Alexanders' technical ability to understand the nuance in complex 16th century English never stops amazing me! I think bordering on Genius. Thank you!
@crownretro5 жыл бұрын
I'm looking forward to the day everyone knows! Thank you, Alexander Waugh
@kevindcruz36334 жыл бұрын
...and then what... Just look forward to the re.Turn of Christ...because the world that these rosacrucians have created is a hell hole.. Their followers r the sabatean Cult.. Utube : redemption through sin
@desmanage4 жыл бұрын
Thoroughly absorbing. I did not want this to end! Thank you very much for this Mr Waugh. I am spreading your thoughts! KP
@flipindisticalproductions47365 жыл бұрын
Great research. Thank you, kind sir.
@samuellloyd21265 жыл бұрын
Great vid Alexander, wonderfully put together a# always!
@gina888warhol12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for publishing this🌞
@wayneferris90225 жыл бұрын
Well done Sir.
@australianmade26595 жыл бұрын
Someone said if you consider all the people that may have been Shakespeare, William ‘Shakespeare’ was the least likely
@ronroffel14624 жыл бұрын
The stanza in the poem In Remembrance of some English Poets by Barnfield mentioning Shakespeare ( (see 23:56 ) has 17 upper-case letters in it. Coincidence? I think not. It satisfies the tria sunt omnia principle in which 3 of anything, whether it is names, items in lists, or allusions, signifies there is truth to be known through those 3 things. I do not think Alexander has noticed that the printer's mark on the title page of The Praise of Money (27:27) features a hand making the 1-5-3 signal which Alexander mentions frequently in the videos Where is Shakespeare Really Buried, especially in connection to the 1740 commemorative statue of "Shakespeare" in Westminster. The figure of "Shakespeare" is also making the same "Rosicrucian/Masonic" gesture.
@jdonalds13 жыл бұрын
Is there a third “infamy” in the last couplet? “Fame die never” extracting “de vere” from the last two words gives you “fame in de vere” which plays nicely enough as it is, but which also inverts to give “infame de vere.”
@alexanderwaugh70363 жыл бұрын
‘Tria sunt omnia!’ That’s brilliant! Thank you very much for this insight.
@stevenhershkowitz22653 жыл бұрын
"Fame die never" is an anagram for "Infame Ed Vere"
@advancedfaces5 жыл бұрын
can you do a video on who Penelope Rich is, her life and how it ties into the men of the time?
@GaltSpeaking2 жыл бұрын
Last two lines ('live euer you' to the end) contain "Edward DeVere, seventeenth earl" and "DeVere, your name must be hidden for all time." The two lines that begin "Thy name..." and end on the penultimate line "liue euer" contain Devere and "Infamous for male eros, male bedmate, male lover", etc. I don't think the Rich episode of bastardry is taboo enough to justify blasting his name off even the title pages of his plays (unless the cost of Eliza accepting his new issue was for him to be denied his plays). I think DeVere was absolutely fearless as a lover of men, thinking himself invincible, and like reckless Oscar Wilde he got checkmated by the laws of his age. His name was blasted away by some unwritten decree.
@andykeating7913 жыл бұрын
Its like 1 of those pictures where you can see an old lady or a lamp. You can notice the hand. Or the ape. Weird picture. Whatever, it is.
@andykeating7913 жыл бұрын
And if you look harder. There's a hand in the middle that gives it the silhouette. Its defiantly an ape.
@GaltSpeaking2 жыл бұрын
Incidentally, DeVere's homosexuality is the reason the sonnets switch at 127 to female. The 'canopy' sonnet 125 means elizabeth is dead. 126 is left with open parentheses because there is a hidden message there. Combine the last line of 126 with the first of 127, and the anagram says that he must change the genders of his sonnets now that he is under a new king and not protected by Elizabeth.
@baalbaalblacksheep1915 жыл бұрын
I love your work... but not as much as the realisation that so many stakeholders with tenure, the unwashed learned with years invested in study and publishing their expert opinions, and the Stratfordian populace who rely on this fraud for their income, are all teetering on a balance that will devalue their investment in the very near future ! Your Dee-construction of one of the biggest literary mysteries is priceless !
@davidlewis88142 жыл бұрын
What I’m picking up from these (I think I’ve watched about half of them), aside from all great “who wrote it” lore, is that the beefs between rap artists today (East Coast v West Coast, Tupac, etc) is nothing new - the poets of the late 15s to early 16s were just as cutthroat, public, vicious, and occasionally lethal! Someone’s gotta do a movie in the style of A Knights Tale, but with poets doing sonnets set to sick beats….
@crackle68752 жыл бұрын
The musical Something Rotten might scratch that itch. I’ll also tack on a suggestion for the 2015 film Bill.
@arthurneuendorffer49145 жыл бұрын
------------------------------------------------------- . A Remembrance of some English Poets. . . LIve Spenser *EVER*, in thy Fairy Queene: . Whose like (fo[R] [D]eepe Conceit) was *NEVER* seene. . Crownd mayst thou b[E|E], unto thy moRe renowne, .(As King of Poets) with a Lawr[E|L]l Crowne. . And Daniell, praised for thY sweet-chast [V|E]RSE: . Whose Fame is grav'D on Rosamonds blacke HERS[E]. .................................................. . . . L I veSpenserEVERinthyFairyQueeneWhoselikefo . [R][D] eepeConceitwasNEVERseeneCrowndmaystthoub . [E][E] untothymoRerenowneAsKingofPoetswithaLawr . [E][L] lCrowneAndDaniellpraisedforthYsweetchast . [V][E] RSEWhoseFameisgravDonRosamondsblackeHERS . [E] ......... [DELE] 42 : 2d pers. sing. imp. of dēleo (“delete”) [E.VEER] -42 ------------------------------------------------------
@arthurneuendorffer49145 жыл бұрын
------------------------------------------------------ . {LI}ve Spenser *EVER*, in thy *Fairy Queene*: . Whose like (fo[R] [D]eepe Conceit) was *NEVER* seene. . Crownd mayst thou b[E|E], unto thy moRe renowne, . (As King of Poets) with a Lawr[E|L]l Crowne. . And Daniell, praised for thY sweet-chast [V|E]RSE: . Whose Fame is grav'D on Rosamonds blacke HERS[E]. .................................................. . . . . {L I} veSpenserEVERinthyFairyQueeneWhoselikefo . [R][D] eepeConceitwasNEVERseeneCrowndmaystthoub . [E][E] untothymoRerenowneAsKingofPoetswithaLawr . [E][L] lCrowneAndDaniellpraisedforthYsweetchast . [V][E] RSEWhoseFameisgravDonRosamondsblackeHERS . [E] ......... [DELE] 42 : 2d person sing. imp. of dēleo (“delete”) [E.VEER] -42 . {LI} = 51 = 3 x 17 ---------------------------------------------------------- . Dedicatory Verse by Ignoto in Spenser's *Fairy Queene*: .................................................. TO looke upon a work[E] of [R]ar[E] (de)[V]is{E} The which a workman setteth out to view, A{N}d not to yield it the *DE(s)ERVED* prise, That {U}nto such a workmanship is dew, Doth eithe{R} prove the iudgement to be naught Or els doth shew a mind with *{E}NVY* fraught. .......................................................... . . . TOlookeuponaw{O}rk [E] of [R] ar [E](de)[V] is {E} Thewh . ichaworkmanse t te t ho u tt o vi e wA {N} dnott . oyieldittheDE(s)ER V ED p ri s eT h at {U} ntosu . chaworkmanshi p is d ew D ot h ei t he {R} prove . theiudgementt o be n au g ht . {RUNE} -34 ...................... . a w {O} . r k [E] . o f [R] . a r [E] . (d e) [V] . i s {E} . [{E}VERE{O}] -3 Prob. [E.VERE] in first Ignoto line ~ 1 in 1,040 --------------------------------------------------------- . . .{TERRATE (G) ITPOPUL U S M (Æ) R ETO LYMPUSHABE T} ........................................................ . STAYPAS [S] ENGERWH Y G O E (S) TTH OUBYSOFAST R . EADIFTH [O] UCANSTW H O M {E} N VIO USDEATHHAT H . PLASTWI [T] HINTHIS M O (N){U} M ENT {SHAKSPEARE} W . ITHWHOM [E] QUICKNA T (U) R {E}{D} IDE {WHOSENAMED} O . THDeCKY [S] TOMBEFA (R) M O {R}{E} tHE NCOSTSIEHA L . LYTHEHA [T] HWRITTL E A V {E} S LIV INGARTBUTP A . GETOSER V EHISWIT T . (RUNES) -33 : Prob. in Roper array = ~ 1 in 4930 .......................................................... the probability of David Roper's: {DE} next to {E.UERE} assuming that the 34 letters of the 2nd line: {TERRA TEGIT POPULUS MÆRET OLYMPUS HABET} provide the # key to the ELS array is ~ 1 in 106,000 -------------------------------------------------------