Police power, gender recognition, and women in Afghanistan

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The Rest Is Politics

The Rest Is Politics

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Join Rory and Alastair as they discuss anti-strike legislation, the right to protest, the battle between the Scottish and UK government over gender recognition reform, the plight of women in Afghanistan, and more.
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Producers: Dom Johnson + Nicole Maslen
Exec Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport

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@rednaxelA11 Жыл бұрын
Does Rory understand that when the question is posed "should we accept public sector workers' pay demands" and his response (almost automated, cruise control tory response) to say "if you concede to one groups demands, you'll have to concede to another's" simply points out that the public sector on the whole is underfunded. Rory, (and I do hope you read this, or Alistair does and discusses this with you) if every person you speak to is shouting "you've got no pants on" - maybe you should at least consider that you may have no pants on. You strike me as a person who believes he is moderate and wants to listen to opposing arguments, even welcoming having your mind changed.. but I suggest that, on certain issues, you put up a conservative wall (especially economics) where you believe that public sector workers should be bargained with - to get a good deal - in conflict and opposition with said workers - it's an adversarial approach to public sector pay. I wish you would take a moment to consider what fair or even generous remuneration for the public sector would actually mean economically (not just fiscally, but the wider goals of economics - productivity, efficiency, health, happiness, innovation, self-worth, national pride, etc etc). It smacks of ignorance at best, perhaps arrogance and paternalism at worst to use a patronising argument such as "I can't give you what you need because if I do, I'll have to do it for others" - If it is fair, deserved and beneficial, then you absolutely SHOULD have to do it for others. (some qualifiers & biases, I'm not a party member, but generally Labour/Green voter, private sector, northern of working class background, not a Burnley fan,)
@mikeakachorlton Жыл бұрын
'Huge pressures on public finances' Rory? They always seem to find the money despite this when it is to their own benefit. So when it was to chuck billions at donors, we found the money. When Truss ballsed the markets, we found the money. Going back to the golden age of austerity, they found the money for a 9% (which was a real-terms rise of 9% because inflation was at less than 1% at the time) rise for MPs at the time when the rest of the public sector was being held down to less than 1%. And the teachers pay rise of 5% (a real-terms cut of 5-6% because of inflation) has to be part-funded from school budgets when these are cut to the bone by real-terms underfunding for a decade and the huge rise in energy bills. Asking the public sector to 'bear with us during this tough time' was exactly what you did in 2010. They did, and the reward was 13 years of the same, accompanied by clear contempt for being the kind of people who would be stupid enough to choose careers that put the public good first. So it is too bad to say the same thing and be surprised that this time they've had enough of 'jam tomorrow'.
@Bettys_Eldest Жыл бұрын
Finally a new "new" episode! Re-posting the old episodes was not helpful.
@mikeakachorlton Жыл бұрын
Yes, classic bait-and-switch
@queenvrook Жыл бұрын
Asking what Keir Starmer will do about the strikes addresses the wrong level of the problem. The "context" against which Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are apparently helpless, is a context that was built by the British government over the past 40 years. It's probably going to take a while to reverse course. The question is whether austerity is the long-term strategy for building up a country, or whether investment in infrastructure, education and health is. With respect to austerity, there is the story of the farmer who needed to save a bit of money, so he cut his mule's feed rations in half. To his surprise, the mule kept working just as hard. So he cut it in half again, and then again. Finally, euphoric, he quit feeding the mule entirely. Two days later, the mule died. So the farmer began kicking the mule's body. "You miserable beast!" he roared, "I teach you how to work without eating, and you repay me by dying!" This is the way austerity treats the people who are, in the end, the economy: teach less, keep them less healthy, and give them less to work with, because that will bring the budget into balance and then things will be fine. Of course, you will go forward with a less educated work force that is sicker and has less ability to produce, so you will just need another round of austerity for the next generation.
@richardlaking3171 Жыл бұрын
One thing to note on Strike action, Rory mentioned that you wouldn't want groups like the police and security services striking, or at least providing a minimal level of service. Neither of these groups can legally strike, and i'd assume the army would also be included within this as well. As such, national security isn't an issue on the table here at all.
@johnwaugh6518 Жыл бұрын
This is a bit bonkers. I have had about a dozen new episodes from you guys in the past day or so. There is a limit to the time I have for this kind of thing. A couple a week is good
@francescachristy8761 Жыл бұрын
Old episodes mostly
@pamelagartner3759 Жыл бұрын
Probably the YT algorithm
@Bettys_Eldest Жыл бұрын
Most of the old episodes were re-listed again yesterday, not exactly helpful. This one is a new "new" episode.
@annishilcock4587 Жыл бұрын
If you have been following the podcast you will either have heard them already as they are repeats, and if you haven't and you have limited time, ration yourself to a couple a week.
@craigramsay2420 Жыл бұрын
Good point from Rory. Scotland has regressed significantly under Sturgeon, education, health, and condition of cities all poorer. SNP have shown they don't have the skill to do the day job and run a country, so the only lever SNP can pull to gain support is based on hate, division and separation. Scotland voted no in 2014, since then the SNP have clung to power by fuelling hate and division which feeds the soul of Irish Scots. SNP doesn't represent the views or beliefs of majority Scotland.
@annishilcock4587 Жыл бұрын
Rory, are you honestly suggesting that if MPs are paid more they wouldn't be tempted to earn money through employmenrt in addition to their parliamentary obligations?
@xavierhucklenbruch1798 Жыл бұрын
How long before Scotland just says... no more Mr nice guy. We are no longer co operating
@lexman7179 Жыл бұрын
They would need to support of all the other parts of Scotland to try to break away.
@michaelleiper Жыл бұрын
@@lexman7179 You mean like the Brexit vote needed all parts of the UK to agree to break away from the EU?
@murrayscott3513 Жыл бұрын
20 billion extra to keep the workers in line with inflation. 10 comes back in taxes. Inflation is coming down with energy prices already and decoupling electric prices form natural gas will drop them more. Proper windfall tax on the energy companies, Putin Profits. 10 billion is not going to cause spiraling inflation.
@michaelleiper Жыл бұрын
One thing to note here... In Scotland, you can get married without parental consent at 16. - in England it's 18. In Scotland, you are legally responsible for contracts you sign at 16, - in England it's 18. (It's how I managed to get a credit card at 17 when I started at University). Are we now saying that Westminster can decide that Scots at 16 should be treated like children, because that's what happens in England, rather than as young adults? i.e. Completely ignoring the gender recognition, if the issue is 16 and not 18, there are already big, historic differences between Scotland and England.
@deeps2761 Жыл бұрын
My other post on this seems have 'disappeared' so here goes nuthin'... The Scottish Government have huge double standards on this. This time last year they commissioned a report by the Scottish Sentencing Council which said that putting people under 25 in jail should be avoided as the brain wasn't fully mature* (there was stuff like background which is also relevant to this discussion). If you're not mature enough to go to jail (or at 16 even set foot in a bookies) then it does raise the question of your responsibility to make a choice at a young age to do irreparable damage to your body. I'm not arguing against transitioning, just flagging up the flawed logic in lowering the age. As for the 16/18 debate in Scotland in general, do you really think that's valid ? You used to be able to buy cigarettes at 16 but that was changed, I'm pretty sure that the Scottish Government has looked at changing the age you can get married at to 18 too which makes sense. Anyhoo, my point is that this is changeable although the cynic in my see's this as another opportunity for the SNP to reinforce differences between Scotland and the rest of the UK. It seems some are feeling more 'butt hurt' that Westminster (ie those evil English) are daring to interfere in Scottish matters but arguably its the other way round and that's why this is being challenged. As a Scottish dude, if I went down to England and committed a jail worthy crime I could 'frock up' for 3 months and ask to get sent to the lassies jail, that's not the case in England and there in lies the problem, the Scottish Government is trying to change laws that affect the whole of the UK. Its not like they make a habit of tearing up stuff coming out of Holyrood. *I'll not add a link as it might cause an issue but google "New sentencing guidelines for under 25s come into force"
@michaelleiper Жыл бұрын
@@deeps2761 As far as going to jail is concerned, I think Trans women can go to women's prisons, so long as they have their sex change operation first. I.e. prison becomes a way of jumping the queue for a sex change operation. If they're unwilling to have the operation then male prison, although probably segregated from non trans inmates.
@deeps2761 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelleiper Sounds about right to me too mate but we're diving down 'What If Avenue' rather than what is happening. It really is worth taking a step back and looking at the ramifications of this bill from a 'bigger picture' whether you agree with the principles or not. Now whether this is a happy coincidence that it gives the SNP the chance to cry foul or whether they have ploughed ahead knowing that it would cause friction is open to debate but they've been very quick to call out the evil English for using it as a 'political football'.... To be honest, they're all a shower of self serving..... politicians.
@michaelleiper Жыл бұрын
@@deeps2761 Remember that Holyrood uses Proportional Representation and the SNP does not have a majority on its own. That means they need other parties to vote in favour as well. And the Greens, LibDems and Labour all voted in favour in Holyrood. (one labour MSP abstained). The Conservatives were the only party where the majority of MSPs opposed the legislation, but they don't win enough votes in Scotland to win a vote in Holyrood, so now they're using their majority in Westminster to block it.
@deeps2761 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelleiper We're kind of going round in circles now. Whether the Scottish Parlie is PR or a caliphate, its currently part of the UK and making these changes in Scotland would have UK wide implications. THAT is the core reason that Westminster is quashing this. After near 25 years do you really think this is the policy that Westminster would choose to go to war with Holyrood on ???
@johnreid9959 Жыл бұрын
2019 Catholics who're against abortion vote for the SDLp had their view over rode in Northern ireland to introduce abortion instead of the Catholics who wanted a united Ireland were promised Stormont will decide your views , if Stella creasy criticises the tories overriding holyrood, and stops gender recognition in scotland then ,she shouldn't have over rode it in northern Ireland on abortion
@pjs20thetube Жыл бұрын
On. this particular strike, except for rails staff, agreeing to teachers and nurses will not cause ripple effect. The Nurses and Teachers have received below inflation pays for almost 1 decade. So if they gave inflation pay to these groups it will not cause problem. As for the argument that if we give in to one you have to give in to all, the goverment can easily make the case Rail can't have inflation busting pay and stare them down. As long as they can explain why Nurses and Teachers deserve it. The number already speak for itself.
@michaelleiper Жыл бұрын
Rail isn't even ASKING for inflation busting pay.
@olliestudio45 Жыл бұрын
17:20 on local democracy as a source of greater accountability -- do the majority of real like examples bear this out? Are areas with different social makeups less or more able to exert oversight, influence local policy or hold authorities to account?
@olliestudio45 Жыл бұрын
maybe the SNP is less accountable than other parties simply because in Scotland both labour and the tories are just too unpopular and weak
@jamesharvey8835 Жыл бұрын
Until a tax on wealth (as opposed to income) is brought in, inequality will continue to increase and society will continue to suffer. Labour need to get behind real tax reform if they are to succeed in any of their programs, and if the Tories weren't merely stooges for the wealthy, they'd be looking at it too.
@qeitkas594 Жыл бұрын
Rory does not understand that if you force the Scots to be part of the Union, the motivation of vast amounts of people goes down the tube. So instead of thinking you can be the savior of the Scots education and drug problem like Rory seems to think, you are actually the problem in the first place by promoting Unionism. Give all responsibility in Scottish hands through independence and you will see that the Scots will deal with their own problems much better.
@deirdredowling2251 Жыл бұрын
Although I respect Rory he does not respond to Alister’s very important points about strikers
@jonathangammond3019 Жыл бұрын
Alastair is inconsistent over devolution and the political civil rights of UK citizens. In his defence we have a lop-sided dog's breakfast of a devolution settlement.
@shelleyscloud3651 Жыл бұрын
Still clearly petrified to talk about the gender issue. Also wholly uninformed if you think the Scottish Parliament did an ‘incredibly rigorous’ job.
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