Russia in colors 1906-1916

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Prokudin-Gorsky`s color photoes made in Russian Empire using his invention

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@veronikachobotova8449 3 жыл бұрын
Родина моя любимая!Какие нежные,почти современные фотографии...
@natashaadams6767 3 жыл бұрын
Эти фотографии были сделаны фотографом Горским по заказу царя Николая II. Красиво написали-Родина моя любимая!
@StanLehmann 11 жыл бұрын
Слава Богу что есть фотографiи ... память о Россiи, которую потеряли... и грусть... и наслажденiе...
@21twentyone25 2 жыл бұрын
Да, потеряли и теперь уже никогда не вернем былое величие, духовность и красоту Российской империи. К трагическому сожалению, народ поверил в идею социализма, равенства и прочих левацких идей. Скучаю по России, в которой даже не был. Спасибо людям, которые показывают нам фотографии того времени на ютубе.
@fsbis Жыл бұрын
Голода ,бедность, бессмысленные войны наверное придумали большевики
@monkofdarktimes 7 жыл бұрын
wonderful in many ways the world needs more of it I am here to admire the photos not for political reasons
@monkofdarktimes 7 жыл бұрын
xX_sHrEK_Scopzz_Xx x really not actually I adore history so that's why
@LaSanya2001 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, if you compare Russian villages and cities of today and Soviet times with these, they are like on the same technological level and building style. But these villages during the imperial years look so clean, tidy and full of life. They honestly surprised me, they didn't look like what I saw in Photos, Videos or Google Maps, they reminded me more of a western town from the US. Sad to see what could've been but what we have instead.
@marin_gy 10 жыл бұрын
This is the song "Volga Flowing"
@jonathann.1433 6 жыл бұрын
This is really weird. You can tell they're old pictures, but they're in color.
@-xnnybimb-9398 3 жыл бұрын
@PeterPan-iz1kk Жыл бұрын
I think Russia and Russians, as well as the rest of us, ought to send a friendly thought of thanks to the late Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorskij, and the last Tsar, for having done all this to conserve so much of Russian cultural history!
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
", потому что плановая социалистическая экономика себя увы не оправдала" Еще как оправдала! Например в 30-е экономика СССР росла по 20-30% в год! Таких темпов не знало человечество не до не после. Экономика СССР вообще ВСЕГДА росла до самого до 1991 года. За 17 Брежневских лет она увеличилась в 2,5 раза (и это при цене за баррель менее 2 долл) - тогда же была построена вся газовая и нефтяная инфраструктура за счет чего Россияния жива до сих пор. Все чем мы живем - сделано в СССР!
@acerb4566 15 жыл бұрын
the man was a genius!! these pics are sharp and amazingly modern in quality!!
@StanLehmann 11 жыл бұрын
А за видео спасибо! Очень хорошо!
@honour123 13 жыл бұрын
what a beautiful country. canada and russia sould form a northern alliance! both our countries are rich in culture and freedoom. yours is so tragic and ours so young. Together let freedom reign!
@Slavicgrils 14 жыл бұрын
Awesome! So beautiful...
@CleoTheSim 14 жыл бұрын
So beautiful and so tragic! The fact that this world was lost breaks my heart!
@theclax2003 15 жыл бұрын
истинный талант и красота
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 На благо Родины? Да - ВСЕ ЧТО УГОДНО. Этим стояла Русь и стоять будет.
@papadocsamedi2544 6 күн бұрын
This is the Russia that I love. How far have you fallen from it. Greetings from Estonia.
@MarshallJukov 5 күн бұрын
Russia is fine, thank you
@LjubishaSrb 15 жыл бұрын
very beautiful and impressive for photos from 1905 Photoreal :),definitely better when compared to some very good digital cameras today...nice pictures Greetings from Serbia :)
@standishism 8 жыл бұрын
I cannot believe how little I knew about Russia until about a year ago when I began to study this country in every moment of my spare time. Such a beautiful place where ugly thing happened. I'm glad that Communism is over for Russia. Whether Democracy or Autocracy, I pray that peace remains in Russia so that history is restored and the land and its people may prosper. The last Imperial Family seemed so devoted to their religion. What an adorable bunch. What happened in their final moments brings tears to my eyes. I know they are with God, they are not suffering as they smile down upon the goodness in the world.
@MarshallJukov 8 жыл бұрын
"I'm glad that Communism is over for Russia." Most Russians aren`t. It was golden age of Russia. " The last Imperial Family seemed so devoted to their religion. " It was degenerate dynasty of inbred losers and gays. They was hated by everybody and they was not even Russian. " What happened in their final moments brings tears to my eyes." You better think about what their reign did to hundreds of millions Russians.
@sirbader1 8 жыл бұрын
+MarshallJukov what about Stalin's reign? You are stating that the Romanovs killed more than Stalin? Or were responsible for the deaths of more people? Go ahead and break that one down line by line, since you seem to enjoy your self-indulging fantasies a bit more than reality.
@MarshallJukov 8 жыл бұрын
Rob Bader " what about Stalin's reign?" Golden age of a golden age. " You are stating that the Romanovs killed more than Stalin?" Exactly. Do you know what 27 year life expectancy and 80% infant mortality stands for? May be you need to start getting a clue by reading Russian classics like Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy or Gorkiy? "Or were responsible for the deaths of more people?" Golshtein-Gottorps aka Romanovs and their policies killed over 500 million people in 3000 years, and made everyone else suffer in miserable poverty, slavery and lawlessness. No wonder people of Russia revolted against them, even so called "white guards" during the civil war hated Romanovs.
@1helluvaguy738 7 жыл бұрын
MarshallJukov "Romanovs and their policies killed over 500 million people in 3000 years" I assume you mean 300? And that's blaming them for the deaths of everyone who lived! You're way off dude. I'm no czarist but everyone dies no matter their standard of living or regime they live under.
@MarshallJukov 7 жыл бұрын
G Melford "And that's blaming them for the deaths of everyone who lived!" Exactly, almost everyone. died because of conditions that defined 27 years average life expectancy and 80% infant mortality. "but everyone dies no matter their standard of living or regime they live under." There is difference between dying at the age of 27 and age of 57 right? Or there is also a difference betwen having 2 out of 10 of your children making it out alive over the age of 10. With 5 of them never living longer than 3 years.
@formulaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 6 жыл бұрын
beatifull music...
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@TheGayestGuyOnEarth При том что он всю эту живописную но все же разруху и отсталость мягко говоря ликвидировал. Из мертвой страны сделал супердержаву
@TrueCommunist 14 жыл бұрын
Too bad that this is only thing that was beautiful in Russia then - the landscape. When we look at the social relationships in Russia... no picture can transcend that horror in Tzar's Russia.
@TrueCommunist 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 In fact if Russia wasn't so "decent" especially in periods of 1906-1916, there wouldn't have been a revolution... Same goes for the broken-in-blood revolution across the Europe from 1840-1930s...
@nicolaocornelio170 4 жыл бұрын
2:16 1914. Putin. Colorized
@MarshallJukov 12 жыл бұрын
@ChristianFS1 They wasn`t printed, those photoes are 3 glass plates each of its own color, they used 3-way projector to view positive photography on screen.
@bla287 12 жыл бұрын
Wow, it's a video about early colour photography, and people are debating about World Wars, Cold War and such shit. Why not simply enjoy the video?
@PeterPan-iz1kk Жыл бұрын
Because it was "politics" that put an end to that photographers work, and to the Tsar, for that matter. The communists, financed form New (Jew) York, did just that. The photographer had to flee from Russia. And the Tsar, and most of his family, were killed by them and their henchmen, along with large part of the Russian population, too. That is why not! Luckily, some of the photographs survived, to our benefit. Unfortunately, the same forces are still active today, and just as bad as they were then. Other people, but pursuing exactly the same cause.
@MrEjidorie 11 жыл бұрын
Incredible. Are these photographs really 100 years old or ever older? These vivid color pictures are just like time capsules of Russia before the bloody Russian Revolution. Thanks for posting.
@MybeautifulandamazingPrincess 2 жыл бұрын
What you call revolution I call an illegitimate coup d'etat and mass murder of Russians. And communists aren't Russians, they were the enemies of Russia who took over power illegitimately and occupied Russia. During the communism era Russia was occupied by an illegitimate regime Ps: I'm myself a Russian and my family opposed the red evil. So don't think for one second Russians supported the bolsheviks
@MrEjidorie 2 жыл бұрын
@@MybeautifulandamazingPrincess Thank you for your reply. I sent my thread almost 8 years ago, so I have forgotten about what I wrote in my previous tread. If my former thread offends you, I sincerely apologize you for my impoliteness. During the cold war period when the world was separated between the Communist bloc and the Capitalist bloc, Russian people seemed to be people who lived on an another planet for average Japanese people like me. Partly because I might be brainwashed by American mass media, I used to believe that all Russian people were adamant communists, and they wanted to propagate communism all over the world. Now the Soviet Union and other other socialist states had collapsed. Thanks to internet, I`m very glad that people can feel free to exchange opinions beyond nationalities, creeds and ideologies. In spite of this, however, I`m afraid that unfriendly feelings are separating between Russia and the West. Along with the issue of Taiwan, a lot of Japanese people are concerned that a war could break out between Russia and Ukraine. As a Russian citizen, what do you think about what is going on between these two countries. Do you think Russia`s military action is defensive and justifiable because if Ukraine joined in NATO, it could pose a grave threat to Russia? Or President Putin`s decision is very aggressive and dangerous for the world peace and stability. I`m very interested to know your opinion and how Russian people view this problem.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@TheGayestGuyOnEarth Конкуренция присутствует в виде соц соревнования (в СССР конкуренция была огромна) а плановая экономика позволяла правильно, своевременно, справедливо и экономно распределять ресурсы.
@MarshallJukov 12 жыл бұрын
@ChristianFS1 But they did have tech to print it on paper in color, there is even some books with those photoes known which predates 1917
@MarshallJukov 13 жыл бұрын
@Anglichanen I told you - you are in heavy delusion))) Soviet space program has NOTHING to do with German rocketry, which itself was based around theoretical and mathematical apparatus made by Tsiolkovski))While USA got Von Braun, full documentation and his 700 men team, USSR got nothing but destroyed factories)) USSR REJECTED nazi rocketry techand made our own path, while USA followed Von Braun`s ideas and failed.
@vtkrey 15 жыл бұрын
Some beautiful images, thank you.
@crumcon 6 жыл бұрын
and in 2017 Russia doesnt change that much in my opinion
@kaborone1610 5 жыл бұрын
If only it were true.
@MarshallJukov 12 жыл бұрын
During WW2 he was also "murdering people" of them 9 mln nazis, what a criminal. Dummy - as documents and artcles writem by AMERICAN scientists which i shown you prove - Stalin was NOT murdering anybody, was NOT paranoid and was NOT any sort of dictator. In reality he was Russian Lincoln but x100 times more great in his achievements, do you like it or not.
@MarshallJukov 12 жыл бұрын
They wheren`t forced labor camp, its just in any prisons in the world people working to fill their time and to not be parasytes. USSR back then did not put any people to prisons to get labor force at all, UNLIKE USA TODAY with its MASSIVE forced labor industry or USA back then with its WPA camps. Article i gave - based on research of Victor Zemskov- most authorative source in the world. Needs to mention that if USSR had 1,5 mln arrests per year in 1930s - USA now has 14,5 mln
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Продолжительность жизни же выросла с 29 лет в 1914м до 75 в 1985м Грамотность с 21% в 1917 до 89% в 1939. Про медицину и прочие блага я уж умолчу. Промышленный потенциал же в сравнении с 1914 вырос в 200 раз в 1953м (!)
@НеллиХоцарж 3 жыл бұрын
Чудесно...особенно большая крона дерева. На 8.50
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Core of capitalism is not freedom but greed and gain of profit without restraint Freedom can not be reached as long as there is class of oligarchy existing. Freedom means equality - which does not exist in capitaklist society by definition
@princesshannahbanana2090 2 жыл бұрын
What is the name of the song used?
@MarshallJukov 12 жыл бұрын
In 37 years of his rule only about 4000 people was ever executed, In a single Bartholomew's Day massacre in Europe over 30 000 peope was slaughtered. Ivan IV the Terrible was terrified and sent his protests to French monarch. And nobody can show you pictures of gulags, because it was not any sort of death camps, just regular prisons, which population LESS than in other countries those years and less than in modern USA or Russian Federation northstarcompass. org/nsc9912/lies. htm
@MarshallJukov 13 жыл бұрын
@Anglichanen You are in complete delusion, there was no any "jewish communists" and 40 millions are died in post USSR space NOW, since 1991. Russia does not resists anything now - its under occupation since 1991 and octuber 1993. Communists took already dead Russia that lost WW1, revived, unified, protected it from 14 Antanta armies, build it up, protected in WW2 and made it a superpower #1 in space. You need a lot to learn.
@ChristianFS1 12 жыл бұрын
to me the real question isn't about making the photo, but rather printing it. how did they print/manufacture the pictures ? :)
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
"СССР воевал, а в результате США почивали на лаврах" Это я и без тебя знаю. Твои предложения? Не надо было воевать с фашистами вторгшимися на нашу землю - так чтоли? "А гонка вооружений между США и СССР буквально вытянула за уши США" Никуда она их не вытянула. Они просто навязали всему миру свои бумажные деньги - за счет чего живут В ДОЛГ уже 97 лет. "но СССР в результате распался" Он не распался я его развалили - в результате чудовищного саботажа и ВОПРЕКИ воле народа!
@TheGayestGuyOnEarth 14 жыл бұрын
@MarshallJukov Эта мёртвая страна существовала как минимум тысячелетие, коммунистическая супердержава не дотянула и ло 70-ти
@TrueCommunist 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Just as Revolutionaries used up monetary funds from their own capitalists, why didn't they use it from others? Especially when you look that most property that generated capital in Russia in those years were controlled by ANYONE (Germans mostly) except Russian capitalists.. How about that ethical nurturing? Fact that Soviet Union supported 250 nations inside hers together with their language and culture (while Czarist Russia only suppressed minorities) How about those cultural values?
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 А что до "миллионов" - я дал ссылки на работы Земскова - читай - там ими и не пахнет Про войну вообще не надо - мы справились с фашистами лучше чем кто либо до и после нас
@MarshallJukov 15 жыл бұрын
Techet reka Volga Volga river flowing - Ludmila Zykina
@sabrinafletcher7994 6 жыл бұрын
that's totally not Russia Russia's cold that's hot
@Baskerville22 6 жыл бұрын
From the Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky collection.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Итак - итог. Достижения эпохи Сталина очевидны и неопровержимы а ее наследием Россия жива до сих пор. "Преступления" Сталина опровергнуты документально подтвержденными фактами а так же тем что его никто и никогда не судил и преступником он лично не является
@MarshallJukov 12 жыл бұрын
And talking about how "America saved Russia" in 1920 is just rediculous. ARA sent food surplus to only 13 millions, while over 90 mln was starving. Saved my arse, we handled most of it ourselves, thus help was significant. Also, i think you don`t know that it was Russia/USSR who saved America at least THRE times. First time by creating First League of Armed Neutrality Second supporting against Brits during CW and sending warshios in 1863, and of cource by defeating nazis in WW2
@jsb9265 6 жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful country with impressive architecture and the pictures are beautiful to I take some of building's survive to this day?
@eshuut9049 5 жыл бұрын
Louise X But I’m sure a lot of buildings where also destroyed because of civil war, ww2 and such.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@TrueCommunist By year 1914 Russia didn`t won any war for 100 years already. Just "released" from slavery in 1861but it was replaced by economical slavery. As for war of 1812 it was needles - Napoleon was our ally when Pavel 1 was alive Alexander his son was British puppet and just killed his own father. Russian-French alliance threated British Empire. Paver where ready to send Cossacks into India
@MarshallJukov 12 жыл бұрын
@spk9grsch Here is all 1900+ original photoes: filehosting. org/file/details/311754/Prokudin-Gorsky. torrent (5.26Gb)
@dhksrksalem 12 жыл бұрын
blue filter + green filter + red filter = color sergey is genius!
@MarshallJukov 13 жыл бұрын
@Anglichanen Now you demonstrating your complete ignorance, Communists and Bolshevicks have NOTHING to do with tsar`s renouncement LOL)) Just as with murder of Nicolas II and his family, however that inbred sucker desrved to die for what he did to Russia. Khazars never ruled any SOUTHER Caucassus, genius LOL, most of their terrritory was in Volga river, Dagestan, Ukraine (incl Kiev) and Crimea))) Continue...
@MarshallJukov 13 жыл бұрын
@Anglichanen Communists was first to RESTORE PATRIARCHY which was banned since 1721 in Russia and tried to set Ecumenic Council LOL))) And did not slaughtered any "millions", just as famines was REGULAR evens in Russian Empire - Communists SOLVED this problem once and for all. geotimes. ge/index. php?m=home&newsid=22947 In 1913 Russia had life expectancy of only 32 years, while only 21% litterate!)))))
@MarshallJukov 15 жыл бұрын
Yes - there is about 2000 pictures in total and they are very close to some digital quality
@TrueCommunist 14 жыл бұрын
@MarshallJukov There can be always better, but in the same turn it can be much worse. What they did in the geopolitical shift, was more then favorable, even with that outcome. Especially when you look at the impact it created in Balkans and Ottoman Empire,... But you explained it perfectly... The whole Socio-economic system wasn't able to cope with many things, including containing their greed, something we still observe today, which is driving our Planet into decay and literally perversion.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Какой из всего этого вывод? Вывод один - Сталин ВЕЛИЧАЙШИЙ и ДОСТОЙНЕЙШИЙ лидер Советского народа - и ЛУЧШИЙ правитель на последние 700 лет как минимум. А те кто пытаются его обосрать - ПРОСТО ВРАГИ РУССКОГО И ДРУГИХ НАРОДОВ СССР и наших друзей за рубежом!
@MarshallJukov 13 жыл бұрын
@Anglichanen Yes thats heavy delusion. There is nothing bad to be a jew in a first place, ZIONISTS are real problem. However Lenin, Beria and Stalin was not any kind of jews. lenin was RUSSIAN with some SWEDISH ancestry, Beria and Stalin was pure Georgians. Many REVOLITIONARIES changed their names, thats normal, hell billions of people on internet changing their names like YOU for example LOL))) However real name of Joseph Stalin NEVER was any kind of secret ))) Now...
@MarshallJukov 12 жыл бұрын
He solved millenium old famine problem in Russia, FOREVER In czarist Russia famine was PERMANENT - mlns died EACH YEAR, thats why RE had life expectancy = 27,5 years, ***89%*** child mortality (below 10 years age) and only 21% litteracy rate. Stalin took that shithole and made it industrial world`s superpower with space rockets, atomic power and computer networks just in 25 years of which 4 was most horrible war in human history where USSR defeated enemy with 3 times larger population.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 ""Люди шли, а их пулеметом косило,умирали за Родину, а не коммунизм"" Ты наверное УС2 насмотрелся да? С шашками на танки шли ага - а войну выиграли безоружные штрафбаты)) А что до Коммунистов - одних только партийных погибло 3,5 млн Имей совесть
@FreedomLovingLoyalistOfficial 4 жыл бұрын
windows screen 0:24
@antiUSura 15 жыл бұрын
Very beautiful...
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Свобода вообще и политических взглядов в частности это не вседозволенность. СССР выбрал цель - и к ней шёл. Нам не нужны были партии любителей пива, геев и т д а в ВКПб и КПСС была обширная внутренняя оппозиция
@mint8648 Жыл бұрын
Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality
@MarshallJukov Жыл бұрын
Povery, hunger, illiteracy, obscurantism
@mint8648 Жыл бұрын
@@MarshallJukovWhy post this video?
@MarshallJukov Жыл бұрын
@@mint8648 The video is not about praising regime of tsars
@joyville 15 жыл бұрын
Very nice
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@TrueCommunist Yes They even judge about everybody on themselves Thief always think everybody is a thief They can`t even comprehend that people can have totaly different motivation than greed and lust for power and conquest
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Sorry but USSR wasn`t a Communist country. It was Socialist state. Communism was only promised to be created when high morality of average people will be enough to win over greed and individualism Communism never existed on this planet yet - so speaking that it was "failed" is rediculous Also - USSR did not failed - it was SABOTAGED from outside. But this is another long story
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@TheGayestGuyOnEarth Китай не капиталистическая страна - но еще и не социалистическая в полной мере так как они физически ПОКА не могут обеспечить в равной степени все свое население. В Китае плановая экономика еще жестче чем была в СССР - они просто сделали несколько зон куда иностранцы могут вкладывать деньги и технологии - а потом тихонько тащат это все на свои ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЕ заводы. Именно так когда то и делал Сталин
@TheGayestGuyOnEarth 14 жыл бұрын
и кстати насчёт гонки вооружений- засчёт чего СССР так быстро и успешно отправил человека в космос, построил ядерные бомбы и т.д.? Засчёт КОНКУРЕНЦИИ (с Америкой), а это есть чисто капиталистический подход. Что наглядно доказывает преимущество такой системы
@givehope5941 2 жыл бұрын
if you dont like czarist rusia why did you make a video about it .Are you mad?
@ВладимирХамстер-г5о 6 жыл бұрын
Глядя на эти фотографии (видео для России вообще роскошь), понимаешь почему песни сплошняком грустные.
@MarshallJukov 6 жыл бұрын
Песни грусные потому что время неумолимо, а не потому что там якобы был рай для большинства
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Свободнее и честнее выборов чем в СССР небыло еще никогда и ни где. Советы выдвигали депутатов - тщательно отобранных лиц на ответственные места. Народ выбор Советов подтверждал или не подтверждал.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@TheGayestGuyOnEarth "Засчёт КОНКУРЕНЦИИ (с Америкой), а это есть чисто капиталистический подход" Бредишь? Это была не конкуренция - а ответ на угрозу самого существования. Я про ЯО и прочее оружие. А в космос полетели потому что хотели. СССР кстати всегда был против вывода вооружений в космос. И самое главное - капитализм это как раз не конкуренция (которой там нет по определению на самом деле) капитализм это ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ меньшинством владеющим на средства производства большинства.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
А насчет анонимок - их Сталин чтоли писал или читал? писали ЛЮДИ а не Сталин А органы НЕ МОГЛИ НЕ РЕАГИРОВАТЬ - иначе несли ответственность за халатность. Сигналы проверяли и принимали меры если они подтверждались. Ошибочные решения были но их ИСПРАВЛЯЛИ - в т ч и ЛИЧНО Сталин
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Репресси есть везде где есть закон и суды - это тебе скажет даже абитуриент юридического ВУЗа Расстрелы были но НЕ массовые и по РЕШЕНИЯМ СУДОВ. А число расстрелянных ДОКУМЕНТАЛЬНО засвидетельствовано
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@TheGayestGuyOnEarth Которое не только не получает и 1% от добавочной стоимости - которая уходит в карман этому меньшинству - так еще и платит огромные налоги государству которое защищает интересы большинства. Это паразитическая система - отсюда и ГИГАНТСКИЙ долг кап стран и БЕСКОНЕЧНЫЕ кризисы. При социализме же средства производства в собственности всего общества - добавочная собственность идет на благо общества - так же как и налоги отдельных лиц.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Потери армий были одинаковые учитывая так же что мы наступали почти все время - а наступающий всегда несет более тяжелые потери - при схожем технологическом уровне. Красная армия, ополчения и партизаны составили 8,7 млн погибших
@carlnilssonyoung8961 4 жыл бұрын
The pre soviet russia was a gem.
@MarshallJukov 4 жыл бұрын
Sure, with its 32 years life expectancy, 80% infant mortality, 21% literacy rate.
@shawnv123 2 жыл бұрын
@@MarshallJukov wow
@capitannemo5819 4 жыл бұрын
Russia meravigliosa, prima che si scatenassero i demoni dell'inferno. Io ❤️ la Russia!
@MarshallJukov 4 жыл бұрын
Wonderful? Demons?
@capitannemo5819 4 жыл бұрын
@@MarshallJukov 1) Awesome pictures 👍 Thanks. 2) Before the horrible civil war. Greetings from Italy 👋
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
Немцы после лета 1943 вообще не насттупали А насчет грудью на амбразуру это был вовсе не приказ - люди умирали ща Родину и за Сталина - Сталин это даже не И. Джугашвилли - это дух Русского народа По этому против Сталина и идет эта лживая компания - потому что цель РУССКИЕ
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Это тебе не фальшивая выборная свистопляска в нынешней россиянии или в США чьим путем мы нынче идем
@TrueCommunist 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 "decent Empire"...? You either didn't get my comment, which wanted to divert attention to something-else-then-landscape about Russia, especially in that era (famines, oppressions, pogroms, feudalism, rapid and rabid capitalist industrialization, wars...etc, all instituted by the loving Russian government-monarchy), or you are just bluntly uninformed and uninterested in factual history. My point was, why didn't he show REAL and ALL pictures about Russia as stated in his own title.
@TrueCommunist 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 "decent"? There is no decent monarchy for the people Actually, Russia was so decent, that they were screaming for revolution, even after the same was cornered in Moscow and Leningrad, from 21 decent Interventionist states. Britain? What it did with south Africa (Boer wars, concentration camps), India (forced famines, divide and conquer..)etc Not only that monarchy is far away from the benefit of the people (except high class), its the prison of the same. Russia was nothing before USSR
@MarshallJukov 12 жыл бұрын
His name does not need to be "cleaned" because none of you ignorant worms impressed by nazi and cold war propaganda can even make it dirty. Hitler killed 27 soviet citizens and destroyed 1/3 of assets Russia created for 1200 years. Hitler did NOT built soviet industry, did NOT raised farming efficiency in USSR 4 times in just 10 years, did NOT raised litteracy rate from 21% to 98%, did NOT raised life expectancy 2 times.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Остальные 19 млн гражданские убитые захватчиками а не Сталиным Не буду много говорить так же о великой роли Сталинских пятилеток в победе и вообще в развитии нашей страны. Таких темпов роста не достигал больше никто и никогда. особенно нечем похвастатся нынешней власти. А про миллионы опять же - с 1926 по 1939й население выросло на 13 млн человек а с 1926 по 1959 на 51 млн итого с погибшими в войне это уже 80 миллионов.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Извини но у тебя явно промыты мозги. Не смотри так много телевизор и поменьше читай всяих лженициных, резунов и медведевых. Изучи что я дал а потом поговорим
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 В 1939м году - немцы предложили заключить пакт о ненападении. За что Сталин потребовал льготные кредиты и поставки оборудования взамен на сырье по выгодным ценам. Они договорились поставлять железную руду. Но...
@StanLehmann 11 жыл бұрын
Куда больше цѣпей въ С.С.С.Р. За революцiю было убито 5 млн. за совѣтскiй перiодъ 60 млн, однако за 60 лѣтнiй перiодъ Имперiи были казнены только 20 млн. и то за тяжкiя убiйства! Вотъ и цѣпи!
@AlexScaevola 12 жыл бұрын
I like when foreign peoples saying about Russia. It is lol.
@MarshallJukov 11 жыл бұрын
Терять там кроме цепей особо нечего было.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@TheGayestGuyOnEarth И она всегда была Советской. Только Романовы упразднили Соборы - и закабалили Русский народ в многовековое рабство. Почитай Льва Толстого - он много пишет об этом и о том как жили люди. Советская власть начала окончательно формиоваться СНИЗУ - начиная с 1904 года. На октябрь 1917 уже было более 1000 Советов всех уровней. Народ САМ сбросил ярмо Романовых и всяких там корниловых-керенскийх - как в Смутное время
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Свобода слова была гарантирована в СССР - как раз при Сталине. Это не значит в тоже время что должна быть вседозволенность. Тихий Дон читал? На счет веры - при Сталине возродили патриаршество. Почитай слова патриарха о смерти Сталина
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 No - it was Unioon of Soviet Socialistic Republics Where Soviet means parlamentary. It had no any trace of communism except its name used in name of communist party. I repeat - Communism was didtant goal - not reality. Leader of CPSU was not automaticaly any kind of rulers - it was just ONE OF members of Politbureau where all decisions was taken by VOTING for them Yes Politbureau had a lot of power. But strong centralised power was requirement of those hard times.
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Сталин убивал - почему же. И все сплошь по идеологическим мотивам. Одних только фашистов 9 миллионов угробил. Так и запишем - фашисты - жертвы Сталинских репрессий. А бедного Гитлера вообще довёл до самоубийства. Вот сволочь ведь да?
@antiUSura 15 жыл бұрын
spasibo tovarish
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Да - ГУЛАГ это обычные трудовые - даже не лагеря а КОЛОНИИ - там даже охраны толком небыло - неговоря о колючей проволоки и пулеметчиках как в освенциме. Рабочие ГУЛАГов получали ЗАРПЛАТУ и имели все права граждан СССР за исключением свободы передвижения
@Psypicass0 11 жыл бұрын
whats the name of the song ?
@sirbader1 8 жыл бұрын
Volga Flowing apparently.
@kloratis 14 жыл бұрын
@MarshallJukov ага, наверно поэтому в России столько вьетнамцев
@MarshallJukov 14 жыл бұрын
@cNbikals0 Germans did not sponsored both febnrary and october revolutions Febrary revolution has nothing to do even with Bolshevicks. Generals simply betrayed weak and dumb nicolas 2 Also recent documents show that Lenin wasn`t sponsored by foreigners too - they had domestic sources like Koba`s expropriationss and wealthy communists. Trotsky was zionist - but Stalin exiled and killed him eventualy - just as almost every of its followers - thats why zionists ignited WW2
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