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2 жыл бұрын

Well, we are about halfway through our trip to the USA! We have been having so much fun and the time is just flying by! This week we are in the cornfields of Iowa so we decided to sit down and talk about some of the REVERSE culture shock that we have been experiencing. We are American citizens, but we've been living in Romania for the past 6 years! Make sure to watch to the end to catch a few bloopers!
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This week we talk about some of the reverse culture shock we’ve experienced so far on our vacation! Make sure to check out the bloopers at the end too 😂 Don’t forget to like and subscribe!
@neptunevibe Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you find USA restaurants annoying with people asking you all kind of question. As a Romanian I've seen this in movies and I was like: damn where is my privacy? I find that very impolite. Is like: something else or you finished? Done? Good! Get the hell outa' here! I bet you noticed in Romania you can stay a while to chat after you finished eating. Nobody is making you feel uncomfortable. Is up to you to leave.
@ninachilargi4470 7 ай бұрын
Hey, Folks I live in U.S.A since 1988!It was my dream to move in your country America!You live in my birth country of Romania!That's so cool!God bless you and your family!I love your videos!
Thanks for watching! Craciun Fericit!
@ninachilargi4470 6 ай бұрын
@@THECALDERONFAM Craciun Fericit și vouă!Merry Christmas and A HAPPY New Year!!Are you in Romania now?
Yes we are 😍
@RalucaBojor 2 жыл бұрын
The restaurant experience in the US still bothers me, and I've lived here for more than ten years. They interrupt my conversations every two minutes, and I just want to shout: "Leave me alone, I'll call you when I need you!" plus my #1 pet peeve is someone interrupting me when I speak... :))
😂 it’s so true!
@niaroma2375 Жыл бұрын
they do it because they can sell more drinks and food in general... This in general is happening in Romania too more or less, i don't really appreciate when restaurants are really asking you to order drinks ahead in Romania, they charge to high prices over the drink price cost, the restaurants and businesses are in general no more focus to give you satisfaction and the pleasure to eat good and get drinks to cut your thirst. Is like you order food, and they come up to ask you, if you want something to drink after you order the food, even if you didn't order drinks when you ordered the food. I really don't like the idea of drinking a soda ahead of eating the food, and then how does that help you when you need another drink, after you just eat.. I really not understand in general restaurants which come and serve drinks into plastic bottles too, so much plastic wasted , i would ban plastic bottles at restaurants use, people need bigger bottles with sodas reusable by soda companies which produce them or restaurant owner, ordering for 3 persons like 1.5 L- 3 pers. 1L- 2 pers. I don't get the idea of having plastic bottles in restaurants, is like you would eat in a plastic plate, with plastic cutlery every single dish. If i would open an restaurant i wouldn't do that, is so wrong and feels so akward for all persons which just get the juice from a plastic bottle and poors it into a glass.
@istratevirgil7045 2 жыл бұрын
Heyyyy,frumosilor ! Welcome back! Mila e o dulceață de copil ! 😍 Made in Romania ❤️🇷🇴❤️🤌🤌🤌🤌 Si eu am aceleasi sentimente cand ma intorc acasa in România,e ciudat sa aud limba română peste tot si eu incă sunt setat pe engleză( low level…dar engleză 😂) Nici mie nu imi plac ospatarii “agresivi”…Totul ok ?Mai doriti ceva? Va simtiti bine? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Lasă-ma frate ca te chem eu dacă am nevoie de tine ! Nu trebuie sa ma stresezi cu ospitalitatea ta ! 😂
😂😂so true!!
@ImNotListening1 Жыл бұрын
We had candy cigarette here in Romania as well when I was little!
@markhuffman5013 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, my name is Mark Huffman . I live in Iowa. What town in Iowa did you grow up in ? I watch your vlogs. I am intrigued about Romania . I bought a tractor a couple years ago and it was made in Brasov, Romania , so I have been inquisitive about the country and watch blogs on KZbin. I also enjoy Montana , specifically Glacier National Park. Thank you for your videoes, Mark Huffman
Hi Mark! Atlantic, Iowa is where my parents grew up! That’s so cool about your tractor!
@PopescuSorin Жыл бұрын
your tractor is probably a UTB (Uzina Tractorul Brașov) sold under " Universal" name
@cristianstan7513 Жыл бұрын
you guys look fantastic
@spruceguitar Жыл бұрын
You guys are so awesome. Pls keep videos coming.
Aw thank you!
@Crowe_77 Жыл бұрын
Montana, Iowa, North Carolina and Des Moines, my favourite ships from World of Warships game
@Drumminman4U Жыл бұрын
I'm still in America (west coast) and I have culture shock! In the last three years or so things have changed radically. The Christian influence is disappearing rapidly in many areas. Very post-modern feel now. It's even becoming more difficult to hear the gospel in many churches. Pop-psychology rules in many pulpits with a recovery / therapy model philosophy of ministry. Then there is the drive to use entertainment to attract visitors. Drives me nuts! Anyway, this was a fun video and you have a lovely family. America needs a reboot though. I'm thinking seriously about Romania.
It definitely does need a reboot!
@Drumminman4U Жыл бұрын
@@THECALDERONFAM Thanks for your replies; hey, I just saw that you guys have a Jazz and Blues Festival there in the summer! Brasov is looking better and better for me...
@doreendidario6480 2 жыл бұрын
I’m glad to see you are enjoying your vacation in the states I remember those candy cigarettes!
@dragosmoloiu3961 2 жыл бұрын
Ur girl is romanian even she was born in sua. She starts the answer wit ăăăăă :))))))
@m0t0b33 2 жыл бұрын
LOL you guys mentioned the amount of jobs available... but in the US, especially in hospitality, people are paid very little, when they hit bottom line and they kinda depend on tips.... which should be optional not mandatory. Soo... yeah. Well, to be fair, that's what I gathered from people all over social media. Especially in posts where they shame costumers for not tipping.
True, servers do get paid little since they depend on tips, but there are plenty of others!
@garmonbozzia 2 жыл бұрын
Pablo has been exposed as a secret Chuckie Cheese member :D :D :D i just love how your little daughter is acting Romanian even in the US.
@stefaniate 2 жыл бұрын
Enjoy the rest of your holiday!😀
Thank you!
@uwesb227 2 жыл бұрын
Carolina will take over the channel pretty soon!🤛
Oh for sure!😂
@elvenatheart982 2 жыл бұрын
Going back to the roots, nice
@johnjorgensen8009 Жыл бұрын
I just recognized the store you were in! I grew up in Atlantic, Iowa. I moved away in 1973, but still have a sister there. If I am correct, I'm glad you have some nice memories of my hometown.
What?! That is awesome!
@johnjorgensen8009 Жыл бұрын
@@THECALDERONFAM Yes, Bonneson's was one of three 5 and dimes that existed in Atlantic when I was growing up. I bought many of my school supplies each fall, as well as all my car model kits from there. I love your channel and am surprised at how beautiful and safe Romania is. I am guessing that you are not Orthodox Christian. You have mentioned your faith. May I ask your denomination? Is there an evangelical Christian community in Brasov? BTW, your daughters are adorable. I am very frustrated with the spiritual condition of America, and have been researching different countries where people still generally honor God. I've read Romania is a safe country with a moral society. That is how I found your channel. God Bless You.
@@johnjorgensen8009yes, Romania is a fairly safe place. Because of orthodoxy, most people do still have “morals”. We are non-denominational, following God’s word and growing in our relationship with our Savior, Jesus! There is a fair amount of evangelicals here in our city. I’m not sure of the numbers in other parts of the country though.
@johnjorgensen8009 Жыл бұрын
@@THECALDERONFAM Thank you for the info. I too put all my faith and trust in Jesus and his death and resurrection. It's so encouraging to think of the Church thriving worldwide. One of my best friends has a son who is a pastor in the Philippines. I look forward to watching all your videos. Continued blessings to your family.
@globe-trotter4860 Жыл бұрын
I am afraid to drive everytime when i go back to the states, now home is in Europe, in USA FL, but before, home was in DC Metro area, i Was a master driving in DC, my Beltway, I miss my rush hour, now terrified just to think about it, thinking about entering Manhattan is like terrific SCI movie, 12 years working and living overseas, I feel weak.
@ryanB74 Жыл бұрын
twenty years ago, 2001, living in Atlanta, just weeks arrived from Romania. .. serving tables in an Italian restaurant ('Ciao Bella', I wonder is still open?) , the manager: go, ask them if the food is good, go for ask them for another drink.. and I thought why, I'm like few meters from them, if they want something, they will say, or rise a hand, something.. I got it after few days what's the catch: tips and spending more...
Yes, it’s so different!
@Crowe_77 Жыл бұрын
we used to have candy cigarets in Romania, but without the package
@tessabessa5725 2 жыл бұрын
Love grandma's house! If walls could talk, what stories would they narrate. I'm sure there is lots of history behind it. Love watching you, I'm a romanian leaving in the US so when I feel nostalgic I turn to your channel. Thanks for sharing.
Aww thanks so much for watching!🥰
@spruceguitar Жыл бұрын
Romanian here with reverse culture shock after 26 years in Canada: - I went to my country of birth Romania. Was extremely annoyed by the restaurant service there - They bring you the food - and at the end they ask you if it is time for the bill. I was so used to the polite Canadian waiters, who come by after 10 min of serving us the food, asking if everything was to our liking. Just letting us know they were there. - Getting that absentee treatment from Romanian waiters (no kidding) almost felt like we were prison inmates who were out on pass in the city and the waiters knew it. Totally neglected. So happy to be back to Canada from this point of view. Had this talk with my girlfriend last Saturday at the resto. We feel so welcome when we do not get the silent treatment in restaurants 😂 I think deep down we feel that eating out is like eating in someone else’s house. When you get a warm welcome the entire experience changes.
It is totally different! Love your perspective!
@asasdsaasda 11 ай бұрын
I mean, their job is to serve me food and drink, not to kiss my ass, too much politeness is worst than 'absentee treatment', especially when most of it is false
@ursul7024 Жыл бұрын
It's actually called "re-entry culture shock", common with missionaries returning home 🤗
@yesorno1768 Жыл бұрын
We love waiters asking if we need anything. We always do with a family of 7 😀
@adrianceasar5620 2 жыл бұрын
how is the food experience reverse taste:)?
Pablo says that most things taste a little sweet to him here, but I haven’t noticed that.
@Cojanliviu 2 жыл бұрын
I loved chewing gum in the shape of a cigarette when I was little
@istratevirgil7045 2 жыл бұрын
Da,dar in România iti rupeai dinții in ea așa era de tare ! 😂
@Cojanliviu 2 жыл бұрын
@@istratevirgil7045 asta cam da😂😂
@MaximDL1410 Жыл бұрын
@outsidethecomforts Жыл бұрын
Oh yes, my youngest misses Chuck E. Cheese.😁
@ursdaniel 2 жыл бұрын
What about, the taste of food,vegetables,fruits,meat and so on. Its been said on the web, that food in US tastes like plastic or....vomit,puke:)) In euro tastes more natural. :)
Well it definitely doesn’t taste terrible here in the states, but I can tell some things taste a bit fresher in Romania. Some drinks or chips can taste a little chemically.
@gigivoicu9998 2 жыл бұрын
Are the girls going to Disneyland? Would be fun.I know there is one in Florida.
Not on this trip, but they would love it!
@gigivoicu9998 2 жыл бұрын
I bet
@RaduRadonys 2 жыл бұрын
What kind of water is free there? Is it bottled water or tap water?
Tap water, which is fine to drink here.
@RaduRadonys 2 жыл бұрын
@@THECALDERONFAM Thanks, I was curious as tap water is also free in Romania, at least in my experience. If you just ask for water, they will bring bottled by default, which is always mineral water (in Europe it's not legal to bottle tap water and sell it as it is in the US).
@istratevirgil7045 2 жыл бұрын
@@THECALDERONFAM And in Turkey they give you bottled water everywhere! I don’t think if is free,it’s cheap and I think they charge you all together when you have to pay… “Nothing is free on this world! “ - this is romanian speaking 😂
@PabloECalderon 2 жыл бұрын
A little correction, the water that is served (free) is filtered, tap water. 😊
@nauscakes1868 2 жыл бұрын
It's true jobs are hiring, but with inflation and rising prices--a lot of people still struggle to make that work. The biggest reason there are bottom-level jobs open is because there's a massive worker shortage, and exceptional works moved to better jobs. Estimated Covid deaths in America around the 1mil~ mark. Additionally, a lot of people used Covid to retire early. Furthermore, 2020 and 2021 saw record numbers of business creations. That is, people quitting their old jobs to work for themselves. All in all, a LOT of people left the work force. All of these random gaps throughout the economy encouraged a lot of people to leave previously bad jobs to work at better ones. So a lot of people shuffled up! Which means, bottom of the barrel places like McDonalds get the shaft. --- Additionally, there's been a slowdown in American marriages and the population growth has been leveling off. The Baby Boomer generation was named after the impressive rise in births following the World War, and ever since, family sizes have been shrinking. So the largest generation is hanging up their hats, and the newer generation is having less kids. We're in for a consolidation for sure. Eventually things will even out, but a lot of places are going to have to downside, or simply shut down. I've also noticed a lot of companies have cut their available hours. Instead of being open 24-7,some are only open from like 7am to 8pm. =========== All of this to say, is that the employee shortage is a LOT more complicated than "no one wants to work." A lot of people died. A lot of people retired early, and a lot of people simply moved to better jobs. No one ever -aspires- to be a hamburger flipper, and without a glut of fresh kids to take these jobs, they'll go unfilled.
Thank you for this perspective!
@calinpetrusipos5304 Жыл бұрын
what a paradox 16 $ anhour at mcdonalds in usa and you cant rent an apartment with that money
@niaroma2375 Жыл бұрын
Did you had problems with american measuring values, mph, gallons, fahrenheit temperatures. Maybe americans hire there, but there is a issue, the cost of living is expensive there, rents are really squishing all people money, school, medical needs and so on. I think for a foreign is harder to get settle there and enjoy a life without too much work. Differences when you come to Europe are big, in terms of having medical assurance everywhere you work, plenty of possibilities to skill upper educational without to highly pay, and rents are more decent and affordable to buy homes and so on, with bank credits. Probably that would work in America too, owning like your home, but that's not an easy way to take, because of highly crossing prices and costs of living. I know family friends which lived in America for long times, and they told us when they visit back their homes in Romania, that here is the heaven, as you can have more cars by family and prices are low and stuffs like that. I don't know how's life is in USA, but probably no longer that easy for all social classes. What's in general more cool to USA, is the fact you have like those big game rooms for kids and so on, which in Europe are missing always. The cool restaurants, sky scrappers, stuffs like that, which in Europe are not that push to build as there are laws and there is just not worthy the costs of doing that. Also probably there are more open festivals, more music, as shown in movies, more famous persons to meet, comparing to europe.
Since we both grew up in the states, it was normal for us with the different system (Fahrenheit, miles, etc.)
@bogdantudor7835 Жыл бұрын
Romanians can not get visa so easyJet to USA to work. It is more easy for people from Mexic and rest of south America. Also be safe. The Guns are buying în America so easy!
@valentinmandache6447 Жыл бұрын
16$/h gross?🤔
@valentinmandache6447 Жыл бұрын
@@THECALDERONFAM isn't that quite low?🤔
@@valentinmandache6447 for a food industry job, that’s a pretty high starting wage
@valentinmandache6447 Жыл бұрын
@@THECALDERONFAM so that would be around 2k net with standard working hours?
@neptunevibe Жыл бұрын
Jesus that place is terrible! It reminds me of that movie with Nicholas Cage named Willy's Wonderland! Sorry no offense but what's wrong with people in US? Is owned by the zodiac killer or what? Grotesque!
😂 it is a little creepy! But I remember living it as a kid too!
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