EA Sports WRC Review - Four Months On

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Scaff's Sim Racing

Scaff's Sim Racing

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@madDdog67 5 ай бұрын
I took a chance on this yesterday since it's on sale for $20 on Steam. I was pleasantly surprised that it recognized my Moza R5 and I was able to configure it easily (not possible with either WRC7 or WRC9), and that it runs triple 32s acceptably with my hardware. All in all, I'm quite happy with it, and enjoy the driving model, which I do find more relaxed. As for "simulation", I have RBR if I need to be humbled, humiliated, demoralized, and mocked haha.
@JP-xd6fm 5 ай бұрын
How do you know is not possible to configure the R9?, I have it and I'm considering getting the game
@madDdog67 5 ай бұрын
@@JP-xd6fm ah, sorry for the confusion...7 and 9 refer to WRC 7 and WRC 9, NOT the Moza wheels. I couldn't get either of those games to work with my R5. I edited my post above to make that clear.
@Theottselmaster 5 ай бұрын
Its a shame that the only content post launch is "EA RALLY PASS" which is pointless cosmetics, I think we`d all prefer new stages and such.
@l30S3UX 5 ай бұрын
We got CER rally stage post launch
@chazmyster 5 ай бұрын
If this is the game there release the 2024 season on, then any new locations and liveries will be paid dlc. I think that's why they made the game cheaper than they could've tbh because to play 2024 season you'd have to buy this game as a base.
@RallyCarDelta 5 ай бұрын
This is not exactly true. The rally pass gives you a new season of "moments" along with the cosmetics. "Moments" are one of my favorite features of the game because it gives you a plethora of new challenges every season (that have their own leaderboards). If you're not doing the moment challenges, your missing some of the more interesting content in the game, in my humble opinion. It's also super cheap. You get another season of moments along with new cosmetics. It seems reasonable for the price.
@sportschool3537 5 ай бұрын
@@RallyCarDelta People are stupidly ungrateful these days man... this game has a shitload of content, a ton of stages, tons of clubs to race online in, a career mode that while not perfect by any means it's miles better than WRC Generations (which was also decent but the AI was stupid and there was no variety in the results... ) and of course Dirt Rally 2.0 didn't even have a career mode if we're being honest... the game has 78 cars and none of them paid DLC, has 18 rallies with HUGE stages... the handling on gravel is extremely realistic and on tarmac it's actually more than decent... and this game cost ONLY 50$ in an era that every game costs 70$ easily... Oh, also if you pre-ordered you got every rally pass for free... which I did but everyone was telling me I'm "the problem" because I'm "supporting EA"... I mean god forbid I play a good rally game by Codemasters if I want to, right? Which by the way Codemasters literally created the whole genre of Rally video games with Coling McRae Rally... Anyway... this game is a good, borderline GREAT racing game... but people whine about it all the time cause it's cool to hate on everything these days...
@RallyCarDelta 5 ай бұрын
@@sportschool3537 I generally agree. There was a lot of internet whining and bickering over EA picking up this license. As it turns out, they supported Codemasters in turning out a solid rally title, probably the best that we've seen to date outside of RBR.
@andreasotto1977 5 ай бұрын
"Incredibly enjoyable driving model" hits the nail on its head. 🙂 But I'm a bit surprised about WRC 23 described as being "more forgiving" compared to its DIRT predecessors. In direct comparison, I find myself having almost chilled sunday drives (even in VR) in DR2 while profusely sweating and hanging on to my dear life in WRC 23. But maybe that's not because of the driving model but due to the tracks being (or at least feeling) way more narrow than in DR2. 🤔
@Manning0151 5 ай бұрын
Definitely agree, been learning H-Pattern manual last few days on both games and the Group B Metro 6R4 feels abit less of a handful in Dirt 2.0, however crashes are definitely punished more
@Caldwing 5 ай бұрын
Yeah I have to say I agree; WRC being more forgiving than DR2.0 makes no sense to me. I really had to adjust when I started WRC. Around the same time I also started trying rallysimfans RBR rally again. For a while I was playing all three, but eventually just uninstalled DR2.0. WRC is still more forgiving than RBR, but it's much closer to RBR than is DR2.0. I would put WRC almost exactly in between DR2.0 and RBR in this regard. This is all in VR (praydog UEVR for WRC.)
@asr88GBR 5 ай бұрын
I personally feel WRC gives a much faster feel due to the narrow tracks and the more active feel through the wheel. I've recently gone back to both dirt rally 1 & 2 and it's surprising the small differences that aren't there from wrc that I thought was! Very noticeable when dropping back to dirt rally 1. I've found some of the older cars much easier in the older titles Great review non the less 👍
@tomtomi93 5 ай бұрын
A bit of a letdown is the crashing IMO... I like the feel of the cars and i like the tracks, but i dont like the fact that i can almost drive to a brickwall and continue almost normally. Other than that i just wait for vr support. And to add it is amazing that this game is fun with wheel AND with controller, i cant say the same when playing rbr or dirt 2. They are mostly fun with wheel and pedals
@Pashchanov 5 ай бұрын
About being more forgiving - I suspect that the reason for this can be in the times of AI being much lower in wrc than in dr2. In wrc you can be 30s or a minute ahead of a computer with the difficulty level set to 50. In dr2...well, it can be almost the same, but from the opposite side of the standing. So, I guess such a difference makes you push harder in dr.
@joshualayfield2294 4 ай бұрын
I absolutely love the driving, it's incredible. There is absolutely room for more tracks/countries, liveries, a community section where we can share created liveries, upload logos, share created championships and such. I just got the game 3 days ago after playing my EA Play trial I couldn't put it down. Coming over from F1 and ACC, I've never done a rally style race but my goodness I think it's improved my driving a bit.
@treartino835 5 ай бұрын
Got it on sale at Christmas time and I’m having a blast
@user-wv8zc8fb5f 5 ай бұрын
I largely agree with you bud. I’m having a blast and coming up for 500hours on pc. I can confidently say at this point that pretty much all the cars with the exception of Rwd have been given very grippy tuning setups as default. I assume it’s because it’s both an EA game and an official license that they have done this to make the game a bit more approachable for non hardcore rallyists. Just loosening the rear differential off on AWD cars will have you hanging on for dear life. Just like dr2
@Marcnac 4 ай бұрын
Gracias. Supongo es cuestión tambien de tramos y rallys. Vengo de dirt 2.0, entusiasta, y debuté con el wrc con nivel experto, sin ayudas en grupo b, cambio en h en scandinavia y un force feedback decente y flipo cuando dicen que es indulgente! Es cierto que en asfalto la adherencia es excesiva tal vez. Lo soluciono subiendo fuerza frenado para ser mas sensible a marcarte un recto o eligiendo neumáticos duros. Probaré lo del diferencial. TÚ configuras de alguna manera en especial los coches en asfalto para hacerlo mas desafiante sin perder de vista la simulación?
@jamiepoulton5584 5 ай бұрын
I think they have a good base and hope they just add and improve over time rather than a yearly release.
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
Would be great if they did but I fear they may get forced down the annual release pattern.
@LJT9393 3 ай бұрын
It’s EA bro don’t get your hopes up too high..
@s1x_o 5 ай бұрын
What i think would be great is not annually release but at least year two expansion pack (DLC) So if we have WRC 23, WRC 24 season would be a DLC. I remember this was a thing with older F1 titles
@karlhungus545 5 ай бұрын
I just picked this up on PC for $23 CAD direct from EA. Great value for that price. The game found my TM TMX, SHH shifter, and Moza handbrake immediately, no calibration necessary. The game also plays, sounds, and looks great. Nice game to have alongside Dirt Rally 1 & 2.
@LoneWolf2k4 5 ай бұрын
It's a solid title. Fixing that Monte Carlo Rally crash took way longer than it needed to. We fixed it by dropping down graphics, but ground cover was game breaking bug. I feel like the current version is what should have launched. I still cringe when each patch is 82 gb. That's a rebuild. Not a patch. A rebuild.
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
Yep - got bitten by that crash myself, in the middle of a Club event stage as well!
@themadnes5413 5 ай бұрын
I was still playing wtc 10, and liked it more then DR2. Now got WRC23 for 13$ on sale. Really looking forward to playing it, since my simrig is 90% only used for rally.
@richardoliveira153 5 ай бұрын
Me too ❤❤. I would say 💯% for me in a long time
@JPKelly-xr7tr 5 ай бұрын
Excellent comprehensive review.
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
Many thanks
@sportschool3537 5 ай бұрын
@@ScaffsSimRacing You're wrong about the Driving Sim part... this is way closer to the real thing than Dirt Rally 2.0... rally cars don't slide around on gravel like they're on ice... rally car tyres grip super hard on gravel and about the older cars that everyone is whining about, they need to understand that this is a modern game so the tyre model is not old ass 70s and 80s tyres... they're using new age very advanced rally tyres... and it's not forgiving at all... if you find it forgiving then you're not going fast enough and/or you're using a very forgiving setup that is not using the car's capabilities and makes it too stable and you're losing time... I was driving through rally Mexico last week and if you find this forgiving then you're either too good at the game and you need to go pro asap or too bad... Finally this game is miles ahead of the competition because it's stages are REAL ROADS... and if you think they're too forgiving then you don't like reality and you want fake ass roads that are made way too narrow just to be hard for the sake of hardness which is stupid... by the same logic let's change up the F1 tracks in the video games because it would be "more fun than the real thing"... I wanna feel like a real rally driver when I sim race... I don't want fake ass roads... I want the real thing...
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
@@sportschool3537 I've driven rally cars, numerous times, it's too forgiving. I also said nothing about not liking the stages or wanting fantasy stages. However, many thanks for the rant, it helps the algorithm.
@sportschool3537 5 ай бұрын
@@ScaffsSimRacing Sure, I'm sure you've driven several official WRC level cars and not amateur rally cars... suuuure... it's exactly the same... I'm sure those millions of dollars don't make any difference between Kale Rovampera's car and yours... I'm sure that Pirelli gives official WRC cars the same tyres you get... unless you're Mr. Moneypockets which I highly doubt since you give a shit about your algorithm... You just said that DR2.0 had better driving physics... that alone proves you're full of shit... DR2.0 was not even close to real gravel rallying... was floaty as fuck and waaaaay too slidey... Anyway, the fact that you get mad shows that you're sad... just next time don't pull "facts" out of your ass and actually do some research... And who fucks your algorithm... you're answering like an angry manchild...
@flightis3dollars 5 ай бұрын
Good review. I would love for it to be fixed in the run-smooth-with-good-fps department. A bit tempted to buy it again and see as I did like it in the few seconds here and there when it ran smooth when it first came out.
@readysetmoses 23 күн бұрын
Just picked it up for 14$ on sale on Steam. I like it so far!
@ElShotte 5 ай бұрын
I don't know, the performance in this game has been just weird for me. Besides the damn microstutters, in most towns (especially at night) I get crazy frame drop. We're not talking about 4-5FPS, we're talking about going from 60 FPS to 35 FPS. Lowering my settings to Low, it goes up to 40 FPS, so I know it's something bugged out within the game that's causing the drop. Add to that the weird damn microstutters that make the game feel super weird to play. Also, there is one more quirk I've noticed. Does anyone use manual lights? I'm a maniac, so I do (because lights drop FPS by like 3-4, try toggling them manually), anyway, on some dark stages, if you cut the lights, the dark parts of the stage start feeling like a slideshow. I don't understand it. As soon as you turn on the lights, everything is nice and smooth, turn them off, choppy AF. Has anyone noticed this?
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
The last couple of updates have fixed the stutters from me, sorry to hear some are still suffering from them.
@ricepony33 5 ай бұрын
I’m still getting micro studders constantly even with the new patches after running the tracks a few times. 4090 - 12900k 16gigs
@Buckfast_Berserker 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I have been running the game at consistantly 80 / 90 fps at 1440p max settings except reflection on a rtx 2070 with dlss at balanced. game runs smooth no stutters but drops to 45 fps only in specific stages at night it seems. Its not the night stages because they run good 99.9 % of the time. It just has certain spots that do it so im sure they will fix it.
@ElShotte 5 ай бұрын
@@Buckfast_Berserker Yeah so you know exactly which spots I am talking about, and yeah, the spots are way worse at night.
@sportschool3537 5 ай бұрын
@@ricepony33 Dude, why do you have a 1500$ GPU, a 500$ CPU and only 16gigs of RAM? Not saying it's breaking your PC but 32 is a bare minimum for high end PCs and your PC is super high end... just find it odd that you would spend that absurd amount of money on a GPU and CPU and get cheap over a couple of RAM sticks that cost something like 100-150$...
@Krautastic 4 ай бұрын
At $20 it's a good simcade game. The ffb is kind of garbage, I race the slower cars and there's no feedback of front tire grip and the translation of body roll/pitch/yaw is just not there. It's locked up in the first ffb setting, but increasing this value to get better chassis feedback makes it too difficult to unwind steering after catching a slide. As ridiculous as it sounds, coming from project cars 2 rallycross cars, it's night and day different (pcars2 >> ea wrc, both ffb and general vehicle physics). The ffb feels heavily simulated as if the cars are detached from the racing surface versus titles like pcars2 and beamng which induce ffb based on the vehicle's reactions to the environment. I only paid $20 for the game, so I'm not upset, but this will probably get relegated to being raced with a controller because the ffb is so disappointing. Also, it appears the game still relies on fake rear tire slide which has resulted in some very odd behavior on pavement and the rwd cars. Number of stages, number of environments, and number of cars all make for a ton of great content. I do think alot of these negatives probably make the game more accessible, but the cars simply don't feel right (based on my personal racing experience in a wide range of cars on gravel tires)
@slaphead90 5 ай бұрын
Good review. With regards to the AI, I don't actually think there's much AI going on in the majority of Rally titles to be honest. At this point I'm convinced its a set time per stage based on the assumed ability of the real world driver and level that you're playing at, with all the rest being RNG for driver variability and events such as punctures, damage, and accidents.
@anthonyduffy6953 5 ай бұрын
Ive been having a blast with this game. The frame drops and stutters were a nightmare, but they are a lot better than they were. I would like them to add super special stages at some point, and some of the pace notes are a bit dodgy, but i think its a solid rally title now.
@PEPlourde 5 ай бұрын
Great review from a unbiased opinion! Honnestly, I was affraid to make the switch frome DR2 to WRC but I wanted to participate in my national sim rally championship so I had to. I was affraid that it was going to feel to arcady but what a pleasant surprise it was! Like many, I have driven many many hours in DR2 and I can say that the physics of WRC are just about right there with it. I feel like the stages are more complex in WRC so it compensate for the small difference in physics and I even found it more difficult a lot of time. I think just the overall game is better, the graphics are great, the stages looks gorgeous, the sound is at least on par with DR2 and the choice of cars is plentiful. I wanted to drive the Rally1 really bad and I wasn't disapointed! I don't see myself going back to Dirt Rally 2.0 anytime soon.
@blackmesa3777 5 ай бұрын
RWD cars oversteer extremely. In DR2 you can solve this problem by making the accel-differential a little more open/loose. In EA's WRC, however, I hardly noticed any difference.
@Marcnac 4 ай бұрын
En teoria si abres mas diferencial trasero el coche tenderia a sobrevirar más aún sobre todo al empezar a dar gas al salir del vértice de la curva.
@Krautastic 4 ай бұрын
​​@@Marcnacthat's not at all my experience in real life or games. I race rallycross and limited slip differential in a rwd car is a huge upgrade due to the ability to induce and control oversteer vs an open diff. I race a v6 mr2 with stage gravel tires, which is pretty close to a Stratos as far as power/weight and the rwd cars in this game are completely undrivable. Which has been my experience with dirt games in the past.
@LJT9393 3 ай бұрын
I think we all would’ve been happier with just an update for DR2.0 containing the new cars and locations/stages rather than this game. DR2 is still so much better. I just prefer the stages in this game since there’s way more of them. Sound, visuals, pacenotes and everything else goes to DR2.0 sorry
@Manning0151 5 ай бұрын
My view with 200+ hours in both Dirt 2.0 and EA WRC: The Damage Model in WRC is wayyy more forgiving than Dirt 2.0, but Dirt 2.0 is more forgiving under breaking and actual driving like if you enter a corner 10mph too fast in Dirt and just Squish the brakes, even locking up territory, the car still turns and you can just make it, however, try this same manoeuvre in WRC, youre understeering into whatever is on the outside of that corner😂 I’ve been going back and forth between both lately and honestly I feel like neither are perfect but they have their own difficulty’s and I wouldn’t say one is harder than the other due to what they do differently If you want to do a full length Rally and test your endurance WRC is the one If you want to be fully immersed feeling like you’re actually in the car, full sim style to the point you’re terrified to crash (and RBR isn’t an option for you) Dirt 2.0 did it better
@chrisp6365 5 ай бұрын
I agree with you. Coming over to WRC from playing DR 2.0 for ages and I couldn't agree more.
@unepintade 15 күн бұрын
And it's so weird too because WRC has more stuff that can break than DR2.0 but it's just EA that doesn't let us change how easy/hard it is to damage the car
@danloki78 4 ай бұрын
I'm a offline players and AI has always been an issue regarding consistency.this sounds like it's also bad.
@Masterient 4 ай бұрын
The best thing about - you can play against ghosts from other players in your pace, when you beat one, take the next - best mode for singleplayer in my opinion
@WparuSlowach 5 ай бұрын
I would like to see better weather effects - like in WRC generations, where we have them more dynamic which gives more flavour to stages and challenge. Overall great title, on Ps5 finally runs without stuttering. Good base for future releases with updates.
@jackcraters1425 5 ай бұрын
To me EA WRC has one flaw that kills me. The damage being too forgiving. You can hit a tree at speed and still finish the stage. There is no fear of crashing while driving. In Richard Burns Rally, I am constantly scared of a small off damaging my radiator and ruining my rally. I enjoy the fear of knowing my rally could be over at any moment with a small mistake and I wish I could get that in EA WRC
@nickrossol9801 5 ай бұрын
Dude you have to turn hardcore damage on lol, its not forgiving at all...
@jackcraters1425 5 ай бұрын
I have hardcore damage on and its still way too forgiving.@@nickrossol9801
@anhkietduongdo 5 ай бұрын
​@@nickrossol9801It's still not forgiving enough. Crashes aren't rally ending unless you kiss a tree at 200.
@blackmesa3777 5 ай бұрын
@@anhkietduongdo That's right. I tried a total damage once and it's damn hard to do. (I have Hardcore damage on.)
@Playingameswithmax 2 ай бұрын
@Ngamer834 5 ай бұрын
The driving itself is actually alot of fun but the career mode seems a massive step back from the previous WRC titles by KT Racing. Compared to the dirt rally series the game is certainly much more forgiving you can get away with more and still win the event. Does make me wonder if they'll still keep the Dirt rally series for enthusiasts alongside the WRC games? I like this title but Dirt Rally 3.0 it just isn't.
@supergooglelee Ай бұрын
The FFB in this game is actually better than all previous WRC games IMO using a MOZA R9. Definitely not as good as DR2.0 overall but massively underrated, especially on a high end system like my RTX4090 with 7950X3D
@andymcguigan7238 5 ай бұрын
If you fill the EA wrc survey they put out it asked if you would buy dlc adds and how much you would pay , then something about making your own rally stages which would be awesome 😎💯
@robertrossi9364 5 ай бұрын
Dr2 and WRC are to casual. The only think they do well is sound. Outside of sound RBR and KT's WRC have it beat. Theres no throttle modulation in WRC. Its just point and shoot. I can hit hairpins in wrc with ease, i dont have to think about anything other than rip the handbrake and smash the throttle. In both RBR and generations the throttle modulation is always something to worry about even after 400 hrs in. The FFB in WRC is terrible as well. Thankfully its a bump up from dr2 but still sits around a 5/10. The driving in wrc is mediocre at best!! The handling is way to easy but thankfully there is a good skill ceiling to hit. I enjoy the game but i wanted a true rally sim which this isnt it. I also feel this is on par with Forza Horizons. Its a fun title but just has to much of a casual nature to it. I have 200 hrs into WRC and enjoy it but lately ive been back on generations. Really wish EA and codemasters never got thia license. Absolute shame.
@scottbradley1086 5 ай бұрын
I would have been good with codemasters having the license, ea getting a license ( EXCLUXIVE anyway) is the death of good games. They seem to never give up the license, and do below the bare minimum they can get away with to prevent the license being pulled. They will take no risks and play it as safe as possible. Even if everything about an ea game was miles better than anything else out there ( which it NEVER is), I would prefer a inferior product by someone else that cared about the sport and played their own game, like hardcore fans of the sport AND played their own game. A company that would at the very least communicate with their customers when issues creep up. That would actually acknowledge when mistakes are made / bus/ and show that they realize what effect it has on the game and somehow compensate their players when a in game bug prevents them from getting rewards or experience etc as was intended. EA will leave bugs in a game for years. I don't mean annoyance type bugs, I mean game or mode breaking bugs. Where like in the second season suddenly you lose all progress, and they could at least do more than just claim they are working on it. This is not due as I feared due to incompetence. It looks like it is. Yet if something is broken that would allow a player to level faster than they intended, or to get a reward that is popping out higher rewards than intended you can bet you life on it being fixed withing minutes or hours as soon as they are aware of it. And these are bugs(the ones that "help" the player) that most players never ever encounter. Only the true expert players who study the game and work together to find these bugs benefit from them, and yet they are immediately fixed. Whereas if it is a bug that prevents all players or a large enough portion that their forums are filled with people reporting it is often ignored all together - for years. At best they may eventually post something about it, and maybe eventually address it. If you had played madden in 2004- 2007, ( and other games from 1990 on - like flight sims ) then the current games, imo the older games are better in everyway, except graphics. They had replays, stats, features anything and everything you could dream of and then some were in those games. Pretty much without exception ( hello Microsoft) those companies were created by someone ( or group of peeps) who wanted to share their passion with others. So every detail was important to get as realistic as possible, nothing was ever considered done or good enough. Every subsequent game would have huge improvements in every aspect of the previous title. Now they make billions off of it ( speaking of madden in particular, but applies to all imo)and invest next to nothing in development. That makes 100% sense if you see your purpose above all else as doing nothing other than taking the least amount of work or effort ( capital, investment, etc) and getting the most you can out of it. Nothing wrong with that, it is what I ( try ) to do in my own life =). If you can invest $1 and get $10 in return you would be a fool to invest $4 to get $5 in return right? Unless you deeply care about what you are doing. You would be willing to do far more for your own child no matter the cost than you would for a stranger's child as a poor example for instance. The problem ( just my opinion/ viewpoint, and it is not up to me or anyone else , but the creator owner (nfl nflpa) as to how they use it) is noone is ALLOWED to compete or offer an alternative. Due to the license and on one hand that makes perfect sense as they pay a huge sum to get it, but I think that the license holders would benefit in the mid term, - 5- 10 years, and certainly in the long term 25 - 50 years + by allowing more than one company to hold the license at the sametime. Leaving room for others to compete and see who turns out the best product. They only reason the current system is able to make them so much $ is due to their being no other options. If you want to play a NFL sort of game, you are stuck with ea. If they dropped the cost of getting a license and did not allow the option for exclusivity, they would make far less per year I would think. Overtime I think it would provide more fans though. Thus more $. Remember though the NFL was not created with the purpose of making $ and most of the current players would play for a lot less than they can charge to play. Don't misunderstand, I am not attacking capitalism or anti $. It is what gave us the ability to sit in the living room watching the nfl in air conditioned comfort and gives the players a chance at generational wealth that in most cases wouldn't exist for them. What I am trying to express is that I think the reason the nfl - or f1, wrc, etc, are so popular and can generate so much $ right now is because of all the sacrifices and love that has gone into getting it to where it is now. And the continuing evolution of the sports. If the current operators lose touch with the fans what they love about the game something else will take its place. The tradition is part of it. Not saying they are doing that just giving some examples of why you need multiple approaches, input, development with these properties and most everything in the world imo. It just seems shortsighted to limit the number of ways a property has to get the attention of potential fans (customers). For example providing only an arcade version of NFL football ( madden ) means you are missing out on people that would love the simulation aspect ( strategy, ownership, etc ) of football. I know ea tries to claim they have all that in the game, but that is only true if you have no experience beyond what they provide. Compared to ultimate team, you could argue that franchise is simulation. You would be right, but only in comparison to ultimate team as it exists now. Go back and find info on all that was in previous games. Hint - look at the lists of current top wants for the game from players - 99% of what they want has been in previous games. The knowhow allready exits, EA doesn't have to start from scratch, just need to go back and copy their own previous work and figure out how to put it into the current game. Imagine if they had to start from scratch like the pioneers of the genre heck EA cannot even get their current games ( with a fraction of the features) to work as they are supposed to. I wouldn't listen to me though, I have never generated the kinda success or money these companies and their investors, shareholders ( Blackrock//Vanguard) generate. I could live 5 million years and never make what they do in a day. Still EA frustrates me so much just venting here helps even if nobody ever reads it. So; If my introduction to Football was the current madden game, I would prob like it as a video game, but I don't think it would cause me to actually become an nfl fan, certainly not a hardcore one. Yet the original maddens on pc let you learn so much about the game and actually tried to simulate the reallife counterpart, it taught me the game of football when I was a kid, causing me to play it in reallife, become obsessed with football and the nfl. To this day I ignore the college game and only care about the nfl. My hometown team ( city grew up in) in particular. I think the only reason for this is that is how I learned about it, if I had owned or my first football game was the same but of college ball, I think it would have had the same effect and all I would follow would be college ball. So my entire life ( at least up until now) I will watch football, spend money on nfl merch, promote it to others, etc. Since I don't gamble and even if I did I don't have the disposable income to do it, I haven't considered that, but I guess we could throw that in as a potential revenue stream that could be an additional lifetime sort of get from me to the nfl. And it all started as a kid due to a game. It prob helped that even though I really had no skill at the game in real life I understood it(due to the game) and was almost always the fastest guy on the field by a large margin ( that was due to God deciding to bless me with that ability not skill or such on my part- all credit should go to Him). Who knows if all else was the same, but I ran a 4.4, 4.5, or 4.6 40 and could be run down or outran I may have not loved the game and made it such a large part of me and who I am as I did. In fact I am almosy 200% certain that that was prob half of the reason, cause I do remember playing basketball and baseball games and loving them, but I don't care about either game now beyond supporting the home teams and being prod of them. I super super blew at basketball, not good at baseball. So maybe I am giving the sims from my childhood to much credit I don't know.
@stefanoviaggio8096 5 ай бұрын
The best kt racing is wrc9 Absolute master piece on direct drive wheel
@dolly-2187 2 ай бұрын
What is your favorite wrc / rally game?
@robertrossi9364 2 ай бұрын
@@dolly-2187 RBR is the best rally game out by a long stretch but due to its age I prefer WRC Generations as the best. I never had an issue with the game as it works perfectly for me. Just think it's the closest thing to RBR that we'll see.
@bookah8787 2 ай бұрын
I've just bought this game for 17.99 absolute bargain I've had no screentare or juddering runs very smooth 😎 I'm loving this game great job EA 👏
@bookah8787 2 ай бұрын
Asphalt is a bit tricky though so hold onto your fillings it gets lary lol
@bookah8787 2 ай бұрын
That's what I'm doing the career mode it's really good manage your budget and team and keep the beneficiary happy or you suffer quite bad lol I've just managed to get him back to happy, I wasn't expecting to be in control of finances too , quite realistic 👍
@bookah8787 2 ай бұрын
Ahhhhh press mute spoiler alert 😂
@bookah8787 2 ай бұрын
Buy this game car enthusiasts you will not regret it and it cost less than the fuel you put in your own a week.
@dekeaustin 5 ай бұрын
Is it worth 20$? It was on sale this past weekend.🎉🎉
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
Personally I think it's worth 20
@MatthewJohnCrittenden 5 ай бұрын
Nice review, I agree with all the points raised. I know you mentioned it briefly, but it also sounds great to me. This is a big factor in immersion.
@Eskoxo 5 ай бұрын
My problem with this game is they promised VR as an update and i think they had reasonable amount of time to do this from consumer point of view and yet here we are no VR and no update if their even still working on it.
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
They have released an update on VR, should be here before Summer.
@justinmiller8993 5 ай бұрын
Nice review. One niche point, no vr implementation yet
@grug440 5 ай бұрын
not yearly release.this version is to have a 3 year lifespan with added content across the years.
@JohnSilverHawkins 5 ай бұрын
I appreciate your review, but I found it odd that you did not really seem to mention the length of the stages themselves, which is arguably the biggest change the game brings. Getting 20-40 minute rally stages really changes things up.
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
I'm coming to it from playing the WRC series and RBR, so good length stages are, to me, a minimum, but you are right I should have called it out, as it's a first for Codemasters.
@JohnSilverHawkins 5 ай бұрын
@@ScaffsSimRacingBut even the longest stages in the previous WRC games did not really go beyond 25 km from what I recall. For EA WRC we get stages that push beyond 30 km. That increases the difficulty and endurance aspect substantially. It did for me, anyway.
@richardsracingmad 5 ай бұрын
Scaff, you haven’t made me strike this game off my wishlist….😅, but I only recently own DR2.0, so I want to get my game time on that first….before I move on to another rally game.🎉
@Veivster 2 ай бұрын
The Scandia rally, is what we call in Norway, Numedalsrally. It is a part of the norwegian championnship. And all the drivers love the stages. In my opinion, and onlt mine, it should have rally Finnskog as well. It was a part of the european championship in the 80's and the early 90's. awesome rally, and it is located here where i live, Kongsvinger. But anyway. EA WRC, i love the game, and it has climb the ladder from DR and DR 2.0. Sure, there is a lot more to or can be done. But so far, i think it is the best rally game/sim yet. PS: I play on PS5. Hate pc.
@arcadearnie 29 күн бұрын
Will say i am enjoying this game a fair bit. I do like my game slightly more arcade like, and with a few settings i can get this, good job by codemasters :) Ow to top it off, i got me a PS5 copy new for £19, super value
@MrRodrigues520 5 ай бұрын
Also, item 18 on the RallyPass is always locked behind the EA Play sub
@taxi615 5 ай бұрын
For me if I compare to dr2 as a driving sim wrc is far superior the FFB alone make dr2 feels like dead on my DD and I have over 800hrs in Dr2 now with almost 400hr in wrc. I will say stuff like the roads look better in dr2 but if you bump degradation on wrc to high or max they look better than medium to low still not great but that's stuff they can work on. My biggest problem in wrc is the rain and snow falling it looks terrible nothing like it should look. I'm on triples and even no support it's still not terrible like dr2 stretching but I would love to have real support and VR can't believe it's still not here many of my friends haven't moved to wrc just for lack of VR alone. I would love to get RX back so we can go head to head with friends and add in multi-player from 32 to 50 people not sure how hard it would be on servers but some of the clubs I'm in have over 500 members and 32 just limits things 50 would get more into that mode. The content and cars is amazing got nothing to say about it and I hope the go the dr2 route and give us 2 big dlc a year instead of killing the game with yearly release with the same stuff but with the yearly new cars. Making it a working title for next 5 years would make this game even better. I've been lucky haven't had a single issue since launch so for me it's been 99% flawless. They seem to listen to the players for now so thats good and the survey is pointing in the right direction. These games need to be good rally is niche and bad titles kill these sims so I'm glad it's great. Lots of people forget dr2 was terrible for over a year but it's been a Cult classic now I have full confidence in Cody for this one also. Let's see where it all goes.
@zzysk2 5 ай бұрын
My feeling is that consoles are more stable than PCs. However, consoles have many limitations.
@rebeexi_e3962 5 ай бұрын
How about hit a bush in 100 mph and its Like hit a mountain
@seebarry4068 5 ай бұрын
Gimme a TR7 and I’m probably in. Gimme Tony Ponds livery and I’m all in.
@jonboy2950 5 ай бұрын
Currently on sale for £18 quid on EA store. So a good time to pick it up if you havent.
@johncitizen8828 5 ай бұрын
I only got a PS4 a few weeks ago, and have been LOVING DR2 (it is hard tho!) - but for 18 quid, I might just also snap this up, too. I assume playing two diff. Rally sims will screw up your reaction times, tho
@jordansundheim7 5 ай бұрын
@@johncitizen8828the transition is seamless go cop!
@OldManPlaysDrivingSims 5 ай бұрын
Must fire it up again…not played it for a couple of months. I’m sure a few of my niggles will have been sorted by now…still no VR though, even though they promised 😕
@haraldjohansen1867 5 ай бұрын
And still no true triple screen support.
@OldManPlaysDrivingSims 5 ай бұрын
Indeed...hopefuly in an update, but I would not hold your breath :-( @@haraldjohansen1867
@Do.Christ 5 ай бұрын
Some double wide Rally Sport Challenge multiplayer tracks would be great.
@TheTopace88 5 ай бұрын
How could Richard burns Rally from 2004 have better physics and handling model than any of the modern dirt rally series or WRC?
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
Because it's had a modding community behind it work on and developing the physics engine, adding content and keeping it up to date.
@richardoliveira153 5 ай бұрын
It really is shocking. From a Rally Sim racer point of view, Id say Generations physics are still the best out of the modern ones.
@afistfulofpimples1745 5 ай бұрын
Rubbish ​@@richardoliveira153
@madprof666 3 ай бұрын
Im torn between this, wrc 10 and wrc generations. Done so much reasearch and it seems there is no general concensus 😅
@ScaffsSimRacing 3 ай бұрын
For me (on PC) both WRC 10 and Generations had issues with micro-stutters that were never patched out and made them almost unplayable. EA WRC had this at launch, but thankfully it was patched.
@madprof666 3 ай бұрын
@@ScaffsSimRacing ea wrc defo still hasscreen tearing on series x. And no graphics settings at all, which is super weird
@mirkorancic3602 5 ай бұрын
nice bro...where is setup???
@Bartolek91 5 ай бұрын
Hello, I play on PS5 on T300, can you give the settings for the steering wheel on PS5?
@ianfan1420 4 ай бұрын
Tried to switch over from Dirt Rally 2.0 and I refunded this trash after 1 hour of playing. It's a straight downgrade in almost every conceivable way. Graphics, physics, optimization, even the UI is somehow less intuitive. The car list is basically the same as in DR2 with like 5 extra cars. I've heard that the career mode is alright but also extremely repetitive. Overall, I would describe it as a decent rally game for people who never played a decent rally game. Even on sale I wouldn't recommend it, just buy DR2 GOTY Edition for like half the price.
@rogiba5115 5 ай бұрын
this NEXT GEN game is worst then old gen Dirt 2......its amazing people defending this GARBAGE..... it looks like game on ps3
@leslierowland2678 5 ай бұрын
Makes me mad! On series x its the worst wrc game ever made. Sick of all this bs people are saying! they clearly are blind.
@MayhemMilIer 4 ай бұрын
is there a way to turn all the particles off?
@dathyr1 5 ай бұрын
Uhhhh!!!!!! Do you even talk about the graphics in this game????? you don't seem to mention anything on graphics or I missed it in the video. The views of this game in your video seem to all be very hazy and not crystal clear. Is this true or not????? Thanks for the other items of the game. take care.
@angrycarebear8631 5 ай бұрын
I think this game was set to be dirt rally 3, I drove a Subaru if I remember and the number plate read dr3. Shame the game is broken
@radoczgyorgy3322 5 ай бұрын
Argentína is there? I dont wanna do my dirt 2.0. Season:(
@RafaPolit 5 ай бұрын
Any opinion on the visual aspect of the game? From videos it appears as a step backwards or a regression from Dirt Rally 2.0. Is this the case?
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
It's a tricky one for me to comment on, as I was running a 1660ti with DR2.0 and now run a 4070, so I have no like-for-like comparison (and DR2.0 always looks a bit soft in trackside detail on the 1660ti).
@chazmyster 5 ай бұрын
I agree. It seems codemasters are back to the piss filter from the first dirt games, grid, and f1 2010. Also, i wish there were more foliage because it feels too open and empty in this game, especially Finland.
@Manning0151 5 ай бұрын
EA WRC is more demanding, at peak visuals it looks slightly better than Dirt, but far fewer people are capable of running it as such, that plus the fact it’s their first time using Unreal instead of the Ego engine, coupled with the fact stages are on average far longer You get underwhelming visuals when you see most YT videos however I’d say anyone noticing graphical differences and being bothered by it, can’t be going very fast to begin with👀🤷🏼‍♂️
@sportschool3537 5 ай бұрын
@@chazmyster I own both DR2.0 and EA WRC and anyone that says DR2.0 looks better is fucking blind... the terrain detail on EA WRC is massively MASSIVELY better... in EA WRC you can see the gravel being textured... in DR2.0 it was just a bland thing... in EA WRC if you're above high graphics and 1440p and above the details are fantastic for a rally title... because rally titles are the hardest on the GPU because of all the environment you need to render... while track racing is based on a circular track which is something like 4-6km of track that is rendered pretty easily... in rallying it's endless rendering... Anyway... I've seen this DR2.0 looks better than EA WRC thing around every since it came out and after playing DR2.0 for more than 1500hrs I can tell you that you're legally blind and the closest eye doctor would be a great investment in your future...
@rogiba5115 5 ай бұрын
​@@Manning0151nice try to save this garbage of a game
@live4wap 5 ай бұрын
Shortest review ever: + Graphics - Everything else Don't waste your time and money. In terms of driving this game has nothing to do with cars. You sit in the center of a ball which rolls through some fancy places. That's pretty much it, cheers.
@bett431 5 ай бұрын
A lot of the guys I ve played with for years already went back to Generations. The games performance in EA WRC got better, but the car behavior has not been enhanced.
@itsdhasofficial 5 ай бұрын
is there still screen tearing?
@KimBarnerTBP 5 ай бұрын
Why is your video so grainy and low resolution on 1080p?
@szyziel 5 ай бұрын
Because he somehow managed to capture video with interlace which is a codec killer when bitrate is low.
@robertlee42770 5 ай бұрын
You know, in the end, it's EA, so I think I'll stick with Richard Burns Rally.
@Andybarney555 5 ай бұрын
Pretty sure as launched unfinished/hafl a game.. i only paid £30 i think on the store on xbox on launch... mad nobody talks about this!!!
@gorywriter326 5 ай бұрын
I may be interested in rally games, but there are 3 issues that are keeping me from purchasing this title: 1. "Moments" has replaced the daily/weekly/monthly rallies of Dirt 2.0, or even just the dalies/weeklies of Generations. I admit this is more of a personal issue, but the daily/weekly races are what still have me interested in WRC Generations and nearing 100 hours of playtime, so seeing them removed from EA's WRC has me wondering what would keep me coming back after finishing whatever version of a story mode the game may have. (I did see that this was supposedly accepted as feedback that would get to EA four months back, but I doubt anything will come of it. However, should dailies/weeklies/monthlies return as an update - preferably a free update - then I'll at least be down to two issues.) 2. EA locking content behind EA Play. I've seen people defend the practice by saying "It's just one track!" to which I can only say: It's one track, at least for now. This is EA we're talking about, after all. How long until there's two tracks locked behind the subscription service? Or three? Or five? Or maybe an entire part of the game? Again, this is EA, a company most gamers know to be unabashedly greedy. 3. Even if the chance of EA WRC being used as a base game to have more and more content added to it exists, it's considerably less likely than having annual WRC releases. Why would EA release one game for $50 with extra content added in for smaller prices, when they can keep milking their customers by basically releasing the same game for $50 every year? They already do it for Fifa, Madden, NBA, and F1, so why would they suddenly do anything different for WRC?
@ScaffsSimRacing 5 ай бұрын
@JonasRosenven thanks, will take a look at that
@gorywriter326 5 ай бұрын
@@JonasRosenven Do you mean RBR? If so, I do know about that one and do want to try it out, even if all I have to play it on is a keyboard since I suffered an injury two years back that makes my racing wheel unusable, which REALLY sucks. I'm no graphics junkie, and it does look fun as hell, and by God are some of the sounds amazing to listen to, but I admit I don't feel comfortable knowing the only way to get it is through using a torrent program. I'm more than certain the game itself is safe to get, but from doing some research on the process of using a torrent, I'm more than a little hesitant to get it. So... yeah. Maybe that's just me being paranoid, but that's what keeps me from trying it.
@The1Scraf 5 ай бұрын
Greetings brother :D
@HoutarouOrekiOsu 5 ай бұрын
Is that Slack I'm hearing? 😅
@dubtube6691 Ай бұрын
I don't like unreal engine for this kind of games, strange aesthetic these games from codemasters
@geoganicus7238 5 ай бұрын
This game is a huge step BACK from Dirt 2.0 imo. The physics are for R5 cars ONLY. Anything else feels like a dumbed down version of the same physics. RWD cars are almost impossible to drive on controller. Severe snap oversteer on correction is totally unrealistic. Diff & suspension adjustments do ZERO to the cars handling. Grip is totally unrealistic. In what universe do RWD cars not drift? EA sports universe. This game handles like a street racing arcade game. Very disappointed. If it had only 1 class of cars, R5, it would be ok. The rest is a sad joke unfortunately. I challenge a Dev to get on vid uncut, start the game, tune the H3 Escort & drive it to the end of a stage & then explain how this passed Development. Uninstalled.
@dubwork 3 ай бұрын
strange look from Codemasters, too hazy, too soft, too desaturated
@ringofart 5 ай бұрын
Brilliant game but dirt rally 2.0 is better
@gnoclaude7945 2 ай бұрын
Game is hot garbage imo. Still a stutter fest and the maps look like they plopped down roads in an ai terrain editor. Compared to dirt rally 2 or wrc generations this is a huge miss. I will not buy another ea wrc title unless they ditch this engine.
@ricepony33 5 ай бұрын
Who here would rather play DR3?
@abeidiot 5 ай бұрын
It's superior to dr2 and kiloton games when it comes to handling stages and ffb. The career mode is a disgrace however. it doesn't even shuffle the calendar on 2nd season
@ScottX68000 5 ай бұрын
No, KT games absolutely destroy EA WRC as far as stages go, most of the stages in EA WRC are quite boring and repetitive. Also the physics in KT games are excellent and give a better sense of speed when playing with a chase camera.
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