Scaling Beyond 1nm

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Anastasi In Tech

Anastasi In Tech

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@AnastasiInTech 5 ай бұрын
Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code anastasi for an extra 3 months free at ‼ Sorry guys, I messed up. I meant quantum INTERFERENCE, not inference. It was a long day 😅
@Privacityuser 5 ай бұрын
Please make one about NVIDIA vs Google A.I-GPU architecture! And no! just architecture, size, etc... will not accomplish data gardering necessary, and google has tons of e-book's GPT will never have along with conversations and videos...
@dchdch8290 5 ай бұрын
no worries, we understood that you meant interference
@jonathanberry1111 5 ай бұрын
Please work of pronouncing the T in InTerference, it sounds like you are saying inference which is more a task the CPU/GPT might be used for.
@HurricaneRainbowOG 5 ай бұрын
dw you're fine, ty for lettings ppl know
@aaronmicalowe 5 ай бұрын
The neuron is thousands of times bigger, yet the brain has more capacity than any computer, proving that it's not size that matters, but architecture.
@ianmcewan8851 5 ай бұрын
The molecular structure in the center of their figures is a porphyrin ring structure. It has lots of interesting features and crops up all over nature when moving electrons around. It's been a candidate for cool logic and transistor designs for decades. For example in [Barker, J.R., 1987. Prospects for molecular electronics. Microelectronics International, 4(3), pp.19-24 , doi:10.1108/eb044287 ] Figure 5 reports a NAND gate where the central structure is the same as here but it has a much larger overall structure for doing things optically. (Hope that is interesting!)
@dah4x 5 ай бұрын
you are amazing
@christopherleubner6633 5 ай бұрын
Yup, put a divalant atom in the middle and you can tune it to all sorts of stuff ranging from photocatalysts to energy harvesting to quantum phase modulators like described as single atom transistors.
@koka3243 5 ай бұрын
So, what is new in this latest proposal then?
@maritaschweizer1117 5 ай бұрын
From a theoretical point of view metal complex compounds are interesting becauce we easy can change the electron density in the center ion by variations in the ligand. So a lot of research was done with organic semiconductors. I worked in solar vell research and there it has a big advantage over silicon as it has a highter absorbtion coeficient for light.
@JustSomeDinosaurPerson 5 ай бұрын
@@koka3243 It is a step forward from theory to application.
@roboticflamingo234 4 ай бұрын
To those complaining regarding pronunciation - English is clearly not her first language - stop obsessing and just listen to the content without adding comment. It's perfectly understandable and very interesting.
@flexairz 4 ай бұрын
@ralph3333 4 ай бұрын
*FAR from perfectly understandable. Yes, very interesting but too cringey n 4 that reason I'm out at ~2:00.
@lilypad429 4 ай бұрын
​@@ralph3333i don't know why a person that is talking about physics is cringey
@nefaristo 4 ай бұрын
As a non native English speaker I find her hard to understand, kind of distracting even with subtitles. Great content and explanations, per se.
@LunaJLane 4 ай бұрын
I think how some people pointed out the pronunciation was fine because knowing that she meant interference, not inference is a distinction we need to fully understand what the presenter intended. They are similar only in how they are spelled and sound. Inference is a conclusion or deduction based upon evidence, particularly indirect evidence. Interference is intervening in a situation where it is not necessary or inserting oneself in a situation where one is not wanted, meddling. Interference in this video is the waves interfering with/cancelling each other out.
@Wayward2023 5 ай бұрын
You do an incredible job of making complex concepts simple to understand. "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein
@ZaphodOddly 4 ай бұрын
There is also the other side of the coin minted by Einstein: “Everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler” - a scientist’s defense of art and knowledge - of lightness, completeness and accuracy.
@alexkalish8288 5 ай бұрын
I'm an old chip designer myself , worked at Intel in the old days - then S3 ... I thought your talk was excellent The idea can be applied to other materials and higher temperatures. It's quite profound.
@rodschmidt8952 4 ай бұрын
I worked on the ill-fated Chipgraph, and then the apparently-ill-fated BlockStation
@ericstromquist9458 5 ай бұрын
Porphyrins are organometallic structures found in biology. The ring holds a metal ion in its center. In animals, the metal atom is iron and the porphyrin is at the heart of hemoglobin in blood. In plants, the metal atom is magnesium and the molecule is chlorophyl, which captures light energy in photosynthesis. In your video, the molecule between source and drain is a porphyrin where the metal is zinc. I don’t know what characteristics of this porphyrin ring structure makes it a good FET channel.
@koka3243 5 ай бұрын
I am guessing, this is a natural single-electron transistor (SET) - single electrons can jump on-off that island in the center of the molecule. But why cool it? It should work at room temperatures as well, given the large Coulomb gap (in the energy spectrum) at this size. By cooling you get the so-called single impurity Kondo model that describes the system, with spin replaced by charge. And you do get quantum description. But it should work in the classical regime as well. Too lazy to read the original article, though, will just wait for someone to explain this on YT)
@tolbryntheix4135 5 ай бұрын
@@koka3243 I think she mentioned somewhere in the video that the problem wasn't the porphyrin, but the graphene at the ends.
@berglh 4 ай бұрын
Apart from the issues with temperature of the source and drain graphene, I wonder if the other major issue is scaling processor interconnects down which may also suffer from quantum tunnelling effects at particular scales/current to connect to the transistors - to then be connected to at the classical computer layer (MB IC, RAM, I/O etc). Likely this will be a long way off from commercialisation, but this research could lay the foundations to solve the other problems for the implementation of transistors designed at this scale. I do know there was some work in the quantum computing space for generating and controlling single electrons, so certainly the techniques are actively being developed - but if super-low temperatures are required for operation (electron control/source & drain stability), it makes the plausibility of these systems for generic computing unlikely.
@francescogiuseppearagona1109 5 ай бұрын
I've made zinc porphyrins for a year during my master thesis!! 😃😃 (it was for a completely different reason though, it was for renewable energy) Zinc porphyrins are actually quite easy to find commercially or synthesize, and the molecule there presented doesn't look too different from some of the ones I worked with. I could see it scaled up.
@stephenmiller4948 5 ай бұрын
I worked in the semiconductor industry working in plant automation and data collection for close to 30 years. The technology was astonishing back is mind blowing now! I enjoy your channel immensely! 😊
@kevinfisher7032 5 ай бұрын
Always interesting stuff, especially as it’s right at the cutting edge of transistor development. Why do I enjoy your channel? Well who else can say the phrase “Let me simplify this to the most basic level” and then you start a discussion on sinusoidal constructive and destructive interference as it applies to wave/particle duality and quantum tunneling…Love it! Keep up the good work :-)
@ryanmcgowan3061 5 ай бұрын
It's a fascinating idea. LIGO can measure *1/10,000 the width of a proton* using interference. Wavelengths can be far smaller than a nanometer. If we start building transistors that work at these scales, this is like putting us in the position of PCs in 1980 again in terms of Moore's Law, and we would be on the verge of a whole new paradigm in computing.
@pipmania 5 ай бұрын
This sounds interesting.
@tempname8263 5 ай бұрын
Are you living in a Star Trek universe? This is clearly impossible.
@dang-x3n0t1ct 5 ай бұрын
​@@tempname8263 let people dream bro
@MrBrew4321 5 ай бұрын
And if that then, humans in a thousand years are going to be perturbed that mores law is approaching plank length.
@MrBrew4321 5 ай бұрын
@@tempname8263 What exactly do you think is impossible? Computation with waves? This has in fact been thoroughly begun including useful algorithms involving matrix calculations utilized in optical computers. If you think electrons are not waves? If you think transistors have to be Newtonian physical devices? What is impossible is arguing against such a vague assertion of possibilites.
@gdok6088 5 ай бұрын
Plants do very interesting things with porphyrins. Chlorophyll is a porphyrin (as is heme, a component of haemoglobin) and chlorophyll of course enables photosynthesis in plants, without which there would be no oxygen in the world and we would all die. Take home message: 1) porphyrins are amazing 2) we must protect and preserve our plants and trees :)
@christopherleubner6633 5 ай бұрын
Interesting enough during the synthesis a copper atom is inserted first then replaced with iron or magnesium depending on if heme or chlorophyll is being made. It is also why copper is poison to plants, if too much copper is absorbed the plants cannot properly synthesize chlorophyll.
@user-gv4cx7vz8t 5 ай бұрын
And apparently, chlorophyll relies on an amazing quantum effect to work irs magic. I'd like to learn more about that!😮
@isaiahalleman8055 5 ай бұрын
​@@user-gv4cx7vz8t I can add that copper is what gives chlorophyll its green color. It's interesting that plants use this metal and several other metals to process photons. It would be a misconception to say that plants use various metals to process (and I will even say calculate) electric current similar to how computers use various metals to process and calculate. It would be that computers have some plant-like behavior not the other way around. Quantum Biology and Organic Computing is perhaps the most interesting because it is thought to be 3%-100% efficient depending on what is being measured. I think technology can continue to improve so long as researchers are grounded and in touch with nature. Most of our technology is a result of analyzing and attempting to synthesize and replicate an existing natural behavior or state. Just spit balling here but I wonder if the right copper mixture could be developed for solar panels. Currently Silver is the metal being used in solar and as far as we know silver is the best. But silver solar panels are only like 12%- 20% efficient. I think we have more to learn and apply from photosynthesis, thinking there will be a major leap in solar efficiency and significant production cost reduction. If people could figure out how to mimic photosynthesis with new ideas (like as described in the video) that makes current obstacles strengths instead of the reason why it's currently impossible that would be very cool. My apologies I possibly could have been more concise and or perhaps more accurate. Yet I wanted to present my thoughts and move on. Enjoy 😊
@thatscrazy4487 5 ай бұрын
You forgot to mention that plants breath CO2 in order to produce oxygen, so we should all buy big block engine cars and help feed those plants.
@isaiahalleman8055 5 ай бұрын
@@thatscrazy4487 so plants breath / absorb whatever is in the air (air is not exclusively oxygen and carbon dioxide) air earths atmosphere is mostly nitrogen, nitrogen (N2), 78.084 ; oxygen (O2), 20.946 ; argon (Ar), 0.934 ; neon (Ne), 0.0018 ; helium (He), 0.000524. Yes it's mostly the CO2 that is used to produce oxygen. But plants take in everything and if it's good they metabolize it if it can. Trees consume and metabolize methane, nitrogen, and likely all other gasses and vapors that are in the air. I'm not an expert obviously, but I'm not an initiate ether. The strangest thing to me is the current belief is that trees turn sunlight into sugar. I disagree completely with that theory. I think it's more like the sunlight/ photon is being used to cook, distill, and solidify one or several elements (depending on how much of whatever the tree may or may not be deficient or genetically predisposed to need or produce) to make ingredients for making the sugar. Sugar is a carbohydrate it's composed of carbon oxygen and hydrogen. So it's not the sunlight that is being turned into sugar. It's the sunlight being used by the tree that turns the atmospheric gasses (that trees breath from the air and absorb from the ground) into liquid and solid sugars as well as other body building components. Capillary action in plant cellulose and various gravitational fields (mostly the moon and sun fields) are responsible for moving solids liquids and gases throughout the tree. For simplicity sake let's just say vital nutrients. The mechanisms for vital nutrients motion. The photon is a non-additive catalyst. Consider electrolysis for a moment. When the current is turned off did the water hold and retain all the electricity that went into it? No it didn't, you can touch water that was electricity charged and be fine because it is no longer charged. The water is turned into hydrogen and oxygen by the electricity. The electricity was not turned into hydrogen or oxygen, the electricity is not stored in the water. From start to finish the electricity is a non-additive catalyst. The photon is a non-additive catalyst at all times. Light and heat convection, conduction, and radiation not adding to or taking away any matter at all but the mechanisms of elemental materials electrochemical transmutation. For all we know photosynthesis may be entirely dependent on Nitrogen, Argon or Methane as a linchpin. Maybe the reactions and oxygen production would be impossible without hydrogen or something. Just food for thought. Thanks for considering. Enjoy.
@deadmansprice 5 ай бұрын
Well. You got me considering learning more about transistor and quantum tech in my free time.
@PressRecord777 5 ай бұрын
She's married dude... but I feel your pain. 😄
@deadmansprice 5 ай бұрын
@@PressRecord777 Eh, I've been genuinely considering this stuff for a while after knowing couple of folks who keep telling me about this stuff, lol
@okklidokkli 5 ай бұрын
​@@PressRecord777 Maybe their marriage is destructive inference?
@dtrueg 5 ай бұрын
challenge accepted haha @@PressRecord777
@brucelytle1144 5 ай бұрын
Back in 1987 or so, I worked at a place that was using a process called Molecular Beam Epitaxy, MBE. They were using it to build GaAs transistors directly on a ceramic substrate. For the time, very fast, I didn't realize how fast until I overheard some people saying that they were getting a 9db gain @ 60 ghz! I asked where they found a scope that could read a 60ghz signal. They told me they didn't, that they had to extrapolate from sub harmonics. Saw some strange stuff there! Not aliens or anything, just people pushing boundaries.
@mayanksaxena3574 5 ай бұрын
this is just amazing! i'm not from a technical background and am more of a software guy, i've always wondered what would happen after they reach the 1nm limit. It seems like we've got a long adventure ahead with our normal computers.
@thomaslehner5605 5 ай бұрын
"Inference" and "interference" are very similar, but not the same word :-)
@cryptogalaxpert6113 5 ай бұрын
@genres381 5 ай бұрын
wdym they are completely different in meaning
@thomaslehner5605 5 ай бұрын
​@@genres381 She sometimes says "inference" when she clearly means "interference".
@lockaltube 5 ай бұрын
@@genres381 Levenshtein thinks that they are similar :)
@MrBrew4321 5 ай бұрын
Fyi she has a pinned comment at the top acknowledging the oversight.
@goldenshale 5 ай бұрын
Super interesting, thanks! In the how it works section, I think the word is "interference", rather than "inference".
@cayboy420 5 ай бұрын
I’ve been absent from KZbin for a while and coming back your content. It has taken a quantum leap 😊 in production quality and presenting. I personally would like more cat tho.
@johnnicholson8811 5 ай бұрын
Inference and interference is two different things. I am having to infer that you mean interference.
@CyScorpion 3 ай бұрын
Anastasi, when I listen to you explain this tech, not only is it astounding to learn but it inspires the imagination as to what kinds of tech evolves from us overcoming new limitations.
@stefanmilovic1178 5 ай бұрын
You managed to explain realy complex idea in a way that even non technical person, such as i am, could follow up and understand your exitement about this new breakthrough. You are doing a great job.
@DominicDSouza 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the great overview! As someone completely outside of this field, it is extremely helpful to have this kind of explanation. Always much appreciated!
@BehroozCompani-fk2sx 5 ай бұрын
She says inference, I think she means interference.
@metatechnologist 4 ай бұрын
"it leaks out." That's what she said.
@vaclavkadlec23 4 ай бұрын
She also thinks that 1nm was a physical measurement before this video 😂. When it's just a marketing terms
@aipsong 5 ай бұрын
Thanks Anastasi, for another very clear and interesting deep dive into the complex nature of chip design !!!
@scottwatschke4192 5 ай бұрын
Thank you again for another interesting video. I always learn something new when I watch your videos.
@georgeturner2374 5 ай бұрын
200 billion transistors on a GPU compares pretty closely with what I'd estimate to be about 900 billion transistors on every 6502 ever manufactured, combined. (I'm guessing about 200 million total 6502s were built, though that's a very rough estimate).
@gyubear 5 ай бұрын
My favorite fantasy game: try to guess how square mm silicon need for a c64 computer or my first 286 pc..... I think a qfn32 package will be enough....
@wafikiri_ 5 ай бұрын
​@@gyubear I'm currently designing (for my own solace, maybe I'll end up publishing it as a didactic example) a very simple computer, with no CPU or ALU but able (in theory) of computing maybe 200,000 8 bits × 8 bits multiplications per second, and with special features such as every microinstruction being tagged one of four execution modes when used: unconditional execution, execute if X flag, execute unless X, or Breakpoint (to debug instructions' microcode or the hardware).
@gregoryevans6857 5 ай бұрын
Anastasia, FYI INTERference you are saying INFERence. Thank you, you are super smart woman. Love your channel.
@AnastasiInTech 5 ай бұрын
:( you are right, I’ve messed it up. sorry for that
@martinbadoy5827 5 ай бұрын
We better start training those electrons :)
@Lord_Muddbutter 5 ай бұрын
@@AnastasiInTech I really don't think I have ever been so invested in a video like this before! Do not be set off by this, tiny mistakes happen all the time!
@philblum1496 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for clarifying! I was wondering if you were conflating the two words! Fantastic video, as usual!
@jigsound 5 ай бұрын
What an elegant concept to turn the interference pattern of interacting orbitals in a single molecule into a working transistor. Let's see how it goes... 👌✨
@SureNuf 5 ай бұрын
Amazing magical tech priestess :) Thank you for another very educational video. You explain things very well, a 500-level class packed into 16 minutes.
@lasselasse5215 5 ай бұрын
Interesting as always! Regarding audio: there's some low frequency noise every now and then, for example at 14:47. (i can see the microphone physically moving, so perhaps a microphone physical isolation issue is the root cause) A high pass filter at 120Hz would solve that
@claudebeazley 5 ай бұрын
Information rich. A complex topic very clearly explained with great graphics. And also links to source paper. Very professional. Excellent.
@pipmania 5 ай бұрын
This is perfect for super small Analog processors. Imagine the gate voltage controlling the superposition/probability amount of the quantum tunneling on the source. Even if you can’t measure the current flowing to the drain, you know based Schrödinger calculations the expected current out on the drain compared to your variable gate voltage and constant source voltage. Mapping this over and over again can allow you to make a resolution like digital waves.
@bernl178 5 ай бұрын
Funny, I was just thinking of Digital waves
@philshorten3221 5 ай бұрын
Someone mentioned how Plants use Quantum Effects but weirdly theat small bird the Robin has a structure in its Right Eye (not present in the Left Eye) that allows it to detect the earth's magnetic field using a Quantum Effect. So I'm sure, with these naturally occurring real world examples, that do not require "super cooling" we can look to nature for inspiration.
@magnumoppai159 4 ай бұрын
I used to work in this space and I can tell you: The fact we have no ability to use much of our silicon manufacturing technology means this tech could be more than a decade from practical implementation. This is not just one exotic material, but two or possibly several to get this type of device working. The graphene interconnect is actually more annoying to fabricate than the transistor, because you can functionalize the higher surface energy edges, but making a large and highly ordered graphene lattice is hard. CVD and Osborne ripening can only get us so far it seems. Practical implementation would only be in data centers The need for cryogenic temperatures to make this work is also a major challenge. That means for a while, this will not be accessible to consumer devices. This tech will languish the same way standard quantum computer have for the last several years. This tech may not help us *quite* keep up with Moore's law, but we will use it or a permutation of it eventually.
@captainsensible298 5 ай бұрын
The use of Graphene reminds me of the beginning of the use of Gallium Arsenide low noise microwave amplifiers. Initially to achieve the required noise spectral density the devices had to be cooled to -70 C. Eventually performance parameters were achieved at room temp some 20 years later.
@myne00 5 ай бұрын
When you absolutely must have it now and can't wait for 20 years of R&D to catch up, you go exotic. Side note... Are there any "supercomputers" like the Cray anymore? With exotic sub zero cooling? I can imagine watercooling is probably a thing simply because of the heat transport potential vs air, but I'm not aware of high end refrigeration in the supercomputing space anymore. As far as I'm aware, the focus has been on more units of fairly mainstream-adjacent hardware with almost generic data centre practices.
@govcorpwatch 5 ай бұрын
The molecular structure is literally the same as hemoglobin and chlorophyll. It's not graphene in that arrangement.
@kakistocracyusa 4 ай бұрын
The use of Graphene reminds me of USD billions in snakeoil and false promises.
@HurricaneRainbowOG 5 ай бұрын
ty for explaining that, no one ever said explicitly that quantum tunnelling was happening at that scale. you're the first to say as much. in all the videos on this stuff we've seen in the last few months, this one is the first to actually get into the reasons why. very muchly appreciated
@nightfox6738 5 ай бұрын
What are you talking about? Everyone has been saying explicitly that the problem is due to quantum tunnelling. This has been a known problem for 10+ years that transistor designers have been struggling to bypass with various workarounds like wrapping the gate around the entire transistor or adding additional layers of transistors and packing them closer together. This is the first time they've come up with a real solution but the problem has always been known
@gregarmstrong4653 5 ай бұрын
Fascinating topic, but, your pronunciation of the word interference is missing the "ter" so it sounds like inference, which is now been adopted by AI to describe the deployment of trained models. Google the two words to hear the difference
@eurkedal 5 ай бұрын
She mentioned that on an x post. Brain glitch after a long day, not pronunciation issue 😉
@vinnycastro7101 5 ай бұрын
Who gives a shit, you can understand her plainly
@jayeifler8812 5 ай бұрын
There's been a fair amount of study on computational molecules. The linked article mentions zinc-porphyrin as molecular transistor is what they used. You can see the 2D ball-and-stick representation in the video at 15:23 for example.
@nikluz3807 5 ай бұрын
A noise-cancelling gate to prevent leakage. Brilliant!
@bay9876 5 ай бұрын
Wave theorum and Quantum effects.
@thatfatman6978 5 ай бұрын
I have a bit of a leakage problem myself, maybe I can apply the same technology in my situation.
@renaissanceman5847 5 ай бұрын
@@thatfatman6978 flex seal may be able to help
@drttgb4955 5 ай бұрын
@@thatfatman6978 So whats why the other channel gets blocked every now and then, I'll explain it my doctor.
@silberlinie 3 ай бұрын
Hello Anastasia, in 8.49: it is not the inference but the interference that causes the problems. Inference is meaning to bring in or to deduce. Interference is intervening in a situation.
@user-xq1wz3tp5z Ай бұрын
thankyou ...
@Lubossxd 5 ай бұрын
had a good understanding in the first half of the video, good job. the fact that they tested it in negative degrees and (relatively) low frequency is a bummer though... guess we are not getting any breakthrough anytime soon :(
@hansmaulwurf9051 5 ай бұрын
There is a difference between interference and inference. You shouldnt say inference when you are clearly talking about interference ;-)
@Quagoo 5 ай бұрын
Shhh. Don’t interfere! 😅
@JasminUwU 5 ай бұрын
​@SaintFluffySnow Nah, she's talking about constructive and destructive "inference". So she obviously meant to say interference
@bass305-HCCA 5 ай бұрын
When you can speak multiple languages, then you can get on her for using the wrong word. Wow. You're special. 😂
@KaiKai-uz4tf 5 ай бұрын
I also think interference would be the correct word but I am also not a native speaker. I admire her for making such technical videos and I am not here to improve my English ;) Anyways, thanks for pointing it out, I think some people might find this comment helpful 👍🏼
@JasminUwU 5 ай бұрын
@SaintFluffySnow My fluffy friend, she would not have mentioned noise canceling headphones (which rely on destructive INTERFERENCE) if that was what she meant
@JfD_xUp 5 ай бұрын
very interesting video and explantation. Before going to the end, I paused the video as I though of something, and wrote them down on paper : scientific aren't explaining the "roles" of particles and waves (they already have difficulties to explain "roles" of each proteins in body) : would waves may hold information about particles when the latter moves? (I will try to explain part of my thought here) eg: spreading a new "wave" onto a particle alter the particle's behavior and/or it's interaction with other particles (whose electrons) in the reverse process, additional wave could make a particle to move (transferring new energy to the particle) so making this particle to move (new behavior / state). So in the approach, new notion would come up : wave would act as enabler as well as "information keeper" when the particles are moving, and particles would transfer some of their information (behavior, interactivity with other particles, environment, but also the notion of "weight") to the "wavelengths", and back and forth (the particle would "only" keep information of structure - but I haven't really think of it) this approach could also explain "dark matter" in space, and why signals can't go through and back, how some particles could pass through "walls" and reconstruct them-selves. to simplify : No motion -> no weight (eg : stone). motion -> wavelength (information transferred / stored into wavelength with "parity process") : when you see a stone : you can't "feel" the weight (you can just imagine it) when you take the stone : you feel the shape (particles interaction?) and can just "guess" how heavy it is (information start being transform into waves) if you can hold the stone and move it : you can appreciate the new weight, as you also moving the stone and your hand & stone wavelength are "sharing informations", you can't crash the stone into your fingers/hands because you would change the particle state (quantum states) which would need much more energy and a bigger "wavelength" to hold the information, but if it cannot -> everything spread out and is broken as you have just lost the wave's information (environment for the particles, interactivity, reconstructibility, weight), but as the universe doesn't like instability, this result into expanding / collapsing process (space & time) to be stabilized as soon as possible (creating new combos for each particles/wavelength pairs).
@Richard_DS 4 ай бұрын
This is amazing news, to consider that a transistor can be so small. I must say I'm barely an amateur electronic hobbyist, having studied the basics of semiconductors like MOSFETs and the simple 555IC timer, to make wave form generators for audio applications. But to consider even these simple circuits could be made in forms smaller than the width of an average ball point pen line, just blows me away. I think of that fluid check valve design with no moving parts, and to consider harmonic and disharmonic frequencies used as the switching base it makes me think of how electronic devices could interface with human bio-enegetic energies of the Aura (Chi), and even biological nervous systems. Thank you Anastasi for sharing, I love your excitement and willingness to bring these advanced developments to the general public. 😉💖✨
@jecelassumpcaojr890 5 ай бұрын
"Computing with light" is not the way to go if you want really tiny devices. The wavelength of an electron depends on the energy we gave it, but for reasonable values is around 0.1nm. Visible light has a wavelength of hundreds of nm and even the deep ultraviolet that is so hard to handle is more than 13nm. The devices to handle these photons would have to be larger than these wavelength. But there are many other good reasons to switch as much of the system as possible from electrons to photons.
@MechanicumMinds 4 ай бұрын
Who knew that the future of transistors would be so... tiny? Like, literally the size of a single molecule! I mean, I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that's smaller than my attention span. Anyway, it's cool to see scientists harnessing quantum effects to create a new kind of transistor. Thanks for explaining it in a way that didn't make my head spin, Anastasia!
@Integr8d 5 ай бұрын
XLR audio cables have 1 ground and 2 signal. One of the signal conductors is 180 degrees out of phase. The receiving end flips that conductor to cancel out line noise and achieve very good SNR of the source audio signal.
@springwoodcottage4248 5 ай бұрын
Fabulous video, your explanation of why there is leakage & cancelling the leakage was simple, clear & easy to understand irrespective of the nouns used. All technologies have limits. You can only run jet engines up to the temperature limits of the materials & fermion (e.g. electrons) will not be retained by a thin walled barrier. Indeed many atomic nuclei decay when such decays are classically forbidden, but the decay fermion, alpha particles or positive or negative electrons tunnel through the classical impossible to pass barrier. The theory of this barrier penetration is well established & covers half lives from the age of the universe to fractions of a second. As you say the leakage can be switched off, but it’s slow & complicated & currently not practical. At some point we will reach the limit of electron technology & move to better ways. For example if you can store information in atomic nuclei the size scales are femto meters 1e(-15)m, or we can use photons. Thank you for the fabulously interested & well presented video that must have taken a long time to create.
@m_sedziwoj 5 ай бұрын
all "particles" are waves, and even bigger structures as atoms with many protons can behave as wave, or even group of particles. It is that our past knowledge about particles is only snapshot, and not reality (photons are interactions, and people forget that they are "observers")
@mallow610 5 ай бұрын
This is crazy. What a time to be alive.
@SamanthaPyper-sl4ye 5 ай бұрын
There are a few key areas where reconstructing physics and mathematics from non-contradictory infinitesimal/monadological frameworks could provide profound benefits by resolving paradoxes that have obstructed progress: 1. Theories of Quantum Gravity Contradictory Approaches: - String theory requires 10/11 dimensions - Loop quantum gravity has discrete geometry ambiguities - Other canonical quantum gravity programs still face singularity issues Non-Contradictory Possibilities: Combinatorial Infinitesimal Geometries ds2 = Σx,y Γxy(n) dxdy Gxy = f(nx, ny, rxy) Representing spacetime metrics/curvature as derived from dynamical combinatorial relations Γxy among infinitesimal monadic elements nx, ny could resolve singularity and dimensionality issues while unifying discrete/continuum realms. 2. Paradoxes of Arrow of Time Contradictory Models: - Time Reversal in Classical/Quantum Dynamics - Loss of Information at Black Hole Event Horizons - Loschmidt's Paradox of Irreversibility Non-Contradictory Possibilities: Relational Pluralistic Block Geometrodynamics Ψ(M) = Σn cn Un(M) (n-monadic state on pluriverse M) S = Σn pn ln pn (entropy from monadic probs) Treating time as perspectival state on a relational pluriverse geometry could resolve paradoxes by grounding arrows in entropy growth across the entirety of monadic realizations. 3. The Problem of Qualia Contradictory Theories: - Physicalism cannot account for first-person subjectivity - Property Dualism cannot bridge mental/physical divide - Panpsychism has combination issues Non-Contradictory Possibilities: Monadic Integralism Qi = Ui|0> (first-person qualia from monadic perspective) |Φ>= ⊗i Qi (integrated pluriverse as tensor monadic states) Modeling qualia as monadic first-person perspectives, with physics as RelativeState(|Φ>) could dissolve the "hard problem" by unifying inner/outer. 4. Formal Limitations and Undecidability Contradictory Results: - Halting Problem for Turing Machines - Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems - Chaitin's Computational Irreducibility Non-Contradictory Possibilities: Infinitary Realizability Logics |A> = Pi0 |ti> (truth of A by realizability over infinitesimal paths) ∀A, |A>∨|¬A> ∈ Lölc (constructively locally omniscient completeness) Representing computability/provability over infinitary realizability monads rather than recursive arithmetic metatheories could circumvent diagonalization paradoxes. 5. Foundations of Mathematics Contradictory Paradoxes: - Russell's Paradox, Burali-Forti Paradox - Banach-Tarski "Pea Paradox" - Other Set-Theoretic Pathologies Non-Contradictory Possibilities: Algebraic Homotopy ∞-Toposes a ≃ b ⇐⇒ ∃n, Path[a,b] in ∞Grpd(n) U: ∞Töpoi → ∞Grpds (univalent universes) Reconceiving mathematical foundations as homotopy toposes structured by identifications in ∞-groupoids could resolve contradictions in an intrinsically coherent theory of "motive-like" objects/relations. In each case, the adoption of pluralistic relational infinitesimal monadological frameworks shows promise for transcending the paradoxes, contradictions and formal limitations that have stunted our current theories across multiple frontiers. By systematically upgrading mathematics and physics to formalisms centered on: 1) The ontological primacy of infinitesimal perspectival origins 2) Holistic pluralistic interaction relations as primitive 3) Recovering extended objects/manifolds from these pluribits 4) Representing self-reference via internal pluriverse realizability ...we may finally circumvent the self-stultifying singularities, dualities, undecidabilities and incompletions that have plagued our current model-building precepts. The potential benefits for unified knowledge formulation are immense - at last rendering the deepest paradoxes dissoluble and progressing towards a fully coherent, general mathematics & physics of plurastic existential patterns. Moreover, these new infinitesimal relational frameworks may provide the symbolic resources to re-ground abstractions in perfectly cohesive fertile continuity with experiential first-person reality - finally achieving the aspiration of a unified coherent ontology bridging the spiritual and physical.
@dicktrolington416 5 ай бұрын
Ok, but here? Really?
@roddlez 5 ай бұрын
Wow, this is so simple, yet genius, and once you see this approach, it's so obvious, but we didn't see it before. Instead of trying to turn on and off the gates, just let the waves cancel each other out, or add together to send a high signal. I hope they can commercialize and scale this approach very quickly while solving energy consumption and thermal profile concerns. What with AI/AGI powering the next wave of technological innovation.
@kakistocracyusa 4 ай бұрын
If only solid state devices worked off of hand-waving.
@davidtindell950 5 ай бұрын
I asked my "Sopon" to explain the confusion between the English words "inference" and "interference". My Sophon stated that this is just another example of them trying to sow confusion and slow human scientific progress. "She" added that representing such concepts as Chinese ideographs makes them much clearer! 😅
@bugabateinc971 5 ай бұрын
That really is interesting. So using destructive interference to open and close gate.
@bonnersommer7201 5 ай бұрын
She said inference, not interference.
@bhuvaneshs.k638 5 ай бұрын
Another banger video 🔥 Tht Quantum interfere interference is not a big deal. I got what you mean. It was a small error
@NGC-7635 5 ай бұрын
14:29 some people who watch this video will think that shot of the Starship landing is CGI but amazingly that's real video feed.
@dahlia695 5 ай бұрын
Thanks, that was quite interesting. However I thought I heard you say "inference" and I always thought waves interacting was "interference" and this confused me.
@Nobody-Nowhere 5 ай бұрын
If im an expert? well im a seasoned youtube commenter, that makes me an expert on basically any subject.
@laughingvampire7555 5 ай бұрын
in the late 1800s they thought we would be using flying cars, computers weren't even a thing in the mind of futurists
@marcelarias3741 5 ай бұрын
the flying cars are called airplanes..😁
@shinobikyojune1849 5 ай бұрын
@@marcelarias3741ou hélicoptère 🚁
@patrickday4206 5 ай бұрын
The only reason we aren't using flying cars is it would be insanity in densely populated areas
@marcelarias3741 5 ай бұрын
@@patrickday4206 back to the future movie 😉
@bojangles2492 5 ай бұрын
​@@patrickday4206 Self flying vehicles could work, take out the human factor.
@KS-nm6li 4 ай бұрын
Loved watching her excitement build up as the subject gained in complexity.
@knowledgeisgood9645 5 ай бұрын
Inference: "A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning: researchers are entrusted with drawing inferences from the data | it seemed a fair inference that such books would be grouped together." Interference:"The combination of two or more electromagnetic waveforms to form a resultant wave in which the displacement is either reinforced or cancelled." I would not have pointed that out, but having to listen to "inference" being repeated tens of times was just too much.
@AGBRMY 5 ай бұрын
@AnastasiInTech 5 ай бұрын
Thank you :)
@verndewd 4 ай бұрын
I was talking about computing with light back in 2006 and an ex intel phd told me it would never happen. I see quantum wave computing as entirely possible.
@sanescobar7489 5 ай бұрын
When i team up with my mate we always cancel each other out so we are destructive and proud xD
@Corbald 5 ай бұрын
For those without the ear for it, she's saying "Interference," NOT "Inference." If you're deep in AI stuff right now, you might have been confused, as 'Inference' is the process of running a trained AI, and 'Interference' is what happens when waves combine.
@OgnjenKrejovic 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for your love about electronic and way of explaining stuff.
@mickelodiansurname9578 4 ай бұрын
I have to say Anastasi, on an utterly unrelated topic... your big white chair looks fantastically comfy....
@josephlabs 5 ай бұрын
It's impressive. Using quantum tunneling and destructive inference as an advantage to work around the transistor size limitations.
@fscosx764 5 ай бұрын
Nice explanation!! 😄 Due to this aaaallll limitations, I think photonics has bright future😊
@darthrainbows 4 ай бұрын
Definitely need to solve that temperature problem before it could be viable. Once it's been proven in one molecule though, we know what's possible, and that makes it vastly more likely that we will find a viable alternative. Let's just hope that it isn't like the search for a high-temperature superconductor...
@MrValgard 5 ай бұрын
always though dual nature is more theoretical, as when we test it/observe we get real state, but if electron can lose energy from wave and still stay as particles, does mean it lose mass? what the hell
@JasonPruett 4 ай бұрын
this channel should have at least 1m subs gorgeous model anouncer great topics pro efiting i dunno why is there only 176k well dont worry i'm sure it will grow much bigger ... eventually
@FXPearStudio 5 ай бұрын
As a Chip Designer, would you make a video showing us some behind the scenes of what you do? - not sharing project of course (NDAs). It would be strong and interesting video from you.
@zeryphex 4 ай бұрын
I don't have time to watch this video, but I'll upvote the video and add a comment to the video. Once the breakthrough hits the market for mainstream consumers, I'll buy it. My bank account is ready.
@Whosthiswhat 3 ай бұрын
Your awesome!! Thanks for all the updates!
@deltaxcd 5 ай бұрын
there are plenty of those new technologies but one of the core problems of them all is that there are no P type transistors available so you can't make logic gates, only RF and power devices So far only silicon can provide us P type transistors also P type is limiting general performance because N type devices are several times more efficient already
@empireempire3545 5 ай бұрын
This family of molecules is well known in biology - it is used by your blood to transport oxygene : D In general they are very good at coordinating 2+ and 4+ metal ions You can easily tune them for a particular ion by changing the groups around the central 'corona' They are relatively nice to work since they are relatively stable - but not too stable, they have zero potential to damage the environment - as biology already uses them. They are relatively temperature resistant, at least in biological regimes, which is important since processors can heat up to 100 degrees. If you take for example iron or magnesium supplements, then they are added to increase the bioavailability of the metal - our organism has much easier time taking in a metal atom coordinated by this molecules than just an atom itself. The secondary rings on the sides are also well known basic year 1 chemistry. They can be tuned with various stuff to again affect the electrical and chemical properties. Here i think they used them simply because this was the easiest way to attach this whole thing to the source and drain.
@seyittahirozuolmez1026 5 ай бұрын
The neuromorphic computing approach, I think, will solve the problem of the processor's internal frequency, which cannot be increased, without the need for smaller structural manufacturing technologies. Because our brains can perform sensory and intellectual computations at very low frequencies compared to processors with very low thermal capacity. Also, we always lithograph the logic switching gates in a planar structure. While we plan very comfortable growth in 2 planes, I think we do not think enough for connections on the 3rd axis. I think if we build a model of the brain with basic physics and chemistry, we will reach the next layer of computation needed without opening a door where sub-quantum effects will emerge.
@renaissanceman5847 5 ай бұрын
SSDs and modern memory already employ multiple layers on the same silicon die. Toshiba uses 16 die stacked NAND chips to enable 16TB SSDs.
@seyittahirozuolmez1026 5 ай бұрын
@@renaissanceman5847 As you know they are not compute unit. we need establish computational sinaps to ensure getting more.
@renaissanceman5847 5 ай бұрын
@@seyittahirozuolmez1026 what they do is irrelevant. how they are constructed is... 7 layers of computational circuity is simply a matter of lithography cycles.
@seyittahirozuolmez1026 5 ай бұрын
@@renaissanceman5847 With the current production paradigms, nothing more comes to mind. But when you model the nature of biological nerves, I hope you realize that it is not about multi-layered lithography.
@zhinan888 5 ай бұрын
I only have very limited exposure to quantum mechanics. Maybe now is the time to study and get a better understanding
@derekwhitfield4976 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic! I used to be a PCB designer back in the day. I miss it. This stuff is just MIND BOGGLING!
@dinarwali386 4 ай бұрын
insightful, thank you for sharing. Error correction, noise mitigation and decoherance are fixed then this could be revolutionary paradigm shift in computing .
@albertdye3942 5 ай бұрын
The main problems are yield, and radiation which will cause many soft errors. So it is possible to go below 28nm but the cost per transistor stays constant or rises slightly. So unless you need the space it probably not worth going below 28nm.
@rayoflight62 5 ай бұрын
From what I understand, the principle of indetermination doesn't allow to know when the tunnelling occur - after the charge carriers have diffused in the gate...
@am_ma 4 ай бұрын
You should start with that cooling problem < - 200°C that won't help at all ,in addition to the low frequencies that they currently oprate on and unfigured out interconnection system between them.
@iznasen 5 ай бұрын
Considering the aim of compactness is solely for efficiency and reducing current consumption, I fail to see how achieving this involves adding more signal or current to interfere and cancel each other out. Moreover, evoking interference raises concerns about causing unnecessary interference to neighboring cells. What's the catch?
@seanabsher5577 5 ай бұрын
I was just thinking about optical circuits ... and how to make an effective "transistor" in optical circuit paths, and I thought about .... 180 degree polarization of a secondary beam path that can be allowed to pass through a lane or not , and every time it aligns with an existing optical path, the polarized (180 degrees) beam would negate it. How fast can a beam path be opened or closed, turned on or off? it seems to me that each "transistor" would have to be able to activate or deactivate the secondary beam, but in order to ensure that the 2 beams (more or less) perfectly deconstructively interact, they have to be in sync, which becomes really challenging when you're turning light sources on and off based on desired outcomes / etc... is there a better solution? but then again, having a secondary beam source inside each transistor seems like the only way to do it fast enough to maintain greater than 1Ghz switching speeds, and that's kind of important for computational purposes...
@michaelyork4554 5 ай бұрын
Multiple Multiplexed Clock Timing Signals should be used to shorten the timing cycles for clock signals into registers in parallel fashion. The machines cycle time could be shortened for faster compute speed. Various schemas could be considered with a variable word length paradigm.
@Mixx-IT 5 ай бұрын
I do like the way you explain in your videos, specialy this. I have though about this more and more.
@LivelysReport 4 ай бұрын
I know little to nothing about cpus and how they work, but when you spoke on the leakage and how its a problem moving across the gate, I was thinking, if we do not want it to leak to the other side, then I would think there could be a lane for it to leak into which would move it away from other side where we do not want it to go.. and possibly use what leaks to help do something else.. example would be with a gas engine, we have parts like a carborator and it sends fuel into the cylinders and then is pushed out the exhaust.. but I have seen things connected to an exhaust where what comes off also helps to run a turbo charger.. which helps to increase the power and efficiency of the motor.. perhaps like a bleed off of some sort to bleed off the waves from going to the other side.. and routing it to something else that it can be used for.. just tossing out what came into my tiny brain.. all two brain cells!! LOL
@advil000 5 ай бұрын
I was just about losing my mind excited at the prospects of this... then part about it needing to be cooled to superconductor temps happened. Might as well write this off outside of government supercomputers and research centers. But if there is any way to make this effect work at room temperature then yes this will be a complete reset of the development potential of transistors.
@lillyanneserrelio2187 5 ай бұрын
I love your videos. The visuals compliment your narration so i learn stuff AND find them entertaining
@dtrueg 5 ай бұрын
i was told she was married already unfortunately.. :(
@lillyanneserrelio2187 5 ай бұрын
@@dtrueg already married? Then I'll stop buttering her up. Unless....if she is BI like me AND her progressive husband doesn't consider being with a woman as cheating 🥰
@fiatnomo2874 5 ай бұрын
You are a great teacher.
@jimle22 4 ай бұрын
The illustration of how noise is cancelled out is exactly how a XLR microphone cable works. it reverses polarity of the noise on the cable at the end points of the cable.
@user-xk4qv7fr4h Ай бұрын
Outstanding explanation, even for a knuckle dragger like me. Keep the videos coming.
@Silent1Majority 5 ай бұрын
Thank, you for the different perspective on quantum interference. Instantly thought of the old cartoon "Wonder Twin Powers Activate!!" Not a favorite of mine but a memory all the same 😅
@MustacheMerlin 5 ай бұрын
If we're utilizing wave physics and manipulating phase, maybe we should just move away from the concept of "on/off" entirely, and do math by manipulating the phase of a wave. By doing so you could potentially create devices that could be entire logic gates and arithmetic elements in a single "transistor" (though it really wouldn't be anything remotely resembling a transistor anymore.) Furthermore, you could work in a higher number base instead of binary, further doing more work with less elements to represent it. Each of these wave phase "transistors" would be something more like a microscopic analog computer than an individual transistor as we know it in digital computers. Of course, they'd then suffer the drawbacks and limitations of analog computers, like signal integrity. Manipulating quantum phase could allow you to make these "transistors" do all sorts of complicated math individually, rather than just a binary not operation, and replace entire circuits on their own. it would be _immensely_ complicated, but I think it's absolutely viable and could be orders of magnitude more performant than modern computers are.
@ManyHeavens42 5 ай бұрын
Everything is Geometric,You are Everything, Treated like Nothing.
@teardowndan5364 4 ай бұрын
Imagine a microchip where every single atom inside active molecules and structures must be a stable isotope of every element it is made of to ensure the chip doesn't get bricked when other isotopes decay into something else. Achieving the necessary single-isotope purity level required to make reliable atomic-scale logic will be prohibitively expensive. Adding the complexity of error checking and correction to compensate for imperfections will cancel most of the gains like it does with many quantum computer algorithms.
@servantes3291 5 ай бұрын
This transistor may still be far away or never see the light of day, but it's interesting to hear about the way that they're trying to battle these quantum effects
@billygamer3941 4 ай бұрын
I hadn't thought about interference at channel sizes and the implications. Thank you.
@taqihussain4595 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for doing such an amazing job . The only regret i have is i didnt find your channel sooner .
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