FFXIV's Most INSANE Interactions

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@suparockr 7 ай бұрын
I think my favorite story is someone was chilling in a city and someone else without saying anything walked up to them and traded them a stack of glamour dispellers.
@GaleGrim 7 ай бұрын
That is BRUTAL. That is the trade version of saying "You need these with your fashion sense."
@AilinRevan 7 ай бұрын
must have been one disaster glamour lmao
@Escorducarla 7 ай бұрын
I think I'm supposed to think that's awful and not fantastic, but I don't. That's fantastic. Like, it's rude as hell, but it's rude with so much sauce. I probably would have laughed forever.
@AFKei 7 ай бұрын
@@Escorducarla So awful a thing it rolls over into being brilliant.
@annameme1834 7 ай бұрын
Oh ouch 😮😂
@Scribbled2Death 7 ай бұрын
ngl i saw the title and thought this was a vid on weird spell/ability interactions due to spaghetti coding. :V
@red5robb1 7 ай бұрын
Asylum heals enemies due to spaghetti coding though. the tooltip is wrong
@Anya_khaos 7 ай бұрын
sch main here, I was almost having a heart attack before realising it couldn't possibly be true... or could it? :V
@HikariVictor 7 ай бұрын
​@@Anya_khaosI appeared for the clickbait too... But stay for the content. Hah!
@rinnnnnnnnnnrin 7 ай бұрын
Same lmao
@shurhaian 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, definitely what I was expecting too. Still a fun romp through the minds of some of the more out-there players that exist even in a game with a relatively open and non-toxic community!
@fluffykitten077 7 ай бұрын
"No matter how poor a tank, a healer should know their place serving" I shall send you to the blood mines to feed my Blood Lily, mortal.
@Mellow_Owl 7 ай бұрын
The couple giving birth while doing roulette is goals.
@hoodiesticks 7 ай бұрын
LOTA can drive people into utter madness...
@networknomad5600 7 ай бұрын
“It’s your responsibility as caster to raise” BLMs: :
@littlelindman 7 ай бұрын
@Okapifan 7 ай бұрын
I have this book about Necromancy... I guess that could help? Maybe?
@umitencho 7 ай бұрын
So anyway, I start blasting Paradox.
@TransAmTuner 7 ай бұрын
saw a person in duty finder who had a comment on their profile saying that “toxic wall to wall speedruns is the reason EU has a healer shortage” immediately after seeing them tell a tank to tank stance in BASIC TRAINING: ENEMY PARTIES (the level 11 guildhest!!)
@RockR277 7 ай бұрын
I take it this was before tank stance was moved to level 10?
@TransAmTuner 7 ай бұрын
@@RockR277this was like 2 days ago.
@HeroGuy3 7 ай бұрын
...If the tank is a warrior with their head screwed on (I know, oxymoronic, almost) the healer isn't needed in level 90 dungeons. At all It's relatively commonplace on materia to PF a group with 3 dps for expert/90 roulettes How are wall to walls driving a shortage? Are they complaining that tanks are doing it at level 50? I don't think anyone is gonna mald if you wipe on some of those absolute marathons. They're tough, just communicate.
@madcap830 6 ай бұрын
I had a run in Halatali, the dungeon started with out a hitch until we got to the first boss. I noticed the tank was dying fast and our other dps was killing the little wisp adds that spawn from the fire. I didn't know what was happening so I asked the tank to turn on his tank stance and told the other dps to ignore the wisps and just burn down the boss, we wiped multiple times. Turns out our healer was a heavy rp'er, so he spawned in the dungeon in all level one gear except an accessory or two and claimed, "Master hasn't given me any equipment yet uwu" That was the issue we were having with that first boss. Needless to say we booted the healer, and once a new one came, we blitzed through the rest of the dungeon in record time.
@dbappio 7 ай бұрын
"im sorry you're in labor and got LOTA" i will never forget the alliance roulette birthing incident that sent me
@TheFlu-54 7 ай бұрын
For me it was when I was Pugging and someone got really salty for no good reason that Hector "stole" the strats from one of the streaming teams. As in they were mad that party finder was calling Hector strats and that Hector was evil for taking credit for the strats and hogging glory by having the strat named after him. Ignoring that the naming is organic to the party finder and literally no one has control what the culture consolidates around for the naming of strats. Just an insane take.
@maxspecs 7 ай бұрын
Reminds me of the time a warrior was explaining Mr Happy strats to people in their party, not realizing the actual Mr Happy was in their party…and that they were explaining the strat wrong.
@iandrey3674 7 ай бұрын
Once a person in pf called us "hector children" and left the party bc he wanted us to use his waymarks instead of ours The waymarks were exactly the same and just had some letters and/or numbers switched around btw
@Lumina9306 7 ай бұрын
the secret maid cafe room is stuck in my head for all eternity
@kurogane_b-wolf 7 ай бұрын
2:08 OMFG I had this so many times. I'm a 15+ year veteren healer main. i've gone through this so many times I just don't even bother wasting my time trying to talk back to idiot tanks like this particular tank in the clip. I just put them on block and just heal away. 5:38 Also had this similar thing happen to me right as i finished decorating my house. Had my irl partner help me with decorating and we were just relaxing when a naked F.Aura walked in on us. my wifey chased her off angrily XD
@cooperhanson2324 7 ай бұрын
I was once hanging in Gold Saucer and had someone in yell chat asking people to buy their bath water
@Rhanith 6 ай бұрын
This is green Job Icon World - continues to run around as War gigglin franticly :3
@KaedysKor 2 ай бұрын
RE the rez, though, probably my favorite interaction story was getting flamed by the healer in a level 60 dungeon, me on Red Mage, for not rezing them after they stood in AoE. I pointed out that Red Mages don't get their rez until 64, and they insisted they get it much earlier and I was just being an idiot (the tank and other DPS subsequently backed me up, and the healer left the party in a rage).
@sotarastas7274 6 ай бұрын
Was tanking in a dungeon way back with a.. unique SCH. They never healed anyone, not even themselves, purely dps. I confronted them after a wipe, and they said fairy heals were enough because "I gave you a shield" After calling them out on their BS they insisted on whatever "shield" they CLEARLY cast. I was going to vote them out but they thankfully left, and we only had to wait a couple minutes for a new healer.
@Nagoshichao 6 ай бұрын
i recall getting a tell out of nowhere asking me to sit in a hot tub with them "with clothes on" so i don't "ruin" my marriage. i didn't know this person and im pretty sure that at the time My SO and I hadn't married in game. honstly i was so confused i asked for clarification and didn't ever get a response. another time i recall doing a leveling roulette and the tank has some weird macro they put on provoke that was something along the lines of "hey you fools look at me!" and they used it on cooldown. in sastasha. the normal version. im sure ive had other weird things go on but these are the two that stand out at the moment.
@CixiaKyrrah 6 ай бұрын
I had a tank yell at me for "healing too much instead of dpsing" as a healer....
@johanmedioni7856 6 ай бұрын
I don’t know if all healers have control over who live tbh. Over who dies however, very much so.
@sunn7615 7 ай бұрын
I once had someone unironically ragequit a pf over an EU fight macro back in Asphodelos.
@IKMcGwee 7 ай бұрын
Man those are wild! Worst i ever got was a red hard casting Veraero/verthunder no jolts
@VForceWave 7 ай бұрын
From the thumbnail, I thought this was going to be interactions with certain game mechanics. Unfortunate. This topic doesn't really interest me.
@Triscraft 6 ай бұрын
the gill request speaks to me.. my friends know me as the guy whos always broke.. they question why i never have money.. but like.. I had money.. then got a house.. Then i got more money.. and got a house for our FC.. then started to get back up to 1 mill.. and they decided they wanted to do raids so i brought the 640 gear.. then i got more money again but oh we heard about submarines can you unlock the workshop for us?.. now im finally starting to get back to a decent gil level and they're already discussing upgrading to a medium FC house.. But still they're like "Omg why dont you ever have any money?" and i'm just... THESE THINGS ARENT FREE YA KNOW!? theres been more than one occasion where because of these requests ive been unable to even teleport haha
@Nuinwing 7 ай бұрын
When a BLU steals my mojo with mimicry, I consider it an honor that they chose my aether over the aether of all the other folks around. When I'm playing BLU I consider mimicry to be the same as casually cupping a feel, like "Gimme some sugar!", also I never ask for permission, I take what I want and you can't stop me, Muahahaha! I usually play Lalafell but sometimes fantasia into something else when I wanna wear some sexy glams, this one time I was a bunny girl with a dark brown skin(chocolate bunny!) and had that healer top from Nier tower that has a very generous side cut and with it 2B leggings dyed to match my characters skin color for some illusion of no pants. Anyways, some guy sends me a tell saying how sexy my glam was and I thanked him for the compliment, he then follows this up with "Are you LGBTQ+ friendly?". I was stunned for a moment, like who asks stuff like that out of the blue? I answered him: "I'm friendly to everyone who are friendly to me", he says: "very nice of you." and then he just left.
@ramirezthesilvite 7 ай бұрын
They forgot to censor the naked girl's name on one line
@Viridigitus-y6c 7 ай бұрын
Oh god, I had the healer with no esuna on their hotbar in Delubrum Reginae. I resurrected our poor tank fighting the queen so many times.
@Llightmare 6 ай бұрын
I will try not to heal enemies with my Stellar Explosion and damage my Party members with it. I promise!
@Slysheen 7 ай бұрын
Honestly I feel bad for the player giving birth. Imagine 8+ hours of boredom interrupted by occasional bouts of agony; you log in to get any stimulation that isn't pain or boredom and get Labyrinth of the goddamn Ancients.
@abelcanocarriel1343 7 ай бұрын
No wonder the contractions accelerated. She induced it alright xD jajajaja it was gold
@mizuwisver9141 7 ай бұрын
I've had a situation recently I was playing BLM doing a 50/60/70/80 roulette, the healer was definitely new? Was hard to be sure, as it seemed they did level skip a healer job, either way the first boss we had, they died, unfortunately we had no dps that could rez, but the healer got mad at me for not raising them.. even though I said BLM cannot rez 💀
@BilliamTorpedo 5 ай бұрын
4:15 ඞ !
@magamisic5924 7 ай бұрын
the interaction ive had that was insane was someone claiming hard that ff14 was pay to win
@RinBanana 7 ай бұрын
You pay, and Square Enix wins!
@LucasBernardesRosa 7 ай бұрын
"The healer controls who lives or dies." My ass. If I want to step in 5 AoEs and die to it, I'll do it and no amount of Rescue can stop me.
@RinBanana 7 ай бұрын
Damn you're right...
@steveroyal6229 6 ай бұрын
@tufcat92 6 ай бұрын
As a healer I'd just let you die at that point lol better to have weakness than 5 vuln stacks eh
@RinBanana 7 ай бұрын
@olololo4807 7 ай бұрын
just stop healing
@ardeon93 7 ай бұрын
wait you guys heal stuff ??? i thought glare is the way
@AilinRevan 7 ай бұрын
@@ardeon93 daaaaaaaaaaamn, now i know why we're still on p12s... i should clearly heal less and glare more, oh and stop using asylum, clearly O_O' oh wait... then... does the lily bell also HEAL the boss???? LMAO🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@AilinRevan 7 ай бұрын
this absolutely cheered me up today! thanks a lot! *sending hugs*
@leonfurry 7 ай бұрын
Jokes on you! I heal them with Sacred Soil!
@KitsuneSoup 7 ай бұрын
I walked into my private residence, and into my basement. I have a nice setup, but nothing fancy. Mostly screens, my bath, bed, big fishtank with the ugliest fish. There are two naked people in my bath. "Excuse me, what are you doing? Leave us alone," SAYS ONE OF THE NAKED PEOPLE. I reply, "Pardon? This is my house." "You left it open door open and now it's ours." Apparently, there are sovereign citizens in Eorzea. I just stared at them until I got called a pervert, swore at, and they warped out.
@sylvrwolflol 6 ай бұрын
It's kind of odd to see the polar opposite side of the spectrum from me, who does extensive research and contacting with public venues and gets express permission before I do so much as a single gpose in the vicinity lol
@Draconic74 6 ай бұрын
At that point you exert dominance by deleting the bath from under them.
@Terraflare94 2 ай бұрын
Those are called squatters, thankfully we can now ban or as I like to call it trespass those erpers out of our homes.
@LastOfTheJedi88 7 ай бұрын
Fair Warning: This is a long one. I was hitting up the Duty Roulette, doing some PLD leveling. Where i got Tower of Zot. After i connected, i noticed the party was further ahead past the first boss encounter. After catching up to them, i proceeded to run ahead and pull the adds. That was until the Healer started yelling at me. Healer: "Bro, stop griefing" I thought at the time that i forgot to turn tank stance on, but it was already on. It was then i noticed that the DPS players were just standing in the corridor doing nothing. Meanwhile the healer (White Mage) is casting Cure 3 over and over again until he ran out of mana. We wiped. After Respawning i asked what i was doing wrong and he said that i was "pulling all the enemies towards me" making it difficult for him to heal me. No joke. So i offered to pull less to make it easier for him and for some reason he took that as an insult and started calling me a garbage tank. And then he said if i don't stop trolling and do my duty as a tank he would report me. (Also the DPS's were completely quiet the entire time) So we tried again, i pulled less and once again the two DPS's were just standing in the corridor doing nothing while the healer is spamming Cure 3 over and over again. We didn't wipe that time. Afterwards i tell the healer to use anything else other than Cure 3. As a White Mage Player myself i started listing all the WHM spells he can use instead and his response's were "Not Needed and Already used them". (Which is bullshit because he has never used the lilies, asylum or regen) Then he quite possibly said the dumbest thing i've heard so far: Healer: "You're a PLD right? Can't you heal yourself?!" At This point, i'm fed up with all of them. But i still got a duty to perform. So after pulling the next group of adds in the next room, we wipe once again. Then the healer starts a votekick on me and i'm at my limit. i'm just about to type out a raged filled comment until he messaged something that just shocked me. Healer: "This is the third time we had to kick a tank in this session! Seriously is it really that hard for you fucking brainlets to play tank right?! Go back to COD where you belong!" After that i was booted back to Radz-at Han. Just so everyone knows, i have never had any complaints when i played as a tank and this was the first time i got booted for doing my job. It just boggles the mind on what these people were thinking. Which brings up another question, how have they made it this far into the game with their toxic behavior and questionable playing skills?
@Cfishies 7 ай бұрын
Share their name and spread awareness to other people to avoid the menaces
@cloudzack1090 7 ай бұрын
Bruh ive had some weird encounters myself but id have to say I have not quite had something like this happen yet. We both know whats up, one unfortunately is that healer sucked, has an attitude problem. Be interesting to know wtf the dps was doing lol
@SillySnowFox 7 ай бұрын
$5 says they bought a skip and Zot was the first actual dungeon they'd done. I'm curious what they thought "proper" tanking looks like.
@HayTatsuko 7 ай бұрын
Sure hope _you_ reported the healer (and maybe the DPS as well) for harassment.
@jeydomo 7 ай бұрын
I tank on the occasion, and I do the usual use of my CDs. I pull 2 mobs, it's enough for the healer to keep me up. Healer: do you know about arms length? Me: the thing that's on CD ? Yeah..just like some of the others I can't use rn, hence smaller mobs.
@nathanester4127 7 ай бұрын
One time as a sprout I had a mentor tell me that I was healing too much... because my fairy kept healing him?
@RinBanana 7 ай бұрын
Bad fairy >:( stop helping!
@MissPoplarLeaf 7 ай бұрын
A mentor........ I can 100% understand a sprout or even a rando without an icon. But a MENTOR?
@icefyer2 7 ай бұрын
@@MissPoplarLeaf Yeah... I've never had a tank say no to more healing outside of specific situations like trying to pop Living Dead so even then that's just weird...
@KyonV13 7 ай бұрын
​@@MissPoplarLeafactually that's pretty normal. Mentors are idiots who want to feel good about themselves with their foil crown.
@djhakase 7 ай бұрын
Optimal healer gameplay is your tank on 1 health. Anything else is better spent on dealing damage.
@shadow_blaze2317 7 ай бұрын
I love how in the ERP rejection the guy stressed that he was very gay. Sometimes just normal levels aren't enough when turning someone down.
@SmugLilBugger 6 ай бұрын
"What if I turn the lights off?" "Sorry, I am *super* gay, that won't work..."
@kay_faraday 6 ай бұрын
yeah the "very" got me to laugh
@D0ct0rD0ng 7 ай бұрын
This reminds me of a interaction I had years ago when I first started playing the game and was a sprout and asked for tank tips since I had pretty bad tank-xiety and wanted to get better, where a mentor who rolled the dungeon told me to REMOVE from my hotbar the skills: Reprisal/Arm's Length/Provoke/Shirk/Interject/Low Blow since they all "Didn't do enough to warrant the hotbar space/just get replaced by other skills you can get" As you can most likely assume: I have never taken a single thing anyone with a mentor crown has said seriously again since that day years ago.
@kay_faraday 7 ай бұрын
Did you realize right away that they were full of shit or did you figure it out later on?
@D0ct0rD0ng 7 ай бұрын
@@kay_faradayI figured it out pretty much immediately once I asked about Arms Length's slow and they said they had no idea it even had that.
@kay_faraday 7 ай бұрын
@@D0ct0rD0ngYeah that would do the trick lmao.
@Monitice 7 ай бұрын
Craziest shit I've ever read all day.
@sylvrwolflol 6 ай бұрын
Funny, since I spend a lot of the time trying to convince people to use those very things. And ya know, I'd take the BK crown off... but I actually prefer the assumptions that come with it. Like, with it on people automatically assume that I'm a dumb salty bitch. And if we're making assumptions, may as well be making correct assumptions.
@TheJamation 7 ай бұрын
At first I saw the thumbnail and title and was super excited to see which enemies we'd be able to heal to have some weird interaction.......was a little sad that wasn't the case
@aethon0563 7 ай бұрын
I'm right there with you.
@hoodiesticks 7 ай бұрын
Algorithm recommended me this immediately after a string of FFXIV Mythbusters videos, so I was definitely in this headspace.
@kumoko3728 7 ай бұрын
I had some insane sprout telling me that you shouldn't do maximum uptime on cerberus in world of darkness because "better be safe than to risk a wipe" i used tank LB3 on the final boss and he got livid "why did you lb3 thats for the dps" i just looked at him and told him "better be safe than to risk a wipe"
@andrewdesalvatore7262 7 ай бұрын
if you know how the cerby chains work, then yea... free dmg UPTIMEEEEE!. But there's a few minor things that i didn't know about, about the chains themselves. ONCE pickedup, the chains have a timer (visible via a buff on yourself)... so you dont wanna grab it toooo early otherwise you risk losing it when you're about to attach it.
@xAvitaLT 7 ай бұрын
@@andrewdesalvatore7262 I'm guilty of wiping the raid with that one and did own up to it
@DaereonLive 6 ай бұрын
@@xAvitaLT Same here... I thought with my now Savage trained brain I could hold the chain and let the rest of the alliance do DPS, but did not notice the buff, with a timer shorter than Cerby's castbar to get back up... XD Needless to say, the buff ran out, couldn't chain anymore... and we died XD
@lordjaraxxus5418 7 ай бұрын
"you don't need esuna, I mained healer in Wow" Yeah no.... You need it in wow.
@chrisanderson7820 7 ай бұрын
IKR, this was actually the puzzling bit.
@Zakon673 7 ай бұрын
Yeah tthis is what I was coming to comment. In fact you need it more often than you do in FF14 lol.
@scorpiowarrior7841 7 ай бұрын
I literally commented this exact same thing, espically this season. FFS, we have an ENTIRE AFFIX dedicated to dispells so like....WHAT?
@fluffyfang4213 6 ай бұрын
I mean, they never claimed to be a *good* healer in WoW.
@vincentbeton 7 ай бұрын
I can't help but wonder if that Summoner is one of the reasons why Pictomancer can only bring pictures to life but not Party Members
@sylvrwolflol 6 ай бұрын
Nahhh, they just didn't want BLM to be alone in their complete lack of party utility
@HerrDoktorWeberMD 7 ай бұрын
I wish I'd seen it go around somewhere, but my friends and I did Heroes' Gauntlet as a 3-stack and decided to talk in /say like the fourth person (a sprout on his first run) was the canon warrior of light, it was a blast
@rezahydra 7 ай бұрын
Probably the most baffling experience I had was during some Unsynced Seat of Sacrifice. This was back in 6.1, so it wasn’t the easiest thing but it was very doable as long as everyone used markers. We got in, assigned clocks and markers, got in position, pulled, and then one of the healers started screaming in chat to “remove it,” referring to the 1 marker on them. This caused a wipe due to them not even wanting to move or attack out of what I can only assume was spite… I figured they were salty, and instantly after they left the duty, everyone quickly began to follow expecting another PF to go up. I said “I guess they were salty?” out of pure confusion trying to see what was going on shortly after I left… not realizing they hadn’t instantly left like most people in this case when PF’ing normally do, as they were apparently waiting for everyone. I was even more perplexed after noticing this, only for them to respond with a “…”, before calling me a slur, then finally leaving the party properly. I’ve never seen this healer again, but if I ever do, I’m genuinely hoping to just talk with them just to understand what was going on. I’ve never seen someone so traumatized by something so normalized in raiding, before or after…
@shadowmaster335 7 ай бұрын
i remember doing a dungeon as a whm, well, i que in and what do i see?, a marauder...... keep in mind, this was a lvl 40+ dungeon, well, the friendly sort i am i asked "have you not done your class quests?", no response, ohh well, we start doing the dungeon, then the tank decides to do a wall to wall pull, and then pop all of his mits at once, well, he does this 3 times in a row (yeah we wiped every damn time), then had the gall's to say "heal me faster idiot" at this point i lost it a little, and just said "you cannot heal faster than INSTANT HEALING, so turn off your tank stance, and i'll show you how to tank"....... i then proceeded to tank the dungeon........ as a whm, afterwards i promptly blocked him and went on with my day *sigh* some ppl
@faeb.9618 6 ай бұрын
flashbacks to the first time i did the last raid of eden and popping in one of the healers is a conjurer... the tank is rightfully pissed and saying he refuses to carry a troll (same) and the conjurer had the gall to reply that he would report the tank for harrassment (everyone was in chat telling them to not do this again). we wiped and had to scramble to start the votekick because this damn conjurer was so deadset on ruining it for everyone they immediately went to pull the boss. at least we managed to kick them and get an actual healer to help when the poor ast was working overtime alone. promptly reported, blocked and moved on as soon as the raid was over
@renejagers4364 7 ай бұрын
Had a tank once in The Grand Cosmos and i asked them if they could pls use their mitigation cause i had to work hard to keep them alive, got told "those buttons aren't for my convenience" to wich i replied, "then my heals aren't there for yours". gues who started to use mits immediatly? xD
@neon9152 7 ай бұрын
I thought this video would be like, ability and mechanic interactions. What I watched was hilarious, ty.
@aetherhae 7 ай бұрын
One time I had a healer in my lobby who was pulling ahead of the tank and dying, so I asked them politely to wait until the tank pulls, and then they walked up to me, and RP kicked me in the shin, and started shouting obscenities at me. When my partner asked them to stop making a scene in party chat, they thought it was about me, and agreed that I should stop making a scene, when corrected, they got mad at my partner as well and called us a 'typical e-couple'. Primal btw.
@johngrace1312 7 ай бұрын
Reminds me of when I was learning GNB when it first came out and got vote kicked from an instance because I wouldn’t big pull, mind you, this was my first ever dungeon on the class, and I didn’t know how to effectively use the CDs yet, and had told the party as much as I
@DarrenMc 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like you met somebody from r/TalesFromDF
@pristinepastel 7 ай бұрын
im glad the mrs doubtfire encounter was a happy story. also. the audacity to think tank is the dom of the healer-tank relationship is insane, lollo
@JetEriksen 7 ай бұрын
It's quite simple, the tank is the dom if they're a WAR. The healers are otherwise always the dom.
@shadowmaster335 7 ай бұрын
@@JetEriksen it really freaking depends, i have seen some WAR's die to stupid shit cuz they can't keep their rotation up for virtually immortality
@xiaocheng6643 7 ай бұрын
@@JetEriksen ... I've met WARs in expert roulette who didn't know what Raw Intuition, Bloodwhetting or Nascent Flash are, but I agree that good WAR players fall under that category and I love them for it
@Kate-ms2mn 7 ай бұрын
@@JetEriksen the overwhelming majority of god awful tanks ive seen were WARs - not to say that all WARs are bad tanks, but most bad tanks play WAR
@skellysniperyt3210 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like someone doesn't appreciate Tank Stance. Or Shirk, for that matter. >:) (For legal reasons, this is a joke unless you happen to be in my FC)
@MahouSoju 7 ай бұрын
Had a tank during the Ivalice raids tell me that "Interject" was a useless ability and wasn't necessary for adds. Despite the fact that the entire party got paralysis from the adds. The summoner then told me it didn't bother them, because they don't have long enough cast times. I lost my goddamn mind, lol.
@Hyskaris 7 ай бұрын
While progging UWU, I ended up with a healer who was calling most everyone in the party by their name except for me, who was dubbed "war" (playing Warrior). I jokingly asked why I'm not being called by my IGN, and they responded, "war do you prefer i call you mommy?" I also had a Samurai who asked for logs after a clear, and when I posted them, they said "arigato, tan kitty!" i felt like i was going insane
@Poldovico 7 ай бұрын
Is you IGN some kind of variation on mommy?
@Hyskaris 7 ай бұрын
nope, it's just Raine @@Poldovico
@VilArknights 6 ай бұрын
What sort of baffling chicanery is this? I am definitely missing something because I am only confused.
@ajro4509 6 ай бұрын
I remember when I first started out, and I was afk in Quarrymill as a Hrothgar waiting for something. I then had a Lalafell walk up to me and say "big bitch" and then leave immediately. Every other subsequent Lalafell I've met pet me so I'm guessing he was different.
@luna_theraider 7 ай бұрын
This reminds me of the time I was playing SMN in P1N. Only back up rezzer in the party. It was the first dart board phase and both healers were dead along with a DPS(a SAM). I rezzed both healers and died getting the last one up. They left me dead. The SAM kept dying and the healers rezzed him. They even rezzed the DNC who died. One of the healers died again as well. They walked on my corpse. They did not rezz me until the boss was at 15% ish hp left.
@joushinjo 7 ай бұрын
that's rough, buddy!
@Euphorazine23 7 ай бұрын
I had a similar experience in a raid roulette as RDM. Six people died, it was just tank and myself alive. I had to pop an ether, but I got 4 people up on my own and the healers got the other two. We cleared the fight and the tank that lived said "Nice recovery healers". Didn't even get a comm :(
@RockR277 7 ай бұрын
@@Euphorazine23 I find that saving a pull is rarely recognized, sadly.
@sylvrwolflol 6 ай бұрын
In fairness, if it's genuinely unsafe to rez I flat-out won't. On healer especially, if swift is down and hard-casting would either get myself killed to mechanics or the party killed to raidwides, I'm just not going to do it 'cause I know better. I know it may have felt like spite especially since they rezzed the SAM, but it was probably out of panic rather than malice. Most people don't even know what rez priority is, and if they both exploded to basic mechs in Normal then they're probably not exactly world-firsters
@RenAsterion 6 ай бұрын
I, a RDM main, usually have to shout out to get me up first when most of the party is dead... because I can spam raise people after using Lucid Dreaming and an ether. Swiftcast+Verraise, Vercure, Verraise, Vercure, Verraise, repeat until everyone is up or I'm once again out of MP and have to wait for more. Red Mage is the FASTEST rezzer because of dualcast. If there's a RDM in the party, it's actually (IMHO, at least) better for the healers to focus on healing and doing damage and let the RDM pick up the dead, because we can multitask. Cast Jolt (if on a boss) or one of the AOE skills (if in the middle of a trashmob pull), then swap to the dead party member, Verraise using our dualcast, which is an instant Verraise cast, then back to doing damage in a split second. Then the healer can save their swiftcast for other things. RDM is a FANTASTIC caster to have on board in any party. ...what? I'm not biased. lol
@Raika63 7 ай бұрын
"The healer controls who lives and dies" *laughs in warrior*
@eiriksundby 7 ай бұрын
*rescues you into a pit*
@Fojabass 7 ай бұрын
@@eiriksundby Arm's Length:
@scarecrowhobo 7 ай бұрын
​@@Fojabassinner release:
@leafdragoon8551 7 ай бұрын
@@eiriksundby Suzaku fight would be the perfect place for that, just wait till boss is almost dead then cast rescue on a player on the other side of the hole in the middle.
@Neoicecreaman 7 ай бұрын
@@Fojabass That's like trying to use interrupt after the ability has hit the party, my guy. You'd think about pressing arm's length and you'd already be in the pit.
@coldReactive 6 ай бұрын
Probably my most insane interaction is one from when heavensward came out. The only reason I remember it is because of what happened only a few days after. I was doing Neverreap. As Black Mage. I was having trouble maintaining Enochian, because at the time, the timer for Astral/Umbral was 10 seconds (We didn't have gauges yet), and each Blizzard IV would reduce Enochian's own timer by a handful of seconds each time. So, halfway after the first boss, the other party members complained about it, and I told them I was just having trouble due to the timer. I was immediately kicked. I of course contacted support in-game and reported it as Harassment. Only a minute later, and a GM contacted me back. After I explained what happened, they said that wasn't okay of the party members to do that, and that... *"the Issue will be elevated."* Pretty ominous words, to be honest. So I kept progressing on other jobs in the meantime. But what I wasn't ready for, was a hotfix patch that came out only a few days later... what I found inside the patch notes along with everything else... was that the timer for Astral/Umbral Stacks was increased to ***13 seconds***. This made it infinitely easier to maintain enochian for me after.
@theredknight1757 7 ай бұрын
I remember in FF XI one time someone in party was hitting a friend of mine pretty hard with innuendos and creepiness. In a burst of inspiration I pretended that my friend was a teen and I was her father. I told the party this, and then asked the person in question to stop harassing my "daughter". Things got awkward and amusing real quick. XD
@regnimar 7 ай бұрын
If you can res people do so, it's the closest we'll get to necromancy
@MrJjjakey 6 ай бұрын
I actually recently had a mentor that got pissed at my girlfriend and I for not jumping into the fight with them right away when the 4th player had a cutscene. He blew the LB on an unnecessary tank LB1 whenever it came up and said "oh sorry I thought you guys wanted this to take longer." The best part? This dude was so fucking lost in an ARR dungeon that he CONSTANTLY was going into dead end paths and pulling unrequired mobs. But do go off about how us waiting for a sprout's cutscene is taking too much time.
@bnhearyza4767 7 ай бұрын
Some of these were insane! I've only had a couple noteworthy interactions in this game. My favorite was when I was on an alt, and I asked people in Limsa shout/yell (I can never remember which is which) for like, 24 gold. I was just barely short of buying something cheap from a vendor. Suddenly, a bunch of people found and surrounded me, showering me with huge amounts of gold, including a 100k trade. At the start I had a few hundred gold, and by the end, I had a whopping 250k. Battle wise, my favorite moment was when I kinda solo'd the SB final boss as AST in 5.5. I would tank all the TBs and do all the mechanics while everyone was dead. I tried rezzing the tanks so they could take the autos and TBs but they either slid off, failed mechanics, or not use mitigation for TBs and explode instantly (they were not overgeared like everyone else). It took 15m total and I got zero comms lol. I think the DPS and other healer were a bit miffed they couldn't play much, but I really was trying to patch things up. The tanks just...weren't cooperating with that plan lol I even had to go into my menu mid-battle and put Benefic 1 on my hotbar because my MP got so low from having to heal from his autos. Crazy fight!
@Poldovico 7 ай бұрын
I think that's one people would rather reset and retry fresh
@Dw7freak 7 ай бұрын
I can understand a SUM not having Physick on their hotbar, as it heals nothing. I can even understand a RDM not having Vercure on their hotbar, as the best use of it is to help top off when there aren't any targets. But being the only 2 non-healers to have a rez and not having it on your hotbar? You're just being toxic at that point. Heck, SUM have their rez for every duty, so they don't have an excuse like RDM that gets theirs at 64. It's always hilarious when doing Alex in raid roulette and people are spamming "rdm raise" and they can't at that level lol.
@iambecomegameend2972 7 ай бұрын
Never knew how prevalent RES mage mentality was until I started playing it. Had someone asking why I wasn’t verraising in Dzemael Darkhold lol. Feel like I’ve rarely gotten asked for raises on smn.
@iPlayOnSpica 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely put back on Vercure. It is your means of getting Dualcast in the absence of a targetable enemy, and it is useful for prepping a Verthunder/aero (III) mid-battle to optimize dps or fire off a Verraise.
@Poldovico 7 ай бұрын
​@@iPlayOnSpicait's also just actually useful for healing in a pinch
@maxspecs 7 ай бұрын
It’s always nice to prep a Veraero to balance out Accelerate Verthunder at the start of a fight.
@EmiTerasu_ 7 ай бұрын
To be fair, I’m not rezzing because I’m in the middle of my 10,000 part melee burst combo. 😂
@SorasShadow1 7 ай бұрын
Shout outs to the absolute unhinged shit from my old fc; -guy who had multiple characters and bought job + story skips on all of them, but a different job for each alt (unsure how many) to "try out the jobs" individually. vanished after a week. was pretty shit at DRG. -guy who insisted healers have a rotation and have to worry about aggro generation in ShB. Not entirely untrue that things like regen mid-pull could fuck up aggro back then, just not the way he was insisting. -guy who argued with me for 30 minutes because i recommended combat leves for a fresh sprout looking to get to level 20. guy admitted he personally hated leves. sprout left the fc. Not my old FC but "favorites" in no particular order; -back in ShB e8n via roulettes, AST is in all level 30 NQ grey gear on the body and weapon, crypt on right side. hard carried only by virtue of having 2 SMN because the SCH would drop everything, even interrupt their own healing spells, to hard raise this AST despite being asked to stop. and yes, attempts were made to just get the group to reset, but was refused. -first time i ever kicked someone was a no-stone sprout in 8 man prae, cue duty-long fit being pitched by their "friends" who admitted to having let them get all the way to the end of arr without actually helping them. was stressful tbh and they tried to grief during the ultima fight. -that guy in shout chat that i think half the Zadnor instance reported for screaming about conspiracy theories among other very, very, very bad things. even spoke to a GM after sending in the report, which was so jarring btw, their tell sound is weird. -once had someone in a moogle tomestone farm pitch a fit i'd decided to run SMN when there were already 2 in the group back when P1N was in the list of duties with tomes, we were killing it faster than when I'd run on RDM and juggling buffs just fine so i and the rest of the party were just confused. i just left, anybody getting that bent out of shape over a normal mode moogle tomestone group isn't worth my time. -unsynced tank achievement farms in o3n where at least one person would be *pissed* we're not super optimal and fast or people would get toaded, as though clearing in 43 seconds was so much worse than clearing in 39.
@MissPoplarLeaf 7 ай бұрын
Wait... did nobody tell the guy who bought story skips for his alts that he can level all jobs on a single character? Or did he just do it anyway despite knowing?? Lol
@aleciaregister162 7 ай бұрын
Dispels are absolutely necessary in wow and ffxiv. :/
@Vulcanfaux 7 ай бұрын
My buddies and i did baelsars wall second half with out a tank, since we were a 3 stack to begin with and the person playing healer was a chad and didnt want to kick the tank. We did that second half like that, i was a dancer while our other was a samurai, and after that final boss a meme was borne in our fc that dancer was a secrect tank. And from then on any time we did any content and saw a dancer we always cheered for having a third tank. Or second depending on the thing.
@annameme1834 7 ай бұрын
I was running one of the Pandaemonium raids as a Black Mage and accidentally hit the Ice skill twice in a row (was having a bit of lag and MP hadn’t shown as full). The tank complained that “The Black Mage is spamming ice with full MP”. The healer told them to play their own character. I spammed ice the rest of the raid, ended up with 6 commendations and a chant of “Ice, Ice Baby” when done. I bowed and blew each a kiss. Tank was still rating in chat when I left. 💁🏼‍♀️
@zackcpi1944 7 ай бұрын
This reminds me of the time someone randomly called me a groomer in Limsa and I was so upset I stopped playing the game for weeks until a friend told me it was just a Xaela meme.
@scorpiowarrior7841 7 ай бұрын
What the actual fuck
@NightmareSpirit01 6 ай бұрын
I was a SAM on The Vault and a healer got mad at me for not using a skill that gives them MP. I was caught off guard, they thought I was trolling them when I told them that I didn't have that ability
@IosLocarth 6 ай бұрын
Oh boy i have so many stories. One time I was doing a leveling roulette with a sprout friend who had some anxiety. They were playing healer and I was leveling Black Mage and we ended up getting into Aurem vale. My sprout friend accidentally ended up pulling aggro on an enemy in the first room because it's the first room in Aurem Vale. The tank sheathes their weapon and stands there as we kill off the enemies. He then starts berating my friend, twlling them theyre supposed to stand behind the tank because theyre a support. I tell him to chill and that happens literally all the time in this room because its Aurem Vale. He continues to berate my healer friend AND THEN RUNS BACK TO SPAWN, SAYING "Im going to go finish my food while you sit there and think about how to play a support". Needless to say, a few sevonds after I initiate the vote to kick he was gone. Personally, I was running a keveling roulette as a tank and had Bardem's Mettle. SAM keeps running ahead and oulling more mobs, would insta pull bosses. I finally get fed up and turn off my tank stance for final boss, only proboking when the MCH ended up iut DPSing him. Healer starts asking ehy i turned my stance off. I give the usual "SAM wants to pull, SAM can tank". I then proceed to get yelled at, by yhe healer, because "SAM's wife wants him to do something so how about you show some skill as a mentor". I tell them that if he wanted me to speed up he needs to ask instead of just being a jackass
@apljack 7 ай бұрын
11:45 Was healing Prae one time from roulette. Had pulled the first boss about 1 second before the tank got into the room, and got hit with the 'I know we've all likely run this a million times, but if you pull it you'll tank it.' Well, I was behind a bit for most the run cause I usually watch things on the side during Prae. But for Gaius.... I have JP cutscenes on for roulettes, and I get out of the cutscene for him easily 10-20 seconds before anyone else. I pulled. One of the DPS was also a quick CS and he joined in. After the other two go out of their CS the other DPS joined in, but the tank just stood there. So, he got to watch as the 3 of us, without any issue, cleared the fight while he did nothing.
@RagnarokiaNG 7 ай бұрын
All online games would be improved with the addition of the incomprehensible Team Fortress 2 players.
@ab-ur6re 7 ай бұрын
As a healer main my FC says I decide the pace we run stuff at. My response is just confused screaming
@izcube8971 7 ай бұрын
"I barely register the three other people as players" same honestly, outside of ggs and cutscene conversations in chat? never register them as players and just have fun
@titaniumvulpes 6 ай бұрын
Back when The Burn was the most recent dungeon released I was stuck in there with a WHM who was standing 30 feet away casting Holy, so I was like "You know Holy's point-blank and you're not hitting anything right" and they replied "You're not my dad" Like what do I even say to that. It's been like 4 years and it still keeps me up at night. I've had worse and weirder interactions but that one just haunts me.
@MrJjjakey 6 ай бұрын
I was in a duty as a AST and dotted the next pack before the tank got there. He stopped moving, turned stance off and told me we pull at his pace or not at all. We were in a level 25 Guildhest. I told him not at all lmao. They started hitting ads again when they realized they weren't necessary.
@fatalisxiv 6 ай бұрын
Be me, Play through my dailies for the day, get Praetorium, and immediately get lumped in with 3 Hrothgars with matching last names, and be the only Elezen in the group, and then get headpats at the end of the instance.
@Lord_Raviel 7 ай бұрын
The worst thing I personally experienced was a couple of French players getting mad in a levelling roulette because the tank didn't do any greeting at the start of the dungeon. The healer refused to heal and let him die on the first pull because "I can't heal you if I don't know you are there" and after 5 mins of me and the tank single pulling mobs while they did nothing a vote kick for the tank popped up and they both voted to kick him out. At that point I left and I hope the tank reported them both.
@riaglitta 7 ай бұрын
Ahhhh to pretend to be a 2.0 SMN, when their raise only worked out of combat😂
@NuchiAsaki 7 ай бұрын
If I needed 242 gil, I would do a roulette or something instead of begging a stranger. Even if you already did your roulettes for the day, the duty itself would reward at least that much. How embarrassing.
@SireDevathrius 7 ай бұрын
suggestion for future videos like this, keep the punchline out until you read it, if you can, kinda spoils the surprise
@faeb.9618 6 ай бұрын
i'm always checking my party members when i land roulette but only to see if someone has a really funny portrait name or glam going on, they're a delight to find. i play a male miqo and i remember the time i queued for leveling roul playing drk and the rest of the party was all lalas, of which one had some bright yellow early gear that looked like a jester. i was cracking up laughing all the way thru just watching my grumpy angry miqo in full dark edgy armor and drk vfx followed by a bunch of potatoes, he was not ready to babysit
@Chamele7n 7 ай бұрын
Idk how this video made me feel but it wasn’t comfortable lmao
@ffadicto 6 ай бұрын
Best I had is we were having a waifu discussion on sprout chat (it's been so long I don't remember real name) and then 1 mentor sends me a tell and tells me, "wanna know the real best waifu?" And then takes me to his private home where he practically has a nanamo sanctum there
@merakkori2089 7 ай бұрын
I will never forget, getting thrown into Stone vigil for leveling roulette and the party wiping twice because the tank didn't use tank stance. After I toid him "Could you please turn on tank stance". said tank exploded in a fit of salt, on how he was a Mentor, after which he said "You should be silent in my pressence" Honesly, my only bad interaction I ever had in a dungeon or really most settings of FF14 even after a good 2k hours. But man, I was baffled. He didn't turn on tank stance and left after 2 more wipes.
@jrdeans23 7 ай бұрын
I once got told off by a sprout DPS for using holy because it was blinding him
@MrPetpet111 6 ай бұрын
Then they should have turned off the battle effects of the "party members" and "others" :I
@MewMeg 6 ай бұрын
*laughs in RDM LB3*
@kylefauss4697 7 ай бұрын
Damn, I wish I saw the tweet. I had a SAM yell at me, the tank, for pulling adds and holding aggro. He said he was the main character of the story so he should be getting all of the glory for clearing the dungeon and that he only queued to grace us with his presence and guarantee a clear.
@tenbits2154 7 ай бұрын
i was once running a dungeon with a second Red Mage who refused to use aoe's because it did less damage .... couldnt seem to get him to understand simple multiplication
@ultimavishtein5269 7 ай бұрын
Oh wow. I could understand not using them at all starting out as red mage, but they help out so much in groups which is why RDM is best support mage. 👏 Plus the use of those skills add to the meters which help execute strong skills, assuming you're working in high level dungeons
@coolseel 7 ай бұрын
Banger video (I have finished it)
@RinBanana 7 ай бұрын
Banger comment (I have read it)
@mattwo7 6 ай бұрын
10:17 As a RDM main who sometimes tries to beat the healers to the res because RDM is the jack of all trades (except tank) I have to say... *CRINGE*
@sovest555 7 ай бұрын
ngl if they came into my apartment, the boots stay on ;)
@Kenionatus 7 ай бұрын
The gun is not can(n)on. XD
@MrJjjakey 6 ай бұрын
I've posted two others at this point but yolo seems I have some more. We go into the last boss of the newest dungeon and a healer pulls while somebody is in a cutscene. Dick move, but it's usually better to just let things go than escalate. A DPS calls him out and he replies with something impatient. About 20% into the boss this dude dies, eats shit to 3 stacks and and AOE. He starts flaming the chat demanding we wipe cause we obviously need him and we're just wasting time. Anyways I'm on WAR and just kept everyone alive. He was super pissed, flamed the shit out of me and said I was apparently getting reported for trolling him. Some people in this game are just extremely delusional.
@jacobybarra907 7 ай бұрын
That black mage hot take, I have mixed feelings about because, on one hand, that guy is dumb for not using his ley lines.... but on the other hand, I have a bad habit of not using my ley lines cause a LOT of the fights in EW require a LOT of movement... and If my ley lines are down, and the safe area is on THE OTHER SIDE of the arena... I'm gonna choose not make the healer hate me and move to the safe spot XD
@AbriDragon 6 ай бұрын
I had a wild experience while leveling Paladin. In Doma Castle I got a Scholar player who was going incredibly fast, but had an issue with me not moving all the way to the door once I picked up the last pack. So he kept rescuing me to the door, and I'd run back to the pack to keep doing damage. The only real issue I had was when he pulled me in a boss fight messed up my positioning, and when he pulled me away from the additional adds in the final pull, so after that I asked him to stop rescuing me and he immediately disconnected.
@cindersun 7 ай бұрын
my wildest story in ffxiv was my first time entering the Twinning. Tank noticed my name (Sky), mentioned their ex had the same name, and spent the rest of the dungeon comparing me to said ex and talking about ex and me. I couldn't get out of there fast enough 💀
@LuminRennic 7 ай бұрын
Leylines are in fact a crutch, I should know, I mainly main paladin. ~Me
@Sancturios 7 ай бұрын
Do you also cover blm using leylines to help them greed more :D?
@BilliamTorpedo 5 ай бұрын
5:50 at least that was in someone's home, my first time getting propositioned was on a misty morning in thanalan, in some random shack in the middle of nowhere. Dude just walked in after me and asked right there, i had to pretend i went afk and he left after a few minutes.
@StuMTG 6 ай бұрын
I cant tell you the number of times ive accidentally healed the savage boss with my benediction :///
@Sephirothwolf 7 ай бұрын
And that ERPer is why I use the Mhachi Coffin bed.
@inkunzipaw6905 6 ай бұрын
Bruh, Dispel (Esuna) is frickin Essential in WoW healing axjshzvs
@obamaorb7426 6 ай бұрын
The funniest piece of knowledge to annoy your friends with is that if you start a trade at the right time it cancels someones teleport
@hurri-db 7 ай бұрын
I watched this in fear as I thought some of my interactions might be on here. Not this time :3
@Frimbertrips 6 ай бұрын
Me and my friends have a thing we do called "Squishy Tank Game". I'm usually healing. The game is this: 1 Healer, 3 DPS in a synced dungeon. Amazing practice for the healers and the DPS and it's just fun! But it also means that I have proven on several separate occasions to multiple groups during current content that a tank is 100% not a necessity for most of it. I've never killed a tank on purpose (but I've also never had one treat me like trash) and bad tanks are a fun refresher for me to press all those extra buttons. The practice shows, too when we lose both tanks during a raid and we don't wipe or when a DPS I play with regularly knows exactly how to rotate their mits and regens to stay alive long enough for me to do something about it. So much fun! As for checking out my party during a dungeon? I totally examine everyone to see what their style is. Some of them are hysterical, or really put together. I enjoy the personality.
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