🇷🇺 Russia VS UK 🇬🇧 in 2024 - What's the Economic situation on the ground like??

  Рет қаралды 2,853

Unglued Brit

Unglued Brit

Күн бұрын

This is a breakdown looking at all of the indicators that most people would usually look at, this delves into why GDP is a silly indicator to housing, cost of living and more!
Follow me on telegram: t.me/ungluedbrit
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@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
PLEASE READ BEFORE COMMENTING: I will notify you of amendments because only truth, accuracy and facts matter. Amendment 1: Typo* - First slide, date should be the 8th month, not the 9th Amendment 2: Maryino Villiage is not Maryino, the comparable is in fact located INSIDE the ring road on the metro line, however, that means that the comparable would then be located CLOSER to the centre, which then further reinforces my point, you can even get such cheap property even closer to the centre! Amendment 3: 223% is 3x, I was speaking off the cuff without breaks for a very long time, therefore Brain-farts can occur as they do with anyone. Thank you to my sharp subscribers for bringing these points up, God bless you. I will aim not to have amendments needed next time, it was my fault for doing this in working hours and rushing it through. I will pin this, if anyone comments further about these, I will just ask them to refer back to this comment.
@DewiSant-o3y Ай бұрын
The word Briton used to be a derogatory term for Welsh speaker or Cornish speaker. Bizarrely in the 1700s the UK state hijacked it to mean Englishman.... The complete opposite of its ancient deep Celtic native definition. Before the 1600s you would never seen an Englishman alive call himself a British person or a Brit
@UngluedBrit 22 күн бұрын
@@DewiSant-o3y Well I suppose "Briton" applies to me then since my Father is a Welshman most of my ancestry is Welsh with a bit of Irish. The only reason why I even have anything to do with England was just being born on its soil really, which I don't tend to count for much.
@an0nycat Ай бұрын
Someone might say: "ha-ha, Russia's GDP is equal to Italy's!" But people don't understand that the real market in Russia is several times larger than in Italy.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
The people who pray down at the alter of GDP are also the same people punished by it without them even noticing what is doing the punishing.
@nataliyazharova2518 Ай бұрын
Ну так-то и Россия по площади не Италия😂мягко говоря
@НиколайСмирнов-с7х Ай бұрын
@@nataliyazharova2518 Это только значит, что одно и тоже кол-во товара, на одно и тоже кол-во населения будет дороже из за длины транспортных маршрутов, и ничего более. Наша площадь, если убрать все плюсы связанные с ресурсами (которые иди поди добыть ещё надо), то это чистые убытки на логистику. Два города с 1 млн населения в Италии будут друг от друга в цать раз ближе чем в РФ. Соответственно тебе для транспортировки не только топлива меньше надо, но даже кабины со спальниками на энных маршрутах не нужны, и ты экономишь даже на самих транспортных средствах. Ну и так далее... А если речь про ВВП, то в самом этой показателе написано, что это просто один ИЗ макроэкономических показателей, ещё и в пересчёте на другую валюту, ещё и согласно тем данным которые предоставлены самими этими странами. И внезапно в одних странах в ВВП будет включенная индустрия ночных бабочек и/или увеселительных таблеток, а у др нет, как и всякие гедонистические множители и пр шлак биржевой. А так же есть др примеры, как если вспоминать кейс об договорах сокращения ЯО, где РФ осилила технологии переработки, построила технологический центр (завод) и это был вклад в ВВП в размере 500 млн иностранной валюты (доллары США), а в самом США потратили 2 лярда, технологии не освоили, завод который строился под тех процесс, заморозили (технологий то нет) на уровне фундамента, а всё это вклад в ВВП 2 лярда. То есть успех, и ВВП +500 млн, провал и ВВП + 2 лярда. Так что все эти ВВП, отражают, безусловно, но только что то, что надо ещё под лупой рассматривать каждый отдельный кейс. Короче, я к тому, что это не у нас ВВП низкий, он ближе к реальности, просто из за отсутствия многих фин спекулятивных и пр механизмов, а так же отраслей сервиса, которые у нас под запретом. Это у них там, ВВП раздут. Если страна с условными 150 млн населения выплавляет больше метала чем США с 300 млн, если эл энергии вырабатываем и потребляем почти столько же, если у нас чуть больше выпускников СТЕМ и пр, то это не у нас низкий ВВП, это скорее всего у США сильно меньше, или той же Италии, чем они демонстрируют. Чот у Италии нет расходов на РВСН, спутниковую нац группировку и нац косм программу, на изучение Арктики и строительство атомного ледокольного флота, ну и так далее, всякие БАМ2/3 и сев железнодорожного кольца. То есть там нет кучи статей расхода как есть у РФ, да и зимний сезон у них не ест млн и млн кубометров газа или млн и млн тонн мазута.
@imperskiikulak446 Ай бұрын
@@nataliyazharova2518 Ну и Италия не способна произвести столько же товаров и услуг как Россия.
@artemg9753 9 күн бұрын
@@nataliyazharova2518 И каким образом площадь связана с ВВП?
@IchiroIrabu Ай бұрын
Most Russians own their homes. It's a basic need there since you may freeze to death when it's -20°C outdoors in winter.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@IchiroIrabu That’s great that Russians have such an opportunity, our winters do get cold too, but in a “St. Petersburg kind of way, wet and cold, so enough to ensure arthritis in old age, even our pensioners die from not affording heating in their own homes, it’s a serious problem.
@teosh3003 Ай бұрын
You have the right to live poorly at any size of GDP. Some unconscious citizens claim that this is a duty. Спасибо! Sorry for maybe not very good English.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Your English is fine and understood, this is too true!
@RezetRoy Ай бұрын
dr. of Economics outfit
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Thank you sir!
@coolzcold Ай бұрын
12 - 5 - 7 = 0 - for my math at least. - it's for example of USA PPI
@alexmashkin863 Ай бұрын
Oh no, British scientist! 😮
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Don't trust them!
@Freeliner75 Ай бұрын
I love that British accent, reminds me of my old school English teacher :)
@xalekcey Ай бұрын
It is important to add. In Russia, the average mortgage repayment period in 2023 was 4.3 years!!! I did not find any recent data in England, but the last thing I read was 18 years. In Russia, the mortgage rate is almost 4 times higher, but people repay their mortgages 4 times faster. Draw your own conclusions!
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@xalekcey That’s a very good point, usually within the lifetimes of those individuals in the west too they’re highly encouraged through advertising to remortgage continuously by financial institutions and advertisers, leaving the bag of debt with the children to deal with, ownership in many cases is never truly attained.
@andfil4539 Ай бұрын
В России ставка по ипотечному кредиту фиксируется в момент заключения договора, и не растёт в дальнейшем. Кредит может быть погашен досрочно полностью или частично без штрафа, что уменьшает переплату по кредиту.
@vladz6202 Ай бұрын
Удаление аппендикса в США стоит около 14 000 долларов... Это безумие. И это включается в ВВП США. Давайте повысим цены на всё в России в 10 раз и мы сразу обгоним всех по ВВП в мире. О, нет, спасибо
@maximkosheleff Ай бұрын
Ага, там друг у друга отсудили по миллиону. Реального производства ноль, а ввп на два миллиона увеличился.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@vladz6202 Russia is not treading down that path thankfully, they didn’t fall for the GDP deception thankfully, the west always aims to humiliate other nations for their GDP and it’s code for “haha, look at you not destroying yourselves like we are doing!”
@user-iw1nw4du8x8 Ай бұрын
@alexeys2516 Ай бұрын
Не обгоним. Просто курс рубля к доллару изменится, в итоге в долларах будет то же ВВП.
@imperskiikulak446 Ай бұрын
Да на счёт цены на услуги вы правы,к примеру в Германии сделали стрижку волос человеку за 30 евро,а в России сделали стрижку за 1000 рублей.Если перевести все в доллары,то Германия запишет себе в ВВП около 30 долларов,а Россия около 10 долларов,хотя в обоих странах сделана одна и та же услуга.Так же и с производством чего либо,к примеру в Германии произвели кирпич за 10 долларов,а в России такой же кирпич за 200 рублей,тогда у Германии ВВП будет в пять раз больше чем в России,хотя произведен один и тот же товар.
@olbe147 Ай бұрын
Excellent presentation. Of course, the safest economic assumption is that the World Bank has left no stone unturned in order to diminish the real size of the Russian economy. As impressive as these numbers may be, in reality Russian economy is even bigger, and significantly so.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
I agree with this completely, I doubt that they would leave a stone unturned, it is absolutely in their best interests.
@xalekcey Ай бұрын
If we also correctly calculate the GDP and calculate what is not monetized in Russia, we will get much larger figures. For example, studying at a university in Russia on a budget place is not monetized and is paid from the budget as part of the university financing, while in England and the USA this amount is paid to your account from the bank (a source of financing, subsidies or a preferential loan for study is created for you). The same is with health care. Treatment under the state quota is not monetized and is not taken into account in the GDP, while in England or the USA this amount is paid through the bank by an insurance company. In Russia, many services and areas are not monetized. If in Germany there is a budget kindergarten for a child, this means that 200 euros come to your account every month, then in Russia it is a free budget kindergarten and its maintenance is within the budget financing.
@olbe147 Ай бұрын
Healthy population that doesn't require constant medical care is bad for GDP. Rampant crime requiring massive police presence is good for GDP. So, yes, GDP is far from perfect as a measure of economic wellbeing.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Exactly, I wish I mentioned more points regarding that, it's all entirely so deceptive, smoke and mirrors with more smoke and mirrors behind it, the more we go down that rabbit hole the more repulsed we start to become.
@suegreene1 Ай бұрын
39 dollars, cover one month of all the transports in the city from boat, metro, trams, trains, bycicle, car, bus.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
I know, the wonders of the Troika card, the value for money astonishes me.
@solrac1287 Ай бұрын
The Troika 90-day subscription for unlimited train, subway and bus travel costs only $76
@starskream66 Ай бұрын
​@@solrac1287 wow, three months of UNLIMITED city transportation by the price of two months worth of tickets
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@solrac1287 That’s my favourite subscription, will be renewing it for september
@alexmashkin863 Ай бұрын
For anyone wondering why 12-5-7=-2 it's because there's also tax on top 😂
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Hahaha! So true!
@frostmonster5542 Ай бұрын
Two Wall Street stockbrokers are walking through the park. They see a dog turd lying there. - John," says one to the other, "I'll bet you $100 you can't eat that piece of shit. - Easy, Bill!" says the other guy. John ate the shit. Bill gives him $100. They keep walking. They see more dog shit lying there. - "Bill," says John, "I'll bet you $100 you can't eat that piece of shit. - That's easy, John!" says Bill. Bill eats the shit. John gives him $100. Bill thought for a moment: - John, did I get it right that we just both ate shit for free? John replies: - No, you got it wrong Bill, we actually did a very important job: we just increased the US GDP by $200 and created two jobs! That's all you needs to know about what GDP is.
@MsMaxho Ай бұрын
В экономике идет отказ от доллара, правители мира этому сопротивляются. Все просто. Отсюда и цена на золото, и инфляция, и войны.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Hopefully all comes to pass sooner rather than later.
@MsMaxho Ай бұрын
​@@UngluedBritПока ещё не договорились. Надеюсь, спалить Землю в ядерной войне не позволят им.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@MsMaxho I doubt they will ever be able to enact Nuclear war, I believe that there are many spiritual forces above us that would not allow it, even on an earthly level, I believe that even the powers that be wouldn’t want it either as it would mean them living the rest of their lives out in their bunkers in Maui, they would loose all control of everything and everyone with the press of a button.
@End0fst0ry Ай бұрын
Какие правители мира этому сопротивляются? США, к примеру, собственноручно душат экономику своей страны. Остальные действуют соответственно. В общем, элиты действуют сообща и для взаимной выгоды. А для нас спектакль показывают под названием "East Vs West". Кровавый, неприятный, местами страшный, но все же спектакль.
@shnobbishnobbs3048 Ай бұрын
Cool outfit 😂
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Cheers man!
@KurtProvost 22 күн бұрын
Thanks for the entertaining video mate, appreciate the effort that went into it. You've got a new subscriber👍
@UngluedBrit 20 күн бұрын
Thank you very much Kurt I appreciate the sub! :)
@Dixis Ай бұрын
Is this the famous Adam Smith? 😏
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Maybe. 😎
@ГеннадийКолесников-м2с Ай бұрын
I had scared everyone in office at the moment you put your glasses on. It took some effort to stop laughing as loud as i could. But it totally worth. Thank you. You definitely have a talent for teaching. So I wish you not to focus on media activity, not to end up as a blogger. All of them are ending been chained to followers reaction, likes and momentum hyping. It is unavoidable. Добро пожаловать домой, брат. Успехов в делах.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@ГеннадийКолесников-м2с Haha, I am glad that you enjoyed it, I love entertaining people, mainly, I am doing this for my daughter, so she can watch my videos back one day, if nobody likes them, meh, I don’t mind, as long as my daughter can watch them one day, I aim to make them funnier, want to take this channel in quite a hilarious direction just for the banter. 😂
@ГеннадийКолесников-м2с Ай бұрын
Glad you have such a mindset. It is a very strong self-control method - to make/produce something new not for an abstract customer/user/person use, but exactly for your real children use. Or judge. The Real Man Responsibility. Wich gives better results at almost any kind of creation. Much stronger than "doing something for someone as you would do it for yourself". And this is a base ground to have just an ability to teach successfully. This is my, two son's father, point of from-a-kitchen-table view.
@irina.a.b Ай бұрын
Imagine having UK's salary in an average Russian city😊 We can take pictures of basic food and bills monthly and compare. Plus monitoring oil prices, currencies, ect. In that manner we can find some patterns. But guys, remember - no matter what country we have to check what government's actions are. Remember vаccinаtion for example. Politicians are not our friends
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@irina.a.b Well, I have an average teachers local salary, since we can’t bring our salaries here we must work in the local economy, it’s a nice thought but that’s not possible. If a westerner wishes to live here they will earn in Rubles and be paid a local salary. If they wish to do that, they might want to consider somewhere else because I can’t do it, but my Russian teachers salary is good enough to live in the local economy, it’s less than in England, yet I am still subjectively better off in 2024.
@natakis3743 Ай бұрын
Love your look! 😁 Only one remark - the sound is very low..
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
It seems that someone is always mentioning the sound being either too high or too low, I can't seem to win!
@alex-E7WHU 25 күн бұрын
​@@UngluedBrit I turned up the volume.. 😊
@BritishChef436 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately I will be working at this time. But it sounds like a banger video
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Hope you have a good day at work dude.
@margobeutel5257 Ай бұрын
Great info thanks!
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it!
@MetalConfederation Ай бұрын
Unglued Brit as a wiseacre = thumbs up, no doubt !
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Thank you very much!
@PoutineToPelmeniPathways 21 күн бұрын
Nice data charts👍 @UngluedBrit hope you do not mind but I will have to do a video comparison for Toronto and Vanocuver Canada VS Moscow & Saint Petersburg in an upcoming video using the same citation links as I am documenting my upcoming move to Russia and would like to highlight these similar statistics to Canadian viewers as I grow my channel over the coming months. >Additionally I took note of your amendments below and will keep that in mind when doing my upcoming video!
@UngluedBrit 21 күн бұрын
Hi there, sure no problem at all, the more we get this information out the better really! By all means do so! :)
@PoutineToPelmeniPathways 21 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit Appreciate the feedback and I really enjoy your content and personality which is why I also subscribed to your channel - additionally I have been debating this move for a few years prior to covid and glad that I am now able to do so and hopefully be apart of the larger content creator community over the coming months that is promoting Russia in a positive light outside the establishment controlled narrative media that is doing a fabulous job at scaring westerners away
@Serg-qr5my Ай бұрын
Русским тоже интересно. После таких видео у русских нас один вопрос: куда нам то бежать? Сейчас есть русских браузер яндекс, он любой голос переводит. Имей это в виду.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
It seems the world is splitting into multiple poles Sergey, there is the pole in which will see the Neo-Liberal paradigm to it's final conclusion, some people want to move west to experience that as they believe in it. There is this pole, situated in Russia that believes in Spiritual, Traditional family values, that has no interest in Neo-Liberalism and is building a parallel reality of sorts away from that Pole. There is the pole of China, in which will be the next hegemony of the world, Chinas time of acceptance of such is like a tide that cannot be fought but must come in. Then there are the other BRICS nations in which are currently finding their own path and building their own separate civilisational states quietly brick by brick. There is Dubai for the hungry Business opportunist looking to make it big, surrounded by fellow opportunists on a pathway towards earthly treasures. The other emerging Asian Nations in which offer a wealth of opportunity and are emerging that offer a relaxed way of life, don't bother you as long as you don't bother them. The list goes on and on and on, though, I have no interest in leaving here, even if I have to fight and die to protect my wife and child I will, but it will be here.
@Serg-qr5my Ай бұрын
@@UngluedBrit вопрос был шуткой. В мире происходит страшное, когда россия оказывается (внезапно, во время войны) самой безопасной и спокойной страной для белых людей.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@Serg-qr5my Ah, my apologies, it's rather hard to discern these days, maybe I need to lighten up? 😅 Precisely, we live in a strange, upside down world right now, were it seems that what we are told is true is the exact opposite.
@MegaKubanoid Ай бұрын
My mother-in-law got a pacemaker last week. Free of charge. How much does such a procedure cost in the USA???
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@MegaKubanoid I don’t even know how much that would cost but I can guarantee that the price would be diabolical.
@iljabendik1636 Ай бұрын
Really cool and interesting . Thanks for this comparison !
@georgiyyamov5827 Ай бұрын
223% is same as 3x. So there is no discrepancy between numbeo and whatever site you used first.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@georgiyyamov5827 Yes, as I mentioned in a previous comment, most of it was off the cuff in a 40 Minute video, the mistake was noticed and video editing takes too long after it’s in the upload process, so I’ll just roll with the punches on that one and hold my hands up.
@aei7129 Ай бұрын
Когда ты сказал Ронни Пикеринг, я чуть не умер🤣
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Gotta love Ronnie Pickering 😂
@hiAndByeISuppose Ай бұрын
223% more expensive is more than 3 times, not 2 )) cuz 100% more expensive is 2 times
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
That’s right, the video was 50 minutes long and I was mainly speaking spontaneously off points, I watched it back and realised… but thought… meh, stick it in, a mistake is a mistake and making uploading again would take ages.
@hiAndByeISuppose Ай бұрын
@@UngluedBrit No worries, mate. Cheers
@v1ncy_vinny406 Ай бұрын
Nice one, all dressed up
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Got to be for special occasions lol
@Александр1-ч6ц Ай бұрын
На самом деле, в видео есть небольшие неточности в части недвижимости 1. Отметка на карте очень не соответствует адресу квартиры из объявления (в районе 90 километров) 2. Информация о процентам по ипотеке уже не соответствует действительности. Со времен изменения ключевой ставки ЦБ и отменой льготных программ ипотеки - ипотечные кредиты стали запретительно дорогими (20%+) P.S. увидел поправки уже когда написал )
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
1, Is amended, it reinforces my point regarding property prices even further, which is nice. 2. I prefaced at the start of the video to ensure that I said that I am not a Financial advisor, just some guy on the internet that noticed things. Always refer to a qualified Financial Advisor, The Central Bank or a Mortgage Broker for further specifics.
@juliap.5375 Ай бұрын
I’m very sorry. By my first degree (college) I’m software developer. All this stuff we learnt on 3rd year when we had 2 semesters of basic economy. Is this knowledge some secret knowledge (?!) in England? I thought everyone know this. Why it is need to explain what means GDP and PPP? O_o
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
As a teacher, I regret to inform you that this is not common knowledge amongst Brits, it is not taught within schools, it can only be acquired at A-level if you choose to specialise in the topic, however, you will not receive such an education as a mandatory requirement unless perhaps you need it for further education, in which case, it's still a choice. Sadly, it is the case in this day and age that the most "educated" in British society are the most Brainwashed and conformist to whatever the mainstream media tell them, the institutions in which we call Universities are no longer places of free thought since students get kicked off campus for not thinking in the approved manner, debate has died on campuses, I watched it die. As reality on the ground in England is concerned, if you were to survey 100 people and ask them which indicator they would point to to find out about true economic growth most of them would point at GDP. Due to decades of daily nudging and making sure that it's the only figure people get without doing their own private research has led to this, there is no free thinking now, just Government approved opinions it seems. This is only one of the deceptions, it's a deep and dark rabbit hole to possibly uncover all of them.
@inikans123 Ай бұрын
In the comparison table there was one row you missed to comment: average salary in Moscow 117k rubles, in London 400k rubles after tax… suddenly, +230% you have to spend on some things doesn’t look so bad.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@inikans123 it’s not missed, it’s misleading, London has 227,000 millionaires and 8.9 million residents, for Moscow it’s 104,500 people out of 12.19 million residence an “average” the 227,000 figure would not paint an accurate picture of life for the average man who this is aimed at. Therefore if you take an average figure and factor in those figures it would give most people an inaccurate idea of what they will be earning in an average job which most people work in. If you get the following averages; 10, 2, 38, 23, 38, 23, 21, 10,700,530, the average is 139.5, therefore this does not paint anything of an accurate picture for most people, as we can see, there were 7 people earning considerably less than the one man who was incredibly wealthy, 7/8 of them had incredibly low incomes yet 1 of them managed to lift the figure up which makes it look like everyone is earning 139.5, which we know isn’t true. Average salary within a profession is more telling: Journalist: 60,000 usd Per year Moscow Glassdoor 47,200 usd Per year London Glassdoor However, again, how long would it take to name and compare every profession factoring into account different tax structures and the cost of living? The industry that one works in will make a huge difference. This is why I don’t go anywhere near average incomes. I haven’t really touched the surface on taxation, because the UK is a cash cow on tax, I may just make a video on it in the future, I only touched on income tax and haven’t even touched on CGI, Corporate, Inheritance, sin tax, property, energy or fuel tax.
@Александр1-ч6ц Ай бұрын
Презентация из будущего? (24/09/2024) :) 00:01:28
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@Александр1-ч6ц Typo, my apologies.
@izi_kids Ай бұрын
That was one mistake! 0-2400.000 rub- pay 4-6% taxes..
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@izi_kids It was on Employed income tax, not self employed, you are correct regarding Self Employed income tax though!
@izi_kids Ай бұрын
@@UngluedBrit You’re right, I’m sorry ❤
@holdar4451 Ай бұрын
what kind of education do you have?
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@holdar4451 Business, Law and Accounting, though in my earlier career I didn’t pursue Law and Accounting I instead worked in Business Banking and then Mortgages for some time… good, stable pay but not something I personally consider enjoyable. Hence the transition into teaching, I love what I do now, though, doesn’t pay as much as Mortgages.
@МихаилБурканов Ай бұрын
20:00 Старик, ты ошибся населённым пунктом. В Москве есть целый район Марьино и реклама квартиры оттуда. Деревня же в Подмосковье не причём. Я от этой деревни живу в 10 км. Там нет ни одной квартиры. Там только частные дома.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Young man, please pay attention to the point whilst also including the London Comparable, also the fact that I said that it was "Within the area", the point was to find a place North East on the last circle as I did with Watford and London, this is for property comparable purposes and that takes priority over Geographical accuracy since it met the benchmark of the comparable, it could be any comparable from anywhere, the point was to find "Like for like" differences, it still met all the required benchmarks 10 miles off or not.
@МихаилБурканов Ай бұрын
@@UngluedBrit Я лишь хочу сказать, что квартира, о которой ты говоришь находится не в 10 милях от последнего кольца, а внутри МКАД, недалеко от метро Марьино и Братиславская. Если бы эта квартира была там, где ты поставил ярлык на карте, то она была бы гораздо дешевле.
@Freeliner75 Ай бұрын
Correct, Maryino in fact is much closer to the center of the city than that village you have shown on the map. Exactly here 55.653225024970254, 37.73851704901568 That does not make your analysis wrong in any way, even more it exaggerates a bit the main reason you mention - that the real estate is much more affordable (yet) in Russia than it is in UK.
@Freeliner75 Ай бұрын
and by the way, addressing a person as 'старик' (old man) in Russian is a polite kind of addressing in a less refined part of society, where extreme politeness is considered faux pas. And to reply with a 'young man' in return to such an address is in fact relatively impolite. Sorry for introducing you to finer shades of Russian slang.
@МихаилБурканов Ай бұрын
@@Freeliner75 Да ладно тебе, я не обижаюсь...
@bullockov7961 Ай бұрын
Month is wrong....should be 08
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
@@bullockov7961 please refer to pinned comment.
@bullockov7961 Ай бұрын
@@UngluedBrit Sorry my bad
@End0fst0ry Ай бұрын
2:40 Даже больше скажу, не только GDP скам - вся наука, которая называется "экономика" построена на вранье. Если мягче сказать - на влажных фантазиях и притянутых за уши теориях. Взять, к примеру, такое явление как процентная ставка. На что она влияет? По большому счету - ни на что, ребята. Если ваш бизнес чувствует себя хорошо и вы абсолютно точно знаете, что потянете займ под 20%, и он вам очень нужен прямо сейчас - вы этот займ возьмете, и без проблем выплатите проценты по кредиту. Если же вы не в состоянии выплатить и 7% сверх тела займа, (и у вас есть голова на плечах при этом) - вы этот займ не возьмете. Куда более очевидный пример того, что экономика, как научная дисциплина, это скам - отсутствие огромного количества очень успешных в финансовом плане экономистов, окончивших экономические факультеты с отличием.
@UngluedBrit Ай бұрын
Precisely, my subscribers often bring up points in which make me sit here and think; Dammit why didn't I mention that?!
@End0fst0ry Ай бұрын
@@UngluedBrit 33:08 I wonder why Djokovic lives in Monte Carlo and not London? :D
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