I made a friend
21 күн бұрын
Helldivers 2 is Sony's "screw you"
@crambow 6 сағат бұрын
The "problem" is very simple. It's Boomers.
@TheJamieRamone 6 сағат бұрын
"What's better for mountain climbing, flip-flops or dress shoes?" Oh, definitely dress shoes. They save the mortician so much time!
@VladMcCain 6 сағат бұрын
What I'm about to say isn't about climate change. Companies saying they are helping the climate change is a scam. Recycling in most places is a scam. As for the "lowering energy footprint"... Size of the apk, how many people connect to the servers, the amount of zeros and ones moving around have exactly zero impact on how much power the physical hardware use (servers that make up the "cloud") And as others say e-waste is getting more because after a year or 2 your device is not supported any more so you need to throw it away and buy our new and improved thing. That's the same hardware in a new box, and updated software.
@rbs427 6 сағат бұрын
Perfect words! So well said!
@ciarroam 6 сағат бұрын
The placards this company plasters on videos are proof the US government and Wall Street are in an evil league together to control all of us and stop us from starting better companies. If I see any placard on any video, I 100% know it's a lie. Look how they source the freaking UN. The UN? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA
@Apinitis 7 сағат бұрын
It does not applies to Spotify only, but I tend to use as few of things connected to the internet as possible (the only device I have, which can be "bricked" is phone). Some of that is by choice, some of that is by necessity. In general if any company even tries to speak about some abstract things, it's a red flag for me. Since in all of those cases, they pretend to care about something, but in fact they will use it as a cover for child labor or slave labor as well as poor practices, which produce more pollution than necessary in order to save a few cents by producing things in areas without environmental regulations in place.
@rbs427 7 сағат бұрын
Streamlining your finances. How perfect. 😂. You’re so so right!!
@cttommy73 7 сағат бұрын
Greenwashing is the ultimate corporate PR campaign. Just like EVs, it let's the richest people and the people in charge to do nothing but look like they are doing something.
@keitainaba3161 7 сағат бұрын
Spotify is allegedly "offering" refunds for car thing of you can show proof of purchase from a vendor per some news sites .... In those said news sites success rates are varied with mixed "wait" times
@mikeshobbygarage8150 7 сағат бұрын
Love your videos and your viewpoints. Thanks for doing the hard work.
@YABBAHEY1 7 сағат бұрын
It's all the modern day business model, 4 or 5 yrs of "growth", plateau, screw your customers, sell your stocks as quietly as possible, reboot under a new name. Say what ever to whom ever, it's all just advertising & window dressing after all. Environment, other people's retirement savings,etc.. none of it matters. What does is a trophy house, trophy car, trophy spouse & matching Jetskis for your impossibly obnoxious kids that'll continue your plague ridden legacy. Leeches never learn how to be beavers
@MJ-ge6jz 7 сағат бұрын
Girlfriend maintenance is exhausting.
@rharbin1 7 сағат бұрын
Another great video and stance against all the BS these companies are pushing. Screw having everything thing on the cloud! Keep up the great work Louis!
@plasmaman9592 7 сағат бұрын
BRAKING NEWS: It has just been confirmed that the person that wrote that 63 page report slithered out of a dumpster behind Planned Parenthood 24 years ago! They have been looking for that bio waste ever since to complete the shipment to the incinerator. Anyone knows it's whereabouts? Please contact Planned Parenthood and give them the location so they can fix their mistake.
@erikschiegg68 7 сағат бұрын
Next week muggers come with the speech: "Climate protection, hand over your means of causing climate change, and quickly! Are you foreigner?, your money and your smartphone, dude!"
@nychold 7 сағат бұрын
How you legislate "don't be an asshole": Any time a product (or part of a larger product) is discontinued or support for the product is discontinued, all source code and relevant technical documents for the operation of that product must be made available, including any devices or tools necessary for the upgrade of the tools by third party companies, and for the processing of any data transmitted by that product to a remote server. That's it. That's the law. You discontinue it, you are required, by law, to give the open source community the opportunity to support it themselves.
@timvlogtv512 7 сағат бұрын
To save the caterpillar, you should stream line the green house gases to be less idk man
@wilfdarr 7 сағат бұрын
HAHAHA You earned a "climate change" misinformation tag! LMAO!
@beavismount 7 сағат бұрын
You want to save the caterpillars? Reduce your video file upload size. That will stop climate change and slow down the wind.
@wilfdarr 7 сағат бұрын
If you're just catching on to the Green Revolution Scam now...I mean good on you, you're in the top 50%...🤷
@wozzie1492 7 сағат бұрын
@AzKat69 7 сағат бұрын
Sorry to say this but Louis was completely wrong on this one and Spotify was right. You see, by them being "green", they either meant their logo, or the money they made from all the losers who bought into the scam.
@felipedeoliveira6300 7 сағат бұрын
It's crazy, I actually bought an used Galaxy S9 plus, because of what I can use it for; gaming and multimedia with DEX, and it retains a lot of functionalities... while my Mom's Galaxy tab s6 lite, is getting shittier with each update, not only it became slower, the do "not disturb", does allow a lot of disturbances, I realized they removed access to some folders, funcionalities, such as use the device as a secondary screen for your PC, it can still do those things, but it requires a little bit of hacking... what's next, removing the function of the camera and others? or just forcing you to buy a new device every year?
@mwitters1 7 сағат бұрын
Fuck spotiy, when this gift card runs out on my account I'm just gonna torrent all my music and put it on an old MP3 player. Fuck all these companies, they wanna fuck me I'm never paying for anything ever again unless I absolutely have to.
@young-salt 7 сағат бұрын
100% streamline your finances. Spotify is pulling beyond scumbag moves and relying on the fact that most of their customers will just lay down and take it. Looking out for yourself is looking out for your neighbors, file the chargeback if you got burned on this one
@thewatcher7823 7 сағат бұрын
Lol that ending was funny. I don't want to imagine it, but this would go for everything else even remotely similar. Digital currency and ID comes to mind. Also, is anyone sure they actually own their house just because they kinda bought it? I think stuff like this is so much older. The Library of Alexandria was a massive archive where anything written would get taken. It was mandatory for any scrolls or logs from ships going into port to be taken and copied to the library. What happened to that library?
@Speaker264 7 сағат бұрын
That little rant about gameboy. I felt that.
7 сағат бұрын
Poor caterpillars. Maybe shave them next time so they're more aerodynamic
@w4439 7 сағат бұрын
Reset it and safely dispose of it in accordance with local waste guidelines is WILD
@jakeyoung4954 7 сағат бұрын
lol the un got a message put on ur video
@daniellemillerart 7 сағат бұрын
Been looking into some kind of decent semi portable speaker that isn't alexa/google and doesn't cost a fortune (I'm poor, this has been a half hearted venture until I get work again....the games industry has been hell this past year) and the few I tried I had to return quickly because they both required an app to connect to the bluetooth...but the app and the device used different bluetooth (device had the modern kind, the app forced it to work through an older-than-dirt kind) so you're stuck with shitty sound even though you paid for much better and can't use that. Bummer that the second one was especially bad with other problems because it wasn't just bluetooth and also had a slot for microSD card (not super practical since you can't go to a specific song you want, but better than spotify). I'm just so done with paying for spotify or any similar service for music, especially when I listen to like 4 albums on repeat and that's it. Only reason I have spotify is for podcasts since so many got leeched by spotify and then my old favorite podcast app just fell apart. Second I can find a decent small speaker though (I'd love a nice record/CD player but...broke and no space), no more spotify...and already working on just paying for what I can and pirating what isn't possible to pay for (or the artist is dead).
@DE-GEN-ART 7 сағат бұрын
thats what it was like at the ups sorting facilities before they laid us off and they replaced us with robots
@mayankjariya7148 7 сағат бұрын
Credit card charge back is a good idea in theory but if there is more than a few clicks, nobody is going to do that....
@meetshield2461 7 сағат бұрын
Humans aren't changing the climate.
@FUKTxProductions 7 сағат бұрын
lol is that the place between california and nevada? green on one side, beige on the other. hey you can almost see where blackrock city will be! (burning man)
@Anon287- 7 сағат бұрын
Louis is getting into his New Yorker bag on this one 😂 love it
@10Sambo01 7 сағат бұрын
Love your work Louis!
@KaosDeathLord 7 сағат бұрын
Last time I checked my file downloads doesn't emit gas.
@ChronoSquare 7 сағат бұрын
Most models on the earth's weather, all the mainstream science, FAILS to be anywhere near accurate to the reality we live in. We live on a planet that is affected by the sun and its solar weather - electric bombardment, cosmic rays, proton discharge... electricity is FAR more powerful than we realize. Look at the Qatar I think, their "new" discovery of electrifying clouds for rain-making flooding their city. Imagine what the effects of solar mass ejections, solar fares, etc are. MSS, main streaming science, loses money if they drop the pro-"green" narrative. They're just as susceptible to bribery as politicians.
@snow-dream213 7 сағат бұрын
Really AMDK sial, even though harm could be or already be caused from this speedster. Don't compare our police cultures to yours hor, ours are respected, not jialat like y'alls.
@ArvexYT 7 сағат бұрын
They must have fixed that design flaw with the Game Boy Pocket and later iterations as I don't remember ever having my Game Boy Pocket or Game Boy Color shut off when I plugged it into the AC adapter.
@d.robertdigman1293 7 сағат бұрын
"What do you do for a living?" "I... I, er, I work for Spotify." The crowd hushes, everybody shuffles away quietly.
@Carguy925 7 сағат бұрын
The audacity to do this when customers bought a shitbox for 80 dollars and then discontinue it and render it as e waste. 80 dollars in vain.
@c_o_m_e_t_ 7 сағат бұрын
I use an anti-clickbait chrome extension to replace thumbnails with a random frame from the video; in this case, it made the clickbait worse with a picture of Louis next to super mario land lol
@freman 7 сағат бұрын
Id love a diy spotify, i have decent internet finally and a large mp3 collection... The only thing Spotify gives me is seamless movement between devices and the car, it's actually a fairly decent experience. Any time ive tried to replicate it it hasnt worked out.