Roundabout vs. 4-way stop, which one is superior?

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@earlsabir6338 3 жыл бұрын
No one has mentioned, but a roundabout can be a safer/convenient u-turn.
@alfrredd 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, and that way you can turn the American "stroad" into a safer and normal road without center turning lanes.
@Donnah1979 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I really prefer to use a roundabout, when I'm driving in the wrong direction.
@edgarvillamor3716 2 жыл бұрын
yea agree
@mattymerr701 11 ай бұрын
Like when you miss a turn you fucked up
@johntracy72 7 ай бұрын
True that.
@etou1146 3 жыл бұрын
In my experience, the reason a roundabout comes to a halt during peak hours, are the 4-way stop intersections with traffic lights before and ahead them.
@dinamosflams 3 жыл бұрын
Daaaamn, brutal
@tramvaj12 3 жыл бұрын
An if you have too much going left from both side of road can grid lock roundabout as well
@thilde007 7 ай бұрын
Calm down
@acrandal 2 ай бұрын
Yup. That's why it's tough to upgrade American roads in many places: you need to upgrade more intersections in a group to prevent the old stoplight intersections from stalling out the more efficient roundabouts that you just put in. Roundabouts move 30-50% more traffic than a stoplight intersection. So, if you replace one stoplight intersection near another one, the remaining stoplight becomes a choke point in the traffic flow. It wasn't before because *both* intersections were inefficient, but with a single one upgraded, then you could get backups from the stoplight into the roundabout. So, it's harder for cities to just incrementally replace the badly done intersections piecemeal. It needs to be done strategically and often in batches with infrastructure upgrades to replace the old stoplights in groups to enable the network to keep flowing well.
@CrHeUs 3 жыл бұрын
Let’s not forget fuel efficiency! At a red light/stop sign, you have to (are supposed to) come to a complete halt, meaning you have to use more gas when re-accelerating.
@honesty_-no9he 3 жыл бұрын
Not with an EV. Yet another reason to drive electric.
@meridgey 3 жыл бұрын
Yes so true. Also if you do have to stop it'll be for a short time, not like a red light which you can be waiting for up to 2 mins for the light to change to green.
@Alex1891 3 жыл бұрын
@@honesty_-no9he Actually with an EV, a vehicle would obviously use more energy accelerating from a complete stop than it would from maintaining some motion. All the more reason to improve how we make each node (read: vehicle) on the network interact at and around points of conflict!
@yuvrajshinde6082 2 жыл бұрын
@@honesty_-no9he Be it ICE or electric or Nuclear powered or hydrogen fueled or even be it bicycle or a running human, It is universal fact that acceleration from 0 requires more energy.
@381delirius 2 жыл бұрын
but also traffic lights can be synced in a way that you wouldn't have to stop when going at the speed limit. At every single roundabout you have to slow down or stop which does hinder fuel economy.
@andreashoppe1969 3 жыл бұрын
Italy is a country with looots of roundabouts. I love them.
@GururajBN 3 жыл бұрын
In India, as a former colony of Britain, we are accustomed to the Roundabouts - small and big ones, depending upon the road width. But lately, especially on the highways, intersections are preferred. But I think that the roundabout is safer, as it compels the driver to slow down. That’s a big safety factor. There’s no likelihood of head-on collisions, or hitting on the broadside.
@AvitalShtap 2 жыл бұрын
My local town is replacing a 4way with a roundabout and I'm SO excited!!! Traffic already flows better and my commute is easier even though it's still in the construction phase!
@knightwolf3511 11 ай бұрын
how about a update now?
@afiiik1 5 ай бұрын
Roundabouts are perfect for replacing 4 way stops.😊
@P.C_bug 2 жыл бұрын
I live in france and i never saw a 4 stop stuff like this but we have a ton of roundabout i remember i encountered 20 roundabout in less than an hour in bretagne and they are all unique with creative little gardens, fountain and statues
@toslaw9615 Жыл бұрын
In Europe roundabouts are popular while four way stops are not. In the USA it's the opposite.
@hichamelbesseghi3317 4 ай бұрын
Stop lying. I live in France, traffic lights are almost double than roundabouts
@P.C_bug 4 ай бұрын
@@hichamelbesseghi3317 you do realise that there is a differnece between traffic lights and 4 ways stop
@gregfaris6959 2 ай бұрын
Actually, both contributors can be right here. It's true that city streets in France use mostly traffic signals, with many unmarked "priorité à droite" intersections. At the same time, thousands of roundabouts have been implemented on tiny "Départementale" routes, turning what used to be a country road with a few cowpaths crossing it into an amusement park ride that leaves you dizzy after negotiating 18 full circles in the space of 3km. I have never seen a 4-way STOP in France. Come to think of it, I have driven in more countries than most people can name, and I don't think I have ever seen a 4-way STOP outside the United States. Americans may not be "better" drivers by any stretch, but they are more courteous, and more likely to wave someone on or let someone else go first. In France, a 4-way stop would be a 4-way pile-up all day long, as everyone will interpret it as "me first".
@samsschool3639 4 жыл бұрын
During peak hours, the roundabouts win, beyond 3000 cars per hours both systems perform the same. ie BADLY. Well no shit, if a system is clogged it does not matter what priciples or rules govern them
@thomas_arvl 3 жыл бұрын
It's clogged either because people don't know to use it ( and don't want to learn ) or because there are 4 ways intersections near it that actually clogg it
@alfrredd 3 жыл бұрын
@@thomas_arvl Yes, the traffic jam is usually because of a traffic light jam near the roundabout.
@williamking6787 3 жыл бұрын
3000 cars per hour is 50 cars per minute which means most of the day for large parts of the United States meaning there's nothing wrong with using intersections especially since they save tons of space and are therefore better suited to cities towns and neighborhoods where space is very important
@samsschool3639 3 жыл бұрын
@@thomas_arvl You Yanks are so wierd, like terrified of a joint national healthcare system and roundabouts
@thomas_arvl 3 жыл бұрын
@@samsschool3639 am French... Y a know, oui oui baguettes / omelette du fromage / one of the best healthcare / roundabouts EVERY FUCKING WHERE lol
@rjbjr 3 жыл бұрын
I can compare a particular four way stop to a roundabout that was installed in 2019. When there were stop signs, there were up to 20 cars backed up at on one leg at peak hours, and now there are none thanks to the round about. I have noticed that the aggressive verses the defensive drivers still can't go with the flow. We need more roundabouts so people can get the knack of how to use them properly.
@johnmg88 3 жыл бұрын
My local council have replaced a small roundabout with a 4 way set of traffic lights. I had literally never seen a jam there in 40 years. Now every peak time it's a total mess and as an added bonus the road is now so narrow the lights and signs are damaged by the large buses that use it.
@li_tsz_fung 3 жыл бұрын
Either people learnt to use roundabout, or people avoid the roundabout making traffic went away. (JK, I love roundabouts.)
@Johny40Se7en 2 жыл бұрын
"I can compare a particular four way stop to a roundabout that was installed in 2019. When there were stop signs, there were up to 20 cars backed up at on one leg at peak hours, and now there are none thanks to the round about. I have noticed that the aggressive verses the defensive drivers still can't go with the flow. We need more roundabouts so people can get the knack of how to use them properly." This 👆😄 - An open minded American. What a rare breed 😅😝
@Cadfael007 3 жыл бұрын
Germany has more and more roundabouts. They are less dangerous, more efficient (number of cars in time period, much faster (less waiting), enviromental friendly (less stops and no energy for lights), easyer if you make a mistake (turn next roundabout 360° and drive back). I also drove 20,000 in England (where people are experts) and you can really be fast in a roundabout without risk.
@outsidethebox262 3 жыл бұрын
Roundabouts only work in a country where the people are well informed and abide to the rules.
@guillaumelecam6257 3 жыл бұрын
Not only. Come here in France you ll for sure slow down in roundabouts
@P.C_bug 2 жыл бұрын
So not the us basicly
@johnnguru9162 2 жыл бұрын
I think you mean 4-way stop because I have seen many accidents on a 4-way stop intersections than round abouts because some people are dumb enough to ignore traffic lights.
@edwardmiessner6502 Жыл бұрын
Neither do traffic lights
@bibikwan 4 жыл бұрын
@2:50 lmao that's not a roundabout or even a traffic circle, it's just a 4 way stop with an island in the middle
@rodrigosouto9502 4 жыл бұрын
@johnmark6628 3 жыл бұрын
That's me plowing through England. "Cheerio Chaps!" *Dixie plays on oversized horns* "Yeehaw!"
@edwardmiessner6502 Жыл бұрын
In the US they're called traffic calming circles
@Marpurrsa 3 жыл бұрын
roundabout vs 4 way stop is kinda like metric vs imperial both systems work, but one (metric/roundabouts) is clearly superior but americans and their "freedom" need to be different from the rest of the world
@Lunavii_Cellest 3 жыл бұрын
Not really since traffic lights work better in quite a lot of cases,
@Khenfu_Cake 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lunavii_Cellest Eh, the studies kinda disagree on that one... But roundabouts can be impractical in certain environments due to their space requirements, so even here in Denmark where we do use roundabouts a lot, you will still see many 4-way crossings. Especially in urban areas. Traffic lights can also be safer for pedestrians especially if the general traffic culture (like it is here in Denmark, unfortunately) tends to favour a behaviour where you need to be explicitly shown you have to stop at a zebra crossing. Yeah, it's crazy but there's a reason why we rarely use 4-way crossings which don't have traffic lights lol.
@johnmg88 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lunavii_Cellest roundabouts can handle 6 sometimes 7 exits without any more hassle than a standard 4 way, handy in areas where roads and other infrastructure are long established. Doing that with lights or other ideas is usually very messy.
@Lunavii_Cellest 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnmg88 if you have alot of traffic roundabouts arren't the best option, if you have traffic but not alot than roundabout are a good option.
@Lunavii_Cellest 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnmg88 nvm i read it as 4 way interchange, not as 4 way stop
@tieflingcorpse9817 3 жыл бұрын
"roundabouts are alot better than traffic lights" *shows the magic roundabout*
@awwfiddlesticks5889 3 жыл бұрын
Get held up for 15 minutes because of a light on an empty road and tell me 4 way stops are better
@rodrigosouto9502 4 жыл бұрын
Roundabouts rocks
@Dave12753 Жыл бұрын
Roundabouts are great, because unlike a traffic signal, they work properly when the power goes out.
@Smokie181 2 жыл бұрын
North America is starting to adopt the round about. We see it more and more and is great for tight, high flow areas. The only time I stop at one is when a pedestrian is crossing or when a driver doesn't know what they are doing and stops and waits for no reason.
@arthurhagen3826 2 жыл бұрын
I have never seen such stop squares in Europe. We seem to prefer freedom of movement over mandatory stops.
@toslaw9615 Жыл бұрын
What you forgot is that four-way stop are cheaper and easier to create, especially when there is no space. Roundabout needs to be built, four way stop is just a few signs.
@My0ldFr13nd Жыл бұрын
If roundabout are both more efficcient AND safer, I'd say they're worth the cost
@toslaw9615 Жыл бұрын
@@My0ldFr13nd depends. Not always you have money for a roundabout. Sometimes there are more important things to fund. There are also situations when an intersection is not important enough to spend money on a roundabout there or there are other intersections that are more important.
@GoldenTV3 10 ай бұрын
Have fun managing and paying for the traffic lights at a 4 way stop.
@toslaw9615 10 ай бұрын
@@GoldenTV3 four-way stop doesn't require any traffic lights.
@nordiskkatt 3 жыл бұрын
There's more roundabouts in France and Italy than in the UK, so why is this being presented as a "UK vs US" thing?
@DarkLordDiablos 2 жыл бұрын
I would say it's because the argument over which is safer seems to be mostly discussed between them. The UK and the US have a long history of friendly banter about the differences between them and which way is right while the differences between the US and the countries of Europe are just accepted.
@yuvrajshinde6082 2 жыл бұрын
Its always has been UK vs US. Be it English, driving side, etc.
@1515327E Жыл бұрын
The era of modern roundabouts began in the United Kingdom in 1956 with the construction of the first "yield-at-entry" roundabouts.
@johnmg88 3 жыл бұрын
The worst thing about roundabouts is driving them on the wrong side of the road. Until visiting Iceland I'd only ever ever encountered roundabouts on my 'home' side of the road, Iceland's traffic is quite sedate so while odd it was easy enough to get the hang of. However after driving in the states the thought of trying a roundabout in rush hour California traffic is terrifying. I can only imagine how Americans feel when they suddenly come across our system straight out of Heathrow 🤣
@ShakaZoulou77 3 жыл бұрын
I felt the same, it is easy to adapt to drive to the diferent side of the road, but in roundabouts i am used to lock to my left driving in the right side, but driving in the left, like in UK, Malta, etc, we need to lock for our right aproaching a roundabout, which goes against the muscle memorie
@stephanejacq1416 2 жыл бұрын
One great advantage of roundabouts is that they don't need electricity.
@Ingens_Scherz 2 жыл бұрын
Mythbusters proved roundabouts were "better" (kept traffic flowing most effectively) some years ago.
@oversol5469 Жыл бұрын
I visit a town to drive one time where is was a bunch of roundabouts. After 2 drives i loved the idea a lot.
@metchoumetch3176 Жыл бұрын
I live near a town Colomiers in France who was one of the first to have roundabout but with priority from the right, to people entering in the roundabout... It has changed few years ago.
@gregfaris6959 2 ай бұрын
At l'Etoile in Paris it works like that. As long as Americans stay away from it everything is fine.
@jbrown7403 4 ай бұрын
Live in Texas and we have very few roundabouts, unfortunately. Just a bunch of wasted time and gas at stop lights. I travel to Europe a few times a year and I look forward to roundabouts each time!! Much more efficient and safe. Plus, I feel that they make drivers pay more and better attention to the roads. 👍
@carealoo744 2 жыл бұрын
I like roundabouts; The most forgiving intersection
@cbmech2563 3 жыл бұрын
Nice idea........if they are large enough diameter. If not they are a pain in the rear for a semi.
@th5841 Жыл бұрын
What diameter do a semi need?
@gregfaris6959 2 ай бұрын
One of the things that gets left out in these discussions about intersection types is the overzealous development of roundabouts on some country roads with very light traffic. In France, you can find country roads which used to be a long straight strip of pavement with a few cowpaths crossing it turned through roundabout mania into an amusement park ride where you have to go through 18 dizzying full circles to get to the corner store to get a baguette and a liter of milk. This increases driver workload immensely, and even gets disorientating, neither of which can be very good for road safety.
@sevendam9070 6 ай бұрын
Another point is what you can do inside of the roundabouts. Many manucipalities allways make sure that they do something beautiful with it.
@Boundlxss_ Жыл бұрын
And the u-turns on roundabouts are significantly more safer
@i_fuk_religion 9 ай бұрын
In a suburb of New Delhi, India called Greater Noida, there are no intersections. There are only roundabouts in the whole area. I have never seen a traffic jam in the area for many years I have travelled there.
@allws9683 2 жыл бұрын
What a bad video, full of biased assumptions and remarks against roundabouts ! First they show both roundabout shots from right-driving countries and left-driving countries they make it more confusing for Americans (and re-inforcing the 'complicated' myth !) second it does not mention how much safer a roundabout is. A reduction of 78%-83% in severe and fatal injuries on roundabouts is an absolute no brainer !! Especially in USA with 40k traffic fatalities per year ( = 11,4 deaths per 100k population , 3x higher than in EU and even 6x higher than in Sweden !) third : He stresses the traffic intensity on junctions with >3000 vehicles, instead of the benefits they give on the smaller junctions. And the wide majority of junctions is
@th5841 Жыл бұрын
And Norway even lower rate than Sweden.
@MW-xm1rc 2 жыл бұрын
Roundabouts were invented in Europe, need I say more??
@AlexCaspian 2 күн бұрын
In the US, there's no "Priority Road" sign as in Europe
@jarlsterra 2 жыл бұрын
Canada is adopting more and more of them. At least in my city.
@joeljoss1916 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sure they're safer and more efficient than a 4 way stop. But if you've never seen one before, not so safe.
@BikerGirlTraveler 2 жыл бұрын
The are plenty Roundabouts in America, Mexico has plenty of them. Just in Tijuana Mexico there about tens of them and the city is not that big. Many other countries in America has then too. To think that the US represents all of America is BS. Additionally, to say that they are proven safe, what a load of crap. Most accidents I have seen while traveling the world have been at roundabouts. Single lane roundabouts are OK, but three or four lanes roundabouts are an accident magnet. One drive around a one in Tijuana Mexico and you’ll change your mind really quickly. And has to reducing traffic jams. Again, in Tj, the worst traffic jams are on streets leading to large roundabouts. Huge traffic jams like there is no tomorrow. They are a traffic jam nightmare. They may work for some cities and cultures, but not all.
@Certamaniac 2 жыл бұрын
Why is his voice so incredibly strange.
@MrMatavelhas Жыл бұрын
Also, in a roundabout you do a lot of intentional "near misses" due to the low speeds, something that you can't do at an intersection.
@citrusmixer1313 Жыл бұрын
I'm 42 and have been driving since I was 16, but yesterday I came to a 4 way stop with stop signs where I pulled up at the same time as 2 other cars. Very rare scenario for me. I was sitting there with my left turn signal on for a while, and the other drivers were just sitting there. I was waiting for them to go. I didn't want them to honk at me, and I was pretty intimidated. Nobody was behind me, so I backed up and turned around so they could all go and I could try again. Came back to the intersection and another car pulled up across from me at the same time. Again, my left turn signal was on, didn't really know what to do, didn't want them honking/getting angry, and I was waiting for them to go but they were just sitting there. Nobody was behind me so I backed up and turned around to try a third time. (No I'm not an idiot/stupid, I have a 124 IQ.)
@johntracy72 7 ай бұрын
I hate when that happens. How can someone get that confused about an all way stop? Stop first, go first. Can't get much simpler than that.
@morenutshell1565 2 жыл бұрын
Roundabouts only have one issue, they use a lot more space
@th5841 Жыл бұрын
Not if you choose to make them with smaller radius. That is up to the planners. What uses space is all the single uccupant cars driving and parking all over the place. Create alternatives, like good and unexpensive public transit and good and safe bicycling infrastructure, paired with reduced parking capasaty and raised parking prices, and you will see that car traffic will drop, for everybody's benefit.
@tylermanzi2190 11 ай бұрын
This is why street intersection should be treated just like highway intersections to were you choose a path and go there that leads you: A U TURN, LEFT, STRAIGHT OR RIGHT How? Use bridges or tunnels for all 4 directions if possible lol
@johntracy72 7 ай бұрын
I like roundabouts because they're more efficient for traffic flow. One great example is here in Austin where 51st Street meets the southbound I-35 frontage road. Before the roundabout was put in, that intersection was backed up on both roads because of the traffic light that used to be there. Since the roundabout opened, traffic hardly ever backs up.
@kid21ish 3 жыл бұрын
I'm from New Zealand. We don't have 4 way stops lol
@alexrobinson2103 3 жыл бұрын
Yes there have 4 way stop in Petone wellington
@kid21ish 3 жыл бұрын
@@alexrobinson2103 I stand corrected. And that sucks! Unlucky
@alexrobinson2103 3 жыл бұрын
@@kid21ish because so narrow street harder to build roundabout
@kid21ish 3 жыл бұрын
@@alexrobinson2103 why don't they just take out two stop signs and replace the other two stop signs with give way signs?
@alexrobinson2103 3 жыл бұрын
@@kid21ish I thought same. Can look up Google map (Near 45-61 Nelson Street, Petone, Lower Hutt 5012, New Zealand) better use satellite map
@sheilah4525 4 күн бұрын
I love roundabouts WHEN DESIGNED RIGHT. In the USA, to date, I see a lot of them whose design is often too tight for American sized vehicles and whoever is putting shrubbery in the center, should be stopped! YOU CANNOT SEE OVER THE SILLY PLANTS TO SEE THE ONCOMING TRAFFIC! Otherwise, they speed traffic flow. SOME OTHER ISSUE WITH ROUNDABOUTS! Multi lane roundabouts and/or roundabouts leading into a second or even THIRD ONE, IN RAPID SUCCESSION, OR THOSE BRITISH “MINI” ones is SHEER CHAOS, with last second lane changers or (as you see in those British crash videos) cutting across the mini ones being KEY ISSUES. IMPROVE ON THE BRITISH MODEL, FIX THOSE ISSUES, and bring on the roundabouts. Remember, there are endless “EURO” ideas out there, and like most of them, we can improve the design to be efficient and better, like so many things we see and improve upon and fit them into OUR OWN LIFESTYLE PATTERNS. (Yes, Ophelia, the USA is different from Europe which explains why Euros are SO MISGUIDED WHEN THEY REPETITIOUSLY CRITICIZE THE WAY WE DO THINGS IN OUR NATION) Having done so however, the USA can enjoy these better versions of the roundabout and wait less while having our traffic flow better as well. OUR WAY.
@kir6052 2 жыл бұрын
Yes - Roundabout
@racecar157 11 ай бұрын
they are starting to install several of these around here. I don't really understand why. a all way traffic light would work much better.
@lukasschmenn329 2 жыл бұрын
4 way stops are for people that are to dumb for roundabout
@zweitsedewit2703 2 ай бұрын
Roundabouts don't need electricity so the maintenance is very low. And when traffic lights fail....... So, roundabouts. Period!
@justsayin5609 Жыл бұрын
Numerous roundabouts have been built in my area in the past 5 years. Some have placements that are completely illogical, and others are too small making them too hazardous. It leaves me wondering if there's something underhanded going on, like what company is doing what to encourage these contracts.
@mattymerr701 11 ай бұрын
Small roundabouts are hazardous? Sus
@andrewdavidson4595 3 ай бұрын
The answer is at 2:10 (Roundabouts are better)
@alecrepp 4 жыл бұрын
Do roundabouts take up more space than a four-way stop? or would the reduced wait times reduce the amount of road required for a particular route? And also would-be roundabouts be more effective than four way stops at hours with less traffic because cars would not have to stop at a red light even if their are no cars in the other direction?
@josephdonoway 3 жыл бұрын
Roundabouts are better and it reduces the wait time its pretty much easy to follow, you just give way to the oncoming vehicle and when safe you enter 1st 2nd or 3rd exist
@Lunavii_Cellest 3 жыл бұрын
If there is little traffic the roundabout is better but both intersections can do the job just fine, roundabouts takr more space at the intersection itself but the roads leading up to it are a lot smaller since you just need 2 or 4 lanes.
@privatedouchbagsarereal2849 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lunavii_Cellest But it doesn't have to take up space, some roundabouts just have a painted circle or a small island
@edwardmiessner6502 Жыл бұрын
Roundabouts take up more space at the intersection but unlike with busy 4-way intersections you don't need dedicated turning lanes and additional queueing lanes for 500 feet back
@Luketravisellis 8 ай бұрын
This was a 4 minute video, that could’ve shared the same information in 45 seconds.
@Sean544 5 ай бұрын
people like you need tiktok
@nemma9 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting that most of the roundabout content on youtube contains the Hungarian Lánchíd roundabout :)
@insoft_uk 3 жыл бұрын
One advantage a roundabout has v the four way is one can turn completely round the other direction in effect a safe and legal u-turn And to top it all off they are greener, zero electricity ⚡️ as it’s basically a one way direction
@janicestewart7546 22 күн бұрын
No traffic circles!
@garretlizotte6288 3 ай бұрын
I have never seen a light stop anyone... :)
@JurasekMichajl 3 жыл бұрын
i have a theory that multi-lane r-bouts are actually more dangerous than 4 way, but i dont think statistics would support this claim. normally when i switch lanes i only look into the side mirror, but there can also be a guy right next to me in which case i might not see him in the mirror and have to twist my hand backwards, especially when driving a van or a truck. this becomes an even bigger problem since on a r-bout the lanes are twisting around so there is higher chance of cars nearby being in your blind spot. first time encountering more than one lane r-bout i was really confused. but normal roundabouts are really good invention and i dont see any disadvantages compared to 4 ways, they should be everywhere except for spots with high traffic.
@sek153 3 жыл бұрын
only if you know which lane you should be and where you are going then you are safe. I understand there will be some idiots who don't know which lanes they should stick to so better watch out for them.
@edwardmiessner6502 Жыл бұрын
If they're designed like a UK spiral roundabout or a Netherlands turbo roundabout you pick your lane upon entering and you won't need to worry about changing lanes inside the roundabout
@anonymousguy1785 3 жыл бұрын
Yes Roundabout is better only if roads are wide enough so that drivers can navigate safely without crashing into other cars. New Delhi's roundabouts is not planned well.
@edwardmiessner6502 Жыл бұрын
In the US some roads are never wide enough and the drivers are notorious for not being able to navigate a 4-way intersection safely. The wider the intersection and higher the speed limit, the more fatal accidents like head-on collisions and T-bone car wrecks. But with roundabouts you have fender-benders and "near misses" instead. And in Massachusetts we have had roundabouts since forever, only we call them rotaries and they work like a charm, even on narrow roads so long as drivers obey the yield/give way signs.
@knightwolf3511 11 ай бұрын
@@edwardmiessner6502 one of the issiues is not the intersection but the people who are driving, some don't even look at the road, or where i'm at going home at 11pm i seen some just drive 70mph through a red stop light, didn't even slow down at all..
@C_H_Toons 11 ай бұрын
So what I’m hearing is that we need more lanes, just in a circle
@jordanbisasky4586 2 ай бұрын
The "safer" part is relative. definitely have seen video of Americans crashing into the circle of a roundabout.... 😛 (I'm an American who wants roundabouts but don't trust other drivers haha)
@JF-xh8tt 3 жыл бұрын
If there were six exits a roundabout would be better because in the UK the are many of them and if a 4 way stop was there would be more confusion and delay.
@Alex1891 3 жыл бұрын
Video title at time of comment: "Roundabout vs. 4-way stop, which one is superior?" Video description at time of comment: "There are two ways of managing road intersections. Roundabouts are common in the UK while 4-way stops abound in the U.S. Which is better? We answer this tricky question. Thanks to this video, you will learn more about the comparison of 4 way stop rules and roundabout rules. #roundabout​ #4waystop​ #roads​ " This video focuses more on the differences between roundabouts and intersections without central control islands (of which there are many types), rather than the advertised comparison of roundabouts and intersections with _STOP_ signs controlling each approach. While there are situations in which a roundabout will be less efficient than a traffic light, there is no situation in which a roundabout will be less efficient than a four-way stop.
@jmk1975 3 жыл бұрын
I drive well with single-lane roundabouts, but multi-lane roundabouts confuse me.
@thomas_arvl 3 жыл бұрын
If you go for more than half the circle, go in the inside, else, or if you're scared/confused, stay on the outside lane
@jmk1975 3 жыл бұрын
@@thomas_arvl Thanks for replying.
@li_tsz_fung 3 жыл бұрын
@@thomas_arvl A simpler answer: Left lane go left, right lane go right. Inside lane go straight. (That means for Right hand side traffic, left lane, or middle lane if any)
@ShakaZoulou77 3 жыл бұрын
@@thomas_arvl Never stay in the outside lane, just learn to drive, one of the best things in multilane roundabouts is if every driver only goes to the outside lane just before his exit, they leave the entry point open to the flow of the trafic, would be almost any stops, in some roudabouts in Nederland there is separation rail beween the lanes, that prevents the driver on the outside lane to keep in the roundabout, that is a good system
@thomas_arvl 3 жыл бұрын
@@ShakaZoulou77 if you want to turn for more than half of the roundabout, you go in the inside and wait for your exit to be the next, then you can go in the outside lane to take your exit. Else just stay on the outside. I'm currently learning to drive in France ( where there is the most roundabout :P ) and that's what my teacher told me!
@ismaelorantes4408 3 жыл бұрын
city skylines bring me here :)
@leonardbecca3515 17 күн бұрын
Traffic lights!!!
@jan80trs 2 жыл бұрын
Please choose you video material more careful. Typical about a roundabout is, that the oncoming traffic yields to the traffic on the roundabout. There is NO stopping ON the roundabout itself. Some video-snips show traffic circles with stop-signs or yield signs ON the road, forcing people to stop in the circle. That's not a roundabout. On a roundabout, cars on/in it, have priority.
@jan80trs 2 жыл бұрын
@@SystemParanoia EU rules are the same as UK rules! I live in Belgium, I have driven in The Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, the UK and Greece. Besides the fact you drive on the other side of the road, like in the US, you yield to the traffic ON the roundabout.
@paulmentzer7658 2 жыл бұрын
@@SystemParanoia That was the rule in the US pre 1930, when the State Courts started to rule you must yield to traffic to your left. i.e. in the Round about. Notice this was a rule made by the COURTS of the US NOT the state legislatures and one of the reason it is rarely mentioned in Traffice codes. Please note you yield to traffic to your left in the US for drivers ride on the left side of the car and thus have a better view of what is to their left AND able to use arm signals to tell someone to your left to go ahead. Another Judge made traffic rule that is NOT enforced is you are suppose to drive with the driver's window DOWN so you can use hand signals in addition to any mechnical turn signals. You almost NEVER see that driver's window down, the last one I remember seeing is the last Scene in Blazing Saddles, where the "Heros" get off their horses and into the back seat of a Limo and ride into the Sunset with the Driver's window DOWN (While the read windows are UP).
@cymysgwchdraffig 3 жыл бұрын
It’s very nice in this video but in practice it’s not so sad
@alexeecs 3 жыл бұрын
Then why is it that in my hometown, they had to add traffic lights to a roundabout?
@kob3426 3 жыл бұрын
Cause of the people that live there probably.
@li_tsz_fung 3 жыл бұрын
@@kob3426 Not necessarily. UK did that too. Unbalanced traffic stop people from entering the roundabout. Imagine a main road full of traffic and every body go straight. They will take up the one side of the roundabout's 100% capacity, and on that side, no one can enter the roundabout. So traffic light some times is installed to stop the dominating traffic flow.
@alfrredd 3 жыл бұрын
To much traffic on one side of the roundabout probably. They do work wonders on smaller town roads though.
@paulmentzer7658 2 жыл бұрын
Generally bad design. In Pittsburgh we have a "Traffic Circle" that included an underpass for through traffic but then added six roads leading to the circle (and two railroads). This was the only gap in what is called Mount Washington along the Mongahelia and Ohio rivers. Saw mill run (a creek) cut the gap but then you had the road going along the river, a road going up Mount Washington, a Road going of the West End of Pittsburgh, another road going west to Stuebenville Ohio AND the West End Bridge crossing the Ohio River. Above that mess you have one railroad that is still active and then you had another railroad going around the Circle to connect to a third railroad that runs along the River (There are plans to make this one a rails to trails for it actually takes up the least room in that area). That was that intersection pre 1930s, when it was decided to expand Saw Mill Run Boulivard along Saw Mill Run and join it was a seventh road going into that circle. Yes it is a mess. If you ignore the river road that goes under the Circle, you still have six roads going into the circle PLUS two ramps from the River road into the circle. After 2000 the state decided to "Improve" it by cutting a road through the circle from Saw Mill Run Boulevard to the West End Bridge adding two more sets of lights. What is needed is a proper round about above or below the present circle (Which means adding a railroad crossing to the Round about), keeping the present through road along the Ohio River and making the West End Bridge to Saw Mill run Boulevard another through road and leaving every other road use the new Roundabout to get to the road they need. It will be expensive and thus I suspect it will never be done but that is do to a bad design that people have tried to "Fix" since the 1920s when it was built. South of Pittsburgh along PA Route 51 is the "51 Cloverleaf" another bad design from the 1920s. Cloverleafs were the rage in the 1920s so when it was decided to connect PA 51 (a four lane highway, but NOT limited access) to another Four Lane highway to the then new County Airport. If the County had just made a Cloverleaf, it would still be a good intersection, but instead they added three other roads into the intersection, each governed by a Redlight that ties up traffic on that Cloverleaf. It is another example of a bad design that no one wants to fix for it would be expensive, mostly to cut out the three roads added to the Cloverleaf but NOT part of the Cloverleaf. Most times when you read about Redlights at Round abouts, old fashion traffic circle or cloverleafs it is a product of bad design, but a design that will cost a lot of money to fix (including buying expensive land around the intersections where a lot of businesses exist for they want the traffic off that intersection). Round abouts were invented once it was determined why Traffic Circle were bad (and by the Courts ruling that you have to yield to cars to your left a ruling not made by any State court till 1930 and the invention of the adoption of the Yield sign in the late 1950s). Between those two changes in traffic rules, the modern roundabout is possible, without them, you have all of the problems of the old Traffic Circles.
@MichaelEricMenk 3 жыл бұрын
2:15 this is not a roundabout it's a traffic circle.
@mattymerr701 11 ай бұрын
This reeks of some biased reports being used
@gas-station-sushi 2 жыл бұрын
Most grating video I have ever seen in years. Props to the annoying voice of the narrator
@cradleofalex 3 жыл бұрын
"more superior"?
@schnuurtchke Жыл бұрын
Zazur boy 👦 man 👨🏻
@schnuurtchke Жыл бұрын
Zazur car 🚘 cat 🐱
@510kali 3 жыл бұрын
Its a ppl problem. Not a road problem. Drivers need to fix themselves b4 driving.
@Bluzigo 2 жыл бұрын
I’m attempting to convince my city to build a roundabout at a pesky 5-way. Wish me luck!
@poorlymadeproduction 3 жыл бұрын
get to the point
@jeffreymedeiros6253 3 жыл бұрын
Roundabouts are better for less traffic and less lanes. 4 way is better for more lanes and more traffic. Notice how every single video clip except one have roundabouts with 2 or less lanes? A roundabout would come to a grinding halt with US city traffic.
@th5841 Жыл бұрын
US city traffic comes to a grinding halt on it's own. The elephant in the room is the lack of will to move away from the car centric state the US is in.
@Shoobedooby Жыл бұрын
Where im at people dont know how roundabouts work (taking U turns from the rightmost lane or middle lane instead of left most). Hence, for safety reasons and for people's incompetency, hands down 4 way stop.
@MetAxa369 Жыл бұрын
Give me a 4 way stop and traffic lights any day
@steverobertson1729 2 жыл бұрын
4 way stop is safest BY FAR. I avoid roundabouts, most people with common sense do. Its better to come to a complete stop and be sure the intersection is clear before proceeding, rather than just let everyone go flying thru these stupid roundabouts, and praying you dont get hit.
@navnnavn1226 2 жыл бұрын
In civilized countries, where roundabouts are the norm, they are utterly unproblematic
@XtreeM_FaiL Жыл бұрын
@@navnnavn1226 But people in US don't know what to do with the steering wheel because they only have straight roads.
@johntracy72 7 ай бұрын
That's why there are yield signs at every entrance to the roundabout.
@steverobertson1729 7 ай бұрын
@@johntracy72 yeild signs that might as well be STOP signs, because you still have to stop to make sure its safe to proceed into the swirling vortex of death. Think about it, youre STILL having to stop, so whats the point??
@TJ_Gonser 4 ай бұрын
@@steverobertson1729 i’m getting capitalist vibes from you lol
@BrilliantDesignOnline 4 жыл бұрын
Will the USA change to roundabouts: hell no.. But they are fun to drift... And what is the deal with driving on the wrong side of the road? :-)
@rjbjr 3 жыл бұрын
The town I'm in has added at least 6 in the last few years, so I guess it depends on your attitude and the part of the country you're from. What do you think of wearing a mask to protect others? There are some people who still think they will have to live in a cave soon.
@LINEHED 3 жыл бұрын
right side of the road* less than a third of earth drive in the left side.
@PCrailfan3790 2 жыл бұрын
I hate roundabouts
@th5841 Жыл бұрын
You mean roundabouts for trains?
@sanye4k 3 жыл бұрын
not better for pedestrian crossing Roundabouts when u have walk far from one end to get to next crossing the 4 way crossing much better
@P4INKiller 3 жыл бұрын
You're still crossing two roads; it's the same distance.
@debbiemouat5127 Жыл бұрын
Speaking for myself becuE they're teriffying England THLUGHT I WAS GONA DIE EVERYTIME
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