Rundown of Michigan's Gun Laws - Ep. 5.400

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Steve Lehto

Steve Lehto

4 жыл бұрын

Here is a rundown of the various laws in Michigan about guns, carrying, concealed, etc.

Пікірлер: 827
@jerryguerra348 4 жыл бұрын
I am glad you brought up this subject. Many of these state laws are counter to the 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act (FOPA for short) law 99-308. In the FOPA, States are not allowed to have a registration of guns nor have or maintain a list of people that own guns. Also the interstate transportation is not prohibited. There are other subjects covered by the FOPA that many States are violating.
@plumbertothestarsify 4 жыл бұрын
Its funny how cops will think you are breaking the law because they say the law doesn't allow for it... i.e. open carry. To be sure, some cops haven"t been taught that if there is no law against something, that something is totally legal.
@andoriannationalist3738 2 жыл бұрын
They will push around the ignorant and the poor because they know they will get away with it. Also lawyers LOVE gray areas. That’s where they make their $.
@SpiralDesignWorks 4 жыл бұрын
I did not know Michigan had a pistol registration. Why would we want the government to know what guns you have and why is that any of their business.
@kennethbowden4129 3 жыл бұрын
A friend of ours was a local police officer, she would occasionally get calls about someone having a gun. She would show up and ask what the problem is. The other person would naturally say x person has a gun (usually in their car). She would reply "So". They would then ask why she isn't arresting them. To which she would reply "They aren't breaking the law". She was one of the good ones, pro gun, pro record the police treated everyone with respect from the start.
@AndreasInGreer 4 жыл бұрын
I wish a lawyer, instructor, or police officer from each state would make and post such a video as this about his or her respective's state gun laws. Very informative.
@Steve-zf8zn 4 жыл бұрын
Well, that’s clear as mud. I travel in an RV six months at a time per year. Sometimes I’ll go thru 15 states with all kinds of different laws and I’m not about to leave my firearm at home. The gun laws should be universal.
@jaidanplata8381 3 жыл бұрын
International*??? U finna drive to mexico with your strap?
@JeffKubel 4 жыл бұрын
MCL 123.1102 is also a cool thing about Michigan. Local municipalities are preempted by MCL, so those township or city park signs that say "no firearms" are completely unenforceable and illegal themselves.
@cashstore1 4 жыл бұрын
If you do open carry and walk down the sidewalk expect a cop to stop and check you out. People will call the cops as they drive by seeing you with the gun. The cops can be very aggressive even though what you are doing is legal. I have seen the videos on youtube in Michigan. Many of the local cops don't understand the gun laws. I like it better here in Arizona. Go to the store pick out a handgun, do the instant check, purchase the gun, buy ammo, put the ammo in the clip, put the clip in the handgun, put the gun in your pocket, and walk out. No permits needed to conceal here. I see people open carry all of the time.
@mr.h5436 4 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention the profitable selling to Mexican cartels.
@joebleed 4 жыл бұрын
@@mr.h5436 you mean the FFLs that were forced to sell to people they didn't want to during the government run fast and furious operation?
@comlbbeau 4 жыл бұрын
​​"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776. My state (Georgia) used to have a "public gathering" law in regards to carrying a firearm. The interpretation of what constituted a public gathering varied from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In spite of ones best efforts in compliance, you could easily find yourself in violation depending on the attitude of the local sheriff.
@Michigan_Tactical 4 жыл бұрын
As a CPL holder, I think you did an excellent job presenting this.
@mmark6005 2 жыл бұрын
The solution to assault rifles is not to do nothing the age to buy a gun should be 21 that's the age to buy a beer that's the dates them smoke cigarettes that should be the age to buy a gun. 18 and 19 year old can't handle it they shoot people when they get pissed off. Doing a background check takes a day or two if the right people can have a gun then by all means let him have the gun there's nothing wrong with a background check the Republicans objected at because gun sales might go down because the wrong person might get a gun but they don't care about that what they care about is the gun being sold so the gun lobbyists pay their campaign and make more money that's what they care about they don't care if your kids die or your brother's kid they don't give a s*** they want the gun sold and anybody putting up a cog in the machine is a no no. That's what the Republicans believe they don't care about safety kids they care about sales
@jeffholm3503 2 жыл бұрын
I retired in Michigan from California to be around family. I would not have moved here if Michigan was not a “shall issue” state. When I took the CPL training course I was confounded by the complexity and irregularities of Michigan state firearm laws. But it’s better than Commiefornia by a long shot.
@richardy1660 4 жыл бұрын
If a business doesn't allow you to carry, just don't use that business. I feel that they don't deserve my money. I live in Kansas and here, if you are a resident and legally allowed to own a pistol, you can carry it openly or concealed, no problem, and I carry EVERY day. Michigan is a little more restrictive, but they haven't gone off the deep end. CA, NY, NJ and several other states could take lessons from either Michigan or Kansas. I can hope, but I won't hold my breath. Thank you for a very well presented video.
@randydeherder Жыл бұрын
Thank you for clearing some of that up! This is the best Michigan gun law video I’ve seen
@Orionsthehunter 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Steve, you answered several questions I had. I moved from the Wayne County area thirty years ago but still visit friends there and have wondered what the requirements are since I have a valid carry permit here in Tennessee. Love all of your videos, it kind of takes me back, although I have no desire to move back. Thank you again.
@classicroger 4 жыл бұрын
I've held a license to carry(LTC) in my home state of Texas for years. It is every LTC holder's responsibility in ANY state to know the laws of a state they plan to visit. This license or permit comes with a great responsibility to uphold the laws. Even if we don't agree with them. If we don't, we are no better than those who skirt the laws.
@contentofcharacter 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video and for the link. I have to travel to Michigan from South Carolina in January and frankly as a concealed weapons permit holder I never go anywhere without my pistol. This definitely makes it a lot easier to know how to do that legally in Michigan.
@thundergod97 4 жыл бұрын
Found this to be a valuable video since I live in Michigan on the western side. I don't currently own any guns, but learning about your local laws is always a good thing. Thank you I'm wondering why, in Michigan, simply owning guns (all legally owned in MI, ranging from pistols to hunting rifles and shotguns) can be grounds for a protective order against someone. The person affected by this is not me, and this person did not brandish the guns in any way or make threats of using the owned guns. It led to him getting kicked out of his home (enforced by the police officers handling the protective order) and his wife getting to keep essentially anything of his she wanted that was still in the house. The divorce did not go well since he couldn't afford a good attorney (having spent most of his retirement already, more about that in a bit)...and he got royally screwed over. She still has many things that were his before the marriage. Oh yeah, he's now paying taxes via reductions to his social security (his only income) on the disbursements from his retirement account that went toward fixing up that house. The word "screwed" does not feel like an adequate adjective for this situation.
@proteus404 3 жыл бұрын
I am from Ontario Canada and the laws here are very different but I find myself watching your videos, you remind me of a teacher I had in high school.
@timkies4760 2 жыл бұрын
I just saw a youtube video of some Michigan dude who said he got a Florida CCW permit, and now he no longer registers his pistols with Michigan, since he is exempt as he has an out of state CCW. Right here, you just proved him wrong, with the 180 days residence clause. I knew that it could not be legal, just didn't know why. Also, I always figure when talking about gun laws and gray areas, stick to the side of safety, since it is a long, long time to spend even a single day in a federal prison, and I don't want any part of it. We may not like a particular law, but I know for certain that I would not like prison more. Thanks for this post, even if I came across it late. I am following the link, to check for updates now.
@otm646 2 жыл бұрын
Your analysis is incorrect. This has been discussed at length by multiple lawyers within Michigan who specialize in gun law. Go read 28.432 (1)(f)
@byronwatkins2565 4 жыл бұрын
Every state agreed to abide by the U.S. Constitution when they joined the union. For every state except the original 13 colonies, this included the Second Amendment. Yet every state has allowed and passed state and local laws contradicting the Second Amendment. The U.S. government fought a civil war and several more recent military actions to enforce the rights of African descendants. The U.S. government regularly requires state laws to be adapted into compliance with the Bill of Rights w.r.t. free speech, arrest protocols, equal treatment, self-incrimination, etc. But instead of enforcing this part of the U.S. Constitution as they each have sworn to do, U.S. officials also pass "legislation" that infringe upon this "unalienable right." The U.S. Constitution provides within itself the ONLY way it may be amended and no amendment has ever altered the original text of the Second Amendment. I really wish someone could explain to me why the U.S. Constitution can be ignored and abused in this way. And why should we have ANY faith that the remaining "unalienable rights" will not soon be countermanded and disregarded once the state militias thus have their teeth pulled.
@shaneflannery6779 3 жыл бұрын
Simple answer is 2A trumps all, as you know. A people that doesnt assert and defend there rights neither deserves them nor keeps them. Form or join a militia. Be a force that cant be bullied and be ready to fight till the end for your rights. That's the only way to push back the tyranny of today.
@truckincapinwith15romeo10 3 жыл бұрын
Because the SCOTUS “interpretations” of the constitution. Even though the framers argued about how the document was written, what is interesting to me is how it’s in plain English for anyone to understand yet it can still be twisted by the judges it’s just a little confusing to me I hope Steve Lehto can read this and maybe respond I would like to see his opinion on it
@warrenpuckett4203 2 жыл бұрын
Funny part Michigan does mention those 3 letter agencies and carrying the US government issued pistol. Like my niece. She carries in airports and on aircraft.. It is somewhere handy at all times.
@williamwallace176 4 жыл бұрын
Texas has a small 72 page booklet which addresses the gun issue. It is available from the Texas Dept. of Public Safety for a small fee. Because the Texas legislature meets only every other year the booklet is usually behind current laws by at least one year. I have been legally carrying for about two decades and there are few places I can not carry. ie. the US Post Office, and any private property IF there is a posted sign at the entrance. There are requirements regarding the size and location of the sign. The booklet includes a list of illegal weapons such as any knife over 5.5 inches long...and Yes, Steve's saber is considered illegal to carry in Texas. Texas has an open carry law, but I have no interest in open carry. Open carry. to me, is like going into an all night store at 3:00 AM with sign on your shirt which says "Shoot me First".
@danav3387 4 жыл бұрын
With all these laws and gun free zones how is it possible for any trouble in those places? Where do we get our other constitutional rights permits?
@Cryptonymicus 4 жыл бұрын
Gun free zones? The question YOU should be asking is how come everybody in the South has guns and yet the South leads the nation in gun violence and violent crime and practically every category of crime both by raw number and by rate.
@danav3387 4 жыл бұрын
@@Cryptonymicus You'll have to define what South you are referring to. If you are talking about Chicago Detroit and Los Angeles then I guess you're right. Those are all Democrat controlled strongholds so that probably explains everything right there
@mr.h5436 4 жыл бұрын
@@danav3387 St Louis has double the death per capita shootings over Chicago. Your fearless leaders have you right where they want you.
@footfeathers 4 жыл бұрын
Great video. I recently had to study up on MI (and all the states I drove through) gun laws when I visited my mom.
@7westwill 4 жыл бұрын
I just having 1 question that "NO ONE" seems to be able to or refuses to answer everytime I ask it. As a Michigan resident aswell as a CPL holder if and when I approach by a police officer for what ever reason (let's say a traffic stop for example) and I notify them that Iam carrying a firearm per the law is there a LAW which allows them to confiscate my firearm during the meeting just because they want to feel safe? If there is could you let me know which law it is? I've asked a handful of police and of course they all claim that yes there is but not a single one can tell me the actual law. I dont care about their department policy. POLICY IS NOT LAW!! I ask this because surrendering my firearm to a police officer and a stranger (I dont know if this person is having a bad day something) has now given them 2 firearms and none for me to defend myself should the situation arise.
@kenc2257 4 жыл бұрын
I've not heard of law enforcement confiscating weapons on a whim. In CA--for example--if you are in a vehicle accident, and you go to the hospital (in an ambulance, for example), before your car is towed away, the police will look in your vehicle, and secure/take any firearms (for security). Depending on the circumstances, it can be quite a job to get your firearms back/returned to you [you might have to ask, in writing, and pay a fee, etc.]. If you never ask for your weapons back, the police can destroy them, after a while. Hopefully, if you were somehow unable to communicate, the police wouldn't destroy a really expensive firearm (like an old Purdey shotgun)--but try to get it back to your relatives.
@Toy2Boy Жыл бұрын
Yes, Mich police have the right to detain you at their discretion at any time talking with you, and yes take immediate possession of your firearm, pencil, shoes or almost anything else that makes them slightly uncomfortable. Yes, that is backed by common law at minimum, and plenty of court cases supporting it.
@wilhelmkirkpatrick 4 жыл бұрын
The only gun law we need is the 2nd amendment.
@stevelehto 4 жыл бұрын
Should 5 year-olds be allowed to carry guns?
@dcgeorge3255 4 жыл бұрын
@@stevelehtoAs long as they aren't liberals, I say yes!
@sammolloy1 4 жыл бұрын
@wilhelmkirkpatrick 4 жыл бұрын
@@stevelehto No responsible parent who would allow a 5 year old to conceal carry irrespective of the laws. Use a 22 lr at the range in a safe controlled manor yes I have no issue what that. Govt can not legislate responsibility. In my state NJ, the old Marlin Model 60 (that held over 15 rounds) was an "assault firearm" Mr. Pelleteri won the model 60 from a out of state shooting competition sponsored by a police dpt. An unrelated search warrant turned up this "highly dangerous offensive weapon". In the courts option it declared "When dealing in guns, the citizen acts at his peril."1 NJ gun laws are so complex, full of ambiguity,traps, and very harsh punishments for the smallest of overstep. I do not trust my state elected officials to write laws pertaining to weapons. 1 State v. Pelleteri, 294 N.J. Super. 330, 683 A2d 555 (A.D. 1996).
@stevelehto 4 жыл бұрын
@@wilhelmkirkpatrick I'm just pointing out that SOME regulation is necessary. The only argument is how much. Thanks for commenting.
@Chevroletman5 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Steve been wanting to here Michigan laws on guns........ Great Video....
@GadgetOFreak 4 жыл бұрын
Clear as mud! Thanks for all your videos!!!
@The_Privateer 4 жыл бұрын
blah blah blah... SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Hmm... Ever get the feeling that "licensing" is just a fancy term for "We're going to take this right away from you, but if you give us money, you can have it back." Not just with the guns and the Second Amendment, but a lot of other things too.
@samoksner 4 жыл бұрын
Licenses are generally "rights with conditions" combined with "money grab in this amount I just made up" Now that's not a bad thing, many things in society should require a barrier to entry, can you imagine road safety if it was just free to drive for anyone?
@SuckerFreeGear 4 жыл бұрын
@@samoksner Honestly I don't think driving conditions would be that bad after driving on roads in third world countries like India. I am willing to accept that type of loss of security for freedom especially when it comes to my right to self defense.
@kylegilbertson2401 4 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work. We camp in MI all the time and enjoy the knowledge you impart. You would be welcome on our campsite anytime.
@christopher-tipstrumleslie6307 3 жыл бұрын
Wow Lehto, that microphone collection is really mighty fine, I'll bet they all work too.
@thumper4068 4 жыл бұрын
Serves him right for living in MD. (Enemy territory.) Mr. Lehto, been watching your videos for a while, finally subscribed. Especially liked you tutorial on what and what not to do in a traffic stop. You do good work.
@tompinnef6331 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the link - since I have a IL and Utah CCW permits. I do carry in your state when I visit. Thank you for your video. Spin
@jlcougilljr 4 жыл бұрын
awesome video Steve!!! Michigan's gun laws seem to be alot like ours here in Indiana for the most part. one of my biggest gripes in life are all the varying gun laws state by state, especially california which i won't even give light too. i've always wondered how New York City can forbid carry when our second amendment right is of higher order? AND THEN! we have the major current issue of "resiprosity" rights and carry. i'm somewhat lucky in the fact that my father and grandmother are retired and live in Florida and most of the states between Indiana and Florida (at least if traveling on I75) recognize each others state personal concealed carry permit,and thank god for it. as an Indiana lifetime personal protection permit holder i don't carry much around locally just for the simple fact that i don't go places where i feel i need to conceal carry,but, when traveling i will conceal carry for sure. Indiana had an issue 5-6 years ago regarding carry on place of work property and our state legislature passed law upholding our right to be able to have our firearm at our place of work but limited to it being locked in our vehicle in the parking lot whether the property or business owner restricts posession inside the workplace. at the end of the day, there's way to much varying crap from state to state and verses federal law as well. but hey!, it wouldn't be America or the American legal system without all the bullshit and confusion would it-lolol??? i reckin' it keeps a lot of lawyers busy and making money-lol. anyway, god bless America and you to Steve Lehto for all the great(educational and informative) content you give us. i truely appreciate the time you put into the content-so thank you!
@chrisclark5204 4 жыл бұрын
The legal update needs to be updated because a person is no longer required to obtain a purchase permit to buy a pistol. Also I think you should have included the last paragraph that states, Officers are also reminded there is no general duty for a citizen to identify himself or herself to a police officer unless the citizen is being stopped for a Michigan Vehicle Code violation.
@TechViewOpinions 4 жыл бұрын
As usual, clear as mud. Good thing this was the summary!
@goaway3717 3 жыл бұрын
Great video Steve. When deciding which state I'm going to move to, one of the few reasons I decided to NOT move to Michigan was the registration requirements on handgun owners. I'll just content myself with the occasional visit.
@red9man2130 3 жыл бұрын
yep Michigan Handgun Laws are absurd! Of course Rifles and shotguns present NO Danger!
@johncarlin6243 Жыл бұрын
Michigan actually does not have registration. It's an acquisition registry. If you bring your guns here from out of state, there is no legal need for you to do anything.
@TheyJustCallMeB 4 жыл бұрын
Next video should be knife/sword laws featuring the Rapala and cavalry saber
@reedgrele6673 4 жыл бұрын
CT now has a law that requires ANYONE who has an order of protection against them to surrender their firearms for a period of one year. Makes no difference whether or not there was a threat of physical violence involved. You could have harassed someone by sending e-mails or letters requesting payment of a bill. If said person reports you to the police as harassing them, and gets a protective order issued against you, you'll have to surrender your firearms and any carrying permit to the state for a year!
@Cryptonymicus 4 жыл бұрын
Getting orders of protection ain't as easy as the NRA wants you to believe.
@Cryptonymicus 4 жыл бұрын
@@MickeyD2012 And I could make up a hundred stories that prove the reverse is true.
@mr.h5436 4 жыл бұрын
If the lives saved by this(mostly girlfriends,wives and their children) doesn't matter to you....
@atticstattic 4 жыл бұрын
"I wasn't driving, I was moving my gun...."
@samoksner 4 жыл бұрын
Well done fellow traveler, got a good chuckle from that lol
@TNBuckeye1617 3 жыл бұрын
License to Purchase/Transport/Carry a pistol? I live in the Free State of Tennessee, there are no licenses to purchase firearms. There’s a background check and we have a Carry Permit; ironically to the “Free State” comment above, open carry is generally not permissible except with a Carry Permit. However, TN has expanded the Castle Doctrine to enclosed vehicles (yours or your spouse’s), temporary residences (ie, tents), businesses, etc., so its a lot easier for an unlicensed/permitted individual to transport their guns (just don’t have the gun on your person in your and/or your spouse’s enclosed vehicle). What I’ve really taken from this video is that Michigan has probably been added to the list of states that I’m generally unwilling to visit.
@red9man2130 3 жыл бұрын
I was Born and grew up in Michigan I could write VOLUMES about stupid laws in Michigan!
@jdaz5462 4 жыл бұрын
I used to live in Michigan. Arizona is where I have been for 17 years. We are free of most of those nonsense laws!
@donabrahamson7922 4 жыл бұрын
Stay alert
@jerrodwilliams6789 2 жыл бұрын
Open carry causes so much controversy and public panic. I like the element of surprise
@natec599 2 жыл бұрын
Only police and idiots open carry. Just making yourself a target. In Alaska there is no panic but it’s still stupid.
@TheVannca 2 жыл бұрын
great and very informative video.. thank you so much
@arneservatius1982 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve pulled my. Pistol 3 times. Saved my life did not pull the trigger. Just showing the gun and standing my ground was enough. Never want to shoot.
@tartarus12 4 жыл бұрын
When I took my cpl class the officer didn’t want to admit the technicality in the law that allows cpl holders to open carry in a school. I would advise against doing it but it is legal.
@RGL01 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the information. Much appreciated.
@austinbenesh1193 4 жыл бұрын
I wasn't driving. I was travelling to the gun store.
@warrenpuckett4203 2 жыл бұрын
I do not go anywhere I can not carry legally. The exception is hospital or legally required to enter. I avoid gun free zones. Pretty much nothing happens in gun toting zones for some reason. Maybe the up to no goods don't like the idea of a 2 way shooting range? Most of my neighbors are veterans. AKA highly trained killers. You might want to behave in this part of the hood.
@richardy1660 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Kansas and am occasionally in Oklahoma. Because Kansas has Constitutional carry and Oklahoma recognizes other state"s carry laws, I can carry in Oklahoma without a Kansas permit, as long as I have an ID showing I am a Kansas resident. It should be like this everywhere.
@markdandeneau2636 4 жыл бұрын
"Should be", could be a costly assumption. I shiver when I think about the assumptions I once had on this subject.
@jonathanmcmullen3324 4 жыл бұрын
We have constitutional carry now too
@bluntly2165 3 жыл бұрын
Looks like this is gonna have to be updated in a couple months
@Mukinrestak 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sad to hear that Michigan's gun laws are so absurdly restrictive. My state went constitutional carry and crime went DOWN.
@mr.h5436 4 жыл бұрын
The good news is that crime has fallen for the country for many years.
@KTawes1217 4 жыл бұрын
Assuming you're not in Illinois?
@mr.h5436 4 жыл бұрын
@@KTawes1217 just google Illinois crime rate
@spazzCAPP 4 жыл бұрын
I cant say I approve of many of these laws, but I thank you for the accurate and concise information.
@mr.2cents.846 4 жыл бұрын
Wherever guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
@cryptoace007 4 жыл бұрын
@Steve Lehto CONGRATULATIONS!! i just noticed you hit 70k subscribers
@stevelehto 4 жыл бұрын
I just noticed too! Thanks.
@danperry3116 Жыл бұрын
Michigan no longer requires a permit to purchase a handgun. However you are required to go through a nics process, (background check) and possession of a cpl does not exempt you from the background check any longer.
@johncarlin6243 Жыл бұрын
You are correct with a purchase through an FFL, a private purchase still needs a "permit to purchase" or a CPL.
@chrisstrefling6193 4 ай бұрын
Incorrect. I was told today by a ffl if you don't have a cpl you have to go to police post pay for a purchase permit then come back and do the 4473/ nice background check. Basically making people without a cpl go through multiple background checks
@GRSEMETROMALL 3 жыл бұрын
The AG’s opinion needs to be given in any jury trial as a jury instruction for deliberation
@jeffholm3503 3 жыл бұрын
Retired to rural Michigan from California. Found many Michigan laws either odd or confusing including firearm laws. But at least we are a shall issue state for CPL licensing. Thanks for covering this subject. The “may be in violation” depends on the jurisdiction...
@khalilhamka5096 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this!
@mikemcilvoy516 4 жыл бұрын
i have my Arkansas ccl and when i took my classes one of the things they told you was if you have your ccl you can not open carry. it has been a few year since i got my ccl and they have changed the open carry law so i dont know if it changed for ccl. im not a big fan of open carry but i do see people doing it. with open carry i know who has a gun with my ccl no one knows i have mine. keep up the great job i enjoy your channel.
@spropp6083 3 жыл бұрын
An armed society is a polite society. Thomas Jefferson
@msfitoyfactory4692 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great vid Steve...btw where did you get that sinking Titanic on the shelf behind you?
@thepoliticalstartrek 4 жыл бұрын
Indiana has a unique law in my opinion. I can have my firearm in my car even in school parking lots, at my place of work, and it is illegal for the company to fire me.
@guyh4251 4 жыл бұрын
I dont think it was always like that till around 10 or so years ago
@raisinriverron 4 жыл бұрын
Great video. One thing I noticed in the explanation of out of state CPL holders is the requirement of reciprocity with the state that issued the CPL. Do you have a video on Michigan “castle law”?
@Gibblegobblegoob 4 жыл бұрын
Not planning on going to Michigan anytime soon but I am getting my ccw when I turn 21 in October I already got a nice bersa 380 picked out
@tracyolsen5715 4 жыл бұрын
Some time ago I emailed asking about building a handgun and if there is a requirement to fill out the RI-060 registration certificate upon completion but never got an answer. I would love to hear your thoughts on that subject as State Police (that I am aware of) advise people to fill out the RI-060 when making a handgun/pistol but there is no actual legal requirement to do so unless the handgun/pistol is transferred to someone. That also brings in question the legality of lying on the form to say you transferred it (to yourself?). The pamphlet you are reading has some upsetting and misleading content in it that will hopefully be addressed by MSP in the near future. Thank you for finally doing a comprehensive video on gun law!
@Athonite 4 жыл бұрын
It is possible to skip handgun registration legally. Obtain an out-of-state CCW/CPL and you are gtg.
@tracyolsen5715 4 жыл бұрын
@@Athonite, I am talking about specifically when you build an AR pistol or P80 or some other personal manufacture of handgun.
@pennyrobinson4266 15 күн бұрын
Thanks for breaking this down. Michigan has new gun laws that went into effect in Feb. 2024.
@stevedouglas5443 3 жыл бұрын
It's alright, there seems to be more laws and harsh penalties than people who have guns! I've read this stuff before, but it's still a rude awakening that our 2nd amendmen rights are dead.
@alb.dersame 4 жыл бұрын
What you said about open carry here in Michigan, is Exactly what I was told by a Clinton Twp police officer a few years ago. When asked, he said yes, you can walk to a local gas station, buy something and walk back home (for example) he said ... "But" if George saw that you were open carrying, and asked you to leave the premises, then you would have to leave. I rarely open carry, unless I'm walking to the store or something (which is rare for me, it's too much like work,lol). I walked up to a party store last week, a few blocks from my house. The owner looked and said, "is that thing Iive?" I said well, not chambered, but yes, it's real. He paused, and said ok. That was it. He knows me as a regular there. I'm always very careful not to even let my shirt cover the holster. That's concealed, of course. I've never had a problem with open carry. I didn't know that a Co2 BB gun was considered a weapon because of the Co2 cartridge. Glad I learned about that ! I'm still wondering if Michigan is going to pass a law, that if we are able to open carry, there is a chance that we can get a cpl, without jumping through the hoops. I haven't heard anything more about that. The sad thing in today's world, is that the only ones who can carry in gun free zones, are the psycho's of the world ! People are setting ducks 🦆 with no way to defend themselves. I'll never understand that, as long as I live ! Fish in a barrel !!! Thanks for the help Steve ... "You Rock"
@HaitianAddy 4 жыл бұрын
Do you need a cpl to own a gun , just to keep it in the house?
@alb.dersame 4 жыл бұрын
@@HaitianAddy i believe that it depends on which state you live in. Michigan is an open carry state, I'm not sure about the laws in other states. But I doubt that it's illegal to have one for home protection. My gun stays under my pillow every single night.
@davebruce4722 4 жыл бұрын
A few things have changed since the MSP issued that Update back in 2010. Green Cards are long gone replaced by the RI-060 forms. I would also check in addition to that Update from the MSP.
@emknapp6713 4 жыл бұрын
Good information thank you!
@MonoGmc 2 жыл бұрын
Notice how they don’t allow them in church’s or theater’s but we have seen multiple shootings here in those exact locations 🤦‍♂️
@trevoryqt 2 жыл бұрын
An “authorized official” can OK carry in a church
@bu11fr0g4x 2 жыл бұрын
Nearly all public shootings happen in "gun free zones".
@danielwilcox6307 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine if banks were governed to not have a safe on site. More robberies would be encouraged at these financial institutions. Same goes for gun free zones.
@user-wm9hm3pe1p Жыл бұрын
Walmart and Meijer look for the stickers they're everywhere.
@MonoGmc Жыл бұрын
@@trevoryqt Never seen one at a church.
@robertsilva8097 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the Great video
@mr.2cents.846 4 жыл бұрын
So you're not allowed to take your guns into a movie theatre. But when a crazy guy with an uzi runs in there you're screwed. They don't get it. Outlaws don't abide the law.
@mojoman2001 4 жыл бұрын
True, but you're also less likely gonna get shot in the crossfire by an unexpectedly enraged patron who entered with no bad intent, but lost control when some jerk kept interrupting the movie. So, choose your poison. There's no complete safety. Planned mass shootings are more rare than impulsive shootings.
@joebleed 4 жыл бұрын
@@mojoman2001 true on the rarity of mass shootings, though i still don't like the idea of not being allowed to carry somewhere. I'm willing to chance someone losing their temper and doing something stupid. they also need to remember other people there may very well be carrying. That may stop them from escalating the situation. Though we all know there are exceptions. That being said. they said places of entertainment with more that 2500 seating. do they mean for the whole building or per theater? unless i missed it, i didn't here theater specifically.
@GTVAlfaMan 4 жыл бұрын
Mr. 2cents. Who says you’re not allowed to carry a firearm in a movie theater? Is it a law or movie theater policy?
@GTVAlfaMan 4 жыл бұрын
Cyndi Rothrock My question is, Is it a law or just only the movie theater policy that no guns are allowed? What state are you talking about? Does the law or policy apply to off duty law enforcement officers and concealed carry permit holders?
@davebruce4722 4 жыл бұрын
@@GTVAlfaMan State law in MI. Listed right on the back of the CPL, capacity of 250 or more. For a multiplex place, you add up all the individual theaters.
@libertarian1637 4 жыл бұрын
Federal law allows for interstate transportation of firearms across state lines, including through a state wherein said weapon would be illegal to posses, such that a few conditions are met: the weapon must be legal to posses at both ends of the journey, the weapon must be locked, unloaded, with ammunition secured separately, and the journey shall be limited in stops to what is necessary. This drives some NY and NJ LEOs nuts as some are quite anti-gun. In NYS firearms laws are identified in sections 265 (crimes) and 400 (licensing) of the NYS Penal Law. Thanks to the federal district court the 7 round limit has been struck from the law which has defaulted back to 10 round magazine limits.
@CrazyOldFart66 3 жыл бұрын
Always thought is was crazy that as a CPL holder, I could open carry into the school (until they asked me to leave). I liked the leadership at my kid's school, so I never tested it, but I certainly was tempted.
@rickieodem488 4 жыл бұрын
Michigan's laws seem to be rational compared to many other states. The only glaring disconnect that I see is that there is no law against carrying an unconcealed weapon on your person, until you get in a car, then it's against the law. That's a little strange. Thanks for the video!
@rickieodem488 4 жыл бұрын
@ It's already "infringed" in so many different ways. Many of the constraints make sense, but some are holdovers from regulations that were never well thought out. Cops and prosecutors often take advantage of them, and as Steve often says, it takes a professional lawyer to keep you out of harm's way. I for one keep my attorney's business card right next to my CCL in my wallet.
@donabrahamson7922 4 жыл бұрын
We have to register all handguns. Not reasonable.
@scottytherambler6919 4 жыл бұрын
Solution is carry it open outside the vehicle then properly stow it before proceeding to travel.
@doedoe02 3 жыл бұрын
Love this page new follower
@TexWebslinger 4 жыл бұрын
In Texas, we have reciprocity with many states. In fact, it is common to get a permit(whatever the name of it may be. We used to be CHL for Conceal Handgun License , now LTC, License To Carry.) Often it is easier to get some states permit for various reasons: longer term of permit 10 years vs 7, cheaper?, no requirement of shooting range time, etc. So I live in my state with an out of state permit. This is permitted in my state. Yes, I must follow my states laws. The down side is when I buy a gun, they must call in to verify me, just like an unlicensed person. In your video, you explained that nonresidents must be licensed in their own state. So the question is, does the permit from state X that is usable in my home state by reciprocity, not legal in your great state because it was not a direct permit from my home state? Somehow, the reciprocity has been removed?
@mjnc3672 4 жыл бұрын
Here in PA, open carry is legal as there is no law against it. However, in some areas, some safety Sally might call 911 & report a 'man with a gun', then a dozen cop cars will come screeching up & cite you for causing a disturbance or disorderly conduct. Even if you are walking along cool as a cucumber friendly as can be. Therefore, in my view, concealed with a permit is the more sensible way to go. Across the river in NJ, they have California level gun laws. The mere possession of 1 standard hollow point round in your pocket, even if there's no gun on you is a felony. God help you if you forget you have a 16 round magazine in your glove box that you forgot about. Then you'll be cuffed & face 16 felony counts. Outrageous.
@gatesmw50 4 жыл бұрын
mjnc367 What New Jersey does during a trial involving guns is that they FLIP the burden of proof. We say you are guilty, prove you are innocent. That is not how the justice system is supposed to work. Proving guilt is supposed to be the prosecutor's job. They get away with it because the state & federal judges are biased and anti 2nd amendment.
@mjnc3672 4 жыл бұрын
@@gatesmw50 The scenario I described could have happened to an acquaintance of mine who crossed over the bridge from PA to NJ for a business trip, and totally forgot his legally permitted full size CZ-75 9mm was in his console. With 16 rounds plus 1 in the chamber. If he had been stopped, and his vehicle searched, he would have had 19 felony counts. 1 for the outlawed 'high capacity" magazine. 1 for the firearm. And 18 for each hollow point round. Needless to say, he was scared shi*less. For cc permits, PA is a "shall issue' state. NJ is a 'may issue's state. Essentially meaning only law enforcement or the extremely well politically connected have any chance of getting a permit. These imbicles in government are clueless to anything about firearms. Why possession of a single standard hollow point round is in the books as a felony. This is insanity. I carry Underwood Xtreme Defender solid copper rounds. Technically not a hollow point. But I wouldn't want to chance being the test case for this stupid law.
@CharlieForbes524 4 жыл бұрын
If you buy from a FFL dealer, the pistol transaction record which is filled out in triplicate (one for dealer, one for you, one for MSP) must be turned in by the buyer to their closest Sheriff or Police Dept, who after whatever processing they do forward that to the MSP. There is no longer - that I'm aware of, any green card issued like when years ago pistols had to be submitted to local law enforcement for "saftey inspections". If you don't have a CPL, and are buying a pistol from a private citizen, you still have to obtain a permit to purchase from your local Sheriff/PD. Near a school, or federal facility (Post Office, social security Office, etc.) I would advise to park 1000 feet (for schools) minimum away. Across the street in public parking is ok for fed property. I have read opinions that local post masters can claim any area near post office where their people work a no-gun zone. Such as mailboxes across the street from a post office. Many schools in Michigan have no gun/drug zones posted in a 1000 foot radius. I was recently told by a retired police officer at a CPL refresher class, that when you are stopped, police officers cannot just see if you have a valid CPL on record. They can request that information, but I was told they must have good reason to do so. This is law by the Michigan Legislature. i can tell you with certainty both Canadian and US Border Patrol have that information readily available. If you have CPL from a state that Michigan has reciprocity with, if stopped by LE, and are carrying, you must disclose your firearm verbally immediately to the officer. A lot of states do not have this requirement.
@cheesywheeler8322 4 жыл бұрын
Chuckwagon 524 not in Kentucky
@thomasarmbruster1743 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Steve. I'll be heading on up to Pure Michigan soon and was wondering about the laws, particularly as they apply to out of state visitors. Much appreciated!
@truthweallknow 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Steve.
@IlPadre4103 4 жыл бұрын
Michigan seems to have three standards: 1) a list of places where a CPL owner can carry despite a gun prohibition; 2) a list of places where a CPL can concealed carry with the permission of the owner or presiding officer; 3) a number of places where a CPL owner can carry but only openly. My question is: a church may provide a letter to CPLs to carry concealed at a "property or facility owned or operated by a Church...", but it doesn't seem this option is available to a school. If a Church owns/runs a school may it permit guns to be carried CONCEALED by its teachers? I have come accross several articles about rural MI public school boards considering arming their teachers, and by this I assume they are talking about concealed carry, since open carry is already open to CPL holding teachers. Under what authority are they considering this since the law in MI does not seem to permit school administrators this latitude. Finally if the answer is no, you can't permit it as an exception to the ban, can you allow it by making it a "condition of employment" for teachers who are willing and able to do so to protect students.
@claytonblanchard4451 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I live in Texas.
@geraldtakala1721 Жыл бұрын
Sheriffs posse is volunteer deputies who are on horseback during their duties as officers eg providing security for certain events or surchases
@kaddiddlehopper 4 жыл бұрын
Given that firearms are something that people carry and people often travel in multiple states, shouldn't there be some sort of uniform code? Reciprocity between states perhaps? Why should we have to learn the specific firearms laws of 50 different states if we travel a lot? As a drunk American taxpayer, the whole concept seems rather absurd to me.
@jjs9390 4 жыл бұрын
Well, most laws that apply to daily life are from the individual state you are in. So couldn't that be said about most of them?
@majorp6084 4 жыл бұрын
I want to be on the sheriff Pose. Steve the look on your face was priceless!! well do my friend. do they still exsist?
@zososldier 2 жыл бұрын
Purchase permit or license with a registry? Hard no.
@Ed-po9kz 4 жыл бұрын
Here in Wild West Arizona= Worst drivers, hot as hell and enough guns to sink a battle ship
@kenabi 4 жыл бұрын
750.231a's unlicensed trunk/not accessible basically mirrors the federal transport regulations, barring the feds say locked container explicitly, and ammo separate from the firearm (not in the same case/container).
@thefnaffan2 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@IggyStardust1967 4 жыл бұрын
Police, as well as citizens should be knowledgeable about firearms laws. I really wish there was a lawyer like you in Maryland, who does such videos and the research contained therein.
@Jabberwockybird 2 жыл бұрын
"There is no way to open carry in a car" Sure there is. A window gun rack in a pickup truck. A mounted machine gun. Holding it like the shotgun guy on a stage coach (where the term "shotgun" comes from)
@stevecooper2873 Жыл бұрын
Needs to be visible on the seat in my state.
@CallahanHarry44 4 жыл бұрын
This is why we need national gun laws. The confusion of state laws and with every state making their own, is ridiculous. The police and/or prosecutors / judges don't even understand them and us citizens have to travel between states, subject to possible prosecution every time we cross a state border!
@10314347 4 жыл бұрын
We HAVE a national gun law. It's called the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
@DarkSoulx7 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a Michigan man. Born and raised. I know a lot of people gripe about gun laws all the time but I for one believe Michigan gun laws to be pretty damn fair.
@purplerocket4300 4 жыл бұрын
It seems like non-Michiganers have more rights in your state than you guys do. That's pretty messed up. It's a bit like having a guest at your house for a week and you having to give up your bed and sleep on the floor.
@HaitianAddy 4 жыл бұрын
Can you have a gun in your house or apartment without a cpl?? Cause I don’t plan on carrying it around right now, I just wanna have a gun in my house to keep me safe
@brucebratschi4300 3 жыл бұрын
Good review. 👍
@nos4atu666 4 жыл бұрын
But Robert Reznick made me a reserve officer. Lmao
@j0hnnykn0xv1lle 4 жыл бұрын
Funny the business owner has the right to say no guns, but they don't have the right to allow smoking cigarettes. The government can overstep their bounds on the business owners.
@danav3387 4 жыл бұрын
I never shop at those places. I always say where is your your child molester sign, where is your no drug dealer sign and your no thieves sign???
@Cryptonymicus 4 жыл бұрын
@@danav3387 And for all the store owners know YOU could be all those things so why let you walk in with a gun too?
@danav3387 4 жыл бұрын
@@Cryptonymicus I am none of those things you seem a little butt hurt I doubt you're allowed to own a gun
@mr.h5436 4 жыл бұрын
@@danav3387 good riddance
@danav3387 4 жыл бұрын
@@mr.h5436 👍🏻
@mtreadway8858 4 жыл бұрын
Ky has a ccw but it's legal concealed carry without it new law from last year but if you go out of state you must have your permit to show in states with resaprossity
@tedbledsoe9758 4 жыл бұрын
Love the microphone collection! Thank you for the info.
@BrianDaleNeeley 4 жыл бұрын
A sheriff's posse? Does the law define that anywhere, and does the sheriff himself (or herself) have to organize it, or can a deputy (or a police officer for that matter), call up or otherwise organize a posse?
@groermaik 4 жыл бұрын
I have a Michigan CCW, (ok, CPL) but I normally open carry because it's usually easier and more comfortable. It's a shame the police need reminding, but this update has been around since 2010.
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