Sam Shamoun: DontConvert2Islam Is In a Cult [Trinity Confusion]

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Yahya Snow

Yahya Snow

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The main thing to take away is NOT the drama but the confusion here, both groups use the same biblical texts yet come away with radically different understandings of God. Confusion and conjecture.
More on Sam Shamoun:

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@yahyasnow9892 6 жыл бұрын
The main thing to take away is NOT the drama but the confusion here, both groups use the same biblical texts yet come away with radically different understandings of God. Confusion and conjecture. More on the Trinity:
@DrXoz 6 жыл бұрын
I took some screenshots from the baptizing video Neil posted. Sam had some harsh words to say in the comment section, Neil obviously removed them!
@yahyasnow9892 6 жыл бұрын
Oh really, wow. I never knew they were arguing like that.
@dadsonworldwide3238 6 жыл бұрын
Yahya Snow does the fact past present and future =time Confuse you or anyone else? 3 parts of anything poured into one cup to much for you to grasp? Lol
@iqbalgalangnusa8987 6 жыл бұрын
Jamie Holladay lol u happy with ur corrupt bible? U happy with ur trinity believe? Hahaha
@dadsonworldwide3238 6 жыл бұрын
Btw the Quran uses three ways God chose to interact with its prophets. 1Did the angel of God not give Mohammad his decree?was a physical presence. 2Didn't Mohammad speak to the spirit of Allah ?it wasn't a physical presence, 3Of course the only begotten Allah. Same as Torah 1Angel of god stops Abraham from sacrificing Issac (sat at Abraham's table ate) 2 spirit of God spoke to Moses threw the burning bush (bartered righteous men with Abraham) 3 God all powerful so much so that isrealites were on agony from just his voice (walked with Enoch) Chritianty 1 father =only beggoten god 2 son = Jesus 3 holy spirit = spirit of God (voice conscious spiritual interaction) Idk how this becomes the goto defense. It's Desperation not valid
@thevigilantone5902 6 жыл бұрын
Trinity is confusing and the more you want to know about it the more you will get confused
@thevigilantone5902 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M Ilah means deity and Ilahah is feminine that means they worship more than one god and yes most of the Arabs were idol worshippers before Muhammad Rasulullah SAW and do you know the meaning of Shahadat La ilah il Allah it means there is no god but Allah and it is very clear to every Muslim even a kid can simply understand and can you explain Trinity to your kids ? and if you think Allah is confusing and Trinity is simple then you seriously need medical attention and Trinity is about one god right ? Then why it is called Trinity ? If Jesus is the The God (father) and The Father is Jesus and The Holy Ghost is God (Jesus) make sense they are one right ? Then if Jesus died in the cross that means god died. The God of the Bible and the god We Muslims believe is the same and you added a 2nd person as a son of god and that is Jesus that he was known as a man at staring in the bible and you added third and called it Trinity and no one can explain it gets very confusing as you explain. I have some points *If he is messiah he can't be killed and you think he's not a messiah but a god then you answer me these there 1. If you try to make him in to a god then you have to ask did he think he was god ? 2. If he thought he was God then he's not man cause God don't think he is a man, god knows himself he is a god. 3. If this man died on the Cross a was god, then god died and if you want to say, No the god didn't died the man part of him died then stop calling God died for your sins
@LIVERZ 6 жыл бұрын
They use their religion to make money, they don't really believe. No imaan in their hearts
@Ajmolali82 6 жыл бұрын
Well i knew one day this guy will be exposed for who he really is just like all the other fake ex muslims in the past we muslims just need to be patient, just give them enough rope and you see how they end up.
@user-cx2jk2eo9p 6 жыл бұрын
Well even if he was areal Muslim that doesn't matter he judged on islam from his western culture view so he didnt get in real religion he didnt adopt the creed and his heart was abattle field between corrupted western culture and islam
@user-cx2jk2eo9p 6 жыл бұрын
Like they say easy come easy go
@user-cx2jk2eo9p 6 жыл бұрын
Another important thing about dawah that we are not targeting largest number of people to believe we are targeting the people who will have the strongest faith in god if they came to islam
@rizwanramzan5729 6 жыл бұрын
May Allah swt guide Bart Erhman..ameen!
@ranferchannel4900 6 жыл бұрын
Muslims are so desperate about Islamel conversion... Muslims even don't allow to comment us here. what a coward. Have you ever seen Yahya abdul debate with anyone? What about Christian Prince? Abduls running....
@talltalltrees22 6 жыл бұрын
If Bart reads the Quran and study its method of preservation, he will be amazed and convert to Islam straight away
@smk9114 6 жыл бұрын
Oral stories were floating around for 45 to 85 years after Jesus. Some anonymous stories tellers, some anonymous interpreters, and some anonymous author decided to write them down. Then for the next 185 years these stories went through, many many inventions, reinvention, addition, subtraction, and noble lies, and then named after the 2 poplar deciple of Jesus's, and 2 after the companion of St. Paul's, to look more authoritive, and since become to known to the world as Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.
@smk9114 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M Uneducated, out of touch, dirge on Islam from his closet spoted lolzzzx
@thevigilantone5902 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M stop copy pasting dude, I've seen this reply in other comments by you and I surely know it's not your words either you're just copy paste from some anti Islamic sites or whatever and you don't know a jack about anything and you lack knowledge and evidence
@thevigilantone5902 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M 3rd time explaining-Ilah means deity and Ilahah is feminine that means they worship more than one god and yes most of the Arabs were idol worshippers before Muhammad Rasulullah SAW and do you know the meaning of Shahadat La ilah il Allah it means there is no god but Allah and it is very clear to every Muslim even a kid can simply understand and can you explain Trinity to your kids ? and if you think Allah is confusing and Trinity is simple then you seriously need medical attention and Trinity is about one god right ? Then why it is called Trinity ? If Jesus is the The God (father) and The Father is Jesus and The Holy Ghost is God (Jesus) make sense they are one right ? Then if Jesus died in the cross that means god died. The God of the Bible and the god We Muslims believe and the god jews believe but jews believe in one god like Muslims the same god but Christian worship idol you added a 2nd person as a son of god and that is Jesus that he was known as a man at staring in the bible and you added third and called it Trinity and no one can explain it gets very confusing as you explain. I have some points *If he is messiah he can't be killed and you think he's not a messiah but a god then you answer me these there 1. If you try to make him in to a god then you have to ask did he think he was god ? 2. If he thought he was God then he's not man cause God don't think he is a man, god knows himself he is a god. 3. If this man died on the Cross a was god, then god died and if you want to say, No the god didn't died the man part of him died then stop calling God died for your sins
@thevigilantone5902 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M you're clearly out of your mind i explained it 3 times that Arabs were idol worshippers and your tiny brain is refusing to accept it
@Noeman2009 6 жыл бұрын
I watched video of his convertion to Islam, the last time I watched he became murtad and few days ago he asked for donation. LoL. I know it's all about money.
@thevigilantone5902 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M yeah every channel is about money but there is a thing called The truth that 95% of your Christian missionaries failed to tell but Brother Yahya is 100% successful in that. Go and watch the videos of your David Psycho No Good Wood if trolls and lies is what you're looking for
@Noeman2009 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M Your logic failed. YS never lie about Christianity and Islam. It's different case.
@talltalltrees22 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M what many fail to understand is that the ignorant arabs whom you call pagans, were following a distorted version of the religion of Abraham. Muhammad pbuh came to correct it by removing all idols and cleaning up the House of Allah (Kaabah) and correcting Haj practices and teaching us how to worship Allah the way He wants us to worship Him.
@itsnotme4544 6 жыл бұрын
As Muslims is our job to invite people to Islam in a loving, caring away but the muslim ummah so rude and arrogant and ignorant and has no love and respect for others, people are free to follow whatever they want to follow, instead of going on and on and on about what religion they follow, who cares about people's religions just give good examples and respect others regardless of whatever they worship, who cares what people follow.people free to do whatever they want even Allah does not stop them
@TruthIsSalvation 6 жыл бұрын
Does not pay to be a Muslim, it would seem nowadays, Ishamel, looking for a career that paid now begging for donations instead of going a getting a job. These are get rich schemes played on people fool enough to donate
@onepath9363 6 жыл бұрын
he wants to makes 8000$ a month like David wood anti Islam is big business now days
@TruthIsSalvation 6 жыл бұрын
It figures, Muslim bashing beats begging on the street
@zafster22 6 жыл бұрын
38,000 denominations and counting. No guidance, no isnad, no recorded chain of correct interpretation passed down in an unbroken chain, every man woman and dog reading the Bible and getting and deriving their own understanding personally from the Holy Spirit.
@ibbysvloggs1018 6 жыл бұрын
The Ishmaelite Mountain we should put our own house in order and let them be, muslims take their own interpretations of the Quran
@STEWJO004 6 жыл бұрын
@ Mohammed Ibrahim Yea that's absolutely not true akhi. We have a certain order that is used when interpretating Qur'an.
@zafster22 6 жыл бұрын
Mohammed Ibrahim We have received both the Quran AND it’s correct interpretation and application in an unbroken chain. We are not allowed to read the Quran and come to our own conclusions - or pretty soon we’ll be heading towards 38,000 denominations also. Rather we take our knowledge and our understanding from those who were authorised and took their knowledge from those who were authorised and took their knowledge from etc - in an unbroken chain back to the Prophet. The Isnad is the Pride of Islam and we are the only Abrahamic religion that still has it. The Christian scriptures haven’t come with a chain from Jesus let alone any interpretation of them. This is what leads people to read verses where Jesus says: “It is not what goes into the mouth (food) that defiles you, but what comes out of the mouth (bad speech) which defiles you’ A verse clearly telling you to not focus too much on the letter of the law at the expense of the spirit of the law and correction of character. Jesus is telling people to throw out the bath water by correcting ones character AS WELL as keeping the outward law - but the Christians have thrown out the baby too - interpreting it as: you can now eat pig and anything you want. Just one of hundreds of examples.
@STEWJO004 6 жыл бұрын
@ Mohammed Ibrahim What The Ishmaelite Mountain said is correct there is isnad to the interpretation of the people who were there. Just for clarity on my comment, even if someone wanted to interpret an ayat there is a specific format that is used. (Like how there is a specific format that is used for fiqh). Your interpretation has to go: Quran with Quran Quran with the Prophet's(saw) commentary Quran with the consensus of Sahaba(ra) Quran with Arabic linguistics Clear verses are used to interpret ambiguous verses and it's literal unless can be proven otherwise Context of revelation etc. Even if we for argument's sake drop isnad NONE of this happens when they interpret they will twist verses to suit their preconceived beliefs. For example, Isa(as) is alleged to have abrogated divorce unless someone commits adultery. I pointed out the impracticality of this due to reasons such as wife beating, apostasy, the man leaving for years and not supporting his wife. I would've have respected "We don't know the practicality but Jesus said it so we obey" Would you like to know the response? "In the Bible, the Children of Israel are called prostitutes by God when they disobeyed Him. If a man doesn't follow Jesus teachings he is a prostitute as well and therefore, an adulterer" Do you see the difference now? One more example, Paul says that say Allah sent the Torah to prove no one can follow it. 1. He never quotes Isa(as) EVER in all his letters to confirm this belief 2. He twists a verse to prove it But what does it say? "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart," that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: (Romans 10:8) He is quoting what Allah is supposed to have said to the Jews when He sent the Torah. Here is the context: For this commandment I give you today is NOT TOO DIFFICULT for you or beyond your reach. It is not in heaven, that you would need to ask, “Who will ascend to heaven to get it for us and proclaim it, that we may obey it?” And it is not beyond the sea, that you would need to ask, “Who will cross the sea to get it for us and proclaim it, that we may obey it?” But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, so that you may OBEY IT. (Deuteronomy 30:10-14) Paul purposely cut off the context and obey it to prove no one can follow the Torah. That is a straight manipulation of the text. When I showed this to a Christian he without evidence for his interpretation said Deuteronomy is talking about availability and not following the Scripture. Their interpretation is blatant manipulation of the text.
@ibbysvloggs1018 6 жыл бұрын
STEWJO004 prophet never gave commentry otherwise tafseer ibn katheer would not be regarded so highly. In any case all religions had its flows and islam is just the same. The slavery and jizya just kills it and right hand possrssion.
@faithfulsoldier519 6 жыл бұрын
And with those who say, “We are Christians,” We made a covenant. Then they forgot part of that whereof they were reminded. So We stirred up enmity and hatred among them, till the Day of Resurrection. God will inform them of what they used to do. (Qur'an 5:14)
@faithfulsoldier519 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M - So all your fellow cross-worshiper polytheists in the Arab world are worshiping that idol alongside the cross idol of theirs? Interesting. I also challenge you Paulian liar to prove that Allah's symbol is crescent from any source that may please you, what is above the Mosques was established by the Ottomans which was the motto of their empires, never was used during the Prophet's time, nor his companions, nor was ever a symbol of Islam until the spread of the Ottomans. Allah is the Name of the Almighty God in Arabic for the Jews, Christians, and pagans and everyone who speak Arabic and believe in the Almighty God, similar to that Elohim in Hebrew and Alaha in Aramaic, same Semitic languages, unlike your softy tongues which has no idea what are they speaking.
@faithfulsoldier519 6 жыл бұрын
Eli Ha G - The whole creation was made when He said "Be", including the birth of Jesus. And its Allah, not Al-Lah, its a name that is not used by any Muslim in this world.
@faithfulsoldier519 6 жыл бұрын
Again, there's no such a thing a ''al-lah'' maybe that's an imaginary figure you made (?) You already said that according to the Qur'an it says so and so, therefore you're replying to yourself that the Qur'an said that. And s you admitted, it was mentioned several times, and here is one for you among them: "Truly the likeness of Jesus in the sight of God is that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be!” and he was." (Qur'an 3:59) Here it refers that everything is done by His will, such as how Jesus was born without having a father? When Mary, according to the Qur'an, asked how could she have a son when no man has touched her after the Archangel gave her the tidings, it was said to her: “Thus shall it be. Thy Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me.’”, then the Qur'an affirmed: "That is Jesus son of Mary-a statement of the truth, which they doubt. It is not for God to take a child. Glory be to Him! When He decrees a thing, He only says to it, “Be!” and it is." (Qur'an 19-21-35) Upon you the peace.
@STEWJO004 6 жыл бұрын
Be is Him initiating the Decree, for example, God wrote in His decree: "Eli will be struck by a car" God says "Be" and then the event comes to pass. With Jesus(as) he said he will be a prophet born from a virgin He then says "Be" and the Gabriel came to Mary and breathed into her following the command. Even if you follow Gabriel and Mary's conversation: Mary: How can I have a son when I'm a virgin? Gabriel: This is super duper easy for God all He says is Be and it comes to pass. (Blow) Mary's now pregnant.
@STEWJO004 6 жыл бұрын
There are multiple ways God does things He right now says for your heart "Be" and it pumps etc. Next, the second point is flawed. God could never need angels period but He uses them as messengers. When God willed for Issac(as) to be born, for example, He could've just spoke to Abraham(as) directly like He did Moses(as) but he sent angels to deliver the news of his soon to be born son. He does not need the angels to initiate a command but they generally act as messengers of the Decree. For example, with Mary, unlike your light example, she would 've had no way of knowing why she had become pregnant unless something was revealed to her so it makes sense in this case to send a messenger to her to explain what's happening.
@itsnotme4544 6 жыл бұрын
I believe that Ishmael was Muslim at one point but I don't know what happened to him subhanallah but the only problem is when he left Islam all the Muslims were so rude and so horrible to him they turned him even more against Islam instead of being loving caring and kind towards him all the Muslim was just so horrible and so rude and so evil and push him even more away
@Ajmolali82 6 жыл бұрын
There were many muslims out there wanted to reach out to him and talk to him but he never wanted a decent dialogue instead he kept making more offensive videos to get more reaction only allah knows what is in his heart his a lost soul may allah protects us all from this ameen.
@brahimaxDz 6 жыл бұрын
if he just left islam thats fine his chois no issue with that but hes attackeing Islam with false claims and lies to make some money. thats disgusting
@nahiyanabir5925 6 жыл бұрын
Its Not Me brother listen we should hate a murtad for the sake of Allah. And many Muslims out there tried to discuss with him. Some brothers made videos and discussed the problems he was facing in a nice and friendly way. some gave replies to his accusations nicely. But he was arrogant and kept making videos to taunt Muslims. Then the channel 'Truth Shall Prevail' exposed his agenda. My brother stop accussing Muslims for what he did. Start hating that bustard until and unless he becomes Muslim again or he stops preaching lies against Islam.
@thevigilantone5902 6 жыл бұрын
Eli Ha G can you provide a authentic proof ? No and that Ishmael was never a muslim he was just acting cause I saw a video of him abusing Jesus peace be upon him very badly, he was saying Jesus is murder and rapist and Muslims don't that every Muslim who knows the basics of Quran thinks Jesus peace be upon him was one of the mightiest messenger of Allah, if we abuse him we abuse Quran and even a kid knows that because of their parents taught him and Ishmael being a imam he don't know that ? I mean wow!. It was all pre planned
@dabatulard6045 6 жыл бұрын
Alhamdulilah it's good to see these people fight and disagree as we watch and enjoy ;)
@Ajmolali82 6 жыл бұрын
You know what would really be funny is when David Wood tell his gullible audience jesus told him to get a private jet or yacht so he needs 50 million in donation so he can travel the world and spread the gospel lol you never know it might happen one day i hope.
@ventrixthewarrior2867 6 жыл бұрын
ajmolaliful David Woods and his minions are psychopathic 😂😂😂 😂😂😂
@dabatulard6045 6 жыл бұрын
ajmolaliful You do realize he cross dressed once again?
@peterusakah1966 6 жыл бұрын
DABAT UL ARD!!!!!! Just like the ashiryas and the mutazilites disagreed.Just like the Sunnis fight and disagree with the shias, ahmadis. We are also watching.
@thevigilantone5902 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M dude watching two guys who are nonsense, greedy hate spreading working for money under Christianity , fake Evangelists disagreeing each is funny cause they are proving themselves wrong and making clear that they are doing this to make money and watching them exposed is a good thing and won't enjoy if they try to kill each other. I think you people like killing and don't know the difference between truth reality and fake
@henkwilliemadriannusvander1955 6 жыл бұрын
"....a modalistic God who is not the Triune God revealed in the Holy Bible." 1) Which Holy Bible? The Catholic version has 77 chapters, the Protestant version only 66. Both are called Holy Bible when it is clear that, since they are not similar, one has to be "holier" than the other. 2) Which version of the Bible revealed that God is a Triune? I've read 5 versions of the Bible and in all of them God said he is one God, Jesus said the father is one God (Matthew 10:18) and the phrase Triune or Trinity is non-existent in any of them. But, as if the Trinity is not confusing enough, the Bible exist in about 400 versions. So which one revealed that God is three-in-one? 3) So, Samoun told us not to follow Ishmael? Don't bother. Muslims realized that both of you are worshipping false Gods. Arguments between the blinds and lost is of no concern to those who have seen the true light. Have a nice day.
@henkwilliemadriannusvander1955 6 жыл бұрын
+ Eli Ha G If believing that you know more about the origin of the Quran than the Islamic scholars leading 1.3 billion Muslims around the world (and growing exponentially) makes you sleep better at night, then be my guest. Have a nice day.
@henkwilliemadriannusvander1955 6 жыл бұрын
+ Eli Ha G How naive are you mate? Don't you realize that this kind of people exists in every religion? There are Jews who questioned the authenticity of the Torah and there are Christians who argued about the contents of the Bible among themselves. Even the followers of non-Abrahamic religions too sometimes questions their text. As for those "Hafs" nonsense, sorry, never heard of them. Nor that Muslim clerics ever issue any warning about the existence of them, and because you said they are liars, probably the contents would fit you well. I thought you said that you have read the Quran (and understand it), but could not find any answers. Now you are asking which version to read? Which version did you read? Probably the "Hafs" whatever are not the only liars around here. Have a nice day.
@henkwilliemadriannusvander1955 6 жыл бұрын
+ Eli Ha G "from sahih bukhari, from sahih muslim, " Ok hit me. This I got to see.
@henkwilliemadriannusvander1955 6 жыл бұрын
So, after 16 hours still nothing? I thought so.
@thevigilantone5902 6 жыл бұрын
Henk Williem Adriannus van der Napier brother wait for another 60 years he's gathering the proof, you need to have patients 😂
@KindBatman 6 жыл бұрын
Didn't this dontconvert2islam guy beat up and abuse his wife then she divorced him and that's why he left Islam lol
@talltalltrees22 6 жыл бұрын
Let's sit back and watch the christian drama lol See how they read the bible and they argue who are worshipping the right/wrong God? While we Muslims we dont argue with one another that one sect is worshipping the right/wrong Allah?
@stereostream 6 жыл бұрын
Is he on a deluded mission to “Debunk” what he considers cults. Next he will leave Onenessness and join Mormons and bash them all like Islam.
@stereostream 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M : Ok Alex Jones...Thanks for the info. Now please go and read Verse 41:37 in Quran.
@thevigilantone5902 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M where is the authentic proof ? you desparate non logical nonsense. I can provide 100 of errors in your bibile and I can provide the proof that Jesus peace be upon him is not god
@peterusakah1966 6 жыл бұрын
I wonder what Bart Ehrman thinks about the Quran, hadith, isnad et al
@kadirm4924 6 жыл бұрын
Listen to what Jesus said and not the modern days priests and popes. Simple
@kadirm4924 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M hey mate I respect your opinion but I choose to decline on believing it, wish you a good life my friend.
@KunglawAdy 6 жыл бұрын
everybody always ask/talk how jesus become god, but no one ask how Allah become a god ? based on this who is the true god
@finalfrontier001 6 жыл бұрын
Kunglaw Ady Allah is the father so....
@KunglawAdy 6 жыл бұрын
UglyhoodRAT so jesus is the son?
@fathifathi3168 6 жыл бұрын
??? how allah become ??? allah means the only and true god lool
@KunglawAdy 6 жыл бұрын
exactly what i mean
@nathaniel8871 6 жыл бұрын
Bart Erhman also says that Jesus was crucified, so he also contradicts the Qur'an. Good job!
@finalfrontier001 6 жыл бұрын
TobeSaltnLight Bart German said the resurrection is myth also he supports the Quran.
@LIVERZ 6 жыл бұрын
TobeSaltnLight 💤
@finalfrontier001 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M never said such thing Allah is ancient name for God that was used thousands of years before Moses was born. in fact he might have used it.
@LIVERZ 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M just look at the bible. When jesus is on the cross what does he say? "Ellahi ellahi why have you forsaken me." Same thing Allah/ilah = Ellah And before prophet muhammad adam noah moses and jesus were preaching submission to the 1 god. In arabic submission to god is called ISLAM
@nathaniel8871 6 жыл бұрын
liverzbbk So God's name is Ellah not Allah. Qur'an error #2. Thanks!
@KunglawAdy 6 жыл бұрын
because trinitian affraid that unitarian is 1 step closer to islam
@ranferchannel4900 6 жыл бұрын
Muslims are so desperate about Islamel conversion... Muslims even don't allow to comment us here. what a coward. Have you ever seen Yahya abdul debate with anyone? What about Christian Prince? Abduls running....
@KunglawAdy 6 жыл бұрын
Ranfer Channel what desperate ? debating christians ? we have so many debating christians like your david wood with google ..
@KunglawAdy 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M mushrikin in mecca believe Allah is a god. they worship another god besides Allah. thats why... they called mushrikin, means a group of people worship Allah and another false god. and whats your point ?
@KunglawAdy 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M and no idol represent Allah. mushrikin believe Allah is not having any form from this world. jeez .... when christian have valid source to learn about islam?
@KunglawAdy 6 жыл бұрын
Harry M ohhh i was khatam in bible , torah, and tripitaka then
@christs-souljah777 6 жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for you all...this video is very deceptive... Why is it good to see ppl fight? Thats an ugly heart, ppl like Sam shammoun would rather see you ppl know the truth and b saved not fight amongst yourselves. ..which u do by the way but at least the Christians dnt kill each other...if u all listened to what they say instead of hardening your hearts because u r too proud and the truth is hard to hear sometimes i know because i had to accept a hard truth. But if u r open to finding the truth and u r honest with your search and findings then i guarantee u will find Yeshua...even ask allah for the Truth but u must b honest with yourselves and ask with all your heart.
@finalfrontier001 6 жыл бұрын
Gospel Gangsta Christ's Soulja christian need to be saved the most.
@christs-souljah777 6 жыл бұрын
+UglyhoodRAT we all need to be saved equally it's sad that you think otherwise
@STEWJO004 6 жыл бұрын
@ gospel Sam has no desire to see truth he simply wishes to insult there is no truth in what he says it is simply a deception to uninformed non-Muslims. But since you seem like a reasonable level headed person I would be more than willing to talk about Islam and Christianity with you. The only thing I ask is we're both sincere and ask God to guide us to the path mosrt pleasing to Him. Sound fair enough?
@christs-souljah777 6 жыл бұрын
STEWJO004 sounds fair enough buddy im happy for that, i just ask that you are honest with the evidence and with your search... also bro just to let you know i have asked God with all my heart in tears to reveal Himself to me if He is real and to show me the truth no matter what it is. This was a time when i didn't know if God is real and my closest friends were muslim, i just wanted the truth and after hours and years of searching and prayer and by His grace and mercy He lead me to Jesus, who amazingly claimed to be the Truth.
@STEWJO004 6 жыл бұрын
@ Gospel gangsta Sorry about that it's sometimes difficult to have mature discussions Wow that's really interesting a little background about me, I was agnostic with an atheistic lean. Most of my family is Christian (Nondenominational, Baptist, Catholic and Jehovah's WItness mostly) and I actually have pastors and deacons on my father's side. After I looked around Islam just seemed to be the most logical religion to me. Now that we introduced ourselves, how about we do this, why don't you list your top 3 things you have against Islam and I'll list my top 3 things I have against Christianity and we kinda take it from there going one point at a time until we can agree on a point? I think my main issues with Christianity are: 1. Before Jesus(as) came how was salvation obtained by non-Jews? So for example nations in African countries, the Americas, and Asian countries. Did all of them go to Hell? 2. Proven forgeries in the both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament 3. No type of guidance when it comes to law beyond a superficial philosophy. For example, love your neighbor as yourself. Okay, cool can't argue with that. But let's say hypothetically Christians were allowed to run the United States right now, using the Bible what practical steps could be used to fix the debt incurred. Or if you ould like to break it down at a family level you have a surplus of single mothers and no one to take care of them what steps does the Bible give on a subject such as this? The few times a law is mentioned in the NT it is impractical for example Jesus(as) is alleged to have abrogated divorce in cases of adultery. The problem here is: 1. What if the husband is abusive? 2. What if he leaves and neglects to take care of his family? 3. What if he becomes an idol worshipper? According to this rule, none of these are grounds for a divorce and in this case we have a shattered family unit. So I know I ran a little long why don't you go now?
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