Robert Reich: The Resistance Report 10/04/2017

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Inequality Media Civic Action

Inequality Media Civic Action

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This channel will no longer be updated. To watch the latest videos from Robert Reich, please subscribe to our current channel by clicking the following link: / @rbreich Tonight I talk about the anxiety, despair, and stress that so many Americans are feeling. This comes in the wake of what happened in Las Vegas, and Trump and Congressional Republicans' unwillingness to do anything to control gun violence and mass killings. But it has also been compounding over the last few months of Trump's assaults on social justice and our nation's ideals. It may feel like Trump is an abusive father hurting our nation, but do not underestimate your collective power to oppose him. You are the leader you are waiting for.

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@rachelcarson7019 7 жыл бұрын
If trump is our bad parent, then you Sir are our cool uncle. Thank you!
@reggienoble3195 7 жыл бұрын
Truly one of Robert's BEST videos. Rational and purposeful and reflective.
@ladydeeluck 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you I too feel so hopeless in Unity We Stand .
@KMac329 7 жыл бұрын
You're the best, Prof. Reich!
@Tiadaghton37 7 жыл бұрын
Wow, Robert, you nailed it. You give us hope for the hopelessness we feel every day to subside. I just wish everyone could see these facts and work to reclaim our country.
@alllifematters 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you Professor/Secretary Reich for your supportive words! I've decided the best thing I can do is choose to live a life that is not status quo- we must learn to live differently our current system is out dated and does not work. It has never worked for me. I'm the child of hippies, the experimental generation who either succumbed to joining the illusion or suffered in other ways trying to survive in a society of judgemental conformists. I tried desperately to rebel against my parents non-conformity, but in the end, I realized that I was not born to be a slave and having tried to do all the right things growing up poor, working at 14 sometimes 2-3 jobs and barely making ends meet... Years of living in fight or flight mode praying there will be no emergencies this month. All I have ever wanted to do is find out what I'm good at, but before I could do that I've had to heal myself... So, I realized that the only way anyone makes it in this fukkkkkd system is by cheating, or getting help from others... I don't wanna be a cheat because integrity is all I have... So, the only loophole I've been able to find is just to redesign the American dream ;)
@indredkold-fusion6126 7 жыл бұрын
Simply stated Mr. Reich: Thank You for everything!! Reply to me anyone who is willing to really work together to get this plague and money out of ALL government!! If one just has to label me, I am a Independent Progressive Humanitarian!! I am 53, disabled, cannot bend down to retrieve a sheet of paper, existing on SSDI, worked as a teacher, tutor and senior citizen activist for 33 years. I have NO family, but I have a purpose and mission. If you can feel me, then reach out, and help me to help YOU, YOUR CHILDREN AND FRIENDS!!!
@frankmcgregor5355 7 жыл бұрын
Ppl like you make me proud to be from this country.
@indredkold-fusion6126 7 жыл бұрын
Frank Mcgregor Thank You Mr. McGregor! I will be running for a Texas, congressional seat in 2018. I WILL NOT forget the name of McGregor...
@dianeowen5258 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Very important and helpful words.
@smartin8247 7 жыл бұрын
Action is the antidote to despair.
@ultramagnus8240 7 жыл бұрын
2018 VOTE! Get as many republicans out of power as we next year. Then make sure they never gain an oz of power again!
@pamtebelman2321 7 жыл бұрын
@thehypnotoad3869 7 жыл бұрын
Brilliant. simple, heartfelt and moving!
@janruss3729 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you ever so deeply for the encouragement and I must say I have the utmost respect for you. The only problem is I'm tired of fighting I think as all of us are. We fight at our jobs against corporate greed and corruption. We fight in our everyday lives against the evil that lurks amongst us. When does this insanity stop? When will we wake up from this nightmare? We didn't need to go to other countries to find weapons of mass destruction...all we needed to do is look in our own back yards.
@jesseg1959 7 жыл бұрын
@jenniferloftus2363 7 жыл бұрын
My good sir, I knew Bernie had something when you came on to a stage to support him. I was on the fence until I saw some folks I always respected throwing their weight behind Bernie. I realized it'd been a long time since I'd heard the word "morality" injected into a political discussion where it wasn't aimed at my uterus like a weapon. How did we fall so far? How did I personally become so cynical? Hope springs eternal. Why aren't you running? Oh, and I can't see why all of us like minded people can't raise money and make our own overpowering juggernaut of political power. We've got social media and more or less, nothing to lose.
@stevehunter6849 7 жыл бұрын
We got through Reagan, we got through George W. We can get through Trump. I have faith in truth and justice. Thank you Robert Reich. America can be as great as it can be, NOT as it was.
@kemickle4692 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so very much! You talked about some of the same feelings I've been having recently. Also, thank you for your time in doing these reports! Keep up the great work of keeping us all informed. It is very appreciated. R E S I S T
@Bad80y1 7 жыл бұрын
Robert. YOU are the next leader. You still are young and sane enough to lead America back onto it's feet even if it's for a 4 year term. But you are right. Waiting for someone to save you from being buried without putting any effort in towards saving yourself usually always never results in any good outcome. It takes unification and pure passion for truth, justice, freedom, and fairness to become a powerhouse that no one can stop or slow down. And millions have shown that. But it is tiresome and stressful beyond human capacity through the daily ongoing systematic evil acts and comments this Psychopathic Trump seems to successfully accomplish day in and day out. Make no mistake. Trump is a genious and tireless thorn in the foot of American's and the world for that matter. He seems to never amaze or shock anyone anymore with his Rhetoric. Every day we wake up we wonder what he has done or will do and say that is another level up on the evil meter. Or what disaster will strike next like Vegas or the Hurricane Disasters? Or will he Succeed in bring nuclear war to the whole world. I think the answer is a definate YES that this mad man could and will destroy much of America and the world if he is not stopped soon. YES Nixon was evil and troubled, but NO WHERE near the lunacy of this thing (Can't call him a human or man for that matter). So press on and fight this devil will take every ounce of blood, sweat, and tears. But for this nightmare to end and go away a lesson must be learnt to never let a election of the magnitude and size of this mistake happen ever again. Hitler was one man who had such a sick, hateful, evil mind that infected many in believing him and following him. Only to their country and people almost being totally exterminated. Seems like self destruction is in the human race to annihilate the human race off the face of this planet. It's the animal in human beings. And yet animals are not monsters and really are the innocent creatures on this planet that man wishes as well to exterminate. Animals care for their young better then many humans. So it's important to try to learn that government if not looked at seriously and to whom you choose to vote for, can mean life or death for a nation. Educating oneself on the candidates who stand to be elected is crucial this next election cycle coming up. Everyone should be involved in voting in a saner candidate. Not just a few. This is your country and you only get once choice to elect a saner more level headed individual into office. No candidate is perfect, so don't stress out over that. But learn their good points and bad points and if their beliefs are more in line with yours. It's the difference in whether you elect a sane person or a tyrant as your leader. Brace yourselves for the many missiles Trump will send upon you the next days to come, until either he is impeached or manages to serve his remaining years out as your Tyrant in Chief. Take care all..
@Hakiimthedream 6 жыл бұрын
What a competent human being you are Robert, Thank you for your commentary and dedication to the forgotten man and the truth
@peggyjoseph6465 7 жыл бұрын
@conniepelchat8574 7 жыл бұрын
You keep me sane. I'm a Democrat married to a Trump Cult member, a hardcore Patriot. I'm disabled but have found my voice through FB. I'm a 60 yr old white woman and have over 1800 like minded followers and even though I don't accept anymore friends but still have many requests. My FB page is open to all any many still take the time to look me up. I post all the best articles for the day and every week post right and far right news and always say read the comments and they do. I don't get a lot of likes or comments, mostly Private Messages thanking me for doing what I do. I can't march but I can type and call my Reps and I do.
@brucew.5177 7 жыл бұрын
You are well respected in Washington; especially among Democrats. Why don't you give them a copy of your book "Saving Capitalism" and suggest that they adopt it as a Democratic platform. Saving the middle class is a big deal with broad appeal. A Great Book... Thank you for caring
@sweetlou1335 7 жыл бұрын
Bruce Wayne Gilmore Sorry neighbors to the south, but the democucks R just as bought & paid for by wall st & the banks, that I fear Bern & his progressive policies may B yer last hope to save yer dying middle class, cuz the corporations/oligarchs have a stranglehold on yer collective windpipe
@petergee7926 7 жыл бұрын
Bruce Wayne Gilmore authors have no special rights. He probably can not afford to buy all the books. We are lucky he's not behind a paywall like Paul Krugman..
@brucew.5177 7 жыл бұрын
Understood... Secretary Reich has probably given all his money away. The problem with "special rights" is that both political parties have given the rights belonging to the American middle class to the extremely rich, CEOs and Big businesses who are now also about to get a large tax break paid for by guess who. Then they will turn around and donate some of that money to the appropriate political campaigns. It's time that we stop fighting about the little stuff that doesn't matter and start "Saving Capitalism for the Many, Not the Few". ( A real eye opener of a book. ) Thank you for taking the time to comment. Best Wishes
@brucew.5177 7 жыл бұрын
I'm afraid that is the case ; both parties have created the problem. We need to limit political contributions by corporations, get rid of gerrymandering and stop congressmen from taking jobs with companies and organizations they regulated (or not) for 5 years after they leave office. The Supreme Court has not shown too much interest in helping the first two happen yet. Congress probably won't go for the third. Thank you for taking the time to comment... Best Wishes
@humanityrising9378 6 жыл бұрын
Bruce Wayne Gilmore have you ever watched the documentary CLINTON CASH? This is a must watch whether your a Democrat or Republican.
@vickypaulson9264 7 жыл бұрын
I've written, and written and written. All I get is pat answers which do not even address any of the issues in which I write about! Like they are letters they send out to everybody. Don't I pay for these people to be there? Are they not there, because of our votes, and suppose to address the issues of the people, no matter what party in which I had voted for? I have lost faith in our government. It seems all they care about is the next election.
@juliaheger7092 7 жыл бұрын
All money-grubbing RepubliKKKans care about is lining their pockets, their hidden agendas and vile donors. We need to vote ALL of them OUT in 2018!
@RonnieMinh 7 жыл бұрын
First I was amused when Trump was a candidate, then shocked he got elected, then alarmed and disgusted by his Presidency, but now I feel we (the USA) are about to go through a major transformation. It is going to be a scary and difficult transformation but we will come through it with something better than what we got now.
@lindasmith9273 7 жыл бұрын
United we stand
@lonewolfmtnz 7 жыл бұрын
Laws do not and can not "prevent" violence, idiocy, willful ignorance ... nor a certain human extinction.
@KRW628 7 жыл бұрын
Reich 2020
@briankh2007 7 жыл бұрын
Once again, you're one of the many rational voices during all the shenanigans stirred up by Donald Trump. Thanks for speaking your mind on his questionable behavior.
@azolioeroach3253 7 жыл бұрын
What's wrong with LICENCING requirements for the ownership of anti-personnel firearms?
@DennisMoore664 7 жыл бұрын
Except that I am not a leader and absolutely shouldn't be in public office. It's a shame that Trump didn't realize the same thing.
@oakstrong1 7 жыл бұрын
Your self-awareness is what separates you and Trump. It already makes you a better person than him!
@DennisMoore664 7 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the affirmation, but that's not a very high bar haha!
@jenniferloftus2363 7 жыл бұрын
Matt Soper Well, I used to think the same thing, but now? My lil checkered past ain't nothin compared to the people running things right now. In fact, it might be a leg up and a bonus.
@j2jet193 7 жыл бұрын
..after bad Presidents, we "were stronger than we were before"... Being older, I enjoy taking the longer, historical view... I take comfort in realizing that -- The "Pendulum swings" from one extreme to the other... What's going on now, extreme right, will surely, as always, Swing Left, as strong as it swinged the other way.... It always does. So I'm inspired to be patient, watch the thing swing strong..
@mickeymorgan 7 жыл бұрын
Dang Straight!
@DAWGnROADIE 7 жыл бұрын
thank you! i admit that I have Trump and trump-etts fatigue. I have lost the belief that we can make a difference against the power of the establishment. Even our Dem legislatirs a are reluctant to take action against this tyranny.
@freetrailer4poor 7 жыл бұрын
The power is in the left, they control the media, propaganda machines (schools), and tax distribution. Most like the Clintons should be in jail for their fake speech giving fees which are really just kickbacks for all the fraudulent legislation they passed.
@WindFireAllThatKindOfThing 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Politicians: No president, no senator, no congressman, and no figure who style themselves as "authority" is ever my leader. I accept no "leader". I am a grown ass American, do not ever think you get to "lead" me anywhere, or that you know best. I am taxed, ergo I expect Representation. You already accepted your paycheck. You are my employee. My minion. My flunky. And you will wear those labels without complaint, or get the hell out effective immediately. The end. - Sincerely, We The People
@elsiegel84 7 жыл бұрын
What we are enduring now is not so much a failure of a president as a failure of a populace to take its opportunity for self government seriously. With 250M Americans of voting age, 138M participated in the process. 112M (45%) didn't show up for a variety of reasons. Certainly a few were barred by the many and various machinations of the right to try to limit ballot access, but for most, they couldn't be bothered, they didn't care, they forgot, they couldn't make it, or they believed the whole thing is a sham and refused to be a part of it. It's like what Ben Franklin is said to have told a woman inquiring as to the outcome of the constitutional convention and what sort of government would they have. "... a Republic, madam, if you can keep it."
@MrFastFarmer 7 жыл бұрын
Life is still good for those in the kings court. We have the same issues in Australia, but the reason is the people and not the politicians. At the end of the day I think democracy and capitalism is working well, and the peasants are simply discovering where they really fit.
@pellucid00 7 жыл бұрын
The whole point of a government is to manage the complexities and shared resources of large-scale societies. We do need the efficiency of specialized mechanisms and/or people (i.e. anarchy is not an option at this point in time). This whole "you are the leader you've been looking for" is nonsense. Everyone is correctly identifying the fact that our system needs radical change and our leaders are incompetent. Not all of us have the financial standing and/or charisma that is required to get into various offices, even if we're entirely capable of doing the job. That is the very problem with the system, it's corrupt, exclusive, and impenetrably rigid.
@kayomholt-montague611 7 жыл бұрын
Speaking of the recent gun massacre in Las Vegas, I have a comment to make: As a former Lutheran, I am deeply offended by Congress - especially the Republicans - time-worn "tradition" of suggesting now is not the time to make this tragedy about politics . . . . . . . "Now IS the time for a moment of silence and an offering of prayers and best wishes to all the people personally affected by the tragedy"! Excise the FUCK out of me - but WHY is it always appropriate to offer prayers, but it is NEVER the time to take concrete action? To all my religious KZbin followers and beyond - aren't you FED up with the way people always offer of prayers (but nothing else)? Well, I AM!! Do most of you really believe the people who offer such prayers? And even if you are okay with them, don't you believe the actual politicians need to offer MORE than just prayers?
@tonerduckpin 7 жыл бұрын
The Democrats in my state legislative district hold a meeting once a month. I started attending these meetings for the first time in my life. These meetings usually had about 20-30 people show up. Now about 100 to 125 show up for meetings. A high school teacher who was running for state senate gave a short talk. One of her students was always angry and in a bad mood when showing up for class. She asked him "Why are you so angry?". The student replied "Your generation is responsible for Trump". The teacher was a little shocked by that remark. Many people at the meeting commented on how hard this Trump Administration is on young people. I was only 10 years old when Nixon resigned. I remember him not being very liked at the time. I took things for granted during the Obama years and was not too involved in politics. I regret not being involved sooner.
@tomcuri1168 7 жыл бұрын
Ok, let’s make this easy. Anyone who wants to buy Guns, Ammo or Related Equipment (GARE) must apply for a GARE Credit Card. This card MUST and CAN ONLY be used to purchase Guns, Ammo or Related Equipment. Anyone selling Guns, Ammo or Related Equipment can ONLY accept this card. NO CASH deals for Guns, Ammo or Related Equipment. If you are selling to a friend, you write a GARE check which is processed like a GARE credit card transaction. Anyone buying or selling Guns, Ammo or Related Equipment without the use of a GARE Credit Card or a GARE Check goes to jail for 5 years. Of course, to get one of these GARE credit cards you must be approved (Vetted). This should give us some control, eliminate a few bad apples and monitor who is trying to stock pile Guns, Ammo or Related Equipment. Oh Yes, interest on the credit card can pay for the whole program.
@missdaisy5736 6 жыл бұрын
Speak up. Call your Senator about any and all issues Robert Reich points out in this vlog. There name can be found on Internet. It boils down to re-election. It boils down to Party preference. This is not new news. But, Trump is actually helping and even inspiring individuals citizens to arise and do something to help change the present situation. Fight for social justice. Do not give this country away to politicians. Act dear friend.
@sail1999 7 жыл бұрын
Every cloud has a silver lining. Trump may be helping to break a decades old deadlock between the political parties.
@pilgrammedia7295 7 жыл бұрын
let them eat cake
@Arsenal_1886 7 жыл бұрын
It's not as if the constitution is carved in stone and written by God almighty himself. Society and environment developes, and we can't just continue to live in the past as if nothing has happened. It's the same scenario with the Bible and with the Koran which is still taken litterally by many, and with horrible concequences. It's time to put the 2nd amendment where it belongs, on the scrap heap of history.
@climateteacherjohnj7763 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you Robert for sharing our anger and frustration. Absolutely, action is the antidote to despair. We are the leaders we've been waiting for. If you haven't checked it out yet, here's the Guide to Indivisible: On the tweets there are tons of new people, total strangers, liberal and conservative and any color of the rainbow, networking with each other and joining forces with #Resistance & #TheResistance groups. There are 198 non-violent ways to pull the pillars out from under this abusive parent. I think it makes a great bucket list; check it out, get creative, and above all, have fun!
@karnaaj421 7 жыл бұрын
Adapt citizen worried about s o coal security
@indredkold-fusion6126 7 жыл бұрын
Please, try not to worry Mr. Crosier. I am running for a Texas Congressional seat in 2018. You do not know me, of course, but I know your worries! Be safe, and look for me in the months ahead...
@traciepumphrey2040 7 жыл бұрын
Thank You, Just Thank You for This, You are an Awesome man. If You have not heard of or seen please Watch on Netfix Marc Marone, it will not only match what you say but it will lighten the load by making you Laugh... I can't thank You enough
@cegammons 7 жыл бұрын
@freetrailer4poor 7 жыл бұрын
I agree Trump should be impeached over North Korea.
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