Scarcity mindset & poverty background

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Ana Goldberg

Ana Goldberg

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@theariesnme Жыл бұрын
I suffer from this immensely. I didnt grow up seeing my parents struggle. We had everything we needed as a child but somehow I took this mindset on. I missed out on so many opportunities to travel because I felt like that was cutting into my funds. Last week I had this conversation with my therapist and she talked about self deprivation. I second guess purchasing things all the time knowing that I can afford it. Im not an flashy person but I always think that something may come up. I am that person who is afraid to use my emergency fund for emergencies. I was offered overtime work and the money helps but I still have that scarcity mindset. My birthday was Friday and I was all set to have a spa day but talked myself out of it because I needed to pay a bill. Nothing wrong with staying on top of bills, but I still could of afforded my spa day as well...remember...I do work over time.
@Killjoy_Mel Жыл бұрын
Oh boy. Well, I was born in 1991, Estonia, so I went to elementary school just at the cusp of things getting somewhat better, it was wild here. I'm still living hand to mouth, because I find it now that I also have a scarcity mindset. You stop thinking about the future though, when you have to live a day at a time, and might lose it all just like that. So I too spend what little money I make like that money was meaningless. Now that I think about it, I don't save up for my dreams because I don't really have any great ones. I also have ADHD, so those who have it too are probably familiar with a restlessness that spreads out like a halo, instead of like an arrow, and since you can't go everywhere, you eventually accept that you can't go -anywhere-, and you just stop looking ahead, and start living in the moment. Which can be a society-wide problem, as people from our respective countries of origin sadly know, and it will inevitably end up in decline and then tragedy. When I ask myself at 31, 'what do you want, what do you dream of, where do you see yourself in 5 years, what do you even enjoy?' my answer's a shrug. Because none of those things matter when you're forced to live in the moment, always, whether by poverty, by illness or disability, or both. So it's something I need to gather courage to reflect on a little. It's not tenable in the long term, and a scarcity mindset in the key of 'spend it while you have it' is just, well, it's like blowing air on the gentle bonfire of your life. It burns faster.
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
What a profound, relatable, and thoughtful insight. Thank you so much for it, Mari. The more I read comments and hear people's stories, the more it seems there are some deeper layers in this issue. And I want to dig deeper, I'm sure you feel the same. It sucks to be bound by unfortunate circumstances and learnt helplessness.
@bogusiasymonowicz7649 Жыл бұрын
I would also add indecisiveness...when I have to make a big purchase, I am horrified and looking for excuse why I shouldn't buy it, and then buy smaller insignificant stuff as the need to buy is not going away. Great video, as always 😊
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Oh, I can completely relate, Bogusia! 💙
@carolgeorge6409 Жыл бұрын
I can so relate!
@nicoledaspit9466 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Ana for sharing your story and bringing up this sensitive and important topic. It has so many layers to it: one is that there is trauma and conditioning behind our fears, another is that we want to feel liberated from these patterns but our bodies remind us constantly (because they are like good citizens trying to do a good job to protect us) I think part of our poverty mindset today is that it is “every man/woman for themselves” and most of us feel no real community of supportive family or friends who truly have our backs. And historically this is strange for humans until the last 100 years. I’ve always noticed the most hospitality in the poorest countries because that feeling of connection to land, people and place has not been completely destroyed yet- those mutual aid networks still exist and even extend to strangers. This is a kind of affluence that most of our societies have lost, increasingly isolated in our homes and jobs, feeling like we have to prove our worth on our own. So for me in looking at my own scarcity mindset had to both look unflinchingly at the conditions and values of my society, but also learn to extend my concept of abundance into things that I enjoy but I do not possess, like drinking water, access to a park, anything that is part of the quickly shrinking commons, and then even bigger than that- friends I know, kindred spirits ( like you!) whom I am so grateful to know exist in this world. Giraffes, whales, the moon, rivers that still flow to the sea- these things are part of our shared world and are the true affluence of this planet. A kind word from someone, the rain, dandelions, yarn, a cup of tea. Cultivating this kind of gratitude and wonder, I find I feel less lacking and less likely to spend on something as a substitute for a more important quality like connection or joy. I could sing with someone which would feel better than eating a chocolate bar! Haha - and then also finding ways to face and embrace tasks like making a budget or a savings plan without as much roller coaster emotion- knowing that it actually feels better to take care of things than put them off and go watch a movie or something. For years, money and saving was such an activating topic for my husband and me, that we simply avoided sitting down, working through and voicing the feelings and concerns so that we could get to a clearer plan even if we didn’t adhere to it strictly. It takes a lot of self compassion and also helping each other get through the tough parts because we all carry some kind of money issue or trauma and it’s not our fault. We just absorbed what was around us and those survival issues for us and our parents and grandparents were as real as it gets. Just acknowledging the intergenerational trauma and what we carry can be really healing. My dad always has said to me that part of his happiness in life is that he had such low expectations from growing up in a poor family, that every opportunity to try something new or travel or even try a new kind of food has felt like a total surprise that he does not take for granted. In our modern climate of girl bosses and successful tech bros, the idea of low expectations is almost sacrilegious, but is something to consider. My ancestors and many people today who live simply all over the world don’t think about what an impact they need to make. It was enough to know how to catch a fish or take care of the children- the bar was not so high and perfectionistic. Perhaps our need to make such a big impact is what has brought us closer to our economic and environmental systems instability. These are just some of my many thoughts on this big topic - but I just want to thank you again for your always thoughtful, creative and heartfelt communications. Thanks for making my world feel richer in spirit! 🙏🏻🌈
@Laura-qx1cu Жыл бұрын
I rly appreciate ur comment, I’ve been trying to do more research on abundance vs scarcity but all I could find is rich people talking about this. I rly do appreciate & relate more to your perspective
@Anita-rq9ev Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being so open with your struggle. I'm sure you are not alone. Many people struggle as prices go up and they don't know how to pay it. Money gives us freedom in our mind. Generally, I too try to focus on what I have and I'm grateful, because we all have something to be grateful for. Take care Ana 🖐
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Dear Anita, thank you for your gentle support and kindness, always 💙 Sending much love ✨
@Anita-rq9ev Жыл бұрын
@@anagoldberg thank you ❤️
@HerCupOfSIMPLE Жыл бұрын
So so true! Thanks Anita! As a mom to kids, I tend to always worry and it's easy to fall into the trap of focusing on what we could have🤗
@Anita-rq9ev Жыл бұрын
@@HerCupOfSIMPLE you are welcome. Best wishes 🙏
@HelenaHovorkova Жыл бұрын
Anytime I had to struggle with something, the things went right at the end, there was light at the end if the tunnel. Take care Ana, wishing you the best.🍀
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
This is a very mindful approach, Helena! Thank you 💜
@jellyfish_bubbles Жыл бұрын
The title is literally my life!
@Kittypaws90 Жыл бұрын
That’s a different take on scarcity mindset than what I’ve been thinking. I save pennies. Literally. I save plastics, cardboard, glass, for DIY projects to make things in order to save money and I thought “hoarding” throw away items because thinking I won’t have enough resources in the future was the only type of scarcity mindset.. not living paycheck to paycheck. Your story makes sense though.. Interesting. Thank you for sharing your story ❤😊 Ps I also save because I do love and keep non-humans. My cats and dogs… their medical bills are super expensive and having money for my furbabies is super important. Also a significant reason why I been concerned if I ever had a child .. since children are expensive and I think I cannot depend on a having a second parent for my child to help things. My dad raised me and my mom was gone from my life growing up. But I still see men leave a lot and single moms struggling is a major issue in the world and I don’t want to ever ever ever be dependent on any person especially to help raise a child and that’s why I’ve always feared having a child even tho I would like to have one. It’s a mix of scarcity mindset and “attachment” concerns. I am independent I don’t need another person for myself however I would never want to be alone in raising a kid.
@Jacquie_Kirk_111 Жыл бұрын
Wow, what an insightful video. Thank you! I was brought up in severe poverty, so I struggle with this EVERY day.
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
I understand you so well... This struggle is real.
@elainebinette6655 Жыл бұрын
You are so wise. I love your intentional approach to the topics you feature.
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
@lizolivier3305 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your honesty.
@NamidaDreams Жыл бұрын
Сердечно благодарю Вас за эти видео. Ваш спокойный голос и жизненный опыт, как говориться, "resonate with me" и дарят тёплый лучик света во всей этой мгле. Спасибо!
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Спасибо вам большое, что смотрите и что написали эти слова. Очень согрели ✨
@VeVeJT23 Жыл бұрын
Haven’t finished watching yet, but already, yes. I grew up poor, have been homeless and even now I remain on the verge of it. I barely make it to rent, pay it and it starts all over, again. I definitely feel like I never catch my breath. I’m working really hard to try to break from that mindset so that I can enjoy my time here, but it is truly a daily struggle. It is hard to hear what people have gone through in your country and the changes that come and seem to sometimes go. Thanks for the education you give and being so open.
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
What a challenging life story you have, my friend... And I understand you so well. Thank you so much for resonating and sharing 💙
@VeVeJT23 Жыл бұрын
@@anagoldberg Thank you and I think the same of you. It’s such a joy to find similar minds and hearts from across the world.
@ironfro5683 Жыл бұрын
As an adult I have always lived like this until the depression and anxiety almost killed me. I gave up and now I'm always dependent on relatives because I couldn't even keep a job. In fact I was the poorest and unhealthiest whenever I had a job and all my money was spent in the hospitals. I have some sewing skills but can never seem to run a business or get profit from it to sustain myself. Eventually, I just gave up completely and I'm now just mooching off others with shame. I used to wonder if I was cursed to never have a normal life(I'm autistic suffering from other traumas). Now, I'm slowly learning about exactly what is wrong with my life. Hopefully in the future I will live with some dignity.
@roamingqueen Жыл бұрын
I believe that gratitude is key on the path to contentment and inner serenity. Enumerate all things, people, accomplishments (and more) that you are grateful for before going to bed - even the tiniest things - and you will set the sails for your brain to glide further and further towards calm waters. Just be patient. And OMG: I can't wait for these beautiful positive affimation cards from you. I am sure they will be just amazing. The one in the video is stunning! I can already see them glued into my Inner Garden Journal 😍😍😍. Aloha from Berlin❤🧡💛💚💙
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kind words, my friend. And wow - Inner Garden Journal - what a fantastic concept!✨🤗
@AnaViolinViola Жыл бұрын
My family was house poor when I was a child…not really starving but always on the breadline due to the economic situation at the time and health problems in the family… I was an excellent student and got scholarships throughout my education, as I somehow knew that having great education would give me better opportunities in life! The scarcity mindset can be overcome, I’m sure about this and I’m working on it! 😊 This is a long process of healing and growing and it’s wonderful and totally worth it
@bryantscott7495 Жыл бұрын
Comparison and competition nailed me!
@jazziechandra8231 Жыл бұрын
Ana, this is indeed a very meaningful video. I grew up in a privileged family, and I am very grateful for that. Despite that fact, the scarcity mindset was strong, because my parents lived in fear of losing what they had. In turn, they taught this mindset to me, which was a dreadful disservice to me. I refuse to believe it. At this time in my life I am trying to establish myself in my careers and launch myself into several creative endeavours. It creates anxiety because I worry I will not be successful. I need to earn my own money for my own goals, which mean everything to me. Often I worry that I will not have enough money. I write and say affirmations every day. They are a great help. My favourite one is, "Everything is always working out fabulously for me." This is the opposite of my parents' mindset. I believe completely in serendipity, and that the universe provides for me. I see more opportunities because I expect good things. This attitude means that I avoid falling into the trap of believing in lack. Perception completely shapes our personal experiences. In addition, I have a powerful self-care routine of daily yoga, meditation, vegan diet, and doing things I enjoy. When I honour myself, others honour me, and the energy of the universe responds to that, as well.
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this deep insight, my friend! Indeed, scarcity mindset is not just poverty-driven. And I can strongly relate to your sentiment "When I honour myself, others honour me"💙
@juliagriego7693 Жыл бұрын
Ana, this is spot on for me too! A lifelong struggle settling for less in every aspect of my life. Less love, money, friends, food, fun, clothes…LESS! Please, more on this. One of the comments mentioned practicing “mediocre consistency”. A light in the dark tunnel of Less! Love to you & Brian. Hope you still play your kalimba.🌺🌻💫 Julia in Puerto Rico💜
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
I hear you, Julia! 🤗 This is such an important topic. And yes, kalimba is still one of my best soothing tools💜 Much love to Puerto Rico!
@orso4548 Жыл бұрын
Dear Ana, I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart 💙 I have been following your channel since the very beginning, and I am sorry to hear that you are still struggling a lot.... Until very recently, I have been through hard times several times in my life... I can relate strongly to your present situation.... Keep doing what you love and enjoy the company of your loved ones. That's probably all we can really do about it. Sending you my best wishes. Stay strong
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kindest support and encouragement, my friend! All struggles are bearable when we feel that we're understood and accepted 🤗💜 Sending lots of love to you!
@lichin11 Жыл бұрын
We love having the scarcity mindset/mentality. It keeps us in check and helps place importance on things that cost little or no money for appreciating and enjoying life. Memories of my wife and I being hungry college students 35 years ago are always welcomed in our household.
@gingermcintosh6545 Жыл бұрын
I worry sometimes; I don’t have much. I find myself strategizing all the time. How can I live and spend as little as possible? But I also realize that I do not always conserve my money. I think the key is wanting less. As I trim my belongings, I feel more free. I am living in my car in the desert right now. And although I would like a slightly bigger vehicle, basically I’m satisfied. I don’t even use many of the things I brought. I can’t wait till I can trim down more. I find that my community of friends is far more important to me than things. I wish I could hep you Anna; life should be more comfortable and relaxed. You cannot savor the beautiful sky when you can’t look up from your task. And yes, my Archie puppy helps me focus on now. He is very comforting, and fun.
@gingermcintosh6545 Жыл бұрын
@@mirandatarantella Archie is a Yorkshire terrier. Very cute. Mostly silver, with beige face and feet.
@baktybala Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing with your story! ❤ I appreciate it
@ej3606 Жыл бұрын
Dearest Ana, part of the abundance in my life is found in your beautiful, thoughtful, wise, and kind videos. 💗 I can so relate to having a scarcity mindset and as I am now an empty nester with very little savings and far behind on preparation for retirement, I find myself in a new variety of scarcity mindset -- fear of my elderly years and the stress to catch up. My parenting years were very difficult and now is "my time" to focus on me. I find myself trying to keep the fears at bay and to focus on the now to keep the anxiety down. I know the root of all of this comes from growing up in poverty for me as well. I'm not that child anymore. I have my education and career. And I'm "scrappy"! ☺ And so are you! 🥰 (Meaning - determined, dedicated, a survivor!)
@eduardadimas1571 Жыл бұрын
Self confidence it's a very hard thing to control; we are never enough. All the best for your heart and mind, dear Ana 💚🌺
@lorainemacdonald517 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the insight, 6 ,at least!
@mariaruiz3848 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@aplik881 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful sharing, it is sincere and quite holding nothing back. I appreciate your courage and the simplicity of your witnessing. I caught myself with scarcity mindset despite my recent years into consciousness awakening. I also desire to pour more gratitude of from my heart and flip the self-judgemental to a kinder supportive approach of me, and life. That is why i resonates with your words and feelings. One Love 🌠🎆🎶
@liammcweeney1674 Жыл бұрын
Great topic ana can realite to.this sometimes
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Liam! I'm so glad this resonated with you⭐
@liammcweeney1674 Жыл бұрын
@anagoldberg thanks ana
@galebecker3487 Жыл бұрын
Hi Ana, thank you for your video. I have been following you for a long time, and resonate with so much of what you talk about. Thank you for your story, looking forward to more of your journey. Take care Gale. ps your vest is so beautiful and fits you perfectly, I always, admire it when you wear it🙏
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your supportive presence here, dear Gale 💜 and thank you for your compliment a lot 🌷 Sending love!
@risika Жыл бұрын
I was listening to a podcast that said, “it’s important to live life by design rather than emotion. Basically, sticking to a routine is what allows us to be the healthiest version of ourselves (especially when you're fighting these demons ex. OCD for me). I made the most healthy+lasting changes in my life when I began practising mediocre consistency. Now I try to put in consistent 40-60% effort into my habits (ex. journaling/studying) - to make sure I do it I began recording it and posting it on my youtube channel. This method has helped me slow down, become more mindful and actually far more productive since the consistent efforts take me farther in the long term. Most importantly this method is what helped me become aware of my own scarcity mindset. I’ll definitely use your insights to shift my mindset towards gratitude!
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
This is such an interesting point! I never thought of this but it totally makes sense. Now I want to research more. Thank you! 🌷
@juliagriego7693 Жыл бұрын
Resonates w me too. Jumping from scarcity into abundance has been a self-defeating habit for me Practicing “mediocre consistency” sounds inviting, doable! I’m in. Thank you risika and Ana💜🙏🌹
@DamonCassidy Жыл бұрын
Wow did this come at the perfect time. Thank you for being so open and honest about this. I am really trying to break free from this mindset and quit my job and focus on my business. I have been saving and planning for so long but still so worried I won’t have enough.
@carolgeorge6409 Жыл бұрын
@annawozniak6807 Жыл бұрын
you pin point how I was feeling....gladly i am not alone so in a way it is ''normal''. I think it might come from our background ( born in communist Poland in mid 70's) but my family fled to Canada in the 80's but still struggle to make a living.I think our past will follow us for a long time...
@BettyHorn Жыл бұрын
What a lesson! I think many people will like a video on self-depreciation. I still struggle with that even at my age. I have more of a gratitude mindset. I have been told that I have a scarcity mindset because I keep saying I can't afford things. But I am just being practical. If I buy guitar lessons (which I want) I might have to sacrifice medication or gas for the car. Not willing to make the sacrifice is not scarcity imo. It's just practical. I simply save my money for the extras I want.
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
I agree, dear Betty, there's a difference between scarcity mindset and practicality. And yep, I'll begin to work on the self-depreciation topic. 💙
@BettyHorn Жыл бұрын
@@anagoldberg thank you!
@carolgeorge6409 Жыл бұрын
@SIC647 Жыл бұрын
When talking about a scarcity mindset, I think it is important to be mindful of not falling into toxic positivity (directed at yourself or others). The type where if things are difficult or not working out, or even if you are ill - some argue that it is your own fault for not thinking positively and abundantly enough. I think that a growth mindset works the most healthy way, when the goal is not "more", but rather improvement. (which is also why I by far prefer 'growth' and 'abundance'). And I find it vital that the focus is never money themselves, because then you will always have a scarcity mindset, because you could always earn more.
@cassandraknight8804 Жыл бұрын
@katenickels617 Жыл бұрын
71 and sill struggling
@akankshaspeake9551 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@sharonshmuel3386 Жыл бұрын
Wishing you & Brian happiness & abundance. 🙏❤️ You are so brave & talented! You should be so proud of yourself in all that you have achieved under the most difficult circumstances. I know what it’s like to be poor but my faith in G-d helped me tremendously to see what I was blessed with & not what I was lacking. I always said to my 7 children “if you have your health you have your wealth”🙏❤️
@carolgeorge6409 Жыл бұрын
@Sharon. So true♥️. Sending love from Mississippi, USA
@loves2spin2 Жыл бұрын
This is so good, Ana. I know one thing I struggle with is simply allowing myself to be happy!
@kelleyking Жыл бұрын
Scarcity mindset is a function of socioeconomic precarity. The political drives the personal.
@cassandraknight8804 Жыл бұрын
@zuzifinn Жыл бұрын
Dear Ana, thank you for sharing your thoughts again... your honesty and fearlessness to talk about tough topics. much love, Z❤
@HerCupOfSIMPLE Жыл бұрын
Ana. This video is such an encouragement!!🙏
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad! Thank you so much for being here, my friend ✨
@HerCupOfSIMPLE Жыл бұрын
@@anagoldberg you're a treasure!
@patriciaedlr Жыл бұрын
Thank you Ana. Your video is insightful and full of hope, it helps me a lot
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad, Patricia! Thank you for being here 💛
@nyella Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! Money is and has been for a long time a source of anxiety for me, even if by daylight I live a very nice and comfortable (albeit not affluent) life. And it connects to more areas of my life where I'm extremely anxious and they reinforce each other. All in all thank you for talking about money and anxiety, as I think money is rarely talked about in its connection to emotions and mental health. People seem to pretending it's an "easy", rational subject, but it's not.
@lorrainesharp392 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this vlog.I often felt so overwhelmed by the feelings of scarcity. Cramming in unsuitable jobs just in case I lose one ! I am working hard now to re focus on all the positives and appreciate all the small things. Today I planted bright pink primroses and I felt instant joy. I am really looking at what I have already and see that I have plenty of clothes, logs for the fire and money for food. Simple budgeting has put things into perspective xx
@butterflies7023 Жыл бұрын
It’s good to see you.💕 with love 💗🌷🌷🌷
@tedallenwolff Жыл бұрын
On Ana, I have so much "gratitude" for the "abundance" of ideas and feelings you share on this excellent channel. I don't know much Russian history but I have read a little about the food shortages of the 1990s. I believe having lived through that would certainly give you chronic worries of scarcity. Also, you and Brian have had to give up so much (homes, jobs, family) to be together, which has probably left you wondering how in the world you'll ever find some safety and security again. I do agree that fostering a sense of gratitude and trying to promote some kind of giving into our lives can really help enrich us and perhaps help us to feel more in control of our lives. Here in the Western U.S. we are dealing with a mega drought. Having water in very short supply is perhaps similar to what you and your family endured with those food shortages. It can create a state of chronic fear and anxiety. It certainly does for me. It's overwhelming. Presenting your thoughts on the topic of self depreciation would be great! I look forward to it.
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Oh Ted, I'm so sorry about the water shortage... It is really unsettling. Thank you for your kind words and support as always, you understanding means a lot to me, to us. 🌿
@EmA-sm8se Жыл бұрын
I definitely have this scarcity mindset, too. Meditation and affirmations are helping me, along with reminding myself that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. This helps to alleviate the stress of finances and scarcity as in the grand tapestry of life....this is just a temporary hurdle.
@LuuGolinski Жыл бұрын
I also like the phrase "growth and gratitude". Compared to "abundance" I feel it is made clear, that the status quo might not be the desired state, but nevertheless the present state is not de-valued. The affirmation card looks absolutely stunning! I like the art as well as the quote. Brilliant idea to give them a go :)
@shintasei Жыл бұрын
this helped me out a lot, thank you :')
@teresa5007 Жыл бұрын
You looked so cute as a child, playing in the snow. Reminds me of my own childhood in Bajmok, Yugoslavia, in the sixties. I think your parents would be so proud of you, at the amazing person you have become, intelligent, kind and caring, not to mention beautiful, inside and out! ❤️💐
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kindest words, Teresa🌷
@emiliasees Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story and for your words of ecouragement :)
@zoyou1632 Жыл бұрын
1:30 🥰🥰🥰
@whimsylore Жыл бұрын
Thank you. You explained it in a way that makes sense to me and resonates with what I'm experiencing. I appreciate it.
@VeraGolosovaArt Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, I appreciate how gently you speak about this growing in scarcity and at the fall of the regime, when poverty is something that happens everywhere
@mihaeladaia4673 Жыл бұрын
@elenas.6373 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for bringing up this topic, it resonates with me, what I would like to overcome. Even when everything is fine financially, the worrying stays with me. Yes, I will very much appreciate your video on self depreciation.
@mirjanamoffat7609 Жыл бұрын
What a awesome video! So sorry to hear what you went through during your life i Soviet Union. But you are a strong person who knows how to recognize the issues and to deal with them. You have found the way to earn your living even in a foreign country that was not even your first choice. Fear not, you are a survivor. No matter where you are or what falls on your shoulders, you are a survivor. This is a beautiful mindset. Stay well. Greetings from New Zealand 🇳🇿
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you, dear Mirjana 💜 We are all strong and survivors here, I believe in this strongly! Much love to New Zealand 🌺
@carolgeorge6409 Жыл бұрын
Yes together we will survive🙏🏼♥️LOVE to all from USA
@nenazecevic7067 Жыл бұрын
Dear Ana, Još jedan divan ,iskren i duboko emotivan video. Potpuno te razumem.Svi mi iz socijalističkih zemalja smo slično živeli. Doduše mi u Jugislaviji malo bolje ali zato smo posle imali građanski rat i bombardovanje. Bilo mi je teško u izbeglištvu ali uvek sam se nadala i zahvaljivala na tome što imam.Danas mi je puno lakše. Budimo pozitivni,humani,veseli... Veliki pozdrav tebi i Brajanu.❤🧡💛
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Indeed, my dear Nena, mindful and positive attitude to life is a key 🤗💜 Sending love!
@nenazecevic7067 Жыл бұрын
@@anagoldberg 🤗💕
@denisepiekarski4159 Жыл бұрын
I definitely need to see a video about self depreciation with which I struggle. Thank you for so much.
@SRHisntSilent Жыл бұрын
Oh man this is tough to listen to but I'm definitely watching this vid
@SuperNorini Жыл бұрын
Thank you Anna. This is a timely video. I found it very helpful 🍰🎊❤️🌺🎉
@proximacentaur1654 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad I found your channel. Your content resonates with me and is very consoling. Thank you.
@porcelinaiscariot Жыл бұрын
Shalom. Thank you for sharing once again Anastacia. Wishing you always the mindset to be this wise.
@AstroMartine Жыл бұрын
So true 😭I can relate to all those points
@treesforlifeong1639 Жыл бұрын
Wow, i like it better: Intentional Affirmations
@ytanki Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and thank you for giving advice to change the mindset! All the Best, dear friend❤
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching and supporting, dear Anke! 💙
@RoseCottageColleen Жыл бұрын
Like you I grew up poor. There never seemed to be 'enough'. I worked hard to educate myself, but even then, with jobs I never could have dreamed of, I had that mindset. I decided to let it serve me, to work with it. I always lived well beneath my means, and saved as much as I could. Now that I am in forced retirement, I'm able to live better than other people I know because I've alwasy been mindful of every penny that came into and went out of my life.
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Mindful spending is such a great skill to develop! 🌺
@mhastrich6134 Жыл бұрын
Very thought-provoking video. Thank you!
@pinkiesmum Жыл бұрын
I can relate to a lot of what you have been through. In my country, though not the Soviet Union, the government used to just expropriate people's property and deprive them and their successors of its' possession and ownership. My parents had scrounged and saved to buy a house for us and the government just expropriated it in the late 1970s, leaving them in a bare government apartment with 4 young children and having to pay rent. We never had any clothes and would receive hand-me downs from people who took pity of us. Though we did have food, it was the most basic and I only tasted sweets at the age of 10. We did not have relatives with farms or animals and it was hard to live in such poverty but my parents made sure that we got the education offered in the government school and we did what we could to pursue careers. I am now a teacher and my sister is too but the younger siblings had found it too hard to cope with the troubles we were then facing to concentrate on education and do not have careers. Our father died from heart disease at the age of 55 so we never really recuperated. I teach my children to never waste anything and to take care of everything they have.
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry you had to go through all these challenges, Doreen 💛
@julie8727 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video full of light and hope Ana. Very much looking forward to seeing and buying your calendar! Thanks to you, I found the confidence I lacked to resume collaging and this activity now brings me pure joy and satisfaction. Happy to support you in buy me a coffee as always. Take care, paka paka ❤
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Oh, hearing that you're gaining the creative jucies back is the best! Thank you, dear friend 💛
@anamorales3722 Жыл бұрын
As a translator I always make sure my staff is recognized and paid, however I don’t do this for myself until recently, at the end of my career. I tell my female friends to act like a man when interviewing. We always undervalue ourselves.
@williamclark1244 Жыл бұрын
This was a very inspiring video. Thank you Ana.
@emilyrosewell308 Жыл бұрын
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this kind support, Emily 💙
@watercolourheart Жыл бұрын
@ticamonica Жыл бұрын
Just an idea, what if you include “buying you a cup of coffee ☕️” again, I think that attracts another crowd of people who find it a fun/cute idea and want to help but are not confortable/familiar with Patreon.
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this suggestion!🌷 Actually, my "buy-me-a-coffee" link is always there, in the description to each video along with other ways to support the channel 😊
@ticamonica Жыл бұрын
@@anagoldberg ooh!! I didn’t see it, maybe if you just mention it at the end of your videos as one of the options, just to help us remember. And also I appreciate you and your efforts to create a balanced meaningful life in spite of the situation. Love 💗
@SIC647 Жыл бұрын
I like to give the things I declutter, to charities rather than selling them. I get to give and help, and at the same time I avoid the work of selling. You mentioned once that the sanctions meant you couldn't access your savings. It is somehow ironic, thinking of your parent's savings.
@Ratatouilles Жыл бұрын
I believe it depends. When talking about clothes for example, many charities have an excess and end up throwing away a lot, so by selling them cheap, you make sure that your item doesn't end up on the trash.
@SimpleHealth83 Жыл бұрын
@mo_mirror Жыл бұрын
Thank you Ana for this video! Oh, this is such a common story for post-Soviet Russian families. It's like you're really telling the story of my childhood. Please make a video about self-depreciation. You are such a strong and intelligent person! Learning from you is a gift. Wish you and Brian all the best 💜
@Anisiya13 Жыл бұрын
Merci !
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your kindness and support, my friend!💙🌷
@Onthe9thlife3730 Жыл бұрын
I kind of hate that scarcity mindset as a term exists because it feels like society in general says that it's all in your mind and not reality yet it's actually reality and it's getting worse because of a few overly rich and powerful people doing this on purpose to the rest of us. It doesn't matter how much gratitude and appreciation I think about or feel I'm still stuck in the same place with zero possibilities, with zero opportunities, really the only option I can feasibly see is to take my own life even though I'm finally at a place mentally where I actually want to live.
@nicoledaspit9466 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it can sometimes feel like deluding oneself. It is difficult to even feel gratitude when one is in survival mode. The body is in fight or flight most of the time which makes it difficult to even think clearly, much less enjoy our lives. And our current economic systems are simply not working for so many. These are structural injustice problems that can feel too daunting to struggle against. In addition, I think that being poor today has different qualities than in the past. My grandparents were very poor, but they farmed and foraged so they could experience the abundance of the natural world even when it was tough- they also had a large family and many cousins, aunts & uncles around. There were people who would share their burdens but also their resources and even simply share meals or entertain themselves - also they didn’t have television or social media to show them how much they didn’t have, etc. so there was poverty, but not always poverty of spirit. Poor people today still have many more material things than my grandparents had but there is a huge lack of community support and even people who are making ends meet often feel like no one has their back - that they could fall through the cracks and no one would care. Despite how hard and unfair it is, I am glad that you are not giving up hope for your life. You are valuable no matter what you have or do - try to be extra compassionate to yourself and the tremendous stress you are under. Perhaps there are some cost-free resources in your country for job training, education or therapy? If you have a trusted friend or family member, please reach out and let them know what you are going through. There are still many kind people in this world who may be able to help you in some way.. wishing you lots of support and care✨
@Biglake92 Жыл бұрын
I’m afraid like you are. The same background
@never_too_old Жыл бұрын
@anagoldberg Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your kindest support, Carolina ♥️
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