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Bro Hajji

Bro Hajji

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@TheGloriousQuran6236 3 жыл бұрын
I kinda feel bad for dawah man. I remember his very early content on KZbin before he was Super-Salafi. It seems that he wanted to seek knowledge and then got caught up with people who had super-salafi agendas.
@ShahriarAhad 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah he got taken by them lol I used to actually like him in the beginning too when he was friends with Ali Dawah and Musa Adnan
@Kimeikus 3 жыл бұрын
For real… He made a video about it too. He was talking about, “Masjids and Muslims that used to call me disappeared when I became Salafi”
@ShahriarAhad 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kimeikus More like when he became a Super Salafi Madkhali Bootlicker
@najmamo5217 2 жыл бұрын
They treat them like they are some chosen people...
@rimiasinav5807 2 жыл бұрын
What the arabic speak saying its true because the hadith says it will take place in End of times which Haji dident translate
@shortclips4267 3 жыл бұрын
There’s no nationalism in Islam. You can’t have both, it just doesn’t work. You are not a good muslim automatically because you’re an arab. Sadly some arabs think they they’re the best and will go to heaven no matter what they did or believed in . And some other arabs think they’ll go to heaven just because they suffered in this life through war or oppression therefore they can do whatever. Same as the people of the book did before. And they say: Fire shall not touch us but for a few days. Say: Have you received a promise from Allah, then Allah will not fail to perform His promise, or do you speak against Allah what you do not know? (2:80) There are people who take that to another level, because two of the holy mosques are in their country (which is a modern established entity) they think that they themselves are holy as well and the world is witnessing their actions. Islam is not solely for the arabs, in-fact the arabs have been stagnant since the first half of the Abbasid Caliphate. The Caliphate wasn’t in Arab hands since then.
@mohamedmo8128 3 жыл бұрын
Nationalism isn't just an Arab thing. In fact Turkish nationalism under the Young Turks started around the same time as Arab nationalism. Today in most Muslim countries many people have greater pride in their country than their religion.
@shortclips4267 3 жыл бұрын
@@mohamedmo8128 Pride in your country doesn’t necessarily imply or mean nationalism. And Turkish nationalism such as the Young Turks is secular. I am pointing out Arabs who mix islam with chauvinistic nationalism, thinking they’re superior as muslims because they’re arabs.
@mohamedmo8128 3 жыл бұрын
@@shortclips4267 Most Arab nationalists today are in fact secular. And by pride in your country I mean viewing nationalism as more important than the Muslim ummah. If you are from Lebanon than you should be very familiar with that concept. A large number of people in Lebanon for example complain about Syrians and Palestinians in their country even though they are pretty much the same people with nearly an identical culture. That's how enslaved they have become to borders drawn by the French and British.
@shortclips4267 3 жыл бұрын
@@mohamedmo8128 yes, but that’s not what i am talking about.. The issue is with those conflating Islam with Arab Nationalism, because it’s not from Islam .. as for the other secular nationalism it got nothing to do with islam in the first place
@shortclips4267 3 жыл бұрын
@@mohamedmo8128 About Lebanon, that’s not nationalism only, mostly it boils down to fanatic sectarianism. Since the overwhelming majority of Syrians and Palestinians are Muslims .. it also have to do with socioeconomic status… those who adopt anti Syrians and anti Palestinian stance are the Maronite Christians who since the days of the Ottomans were the most educated and western cultured , as a result of their socioeconomic status. And no those particular people don’t share same culture with the others levantines because they’re adopt western lifestyle and culture. Of course this view have perpetuated into other Lebanese communities because of the Syrian history in Lebanon and the current economic situation. But it doesn’t stem from nationalism
@PimsleurTurkishLessons 2 жыл бұрын
Briefly (With the Armistice of Mudros, the Ottoman state de facto ended (1918). Istanbul was also occupied. The second conquest of Istanbul took place by getting rid of this occupation.) Tarih-u Mülük ve Müslüman kitabının yazarı Nahle Kalafat da, “Oğuz Han; adı geçen bu büyük Hakan İbrahim Halil asrında yaşamıştır” demektedir… (Oğuz Han ve Hz. İbrahim (aleyhisselam) aynı çağda yaşamışlardır. M. Ö 1880 ) Oğuz Han’la Hz. İbrahim (aleyhisselam) Şam’da görüşmüşler ve sonra ikisi birlikte hacca gitmişlerdir. Daha sonra ise; Oğuz Han, Hz. İbrahim’in eşi Sara’dan doğma oğlu Hz. İshak’ın kızı ile evlenmiş birçok erkek çocukları olmuş ve onlara “ İshak Oğulları” denilmiştir. ” (yani ishakoğulları selçuklu/osmanlı ve Türkiye Türkleri oluyor. Bizim Oğuz Türkleri dediğimiz Türk boyu) *************** İshak Oğullarından maksat Oğuz Han ve onun soyundan gelenlerin ta kendisidir. Bilindiği gibi, Oğuz Han, Hz. İbrahim’in oğlu Hz. İshak’ın kızı ile evlenmiş ve onun Hz. İshak’ın kızının soyundan gelen çocuklarına Hz.Peygamber birçok hadislerinde “Beni İshak; İshak Oğulları “ adını vermiş ve onları bu isimle zikretmiştir ki bu şüphesiz Hz.Peygamber’in Türkler hakkında ve İstanbul’un fethi ile ilgili en güzel iltifat ve en büyük mucizelerinden beridir. Nitekim A.C. Paşa, Süleyman Şah’ın kırkıncı göbekten soyunun İshak Peygamber’in oğlu Ays’a ulaştığını söylediği gibi, Müneccim Başı’na göre ise, Ertuğrul- ’un nesebi, Ays b İshak b. İbrahim’e ulaşmaktadır. ***************** Hz.Peygamber (aleyhisselatu vesselam); İstanbul’un fethinin, o devirlerin kullanılan gelen silahlar ve harp aletleri (mancınık vb.) nin dışında, Müslümanların toplu halde söyledikleri güçlü, heybetli “Tekbir seslerini” andıran ve çok büyük bir ses ve gürültü çıkaran (bir aletle Toplarla) fethedileceğini beyan etmiş ve bunu duyanları hayret içinde bırakmıştır. Bu tekbir sesini andıran büyük seslerle, (Toplar) önce şehrin bir duvarının düşeceğini ve yine diğer heybetli bir sesle şehrin başka bir duvarının düşeceğini, ancak Haliç’e bakan duvarın sağlam kalacağını bildirmiş ve bu büyük fethi bütün yönleri ile gözler önüne sermşti ********************************** Mondoros Mütakeresi ile Osmanlı devleti fiili olarak sona ermiştir (1918). İstanbul da işgal edilmiştir. İstanbul'un 2.fethi bu işgalden kurtularak gerçekleşti. **************************************** Roma'nın fethine gelince; Hz.Peygamber’in (aleyhisselatu vesselam) Roma’nın fethi ile ilgili hadislerinin mefhum ve muhtevalarından anlaşıldığına göre: Roma’nın fethi silâhla askerle değil daha ziyade manevi tebliğ ve irşad yolu ile olacaktır. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APA 7. Sürüm (American Psychological Assoc.) Kitapçı, Z., & editör : Hakan Kitapçı. (2015). Hz. Peygamber’in hadislerinde Türkler 2: Vol. Sekizinci basım. Yedi Kubbe Yayınları.
@ReturningRuh 3 жыл бұрын
If you look at the sanad of Salafiyyah, it all goes up to MIAW. Uthaymeen, Bin Baz, Albani, Fawzan, they all go up to MIAW. This is why you find commentaries on books by MIAW as well. Remove these people and you don’t have a Salafiyyah.
@dayurwarfa9762 3 жыл бұрын
We are not against the ideology of Salaf but we are against the way madkhalis act upon being Salafi
@ReturningRuh 3 жыл бұрын
@@dayurwarfa9762 the problem is when one equates Salafiyyah with the ideology of the salaf.
@markward3981 3 жыл бұрын
السلام عليكم Correct . Some of them even attack Imam Nawawi , Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani , and Imam Tahawai May Allah have mercy on all of them . They keep this really secret you have to search deep in their books. My point is they disagree with the majority of the early scholars, while hijacking the term salafi. May Allah protect us.
@ReturningRuh 3 жыл бұрын
@@markward3981 ‏وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته يا أخي When you ponder it, it’s a really a deep layer mind trick. Market falsehood as truth without even knowing that the falsehood is considered falsehood because of the delusion of believing one is following truth. Very shaytanic like. If their misguidance can seep into the hearts of people this easily, I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when the Dajjal comes. May Allah protect us. Ameen
@markward3981 3 жыл бұрын
@@ReturningRuh Agreed. I know it is popular dogma however that is why some scholars looked for any advice in Deen on these happenings and they brought fourth the ahadith of najd , the ahadith and historic behavior of khawarij, . I don't not say everything they said it correct but there is wisdom in it . And Allah knows best. May Allah protect us from going to extremes.
@talharahman1980 2 жыл бұрын
This Kkkuwait Lutis name should be Shaitan Al-Gaysqah not Sultan Al-Asqah. A person from one of the most racist countries of the world 'Kuwait' crying about Turk 'Discrimination' against 'Arabs'. As if there was no racism towards 'Turks' by Ummayyad 'Arab' Elites. Saddam Hussain, although a Pan-Arab himself, did a wonderful job, when he & his Iraqi Army invaded Kkkuwait during Gulf-War, Inshallah would like to see a 2nd Kkkuwait invasion by the Iraqi Army or some other army.
@YusufKhan-zt4dd 3 жыл бұрын
why dont u expose sheikh al albani, shaykh uthaymeen , sheikh ibn baaz, ibn taymiyyah?
@PlayWaves1 2 жыл бұрын
Why do you insult Arabs so much Bro Hajji? The Quran was written in Arabic, the message was spread by Arabs'. Holey greetings, scripture and phrases such as the Takbir Muslims are in Arabic. And most importantly, the great prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was an Arab. Arab's have a right to call out abuses by the Ottoman empire. They were looked down upon and subjugated despite the more important man in Islam himself being an Arab. Muhammad would NEVER accept this persecution of his own people.
@persianwarrior8633 Жыл бұрын
Muhammad was a adnanite jew , quran wasnt arabic muhammad speaked to people in arabic and they gathered it , aran are most infidel people according to quran
@HypeHub_ 3 жыл бұрын
Please answer is MIAW did all those horrible things subhanallah and you unraveled everything as a layman why is it that these scholars teach his book surely if you could find all that information in the comfort of your home they definitely could makes me question them
@ReturningRuh 3 жыл бұрын
Because the people who others deem as scholars paint a different narrative of MIAW. This why you see videos on KZbin like the Wahhabi Myth etc. It’s like painting Hitler to be a good person. Salafiyyah ulema do not teach their students to read books that ulema in the time of MIAW wrote refuting him
@HypeHub_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@ReturningRuh I’ve also noticed that many skip thru so many classical scholars and only reference the ones in our times and only read there books but they tend to forget the rest
@ReturningRuh 3 жыл бұрын
@@HypeHub_ Imam Saffarini ‏رحمه الله wrote a 4 volume response to MIAW and that was just one scholar. The list of refutations in his time is extensive. You know it’s bad when his own brother is a well respected scholar and he writes 2 refutations and even calls the movement Wahabiyyah. Shaykh Sulayman ibn Abdul Wahhab ‏رحمه الله
@HypeHub_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@ReturningRuh but why are these scholars in Saudi why are they agreeing with this that what confuses me who is there to just
@HypeHub_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@ReturningRuh what aqeedah books would you recommend
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