多謝Ruby 分享,我確實out out 地😂,第一次見LED Mask, 以後要睇多D好似你同餅神嘅年青人product 至得。 我年紀大,機器壞😅,真係要補下做多D mask 。
@pinkylau8135 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing, 想佢可以改差膚色均勻同毛孔大既問題😭😭希望抽中面既led mask🤗🤗
@Wingloveowl Жыл бұрын
多謝Ruby分享❤❤之前一直都有去開美容院,但最近間美容院清左盤賣左比第二間公司,之前買落啲療程喺新公司完全用唔返冇得做,勁唔開心嘥咗幾多錢(唔敢同老公講)😢而家皮膚點差都唔敢再去美容院。因為咁,好耐都冇認認真真搞過自己塊面,今次見到ruby妳介紹,一直都覺得你皮膚好好,都希望LED FACE MASK可以幫我改善皮膚狀況增加彈性,令皮膚膚色均勻d,而且希望可以有效減淡細紋改善皮膚老化情況,緊致肌膚令肌膚更加有光澤,最重要最重要最重要係可以令我唔再需要去美容院。希望可以抽到我喇,不過就算抽中與否都多謝ruby & CurrentBody既分享❤🫶🏻😘
I know many people to be eager your luck draw, I only want to know how much for this gift and where I can buy to improve my skin. I am getting older and older and need to amend my skin.
@EuniceLam-ur7fp Жыл бұрын
黎到Singapore真係冇機會做Facial, Peter Rabbit版本真係好靚 🥰🥰🥰 見到Ruby嘅皮膚咁好,我都想要返一部,大家一齊抗衰老😊 家用美容儀真係好啱我
真係好中意睇Ruby既介紹,平時帶大家去食去玩已經好中意睇,宜家仲介紹咁正既野,好想要哩個LED face mask,作為FULL TIME MUM既新手媽媽,我女岩岩3個月大,真係要花好多時間照顧BB,而且得我1個照顧.平時真係好忙,唔好話做FACIAL,食野方面我一日都未必食到2餐,而且長期唔夠訓,皮膚差左好多好多,因為真係無時間打理,哩個MASK正呀只要10分鐘就可以,岩哂我,可以一路餵奶一路扮令令,皮膚差唔夠訓真係令人個樣衰老得好快好殘,我唔要做黃面婆,我要做年輕令媽嫁,可以抗衰老真係好緊要,女人年輕愈大細紋愈多,個樣老得快老公都對我無咁有興趣影響2公婆感情,加上哩個機可以同時做埋收細毛孔,又可以激法膠原增新,功能真係好多,可以好方使係屋企都可以全方位保養皮膚,就算係香港得閒出去做一次FACIAL都要$800-1000,其實咁樣屋企做又平又方使仲正,岩岩諗起宜家夏天如果曬傷左都可以用幫助降紅.而我老公平時返工係戶外,其實佢都可以用,一星期幫佢護理下都幾好,一部機2公婆都用得,重點係又慳位,唔驚好大舊.放係香港哩D咁細既地方都唔阻地方.好希望抽中,勁想要,多謝你!!加油要拍多D影片,我每條都有睇,好中意你地!!
❤首先感謝Ruby嘅慷慨分享❤️ 我做醫護行業,返shift返咗8年啦,踏入3字頭,見住膠原bb越嚟越少,皮膚都開始變厚薄,容易泛紅🥹 希望抽到呢款CurrentBody LED Face Mask,可以唔使再殘落去😂 無論工作幾忙,返到屋企幾攰,花10分鐘就可以做個facial,希望改善到法令紋同泛紅嘅問題~放工除咗口罩都可以容光煥發😂😂🤭🤭做個又靚又叻嘅女人
@laokaian7352 Жыл бұрын
先多謝Ruby分享❤❤平時敷面膜總覺得唔夠深層注入營養,皮膚好快會底層乾而導致表皮會出現甩皮,依家做埋新手媽媽更加無時間保養,都唔好話要去美容院做facial,今次呢個介紹簡直正中紅心!希望抽到呢款LED face mask可以慳時又做到美容院效果的保養,謝謝你!
想試下❤CurrentBody Skin LED Mask❤想活化基底層令皮膚血液循環加快延緩衰老,同時皮膚更有彈力變^^逆齡彈彈肌^^
@janetchan9568 Жыл бұрын
好想改善頸紋情況,希望可以試吓LED Mask可唔可以幫到手😢😢😢
@k.christyy5986 Жыл бұрын
多謝Ruby成日分享生活既點滴,夫妻之道都好重要,希望你地一直甜甜蜜蜜❤❤ 踏入三字頭,真係見到膠原逐漸流失,皮膚冇以前咁有彈性😢好期待可以收到個currentbody led face mask,敷喺面到,靜靜等候膠原增生😍😍
@jackiiliu Жыл бұрын
Thank you Ruby for the give away! You are so generous! I would like the neck and chest mask because it is not available elsewhere. This item is so special! My neck has many fine wrinkles and even dark spots on my chest area due to the up rays. I hope this gadget is able to improve these conditions because the neck is often so neglected as compared to the face. I would like to pay more attention to it now and having this gadget is a good start to neck care routine! Hope to have it from you!
@janc7738 Жыл бұрын
希望可以抽到 led mask😝因為peter rabbit好得意!最想可以用黎縮小毛孔,10分鐘真係好方便!新加坡做facial 真係好貴,而且真係唔知質素點,我試過係店外面見到有舖頭入面用淘寶機,所以唔敢踏出第一步,又好驚俾人叫我買plan😑有家用機真係方便好多!
Utility cost in private housing are not government subsidised so cost per unit is definitely higher than hdb. The subsidies for hdb also differs for different housing type. 2 to room flats have more than 4 to 5 room flats. Not only Utility but all subsidiary or money given by government also very much accordance to the housing type. The big assumption is if you can afford private, you are not entitled to subsidies.
Hi Ruby. First time saw this miracle skin product which is all in one compare to purchase many bottles of skin care product. Hope this miracle light can brighten my uneven skin , reduce pores n also anti ageing. I’ve been searching skin product which really I can afford n also hit my needs. Hope this led mask can solve my worries.
@sharontan1034 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Ruby for the giveaway. At 50+ would like to improve elasticity and uneven skin tone. Hopefully the LED mask could help me. ❤❤❤
@wendyc1228 Жыл бұрын
想試LED face Mask!最近夏天可能因為開得多冷氣,皮膚好乾甩皮,仲要敏感。去美容院做保濕都唔係好改善到😢好困擾。希望可以試到,睇下可唔可以改善。🥹
@huihuangloh5030 Жыл бұрын
哈哈 还是喜欢看你们吃美食的视频 😅
@bklim2286 Жыл бұрын
@annieleung3514 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making the video Ruby. You always have great products to share with us. If lucky enough to have your giveaway, I would like to give it to my mummy who has hardly spent a penny on her skincare treatments. She worked hard to bring all of us up and I think she will love to hamper herself with it. Hope you all stay healthy and happy 😊