Review Of Chris Reed's Boldest Prophetic Word Yet! - Chris Reed's May 13 2022 Prophetic word

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Review Of Chris Reed's Boldest Prophetic Word Yet! - Chris Reed's May 13 2022 Prophetic word
Most of the prophetic words we review on Remnant radio are crazy vague. That is not the case with this prophetic word by Chris Reed. He prophecies the "ending" of certain political leaders, the individuals that will replace them, wars, and maybe even the identity of the Anti-Christ. He claims this revelation came to him by a direct encounter with an angel!
As always, we want to look at the word and judge It as we are commanded to in 1 Corinthians 14:29 and 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22. We will test it against scripture, the prophetic track wrecked of the one giving the word, and the other criteria we often use to judge prophecy.
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@Kintizen 2 жыл бұрын
Asking prayers for Churches in Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan. There are a few problems with division, Christian women being batten, and crimes against Christians. Among other things.
@rhondarockhound622 2 жыл бұрын
I like your comments and agree totally.
@FdoSanchez 2 жыл бұрын
Praying for them.
@putontheseglasses8809 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a Seer who's been saved for over 26 year's. I've known real Prophet's that had given me sound prophetic words as well me giving prophetic words to others. Concerning Chris Reed when I look at him I see a darkness with in him. His prophetic words don't sound right especially when he gets into numbers, it sounds more like divination then prophecy. When I see the spirit of God move through people it has a substance, authority and love to it which I don't see in most of these prophets today. My friend who is a prophet gave a word to this couple that they were planning on killing themselves because they lost a child. No one knew they were planning this but God did. They wept holding each other as God began to heal their heart's. Afterwards the pastor rebuke my friend for prophesying that word saying it was negative. The real Prophet's struggle in the modern church because the church wants to control God's word. Everyone likes the TV prophet's because they prophesy things that tickles the ears.
@sfrank7903 2 жыл бұрын
The way your prophet friend operated sounds to me like more the role prophets should play rather than unconfidently predicting political outcomes.
@johncampbell463 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. There is an abundance of Ezekiel 34 bad shepherds abounding deceived and deceiving many away from Jesus Christ. Jesus FIRST words on the LAST days “ do not be deceived.” Scripture speaks of end time false Christs false prophets deception, a falling away, a spiritual delusion so strong that even the elect could be deceived. While the world and the church degenerates in tandem as judgement has already begun with Gods house. “My sheep hear My voice and the voice of a stranger they don’t listen to.”
@libertymaria-0925 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree with your opinion of Chris Reed. Darkness, divination? Do you know what that really means? A man of God and you're going to speak that? You live in tunnel vision then. If you're a seer then you should know better.
@putontheseglasses8809 2 жыл бұрын
@@libertymaria-0925 I was right about Todd Bentley. I knew he was going to fall three months before he did fall and had to step down. When I was 17 I was going to a church with a friend and the first time seeing the pastor I knew he was in sin but I didn't know what sin. I was thier for six months and after six months I had left I got word he confessed he had committed adultery. Anyone who thinks John is still alive in a cave isn't playing with a full deck.
@putontheseglasses8809 2 жыл бұрын
@Re L I'm a total dork raised on 80s cartoons but when it comes to the prophetic as a Seer I take it deadly serious because my life and other's has depended on accuracy. My mom would be dead of suicide if it wasn't for God warning me. A sister in Christ would of been raped if God didn't lead me to her. My friend would be dead in hell if God didn't use me to lead him to Christ and a year later he died in a car accident. I would be dead from a car accident if I didn't listen to him when he told me to slow down and 30 seconds later a car coming towards my direction swerve into my lane and if I was driving faster I would of hit it. If Chris was a true prophet why isn't he speaking against grave soaking or Christian yoga? As a prophet I offend people not because I'm trying to be mean but I'm trying to come against the works of the enemy that comes to kill steal and destroy. If the truth hurts the flesh then die to it.
@updownjester 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, saw your video where you have Chris Reed respond to his angel dream about Putin and Biden and the French President. You guys were very gentle with him. Then I went to a video of him being interviewed by Stan Johnson of the Prophecy Club where he goes into the jargon of Jewish numerology and a diatribe about A man in black and Johnny Cash and codebreaking and $50bills, etc. This man sits under Rick Joyner. Rick is a nationalist with a terrible prophetic track record. Gentlemen, do better research. You are too easy on men of self will. I thought maybe your analysis was relevant at first. You are not researching associations these people have that prove their discernment is nonexistent. Sorry to be so blunt, but your hope for fairness is keeping you from calling things out in a forceful way.
@dawnstorey9544 2 жыл бұрын
Most words today are NOT from God but by man... so much abuse I barely can stand it!.... Stick to the Bible. All you need. Prophecy today operates like new age or fortune telling. The gospel has been lost . Suffering for Christ, carrying your cross, obedience, and repentance are barely mentioned or preached anymore!
@GregChacon 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, stick to the Bible! And it says to not “despise prophecy.” Don’t trample the Lord’s word on the ground. Samuel didn’t let one fall to the ground. I would warn you to watch out from accusing prophecy from being new age or operating ‘like’ new age.
@dawnstorey9544 2 жыл бұрын
Holistic, I don't despise it, but Holy Spirit helps me discern a word given. It is abused today. I'm always leary when someone says "God told me" or "the Lord would say...." if it's a scripture verse or an exhortation maybe. Key is discernment.... It's a weighty thing to speak for the Lord.... It's almost become a fad in the church, everybody walking around telling g others "the Lord would say.....pretty much everything He wants me to know is in His Word....even future events..... I am Spirit filled and move in the gifts of the spirit. But I have seen way too much abuse.
@kristanrussell9931 2 жыл бұрын
But not all words can be repentance word
@kristanrussell9931 2 жыл бұрын
No body had time for cold reading
@dawnstorey9544 2 жыл бұрын
Re L, that was the Lord speaking to you, not man.
@j.reesebradley4771 2 жыл бұрын
Just want to say I’ve been a subscriber since you guys were a baby channel and your content has been so strong from the very beginning. I started watching as a skeptic and even left some snarky comments at times (sorry) but because you measure literally everything with Scripture and are so honest about your thoughts and feelings, I’ve come to trust you guys and look forward to each episode!
@Gabrielzfire 2 жыл бұрын
As a Reformed "Charismatic"(as close as I can describe myself) - I'm very thankful for you Brothers tackling these issues by using The Word as THE gold standard. Thank you so much for you faithfulness and not being afraid to tackle the weightier things.
@sherryannutto855 2 жыл бұрын
Encouraging to see another Reformed Continuist out there😁😁
@thanevakarian9762 8 ай бұрын
Man I’m so grateful I found you guys. It’s so hard to find reasonable charismatic channels, especially run by guys near my age. Thanks for what you guys do. The cessationist debunking series you guys did was top notch.
@firstlast0001 2 жыл бұрын
This may have been a regular Sunday service but it was at the end of a 3 day prophetic conference he was holding. His website is about selling his channel subscriptions to watch videos, selling tickets to his conferences, selling books and merch. Is he giving the glory to God or to himself? I could have easily come up with that prophesy based on what other prophets are saying and following the news. Biden is old. Putin is undergoing surgery for his stomach cancer and has been very sickly. Warren has been trying to capitalize on the abortion issue as of late. With Reed I see a lack of real prophesy and a lack of giving God glory.
@Coxfamuhlee 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, this!
@j7489 2 жыл бұрын
I go to Morningstar regularly. He does this at the beginning of almost every service. It has nothing to do with conferences and you’re definitely wrong about him not giving God glory.
@christianwoudenberg3393 2 жыл бұрын
He’s definitely earnest and extremely accurate in personal prophecy. The corporate, political, theological stuff has me more concerned as he’s young and seems quite eager to get along with Rick who is very focussed on the arena Chris seems to push into now
@andreab1144 2 жыл бұрын
As for selling?? If he were begging for money you’d complain… the Church needs to be more generous to support Gods ppl. Whomever you support.. do it
@johncampbell463 2 жыл бұрын
Gods prophetic word for Christ body today is to renounce allegiance to the world system of politics and embrace the gospel of the kingdom and New Covenant of Jesus Christ. In these last days God IS speaking to us thru his Son whose great purpose is contained in John 17 for us to be unified in Him alone not worldly politics as well as obedience to the great commandment and great commission
@duketta 2 жыл бұрын
@HotRod4God72 10 ай бұрын
@Kintizen 2 жыл бұрын
I just wonder when these Prophets will have prophecy in regards to Great Commission. Strategies of where to send missions? what communities are ready and waiting for missionaries.? What counties need to prayer the most because of spiritual warfare? Seem bit wasted on political foreknowledge.
@christianwoudenberg3393 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn’t agree more. What burns greatest on the heart of the Lord? These political fascinations are the matters of men, God can move in it or despite it, but it should be less impressive to us. There is a poisoning of the well with these political obsessions and dominion/ruling thinking in the American charismatic movement. God has never needed politics to align or agree with his purposes and the prophetic served the furtherance of the gospel and the equipping, correction and maturing of the body.
@christianwoudenberg3393 2 жыл бұрын
@saintsean the Holy Spirit is poured out for the equipping of the saints for the work of the gospel. If you’d look at revival movements like Azusa street (the literal start of the modern day pentecostal church) the manifestations were very much oriented towards the missionfield. If one would receive the Chinese language through tongues, it was taken as a call to China. This birthed a major worldwide spirit led missions movement that arguably has had the most explosive increase of fruit in all of church history, now constituting the largest church movement in the world. So I respectfully disagree on basis of both scripture and fruit. Inversely, how would it be Hods job to foretell the death of political leaders, or to do anything?
@j7489 2 жыл бұрын
Have you read the prophets or Revelation? They’re extremely political. Even Christ’s words to the seven churches have more to do with the church’s inward state than His desire for missions. If you want to judge prophecy, at least learn the Bible and don’t judge based on how you would do things
@Kintizen 2 жыл бұрын
@@j7489 First of all the latter to the churches has more to do with Ezekiel 7, 10 and 11. Where God removes his presence from the Temple. Meaning God was no longer with Jews and God will not stand with Churches who are no Loyal to him. Believing Loyalty or faith is what saves us. Second the 1st latter on Rev 2 to the church of Ephesus, is a church who lost it's "first love" or church who doesn't Evangelizes, testify or involved in Missions. There is nothing political about it. It does have to do with prosecution to the point a believing community, becomes bitter and choose not to preach and spread the word for God. If you going to use the letter to the churches for political reasons, that's a huge Bible fallacy.
@j7489 2 жыл бұрын
You just said the Church’s first love is evangelism. That’s disgusting. Our first love is Christ.
@andreab1144 2 жыл бұрын
I know ppl that have been healed and received a Word through Chris Reed. That said, these are the ppl Satan would target. He’s not going to target me bc I don’t walk in that gift with that power… so for this reason I give grace. As a former Mormon, angelic visitations make every hair on my neck go up and I think God gave us those hairs for our protection
@mostreal907 2 жыл бұрын
Brothers. Y’all are generous. I don’t see a difference between Chris Reed or Kat Kerr. I am very skeptical.
@angelbianchi4786 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe you just don't have the gift of discernment of spirits. That's ok. We don't all gave the same gifts of course.
@sfrank7903 2 жыл бұрын
Chris Reed seems to give accurate words of knowledge but Kat not as much
@mostreal907 Жыл бұрын
@@angelbianchi4786one year later and no fulfillment.
@mostreal907 Жыл бұрын
@@sfrank7903doesn’t seem like it.
@MySardarji 2 жыл бұрын
If someone says that an angel came to him, and no angel came, isn't that person a liar?
@leonscott543 2 жыл бұрын
@khaccanhle1930 2 жыл бұрын
And the apostles would say to not associate with such false prophets in anyway, don't even let them in to your church.
@God_is_in_the_details 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been incredibly blessed to serve on a prophetic team for the last 18 years. We judge all of our words, per Scripture. On one hand, it’s very frightening and sobering to speak as an oracle, it scares the h*** out of me. On the other hand, it’s not us, it’s the Lord and His gifting, the grace of gifting that he gives to us. In that context, it’s incredibly exhilarating to see corroborated words, words confirmed after daring to step out in faith, to hear from the Lord and see from the Lord. Do we make mistakes? Of course. Do we consistently hear from the Lord and move in the Spirit, with His annointing. Yes. To you Manpower christians I would say this: will you be like the servant who buries his talent in the ground? I think it’s the height of arrogance to resist the Spirit at every turn, in effect, saying my way or the highway, Lord. The Scriptures you purport to hold in such high esteem are highly supernatural, past, present and future. 1 Corinthians 2
@johncampbell463 2 жыл бұрын
I too have functioned with spiritual gift of prophecy for 40+ yrs. Uncommonly accurate. A true prophet of Jesus Christ is consumed with Jesus Christ. His Person and purpose. Jesus Christ IS our New Covenant and his purpose to coming to earth was to inaugurate a new covenant via his new covenant blood offered in heaven once for all for eternal redemption. No so called big name prophet I am aware of communicates this basic truth of Jesus Christ. In fact no big name I am aware of even knows that Jesus precious perfect blood is not generic but specifically new covenant. The Holy Spirit brings Jesus words into remembrance and glorify’s Jesus Christ and ALL scripture points to Jesus Christ. So we have all Scripture as well as the Holy Spirit pointing a revelation of Jesus Christ for this IS the spirit of prophecy. What are your prophets pointing toward?
@superapostle4811 2 жыл бұрын
So John is hiding in a cave and will reemerge to teach us? I think Chris is confusing the apostle John with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
@davewhaley6917 2 жыл бұрын
How old would John be?
@feladodd5953 2 жыл бұрын
@mostreal907 2 жыл бұрын
Facts. Lol
@sfrank7903 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I think Obi-Wan Kenobi would be more likely to be found in a cave. lol. what a bizarre thing to believe
@rhondarockhound622 2 жыл бұрын
His prophecy seems political and plays into our fears and anxieties. How does it build up the body of Christ? If we have the Holy Spirit why do we need an angel to communicate with us? This is totally fishy.
@johncampbell463 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve had an angelic visitation many years ago but it was simply to assist and smooth the way out of a sticky situation without words spoken.
@johncampbell463 2 жыл бұрын
No doubt it’s a false prophecy from a false prophet. In reality it’s a marketing scheme to draw attention onto himself via a strong spiritual delusion not Jesus. He has lost touch with the Head of the body.
@valeriehorner5854 2 жыл бұрын
If I was fortunate enought to hear an angel speak, I would surely not paraphrase but give as exact account of his words as I could. This angel seems to have been quite loquacious.
@firstlast0001 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, and is anyone else wondering what the angel looked like or just me?
@sallypatterson4102 6 ай бұрын
Still hasn’t came to pass. I’m seriously concerned about this man.
@JesUSIILovesIIUS 3 ай бұрын
As of today, Macron has now dissolved the parliament, called for a snap election and says he will not resign no matter what the election results are.
@leonscott543 2 жыл бұрын
Right off the bat I'm just trying to figure out what confirmation he has that this angel is from God and isn't an unfamiliar spirit..... Did the angel say "behold, the lord God is holy and all mighty, I am a messenger of YHWH, do not fear, Im angel "name""? Angels come in light, good and bad, what confirmation does he have that this is even a holy angel to begin with? Just cause he's a pastor doesn't mean he's incapable of being demonically deceived. In fact he's more vulnerable than anyone else would be.
@linnetteh.4262 2 жыл бұрын
You have made several good points!
@leonscott543 2 жыл бұрын
The sad thing is that I can make a way more accurate prediction just from following world events closer than most people. He's saying stuff that many people have been guestimating for quite some time now.... It should be retitled "Podcast confirmed by an unnamed angel"
@yvettepitts5467 22 күн бұрын
45:47 - (Don't know his name with the "hat on"): TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU and your assessment of the "critical" individual of Chris Reed's prophecy or Word of Knowledge to the man. This critical person is ALREADY biased and NOTHING Chris would or will say will be ENOUGH for that "doubting spirit" that individual is OBVIOUSLY operating in. Great assessment!
@agapecenterministries9980 2 жыл бұрын
Doing push ups at the gym and fell over at the “42 bears” comment 😂
@michaelrowntree2005 2 жыл бұрын
Hahahaha! Josh’s “Chronicles of Narnia” crack had me dying 🤣🤣🤣
@leonscott543 2 жыл бұрын
I'll know it's prophetic when it happens.... But given most of these pastor's records, I'm highly highly doubtful. And that's assuming I can even identify what exactly I'm supposed to be looking for because most of his prophecy is extremely open ended.
@leonscott543 2 жыл бұрын
@Re L "pretty soon" is open ended. We have elections every 4 years for goodness sakes 🤣 is pretty soon 20 years for Putin?
@mostreal907 8 ай бұрын
It’s 2024 nothing. Chris Reed shouldn’t give national words.
@johncampbell463 2 жыл бұрын
Isaiah 8:20- “To the covenant and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word it is be they have no dawn.” Under the New Covenant of Jesus Christ we have been born again into it is the testimony of Jesus and the new covenant of Jesus Christ which is paramount in Gods word mind and heart! Most big name “professional” Christians are unwittingly divorced from Jesus Christ according to Scripture not revealing the testimony of Jesus and the new covenant of our salvation..
@lindab6093 Жыл бұрын
I am a born-again spirit-filled Pentecostal. I do not want to be negative, just adding my opinion for debate. You have said that if Mr Reed turns out to be wrong and repents then that is ok. I disagree. I think that is a cop out. If you have the privilege of an angelic being attending you and giving you precise information about leading world events then you shouldn't be getting that wrong or misinterpreting the words, I am sure an Angel of the Lord would be very clear. Are we to believe then that God the Father got the wrong person to give the prophecy to and should have picked someone with a better memory?
@yahwehhouseofprayer8414 2 жыл бұрын
I personally witnessed a word given by Chris that was true and pertained to things he could not have known or researched about my friend. This was very clear and not vague at all and was definitely timely. That being said.. I feel like he is caught up in trying to get bigger and better words and is getting it wrong.
@903Skooba 2 жыл бұрын
What did the word pertain to? The word he was correct about that is. I’d genuinely like to know
@davidrose3737 Жыл бұрын
Cannot move ahead of what God says
@davidrose3737 Жыл бұрын
That definitely is herasy about John that's crazy.
@YouInHimMinistries Жыл бұрын
Personal prophecy is more like word of knowledge and not really corporate prophecy
@ZGardoski31 2 жыл бұрын
I am really enjoying your content! Thank you for your commitment to respecting fellow believers as we navigating this part of being the body of Christ and wanting to walk the way of the Lord well! I agree with your assessment here! Let us watch and pray and wait on the Lord.
@lindab6093 Жыл бұрын
I know Americans speak differently to English people but surely describing the appearance of a messenger from God as "showed up" is wholly irreverent.
@DavidIstre 2 жыл бұрын
To answer the question posed: "what would be enough proof for you?" I would (and do) believe those who speak revealing knowledge in clear terms without having to fish for information like this man was doing. I'm not aware of any examples of this kind of "probing" for information used by any of God's prophets in Scripture.
@leonscott543 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly.... A prophecy would be "On June the 15th of 2022 Vladimir Putin will be assassinated which will spark nuclear war and mass human extermination which will be followed by the one world antichrist regime starting in 2023. Specific dates, specific events that cannot be retrofitted to fit different vague outcomes....
@godislove6013 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, as the word of God says, being deceived and deceiving. Deception in these last days will be so strong that if possible even the elect...
@feladodd5953 2 жыл бұрын
The modern day prophetic movement has gotten away from using definitive language. But if these facts came out of the blue and and he happened to be right, does that make it any less from the Lord because he asked a series of questions?
@godislove6013 2 жыл бұрын
@@feladodd5953 yes, the word of God says his prophets are 100% on target no background checking necessary
@ttff-bd2yf 2 жыл бұрын
My issue is how do we this information was not somehow conveyed to him by other church members, or other channels before hand. That's common in many faith healing scams. His wife dieing, his age, him having emphasema, his step sons birthdays all are known most likely by people around him.
@MariaDupon-r8u 8 ай бұрын
It is the end of 2023 and none of this has come to pass.
@ozdoublelife 8 ай бұрын
The YT algorithm brought me here, so I have no skin in this game. I do not know Chris Reed so my feedback is neutral. For those of you defending him, quite a few of his prophecies for 2023 did not come to pass at all. And this is according to his list that he published publicly. So is he "now" a false prophet? Sincere question.
@tiffanymeyer6110 2 жыл бұрын
If someone could explain the difference between this and Psychics it would be helpful. I have heard stories of former psychics and their stories sound similar. How can one tell the difference?
@MariaDupon-r8u 8 ай бұрын
I hope you get my message below that none of this has happened with Biden etc. and respond to this. It is now the end of 2023
@ReLair88 8 ай бұрын
Biden still has a full year to go...he could get impeached, for one thing. He could die.He could resign due to health (a stroke or just general decline). Yeah, if all three of those things happen (Biden, Putin, and Eliz Warren), we'll have to admit Chris was right. Per Michael R's comment, Biden would have to be removed in some way before the end of this term (or before the end of his second term--God forbid he's still in). We don't have to wait 50 years as Michael mentioned. I would say the Lord meant his first term. If he is not, then Chris is not getting national words correct, even if he has immediate words about people who come to visit in his congregation. The Lord showed me that Netanyahu would be PM of Israel in 1991 just before the start of the Gulf War. He didn't become PM until 1996. (I didn't even know who he was at the time. I thought he was a reporter, not a politician. Now he is the longest running PM of Israel in history.) I've had a couple of other dreams that took five years to come to pass. Was not my first word about world leaders (Presidents).
@MariaDupon-r8u 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this info. Much appreciate it. @@ReLair88
@HPP2023 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your content and have something for you guys to consider. Josh mentioned the “detail” of this word given by Chris. I would agree that vagueness is a common theme with modern day “prophets”, but there is also a movement of individuals online that prophecy in such detail, and these “prophecies” are based around politics. If you look up folks like Robin Bullock, be prepared to have a world of “detail” opened up to you. I feel political prophecies tend to expose an idolatry in the individual and motive. I am not saying that there can be no politically based prophecy given, but one must ask-how does it edify the body? What is the purpose in knowing these things? What ramifications will these “oracles” have on the Bride of Christ? And they tend to always be shared on this grandiose platform such as KZbin/internet rather than simply amongst the local body. They all possess a smell of idolatry and pride, wrapped with a bow of “thus sayeth the Lord”. God Bless you brothers.
@christianwoudenberg3393 2 жыл бұрын
Do you mean idolatry as in focus or reliance on the wrong things? Such as political influence or power for the church? Agree with your takes here, so just clarifying what you mean with that word?
@HPP2023 2 жыл бұрын
@@christianwoudenberg3393 Yes. Sorry for not being clear and thank you for your willingness to ask. I love this nation, but I think this nation has put politics in a place of idolatry for quite some time, interweaving "God and country" in a perverted place. Many of the "prophets" exploit that vein in people and use it for personal gain and selfish motives. Or these proclaimed internet prophets are deceived themselves in thinking they are hearing from God, when they are hearing from their flesh and own desires.
@arnetta57 Жыл бұрын
I agree 👍🏽
@billfarismpc Жыл бұрын
It makes a lot of sense to question the value and purpose of these prophecies, indeed.
@rosemarykelley3078 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for uploading this, Joshua and Michael. Jesus BLESS you!
@putontheseglasses8809 20 күн бұрын
Chris Reed just fell and that darkness I seen in him just got exposed.
@johncampbell463 2 жыл бұрын
The spirit of prophecy is JESUS CHRIST!
@PixlerPerspective Жыл бұрын
Coming back, today 3/17/23. (Paris is on fire due to Political Unrest) could this be the great turbulence?
@equalopportunitygadfly5908 2 жыл бұрын
A more likely option: he made it up. The gullibility is staggering.
@davidrose3737 Жыл бұрын
My sister joined a group 15 yrs ago, Christians Charasmatics. But they could all see into their own spirits, I joined the group also. Started being used in the gifts for the first time. But an angel would appear like a ball of light. Never happened to me, I wondered why,.?! I fasted for a week with no food. And got open vision just before I started eating. It was a big lion roaring under it I saw a scroll, it said I Peter 5:8 After that got delivered left the group for good.
@shawnmwilson 6 ай бұрын
I will give credit where credit is due. That word Chris gave to that man, while I remain in a posture of test it and see, it was very accurate (at least it seemed that way) and pointed. I would love to see a follow up to that.
@Vmurph 9 ай бұрын
The Bible is clear. Scripture says that if a prophet gets even ONE thing wrong, then he is a false prophet. Period. And Chris Reed definitely gets that info in advance. There’s a video out there showing how easy it is for TRAINED people to find that info online. Another red flag is how SHOWY Reed is. He BRAGS constantly and elevates himself. His “amazing feats” point to Chris Reed, not Jesus.
@andrewhambling 9 ай бұрын
Greetings from Melbourne Australia. Can we revisit this? Can anyone tell me if Chris Reed was involved with Todd Bentley and the Lakeland revival? Interestingly he mentioned an angel just like Bentley was infamous for. Can Remnant Radio do a whole series on the Lakeland revival and specifically discuss the commissioning ceremony with all the Charismatic apostolic leaders? I think that would be awesome. Thanks for testing these things.
@DonaldJamesParker 8 ай бұрын
He did not say Biden and Putin specifically would die, but rather would be removed and taken out of power. BTW: I had a word of knowledge given to me in that very room where this conference took place - but mine was delivered by Shawn Bolz. I am on Facebook and had introduced myself to Shawn and gifted him with a movie I produced, so it was possible that he had researched me. He interrupted his message that day to give me that word. I was separated from my wife at the time and as a result of the word, reconciliation took place.
@ScalpNinjaTrader 8 ай бұрын
You guys ever review Charlie Shamp's prophetic words?
@JustinPetersMin Жыл бұрын
Guys. Are y'all ready yet to call Chris Reed a false prophet?
@JesUSIILovesIIUS 3 ай бұрын
As of today, Macron has now dissolved the parliament, called for a snap election and says he will not resign no matter what the election results are.
@God_is_in_the_details 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing these kinds of videos, guys. It’s exactly what the Body needs to hear and consider. Less Manpower, more God.
@nativezero 2 жыл бұрын
Throw enough darts at a target one is bound to hit. I personally don't think what he says is true in the sense of the event, don't see this prophecy being back biblically. Most prophecy is more for the individual, then nations.
@marshayoder7627 10 ай бұрын
MY? I had a theophany. The lord said i was his prophetess. As i have understood this office, you have a theophany. The lord sets you in this office. I beleive all the 5 fold is like that. Speak to this. I feel there are a lot of people who say they are prophets but have not had a theophany. Many have word of knowledge in great measure. But thats not the same. Speak to this. The global prophetic alliance is to me such a deceptive organization. I could go on and on but id like to hear you guys discuss these things.
@melodypickens5721 9 ай бұрын
The angel was in the dream, as his tour guide. An angel didn't come to him after the dream.
@stevenwilliams7410 7 ай бұрын
Chris gave a word to a friend of mine and I learned things about him I didn't know. He was married 5 times and Chris named off all five x wives. My friend passed away about two weeks later. Not part of the word but it could have been a warning. My friend was in his early 50's... I believe he's the real deal!
@stevenkrzentz4641 7 ай бұрын
Was this friend's marital history publicly available? Is this friend someone Reed could easily have found out beforehand, that he would likely attend the meeting? Was this meeting a conference with pre-registration? Was this friend among the church's leadership, or in some other way someone Reed might have known would likely attend? How easy is it to look up marital records in this friend's home state and county? It's a well-known trick to prophesy to people information that can be obtained online. I once witnessed a prophet tell someone information that was already publicly available on his Facebook page. There are many ways a deceiver can obtain information on whom to prophesy to, and what their history is like. I'm not saying Reed cheated in this case, but before one accepts that something like this was supernatural, it's important to at least ask some obvious questions. The Apostle Paul spoke of prophets' speaking the secrets of people's hearts to them. One's marital history is not secret; this justifies skepticism and probing inquiry. If it's OK with you, further detail might be helpful.
@yvettepitts5467 22 күн бұрын
It is not at ALL unloving to do; in these times, we SHOULD DO THIS and should have BEEN doing THIS...
@JWest1 9 ай бұрын
There are people saying Chris doesn't have a good track record, how so? Majority of what he prophesied years ago is now coming to pass. Again, just because it doesn't happen right now, doesn't mean that it isn't true. God does not work on your timeline, or what you want to happen, God works on His timeline, and He will have His words come to pass when He feels it's the right time. Get over yourselves, you who think you know best, you who constantly demean the Lord's servants. The Lord will deal with those who speak ill of His servants, and it will do you well to keep this in mind and hold your tongues. Chris didnt say biden and putin would die, he said "they will be removed from power around the same time"
@H.Nenningger 2 жыл бұрын
I'm inclined to agree with what you say about the Holy Spirit has withdrawn from America and less words from God. That's probably an accurate explanation.
@theouterplanet 2 жыл бұрын
I can imagine Moses saying to the multitudes of Israelites…” is there someone here who lost a wife? Does the name Sara mean anything? Did someone lose a donkey recently? How about the number 112? Anyone?…
@linnetteh.4262 2 жыл бұрын
Ok that was funny.. The
@PSUJerseyGirl 2 жыл бұрын
@maryannwrayTruthbeTold 3 ай бұрын
You all did a really good job of reviewing his prophetic words. I am a bit leery of the first political type prophecy for a couple of reasons. The word about the Cold War babies being Putin and Biden… and other world leaders and wars, etc. All of that just seems way too sensational to me and somewhat obvious or a lot of foretelling in a huge measure. I don’t think that’s the general pattern for prophecy and scripture but I’m no expert Mark. We will have to wait and see .Also,. The word that alluded to the antichrist… John, the revelator gave us the number of the beast 666. There’s been a lot of theories and conjectures as to what that number means… is it his name or does it identify him in some other way etc. etc. evidently that is all the Holy Spirit wanted us to know at the time.What exactly that means there’s a lot of prognostication about that too. The fact that he is alluding the leader of France to be the next possible antichrist gives me pause. To me, he’s elevating these words from an angel above Jesus Christ. And secondly, the Bible says in a multitude of words, there is folly. All of these prophecies & all of this talk doesn’t sit right in my spirit. if you read scripture, the only narrative where God really had a whole lot to say was was in the book of revelation otherwise his words to individuals and countries/ politics were pretty short, succinct & to the point and didn’t go on and on and on and had to deal with as you said repentance. Number three I don’t see any man or woman in our current culture with all the different influences and pressures to perform and even prosper from this sacred gift we have around us, and within us can accurately prophesy that amount of detail on a national and international level without having some element of pride or arrogance or presumption creeping in. I hope he is not on that slippery slope.. I thought about it…earlier today the fact that some major prophetic voices that have been well respected are no longer with us and they died a bit prematurely, i.e. David Wilkerson, John Paul, Jackson, Lauren Sanford, Kim Clement… it makes me wonder if God was sparing them the temptation of fame and pride and fortune in exchange for prophesying like Balaam.. Just a thought. I’m glad you all are keeping record of these words because it will be interesting to see if any of it happens. To me, if part of it is right and the rest is wrong that speaks to his credibility . As far as the detail words and knowledge… Knowledge that seem to be spot on 100% of the time, perhaps he was operating in his true gift whereas he’s stronger than that of foretelling prophesy. Its so humanly easy to shift from the spirit to the soul when you prophesy and go on and on. therefore it is entirely possible that he was not operating out of his measure of grace gifting. Just a thought. As to Miller’s thought-provoking question as to what would it take for you to believe him or do you come in with predetermined ideas about this sort of thing. I think that was joshes piggyback comment. Anyway what it would take for me is number one to see how many of these futuristic prophecies come to pass or not. If he missed one or two I wouldn’t have a problem with that but if he’s like 5050 or 6040 or 9010, especially with the conditional ones, I couldn’t accept him as being credible …number two I would follow up with the gentleman that had all the words , and verify with him personally and the lady he came with that it was kosher. Then I would wanna follow up with him in a few more months to see if he was healed as the prophet said he would be. sorry for the long comment, but your show is very thought-provoking and triggers experiences and things I witnessed in the prophetic over almost 5 decades. 🙏🏼
@marshayoder7627 10 ай бұрын
I visited chris reeds church in peru indiana. I live close to that area. He displays the word of knowledge...but i never could understand why he abadoned his small congregation. All the sudden he was in a huge ministry. He said and i heard him say it. That he would raise up 1000's of prophets. I thought you had to have a theophany to fill the office of prophets. I have always wondered how chris Reed thought he would raise up prophets. ... please speak to this also...
@davidrose3737 Жыл бұрын
Why do they think they have to prophesy everything that happens, I thought we are supposed to walk by faith.
@LillithLeonard 2 жыл бұрын
If want specific prophecy, complete with signs that are actually coming to pass, I'd like to see what you think of Julie Green.
@tonypino5415 2 жыл бұрын
I had a dream last night that the Abomination of Desolation was going to happen tomorrow. Obviously not true but this is odd that Brother Reed mentioned it.
@jaredpribyl 2 жыл бұрын
I could get all of this information if I researched someone, if I knew they were coming to the event, and do the same thing…I am not saying that’s what happened, and this is my first time hearing of Chris Reed so I can’t assess his character
@itscoleperkins 2 жыл бұрын
He’s definitely proven to give some pretty accurate words of knowledge. The way he operates in prophecy is at least somewhat influenced by the camp he’s in. He’s more quick assume his interpretation is correct and maybe doesn’t use the “I just feel like” approach that Michael and Michael do. I think a lot of times peoples theology affect the way they use their gifts but that doesn’t always mean their gift is counterfeit.
@christianwoudenberg3393 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing words of knowledge and personal prophetic words. Theological and political frameworks can definitely slant ‘perspectives’ like this. Corporate words seem a bit confused nowadays, corporate for a nation or the church?
@JDRusse11 2 жыл бұрын
If Prophecy is not specific, then what heck is the point of it? We don’t need some vague prophecy about the new year and how we will be blessed. We need something that is Authentic, Relevant and Directional; where Yahweh is guiding us on how to live in light of future events. I appreciate Chris’ boldness and conviction to warn us of what’s about to transpire. Only time will tell of this word’s accuracy and if End Time Events are about to unfold.
@carmenstrain6253 3 ай бұрын
I know this is an old episode but I don’t think you can base the validity of a national prophetic word based upon accuracy of personal prophecy. I’m leery of personal words that are spoken publicly. It appears to be to bolster trust and legitimacy in themselves. And how do we know the information is being provided by the Spirit of God vs a familiar spirit? Accuracy is not always a reliable litmus test IMO.
@tony.biondi 2 жыл бұрын
Bravo, Josh, for nailing your colours to the mast!
@kingjesusreigns Жыл бұрын
RE: Macron- I hear “AntiChrist type” in what he’s saying. Just my 2 cents for anyone who wanted an extra opinion 🤓
@allygail424 2 жыл бұрын
Have you guys ever reviewed any of Dana Coverstone's dreams??
@jygrogers 2 жыл бұрын
Keep testing, however, confused about the reasonable ‘short’ time allotted to judge? Know you have a 2 YEAR WINDOW. BTW, Chris Reed clearly said, “the Angel appeared in his bedroom”. If he meant dream don’t you believe he had enough presence of mind to say that. 1 Corinthians 4:5 (AV): Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
@datingsucks6780 Жыл бұрын
Appreciate the content. Curious your thoughts now a year later while the French unrest predictions have seem to be happening now.
@onehappydawg Жыл бұрын
The moment someone says, “the Lord told me….” Or “Thus says the Lord…”, they are not “interpreting” what they heard. They are saying God told me this and that. If that thing they said that God told them does not come to pass, they prophesied out of their own heart and they should repent publicly. Prophets in the Bible never “interpret” what God or and angel shows them. They write down what they see and record it. The only time they give an “interpretation” of what they have seen, is when God or an angel gives them the interpretation. They don’t say, “oh I think it means this or that” and get it wrong. If someone is going to claim they are a prophet, they need to give the word God gave them and then shut up about any interpretation, unless God gave them that too.
@conniebredberg5716 8 ай бұрын
Why would he even say those things when he is obviously going to be judged very harshly......his need to be a "prophet" may be stronger than his contentment and joy that God actually speaks to him. What good does this prophesy really do for the building up of the body of just sounds like something we all would really like to hear. Angels coming and giving a word should be "ministering" to us and not sensational. You guys are really funny and kind of feed off each other's comments which I really love...God probably really enjoys you too.
@Mack14DC Жыл бұрын
I just recently discovered your podcast and have really been appreciating it. Do you ever go back to these prophetic words 1-2 years after they were given to evaluate then whether there has been any confirming fruit from them?
@FaithV7 Ай бұрын
I’m with the blonde guy. If an angel gives you a direct word, what’s to interpret?
@JillCee 7 ай бұрын
False angels can also give accurate words as well. From what I have seen happen in my family, I would say a big key to include is does the angelic presence lead focus back to Christ. Even in Scripture, that seems to be a key… the angels redirect worship towards God the Father or towards Christ. So far, this word from Chris is not aging well. Still a few months left granted. Would be interesting to hear this word re-reviewed. I have been a skeptic of him in particular since the first time I saw him a few years ago. There are ways for him to mine info whether online or through people planted in the crowd. I think the only way I would believe he is legit is if he shares info I have never shared online or with anyone in the audience I am in.
@dalemackenzie2187 Жыл бұрын
Here we are May 29th, 2023, one less year for it to be true. Ultimate timeline, November 07, 2028.
@patmanapsal4762 3 ай бұрын
A false prophet is not a born-again christian. If a born-again christian prophesied but the prophecy did not come to pass, that does not mean he is a false prophet. He only prophesied by his own spirit. Real prophecy is by the Spirit of God & always comes to pass, but of course it is uttered by a born-again christian.
@lindab6093 Жыл бұрын
How wonderful of God to send an angel with global prophesies to a school of prophesy event !!!!
@Light17784 2 жыл бұрын
Did you listen to prophecies from Tomi Arayomi?
@mirtikaschultz3282 2 жыл бұрын
What we don't know is what may have been overheard prior to the service. Poeple talk about their pains in church. About lost loved ones. About sicknesses. If someone overhears it, it can come back in the mind as "revelation." He sounds like a cold reader act. Like JOhn Edward His prophecies sound like stuff gotten from Twitter and the news. As y'all mentioned, he already had something NOT happen. Not knowing what has happened prior to him going up on the stage means we don't know if he HEARD stuff in the room.
@mirtikaschultz3282 2 жыл бұрын
Note I am not a cessasionist and myself gave someone a word of knowledge in the 90s that was confirmed by the person and others who had teh SAME word for him. So, I do believe this happens. I'm just skeptical of this whole thing that smacks of someone having a dream of news-related stuff and then a cold reading.
@linnetteh.4262 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, i dont think any of God's prophets got it wrong.. In interpretation or actual prophecy.
@christianwoudenberg3393 2 жыл бұрын
I advise you check some of his sessions where he does prolonged words of knowledge for 3 hours straight, in ridiculous accuracy. Getting names, dates, street addresses, family members, events, circumstances. His gift of personal prophecy is tested and undoubtedly real. However, people with proven gifts can push into other domains that they don’t function well in. Like William Branham trying to be a theologian - bad idea. Chris is a bit similar in this in my view.
@ironfan24 8 ай бұрын
Where is the video where they examine the John the Revelator word?
@mostreal907 Жыл бұрын
One year later. I would like you guys to do a follow up.
@yvettepitts5467 22 күн бұрын
Josh: He NEVER said Biden or Putin will "die"; so you're misinterpreting what he said and putting "your interpretation and spin on his words" -- instead.
@marlonlicup3567 11 ай бұрын
At 8:54 you said he prophesied falsely...that right there is the definition of FALSE PROPHET! 🤯 1st Corinthians 14:3. It says prophesying involves edification, exhortation and comfort. If its not within these wasn't a prophesy. Most likely a lie, or his own hallucinations or from the devil. Needs to correlate within what the word of God says. Come on guys....if it doesn't align with the Bible it's not true nor is it from the Holy Spirit.
@leonscott543 2 жыл бұрын
We should probably always be hesitant want hearing words from unnamed angels. Angels always introduce themselves in scripture. And it only happens a few times over literally thousands of years in scripture
@davidboehmer4359 2 жыл бұрын
I agree
@leonscott543 2 жыл бұрын
@@DisciplesLifestyle exactly .... That's sketchy. Saying the angels name is like the the top 3 most important things to share when giving such a prophecy. He's being intentionally mysterious and it's so obvious to sniff out
@j7489 2 жыл бұрын
Angels in the Bible didn’t go around giving their names to everyone. You’re thinking because Gabriel and Michael named themselves to a couple people that it was routine. It wasn’t. All you have to do is look at the dozens of other angelic visitations in the Bible where they didn’t name themselves. The angel who appeared to Samson’s parents was asked his name and he refused to give it.
@jerrycole4098 2 жыл бұрын
Do you have any scripture that says.. a man can give a false prophecy And not be considered a false prophet.. technically he is.. Chapter verse please
@joshclark7256 2 жыл бұрын
Shawn Bolz and Chris Reed are cut from the same cloth...and it's not a good thing
@khaccanhle1930 2 жыл бұрын
It's interesting to see the pseudo-intellectual, Bible-denying mental back flips I see so many "Prophets" go through these days. Usually when their "prophecies" are shown to be factually incorrect. The true Prophet of God gets a 100% correct word from the Lord. Now where in the NT is this standard ever abrogated. You get ONE wrong - false prophet.
@melodypickens5721 9 ай бұрын
Once again the dream about John was just that a dream and not a prophetic word.
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 2 жыл бұрын
Why would this guy say that John is in a cave in turkey ? What good does that do how could it possibly edify in any way ? Besides if John was hiding in a cave in turkey , he probably doesn't want anyone to know . Did an angel drop a dime on him or what ? Gimme a break . Roll in some Jesse duplantis , at least he's funny . Lol
@christianwoudenberg3393 2 жыл бұрын
Jesse is pretty funny for sure. Lol, true on John getting his cover blown, thanks a lot Chris! Actually this thing about John the Beloved was often taught in the New Mystics movement with John Crowder around 2007-2010, digging up charismatic legend from Sundar Singh, catholic church history and it’s transfigured incorruptible saints… I’m sure that’s where Chris gets this framework, it’s hardly original
@paulbrennan4163 2 ай бұрын
Reed: "december 21is the birthday of every pagan god from every culture in history" What does he base this claim on? As far as I could see the gods he mentioned were all born on different dates. This is the same kind of superstition that cults such as the Jehovah's witnesses appeal to. If an idol is "nothing in the world" (1 Corinthians 8:4), then there is no such thing as "pagan dates". An angel of God would surely know this.
@Coxfamuhlee 2 жыл бұрын
That guy just has a vivid imagination. 🙄
@valeriab9735 8 ай бұрын
I am in total disagreement with you all and the prophets out there that say these words are conditional. they're always using Nineveh as the example but we must remember that when Jonah went in preaching he said this is going to happen in this many days. Then Nineveh repented not Jonah didn't go in and say unless you repent this is going to happen. He said this is going to happen. And it was God that turned around and said okay they have repented so there was no condition that Jonah spoke the same with Hezekiah when the prophet went in and told him to get his house in order he was going to die he didn't say unless you repent unless you cry out to the Lord he just said this is the word of of the lord. Then when Hezekiah cried out to the Lord the Lord was the one that turned the prophet around and spoke to Hezekiah and gave him more time that is not conditional. That is the loving kindness of god. I believe this conditional doctrine is just that a doctrine created by man does not want to admit they were wrong
@jennasosa7740 2 жыл бұрын
I am so thankful for your videos/podcast. I appreciate your content and goals. I am new to the gifts of the spirit even though I've been a believer for a long time. I've been going through your reviews on the prophetic words of 2022. I think a lot of it is helpful. Although I would appreciate you speaking into this idea you have about a vague word indicating a false prophet. How do you think that applies to John Paul Jackson and his word The Perfect Storm? Especially when there are lots of other prophetic authorities still alive to vouch for his authenticity (Jack Deere, Ken Fish, Mike Bickle, etc...). Regarding the "prophecy validity test"...I think a lot of those points are solid and I would agree with. do you apply the Character test to a great prophet like Paul Cain? Secondarily, some of these review you have given are very measured with self-control, helpful and edifying (providing teaching and guidance). I am so thankful for these. However, I thought your Kat Kerr review (as intense and off-putting as her message was) was not as measured and I question if you would speak to her face in the same way you provided commentary... I also think that testing and judging these prophetic individuals prior to the year might call for a post year review on your own review. Did y'all call it or did you test it wrongly?
@YouInHimMinistries Жыл бұрын
I was prophesied over by john paul jackson At a vineyard church who's pastor was the son of leonard raven hill david And it has come to pass However I believe personal prophecy is different than corporate prophecy and I believe that only a real prophet should give corporate prophetic words
@JackieD3924 7 ай бұрын
People who do psychic readings know names, numbers and conditions. There is a good chance these messages are from familiar spirits?
@lizdilley2024 2 жыл бұрын
Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son. Hebrews 1:1-2
@j7489 2 жыл бұрын
And He continued speaking, hence the Book you just quoted from was written after the ascension.
@davidbrown5301 Жыл бұрын
Turkey is a place where extensive meditation used to take place. We have demonized meditation, we had no right to change the meaning and purpose of meditation. Christ went into the wilderness to meditate for 40 days. I understand Turkey to mean a place of intense. Meditation. Meditation is when we listen to God. Prayer is when we talk to God. I would interpret turkey to mean John his intensely communicating with God.
@Cman1955 7 ай бұрын
Well it’s 02/24 and it hasn’t happened yet.
@nubianecutie 2 ай бұрын
"Wife passed in her sleep" would ABSOLUTELY be in an obituary. Online RIGHT NOW, there are like 3 Bonnie Hill obituaries who died in their sleep. That said, I'm uncomfortable with you saying this guy has "accurate words of knowledge" even as you point out his national prophecies that he claims werr given to him THROUGH angelic visitation have all been wrong. Do we not want to wrestle with that? The idea that God is the continued source of words of knowledge to someone who is misrepresenting (put most charitably) angelic visitations he has had.
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