Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on COVID Orthodoxy, Fauci's Legacy, and War in Ukraine

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Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly

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Megyn Kelly is joined by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., author of "A Letter to Liberals," to discuss COVID pandemic orthodoxy, the need for discussion and debate, the elimination of freedoms due to the COVID pandemic, Dr. Fauci demanding blind faith in authority, the important issue of whether the COVID vaccines prevent transmission, myocarditis risk from COVID and from vaccines, rise in "unexplained" deaths in a post-COVID vaccine world, the truth about how many lives COVID vaccines saved and lost, the lack of important data needed to understand the rise in deaths post-COVID, what Fauci said about vaccines that could have an adverse effect before the COVID vaccines were available, the absurdity of the new booster which was only tested on eight mice and no humans, Pfizer's involvement in the Trump administration, Alex Berenson and tech censorship, RFK's disbanded "vaccine safety" commission, Scott Gottlieb and our supposed medical elite, American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendations, problems with the VAERS system, personal backlash from family and friends, his views of Donald Trump then and now, Herschel Walker and our politics today, the war in Ukraine, American imperialism, RFK's personal connection to the war as his son Conor was fighting in the country, and more.
Alternately, here's the CDC on vaccines:
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@jaygeedomena514 Жыл бұрын
I recently watched a doc on RFK. This man, RFK JR, is a patriot for sure. What he is doing is not for himself, it is for love of country and justice.
@rtrouthouse1506 Жыл бұрын
What documentary was it?
I am an American M.D. and treat US VETS, especially from California and NY and Michigan.....Many US state medical boards especially in those 3 states (by orders from the Governors), will prosecute your MDs for discussing COVID Vaccine side effect facts and telling the patients the truth and medical facts about COVID and vaccines...I was censored and removed from these platforms for telling the truth about the EUA ingredients and side effects..All I did was quote Fauci, Offit, Biden, Pfizer, and the CDC and FDA..In fact, this post may be "hidden"..Show me by telling me if it is visible and you see it...What was my "crime"??.. Read what independent facts were posted...Medical doctors like Dr.Fauci and I were incorrectly told vaccines are totally safe, totally work, and totally have no side effects..My chef knows and can name every ingredient in my soup...My doctor cannot name even 1 ingredient in my vaccines...I am an M.D. from Florida,USA..Facial diapers and the Mask dictators and this mask propaganda and Pfizer and vaccines and boosters have failed...Pediatricians get paid with a kickback from the HMOs for vaccinating your kids..Did Pfizer lie???..Cheat???...Hide the problems???.. Did (y)our FDA and CDC and Fauci????....Remind Pfizer or Mr.Science of the facts or prove me wrong....I had COVID and now have natural immunity now I am NOT vaccinated and Not contagious..Like Biden, Fauci, the Pfizer CEO, and even Queen Elizabeth, Pres. Trump, and over 3 Billion people, I have Lifetime Immunity...I got COVID this year for 2 days and was cured in 2 days with Zinc, Vitamin C & D, and the Nobel Prize-winning medicine from the human medicine ordered by M.D.s , known as the Joe Rogan "I" Pills"...I am an M.D. that treats Covid patients...Fauci has not treated patients in almost 40 years...Fauci has 1 order= to take vaccines and then boosters forever..The Chinese ALPHA (SARS-CoV2) evolved over 2 years into DELTA which evolved into "OMICRON", a benign childhood common cold for most of the world...Vaccines against ALPHA do not work...Masks do not work...Spreading 6 ft. apart does not work..In over 400 TV interviews Fauci has not told us how to improve our immune system..I got Covid in 2021 and was cured in less than 3 days with the legal human pills ordered by my M.D. that won the NOBEL PRIZE and has been safely taken for over 20 years by over 4 Billion people..I immediately recovered my taste and smell with ZINC..I worked at Tuskeegee treating the untreated Alabama syphilis survivors after the US Nuremberg syphilis experiments were revealed..I am an M.D and have more vaccine facts for your viewers/supporters...Vaccines DO NOT work..Boosters DO NOT work..Jen Psaki is visible proof== that COVID VACCINES DO NOT WORK...SURVIVING REAL COVID IN OCTOBER NOW GIVES HER LIFETIME, ROBUST, FULL IMMUNITY..My mother was an R.N...She was Head Nurse for the ER ...She voted in every election...She went to every PTA meeting for the 5 of us..She stopped giving vaccines when she saw the reactions..She would not trust or believe the Chinese or W.H.O. or Fauci..My sister was an charge of the Vaccination Department for the County Health Dept. She and her staff gave 100,000's of vaccines and then quit when she saw the reactions...She would not believe or trust China or W.H.O. or Fauci. My wife was an R.N. and she did not believe Fauci either.. My 2 brothers were M.D.'s= OB-GYNs bringing life into the world and they did not believe Fauci and stopped giving vaccines when they saw the reactions..I am also an M.D. and my children, mother, and brother have had these reactions with prior vaccines..I will not discuss my side effects..I work on the front line treating patients face-to-face but did not take the COVID mRNA vaccines...In 2021 I got COVID and I was cured with 'SPIvermectin' ($18).- Now I am now blocked by FDA & CDC & CNN & Facebook--What did I say--"Research what FAUCI says...Research what I say."I am seeing co-workers, friends, and patients with COVID vaccine side effects...COVID vaccines are not what we were promised.Did you ever wonder why Fauci has never told us how to improve our immune system in 450 TV interviews?I wish we had mandatory Vitamin C and vitamin D and Zinc and SPIvermectin, being considered by the politicians instead of mandatory, forced vaccines and boosters forever and mandatory mask mandates that are planned...Fauci funded Gain of Function GMO mutant, lethal viruses and Paid to torture baby puppies..Don’t be me. I am an M.D. but let me tell you what parents, politicians, teachers, neighbors, the media, and even doctors didn’t know.. We did not know that Vaccines had not been tested...We did not know the ingredients of vaccines. We did not know enough to research vaccines before vaccinating my own children..We did not know that vaccines were given a blanket indemnity from liability in 1986 (they cannot be sued)..We did not know that we gave more vaccines than any other country...We did not know that we are the only country that gives newborn babies Hepatitis B vaccines ( against a sexually transmitted disease) on the 1st day of life..We did not know that the US has the highest rate of SIDS in the industrialized world on the 2nd day of life... We did not know that we had more autism than any other country..We did not know that Vaccines could injure an infant's brain (encephalitis) .. We did not know that vaccines can result in autoimmunity and neurological damage..We did not know that the much-ballyhooed fallacy of ''herd immunity'' does NOT apply to vaccines and is a myth created by the CDC and by Merck Vaccine Company for the media to tell us is the reason to get vaccines..We did not know that Vaccines have almost NO effect after about four years and the new COVID vaccine only lasts 4 months..We did not know that more college students are getting mumps and measles because they have no protection from these childhood illnesses from their vaccines....We did not know that the measles vaccine only comes in the MMR now but the single version of just the measles vaccine was safer and not causing autism..We did not know that Dr.Wakefield was proven to be right...We did not know that when adults get their DPT vaccines to visit their grandchildren that the "P" pertussis = whooping cough infection is actually still alive in them then and they are then contagious like "Typhoid Mary'', and these adults are actually carrying the infection and then spreading pertussis=whooping cough...We did not know how emotional the topic would be and how angry people would be at me for just asking questions about Vaccine Safety..I did not know that pediatricians do not even know the vaccine ingredients, like mercury, aluminum, and Human DNA and neurotoxic aluminum molecules and glyphosate...We did not know that pediatricians were paid a ''kick-back'' to give vaccines.We did not know there was a law to report vaccine reactions but almost zero pediatricians know that and about zero vaccine reactions are ever reported.We did not know it was called VAERS (look it up)...I did not know that there is a "Vaccine Court" that doles out money to vaccine victims...I did not know that it has already paid out over $$$ 4 Billion dollars .. We did not know that the CDC owned the Patents on vaccines and earned billions of dollars a year selling vaccines worldwide.We did not know that the US government promised countries financial aid only if they ordered their people to take the CDC's vaccines and the US CDC now controls the W.H.O. and the vaccine makers now control the CDC..WTH!!.. I did not know how angry at myself I would be for not knowing..We did not know that the CDC committed fraud...We did not know that it would take a CDC whistleblower to discover the CDC fraud... We did not know that Merck committed fraud repeatedly...I bet you did not know that the mercury and aluminum in vaccines is connected to brain inflammation and brain inflammation is connected to autism and connected to my mother's Alzheimer's (everyone's Alzheimer's) ..I did not know that a flu vaccine could kill you like it killed my brother (the M.D.) by causing Guillain-Barre Paralysis.. We did not know how much mainstream media would censor the independent research.. I did not know it would take me so many years to wake up...We did not know how fast and furious the vaccine makers would be to smear excellent doctors and researchers that showed unsafe side effects, just like what happened when Vioxx and Thalidomide and DDT and cigarettes were questioned..We did not know that the CDC has never studied a group that is divided into a ''vaccinated group'' and compared them to an ''unvaccinated group''..We did not know that every other independent researcher who has done the comparison between those 2 groups has shown that the UN-vaccinated group is healthier and the VAXinated group has many times more asthma, SIDS, auto-immune diseases, ADD, ADHD, autism, chronic rashes, deadly allergic reactions to peanuts, milk, beef, latex, etc. and their parents need to carry Epi-Pens..We did not know that the Vaccine researchers studied African children and found that the children there who GOT vaccinated, especially with the CDC's DPT vaccine were 5 times (Yes, five times) for likely to die before the age of 5.We did not know that the doctors on every news show who are the vaccine maker's mouthpieces were actually getting millions from the vaccine profits and were never questioned or exposed ....Prove me wrong
@hottleggs1 Жыл бұрын
What’s a patriot?
@KM-zn3lx Жыл бұрын
I have never been a Democrat, but Bobby Kennedy would have made a great President!
@jimjames357 Жыл бұрын
@@hottleggs1A parirot is Someone whom loves their multi culture country and wants everyone freedom and to be able to follow their own culture without governments interfering. Lincoln free the slaves and JFK's was peace loving and he knew if the radicals from with in would destroy everything this country stands for and they ruined Democrats good name😥
@kilozulu9990 Жыл бұрын
"When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty" - Thomas Jefferson
@perugino25 Жыл бұрын
I have always said, the US founders and the ones who gave their lives for our freedom were a generation that will never be repeated again in our life time.
@KM-zn3lx Жыл бұрын
Amen! Wish more ppl in military and justice system acted on this... they're supposed to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic!
@carriefatino133 Жыл бұрын
Excellent comment.
@berylanjous6932 Жыл бұрын
@The_Goat592 Жыл бұрын
He’s the real deal. This man can save our country from the inevitable destruction of Democratic tyranny. He should run as an independent. He’s very knowledgeable and familiar with how politics work in the world. I would vote for him.
@livinginthemitten160 Жыл бұрын
Thank God For this man and the light he is shining on Fauci
@mousiebrown1747 Жыл бұрын
A light in a very dark place…
@kenc8359 Жыл бұрын
Light is the perfect disinfectant.
@soulinpower5994 Жыл бұрын
"Parents have a right to be concerned about their children who choose to be vaccinated." ~ Thank you! My daughter, 23 had a delayed response - 31 days after taking her first dose, over a year ago. She is now on a heart monitor. It's not anxiety! I'm her mom. I know her anxiety. I watched her twitch, jump up and tell me her nerves were on fire and felt her heart pond for days at a time. I went to ER with her 4 times in just over a week, begged for an MRI of her heart and was shut down. The anxiety, brain fog and stress became too much for her. Their answer was "See someone for mental health." Now she is medicated and on a heart monitor. I am beyond concerned! I'm concerned about this new "sudden adult death syndrome"! It's criminal!
@donnazukadley7300 Жыл бұрын
A symptom of atrial fibrillation is anxiety. They have been placated the vax injured by saying their heart issues after the jab was anxiety
@mousiebrown1747 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully, it will be proven to be criminal activity soon!
@hollyh8509 Жыл бұрын
“Sudden adult death syndrome “ poppycock! Made up to cover murder! Malpractice, no one gave informed consent period!!! Fauci lied, the Pharma companies getting emergency authorization under lies? Nullified now they need to pay restitution, stop this manure poke!
@hollyh8509 Жыл бұрын
Anthony Fauci is a coward, cocky, and arrogant! Payback will be a B!
@geoc1005 Жыл бұрын
I'm so very sorry. 💔😥
@awesomedoula Жыл бұрын
the fact that this corrupt government forced this crap on my sons that are in the military, against their religious convictions is disgusting and criminal. this entire situation makes me sick and furious. I pray for their safety from any cardiac harm. I trust them in God's hands.
@8188jlpc Жыл бұрын
right there with you, my son works for DOD and in order to keep his job (house, wife, baby coming) he was forced as well...makes me sick whenever I let it get to me
@Viking7771 Жыл бұрын
The people responsible need to be locked up for the rest of there lives!
@jpontious1 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Our sons were faced with these same decisions. We, as their parents strongly advised against the so-called vaccine. If anything happens to our sons, I will come unglued and nothing will stop this Mama bear from going FULL TILT! THAT IS A PROMISE.
@boomboombelle Жыл бұрын
Amen! Appeal to God in prayer - we all make many mistakes and live in a fallen world with many risks… God can protect them from all harm.
@MoMo-yv8lv Жыл бұрын
I hear recipes are being worked out to cleanse the body from the "vaccine" constituents.
@debbiegraham5585 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Robert F Kennedy, Jr and Megyn Kelly, God Bless you both
@stephenweeks Жыл бұрын
Mr. Kennedy is a true American hero. He is one of the greatest Americans that has ever lived. Thank you Robert for everything you have done.
@alci720 Жыл бұрын
so was his dad and uncle too.
@foodhasastory5605 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't of said it better myself.
@donnieparker1811 Жыл бұрын
What an ethical human being. He is a true hero. I will forever be grateful for his work.
@mcshllymc6656 Жыл бұрын
Donnie Parker I really like how you describe RFK Jr as an ethical human irrespective of his nation of birth. He is a person therefore that any person in any nation could look to with confidence in his work as being unbiased by political agenda. I appreciate your comment, just wanted you to know.
@carriefatino133 Жыл бұрын
@Donnie Parker Have you seen the interviews Kennedy does with Judy Mikovits (from the beginning of the pandemi c. EXCELLENT and MUST SEE's)
@carriefatino133 Жыл бұрын
@@mcshllymc6656 I apologize. I misunderstood your comment and replied wrongly. I deleted the comment. sorry. Carrie
@moxymaxx5350 Жыл бұрын
Our sympathy to you and your family Megyn.
@noturningback2023 Жыл бұрын
Bobby Kennedy Sr. was my hero when I was a kid, and RFK Jr. is my hero NOW!! Good job, Bobby!
@staceystrukel1917 Жыл бұрын
Me too
@martharetallick204 Жыл бұрын
@mmk9496 Жыл бұрын
This takes "follow the money" to a whole different level when you are willing to harm people and especially children. This is nothing less than criminal.
@l.w.paradis2108 Жыл бұрын
Please read Robert Whitaker's Anatomy of a Pandemic -- which came out in 2010. Which pandemic? Of mental illness, of course. The chapters on how psychoactive medications were sold to parents for their kids, and the big pharma playbook on how to corrupt the system, are stunning. We just saw it happen again. None of this is new. And by the way, Pfizer had the slickest marketing tactics to sell their products to doctors.
@RFKjrForPres Жыл бұрын
As a buddhist I don't like using the word evil but the more I studied about the word of science Tony Saprano Fauci, bill/kill gates in Klaus vader schwab , The more i'm realizing there are some really evil people in the world that we have to do everything to stop. And maybe both right wingers and left wingers will realize this before it's too late and we will nominate him for president
@donnazukadley7300 Жыл бұрын
Two comments deleted. YT is evil and will have to answer to God. Hey yt you can't take your money with you!
@OMGAnotherday Жыл бұрын
Its the biggest crime against humanity since WW2!
@jerrymarnon41 Жыл бұрын
@leslieabelson6616 Жыл бұрын
Hi Megyn, firstly condolences on the sudden passing of your sister. Thank you for your second conversation with RFK Jr. I have watched it three times...I could listen to him all day, everyday. His eloquence, humility, intelligence and devotion to issues that matter are unsurpassed. From him, I have learned how to be a better parent and have become someone who doesn't form emotional decisions on topics that most of us know nothing about. My mother taught me to be a critical thinker in matters of health. I chose not to get the vaccine, and during the past almost three years, I faced the loss of friends, backlash from family, loss of income. However, I chose to do the research, I came across a vaccine debate between. RFK Jr. and Alan Dershowitz on Valuetainment that sealed my belief that the vaccines were to be questioned. I found Bret Weinstein and his conversation Geert Van Der Bosch, the FLCCC, Dr. John Campbell and took a deep dive into my health. I bought RFK Jrs's book and gave them as gifts to my doctors who consistently told me to get vaccinated. I love your podcasts and think you are fantastic and brave. Thank you...
@AlwaysHereAndNow Жыл бұрын
Celebrating your resilience and determination to learn and make informed decisions.
@ScottAnders62 Жыл бұрын
Robert is a great American. Wish more dems would remember their heritage as he does.
@riphaven Жыл бұрын
those days are long gone, Dems now are trying to make our country into the Hunger games.
@dendradwar9464 Жыл бұрын
Left left me .. far from the only one is saying this ..
@ericu1196 Жыл бұрын
Dems are not capable of redemption at this point. A new party should take its place and he should lead it.
@miller-joel Жыл бұрын
He incorrectly stated Maddy "volunteered" as a lab rat. She's a minor, so she can't give consent. Her parents "volunteered" her (and their other kids).
@amylynnhunt55 Жыл бұрын
@@miller-joel I have a feeling her parents are in a living hell now. :/
@MegaJbn Жыл бұрын
I trust Robert Kennedy jr. 100%.
@michelemiktus2312 Жыл бұрын
The amount of people being harmed and dying from these shots are mind blowing. I have never seen so many young people dying w/heart issues or now having to live with health issues they never had prior to getting the jab. My heart just breaks….
@foodhasastory5605 Жыл бұрын
I second that! I recommend reading Bobbie's book American Values: The Lessons I learned from my family. This is one of the best books I've read in the last decade. He's a historian, humanitarian, lawyer, activist, master teacher, friend, and father. His father and uncle ( JFK) are looking down and getting inspiration from his example. He's a teacher more than anything, in my opinion anyway.
@markking4730 Жыл бұрын
@@foodhasastory5605 i third that. RFK Jr has been right far more than Fauci and government
@FEETRICX Жыл бұрын
@anairenemartinez165 Жыл бұрын
Certainly more than I ever trusted Fauci and Biden
@metejt Жыл бұрын
I LOVE RFK Jr. and am so happy you had him on. His voice needs to be heard far and wide. Thank you for a wonderful interview.
@toesindirt Жыл бұрын
RFK Jr is a courageous man. I have so much respect for him and his lifetime of work. Thank you for having him again. Love your show and you Megyn. Prayers to you during this challenging time.
@ShirlEllen Жыл бұрын
Robert's father would be so proud of him. Also, without a doubt President Kennedy would doubtless point to him as a sterling example of a great American who embodies a Profile in Courage
@sandrallewellyn3570 Жыл бұрын
@jerrymarnon41 Жыл бұрын
@JpLuckeyman Жыл бұрын
My dad said 35 years ago this country could not exist without War I agree with you 100% on the military-industrial complex and it's something we need to stop
@stevemitz4740 Жыл бұрын
Godley Dwight Eisenhower's admonition to U.S.!
@libertybell8852 Жыл бұрын
I would argue most countries wouldn't exist w/o war at SOME point. However, we DO need to get rid of the war mongers. We NEED a highly effective fighting force for defense, but the people in charge need to be ousted and the structure changed a bit. Places like China, N.K. etc., have yo be kept in check, but when they aren't terrified that a country like the U.S. will come in if they cross the line, it doesn't work as a deterrent. There's not a perfect solution, and I'm well aware of that. I'm also aware that as a nation we've done horrible things, but I think that happens when the public stops being educated and that education gets worse the bigger the govt gets. We got lazy and stopped holding them accountable a couple decades ago. We need to go back to that.
@glendacollins2898 Жыл бұрын
This man deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Hopefully someday we will be wise enough to make that happen.
@libertybell8852 Жыл бұрын
The next GOP president should give it to him! Despite what else they think about him.
@davidrobinson1201 Жыл бұрын
He is a national hero!
@afifahhamilton8843 Жыл бұрын
Nobel Prize for Medicine! He's exposing the utter corruption within medicine, and that allows medicine to do better in the future. Give this man the prize!!
@samg2590 Жыл бұрын
@@afifahhamilton8843 agreed🏆
@bonlevina5621 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking how much courage must take him to speak up, considering his family history😢
@gailclough1665 Жыл бұрын
I can never hear enough from this man. He stopped me going mad during the covid war
@rosalindr4975 Жыл бұрын
Can relate! He’s a blessing
@judyhipps9554 Жыл бұрын
According to Dr. Lee Merritt, there were animal studies. The animals all died.
@rosalindr4975 Жыл бұрын
@@judyhipps9554 yes , thanks for mentioning it. I want to scream it from the rooftop. Danger.
@MegaJbn Жыл бұрын
Much respect to megyn for letting Robert talk. My bucket list is to shake hands with Robert kennedy jr. He is legend.
@LioraLand1 Жыл бұрын
At Any vaccine event there is always a long line for photos with RFK JR and the man is truly giving. He takes selfies with folks like a pro. I stood near him and observed him interacting with people for a while but decided not to add to the circus. He is really awesome.
@WMeier-kd8hz Жыл бұрын
Shake it twice , one from me!
@martharetallick204 Жыл бұрын
My bucket list too.
@brandonmason5017 Жыл бұрын
Unlike Krystal Ball.. that was a shit show for how she treated him
@DonnaBrooks 6 ай бұрын
I shook his hand in August when he came here to Columbus, OH to speak.
@Tauf4 Жыл бұрын
God Bless Robert F Kennedy Jr.
@l.s.362 Жыл бұрын
I have his book. Read it twice and going through the footnotes. Everyone needs to read this. I cannot find anything wrong with it. Robert is a hero. God bless him.
@jerrymarnon41 Жыл бұрын
& SO BRAVE ❤❤❤❤❤
@sylviaduffin4812 Жыл бұрын
Am reading his book on Fauci and am amazed he is still walking around. Surprised they let him publish his book. Very brave and intelligent man.
@davina5514 Жыл бұрын
.... Because he did not write that book. He stole all the info. in that book from someone else. JFK should tell the truth -- he copied that book information from Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. COME CLEAN W/IT KENNEDY. YOU LIAR.
@OMGAnotherday Жыл бұрын
I think his family have learned a thing or two about security since 1963!
@DonnaBrooks 6 ай бұрын
RFK was assassinted in 1968, so no, they didn't "learn" about security in 1963.@@OMGAnotherday
@triumphofihm525 Жыл бұрын
So sorry for your loss Megyn. As a conservative who is Catholic & of Irish descent I have often been frustrated by Kennedys. Although I disagree with RFK Jr often politically, I have tremendous respect for him. He is a man of integrity
@JSDolly-qc4bh Жыл бұрын
I just don’t understand how he can say all he does politically but turns around and hates Trump and calls him a racist. Doesn’t he realize they both want the same things for this country? Any person of color who has ever work for or knew DJT loves him and supports him wholeheartedly. Where does RFK Jr get the idea trump is racist?? Oh that’s right… the other crazy demoncrats!
@triumphofihm525 Жыл бұрын
@@JSDolly-qc4bh remember his worldview, he only knows what he knows from his lens.
@stevemitz4740 Жыл бұрын
@@triumphofihm525 Wrong! He learns from others, like God for one example! He doesn't live in a vacuum!
@boomboombelle Жыл бұрын
I also disagree with him a lot politically (I assume) but sincerely appreciate his aim to do what is right .
@parose6471 Жыл бұрын
question where was his so called integrity when he let a woman drown in a car accident who was pregnant with his child and all the lies and twist and turns to avoid being charged with her murder
@heathergianna9464 Жыл бұрын
Knowledge, courage, & integrity. Great man, great author. ❤️
@elzbietamayers1878 Жыл бұрын
@mariatoso2 Жыл бұрын
Megyn, I’m so grateful for your show. It’s clear that you are waking up more and more to the corruption. It’s so dark what is happening and people like you are keeping the light on. I pray for the safety of you and your family.
@Braneded2 Жыл бұрын
I stand in awe of you Megyn. Nothing says strong and powerful woman like one who suffers a great loss and still shows up every day doing her best work. Bravo. Great episode.
@edwardtracy7356 Жыл бұрын
This is the sort of open discussion that is clearly needed. Thank you Megan and Bobby.
@dustinshaffer5054 Жыл бұрын
Prayers and love to you Megyn. RFK Jr. is my new hero and thank you for providing him with an outlet. A voice of reason in a time of chaos. Thank you!
@janetpoludniak1938 Жыл бұрын
RFK, Jr. is an amazing guy. His research has delved into so much for so long. He's fearless to share the truth about what he has learned. My grateful thanks to him and to you for allowing him to use your platform to tell it like it is. Kudos
@Lordvader330 Жыл бұрын
Outstanding video. RFK Jr. has always been the voice of reason and way ahead of the curve.
@masewindo3902 Жыл бұрын
I'm really glad Robert Kennedy is getting his voice back. Slowly but surely, i hope it is restored. He sounds much better than he has in the past so it looks like there is a pathway to recovery.
@sandykowalchik6646 Жыл бұрын
Keep digging Megyn!!! Next on guests MUST include Dr. Naomi Wolf and Edward Dowd!!!
@julianamerz9493 Жыл бұрын
YES! And Pierre Kory
@dendradwar9464 Жыл бұрын
would love to see Dowd alright .. would love that .. and give him a hard time! ..
@Pam-lq1sz Жыл бұрын
AND Dr Toby Rogers Phd
@FrancesScottFurryandFree Жыл бұрын
YES, MK, please interview DR. PIERRE KORY & DR. PAUL MARIK as soon as possible!!!!
@julianamerz9493 Жыл бұрын
Also Aaron Kheriaty MD. His new book “The New Abnormal - The Rise if the Biomedical Security State” is phenomenal.
@binaural_beets Жыл бұрын
I really appreciated that she wasn't as skeptical about the "vaccines" as the last time. The last interview with RFK Jr she was a bit hostile about the vaccines and it was absurd. RFK is a goddamn legend and a hero and he deserves everyone's deepest respect and gratitude for his work. He is so selfless.
@libertybell8852 Жыл бұрын
She was TRYING to push back last time, playing "Devil's Advocate." Thats her job, she pushes to allow others to either prove or disprove their argument and to allow all sides to be seen basically.
@binaural_beets Жыл бұрын
@@libertybell8852 I disagree. I think she was condescending and didn't actually listen to what he was saying. She was so thoroughly convinced she was right.
@aquamarine0023 Жыл бұрын
Well said, Binaural Beets!! 1000% agreed!!!
@anthonystevens7594 Жыл бұрын
@@binaural_beets Yeah, she’s publicly admitted to being fully bought-in to the vaccines but has changed her mind w all that’s come out. Rather or not she really had a change of heart or just realized she was costing herself viewers I cannot say.
@LisaMaryification Жыл бұрын
Her sister just died suddenly. Maybe she has suspicions.
@70sinmysoul Жыл бұрын
So thankful that our suspicion is confirmed. It's sickening that this was more about politics and money than anything else 😒 🙄
@geoc1005 Жыл бұрын
That and international Totalitarianism. This is so massive that people can't see the fraud. Stunning that in the information age where worlds of knowledge are at our fingertips, people don't research...they simply listen to talking heads on their TVs and take direction from politicians, bureaucrats, and other greedy-as-hell bad actors, many of them in white coats.
@jerrymarnon41 Жыл бұрын
@michellebaeza4618 Жыл бұрын
Please try to have Dr. John Campbell on your show. He is amazing. He had Common sense through all of Covid.
@GodsgalMN Жыл бұрын
Yes - please have Dr Campbell on your show. He is so knowledgable and honest. Tx
@bother2adapt Жыл бұрын
No he didn't. He pushed the jab until maybe 6 mos ago. I kept commenting on his Ytube to stop doing that, as I knew many people were getting the jab because of him. I can't forgive him, truthfully. He must have known. And btw- he's a nurse, not a doctor.
@ms-jl6dl Жыл бұрын
Not realy. You haven't payed any attention to his 2020 abhorrent ideas about imprisonments for the "lockdown rule breakers",closing of the schools and masking and distancing as "usefull mitigation tools". He's just woken up to the carricature called "public health",and Vinay too. He was nowhere in 2020 to save thousands of helpless elderly when democrats were filling care homes with covid patients for political reasons - to win election by keeping hospitals bellow capacity and pretending to be doing better than DeSantis. That's the level of depravity deserving the death penalty.
@michellebaeza4618 Жыл бұрын
@@ms-jl6dl Early on we were all made to fear that we would all die if we didn't stay home and social distance, but as we learned the facts, Campbell spoke up, so I actually respect the fact that when he learned the truth, he spoke it. Unlike Fauci and the CDC.
@dosd8048 Жыл бұрын
This quack was provided so many research docs contrary to what was pushed onto the people, yet this quack kept pushing the rhetoric in lockstep with others. He has no critical thinking, he just wants to keep getting payed by ut. No respect for this mutt.
@karenpetrosyan7519 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for both of you. Please follow up on Boston University gain of function research on creating new deadly covid virus strain, this should be all over the news media, we need to stand up to this.
@FrancesScottFurryandFree Жыл бұрын
This man is a national treasure. Thank you for letting him speak, MK. I am sorry for the loss of your sister & am praying for your sweet momma & family.
@caroliner2029 Жыл бұрын
I have great respect for RFK JNR. Yesterday I watched the brilliant and mind blowing documentary film of his book. He's a champion of truth, and we're blessed to have him with us in these End Times.❤️🇭🇲
@ernestinasanchez5305 Жыл бұрын
Love, love, love this entire video with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Great job Megyn. Receive my most sincere condolences for the death of your sister to you and the rest of your families. I know exactly how you feel, unfortunately I've been in the same place you are now. You'll miss her forever but the heartache gets better with time.
In the past 4 years, Florida has become Great Again..But NY, CA, Michigan, and Penn. have gotten worse... Make those Blue States Great Again...I am an American M.D. and treat US VETS, especially from NY and California and Michigan.....Many US state police boards and medical boards especially in those 3 states (by orders from the Governors), will prosecute our own police for enforcing the laws and protecting us...And also these states will prosecute your MDs for discussing COVID Vaccine side effect facts and telling the patients the truth and medical facts about COVID and vaccines...I was censored and removed from these platforms for telling the truth about the EUA ingredients and side effects..All I did was quote Fauci, Offit, Biden, Pfizer, and the CDC and FDA..In fact, this post may be "hidden"..Show me by telling me if it is visible and you see it...What was my "crime"??.. Read what independent facts were posted...Medical doctors like Dr.Fauci and I were incorrectly told vaccines are totally safe, totally work, and totally have no side effects..My chef knows and can name every ingredient in my soup...My doctor cannot name even 1 ingredient in my vaccines...I am an M.D. from Florida,USA..Facial diapers and the Mask dictators and this mask propaganda and Pfizer and vaccines and boosters have failed...Pediatricians get paid with a kickback from the HMOs for vaccinating your kids..Did Pfizer lie???..Cheat???...Hide the problems???.. Did (y)our FDA and CDC and Fauci????....Remind Pfizer or Mr.Science of the facts or prove me wrong....I had COVID and now have natural immunity now I am NOT vaccinated and Not contagious..Like Biden, Fauci, the Pfizer CEO, and even Queen Elizabeth, Pres. Trump, and over 3 Billion people, I have Lifetime Immunity...I got COVID this year for 2 days and was cured in 2 days with Zinc, Vitamin C & D, and the Nobel Prize-winning medicine from the human medicine ordered by M.D.s , known as the Joe Rogan "I" Pills"...I am an M.D. that treats Covid patients...Fauci has not treated patients in almost 40 years...Fauci has 1 order= to take vaccines and then boosters forever..The Chinese ALPHA (SARS-CoV2) evolved over 2 years into DELTA which evolved into "OMICRON", a benign childhood common cold for most of the world...Vaccines against ALPHA do not work...Masks do not work...Spreading 6 ft. apart does not work..In over 400 TV interviews Fauci has not told us how to improve our immune system..I got Covid in 2021 and was cured in less than 3 days with the legal human pills ordered by my M.D. that won the NOBEL PRIZE and has been safely taken for over 20 years by over 4 Billion people..I immediately recovered my taste and smell with ZINC..I worked at Tuskeegee treating the untreated Alabama syphilis survivors after the US Nuremberg syphilis experiments were revealed..I am an M.D and have more vaccine facts for your viewers/supporters...Vaccines DO NOT work..Boosters DO NOT work..Jen Psaki is visible proof== that COVID VACCINES DO NOT WORK...SURVIVING REAL COVID IN OCTOBER NOW GIVES HER LIFETIME, ROBUST, FULL IMMUNITY..My mother was an R.N...She was Head Nurse for the ER ...She voted in every election...She went to every PTA meeting for the 5 of us..She stopped giving vaccines when she saw the reactions..She would not trust or believe the Chinese or W.H.O. or Fauci..My sister was an charge of the Vaccination Department for the County Health Dept. She and her staff gave 100,000's of vaccines and then quit when she saw the reactions...She would not believe or trust China or W.H.O. or Fauci. My wife was an R.N. and she did not believe Fauci either.. My 2 brothers were M.D.'s= OB-GYNs bringing life into the world and they did not believe Fauci and stopped giving vaccines when they saw the reactions..I am also an M.D. and my children, mother, and brother have had these reactions with prior vaccines..I will not discuss my side effects..I work on the front line treating patients face-to-face but did not take the COVID mRNA vaccines...In 2021 I got COVID and I was cured with 'SPIvermectin' ($18).- Now I am now blocked by FDA & CDC & CNN & Facebook--What did I say--"Research what FAUCI says...Research what I say."I am seeing co-workers, friends, and patients with COVID vaccine side effects...COVID vaccines are not what we were promised.Did you ever wonder why Fauci has never told us how to improve our immune system in 450 TV interviews?I wish we had mandatory Vitamin C and vitamin D and Zinc and SPIvermectin, being considered by the politicians instead of mandatory, forced vaccines and boosters forever and mandatory mask mandates that are planned...Fauci funded Gain of Function GMO mutant, lethal viruses and Paid to torture baby puppies..Don’t be me. I am an M.D. but let me tell you what parents, politicians, teachers, neighbors, the media, and even doctors didn’t know.. We did not know that Vaccines had not been tested...We did not know the ingredients of vaccines. We did not know enough to research vaccines before vaccinating my own children..We did not know that vaccines were given a blanket indemnity from liability in 1986 (they cannot be sued)..We did not know that we gave more vaccines than any other country...We did not know that we are the only country that gives newborn babies Hepatitis B vaccines ( against a sexually transmitted disease) on the 1st day of life..We did not know that the US has the highest rate of SIDS in the industrialized world on the 2nd day of life... We did not know that we had more autism than any other country..We did not know that Vaccines could injure an infant's brain (encephalitis) .. We did not know that vaccines can result in autoimmunity and neurological damage..We did not know that the much-ballyhooed fallacy of ''herd immunity'' does NOT apply to vaccines and is a myth created by the CDC and by Merck Vaccine Company for the media to tell us is the reason to get vaccines..We did not know that Vaccines have almost NO effect after about four years and the new COVID vaccine only lasts 4 months..We did not know that more college students are getting mumps and measles because they have no protection from these childhood illnesses from their vaccines....We did not know that the measles vaccine only comes in the MMR now but the single version of just the measles vaccine was safer and not causing autism..We did not know that Dr.Wakefield was proven to be right...We did not know that when adults get their DPT vaccines to visit their grandchildren that the "P" pertussis = whooping cough infection is actually still alive in them then and they are then contagious like "Typhoid Mary'', and these adults are actually carrying the infection and then spreading pertussis=whooping cough...We did not know how emotional the topic would be and how angry people would be at me for just asking questions about Vaccine Safety..I did not know that pediatricians do not even know the vaccine ingredients, like mercury, aluminum, and Human DNA and neurotoxic aluminum molecules and glyphosate...We did not know that pediatricians were paid a ''kick-back'' to give vaccines.We did not know there was a law to report vaccine reactions but almost zero pediatricians know that and about zero vaccine reactions are ever reported.We did not know it was called VAERS (look it up)...I did not know that there is a "Vaccine Court" that doles out money to vaccine victims...I did not know that it has already paid out over $$$ 4 Billion dollars .. We did not know that the CDC owned the Patents on vaccines and earned billions of dollars a year selling vaccines worldwide.We did not know that the US government promised countries financial aid only if they ordered their people to take the CDC's vaccines and the US CDC now controls the W.H.O. and the vaccine makers now control the CDC..WTH!!.. I did not know how angry at myself I would be for not knowing..We did not know that the CDC committed fraud...We did not know that it would take a CDC whistleblower to discover the CDC fraud... We did not know that Merck committed fraud repeatedly...I bet you did not know that the mercury and aluminum in vaccines is connected to brain inflammation and brain inflammation is connected to autism and connected to my mother's Alzheimer's (everyone's Alzheimer's) ..I did not know that a flu vaccine could kill you like it killed my brother (the M.D.) by causing Guillain-Barre Paralysis.. We did not know how much mainstream media would censor the independent research.. I did not know it would take me so many years to wake up...We did not know how fast and furious the vaccine makers would be to smear excellent doctors and researchers that showed unsafe side effects, just like what happened when Vioxx and Thalidomide and DDT and cigarettes were questioned..We did not know that the CDC has never studied a group that is divided into a ''vaccinated group'' and compared them to an ''unvaccinated group''..We did not know that every other independent researcher who has done the comparison between those 2 groups has shown that the UN-vaccinated group is healthier and the VAXinated group has many times more asthma, SIDS, auto-immune diseases, ADD, ADHD, autism, chronic rashes, deadly allergic reactions to peanuts, milk, beef, latex, etc. and their parents need to carry Epi-Pens..We did not know that the Vaccine researchers studied African children and found that the children there who GOT vaccinated, especially with the CDC's DPT vaccine were 5 times (Yes, five times) for likely to die before the age of 5.We did not know that the doctors on every news show who are the vaccine maker's mouthpieces were actually getting millions from the vaccine profits and were never questioned or exposed ....Prove me wrong
@TaniaGallindo Жыл бұрын
So much respect for Robert. He is an inspiring and brave presence in this sea of corruption and deception we find ourselves in this day and time. He brings integrity which is something to be cherished. So many crooks and criminals in power is unbelievable.
@berylanjous6932 Жыл бұрын
Yes and it’s worldwide. What is happening in Greece and Spain should wake them up from their tyranny. People power is the real,power in the end. We shall overcome this festering criminality!
@margithunt1820 Жыл бұрын
Myocarditis is just a small part of death occurring. My partner died from neurological damage - Moderna. My 59 year old cousin in Europe died yesterday from a stroke. Many people are getting strokes.
@kimberlywaldrop5959 Жыл бұрын
Clot shot !
@TharpaRinchen Жыл бұрын
This interview is a gem, connects various aspects and provides a big view. Thank you Megyn, this is a rare in the mainstream coverage.
@nancycarter9312 Жыл бұрын
Oh my, Megyn you asked him really hard questions and he did not flinch. What a great interview! He is definitely his father's son. Our political world could certainly use him today. I appreciate his defense of us "deplorables."
@daelowe5680 Жыл бұрын
Megyn, so sorry for your loss. I am praying for your family!
@deidredonovan3864 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this interview. He is one of the most fascinating people I have ever listened to. I agree I want to teach my kids to learn about current events and talk about different points. I love hearing him process what he thinks about different things in real time. I wish I could sit down with him and if I can't, Megyn you do an incredible job asking him questions and just allowing him to ramble because while he is certainly long winded he is just so interesting! The whole end about Ukraine was unbelievable. I can almost feel him arguing with himself about the whole thing! Same thing about Herschel Walker you get the impression he could as argue both sides of it, i have so much respect and have learned so much from him I'd really love to implement in my own life
@janetclark5668 Жыл бұрын
Agree. So well said.
@theresesouthworth227 Жыл бұрын
@@janetclark5668 Signs of true intelligence and moral integrity.
@loissteele7971 Жыл бұрын
I work at assisted living facility in Florida and the elderly here in Florida have 90% of decided not to get the covid shot again because it made them so ill the last time they got it and they still got covid anyway. So I would consider those that are elderly to have much more common sense than the government.
@darrenmiller6927 Жыл бұрын
Magyn Kelly is the only one with the guts to have Bobby Jr on. CNN, heck Joe Rogen isn't even that brave. I loved his father so very much. I was 4 years old when he was killed and I grew to love Bobby Kennedy and MLK Jr like mad. Bobby K truly grew into a great man. 1968 was a dark dark year in America.
@theonewhowalksalone1957 Жыл бұрын
He’s been on lots of podcasts, where you been?
@strawgynxking5944 Жыл бұрын
Joe Rogan played dumb when asked about having RFK Jr. On his show. Very disappointing
@lesliehull8337 Жыл бұрын
So fascinating!! Thank you for a great interview. RFK Jr. is so knowledgeable and I appreciate the space you gave him to speak. And the questions you asked.. I was glued to this interview. I bet there are a lot of people that don't know about Esenhowers speech on the military industrial complex. We should have listened. I loved RFK;s perspective on the Ukraine. I am glad his son is home too!
@legendofbillyjean Жыл бұрын
I really hope that this man stays safe and well . He’s an honest breath of fresh air.
@sgallion1 Жыл бұрын
Megyn Kelly is earning a lot of respect back, including mine. Great interview. Really respect RFK's character and opinion. People, please protect your children.
@pattaylor5524 Жыл бұрын
My CONDOLENCES to you megan and your family on the passing of your beloved sister may she RIP 🙏🙏🙏💐💐💐
@myfanwymorris4083 Жыл бұрын
My heart is with you breaking God bless you Megan 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😢❤️
@rawjoice3897 Жыл бұрын
Thanks again Megan and RFK jr. for this most brilliant interview in these times that elevates facts and education with honesty, verity, humility, integrity, openness, etc. and hinges on revealing truth for all to see so we can save the future of our republic/democracy, autonomy health freedoms friends & family. Well done!!
@Erin_Davenport Жыл бұрын
Please please make the part about VAERS and the AAP into its own clip. This info needs to be spread far and wide.
@LioraLand1 Жыл бұрын
@roadrunner1337 Жыл бұрын
The way the media refused to question the covid orthodoxy was the worst thing for me. The behavior of doctors came a close second. I expect bad things from politicians but the doctors really disappointed me.
@patmccormick5409 Жыл бұрын
Everyone lives their paycheck...yet oath is to First do no harm. They threatened the license of doctors and nurses if they didn’t follow the narrative. Very sad 😢
@hollyh8509 Жыл бұрын
@@patmccormick5409 I wish they had walked out in mass, they also got bonuses for the number of jabs given! The Dr didn’t report Side effects! I feel death certificates won’t be right either
@doomsdaybooty1072 Жыл бұрын
Yes I agree 💯. The betrayal of the medical class has been horrendous
@kellyallday365 Жыл бұрын
I like Robert F Kennedy Jr. he’s such a brilliant man
@nancinerone4010 Жыл бұрын
I admire RFK so much!
@whollymary7406 Жыл бұрын
Finally someone with compassion and integrity, a true humanitarian, I thought we where a dying breed
@lorilosch7440 Жыл бұрын
The world needs more voices of reason like this. Thank you! I’m a Canadian who had many of my rights removed due to me standing strong against authoritarianism. I’m so happy many are finally waking up and being public about it. Now we need restitution. But I don’t have a lot of faith in that. 😢 AND, my ex was indicted and had to wait almost 3 years for his jury trial. He was acquitted. But so much for his “right to a speedy trial” which is ONE year. The whole thing has been a sham.
@jerrymarnon41 Жыл бұрын
@ComeAlivewithMK Жыл бұрын
He was SO INCREDIBLY ARTICULATE on these topics. No one says it better. Thank you Robert Kennedy Junior-THANK YOU!!!! 👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@aejmama4111 Жыл бұрын
Thank you both for trying to get to the truth!!
@lollabells6121 Жыл бұрын
RFK Jr & Del Bigtree opened my eyes to so much, in all honesty I was SO EXCITED for the vaccine safety commission! I was whole heartedly broken hearted when Trump took the big Pharma money, stood by Gottlieb, Azar & went on to appoint Stephan Hahn- who now works for Moderna. As someone who lives with chronic autoimmune illnesses I was outspoken about these decisions & I took heat from many people- but I didn’t care because I HAVE/HAD YEARS on those who who worshipped Trump. I understand all too well what it means when they sell their souls to BIG PHARMA! We lost our liberties under Trump, our COUNTRY WAS LOCKED DOWN UNDER TRUMP - yes everything got much worse afterwards, but did Trump ever stop defending his role? No, he had the head of Johnson & Johnson at his rally. But people will never learn. Big Pharma is evil - & Trump sold out to them just as everyone else did. Thank you Robert Kennedy, your voice & courage is reaching millions & because of people like you my family & I have changed our entire lifestyles - and we continue to educate others!
@8188jlpc Жыл бұрын
& Trump sold out to them just as everyone else did. ...THANK YOU
@theresesouthworth227 Жыл бұрын
To lolita bell. Yes. I sadly remember Trump do a 180 from oral medications (being banned even from availability to the public) to the vaxes only. He came out on a Saturday afternoon. His demeanor was way off; could tell simply by his body language. Lost some faith in him esp now when this is all coming out. I did not trust it from the start and am upset that both my adult children got the vaxes. My daughter became dizzy within 15 min after getting vaxes in early May 2021 and has seen several drs since. Only recently has it alleviated but she also has other problems. She also had covid twice. No dr will admit it was from the vax.
@bbmbezalb2697 Жыл бұрын
Well said
@doomsdaybooty1072 Жыл бұрын
Nailed it
@natalieroy7589 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe I had 2 shots. Never again. Lesson learned. Unfortunately I know have a growing distrust for the government.
@RichardSchefren Жыл бұрын
So sorry for your loss. I watch you every night. I am grateful that you have found your home on KZbin and that you have a created a show that has no rivals…
@donnamacleod4488 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for an EXCELLENT show... I could listen to RFKjr . for hours!!! i wish it was a 3 hour show, though!
@terimartin5230 Жыл бұрын
I would throw myself down the stairs for this man! I actually was on crutches from an auto accident and fell down the stairs, breaking two ribs, when I went to tell my friends down stairs that John John died in a plane crash.What a great role model!!! We you and your family!!
@melissabowers6645 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant, thank you both - bringing common sense, discipline and integrity to all. we stand with RFK JR - I remember listening to him early on in the pandemic and they would disrupt his live on IG - then removed him altogether. His journey is a perfect example of how easily they can create a villain but knowledge is power - courage and strength to all
@stephbyerly9491 Жыл бұрын
RFKJ, you are a true American hero! Thank you for standing strong, protecting the children, standing up to all of the nonsense. We love you so much!!!
@leewanna11 Жыл бұрын
This was absolutely excellent Megyn! Thank you!
@jeanfleissner1660 Жыл бұрын
Great respect for Robert Kennedy. His Childrens Health Defense on social media is a must see to keep up with current events.
@l.montel5580 Жыл бұрын
Meghan, forgive the correction: Any cardiologist worth her / his salt will tell you - There IS no mild myocarditis.
@LANCECASTLE490 Жыл бұрын
Amazing content as always . Thank you Megan !
@bullfrogger8989 Жыл бұрын
The more I hear and learn about the pharmaceutical industry and the number of people and organizations that are tainted by its money and influence the more concerned I get for the state of our country. The political and financial inbreeding between pharmacy, government, and so-called “independent” professional and oversight boards is despicable. Something must be done to remove the pharmaceutical cancer from all other groups but it will be painful to do so because of how far and wide its reach is.
@8188jlpc Жыл бұрын
this has been going on for quite awhile, pre-covid, I worked in health care and saw it all...the gifts, the $, all given to Drs, clinics, hospitals from Big Pharma to push their poisons
@stevemitz4740 Жыл бұрын
The editors of JAMA & NJM said 50% of the drug safety study's are fraudulent! Google, "Big Pharma Big Fines" & realize those 5 Billion in Fraud fines, cost many lives/ with NO jail time for the perps! I.E. Too Big to punish!
@saratea7993 Жыл бұрын
RFK Jr is an American hero. I wish we had more voices here in Canada to stand up for us here.
@annabanna1342 Жыл бұрын
Loved the conversation, thank you both.
@MarcusAurelius33036 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting discussion. I’m very impressed with him standing up against his Party’s atrocious totalitarian overreach during the Pandemic and who made everything far and away worse than it ever needed to be, economically, culturally, medically and spiritually. As it happens, I’ve met Bobby more than a few times and attended and graduated from the law school he helped to launch. So Bravo, excellent interview. Thank you both!!!
@jerrymarnon41 Жыл бұрын
And censored . Made it so hard to get.ivermectin. hydroxy. Etc. It could not be patented. Also (very impt. ) to get EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION THERE CAN NOT BE A Y THING ELSE THAT WORKS. THUS MASS MURDER ENSUED
@beljordan1670 Жыл бұрын
The voice that fights for ecology, our environment and our democracy. Thank you Bobby
@jerrymarnon41 Жыл бұрын
@katherinem7835 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mr. Kennedy and Megyn Kelly on a very good long talk. I'm glad Megyn has you on because I believe everything you say about Fauchi. God Bless you Mr. Kennedy.
@fpalisse Жыл бұрын
Phenomenal interview. What a man. Wish I knew him sooner.
@GGriffinXI Жыл бұрын
Thanks for having RFK JR on again Megyn!! Whoo! Bringing real news 🇺🇲💪
@crystalmatienzo3610 Жыл бұрын
Amazing interview!!!!! I love Robert!!! He is a national treasure!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
@timothycollins1968 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget, RFK is a global warming maniac.
@RonaldAnthonyArcher Жыл бұрын
Megyn, you have a well known name, a big platform, thus a significant megaphone. Thank you for hosting RFK, Jr. for the second time & getting this devastating & crucial info out the world. The MSM has been covering all this up from day one!
@suefarely2731 Жыл бұрын
Hello Megan from Wisconsin, I just found you recently and love your You Tubes. RFK Jr. is great. Thanks for all you do and my prayers are with you and your family. Keep up the GREAT work.
@pwd1679 Жыл бұрын
Jr. Definitely makes you sit up and listen and question!
@whollymary7406 Жыл бұрын
Thank God someone is suing them because all of this needs to be seen by the DOJ these drug companies need to be brought to Justice and shut down
@roseriker9418 Жыл бұрын
Tell that to Ernesto Ramirez Sr. who lost his 16-year-old son to myocarditis after taking the Pfizer vaccine.
@juliejacobs2143 Жыл бұрын
Great interview. Robert Kennedy is a fantastic person
@trish9910 Жыл бұрын
RFK Jr is not your typical politician. He needs to mentor the younger politicians. Integrity and logic at its best here.
@katarinablazina1916 Жыл бұрын
And they were acusing the unvaccinated for spreading variants while the opposite was the case
@jillaynschneider8277 Жыл бұрын
His organization Children’s Health Defense brings all people who love health and constitutional freedom together! He introduced a crowd of 700 people to his favorite folks for two days in Knoxville in late October. He took selfies with us and him on our phones. I got to tell him that in 1966 his father spoke at my graduation from American University. He teared up.
@loadlock1 Жыл бұрын
Because people were scared and panicking, common sense went out the window and Federal Gov and media capitalize on it for power, and greed.
@medialwoman9 Жыл бұрын
To Megyn's question about whether the 40% excess deaths among young adults might not be due to factors other than the vaccine ...Ed Dowd's information comes from group life insurance policies included in employee benefit packages for people in well-paying jobs. The individuals in such jobs are largely high-functioning individuals in the prime of life who are less likely to fall victim to despair, drug overdose, unemployment stress on the family, etc. Megyn should interview Dowd one of these days.
@danabella6540 Жыл бұрын
She is still blind...
@stevemitz4740 Жыл бұрын
@@danabella6540 As Godless Lib pharma pimp will always tell you, "Correlation is Not Causation" ! "Nan a, nan a, nan a, nan na" !
@hollyh8509 Жыл бұрын
And with this information ask what is the common denominator? 🧐I listened to a program where the Indiana insurance company flagged this very thing a year ago. Alphabet media SILENT.
@strawgynxking5944 Жыл бұрын
Dowd is wonderful 👍
@doomsdaybooty1072 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. Dowd is a beast. People ought to hear what he has to say
@sarahhillenbrand8979 Жыл бұрын
Among other things the hysteria of the last years for me entailed meant being forced to cover my face with an N95 masks when all alone breathing heavily in the middle of a horse paddock, being made to sit to one side at work while everyone else sat around the table at work, being disinvited to a Christmas with sisters who hadn't been home in year because my son and I were singing at midnight mass, and being excluded from dancing circles where I have danced for thirty years now. All this after a pretty severe bout with it last fall and having built up some natural defenses. And all of which seems so antithetical to being free Americans-- and especially a New England American.! So very grateful for this examination of very scant data and such a spectrum of factors so aggressively ommited from the conversation at large. All the censorship seems to intimate 'something rotten in the state of Denmark.' Very grateful to you both!
@katadam2186 Жыл бұрын
Look up dr drew he has been having doc’s that try and warn the population .. the last few months of his shows listen to if you can very informative
@doomsdaybooty1072 Жыл бұрын
Feel that.
@shawnaweesner3759 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for all your time Robert F.Kennedy, Jr.,; a thoroughly enjoyable listening and learning discussion.
@fpointla1 Жыл бұрын
thank you for this interview .... thank you for all your time and research RFK, Jr. .... you are a hero to me
@cooper863 Жыл бұрын
Megyn. Deepest condolences for the loss of your sister. Sisters have a special bond. Although she left too soon you were both very fortunate to have each other for so long. Thank you for all you do.
@josephbrumfield1444 Жыл бұрын
Many of us agree totally but we also have been silenced by social media. They absolutely should be tried for crimes against humanity and treason.
@sandramclaughlin9621 Жыл бұрын
This man is a truthsayer and deserves to be recognised as a humanitarian warrior x
@karenfitzgerald6308 Жыл бұрын
Megyn, I don't always agree with you, but I really appreciated your courage, months ago, in bringing on RFK Jr. That was an impressive four hours and this one was even better. Thank you for letting him really speak. He knows so much and I am so grateful for his fight against the horrors being inflicted upon this country. Blessings to both of you, and may truth win out.
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