Followup on the Apple subcontractor slave revolt

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Louis Rossmann

Louis Rossmann

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@nixpix814 3 жыл бұрын
Calling developing world labor "slavery" is just ignorant.
@bobnotbob6668 3 жыл бұрын
Are you implying that Africans should work for no pay?
@LetsBuildThatApp 3 жыл бұрын
@kerosin fuchs At the very least, slaves were fed and housed, which isn't actually cheap.
@IIStasisII 3 жыл бұрын
Are you fucking ignorant, it literally says and I fucking quote "The workers allegedly did not get their pay" THAT IS LITERALLY SLAVERY
@nixpix814 3 жыл бұрын
@@IIStasisII No, it's a breach of contract and no, ALL low wage work is not slavery like Louis stated.
@nixpix814 3 жыл бұрын
@@HaveYouTriedGuillotines Low wage jobs are not coerced or forced in any way. It's not exploitation and not slavery. This was an example of a breach of contract which is illegal and immoral but implying that the context here is that ALL low wage work is slavery is just an insane thing to say. A very common thing now a days since socialism has become popular.
@d-e-v-esh 3 жыл бұрын
The people who say stuff to defend apple and look down upon the workers have no concept of living in India in an expensive city like Bangalore on a Rs. 15,000 per month pay. Those workers are not illiterate homeless people on drugs. Huge majority of them are engineering graduates. Almost all the workers there desperately want to work because they need the money. They kept working so long without pay in the hope that they will get paid one day and they didn't quit because there are no other opportunities. Something like this doesn't happen this quickly as it is portrayed in the media. The company was probably getting hundreds of knocks on their doors everything single day about their pay. This destruction happened after they were not paid for so long and also didn't see the hope for even the money being recovered that they were promised and they had nothing to lose at the end. This thing was needed. Painting it with communism is the stupidest thing I've seen. People are not crazy that they will burn down their workplace all because Communists told them to. They were already being exploited and ripped off and no one was there to listen to them because no one cares, not the police, not the politicians, not the government.
@gamerdude1246 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, with this situation in India here it wasn't just factory workers who were being poorly paid, engineers were also being paid less than 300$ a MONTH for their work. No excuse for that.
@christopherwhull 3 жыл бұрын
In India Engineering graduates is a mythical title for people who can read a digital circuit diagram. The Engineers who have been put into my sphere of influence could not identify a switching power supply with both BOM and circuit diagram in hand. They as opposed to a lot of India youth of the wrong cast can read switching power supply off the cover. In IT 8 out 10 can perhaps install an OS, 4 can install a Hot Swap Power Supply and 2 can reliably introduce a firewall rule. This is not talking about the people, they are great souls morals wise and hard working. Whatever the education system in India is doing its not preparing the population, even the leading edge, for the work the top cast is searching out for them.
@ChristopherCricketWallace 3 жыл бұрын
the truth is that until property starts getting damaged, the management will continue to turn a blind eye. Same thing with social justice issues around the world. All peaceful methods are ignored consistently over time. So what do you do? Escalate. When it's about survival there's no other option. Global history has shown us this time and time again.
@PixelLife101 3 жыл бұрын
People in the UK smash up their own work place if they don't get paid. I say good on em. Fuckin rich cunts
@chuckhaugan4970 3 жыл бұрын
They are fascist. It's alive in America since 1983, when Democrats folded and began moving down the corporate path of corruption the Baby Boomers demanded. So odd how Boomers take no personal responsibility for the shit show they created not only in the States, but all over the globe.
@ronaldradecki 3 жыл бұрын
"you don't care about the objective truth, you care about being a fanboy" My new favorite quote.
@RandomUser2401 3 жыл бұрын
not mentioning a word about this being standard in the industry and pointing it out has NOTHING to do with being a fanboy. It is simply very bad practice to not mention this in such a video.
@Anankin12 3 жыл бұрын
To be fair, objective truth is almost impossible to know when dealing with human interactions. But that takes away nothing from what said
@hillbillysmith7220 3 жыл бұрын
Here is objective truth; Louis benefits greatly from slave labor, including the monetization of the videos about the subject.
@Arandomguyat1 3 жыл бұрын
That really hit harf
@paulcarroll6995 3 жыл бұрын
Half of the idiot kids are Nietzsche wannabees mate and do not believe in an Objective Truth.
@cristinat.8639 3 жыл бұрын
All of these people arguing over the semantics of wage theft vs. slavery should also understand the term "monopoly". If you're in a third world country and this tech giant has a monopoly over factories and your only choice is to work for 6 dollars or let your family starve, you have no choice, merely the illusion of choice. If there are also no syndicates to represent you, then you don't even exist as a legal blip on Apple's radar. You cannot fault people who adapt or react the best they can to twisted circumstances, whether that's rioting or anything else, without pointing the finger at the creator of the circumstances.
@orborb2644 3 жыл бұрын
@acsiata 3 жыл бұрын
There is some truth regarding monopolies but you are also missing a point. Without that 6 dollars "choice" there is only the choice to starve. The 6 dollar is better then no dollar at all. I don't blame them for the garbage/slave wages, as much as i do for cutting that salary and refusing to pay it on time. And one more point, the companies that are doing this are the same companies promoting "social justice" in the west. Which tells you all you need to know about them and the ideology itself.
@mikeymaiku 3 жыл бұрын
@@someguy3717 tough shit. Go live in the forest and mountains if you dont want to use currency accepted in the world. We got away from the barter system a long time ago. As shitty as it sounds the company puts the payrate. You accept. You dont get to go complain at a job brcause you agreed to the shit wage. It just sucks that companies can use third world countries to lower over operating cost. Thats the reality of today
@AbhinavChoudharyOfficial 3 жыл бұрын
West is here to loot again, we better hide the slaves
@ethanstump 3 жыл бұрын
@CryptoIndex 101 Saying that businesses that fuck over the workers are better than no business at all is a false dilemma. There are other ways to organize work besides the corporate model that fucks over the average worker. Like co-operatives. My grocery store that I shop at, winco foods, Is a co-operative. There are many co-operatives that work in remote places that treat the workers well while having low prices and a living wage.
@Quasihamster 3 жыл бұрын
"It's not slavery! It's wage theft!" Translates: A slave at least would've known *beforehand* they ain't getting paid!
@TheYahmez 3 жыл бұрын
Also slaves get "free" bed and board. Sometimes I wish we would just drop this thin veil.. IMHO life would actually improve for many under mass explicit slavery.. buuht the masses don't deal too well with the honesty so this makes the "overlords" fearful and "secretive"
@Rafael_Fuchs 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheYahmez Assuming common slaver practices, that might actually be a net improvement on quality of life. They would not be at threat of losing the roof over their head at the end of every month and have food to eat. Two things a lot of people can't say they have right now. Takes a special kind of fucked up to look worse than being a real slave.
@justiceforjoggers2897 3 жыл бұрын
@@Rafael_Fuchs The funny part about human history, is that a Slave's life had better chances than the common denizen. Of course, eventually people stop being that poor and slaves then get too expensive
@disnothsi2218 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheYahmez sorry are we somehow forgetting that slaves were often beaten and whipped and the females were often raped, sure they got free food and housing, shitty food and shitty housing that often had more people in it than would be acceptable, and if you think somehow that someone having power over you wouldnt abuse that power there have been experiments in the past that objectively prove that wrong, so no slavery is not ideal, why the fuck do i even need to say this
@gordonlawrence1448 3 жыл бұрын
@@disnothsi2218 Not under all regimes. We have legal documents detailing punishments for slave owners who mistreated their slaves. You are thinking about 15th and 16th century slavery. It has been way worse than that under some regimes (IE effectively a death sentence) and way better under others.
@Anonymous______________ 3 жыл бұрын
"A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?" Marcus Tullius Cicero
@DxBALLxD 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder if the bureaucrat profession circle around this because maybe it's an easy position to maintain and only easier so - as long as you stop caring about doing what's right for people's needs. A last-resort profession for unwell, unhappy people. It reminds me of how school teachers are usually failed people too, (magnified a thousand for artists) their last-resort to keep food on a table is to just hope to teach other's to be more successful in their dreams. And I certainly feel like it's caused them to have resentment in their life, leading to the whole ordeal about marxist teachings and indoctrination discussion going around. Of course it transforms the position into one naturally attracting people that blames "the system" for their own shortcomings, and that they should deserve more, eat the rich, so on disfigured so on disfigured so on...
@jamesmackes4531 3 жыл бұрын
@@DxBALLxD Death to oligarchs, eat the rich. You come right after them.
@stefanejegod8644 3 жыл бұрын
People should listen to this. I lost a job in the beginning of the year as a team manager for a small it service supplier somewhat because revenue tanked after I started out. Main reason was that nothis was made properly and customer kept calling to have stuff fixed, "We" Did something new and sent the customer an invoice for time spent. After I started we began looking at issues in a larger scale and fixed it right, and customers stopped calling. That being said, after I stopped, they went back to square one and customers got pissed again. And ever since the boss sacked me, customers have been fleeing for being treated badly. 🤔 Ah yes, he was also starting to introduce pay cuts. Honestly, treat your workers properly.
@tonnentonie2767 3 жыл бұрын
Hope you found a new job!
@youralien1996 3 жыл бұрын
sadly that is how it will always be everywhere, even in government jobs. companies will keep offering this type of non existent customer support service that does not actually help you, but rather throws shit at you, forces you to waste your time and have to come back like 10 times and threaten legal action before you get the service that was promised. the principle is: lets see how bad they want this service, if they want it really fucking bad (after 10 emails) we might help, if not, we drag it on
@stefanejegod8644 3 жыл бұрын
@@tonnentonie2767 I haven't. Problem with something like that also sits as a mark on your resumé and potentiel employers will start and guess why you were let go. Someone told me they could wonder if I was merely incapable of my job, or if I were simply "difficult to work with". 😐 And this was prior to covid so that part doesn't help either.
@stefanejegod8644 3 жыл бұрын
@@youralien1996 exactly. The entirety of customer experience or like in this case with a supplier to Apple, ethics isn't actually a priority. In my case the boss couldn't comprehend that he needed to let me do my thing, and instead he should just focus on getting new customers, rather than milking the existing ones.
@scoldingwhisper 3 жыл бұрын
i just want to work somewhere that doesn't treat employees like shit. doesn't even have to be good treatment just don't treat me like shit
@sixtyinsix 3 жыл бұрын
Don't tell me this company didn't know they weren't paying their employees. It came up in the quarterlies.🙄
@nurgle11 3 жыл бұрын
@Christa Simon Then the company is taking a big risk unless they can switch suppliers quickly.
@purple7filth 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine being called a communist for demanding you get paid for the work you did 😂
@purple7filth 3 жыл бұрын
@Kronk Bonds "back in my day I worked for $7 an hour & liked it! What?! No I know what inflation is I'm just trying to sound more impressive than I really am."
@johnhonker437 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine being a leftist that pays $8000 for a technologically inferior apple computer that was made by slaves making basically $0 in a country that employs "brown" people, and yet pretending that Apple is "woke."
@RaymondtheHon 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnhonker437 never met a "leftist" like that lol
@Tom5TomEntertainment 3 жыл бұрын
Communism is us getting paid for the work you did
@mikkelhansen3714 3 жыл бұрын
@0 0 Only half of what shapiro says makes sense. The rest is just a good mix of ultra conservatism mixed with a hint of hypocricy
@mayank717s 3 жыл бұрын
For those living outside India, with Rs500 a person can barely survive 3 days in India. Screw that even a rickshaw puller makes 3 times than that in a week!!
@gracefulcubix4730 3 жыл бұрын
True. Economy is WHACK in India. I mean an literal brand new motorcycle is less expensive than an apple phone.
@mayank717s 3 жыл бұрын
@@gracefulcubix4730 you can blame apple for that
@mayank717s 3 жыл бұрын
@Dharmic Science there are still cycle rickshaws running on roads/gali.
@mayank717s 3 жыл бұрын
@Dharmic Science We do here in Northern-India
@ullasu1788 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for covering this issue, Louis. I would like to point out a couple of things in this context. Kolar is just about 60-70 Km (40 miles) from my city, Bangalore, where you have a large number of big tech companies. The issue as I see, as an engineering graduate myself, is not that there is a lack of opportunities as you pointed out here, but that, we have an excess of so-called, qualified engineers. We have a ton of engineering colleges popping up like mushrooms in Bangalore (nearly 100 colleges), which in a way manufactures the workforce required for these companies. These students (including me I must add), graduate from college with minimal skill sets in their field (of course, there are good institutes here too), in desperate need of jobs. 100 - 150 thousand engineers graduate in this city alone every year, and reports say nearly more than 80% of them are not employable, due to lack of skill sets. There are professional training institutes, which sell the big dream of getting into top engineering colleges, in the name of entrance exam training (JEE, GATE,...). People from all disciplines of engineering, take up jobs that are in no way related to their stream of engineering, and sometimes, not even related to engineering. Many of them are not passionate (which hurts people like me, who took it up as we loved it), and take it up just because someone told them it gets them good jobs. By the time they complete their course, they realize the shortage of jobs, to cater so many graduates, and take up jobs with low pay and lots of work, and don't question the companies about the bad working conditions. I am from the mechanical engineering stream, and a majority of my friends who are working, are in the IT sector. Some who do work in the core sector, really don't have many opportunities to innovate. If this scenario doesn't change, India may end up becoming a hub of cheap manufacturing with little or no innovation (as there is little support for innovation compared to manufacturing), which is scary. The only good thing is the fact that one of the good sides of the present pandemic and economic slowdown, is that, people realized that engineering won't get them the best paying jobs, and the number of students in engineering colleges is decreasing rapidly. I just hope that we get only passionate engineers graduating in the future.
@lydiamalone1859 3 жыл бұрын
They end up coming to the United States on H-1B. They are lower cost workers for the huge companies. Then they apply for citizenship and get a very low cost loan to buy a business that American citizens are not qualified for. Those loans are only available to immigrants. Most Americans have no clue but it explains why so many Indians own convenience stores. And frankly the Indians that come here assimilate much better than refugees.
@moochiekk 3 жыл бұрын
Subcontracting is becoming the norm. Distance yourself from your own product so you can blame someone else.
@austntexan 3 жыл бұрын
Thank God we don't do that with essential services here in The States. . . like vote tallying machines.
@okaydetar821 3 жыл бұрын
@@austntexan Yeah, we should have the government create the machines that is used to elect the government...wait....Are you sure you thought this through?
@warlink4 3 жыл бұрын
@@austntexan Ambulances.
@JakeN482 3 жыл бұрын
@@okaydetar821 The founding fathers didn't use machines for tallying votes. The penny pinching ways of the government serve business interests both as tax savings and as providing a subtle vehicle for contract based corruption for vendors who have their own incentives to not legitimize alternative parties.
@GeorgeVCohea-dw7ou 3 жыл бұрын
@@austntexan Voting machines should print out your ballot upon completion. You can hack the software, but you cannot hack the paper ballot which the voter checks and places into the ballot box for recounts and physical record!
@rs72098 3 жыл бұрын
"The worker is deserving of his wages."
@DeDraconis 3 жыл бұрын
The first thought that comes to mind with this is: "How does the company that spies on million's of people's personal data not know what's going on in a place they're pumping billions of dollars into?"
@Captain1nsaneo 3 жыл бұрын
'All progress depends on the unreasonable man' Thank you for being unreasonable.
@mawnkey 3 жыл бұрын
My current employer initially contracted me through Wistron. They tried to fuck both of us around on the deal. Neither of us will ever do business with Wistron again. Utterly unsurprised to hear this is how they run a factory.
@rossmanngroup 3 жыл бұрын
I am confident many people would love to hear more about your experience. Do tell!
@mawnkey 3 жыл бұрын
@@rossmanngroup Can't get in to all the specifics, but the basic outline of the situation will do. Wistron claimed _dramatically_ different details of the written contract after both myself and the employer had agreed to a very different set of details verbally. Of course Wistron made the claims because it was financially beneficial to them while placing myself and the employer under conditions we hadn't originally agreed to. Upon myself and the employer having discussions and going back to the documentation we had signed, Wistron's agent was lying; while the deal was different from what we had both verbally agreed to, it was not as dramatic as their agent tried to claim. Employer went back to Wistron and Wistron used other deals they had with employer to force the conditions their agent had initially claimed on us. My direct boss and I were _pissed_ and immediately registered our story and complaints with management. Boss will no longer allow contractors to come in from Wistron and has advised his entire department to do the same, corporate has placed them on a shitlist for the future. Obvious I won't ever contract through them again.
@BillClinton228 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a programmer and a agent contacted me to do contract work for their client. They told me they would be paying me the salary... in other words I work for them, but my services are for THEIR client. Thanks but no thanks... that kind of situation leads to abuse of power from all sides. There's a reason why they set it up that way, and it's never in the workers interest.
@stefanejegod8644 3 жыл бұрын
@@BillClinton228 I've been cobtacted by numerous job cobsulting agencies as well, and a lot of them pan out the same, if there is actually any progress from their side, they'll push in order to have you contracted through their company, instead of you supplying your own 1-person company. It'll begin to sound really sketchy with them doing "registrations" and such for fees and them taking a percentage of your pay. That's the point where I usually either won't hear from them because I won't agree to that BS, or where I'll just jack-up my price... Mainly to have them discard me. People are assholes and they'll rob you for everything they can if they have the chance.
@TrueNorth1970 3 жыл бұрын
@@rossmanngroup during the 1800's people understood the difference between working for yourself and giving your time to others for less value in money - so they called it "wage slavery" - not getting value for your work. Just like slaves. Slaves got food - would you call that "pay" or compensation? If you only get paid "enough" to buy a little food - or even too little food - or making you have to choose between food, clothes or shelter - you are effectively a slave. A "wage slave". But a slave nonetheless - forced to work for others in order to survive. Forced to work for others by economics, by bank,s by corporations and companies that had the means to take control over the land, the resources, the state, the government, the legislation, and the economy of the nation as central banks have etc. When people could go into the forest and build a log cabin, till the soil, grow their food and leave the farm to their children so they had a better outset, people had a better idea of what economics were. Which is why they opposed central banking in the late 1800s. See the documentary "The Secret of Oz" for example on central banking taking the farms during the 1930s after the crash. Intersting and important to know your history.
@Rio-ke9he 3 жыл бұрын
Wistron took advantage of Indian gov desperation to move manufacturing to India. They know the gov would defend them no matter what they did to their workers
@sivasankar2784 3 жыл бұрын
exactly......if you bribe the right people, you can violate as many environmental laws you can and exploit the workers as much as you can because the useless government wont give a shit about people
@Seth9809 3 жыл бұрын
Fuck Modi.
@akshatkhurana8952 3 жыл бұрын
@tiloktrc 3 жыл бұрын
@jackgerberuae 3 жыл бұрын
@@Seth9809 fuck you. How is this Modi’s fault? It’s institutionalised corruption prevalent in Indian society
@adamrak7560 3 жыл бұрын
"slavery with extra steps" Rick&Morty
@SupLuiKir 3 жыл бұрын
@@maeton-gaming Death of the author though? Harmon is indeed an asshole with retarded political takes, but, at least for me, a work stands on its own merits once published.
@ettaprimm4448 3 жыл бұрын
@@maeton-gaming Which is this, I want to watch it
@bwood6337 3 жыл бұрын
@@maeton-gaming Holy shit. I was honestly expecting that you were heavly exaggerating but wow. There wasn't even a joke, he literally just pretend to rape a child and then ended the scene. I'm going to have to find some more stuff on this.
@bwood6337 3 жыл бұрын
@@maeton-gaming I found the full clip here: It's still fucking wretched but the extra context makes it feel a *bit* less like an aimless "Hey look I'm fucking a baby". Supposedly it's meant to be some riff on Dexter. It's not a good one. FYI: I'm not trying to change your mind, we essentially agree. Just putting this up in case anyone else is curious.
@F4R207 3 жыл бұрын
@@bwood6337 Critique being that we are so blasé when it comes to murder and violence, it's a constant commentary on Rick & Morty, that when you go so far as to openly (social media) joke about child abuse (something that Family Guy, South Park and other adult oriented cartoon shows do) people explode as if it would normalize it or that the people joking about it actually supports it (something they don't do with all the other occurrences of violence and whatever other absurd behavior that features in their episodes and skits). So lets not be that bloody stupid now.
@theBibek0bp 3 жыл бұрын
Couple of updates on this... 1. Wistron has fired its VP (had to put blame on someone) 2. Employee number increased from 4k to 10k within 2 months 3. The attendance software was malfunctioning ( willingly or unwillingly up for our thoughts) 4. They increased working hours from 8hrs to 12 hrs without any notice or making the employees unaware 5. There was issue with basic payments so no doubt extra hours wasn't paid as well.
@corvuslight 3 жыл бұрын
Apple, the company that stopped using the technical terms 'master' and 'slave' we know the real reason.
@jgcelliott1 3 жыл бұрын
Here's a phrase for ya: "It's a distinction without a difference". .
@user-py9cy1sy9u 3 жыл бұрын
@alexandermoltz5089 3 жыл бұрын
Thats gold
@CarlJohnson234 3 жыл бұрын
May i add this quote to my personal golden quotes fond?))
@BlvckAdam 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but... I have to steal this because I have so many uses for it. 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
@HeyImLucious 3 жыл бұрын
I mean, there is a difference. Its just that both situations are bad and are related enough that interchanging one term for another fits in a hyperbolic sense.
@MrVanillaCaramel 3 жыл бұрын
I won't be buying Apple products.
@luna775 3 жыл бұрын
Underrated comment
@parth__agarwal 3 жыл бұрын
Being an Indian and reading the western media coverage on this is so biased and hurtful and tries to spin a narrative that focuses mainly on the damages done. sure destroying property is never acceptable but sometimes the situation gets out of control and you feel so helpless that making a ruckus seems to be the only way to get heard. I agree with Louis 100% on whatever he said
@yngwiemainstream 3 жыл бұрын
But is the report correct regarding the wages? I work for an Indian company (not in India) and I receive daily mass mailers regarding referrals. A referral for an entry level position w. En (a two word city, somehing with "V", maybe?, I forgot) is 6000 Rs. Something does not compute.
@parth__agarwal 3 жыл бұрын
@@yngwiemainstream Yes the report on the wages is completely true it's a joke how low some of these people were paid for their services.
@parth__agarwal 3 жыл бұрын
6000 INR is roughly 80 Dollars you earn more working as a domestic help in India and their wages aren't that great either
@parth__agarwal 3 жыл бұрын
For more context in a metropolitan city, a good meal in a good restaurant will set you back 2000 to 4000 INR for two to three people depending on the place
@kaieden 3 жыл бұрын
Destroying the property of slavers is good actually
@JordanFreshour 3 жыл бұрын
Louis is so good at cutting through the BS.
@bonda_racing3579 3 жыл бұрын
He is a New Yorker
@nixpix814 3 жыл бұрын
The economic content needs to improve though. Calling all low wage work slavery isn't truthful, helpful or productive.
@fcolecumberri 3 жыл бұрын
Apple: let's stop using the words master on git branches and devices that coordinate other devices because that might offend people. Also Apple: let's use semi-slaves to manufacture our products and close our eyes.
@ironmagma 3 жыл бұрын
“But the profits, we r a business so we literally caaaaan’tt sacrifice profits waaaahh!!”
@HiddenEvilStudios 3 жыл бұрын
Also Apple:
@userjames2009 3 жыл бұрын
Apple: It's not slavery so long as we don't call it slavery.
@7654321220 3 жыл бұрын
Also Apple: We are the only master on planet Earth, they don't deserve to use the word
@GabrielleTollerson 3 жыл бұрын
pretty much
@Back_To_Pray 3 жыл бұрын
I call for the KZbin algorithm to recommend this video to many
@jackofalltrades3378 3 жыл бұрын
Doubtful. They are all in bed together.
@mf-- 3 жыл бұрын
@@jackofalltrades3378 not trying will prove nothing
@aquattadomdren6760 3 жыл бұрын
I truly enjoyed your rhetoric, especially on the ease of not having plausible deniability past a certain degree of success. I indeed learned a thing or two, thank you. Here in Washington State, I've been working at a top tier residential retrofit hvac company, doing installs for 3 years. Recently, the sales manager was promoted to the Operations manager, and this person in their managerial sales role liked to minimize the issues we would bring forth, while asking us to focus on the bigger stuff. Were talking about basic things that are missed which become big things, effecting the scope and profitability, or having no protocol at all for bidding certain things. Soon, the install manager will be retiring and be replaced by the field supervisor, and we have a field supervisor who was a previous installer, that I've only seen in the field a handful of times, between a whopping 8 possible trucks they could be supervising. I've vocalized my being ready to take over as a lead of one of the trucks for a significant raise in pay and responsibility for nearly 2 years now, as I've watched them hire unqualified, unprofessional people to do it at a lower rate and quality of service. I've built my own garage door install and service business in the past, but I couldn't fully devote myself with the amount of (excuses) debt and responsibility I had at the time, and it was a good reminder reading through some of the sacrifices you made for the business and lifestyle you want and deserve. I've worked for a number of reputable and not so reputable companies and it hasn't been all bad where I'm at now, so I'm just keeping my cool so I can move onward and upward. I'm looking to get more into the knowledge economy, like your business is involved in.
@jondoh2226 3 жыл бұрын
Do you ever question if it is worth arguing with these kinds of people? I wonder what % are even capable of understanding what you are saying.
@MuffinTastic 3 жыл бұрын
@Cole S "What about all the other terrible companies?!?!!?" ... Okay, what about them? They're terrible too. We'll get to them. Why can't we start with Apple being terrible first? They're in the news over terrible things *right now*, so now is the time to talk about *them*. Nothing about this is hypocritical.
@cazomsdragons2625 3 жыл бұрын
@Cole S You're aware that being such a defeatist is only spurring yourself and others into inaction, correct? We're all quite well aware that Apple is not the only company, and Louis specifically mentioned it in his video that he is aware that other companies are doing it too. In Louis' words, "Stop deflecting, and focus on the issue at hand." Seriously, Louis already gave an answer to everything you just said, and he doesn't even KNOW you. Think about how predictable that makes you look, and think about the way you think considering you're so predictable.
@cazomsdragons2625 3 жыл бұрын
@Cole S Yes, that is what humans do. Because, I'm not sure if you noticed but a large percentage of people not only carry you unnecessary amount of pessimism, but also are too ignorant to realize that they are supporting a company to behave like this by throwing their money at them. So, I say to you, "LETS ALL COMPLAIN ABOUT IT SO THAT MORE PEOPLE KNOW TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT SO THAT WE CAN ACTUALLY GET SOMETHING FUCKING DONE FOR ONCE!" Problem solved.
@sagardahiya6138 3 жыл бұрын
@Cole S did you even hear at 21:45
@nick-k7k 3 жыл бұрын
@Cole S did you even watch the video? He talks about idiots like you wich can only say "what about that" Or "what about this" he made other videos about samsung exploiting workers and he is not into clothes industry, so he will not cover Zara. Every time you buy something you are paying those companies, you can choose better companies and boicott this shit. You are just trying to divert attention, because you feel attached to the main object of criticism.
@deathproofbum0197 3 жыл бұрын
How can you be a fan boy for a brand? It must be the most stupid inane saddest position to hold arguing a companies corner.
@Zeratul187 3 жыл бұрын
Why are people defending these companies ..... Bloody hell are these people so beholden to these companies???
@levyroth 3 жыл бұрын
I don't care either about Apple or the workers who make my iPhone. Why do you care?
@thomasjamison2050 3 жыл бұрын
Slaves in the antebellum south received various forms of compensation for their work. This generally included cloth to make their own clothes, boots, and some molasses. They were also provided a bit of land to grow their own vegetables, and they were given some basic forms of food, like pigs feet, etc. The total cost for the owner was about 7 dollars a year, which at the time, was a lot more than 7 dollars a month is today.
@johnmad9587 3 жыл бұрын
The problem with sending an agent to monitor is if it’s in China they wouldn’t let Apple in anyways. Legally the company (if more than 50 Chinese employees) also must have a CCP branch within the company as well. It’s chinas law. I actually learned this recently. That being said it just enforced the idea that they shouldn’t do business with those types of places if your not even allowed transparency in your own product
@randyrandom5702 3 жыл бұрын
Did u see that on the Timcast?
@hannahtimson2526 3 жыл бұрын
@@randyrandom5702 yes he did as did i
@rukisar6312 3 жыл бұрын
if major US businesses required a monitor to check on things like this as a condition to do business, the CCP would probably change its mind pretty quick
@ianmontgomery7534 3 жыл бұрын
@@rukisar6312 Won't help with an Indian company I am afraid.
@AC3handle 3 жыл бұрын
If it was a responsible company, they could ask to see the conditions, and if told no, said 'well this is what we heard. If you don't want to let us see conditions, we'll finish our current orders and then we're done. I would bet you the amount that's needed to pay the workers is less then one of their reveal events.
@Overonator 3 жыл бұрын
Accusing Louis of being a hypocrite does not undermine his argument. Trying to dismiss the point Louis is making by accusing him of hypocrisy is fallacious in this context. It carries no weight. Arguments stand and fall on their own, regardless who espouses them and that person's character or alleged hypocrisy. Focusing on some minor technicality of calling the situation "wage theft" vs the more hyperbolic "slave wages" is a red-herring distraction and does not address the actual point being made. I wish the public schools would do a better job teaching argumentation and critical thinking that way we would have a higher standard for discourse and not be taken in by awful arguments people make that are not at all convincing.
@cristinat.8639 3 жыл бұрын
So true, it's nothing but ad hominem, it holds no weight in any logical stance you attempt to take and it's also a gross deflection of the issue (classic whataboutism). It's weird how all of these Apple apologists are literally constructing their arguments on common logical fallacies.
@TheArnoldification 3 жыл бұрын
"you may have a point, but you are biased so I win buh byeeee" smug wojack
@seriouscat2231 3 жыл бұрын
"Stop with the deflection." I accidentally watched, some time ago, a lecture that centered around a reality TV episode about an incident where the perpetrator had many traits proper to a psychopath. One of these traits was this "deflection" or "whataboutism" or as it is technically called, "expansive language", which also goes from any particular incident to "you always" and "you never".
@hassam363 3 жыл бұрын
People in the 70s and the 80s knew that the best defense against communism was a well compensated and happy worker. They have forgotten that lesson with the fall of the USSR.
@tugger 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. And that changed with Reagan and Thatcher's Chicago School style of economics. It's simple enough to fool the peasant and insidious enough to rob them and their children and their children's children blind.
@blainecouch1766 3 жыл бұрын
@@tugger Well hasn't changed has it. The politicians we have had for 40 years have steadily ruined this country. With the help of the media and the celebrities polarizing both sides. They should all be held accountable for the damage they have caused to the people.
@justiceforjoggers2897 3 жыл бұрын
@@blainecouch1766 People did that and now everyone wants to call them terrorists and insurrectionists
@Macheako 3 жыл бұрын
no...........I'm sorry but you're completely wrong. We in America have set out for a FREE Society. And in order to achieve that......workers have to be able to "Provide For Themselves"..... By becoming THE ONLY source of money for your employees, you cripple their ability to be "Free" from you. We want to "Take Care" of our people, not JUST pay them well. They aren't exclusive, nor are they the same.
@scootza1 3 жыл бұрын
That's not true OP, corporations know that really well. How they get around this is with rhetoric in advertising, essentially telling you what you need to be happy. Shifting the goalposts so people expect a lower standard makes them easier to keep content and in control
@EEVblog2 3 жыл бұрын
Curious minds need to know, what happened with the cute blonde?
@suspickachu2195 3 жыл бұрын
@nunyabisnass1141 3 жыл бұрын
I dont have a smart phone, my company has issued me one that thanks to some of our contracts, are a condition of employment. Its mostly so that our contract holders can force you to use your own equipment and money to do work for them. You might say its no different than requiring you use your own car to be an uber driver, and youd be right, except while "on duty" they behave as if your equipment belongs to them.
@pratyushojha 3 жыл бұрын
Louis, it is wage theft / slavery. A total violation of the signed contract with the workers. As an Indian I am totally disgusted with the actions of the company. This is unacceptable behaviour. The worst part is that it will only make the workers loose trust in companies and the value of the written word. This is not the first time contract workers have had to resort to violence in order to get the dues paid. Totally disgusting.
@t3knoman00 3 жыл бұрын
I have learned more about bussiness and openning a bussiness from your channel than the minor classes I took in college..... Thank you for posting your experience, a rising tide raises all ships.....
@thexorus 3 жыл бұрын
Gotta love Americans for saying "it's the Communists!!!" every time they disagree on something
@sandakureva 3 жыл бұрын
Even if it were communists, those guys don't usually turn up if people are being paid fairly for their work.
@bonda_racing3579 3 жыл бұрын
Just remember those are the old boomers who lived with the Red scare. Not every American nowadays not give a shit about communism. Except for edgy leftist in university or “Antifa”.
@MacHamish 3 жыл бұрын
It usally is the Communists pulling this shady stuff. It's a parasitic and highly exploitive political system designed to put everyone into the same level of misery and poverty other than a burocratic ruling elite.
@SafffOneee 3 жыл бұрын
it's funny how effective propaganda was in the usa, for that fear to have persisted, i see comments all over youtube that may as well have been from the 50s
@SafffOneee 3 жыл бұрын
@Dharmic Science XD
@AKHILPOKLE 3 жыл бұрын
Things like these is the reason why apple is a "trillion dollar" company.
@dr.eldontyrell-rosen926 3 жыл бұрын
Preach, bro! 👍🏽
@frankmerker630 3 жыл бұрын
It's not an easy thing to meet your maker
@DrAlexandrius 3 жыл бұрын
This kind of thing is our future, a few mega companies dictate the market and outsource their production to developing countries, it's a common thing in my country and pretty much the same elsewhere, people work long hours in terrible conditions and get paid 300 dollars a month, sometimes even less, there's no real job opportunities because everyone who can is leaving for more developed countries and you ABSOLUTELY can't count on starting your own business if you don't have a relative in a high place, because you'll either get shut down by constant racketeering or by government inspections. All of this is a fact of life and there's no use bitching about it, BUT, what frustrates me the most is the absolute hypocrisy of those big companies, in their marketing they claim they "care'' for things like living standards and the environment, while in reality they exploit the people and the land to the full of their extent.
@jayhall1234 3 жыл бұрын
As someone who is also currently involved in a pay dispute it annoys me to see people detract from the issue just to throw accusations around and not actual address a single point of the issue.
@TheCod3r 3 жыл бұрын
Usually I won't condone violence, I'm sorry but if I were in the situation some of those workers are in I'd probably be setting fires and smashing up factories too! No, sorry, scratch that!... I'd probably be setting fire to management!
@baraghy3627 3 жыл бұрын
I'm never for distruction of property private or public But unionizing and guillotines are a great antidote for shit living conditions
@TheCod3r 3 жыл бұрын
@@baraghy3627 agreed. Violence solves nothing, but when treat your workers like scum you will get scummy actions in return
@Vanillasundaty 3 жыл бұрын
I do agree with you points. When I was a procurement engineer (buyer) at Japanese automotive factories, we investigate many dimensions of subcontractor. Over a reasonable price, we investigate their production methodology, toolings, QC, environmental effect, financial, and the worker welfare. There are some cases that company cut the annual bonus that cause massive revolt which delay the final product shipment about half-year. The big company usually careless about this problem.
@bflippsytrance 3 жыл бұрын
Plant inspections and quality control may have been difficult the past year but 6 months is indeed a long time. Wistron is not a small fish and it's a shame to hear this happened in one of their plants. Their customers, including Apple, should at least demand this to be investigated and corrected. Not saying it's an excuse, but it could be lack of control in cv19 times allows mismanagement to go rampant and unchecked. All it needs is some extremely narcissistic and/or incompetent people in the wrong positions. Just the idea that they're trying to deflect it as externally instigated, knowing people haven't been paid for many months is beyond me. Do any of them go about without being paid for labor?
@andriytroyan3888 3 жыл бұрын
The sad truth is it won’t even put a dent to Apple’s sales
@minavanderleest9493 3 жыл бұрын
Do you think other tech companies are different? We are addicted to our phones, iPad, computers, and games.
@kelper205 3 жыл бұрын
Mina: yeah. Apple is a bit worse than the rest
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
Only if people stop talking about it.
@effexon 3 жыл бұрын
This is perfect reason we need right to repair and "support" small businesses. I've seen amazing things people do solo in youtube channels. In electronics. Using their precious time and often money also. With support I just mean remove lobbying advantage and monetary support and so called "networking" benefits of big companies, to give chance for these small businesses. Dont matter if those dont grow to apple level insane size or even midsize, but to keep competition and choice in this industry.
@qkitselectronics5415 3 жыл бұрын
You are a great voice for the hidden people. Such a good thinker! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@mayur619 3 жыл бұрын
These same people care so much about minorities and their livelihood within their locale but have zero qualms about human beings in other countries living far worse conditions due to their favourite company trying to cut prices(on manufacturing side).
@spazzypengin 3 жыл бұрын
They don’t actually care about minorities, they just claim that they do so they can feel good about themselves.
@radio657 3 жыл бұрын
slavery was never abolished or was just rebranded to corporatism
@GaniBebri98 3 жыл бұрын
Same shit happened in CT, lawmakers in the 90's when the state was getting a surplus year after year decided that they didn't need to pre-emptively fund their pension liability. Things went bad and now were fked.
@lord_wyran 3 жыл бұрын
Louis, you'll never see this comment but if you ran for office in any capacity you would have my vote in an instant. I honestly believe you would bring a degree of honesty, respect, and integrity to any office you ran for that we haven't seen since in a long long time and I'm grateful you do these videos.
@Jcewazhere 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not a communist, or even a socialist, but I am way further left than Louis and still find him agreeable on many things. Right to repair obviously, but also the sustainable businesses, looking at all sides of an issue, not being a fanboy or hater of any company/group/individual but instead judging them based on their actions and goals.
@Zb_Calisthenic 3 жыл бұрын
seems logical.
@jessyg17 3 жыл бұрын
13:11 This reminds me of the case of Annie Dookhan, a lab chemist whose job it was to test alleged drug samples and identify the substances for criminal cases. For years her colleagues called her super woman; she was testing over 500 substances a day when all the other workers might complete 100. She was the best employee, doing far more work than anyone else... Until someone finally took a closer look at her. As it turns out, she was just randomly guessing about each substance and throwing out whatever answer she wanted. She never actually tested any of them. This called into question more than 21,000 convictions going back over several years, because none of her work could be trusted. Some people were released from prison or given a new trial, but no one can say just how many were innocent and wrongfully incarcerated. *edited because words are hard
@davidb3979 3 жыл бұрын
In the UK, a company has to know. There is no pleasurable deniability over this type of thing and they will get large fines when caught which forces companies to ensure they are investigating their supply chain.
@wildonion99 3 жыл бұрын
One hopes those new laws coming to the EU that make companies liable for violations down the line in suppliers and sub-contractors will have an effect. I have my doubts...
@firefly618 3 жыл бұрын
I think it will have a similar effect to the "cookie/privacy laws." Meaning: it will make everyone pissed, it will add layers of complication to simple things, without solving the underlying issues, it will make people more creative in finding loopholes... BUT, it will get everybody to talk about the problem and make them conscious that the problem exists. Which is the first step to possibly solving it.
@rickarmbruster8788 3 жыл бұрын
The EU only wants their own monopoly, they claim alot and do the direct opposite. You get poisoned food in the EU, approved by EU regulations.
@nathangreen670 3 жыл бұрын
With stuff and issues like this, I have a feeling you would get overwhelming support from all political parties because from what I see, this is just about being a good and decent person, not politics.
@InfernusdomniAZ 3 жыл бұрын
@Christopher Grant The only reason the prices go up is because the corporate level of the company still wants to make 150 times what there lowest payed employee makes instead of 100 times or 50 times like it was in the 50 and 60. Prices don't increase because of increased cost, they increase because of increased greed of people at the top.
@dogfacedponysoldier5971 3 жыл бұрын
@Christopher Grant Bs they move companies overseas and tell us its to be more competitive but the prices don't go down while their payroll does.
@charlesmcg 3 жыл бұрын
@Christopher Grant I swear I've seen a name for this phenomenon somewhere but I can't for the life of me remember what it is. It's basically that there is a perception that lower prices indicate lower quality, and below a certain price for a given product, sales begin to fall because of this perception.
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
@Christopher Grant Do you actually know this or are you just going with what someone else told you?
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
@Christopher Grant The difference is in the effort you made to check. If you're just accepting stuff you want to hear, then that will continue to snowball. It will take much more time and effort to recover from that than if you put in a little extra effort at the beginning. With extra effort, the conclusion is more true. Like you mentioned, there are psychological reasons to keep digging a hole after a sunk cost. It is important to me to know when it is useful to stop digging.
@Dargubus93 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's not bad, that Louis missed his date. now he has someone, who would direktly come help him pick up the trash.
@Arandomguyat1 3 жыл бұрын
No company will ever dare to push the workers to that limit ever again in India. M surprised why did the employees did not do it earlier.
@Bialy_1 3 жыл бұрын
Funy thing about this argument that it is not a slavery is that in Ancient Rome slave was entitled to 10% of value of his work and 7$ per month is much less than 10%...
@GeorgeMonet 3 жыл бұрын
Not agricultural slaves...
@TheDennisgrass 3 жыл бұрын
On KZbin's promo feed, I saw Louis Rossman's face, and below his face it said "Stupid and Stupider. I thought, "seems about right", and I clicked!
@davidgeorge6278 3 жыл бұрын
When I was 15 years old, I had a shit job at Burger King. One month my boss was late paying me by a day, and then threatened to not pay me at all. So I got a metal bucket we used to mop the floor, I filled it with boiling oil from the deep fryer, and poured it over his head and back while he was serving a customer, and disfigured him for life. I ended up going to court for it, but I was underage so nothing happened to me. As the years went on, the manager stayed with Burger King and got sent to different branches. Each time he was moved to a new town, I would wait for the place to close late at night, and I would jump him, some times with a baseball bat, some times just kicking him half to death. I am not close to 40 years old, and have beaten him senseless at least half a dozen times. The most recent one being 3-4 years ago. I also terrorized his family, destryed his mother's car, and put stones through his window on several occasions. The moral of the story, is pay your staff.
@riomio7852 3 жыл бұрын
@beardedlady6291 3 жыл бұрын
Love this guy. Such a hero for the everyday person.
@rossmanngroup 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not a hero, I'm as much a piece of shit as anyone. Just not as much of a piece of shit as wistron management.
@thephilosophersstoned3796 3 жыл бұрын
@@rossmanngroup My man look into the Asch experiments and then report back to us that you aren't one. All it takes is a few of us hard asses standing up for whats right. The Asch experiments demonstrated that Human Beings will go for social cohesion and knowingly lie to your face to keep the peace unless there's at least one other person willing to call a spade a spade. I'm right there with you, we're still human, in no way shape or form should we be idealized or idolized, I just know the human psychology enough to say with full knowledge that yes, stands like this, your way of seeing things, is fucking heroic, is vital, is important. I don't say it one fucking bit to feed some egoism, I say it the way you spread your wisdom, it's something that needs to be said, whether you want to see it as a medal or some far flung opinion of you is entirely out of my hands.
@grumpysteelman 3 жыл бұрын
@@rossmanngroup - you’re an asshole, not a piece of shit. You’re a businessman with a profit motive, sure, but you are also an advocate for clear thinking. You care about your employees, honesty and fairness, and that’s an example that some minds really need to see. You add something to this world, and you are at least a minor hero, asshole.
@aznheadbanger 3 жыл бұрын
Whataboutism does not help win arguments.
@Audiogeek-kf2ez 3 жыл бұрын
At the Rossmenn network, Louis roasts Apple and it's assinine sub contractors(not the workers) no wonder apple is worth so much, it does not pay it's employees.
@andrievbastichy8551 3 жыл бұрын
am i the only person that finds his delivery totally hilarious...? logical on point arguments and views.. and hen the bonus the delivery... thats why i enjoy his videos..
@theangryvorlon1 3 жыл бұрын
The lack of ethics is not only isolated to the third world companies, but occurs everywhere, including here in the United Sates. I used to work at a company that repaired cellphones and had many arguments with management about looking the other way when others were cheating the system to get massive rewards by cutting corners. There were multiple times that I would see boards with sticky syrup still on them on supposedly repaired products, and if the screw could not be spotted it was skipped. They would constantly push everyone past what could be done properly, then ignore it when the iBombs went off when iPhones were rushed together and had screws stuck to the batteries puncturing them. I hate seeing people going threw what these factory workers did, but when treated like disposable garbage by a company it does not take long to reach the point that you want to just let it burn, and i have no empathy for companies that have losses due to there mistreatment of employees like that.
@pappaflammyboi5799 3 жыл бұрын
Being a fanboy very closely resembles dogma, religion, and identity politics. It certainly has little to do with facts, evidence or objectivity.
@Jcewazhere 3 жыл бұрын
Dying for prophets == religion. Dying for profits == capitalism. Dying for dictators == authoritarianism. Lot's of people still like the first two, though they do seem to be getting less popular. It's nice to see at least the third one is getting much less popular. At least in America it's only a portion of the most die-hard Trumpets that would see him as king.
@chrish7307 3 жыл бұрын
@@Jcewazhere Its strange how the word profit and prophet sounds so similar.
@welcometomylifeat50 3 жыл бұрын
next time they vote " being a democratic nation " insist on a robust labor law. We enjoy such labour protection which is why when Louis sees this wage injustice he is so horrified and calls it "slavery". just weak labour laws son.
@sicily7220 3 жыл бұрын
I work for and have worked for Fortune 500 companies. I can tell in my experience the number 1 thing we focus in an outage or disaster is making sure payroll is out.
@suchaluch5615 3 жыл бұрын
I'm really impressed. 1.) There are some people, that are incredible good in their field (as there are many fields)... 2.) There are few people, that are incredible good in their field and keep beeing modest, too... 3.) There are few people, that are good in educating people and transferring sound knowledge in an interesting way... 4.) There are few people, that have enourmous social competence and use their voice to try to make the world a better place... The chance, that two of these points describe one person, is small... The chance, that three of these points describe one person, is very small... The chance, that all of these describe a person is virtually zero. Yet Louis repeatedly shows this. I'm wondering if these are really his thoughts he presents... There is at least the possibility, that someone writes his scripts, but I doubt it. And even in describing dire situations, he is able to throw in a joke like citing dilbert :-D So I'm really blown away and want to thank you! Keep up the good work!
@justicewarrior9187 3 жыл бұрын
Funny how ZERO Media in the US covered this
@Rochester92G 3 жыл бұрын
Trump bashing is more important to forward their communist agenda.
@justicewarrior9187 3 жыл бұрын
@@Rochester92G Off course CCP owns America and Europe
@williammielenz3752 3 жыл бұрын
"don't go on strike boy, just show up for work every day and do a crappy job" Said Homer Simpson to his son Bart.
@athulshaji1754 3 жыл бұрын
Well explained, Louis.
@stephenirving1737 3 жыл бұрын
You are 100% correct Louis. This is slavery without a doubt. I have had a lot of experiences working with Indian workers. The firms and factories always use so called "employment agencies" . A worker looking for work will have to go through these so called agencies in order to find employment. The agency will demand an enormous up front payment to place a person in a job which most likely will be paid with a loan or an enormous proportion of the workers wages. The agency will often also change the terms of the contract after employment has began, the workers are usually so desperate for work they have no choice but to concede to the new conditions. This is Indentured labour AKA slavery.
@yallneedjesus5465 3 жыл бұрын
Love you calling out the people trying to bully you. Keep up the solid unbiased work.
@mistamaog 3 жыл бұрын
We should group all these videos into a podcast, I enjoy listening to them at work.
@krpkrp3033 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Louis, imparting knowledge that university and collages don't teach, good business ethics.
@johnmcginnis5201 3 жыл бұрын
Sad to say, in much of the corporate world, ignorance is bliss.
@slideszi 3 жыл бұрын
Well said Louis. Much respect
@CrimTube 3 жыл бұрын
I am disturbed by the amount of comments here that think this is ok.
@CrimTube 3 жыл бұрын
I mean seriously why the fuck do you liberals accept this yet demand higher wages and the whole nine yards? Biden ain't giving you shit!
@captainsumtingwong889 3 жыл бұрын
Louis Rossmann? More like, Louis Roastmann.
@mikelawson3315 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Louis, it's so sad that you “have to” make so many videos about so many things that go wrong in this (tech) world, instead of making content about things that you are passionate about: fixing things and making customers happy. The world is sometimes so fvcked up and it seems that a lot of people don't give a damn sh1t about it. We consumers should let the companies know that we are not OK with what's wrong, by stopping buying their products until they consider changing direction ... I have to admit: wishful thinking :-( Anyway, thank you for your work, your honesty, and your courage to speak up the way you do. I hope and wish, that you will be rewarded with a change in a positive direction! I wish you all the best, a wonderful holiday season and hopefully a much better 2021. All the best and stay safe... Best regards from Switzerland.
@Ra1276 3 жыл бұрын
Wage theft, Seller's theft, and buyer's theft ❤
@msurkan1 3 жыл бұрын
I don't want to diminish the harm, or injustice, being done to workers who are powerless to be exploited by employers, but there IS a difference between slavery and indentured servitude. Many people came to the US as indentured servants, forced to work for an employer for a period of time (often seven years), with almost no rights regarding compensation, working conditions, etc. As bad as it was for indentured servants in the Americas their lot was FAR better than those who came shackled in chains, who were bought and sold at auction, had masters tear families apart and make breeding decisions for them. The fact that actual slavery is worse than indentured servitude in no way indemnifies the inhumanity of indentured servitude, but we can at least acknowledge that slavery is worse.
@joejane9977 3 жыл бұрын
Keep reporting the TRUTH the more you know the better APPLE products should be listed as CONFLICT MATERIALS The truth will set you free thank you and keep them coming love your RANTS/common sense Videos
@asmodeusz28 3 жыл бұрын
If you're resorting to technicalities and whataboutism to defend slavery, you need some freaking perspective!
@Cyphlix 3 жыл бұрын
Wagie wagie, get in cagie. -Tim Cook
@heimoaigenbauer5206 3 жыл бұрын
I´m always fascinated about the political understanding of the USA. I´m from Europe, I´m Sozialist, a sort of Anarchist, vote for the Socialistic-Democratic.Partie and singed in the Labor Union when I started working at the age of 15. If the USA want to be still called the Land of the Free, you should really work on your Democracy. Free your mind, we won the cold war. Communists are just a part of the Society and it does not matter if they or an other fraction of the Labor Union starts to protest. Okay if the Union of a Christian Conservative Partie would start a protest in first place, you really should be afraid, because something went really South.^^ But for real, Louis Rossmann has a good point: No Business Owner has to be worried to have Communist, Socialists, Anarchists or what ever fraction as there employees, as long as they treed them well, in this capitalistic world we life for now. Long way to go, until we life in a world like Star Trek.
@michaelpenko7529 3 жыл бұрын
There needs to be laws on the books to prevent this. Maybe when any publicly traded company is found to be profiting from slave labor (this was slave labor, anyone who says otherwise is an asshole), that company's CEO should be criminally liable. Smaller businesses that don't have the resources to keep track of every step of their supply chain is one thing, but you are absolutely right. Companies like Apple absolutely have the resources to make sure the people making their products are making a living wage. I doubt it would even cost that much, and they could brag about it in their marketing, and that would be beneficial for everyone. The workers are able to support their family, and apple gets incredible marketing material.
@zodiaccowboy2131 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine being paid seven dollars a month
@ianmontgomery7534 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine only having to spend 5 of them. I guess that doesn't apply but remember it is not how much you earn that matters it is what you can buy with it. Costs in one country can be far different to others. When i worked in China I could have survived on USD 600 per month and still had a 2bedroom apartment - i wouldn;t have had a fabulous standard of living but would have been Ok.
@kenpachi6979 3 жыл бұрын
@@ianmontgomery7534 no one in India can live with with a salary of 7 dollars a month. For an Indian to have to have a decent lifestyle and raise a family say 2 children, they atleast need a salary of 400 (inr 30000) dollars per month. The cost of living especially in cities have increased tremendously in the past few years
@ianmontgomery7534 3 жыл бұрын
@@kenpachi6979 Thanks for that. Does that apply to country areas or only the cities?
@duckersduck3096 3 жыл бұрын
@@ianmontgomery7534 you could technically live in a ghetto in the poorest part of the country on 200$ a month but that would reduce your life span tremendously
@ianmontgomery7534 3 жыл бұрын
@@duckersduck3096 Thanks for that. I get sick of people saying you can't live on this amount when they really have no idea of what the cost of living is in the country they are talking to. I am now a lot better informed thanks.
@swordpanda7panda795 3 жыл бұрын
Apple we care! slave worker : can i hab my pay? Apple : how dare you ask for pay ! Tim Crook : we don't do that here
@casfren 3 жыл бұрын
Critical thinking and fact cheking in SOOO important. and I really apreciate the explanation you did. A very good way to practice critical thinking is knowing someone that has oposite views from you. for exaple-: I know a very inteligent person that has many oposite beliefs than me, and this is good, we can discuss theese things with out taking it personaly and get many arguments in favor and against you own ideas. I have become more neolibral (by european standarts) and i am happy about changing my pespective, because that means that i have learnt that there are better ways of doing things. sorry for the multiple mistakes, inglish is my third language and im also teribly dislexic.
@TahtahmesDiary 3 жыл бұрын
So the guy who led a protest was arrested but not the people who weren't paying their workers?
@NightsReign 3 жыл бұрын
Being an Anarcho-Communist myself, I'm _keenly aware_ that you're not a communist, Louis. However, I'm a utilitarian and pragmatist at heart, so boycotting things/people/concepts simply because they don't precisely fit some aesthetic I'm after is *a ridiculous neoliberal notion.* Maximizing comfort/happiness/efficacy, but observing harm-reduction above all actually makes a difference, where performative bluster does not. I've always viewed you (and by extension, your content) as an advocate for the rights of _all_ workers. I know from your previous rants that much of that has come from your negative personal experiences within Capitalism, having been screwed over by coworkers, supervisors, associates, employees, "friends/family", strangers, etc. and not wanting to kick down. Relentless propaganda for decades have tainted the words "Communism", "Anarchism", and "Socialism". Furthermore, an extreme amount of people decry all 3, while having no clue about what they speak, so I won't try to breadpill you. You're a Capitalist, and I can respect that, but you clearly aren't the typical Capitalist ghoul that leftists like myself rail against. The type of cretin that flaunts their wealth, insults the less-fortunate for not having wealth, justifies predatory practices, etc. You've always struck me as the style of Capitalist that isn't ruled by greed, comfortable in not imposing upon others just so you can take more. Comfortable with sharing, even if just sharing your knowledge. In the free market of ideas, perhaps Capitalism wouldn't feel *so much like a death cult* if it were populated with more of your ilk. I appreciate everything you do, Louis Rossmann, irrespective of your motivations. I'm very comfortable considering you an ally. *There's an egalitarian lurking within you.*
@michealkinney6205 3 жыл бұрын
I feel that there are enough negative, dare I say straight up "dumb", comments to say I very much enjoy your content Louis. Keep it up and thanks for an intellectual take on what's going on in the world at large. That alone is nice to see but I also enjoy the tech angle as is my own interest. Clearly others know this as you have over 1.5 million subscribers (me included), I just don't think it's something often explicitly stated. I personally think "we" like to turn a blind eye and ignore it, but there's good reason other countries dislike Americans and much like you said in the first part, I think we should examine why (both sides of the story). Best of luck and thanks!
@hm4steve 3 жыл бұрын
Very well said. Take good care of your workers and they will take good care of you.
@michaelpcoffee 3 жыл бұрын
Somebody has conscripted these people and forced them to work without their consent? Or; do they just want to force their employer to pay them more? Abusing the word 'slavery' does nobody any good.
@DigitalMoonlight 3 жыл бұрын
> Or; do they just want to force their employer to pay them the wages due? FTFY
@keithpennock 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder if some of the employees were actually human trafficked. The fact that they worked without being paid for 6 months it makes me wonder what leverage the business had over the workers that they did not leave to get another job, like holding their visa, passport or family member.
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