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Hello, witches.
O shit, two videos in one week? Must be a record. We in the Twilight Zone now, hoes. Jokes aside, I hope y’all enjoy this story about my toxic ex friend. She really hurt me quite a lot as a kid.
If you want to support me or see some of my art, you can visit the links below:
For business inquiries (or to send fanart):
To make my art, I use FireAlpaca. To record, I use Bandicam, and to edit, I use Lightworks Editor.
• hollow knight lofi bea...
/ 1565802395719700480

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@ridlcam 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to hear more school stories from you!! Growing up as the weird autistic kid, it's comforting to know I wasn't the only one who struggled with social interaction and hearing your story is super relatable :]
@spergsauce Жыл бұрын
Sounds like this girl was a textbook child neglect case. A lot of them act needy and insufferable like that when their family doesn't give them enough attention, or she has a broken attachment to her mom, or something.
@rottika Жыл бұрын
Honestly, really good point! In retrospect, she definitely could have had a troubled home life, and that certainly could have affected her.
@Cuppypaws Жыл бұрын
I know this person isn't actually named Jay but I know a friend who has that as their nickname and they are legit acting the same way I swear. They always cling on me, try to to hug me, try to get me to do stuff I don't want and is generally just very annoying. I thought it'd be funny to mention
@HorseAnimator Жыл бұрын
Hi! I have a kind of similar experience. So I was in like, third grade, now im in fourth, and my friend has matured a lot! Lets also call her J (her first name starts with that) and I met her in like 2nd grade. Every single day she called me for the whole year. So we regularly played roblox, BUT when I said “I dont want to play this game” she started doing a fit. Soon when third grade rolled around the corner, I started standing up for myself telling her, “I do NOT want to play with you” but then she started begging me. In third grade, I didnt tell my parents before it started getting very annoying. She even spam called me (called me multiple times) till it was the point she joined me and started begging me to play with her following me and I always left and then played a different game. Soon I answered her call and I told her I want to talk to her. So I started speaking, but she literally did not respect me ignoring me. So then I hanged up, blocked her number, and blocked her roblox profile. I was so annoyed with her, till the point I never hanged out with her and avoided her in school. After a while I told her and she was okay with it! She now matured herself and I am proud of that.
@Emoboy357 5 ай бұрын
tbh i used to be a little bit similar (in a sense that if anyone showed me any kind of kindness or even aknowlaged my pressensce i would latch onto them) in my defense i was young and had no friends so any potential candidates would get harrassed by me. I feel soooooooo bad for it especially because i did it to one girl who was defenitely the quiet doenst like to socalize kind of autistic kid sm and i made her so uncomfortable but fun fact, we're friends now because later on in school we ended up in the same friend group and those friends have actually not bullied me or SA'd me yippeeeeeee
@cyanidejam9737 2 жыл бұрын
#SyzygyQnA 1. Why did you start youtube 2. When did you start drawing 3. Are you a potatoe 4. How are ya?
@yourchaoticqueen Жыл бұрын
i had a toxic friend and they would always be calling me and my bestie rude things and spread rumors almost causing to end my 7 year friendship multiple times. they would always say like “i just want us all to be friends and live in a happy world” and bs like that. even when i started being friends with them i didn’t really like them because they would make lgbtq their whole personality and i support lgbtq but not when people make it their whole personality. even after they did really rude stuff, for some reason we would always forgive them. one time one of my other besties and a friend of mine were in an argument in the gc and the toxic person said to my friend “julian you don’t need them you only need me” and that was SO annoying. the skool counselor made my bestie and that person sign a no contact contract 😅
@Alyssa_Watson Жыл бұрын
Ok I got a question! How long have you been doing art? Also do you have any tips for inspiring artist? Also im am making fan art of you because first of all, you inspire me. Second of all your just a cool person 😎
@rottika Жыл бұрын
I've been doing art for a little over ten years; I probably started around age eight. I got more serious about it when I was twelve or thirteen and started posting my artwork online at that time as well. As for one tip I have for aspiring artists: I recommend you should focus on creating what you love and what you want to create as opposed to creating what you think other people want. Do what you love and don't worry about what others think! And hk,jguhklkgkhjkgytufgk /pos Thank you so much, you're too kind, literally. ;~; If you ever decide do fanart, feel free to tag me/@me on whatever platform you post it so that I'm able to see it. Thank you so much, genuinely.
@Alyssa_Watson Жыл бұрын
@@rottika Thanks for replying! I'll definitely tag you when I'm finished 😌
@Alyssa_Watson Жыл бұрын
I just finished the art, I had @ you but I don't know if it's working, so I just wanted to give you a heads up.
@rottika Жыл бұрын
@@Alyssa_Watson WOW, that was fast! /pos No, I didn't seem to get a notif from the @, do you mind posting a link to the art so I can see it? ^^
@Alyssa_Watson Жыл бұрын
@@rottikaOfc! kzbin.infoFa93PsH4su4?feature=share
@MalJaws Жыл бұрын
I may be late but #SyzygyQnA Favorite Pokémon type, and Pokemon of each type?
@Zuza.t 2 жыл бұрын
Your ex friend seems like she was a bitch. Sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine what it feels like to have your personal space invaded and pretty much destroyed without your permission. #SyzygyQnA Did any kind of media/fandom/artist inspire your art style? If so what are they? Also beautiful drawing! I love it! Also also Congrats on hitting 1k! U deserve the support and I wish you the best with growing your channel!
Here’s my story of a toxic ex friend of mine (sorry if this is long) In third grade, there was this new girl in town and she was assigned into my class, at first, I didn’t have any interest in her cuz I had another friend, but she really, and I mean REALLY wanted to be my friend, she would invite me on the swings with her and when I left, she would follow me, then we got along and became besties. Fast forward to fifth grade, she made a friend group that I was invited into. (There was a five of us to be exact.) At first, I felt welcomed and everything was fair, but as time went on, I felt like they were targeting me and my friend from third grade. (Btw, we were the only ones that weren’t Asian. Very interesting how we were the ones getting targeted the most, and the other girls weren’t targeting the ones who were Asian.) Two of the Asian girls would also try to take my lunch and put trash in it. (One of them was nice to me and didn’t do that) They would create some unfair rule right when I get into the game of four square and then once I got out it wouldn’t be allowed anymore. Finally, sixth grade comes, my friend from third grade moves to Georgia, so I’m left with the others. Now most of the story revolves around this girl in the group who I will name Debra, (for special reasons ;)) Half of my classes are with Debra. During the summer, I got better at art, and I would share some of my art with Debra, at first, she was fine about it and wouldn’t make rude reasons about it, but as I progressed with my style, she started asking questions like, “Why are the legs so thick?” It looks weird!” And “Is the hair sticking up?” They were demon horns. “Why does she have feet warmers?” It’s leg warmers, Debra. One time, when we were going to PE, she asked me why I would draw during class, and asked me all those questions listed up there, in an upset tone. I told her what she was doing to me and that I didn’t like it, and when she asked those questions again, I said, “It’s a style that I chose to draw in!” Or sm like that, and she said, “Well, I just think your artstyle id ugly!” Then, I started to get upset, then she said, “Oh come on, you know I’m joking!” Yeah well Debra, sorry to admit this but your jokes suck so much that not even Peter Griffin laughed and you should go to comedy school. She would also say stuff like, “Typical white boys.” And “Ew, white boys.” And when I said that was kinda of rude to me, (cuz I’m white) she said, “Well, you’re different because you’re a white girl.” One day, we had to do our mile run in PE and I was racing with Debra, (I didn’t really want to race but whenever I tried to get ahead of Debra she would cut me off, which she did multiple times.) Then, we were almost done, neck and neck. Then, Debra decided to pull out the bitch card, she decided to discriminate my art, I ignored her and ran ahead of her, I started to cry, not because of the words she said, I was used to that, it was because she decided to play with my feelings just to win a race that wouldn’t even improve our grade. Later, we became friends again, but I secretly was gonna do a test on her, I brought my sketchbook to school, then when I was done with my work in science class, I would pull out my sketchbook to look at my drawings and grab her attention, and see if she would be rude or not. (Spoiler alert, she did decide to be rude.) I was looking at one of my most recent drawings of a new oc I created, I listed all of his character traits and his design, I caught Debra’s attention and she grimaced. I was like, “What’s wrong?” And she was like, “Let me look at it.” After five, ten, or fifteen seconds, she said, “You draw some really weird stuff.” I told her we weren’t friends anymore, she didn’t take it seriously at first, then she finally realized, we haven’t interacted since. (It hasn’t been that long btw) Damn, this is long.
@seesawseesaw Жыл бұрын
I had a really similar experience to this with my friend from year 2-4. also with the tism, I didn’t even realise how bad she was until after we stopped being friends. she was really passive aggressive and mocking towards me, especially in art which is something we were both interested in, where she very clearly suggested that her art was superior and mine was shit. I would bring in things I thought were cool and wanted to show her and at the end of the day they’d be stolen. she tried gaslight me into thinking she had nothing to do with it but it was obviously her. I was too scared that if I confronted her she’d stop being my friend and I had no one else, so I got my mum to tell the teacher about it when it happened too many times. the teacher talked to the girl about it and the next day she came up to me and said she found my pencil case of gel pens on the floor next to where my bag was!! still lying. she had apparently been reported for stealing from other students as well. in year 5 a whole class full of 30 new students joined and she left me to join new friend group and didn’t even speak to me, tell me why she stopped being my friend or invite me to join, so I was alone with no friends for a whole semester. mind you I sat like 10 metres away from them during recess and lunch, so she could def see me. in year 7 we were sat next to each other in home room and we sort of became friends again because I had no one else in there (I had a new friend group by that point), but she left the school by the end of the year. in my first year human bio class in uni I was really antisocial because I hadn’t done human bio since year 10 and was quite behind, plus joined the class late so people were already making friends, so I didn’t really look at anyone or get their names. I then realised I had unknowingly been sitting next to her for SEVEN WEEKS. I hadn’t seen her in 5-6 years and I only recognised her because on that seventh week she finally had her recognisable glasses on. I now understood why she looked like she was purposely trying to isolate me from the group; she probably thought I was ignoring her on purpose, but to be fair she never directly addressed me, not that I remember. I felt too embarrassed to try and say something after so long, so I just continued to sit next to her until the end of semester…
@rottika Жыл бұрын
Gods, that was probably a roller coaster, my dude. I'm so sorry all of that stuff happened to you, my sincerest condolences to you on that one.
@seesawseesaw Жыл бұрын
@@rottika it’s all good. I gained a few much better friends after she left me, we’ve just gotta deal with our fair share of shitty friend situations first I guess 😭
@rougeakane Жыл бұрын
Omg I’m also autistic and I used to walk around and talk to myself too! So glad I’m not alone lol
@mossy_tylenol_dot_exe Жыл бұрын
Me too! Except im on the spectrum >•
@roachyharu Жыл бұрын
really off topic, but, you are like really REALLY cool for drawing a masa character. ur too underrated
@Shr00mGh0st Жыл бұрын
I really love your art!! Is it one of the characters for Masa work design's characters from the sisters story in Demon March??
@rottika Жыл бұрын
Yes, it is! Fellow MASA enjoyer, I see. ^^ /pos
@Shr00mGh0st Жыл бұрын
@@rottika i knew it! :DD Im a big fan of his, Demon March is a awesome bonus of onibi series!! :)
@shroomy__rxcks Жыл бұрын
@@rottika OH MY GOD
@fairnightmare Жыл бұрын
I had a friend in middleschool/beginning of highschool that was a lot better off than I was, and oh boy do I have some words. My family is poor, except for my Aunt's side (she does help us out a lot, and my Uncle even bought us a house because we couldn't afford where we were living before), so we never really had any snacks in the house, mostly ready meals to eat if we got a bit too hungry between meals since we only had two meals a day (breakfast and dinner. No lunch because one of my sisters and I were still in school), sometimes even just one meal a day, but they were usually really small. My friend, Ax, was always coming over because they were also friends with my sister that was only older than us by two years. They knew we didn't have much money, and their mom was always asking us if we needed help (which was always a no because my mom refuses help, even to this day and she doesn't have a job). Ax would always kind of gloat about things they bought, like new art supplies or merchandise for her new favorite anime of that week, but that wasn't that bad because my little cousins did it all the time. Worst part was that they ate most of our food whenever they came over, despite knowing we didn't have much and there was four people that food was being used to feed. I remember my oldest sister, around 8 years older than me and Ax, got really upset because it was part of the meal plan for dinner that night and she just kind of made it without asking. What did they make? and entire box of mozzarella sticks, pasta, and a lot of the fruit we had gotten because it was a particularly good week that month. they also kicked a hole in our wall because their boyfriend broke up with them. Ax was cheating on him for 3 weeks with his best friend and he found out about it through a mutual of ours. Ax was a really shitty friend, and the only reason I stopped talking to them was because they told me I was being irrational about my abuse because "it wasn't physical abuse, so it doesn't count." I cut ties real fast.
@moss0428 Жыл бұрын
#SyzygyQnA Do you have any tips for beginner artists/artists that want to improve?
@Rose-In-Wonderland Жыл бұрын
i had a friend a few years ago who was basically the same kind of person but one time we were doing maths together in the last couple of days of grade 4 and i asked her a VERY SIMPLE multiplication question (literally 3x1). she responded with an annoyed "i don't know, how am i supposed to know that?". the conversation before that was also pretty heated, so i got really angry at her, but i didn't really do anything after that. a few minutes later it the end of day bell rang and she was handing candy canes out. she gave all of my friends 2 candy canes and me one of them, i only found out after school when one of my friends were showing the candy canes, and i wanted to scream at her. this continued for about another year before she left and everything was better :D
@Weeping_Roses... 2 жыл бұрын
Really love the drawing in the back! But, I haven't had any Crazy Ex Bestfriends, I have had them before but that was mostly because they either left and couldn't care about me after that or annoyed me everytime they would keep my other friends away from me or people I was in a relationship with(Not in one now, not until I graduate) but have had people that hate me try to act like my friend and touch or take my stuff without my permission and some else telling me I shouldn't be being so rude about it(Don't understand why I wasn't allowed to be mad about someone disrespecting my boundaries-) but yeah, that's really only the type of stuff that I can recall that could relate to someone disrespecting boundaries And for #SyzygyQnA - Do you ever plan on doing any sort of art contests on KZbin or platform? And - What type of aesthetic or thing's in art that make you happy? (Aesthetic and art can be both answered or one that rather answer more)
@P1C0SL3FTF00T Жыл бұрын
as someone who was diagnosed w asd and is in special ed, it sucks balls
@Sinc3r3ly Жыл бұрын
Just gonna say I personally think it’s pretty ableist to call someone crazy especially someone who had to be institutionalized
@rottika Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I definitely agree with you to be honest, hence the title and thumbnail change! Thinking back on it, I realise I probably used the adjective "crazy" due to my feelings about this person, since she really hurt me as a kid (being a heavy contributor to my body dysmorphia and self-esteem issues that I still struggle with to this day). Regardless, it was below the belt and ableist of me to call her "crazy". Thank you for pointing that out!
@kadewylde4128 2 жыл бұрын
#SyzygyQnA Do you think a dog could learn how to paint? Asking for a friend :3
@michelletyler9161 Жыл бұрын
Omg, this is literally me and my cousin growing up and I HATED it.
@beejan7073 2 жыл бұрын
hullo hullo!! its really amazing to see you reach such a number! considering that i find that your videos tend to be really fun to listen to and watch i was expecting you to hit the a thousand mark a lot sooner to be honest :'0 as for the #SyzygyQnA , what are some specific artstyle traits you've noticed throughout your artwork? is there any that stuck with you ever since you've started doing art?
@VeronicaStorm98 Жыл бұрын
I'm an Aspie and a doll collector IRL (I mostly collect Shadow High, Rainbow High and Monster High currently and Veronica Storm is an anonymous account name inspired by one of my comfort characters) so I can relate to not wanting people to mess with my dolls (I get VERY overprotective of my comfort dolls especially and don't let anyone else even touch them). I always keep them on shelves in my room and I have them displayed in a specific order and in nice poses. I also had trouble making friends growing up and I literally developed social anxiety from all the constant, inexplainable, social rejection and a fear of even trying to make friends that I have experienced from that same social rejection over the years. People can be terrible and its unfortunate that you had to go through that experience.
@UsagiMay Жыл бұрын
I know this was kind of late and I don't know if I really want to get into the Whole story but I do remember when I first met my friends on discord we ended up (or at least they did) getting into a lot of drama and bs with like an ASMR KZbinr who's server we were in. it was- it was just a lot
@Canned-Tomato-Basil-Soup Жыл бұрын
Can’t believe I found another MASA in the wild!
@eyeofchutluke1608 2 жыл бұрын
I had a very big asshole ex friend that lost all his friends today.
@Syltrian_Drawz Жыл бұрын
Im sorry but when u said subscribble ^^ I kinda have that same situation going on at my school, theres this girl who LITTERALLY told a girl to go kill herself, no warning just that, she also jokes about bombing the school and shit, so yea everyone is afraid of her. She tries to befriend me but I stay out of that situation.
@4NTH0NY_D0E Жыл бұрын
in 4k-4th grade I had a friend named miles, miles was an odd kid, he would have mini tantrums all the time and we would get into arguments about the stupidest things. He was assertive to the point it was annoying and jerky. He would get way to into games and throw sticks at people. One time at the valentines dance my elementary school did he legit walked up to every girl he knew and one my one asked each of us to go with him, to which we all said no because we were 8. I’m not offended by that though I am offended that I was the second person he asked, I didn’t like him in the slightest (I’m a lesbian) but the nerve to ask me after my friend. The summer before 5th grade though he moved away and I was kinda just meh about it.
@ZarinaRoseYT 2 жыл бұрын
This story made me remember a girl who I slowly started to count as a friend But it went down hill fast because She bit me- Why honestly I don't remember It also wasn't the first time she tried to bite me but never really did until then- This was in 5th grade. Idk what she's doing now she moved away the next year :p
@rottika 2 жыл бұрын
Dude, that is fucking wild. I'm sorry that you had to experience something like that. 😟 /gen
@jadefoxette8603 Жыл бұрын
For a second there, I thought you were one of my old friends in 5th grade! I had actually bit a girl, with a name starting with Z, just like you. I’m pretty sure it was due to stress, but I had only bit her once, and honestly, she deserved it for being a crummy friend. (She had allowed this one girl to put glue in my hair, apparently she had been told that she wouldn’t get in trouble. What an idiot.)
@ZarinaRoseYT Жыл бұрын
@@jadefoxette8603 Lol my irl name isn't with a Z (It's verryyy close to my user name though lol) And yeah she really sounds like she deserved it! Just oh my goodness 5th graders are crazy or a mix of the crazy and the more calm lol
@jadefoxette8603 Жыл бұрын
@@ZarinaRoseYT Yeah, it was the worst year of my schooling career. Only two more years to go though, so it’ll be alright.
@LunNightMoonLight Жыл бұрын
Bingeing your videos
@GalacticMelody6181 2 жыл бұрын
#SyzygyQnA when did you realize you were wiccan/what prompted you to start thinking about it
@bunabye27 Жыл бұрын
Ohh I definitely had a couple crazy friends 😭 I had a friend in middle school who became infatuated with my brother (even tho she'd never met him??), and kept asking for me to get him to draw something for her. I never followed through with the request, but one day when she asked again, I said I'd forgot, and she straight up slapped me across the face 😳 she was smiling too. Like omfg I can't believe I never saw any red flags with her 😭 She eventually dropped her obsession, but at the cost of her switching to obsess over ME, and she would leave weird love notes in my locker. I was still in very much denial of being queer at that point, so I don't remember how I got out of that one fr. I still have one of her letters, still sealed, and I often think about opening it. I've had other crappy friends but,, they weren't as PG.
@fahejastekercs3826 Жыл бұрын
I’m really glad that you “got rid of her” because she was really toxic. I had the same experience, I was friends with this girl, and in the beginning we had a great friendship tbh. But later on she did this guilt tripping thing too and she would really put me in trouble all the time. She would want me to go with her everywhere and wanted me to accompany her when she went home, even tho I live much further away. She wanted to meet up everyday after school, and didn’t care that I was tired all the time and just wanted some rest at home. I was a bit stupid for not standing up for myself earlier. I had enough when she wanted me to attend her acrobatics lessons with her even tho she knew that I’m not a sporty girl. We don’t really talk now and I’m glad. She was only using me because she was insecure as I think back of it. And now, she hangs out with the “cooler girls” and I have very few friends, so its annoying but I’m trying to focus on my studies rather than making friends
@rattainthewalls Жыл бұрын
I had a friend like this, but I was still in like 2-3 grade. And I yelled at her to leave me alone and that she "Wasn't funny!" And "Was a annoying small child who couldn't understand boundaries!", I quote exactly. She still COULDN'T GET IT. I lost it one day and shoved her. She cried but quickly forgave me and forgot that. I invited her to the swings on day and I pushed her so hard so fell off and I said, quote, "Your a meanie who can't get anything through her thick skull
@rheima 2 жыл бұрын
#SyzygyQnA what do you think of among us balls
@Cult_of_Onion. Жыл бұрын
you sound like my cousin that passed away a month ago, i started crying when i heard your voice. anyways, i loved the story, and you earned a new sub.
@carysjoy 2 жыл бұрын
#SyzygyQnA 1. What is your favourite movie or tv show? 2. Favourite youtubers? 3. What drawing tablet do you use? Also congrats on 1K. Your art is really cool and I love your videos
@Lilahh_Games 2 жыл бұрын
Im still suprised how underrated ur channel is, good luck getting more popular cuz u will
@UltraTsuki 2 жыл бұрын
I asked my mom for dino nuggets and she said no 😭
@rottika 2 жыл бұрын
Most tragic story I have ever heard. 😭 I will have you in my prayers.
@arty_mc_artist Жыл бұрын
Oh god, I had someone similar in 3rd grade 🤣granted 3rd grade got me a lot of attention for my very thick hair?? The girls in my class were very weird about it. 3rd grade was just strange in general lmao
@abookwyrmdraws 2 жыл бұрын
Eyyy congrats on 1k! You totally deserve it, your videos are interesting and fun My question(s) for #SyzygyQnA are: How did you get your username? (which sort of leads into how did you get into paganism? idk if that's too personal, no worries if you don't wanna answer)
@myiamoore7985 Жыл бұрын
I know this is really late but what is your favorite part of the drawing process btw if u see this hello and your art is very pretty #szygyqna
@rottika Жыл бұрын
Hi! Thank you for the compliment! My favourite part of thr art process is probably either lineart or shading. ^^
@unitlock Жыл бұрын
love listening to ur story telling, but hearing my name which i NEVER hear in any english setting had me taken back xD my name is also Aya! (assuming thats how u spell ur friend's name lol)
@Tully-tittles Жыл бұрын
Did we have the exact same ex friend- Literally I had this friend in third grade who forced us to be friends Thankfully she left next year though
@Zemii_100 Ай бұрын
Ok this kinda has nothing to do with the video but IS THAT DRAWING A MASA WORKS DESIGN CHARACTER ?? I love Masa’s work lol.
@angelviia 2 жыл бұрын
#SyzygyQnA 1. What's your dream vacation? 2. What's your favorite thing to draw?
@cat.mp3 Жыл бұрын
I literally thoguht that she was a damous ytber and then I realized she was a small ytber, these stories are so entertaining and the video quality is amazing keep up the good work i love your art love ur storytimes, hope you have a good day bye!
@alastor-thornehernandez3244 4 ай бұрын
i had a coworker who i was basically obligated to be friends with because we worked together, and we had the same shift, i worked at a coffee shop that was basically just a tiny trailer that neither i, she, nor our bosses two teenage daughters (who were lovely people, but i don't keep in touch with them since i moved on from the job) could fit in with anything close to ease. for context i had an IEP for autism, and got to do a summer program that paid interns to work for the three month summer vacation. i worked there with another girl, who i will call "Edina". i went to the same school with her that year, but she and i had never even once spoken to each other. but when she noticed me working there, she started talking to me and we seemed to get along (Because she was just the kind of person that i have to mask heavily in front of, not because she saw the real autistic and fun me). she asked me out at one point, and i said no, because i didn't like her that way, and i thought everything was fine. but she started to tease me during my shifts with her by pretending to get in my face, and pretending to hit me, which set off my PTSD. (my boss even told her that if she kept doing that, i would probably hit her, even if she didnt hit me). when i wasnt working with her, she would rant to my managers about how she and i were besties, and how she loved me so much, and my managers and i often spoke about how it was clearly exhausting and pushing me to my emotional and social limit to work with her, and i spoke about trying to get my shifts changed. she had a fun way of asking me to pay for her drinks, and asking for discounts, which the coffee shop couldnt give because they didn't make enough to do that, but they DID give them to her (i honestly don't know why). i told her one day, after being asked almost daily to pay for her food and drinks, that even though i am polite, i am reaching the end of my patience, and she needs to start paying for her own things, because even though i definitely COULD afford it, that's not something i was supposed to do, and nothing that i was OBLIGATED to do. she replied that she was sorry, and wouldnt do it again. BUT THEN!!!!! i got a text from my boss saying that i needed to cover her shift because she was sick and left early. i went in, and i was shown a post she had made saying, "i love [me] so much its eating me alive," "if youre just gonna drop me, dont lead me on. ghost me, fine, but dont lead me on". i was then told that i had to talk to her about it (which... i mean... weird but ok /lh /nsrs) and i texted her saying that it was unprofessional that she went and posted about it on a public platform. she told me that no, it wasn't public, only her friends could see it. i had to remind her that, no, its not private, the internet is public and permanent. she told me that *I* was unprofessional for bringing our coworkers (our managers, who SHOULD have known bc she was harassing me at work in other ways too that i wont mention here) into our drama. i got my shift changed, and i never worked with her again, but i got into the habit of not acknowledging that she was around. she would come in, give me dirty looks, and i would act like she wasnt there. she quit when my boss lifted her arm to smell her and tell her to go get deodorant. *happy macarena*
@Zombuu Жыл бұрын
i feel bad because i used to be a bit like that... now i dont make friends with people unless its online
@soulaxe 2 ай бұрын
When you talked about how it all started I got flashbacks to a friend I had exactly like that. We had the same name and the moment I was slightly nice and said how cool it was, she just took that as a sigh to attach herself. She was so overbearing, way to touchy and it felt like a literal nightmare 💀💀💀 and I love these story times!
@Candyy248 Жыл бұрын
Hmmmm never had crazy friends, too needy was the limit but they were not annoying v:
@Emily-ti4os Жыл бұрын
I had a pretty similar ex friend like this. She wanted me to be in a relationship with her and her husband, and I've told her multiple times I wasn't interested and she would get a bit upset and she manipulated me a bit which me and my family didn't expect into our home and she also did something that would leave a scar to my body and that was the last straw of her and know she is band from our home and I've blocked her
@nuzhdatsya Жыл бұрын
masa speedpaint!!1!1!1!
@margaretlee2571 Жыл бұрын
im not a socially awkward person i love to talk since I was born i had a lot of friends like 10+ friends i became popular since my whole school life started
@ssilverstarz 2 жыл бұрын
Syzygy finally getting the attention they deserve >>>>>>
@0AstroAnimations0 Жыл бұрын
#SyzygyQ&A When did you start drawing/joined the art comunity?
@allisnn39 Жыл бұрын
unrelated to the story but, is that character from a masa work design series?
@niconeeco4608 Жыл бұрын
Wow such a small channel :) I can't wait to be able to watch you grow as a creator ♥
@Michi_PØP11 Жыл бұрын
I don’t have a crazy friend story but in kindergarten before I was officially diagnosed with ADHD I would barely do my work and instead just talk to people, and when the principal came in to intimidate me into doing my work I just started talking to her, anyways a few months into kindergarten and my teacher told my mom that I had ALL the symptoms of ADHD and so she took me to a psychiatrist, and it was around 2nd grade when my parents finally decided that it was time I got on the medication. (The first time I took it I immediately spit it out into the toilet for some reason)
@silly_bunny985 2 жыл бұрын
how is your channel so small????? its so nice, ive been listening while doing other random things, and then i look at the art at the end!
@grizz3259 Жыл бұрын
the fucking not giving a shit about head lice sent me
@acatwithaknife Жыл бұрын
I had a toxic friend for awhile who eventually became my girlfriend it’s a very complicated story but basically she gaslit me manipulated me and at one point physically and sexually abused me. then I caught her talking about how annoying I was to some of my other friends and I broke up with her. Then she said she wanted to kill me behind my back and spammed my friend on Instagram calling her a h*e. she also stole my oc and sexualized them with her oc. I honestly wish I could make this up.
@magnoliacookie 10 ай бұрын
This is off topic but is the character you’re drawing for Masa Works Design?
@magnoliacookie 10 ай бұрын
@NebulaBubbles Жыл бұрын
#SyzygyQNA what's your sexuality? it's ok if you don't want to answer
@rottika Жыл бұрын
I already did my QnA, so I'll just answer that for ya here. ^^ I am bisexual, aromantic, and polyamorous. :]
@NebulaBubbles Жыл бұрын
@@rottika nice 👍
@DecayedEmber Жыл бұрын
@@rottika Polyam gang!
@Bycatszu Жыл бұрын
#syzygyQNA what are the worst things you’ve ever done?
@rottika Жыл бұрын
Already posted my QnA video, so I'll just answer here. ^^ I think that the worsts things I've ever done are probably cheating on tests and plagiarism in school, both things I did when I was younger.
@Bycatszu Жыл бұрын
@@rottika wow that’s more harmless then I thought it would be
@Sillywillywonkah 5 ай бұрын
Why are you so relatable
@MultiKwolf 2 ай бұрын
she loved u !
@We_are_funnie Жыл бұрын
#syzygyQ&A Bananas?
@rottika Жыл бұрын
Bananas. :]
@bradonbyrd8061 8 ай бұрын
My my my
@SoftieBara Жыл бұрын
This unfortunately reminded me that in early or mid junior high, my sister had a friend whose own sister wanted to come over and get to know me. I'm not really one for high energy and super physical friendships right off the bat, especially wasn't into it then. So when she came over, my anxiety rode high. At that point I was still very perplexed by my identity and uncomfortable with myself(I was living as a girl still then when I'm transmasc) so her high energy alone was offputting. Then she just kept getting too close. I am one of the last people to ever say to anyone that I need them gone but when she insisted we play dressup, I hesitated for a moment and told her no, that I was very uncomfortable and even mentioned I straight up couldn't get along with her. To this day I have never told another person that I can't tolerate them. While it felt terrible to have her leave in tears, I was so glad she was out. I don't believe I've ever been more uncomfortable in my own bedroom than that day.
@TylerSolace-kw9pl Жыл бұрын
Ngl she probably had a crush on you
@TylerSolace-kw9pl Жыл бұрын
@electrofonickitty823 Жыл бұрын
I had friends like this in school in Colorado. This girl was a total psycho, she tried to talk about how I was on drugs, when I wasn't. She used this, "she's in special ed so therefore she must be on Ritlin," I wasn't of course but she kept saying I was until my sister told her what she saw me taking was Tylenol for a headache, yeah what a pain. I had massive headaches due to my glasses and lazy eye. This insane girl had to be basically told by her parents to stop harassing me.
@Enzi1982 Жыл бұрын
I used to attend this private school (rich and stuck up brats mostly) and since from start they singled me out (I was away alot for doctors). By the end of grade 2 I became friends with these two girls, they would bully me if there was game I always it, unless it was my birthday (I know very considerate). On this one time (we had to learn Japanese at this school as well), my leg had been hurting really bad (you have to sit on the floor if you weren’t injured if you were then you got to sit at a normal desk but there was only one) I told this “friend” that I think I am going to ask the Sensai if I could sit there, the “friend” lied and told the teacher that they needed to sit there. I had to sit on the floor in pain because I was too scared to say a word 😭. Their mother loved me though, after I moved schools I stayed in contact for a bit then idk it just faded but I am glad cuz they were quite toxic
@SplashDoesArt Жыл бұрын
Boy do I have a story to share. So my friend, K, and I had this one friend, we're going to call her... E. Okay, so E had been friends with us for YEARS before I and I started to notice some… questionable traits she had. I'll be honest, I wouldn't have noticed these traits unless a friend of mine (who basically had her childhood ruined by E. We'll call her L) pointed them out to me. Now, for months I kept what L said in mind and continued to be friends with E… at least until E started getting increasingly more toxic. She continuously flirted with both me and K when she knew that we didn't feel the same way. She actually started flirting with me right after I came out as Aroace, and she started flirting with K as soon as she came out as bi. E had also been sticking her earbuds in at lunch which is practically screaming "leave me alone" and hadn't been trying to jump into conversations for a while, then she just blamed it on K and I for not talking to her. She started speed walking away and not turning around even when I called after her when we went to walk home from school together. She sat by me in classes, but didn't speak to me. Then she seemed to start dropping me as a friend, as when I was gone from school while sick, she was super chatty. The thing is, she's trying to become closer friends with K even as she ignores me. She's especially super unrespectful about L and my friendship with her. E just calls L a brat and says she "traumatized her." On the other hand, L is completely respectful about my and E's ongoing friendship and has been super kind in pointing her concerns out, even when I know for a fact that E bullied her for a while. E never asked if K and I needed to rant. And if we did rant to her she either said "lol that sucks" or "sameeee" and then went on to rant about something that happened to her. She never listened to K and I's side of things or our opinions. E blamed her avoiding me on me being a jerk to her because she came out as lesbian to K and I. She actually started telling everyone that when we started pulling away from her and her also questionable friends. It always needed to be about E and she always seemed to be trying to get us to pity her. To quote L "Can K ask her what E felt the need to forgive me for? Because like. She would get mad over something stupid, I would cry and apologize, and she would "forgive" me, like what did I even do in the first place?" This is only one example of what L said but I don't remember the rest off the top of my head. K and I didn't always feel we can really chat openly around E because she gets super offended about us talking about the book we're writing together or a discord server she was kicked out of because she made a rude comment about me and then didn't apologize and actually got mad at L for pointing out she made a rude comment. E was supposed to help me on the graphic novel that I am making, but didn't get on the doc, plot, help make characters, or anything. She was on the doc once, and that was when we first began the process. Her excuse was that she had a terrible summer because she twisted her ankle, and that if I wanted her to help I should have told her to get on the doc. Then she immediately said that I should have split the work for the graphic novel evenly. We had tried to bring all this up to E, but she never listened, and K and I were too timid about ruining our friendship to just outright talk about it for a long time. She actually texted K and I and called us "fake friends" and then followed it with a "no offense" The last straw was when she blamed my brother for something she did herself. That's when I dropped her as a friend. K continued to be a friend to her, though was wary about things. E continued to be toxic and even ended up saying she forgave K and then wouldn't explain further when K asked what about. Eventually, K dropped her as a friend as well because E got mad at her for having other friends. We did write E letters to explain why we weren't going to be her friends anymore, and even told her that we wouldn't be outright unfriendly or anything. In her response letter she said "I forgive you and once we switch schools next year I'll try and be your friends again!" Point is, E was awful and we're not friends anymore. This was kind of all over the place, but I hope some of you at least read through this and realize that one of your friends are acting the same and that it might be better to not be their friend. If someone continues to hurt you over and over again without you getting anything in return, it's not worth sticking with them. Your mental and physical well being is more important than staying in a hurtful relationship. I know it might be hard, but sometimes it's better to just let go. Stay safe everyone
@Sodastarss Жыл бұрын
Question: what’s your opinion on those like family KZbin channels?
@jackvaljack1515 2 жыл бұрын
#SyzygyQnA if you were to take the political compass test, what’d you think your results would be?
@dr_sus1122 Жыл бұрын
oh, knife threatening... pretty normal for my family
@PanicaUnknownLikesBoob Жыл бұрын
What's your favorite color :>
@teoh91 Жыл бұрын
I'm not diagnosed but I relate a little too much to your stories and your experiences, I was always direct but I didn't really want any confrontation as well, and I would stay alone in class during playtime, just drawing because that was, and still is the most important thing for me 🧍‍♀️ I used to have a friend that was toxic and abusive, more like boundary crosser and she just randomly spawned and adopted me as her best friend(I didn't think about her that way), she would destroy my belongings(wich was triggering me so much i was crying all the time), touch me for no reason, she also used to call me daily, and at some points, I would answer, but she was wasting so much time of my life, like hell nah, I'm not gonna spend 3 hours to talk with you on phone so you can call me again 2 hours later. Anyway, she was still the one doing all the talking, I don't really remember what she was talking 3 hours anyway, I didn't really care but I do remember her trauma dumping and venting around me all the time. She attempted su1c1de like 4 times while on call with me and at that point it was just exhausting. It was when I started having a crush on a girl that she HATED, that she stopped talking with me, and spreading rumours and made my whole elementary class hate me(didn't really affect me, because after 8 years I was still estranged with those kids so I didn't care). But yea🧍‍♀️ I guess I'm not the only one confused with boundaries. I know how to put them, no idea how to keep them.
@gayfrog2824 Жыл бұрын
i had someone like this omg it is so anoying at least i managed to get aceppted into a different shcool (secondary) and i got merchandise off her lol ($20 worth of stuff that i keep to this day)
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