talk because my English is weak. في هذه السورة ذكر ايضا (إن إمرأة خافت من بعلها نشوزا او إعراضا). فمن أين لك بأن الله ميز الرجال عن النساء؟!!! ثم خافت معناها أن النشوز ليس عاديا بل شكل خطر على الشريك وسبب له الخوف وليس مجرد مشكلة او نشوز عادي؛ اصلا في الشرع من هم بالسيئة ولم يفعلها كتبت له حسنة فكيف تدعي على الإسلام أنه يرى وجوب العقاب على خطأ لم يقع؟!!! ومن اين لك ان اضربوهن معناها hitting them?!!! That's wrong translation.في اللغة الضرب له معاني اخرى ليس لها علاقة بالإعتداء البدني على إنسان بدليل هذا الفيديو .افتحوا الرابط حتى وإن اضطررنا لاستخدام الضرب بمعنى الضرب البدني فلابد من تمييزه بعدها بذكر لفظ اليد في صحيح مسلم( ما ضرب رسول الله بيده شيئا قط ولا إمراة ولا خادم إلا ان يجاهد في سبيل الله) صحيح مسلم وقوله تعالى في وصف سيدنا إبراهيم بتحطيمه للأصنام بيده (فراغ عليهم ضربا باليمين) وبمأن الآية لم تتميز بذكر اليد بعد اضربوهن إذن فلا يمكن ان يقصد بإضربوهن الإعتداء البدني. _نأتي لآية فإن خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع فإن خفتم الا تعدلوا فواحدة او ما ملكت ايمانكم ذلك ادنى الا تعولوا) هذه الآية اتت لتحجم تعدد الزوجات؛ فبنزولها امر العرب المتزوجات من ٢٨ إمراة و٢٣ إمراة إلى الإبقاء على اربع فقط وتطليق الباقية رغم دخولهم الإسلام، والآية لم تأمر بالتعدد الا في الحالة التي ذكرها نعمان خان فقط عندما يربي رجل اربع يتيمات ويريد ان ينكحهن وليس امامهن الا ان يخضعن لرغباته بلا مقابل او ان يذهبن للشارع بلا مأوى. ..
@gnozza8683 7 жыл бұрын
Sameer, you are a brave man.
@lailyncurato848 4 жыл бұрын
I agree! Jesus will bless Sameer
@Zek_Ken 7 жыл бұрын
From the few videos of Ali Khan I've seen, he seemed rather reasonable at first glance. After this, however, I'm definitely double checking.
@nooro5766 3 жыл бұрын
Someone please answer my question Where are those circumstances written??? I have read Quran and there are no circumstances stated there. In Quran it is written that men are in charge of women and therefore can take steps to discipline their women.
@kitemanmusic 7 жыл бұрын
Abdullah, I enjoyed your video. I hope that more Muslims will watch it. As a Muslim yourself, you are aware that you cannot question or criticise Islam in any way. If you do I believe that makes you an apostate, which is not good news for you.Your interviewee is crazy. He is rationalising hitting women. He is saying take Islam out of it, and it's still okay to hit women. He has to defend anything written, relating to Islam. I just wonder whether you have second thoughts about leaving Islam. I believe that is punishable by death.
@msingh2816 6 жыл бұрын
You are doing an excellent job! Islam is dying at the core, many Arabs are leaving Islam in their droves. Thank you for your service to humanity.
@jawed__akhter 7 жыл бұрын
There is no beating of women in Islam lightly, tapping or otherwise. Those are mistranslations. When that verse (4:34) was revealed Muhammad, Peace be upon him, said "Take with thy hand, O man, by the hand of the woman of yours."
@relax0180 2 жыл бұрын
Is not easy being a muslim scholar having to clean all the mess in the quran.😄😄😄
@hassanyousaf4951 7 жыл бұрын
[4:19] O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to inherit what the women leave behind, against their will. You shall not force them to give up anything you had given them, unless they commit a proven adultery. You shall treat them nicely. If you dislike them, you may dislike something wherein GOD has placed a lot of good. Islam on Women
@Wjdkxown 6 жыл бұрын
hassan yousaf no wonder Muslims experience a lot of cognitive dissonance
@manish_shrivastav 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome logic Sameer ji 👍
@thewordofgod5309 3 жыл бұрын
My wife & I are married for 24 years & this is what the Bible has taught me. "Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church & gave Himself for her." There is NO such thing as hitting your wife with a tooth brush or a feather for followers of Christ. To hurt a fellow human being is Evil. If a man catches his wife committing adultery or visi-versa, they can divorce each other & go their separate ways, like what most civilised people do these days. If your religion teaches you to hurt somebody, even with a tooth brush, you should leave that religion asap.
@samsulemani4986 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video, because of you I watched the Original video you are speaking of. My Iman is stronger now because of you thank you!
@AbdullahSameerVideos 5 жыл бұрын
@samsulemani4986 5 жыл бұрын
@Primusinterparesone 4 жыл бұрын
Your iman is stronger after listening to the BS by NAK? Please explain this to everybody maybe it would help their iman too. The only thing I can see is that the Quran was a product of the mind of a psychopath
@francmittelo6731 6 жыл бұрын
If Allah, or whatever god you believe in, is all knowing and wise, why can't it ever give us an "instruction book," that doesn't require contortionist mental gymnastics to understand? I recently bought a Bowflex machine. The package had an instruction booklet and all the parts were present. I read the instruction book, and I was able to assemble the machine, by myself, in a reasonable amount of time. The instructions were direct and unambiguous. All the parts fit perfectly. I didn't have to call Bowflex headquarters to have words translated and explained to me. Now, the machine is assembled and it works perfectly. I will probably benefit from it for as long as I am alive. It doesn't make sense that an all knowing and wise creator has never been able to write an instruction manual, that was direct and unambiguous, and if following perfectly, would consistently yield the same amount of benefits for all those who use it. There is no creator. We are all just trying to make things up as we go along. LOL
@brucewayne7875 5 жыл бұрын
11:22 This verse is not about hitting women at all? Think again. Sure it may not ONLY be about that, but the fact that hitting is included is not okay by any means.
@easyguy625 6 жыл бұрын
Great exposition of Nouman's clever sugar coating of what is ultimately a violent right for man given by 'Allah' (we all know it was Muhammad or was it the people who put together the book he never wrote?)
@r3ggi3000 7 жыл бұрын
Khan looks like "Ren" from Ren and Stimpy.
@iSteelRazorBladeGAMING 7 жыл бұрын
*Under US law in certain states, if you for example were to walk in on your wife or husband in bed with another man or woman, and you acted upon pure rage and struck both of them causing much pain, you could technically get away with it because you acted based solely on anger out of what you just saw. However, according to the Sunnah, if you caused pain if this were to happen, it's domestic abuse. Let me explain to you what I mean by this.* Abdullah, consider the criteria for hitting anyone in the household as its protector: 1. You can't cause pain. 2. You can't hit anyone in the face 3. You can't leave a mark 4. It can only be done in drastic situations. So even if you were to catch your wife sleeping with another man, and you were to strike her out of anger, even then, you have to abide by those three things. If you don't, then in the eyes of God, you've committed a great sin. Now compare that to what we have here. And that's just one example. Yes. You can label me as an apologist, but it's not going to change much.
@CathyKitson 7 жыл бұрын
The Koran is above the Hadith; it's the ultimate authority. Those four points you made AREN'T from the Koran. If that's what God wanted, He should have put them in there.
@bimbobello8067 6 жыл бұрын
At least the US law covers both men and women ! So much for how you slam has empowered women !
@brucewayne7875 5 жыл бұрын
10:10 When Nouman Ali Khan claims that it's when husbands catch their wives cheating that the hitting applies, where is the evidence that that's what the verse is saying? Sounds like he just pulled that out of thin air. Also, when he goes on to explain that this would be a "natural response" by men when discovering such treachery, that's just plainly false. Sure there may be some men that would feel inclined to hitting their spouse after this but that doesn't apply to all men. Also, God explicitly tells men to hit their wives in the verse, as opposed to simply forgiving them for an action of "temporary insanity" so it seems there is considerable emphasis and importance on actually hitting them otherwise why would God command men to do this?
@swampfox3536 5 жыл бұрын
Why did you leave the bit where he says how the prophet said to "beat" one's wife? Where the hadith says, With a size of an object like a twig/toothbrush and hitting her with gentle force leaving NO MARK on her... like advising/teaching her if she makes a terrible mistake that she should not have made. Remember? a husband is like a new caretaker of his wife. Just like how she had caretakers (parents) before her getting married and transferred to her husband. At least, you should've left that part if you wanted to criticize the scriptures.
@account_nameonline6420 5 жыл бұрын
Swamp Fox I can’t even tell if you’re trolling
@rkhan722 4 жыл бұрын
Nouman Ali Khan’s cognitive dissonance is staggering
@johnspears6128 5 жыл бұрын
Where in the Quran does it say a woman could beat her husband if he doesn’t listen to her?.......
@abdullahisandule8959 7 жыл бұрын
Hi,did any ex muslim challenge the saudi government to show the people the body of the Prophet to proof if he's a real Prophet?
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
Abdulahi Abdirahman they'll never agree
@teaburg 7 жыл бұрын
There is a body? Possible to do a talk about that Abdullah?
@mardasman428 7 жыл бұрын
If it existed, they would have destroyed it right now because they felt it would increase idol worship... The Saudis actively destroy islamic artifacts in Makkah and Medina which do not conform to their worldview. That is why we might never know, what happened in the 7th century, because everything might already be destroyed by now. It's a way how the Saudis might succeed in stopping a historical examination of the Muhammad story...
@AbdullahSameerVideos 7 жыл бұрын
B.J. Price he means there's a grave. And the hadith says that the bones of prophets never decay. Abdulahi if it was gone they will say the one hadith is wrong
@HeelPower200 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah they destroyed all evidence.I am sure there's nothing to find. Its like what they did with all other versions of the Quran,destroyed to leave no evidence for investigation or critical thinking.
@a.person_ 4 жыл бұрын
The beard with no mustache thing is really gross.
@youtubestudiosucks978 4 ай бұрын
Chimpanzees have beards without mustaches.
@overlyexcitedvegan 7 жыл бұрын
Perfect response!
@koboltvlog4908 7 жыл бұрын
Great video as always great arguments
@gottfriedhimmel3150 5 жыл бұрын
There is a reason why only the man was adressed. He is the protector of the family and also physicaly stronger. If a woman hits a man very hard he could hit back even harder, so this would come back to the woman even worse. And i dont understand why you think that the whole world has to bow down infront of western feminism while woman here got treaded like sexobjects and prostitution is a legal job. Stripclubs and brothels everywhere. Just look at this video here. Especially the second part He is one of the most successfull rapper rightnow in germany. He makes a lot of money, they roll out the red carpet for him, give him one award after another and treat him like a superstar. Are these your western values you are so proud of and that we should accept ? Very often when i`m in school or at the train station and a pretty girl walks by i hear non-muslims saying things like "Nice ... damn i would like to ... her" Are hese your western values ? And you want to teach us something about moral ? Thats like if Ronald Mc Donald would try to teach others something about healthy food. The west killed, raped, exploited or hurt millions of woman in the last century. Just watch what the NATO General wesley Clark has to say about this if you dont believe me. And you bunch of hypocrites want to tell us something about woman rights ? You point at the the splinter in the eye of others while you yourself have a whole forest in your own eyes. Pure hypocrisy. If you really care so much about woman then why dont you talk about your own gigantic problems in your own society and the problems millions of other woman have because of the crimes of the west ? The Koran is perfect and we dont care if you like it or not. Allahu akbar !!!
@sharifhaque4722 5 жыл бұрын
hitting the woman in islam should be that the woman should not feel pain and should be under the head area and that it should not leave any marks on her so that she understands but it should never hurt her in any way.
@olaseniadegoke2515 5 жыл бұрын
The problem is that Mohammed never gave any ground to have is word examined. If that is removed, it becomes very easy to see the Koran is not the word of God and woman beating was Mohammed's personal idea.
@bbalila 7 жыл бұрын
The best thing is hitting directly Quran & destroy delusion of, it is perfect, allah words etc. Don't waste time on Hadee's & other crap. They don't make any difference to Muslims. But it make a huge impact when attack all the ayats which no body talks & tells to Muslims. Also question like Jesus, Noah Ark, Beating women etc than makes Muslims on defensive & stupid. For the same reason I came out of this nonsense.
@bodee591 2 жыл бұрын
The coran is a quite ordinary mix of recipes to guide a Middle East society in the early middle age. It is to be compared with the medical prescriptions of the 7th century.
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