Really enjoy Master Lee's smooth presentation of complicated concept,, even after 50 years after I graduated from High school. Even we experienced the age of transparency, power point, I would say black board is just the right media to me, the old generation, I just got more time to pondering all the concenpt, on the blackboard. My way of thinking is just more in line with the blackboard writing
用物理倒過來證明數學的昏招 8:28,我在大二時候幹過,我修數學系的向量分析,考試有一題不會,但是直觀可行,我開題就假設老師接受太陽光在任何距離穿過的總能量一樣。。。。 結果老師給零分,但是她拿給其他數學和物理系的老師看了,鬧個不大不小的事,數學系的都認為不給零分是動搖根本,物理老師都樂得很,後來課堂上說了不要去數學系修課,他們一半時間證明存在唯一,另一半三維推到 N 維,推到張量,電磁需要的數學工具,物理老師立刻教立刻用就是