Stargate Universe - Did Eli survive the journey in SGU?

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@paulbuntine 7 ай бұрын
This was the first Stargate series I watched from the start and I would love to see a continuation of the series.
@reread2549 7 ай бұрын
I’m really looking forward to Stargate, the musical
@t94xr 7 ай бұрын
@@reread2549 dont even speak of such an idea. you sick sick person!
@robertwilliams450 7 ай бұрын
Same here. Not sure why they ended it
@zerodawn09 7 ай бұрын
@@robertwilliams450 it wasnt making money. its viewership dropped massively throughout season 1 and season two it was still dropping by the end. i do agree. season one was daytime soap opera. it was bad. season 2 got so much better but season one killed it from having any chance. i would have loved if the new series was going to be getting them home but from my understanding that script was dropped.
@kevinwaag9976 6 ай бұрын
check the comic
@prolotomasi1150 7 ай бұрын
Imagine the shock of the rest of the crew when they see how much weight he's lost
@ProjectGrandMarauder 7 ай бұрын
@eisenklad 7 ай бұрын
or gained. SG Command sends him supplies and couple of mK3/MK4 Naquadriah reactor. it has enough supplement power to get the ship to the next safe sun and life support for 1 person. Mk1 reactors was used by Atlantis to help power the city segments, MK2 could power the city defenses. Mk3 or Mk4 could act as a micro ZPM. allowing Eli to survive... but being alone means you are susceptible to depression, which makes people starve or eat excessively
@nexusdrop7863 7 ай бұрын
@@eisenklad He can use the communication stones. Spend 2 years pretending to be someone else and doing math stuff during the day while someone else has to sit in a room and not go insane. They keep swapping people out in my version.
@eisenklad 7 ай бұрын
@@nexusdrop7863 oh right, forgot about the stones.
@patrickday4206 7 ай бұрын
​@@nexusdrop7863you've got stones to say that 😂
@lpeterson2336 6 ай бұрын
I really wanted this adventure to continue. I loved all the Stargate series.
@khaansulu5695 7 ай бұрын
Eli fixed the pod but didn't go in straight away. He started learning more about Destiny and fixing other important areas of the ship after repairing the other repair drone and sending them out only going into stasis as necessary. To think otherwise says his character development didn't happen. 0:20 That look on his face, he knows what he has to do and that he can do it.
@anikinkhan 7 ай бұрын
Exactly. They could do flashbacks of what happened while he was up. They could even show an episode where an asteroid belt or some system failure hits the ship and destroys a bunch of the pods and kills half of the crew that they can't or would rather not recast. Few episodes of Eli being emotionally damaged because of the loss of all those lives. They could also show him overcoming all that, and then triumphantly fixing the ship and like you said, other important systems. They can show his character develop through flashbacks.
@khaansulu5695 7 ай бұрын
@@anikinkhan Oh damn, I like that I didn't even really think about having to recast or kill off some people including important characters but that's a good solution
@evertchin 7 ай бұрын
​@@anikinkhaneven a mini series about Eli trying to save himself would be nice
@michaelmann8800 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I agree with this kind of idea. We last see Eli with a look of contentment on his if he knows what is ahead of him, is looking forward to accomplishing something, and more that ready to take on that challenge. I thought it was the perfect way to sign off with Eli being the one with the destiny of the ship more or less in his hands.
@marcwolf60 7 ай бұрын
Or his smile being.. He could wander around Destiny in his underwear like he did at home :)
@jonpalmer7898 7 ай бұрын
you miss a big plot device from early season 2 the Seed Ship, either Eli or the Destiny itself contact the next seed-ship and it comes to the 'RESCUE'.... if it can build star gates it can build spare parts for the destiny.
@bikkiikun 7 ай бұрын
Interesting solution... it could also act as shelter. Though, the food situation remains a fatal issue. Although he could use the seed ship to create a "gate-bridge" and use a space-suit to travel along and await Destiny's arrival on the other side.
@nexusdrop7863 7 ай бұрын
That is a good one. Destiny seems to have a lot of automatic features to survive. Running out of gas mid galaxy trip would be a thing to plan for.
@alphega1983 7 ай бұрын
This is a plot device that the writers would probably never do because it would be to convenient and straightforward and logical. Instead they like to pull plot armor rabbits out of there hat at the last moment. I always thought it was a very convenient and lazy plot device in Stargate Atlantis to only have 3 ZPM's to power the city with no redundancy, and an entire city with no manufacturing capability of new ZPM's, weapons, replacement parts etc. And if it were ever brought up, they would simply say it was damaged in the flooding.
@mxviii 7 ай бұрын
@@nexusdrop7863 The Destiny couldnt have planned for it, because the SGU crew overode its systems to force it to skip the galaxy it was in. Its going way off course, to go around the entire galaxy, and then cross to the next galaxy without stopping at any stars like its supposed to.
@zerodawn09 7 ай бұрын
@@alphega1983 yea that always bothered me about atlantis. when the atlantiens or the replicators took over they instantly make zpm's but when the humans were there they didnt even find where they were made. like how?
@Kerify 7 ай бұрын
I would think Eli survived bc: 1- He's super intelligent, 2- His character is an integral part to the storyline & 3- His character is so well loved by so many that it would be blasphemous to kill him off. (Imo) 🖖 I loved Eli! ❤
@chrisschembari2486 7 ай бұрын
Your # 2 is very important. It gives Eli "max plot armor". 😅
@Kerify 7 ай бұрын
@@chrisschembari2486 🖖
@dragonhawkeclouse2264 7 ай бұрын
we could only hope that the writers wouldn't be like George RR Martin......kill those you love, save those you hate.....sorry Sean Bean
@lonknight3197 7 ай бұрын
Sorry when the crew comes out of statis they need to find Eli dead , it brings home the real cost of their survival.
@dragonhawkeclouse2264 7 ай бұрын
@@lonknight3197 Eli IS stargate universe would be like killing off Jack O'Neill or Daniel Jackson in the movie.....or Samantha Carter or Teal'c during SG-1
@bryndal36 7 ай бұрын
Not sure how others see SGU but I always considered it to be Eli Wallace's story as it started with him and finished with him. And given he was the one documenting what was going on with the use of the keynotes, it kinda makes sense this was his story.
@spydermag5644 7 ай бұрын
There is a comic book that goes over what happens to Eli. He did survive. You can find it online.
@dragonhawkeclouse2264 7 ай бұрын
to my understanding, that isn't exactly canon.......sure, it might exist.....and i have a story line as well that i wrote.....neither of them are canon
@Bland-79 7 ай бұрын
Comic book isn't canon.
@nexusdrop7863 7 ай бұрын
it is A version. Lacking anything else I take it as official. If they continue the show then I could understand it not have happened officially.
@Svensk7119 6 ай бұрын
He survived in my imagination as well.
@droomonsta 7 ай бұрын
The only get-out I could think of was that he fixed the pod eventually, but at the cost of changing some power systems around, so the ship went a little slower to its destination, and the pods didn't do their jobs as well. So everyone has aged a little bit ... thus fixing the fact its been over a decade since we've seen them.
@Bertenburny. 7 ай бұрын
One big option you forgot: he went to the chair and uploaded his conscious and his body died when he couldnt repair the pod and out of options (and is there together with what was her name? Gin, his love interest, and theres already another woman in there if i remember correctly?)
@The-Cosmic-Hobo 7 ай бұрын
This was always the way I pictured it going... with Eli becoming essentially like Destiny's AI co pilot...
@khaansulu5695 7 ай бұрын
Eli was too good to fail and have to upload his consciousness. And Amanda Perry was the other woman's name, Dr. Rush's love interest.
@bikkiikun 7 ай бұрын
This was indeed heavily implied, and the way I concluded SGU for myself. Although I do see the possibility for the Chair room to act somewhat like a stasis chamber. Meaning, it might be able to preserve his body, while the mind is connected to the ship, but unlike in stasis chambers his mind would remain conscious throughout. Mind you, it is implied that the chair room can act this way, because it gets cold inside, when it operates. And it does connect "tubes" to the body.
@The-Cosmic-Hobo 7 ай бұрын
@@bikkiikun Yes... If I recall, I wrote maybe an A4 synopsis of my thoughts at the time... that he would gather all the resources he could into the chair room, and hook himself up for extended periods, trying to prolong his life as long as possible... That was my idea for the start of the next story, was his lonely journey, seeming to find ways to extend and extend his life, watching over everyone as they slept, maybe fight off the odd invasion... and when everyone woke up, they would sadly find that he had in fact died some considerable time earlier, and much of what we'd seen was essentially his subconscious... kind of like what they did with Clara in Asylum of the Daleks. Oh - spoilers.
@Bertenburny. 7 ай бұрын
@@bikkiikun yeah I hear that but that would also consume quite a bit of energy, and that was also a point of why everybody went into stasis, not only the time but energy requirements, because they would run out before reaching the next galaxy and would be set adrift in the void between without hyperdrive, so I like to think he has to sacrifice his physical form to save the others from 100's years of sleep and waking up like old Wier from SGA (ok its not 1000s of years but the destiny was older tech also then atlantis but whatever) so he becomes part of the ship
@LJGrindewald 7 ай бұрын
Honestly. Best music in any show I've seen. This music used to make me tear up loads. You really feel you know the characters well through the tune. Feel like it represents them well and their situation.
@jeffreyfredricey3612 7 ай бұрын
I loved how that Johnny cash poster and songs just tied so much together
@TheErador 6 ай бұрын
Don't forget to breathe...
@JasonBaker-z8o 6 ай бұрын
Spot on, amazing track ​@@TheErador
@nealkrueger6097 7 ай бұрын
Another option is that Eli finds several repair drones ( like the attack drones in SG, although Alantis.) . He fixes them , and although slow, they allow him to repair sections of the ship that are sealed due to hull breaches, giving him access to more storage of materials, food stuff, and databases. He even finds a data file for an Ai intelligence and a biological android body for it.
@DarkArtsMage 6 ай бұрын
or better/worse, he finds a section of the ship, that the Ancients had turned into a mini-FTL space! a few pods in permanent FTL-that also has all the "people" connected into a VR-type setting! All this time the "Ship's Engineers or Emergency Crew" was been waiting, but due to some reason or damage, has been stuck all this time in FTL-Stasis!
@zerogrey3798 6 ай бұрын
I think that little grin at the end was him figuring out how to fix either the ship or the pod.
@marktisdale8058 7 ай бұрын
My theory was that Eli figured out how to use the energy scoops in the space between galaxies.
@traverserred 7 ай бұрын
I think the same thing. I think the light coming towards the ship would be enough to run the life support for himself if he dropped the collectors. In the end Eli finally had a second to think and he realized that. That’s why he smiled then frowned because he would still have to spend the 3 years alone.
@locker1325 7 ай бұрын
Would live love to get another shot at this show. Was so bummed it ended
@jeremyqadams7825 7 ай бұрын
Don't forget he also has the stones, so he has the ability to communicate with SG Command and Atlantis and loan his body to others. In the short term this could help with the "fixing the pod" scenario by allowing SG command to basically replicate the CO2 filter troubleshooting scene from Apollo 13 with the stasis pod. Alternatively, in the long term if he has to take refuge in the shuttle he can use time with the stones to maintain his sanity by taking "time-outs" on earth interacting with others while also getting help with finding solutions to any challenges, maybe even taking up some new hobbies (like maybe he receives combat training during his time visiting the SGC), or helping figure out how to power a resupply gate-mission. It'd be kind of funny to if at the end of the two year crossing everybody wakes up to find that not only is Eli much more buff and is suddenly able to strip/maintain weapons and operate with the military crew, but he actually knows all the latest news and trends back on earth, and they wake up to find that the stargate has just shut down from receiving its first resupply mission from the milky way so Eli is walking them through all the cool parts and supplies they just got.
@adriancronin9052 7 ай бұрын
The ancients sent a remote self aware repairship that the ship finds and docks with it then repairs the ship completely. So that all 100% of the ship can be explored.
@michaelglassey8126 7 ай бұрын
Good theory for destiny to receive unannounced visit from unknown repair mission
@mmaelstrom4718 7 ай бұрын
I always liked the idea that Eli survived by rigging stargate into some sort of feed back loop, the crew are trying to search for him only to find the gate acting strange when they touch the controls and it actives and Eli appears walking out like nothing happened, making reference to how Scotty saved himself by using the transporter on star trek next generation and no one gets it
@BuggsK100RS 7 ай бұрын
Its possable that would work I remember one of SG1 getting stuck in the gates Buffer and having to be rescued.
@lloydevans2900 7 ай бұрын
This may have been technically possible, assuming that the Destiny Stargate has the same type of pattern storage buffer as the Earth Stargate had: Remember that the Destiny Stargate is thought to have been one of the first ever created (if not the actual first) and was composed only partially of the Naquadah element. The Earth Stargate and all the other Milky Way Stargates were composed almost entirely of Naquadah and could connect to any other gate within the galaxy, whereas the Destiny Stargate could only connect to other gates within a limited radius of the ship, which only represented a small part of whichever galaxy it was travelling through. The only exception to this being the ability to dial Earth - essentially a special gate program hard-wired into the ship, so only the Destiny Stargate could do this - none of the otherwise identical gates installed on planets along the Destiny route would be able to connect to Earth, even if they somehow had the extra power required to make such a long distance connection. In fact there were several different "generations" of Stargates which became progressively more sophisticated: The Destiny Stargate and all the similar gates installed by the "seed ships" along the Destiny route were first generation. The Earth Stargate and all the other Milky Way gates were second generation. The third generation was the Atlantis Stargate and all the similar gates in the Pegasus galaxy. For completeness, you could argue that the Ori "supergates" were a generation 4 design. Anyway, even if the Destiny Stargate was capable of doing what you suggested here, I doubt it would have actually been a viable way for Eli to survive. Remember that the entire point of putting all the crew in the stasis pods (which use hardly any power) was because the ship needed almost its entire energy reserve to make the 2 year long FTL jump to the next galaxy. So it had to use the bare minimum of power for anything other than the FTL drive and shields, which meant turning everything else off, even life support. I think it's fairly safe to say that this would have included the Stargate so unless the buffer feed back loop idea could have somehow worked without using any power, it would not have been a viable option. In fact pretty much any other method you can think of for how Eli might have survived (other than fixing the stasis pod so he could get into it) runs into the same problem - if it requires using more power than would be required to keep life support going for a couple of weeks, then it isn't viable: As soon as you exceed that, you start eating into the reserves required for the FTL jump. If this is shortened by even a tiny fraction of a percent, then Destiny drops out too soon and would be left powerless and drifting for years before reaching the first available star at the edge of the next galaxy to recharge itself.
@bikkiikun 7 ай бұрын
Do you mean solar-flare time travel?? If so, interesting, but that comes with a hitch... the stargate moves and after those two years it would have crossed a distance much further than what the gate would be able to reach, nomally. Mind you it can't even conect to every gate in the galaxy... but let's assume it is possible, crossing the void would require lots of power that destiny simply doesn have (without risking to fall short and drift for many, many years, centuries or millenia, before reaching the next galaxy with a bunch of corpses on board). Or do you mean he rigs the Stargate in a way, that his pattern remains in the buffer, like Scotty did in that Dyson Sphere episode of TNG?? Both would be possible, but that also comes with a dangerously high probability of lazy-writing. Deus-ex-machina moments should be rare and very far inbetween.
@nexusdrop7863 7 ай бұрын
@@bikkiikun He did mention Scotty's method. I like the time travel one, maybe he could plan something super sneaky and high five himself on the way out. The new version shows up, gives him directions, and send the old version to complete the tasks the new version already did - no paradoxes or extra Eli hanging around.
@xKR33Px 19 күн бұрын
It would be easy to explain everyone's aging with the pods were failing and Eli had to wake everyone or they would have died inside the pods.
@benjaminseelking9483 7 ай бұрын
I´m partial to a Wormholedrive using Rescue Ferry from Earth, as it is the most logical Way for Earth to keep a semblance of Control over the Destiny. The SGC or rather Homeworld Command would want to keep Tabs on the Ship and the result of it´s Mission, so building a Ship that can reach that far would be smart.
@sam2943 7 ай бұрын
Just like Destiny has/had seed ship(s) to build gates ahead of it, it would be cool if Destiny had a tender ship that while in between galaxies put Destiny into "dry dock" and perform automated repairs. The tender ship would have gathered resources from the previous galaxy to fabricate repair parts. This way Destiny would be able to continue indefinitely.
@theatheistpaladin 7 ай бұрын
I like to think so.
@scottgardener 7 ай бұрын
It is definitely a better story if he does survive, and not just by fixing the pod, but instead by his own epic journey, maybe involving stuff from the unexplored sections of the ship. Maybe a few days in, as he is working on the pod, realizing it cannot be fixed without jeopardizing the others in stasis, a warning signal from the ship goes off, and he has to put on an environment suit and go see what it is…
@Rob8729 7 ай бұрын
Maybe the writers will use a little known Astronomical fact....The 'void' between galaxies isn't really empty, there are star systems between galaxies. you can use these star systems as steppingstones. to the next galaxy.
@jessetuck8748 7 ай бұрын
I always imagined that the planet builders could possibly be ascended beings.
@canadiankewldude 16 күн бұрын
Wallace figures out how to communicate with another, empty, seed ship. More power, they could dock and the seed ship could have what was needed to fix the last pod.
@MrLildjray 6 ай бұрын
I like the “Finding his own solution” option. Maybe he’s poking around the computer core (since Rush had it opened) and he finds research on food replication and power generation. Of course it can’t all be that easy so there would need to be some small issue at least. Maybe the power generation isn’t as simple as it seems…
@danialmoser2573 7 ай бұрын
How about: the crew wakes up, in a galaxy they AREN'T supposed to be in and ELI is missing. The first season is figuring out what happened to Destiny and Eli. Clues are randomly scattered throught the ship. Eli has accessed most of the ship. Evidence of a fight. New defensive weaponry is on the ships exterior. New offensive weapons are designed but not completed. Blaster marks and debris are scattered throughout. Eli is shown in flashbacks and recordings negotiating with an unknown species. Fighting another using newly gained tech. The ship is adrift near a blackhole, preventing or limiting stargate activity to 1 planet. Bring back a race from SG1, there are a few to choose from the 5 that would make sense. The crew has to decide to go home or keep looking for Eli. Some leave, some dont. The ancestors of the Destiny planet have caught up to Destiny and assume control or provide assistance. Merge the crew out of necessity. Soo many ideas.
@staceygruver1969 7 ай бұрын
The whole issue was that, if even a single person was alive and not in one of the pods, Destiny would run out of power before getting to the first star in the next galaxy. There were only a couple of days that Eli had in order to fix the pod before he had to commit suicide, that’s why Rush was forced to get into the pod because the Colonel refused to think that Rush in the end would kill himself in the allotted timeframe or risk the entire crew and ship drifting for centuries to maybe drift into the next galaxy. So, unless Eli fixed the pod in those few days, he should be dead from suicide.
@Name-ot3xw 7 ай бұрын
Three options: 1: Eli dead 2: Eli came up with an ad-hoc solution to stow away for the 3 years without breaking things. His brain is probably half broken in this scenario. 3: Eli pulled a Franklin and is no where to be found, except maybe to come haunt Rush.
@dragonhawkeclouse2264 7 ай бұрын
i personally like the idea of Eli having uploaded himself into Destiny after doing such, he realizes that they didn't have to skip the galaxy he accustoms himself to his new conditions, and then wakes up the first few crew members....we'll say, Rush, Young, Chloe, Scott, Greer, and maybe a few others He comes over the ship's com and tells them to meet him on the bridge, which is where he explains his idea they will go to another star with a command ship, and all of the drones, they will take control of and magnetize them to the haul. And from that point on, they will continue to do this, any time they need to recharge, or just stop for fun he will take every effort to not make physical contact, so that no one realizes he isn't physical anymore they come to a point, we'll say about 50 drones, where Destiny simply won't could be 100, but i will say 50. Now, Eli knows that they can store more IN the ship, but rather than always having the answers, he allows someone else to come to the realization......he is trying to keep up the charade as long as possible.....for what reason.....i haven't gotten to yet......but part of the reason will be, a growing consciousness in the ship's network of course, the command ships come to realize what is happening, and so they start teaming up. the crew comes to realize that to really deal with this properly, they need to destroy the place where these ships are being made the fun bit, is that the audience wouldn't even be aware of Eli's condition until the ending of the 3rd season....sure there would be hints throughout the season.....but there is always an explanation Eli essentially becomes as secretive as Rush.....and even has his own corridor, that we get a first look at in episode 3, but the rest of the crew doesn't find out about until atleast episode 15.....always "sneaking away" not being able to be found...ACTING LIKE Rush During this time, Rush and Young actually become close confidants for each other.....and Young regularly asks Rush, you had done this, what was your motivation.....obviously, not exactly asked like that, but in a manner that would show the two of them becoming, even, friends Greer......he doesn't want to think anything negative about Eli, but there would be an event that would sit wrong, even for Greer about episode 8 to 10 maybe, somewhere around there, Eli would say that he needed to think about something, saying that to Greer, and turn to walk away. Greer would be certain that Eli took a specific turn, and head that same way to say something to him......but it would be a dead end. Greer would be outrightly confused. That would probably be episode 8, and then Eli gives a plausible explanation in episode 10, of taking a different path. Greer, thinking Eli isn't a liar, accepts the idea, and moves on from it there would be other hints up to this point. He gets out of sight, for a second, having turned a corner, and someone runs to try to stop him, and literally only a second or two from him turning the corner, to the person trying to catch him, and he is gone nothing solid, but all of these little hints then, the final episode of season 3, either Eli is alone, and he misses making physical contact, and we see him put his hand on a console, and we see it go into the console.....or, he looks at the console, deep in thought, and then of those two season 4 would pick up as a flashback, showing Eli trying to figure out the stasis pod, and then back to regular time.....then another flashback, the regular time, the another flashback......kind of like the first episode. There would be about 5 flashback moments, culminating on the eventuality that we already know, he sits in the chair.....but it would explain WHY he came to that point. And season 4 would be, by episode 10, young and rush finding out. I am debating if they find out BECAUSE of chloe, or if she remains in the dark for a bit longer.....but rush and young will keep it a secret until Eli is ready to show the rest of the crew, which he does by the end of the season......but, in a strange way. Everyone is gathered together, with the intention of Eli telling everyone.....but then some catastrophe, where everyone has to jump into action, and it is severe enough, that Eli says that he will do the calculations and meet them on the bridge, and he simply vanishes, leaving all the rest of the crew shocked......and the episode ends on that cliffhanger
@chrisfraser5088 7 ай бұрын
I always assumed that he was pretty sure he couldn’t fix the pod. He would try, but assuming he failed, he would upload his consciousness to Destiny and become part of the ship. That smile on his face on the observation deck at the end said it all to me. He knew what was going to happen. And he was at peace with it.
@Poorboychickencoop 7 ай бұрын
Eli searched the ship and found another pod.. somehow he survived.
@lylelaverdure5173 7 ай бұрын
The ship have more than 80 living quarters, so there had to be more than 80 pods.
@richardajoy79 7 ай бұрын
Eli wouldn't survive without outside assistance... I started a fanfic that included the end of Destiny where he decides he can't fix the pod so uses the stones to go to Earth and see if there's any news on help. Eli was given access to the SGC database which includes all Asgard and Ancient data obtained and comes up with a plan, use the Ori Supergate to establish a link to Destiny; but that will take months. I wrote a lot more, but he does survive and everyone wakes up shocked to discover Destiny is full of personnel from the SGC and Eli (now leaner) having accessed the Destiny's control chair, has the Destiny's knowledge that's aided in getting Destiny ready for the SGCs arrival.
@nielslarsen5554 7 ай бұрын
A runway star. Web has found several of them
@GnRGaming 7 ай бұрын
Well, the writers certainly intended for him to survive somehow. They've all said as much. They just never got the chance to make it happen (yet).
@andrewsingsthehymns9567 Ай бұрын
i honestly always thought they were implying by the look on eli's face in that last shot that eli was lying about his confidence to fix that pod and was simply sacrificing himself.
@superdave8248 7 ай бұрын
Option 2 isn't an option. He would likely deplete their resources so when the crew woke up there would be nothing left for them. That and two years of solitary confinement would likely make him completely mentally unhinged.
@Todd_Swank 7 ай бұрын
If they come back with SGU, maybe they can have aged appropriately to real life and throw in something like, "Eli took 1 day longer than he was supposed to to fix the pod which caused them to drift for X years."
@Taz6688 7 ай бұрын
The logical solution, Eli repairs the maintenance bots/system, slowly without constant interruption from the crew he gets more of the ship working, discovers more stasis pods, when they arrive and wake up they find the ship almost fully working.
@Saxxin1 3 ай бұрын
Wasn't a big fan of SGU at first but I stuck with it because I'm a big stargate fan. By season two it was my favorite SG series. SGU was cancelled just when it was getting good.
@mikeknapp6305 7 ай бұрын
Hopefully they find him well, big n buff not dead in the corner, shrivelled and rough💪👽
@mr_cool5923 Ай бұрын
i like my idea that some of the ancients got together secretly built a repair/resupply/upgrade ship for the destiny and had it clocked and waiting for the ship to arrive and since they did into know where it was at the had to send it far enough ahead that the two ships could join up on destiny journey
@zigzagzarf 7 ай бұрын
he survived in the comic...found a room with frozen ancient builders woke them up they knew how to auto repair the ship to like new woke everyone up was a decent few comics
@rhettbaldwin8320 7 ай бұрын
He read all of the SG1 mission logs, so he rigged the gate to store himself in the buffer.
@chriss-nf1bd 7 ай бұрын
Seeing the old gate system would have been found in the Atlantis library. Which could be used to send puddle jumpers all the way to destiny with ZPM's and technology to give aid.
@eisenklad 7 ай бұрын
not everything is Atlantis Library. ZPMs and research that the ancients made after abandoning Atlantis(Merlin's device) the ancients have a bad habit of abandoning stuff. Destiny, The Antarctic outpost, Atlantis city ships and their home planet/Ori homeworld.
@darkage5 6 ай бұрын
They drained all the zero point modules moving Atlantis to earth. The Or'i are no more. Yes they have the information on how to create the ZPM but not the understanding. Same thing with the Tolan Ion cannon. The technology is so advance they can't make sense of it.
@tadashir100 7 ай бұрын
my headtheory was always that the pods sustained but wasnt true stasis and the people inside still aged so when the series eventually restarted they could explain their 10+ years aged
@HedKracka 6 ай бұрын
I had found on the internet 8 scripts for the 3rd season. Now i have no clue if they were fan scripts or officials, but my search was only about a month after i heard of the 3rd season not going ahead. Basically the builders you mentioned did rescue Eli, only about 1 day before his supplies ran out, (the crew were using up the perishable food b4 they went into stasis, so Eli only had about 2 weeks to survive/repair b4 he would have to shut down excess power (his life support)) Eli was frustrated at failing to fix the pod and he found himself on a planet in a house. I wish i could find the links to the scripts i found but it has been a while. Keep up the good work.
@jau1976 2 ай бұрын
They are probably the 8 episode scripts made by Laurence Moroney, whom were consulting on the franchise. If you still have them, please upload them somewhere, or send them to me :) They are as far as I know, not accessible online anymore :)
@DarkVoidIII 7 ай бұрын
What if the most unlikely attacker in SG:U saved him: The Berzerker Drones. The drones contact their owners about the attacks from the Destiny and this information is processed, and some alien entity decides to go visit Destiny to find out what really happened and investigate the situation. They are pretty powerful drones maybe their owners did not intend for them to do what they did to the Destiny and want to set things right?
@timbradwell3205 7 ай бұрын
In comics he found another bank of pods that had original design crew who actually got accidentally launched with it.he woke them up and they fixed it so they could recharge the ship and upgrade weapons and shields to withstand the drone ships
@Velsethen 7 ай бұрын
I always felt that comic was a cop-out to the issues the show left. I'm okay with him finding more pods since they only explored a tiny section of the ship; but finding ancients in them felt wrong to me. like how do you accidently send people with the ship and then not have the ship wake them during the numerous issues it had over the millennia of flight. It is about as realistic as carter building a super-Naquita reactor that can have any gate reach the destiny without issue.
@cpmow831 2 ай бұрын
He’s a genius. I think he was able to fix the pod and survive.
@reread2549 7 ай бұрын
Eli went cannibal while the victims were in suspended animation. They were revived missing arms and legs when they finally reached their destination. Eli had gained a considerable amount of weight.👍
@erancohen1926 18 күн бұрын
Stargate version of Schrödinger's cat… he’s both alive and dead, until season 3
@PatrickComley-1973 2 ай бұрын
Did anyone think about hopping galaxies and crossing each galaxy like Baal . You can use something like a ZPM or Jack O'Neal power booster. You can use pudding jumpers so you don't have to check the air. You can even install a beaming device so you can bring more materials with you in the jumper. Instant solution.
@OldMadScientist 6 ай бұрын
I'm surprised there wasn't more spinoffs of SG1. Like SG2, SG7, etc. with the character dynamics and different worlds that could have been explored. There could have been crossover episodes where they met up with SG1. There were so many wasted opportunities.
@timduck8506 7 ай бұрын
Yes they would of found him in a pod but he would have a story that would carry them through 2 seasons with a new/old enemy/ savior.
@marlonlacert8133 6 ай бұрын
Maybe when Ship hits a critical level of damage, it activates an auto repair system.. Maybe he finds a way to activate the old auto repair system. That has emergency power supplies.. However to do so he must awaken his Blood line.. And become someone who uses his mind to play with things around him... Even to the point he uses his new powers to animate a puppet he made, to walk and talk, as a second personality of his grows.. In other words, he would be on his way to ascending, but only 50%. As he does so with ship's info and guidance. The story could then revolve around his mental growth, and failures, as a side story! This way writers could use the idea that hopeless events can cause him to grow! And hint that this was the plan of the ship's AI all along.. Making one realise the pod failure was the ship's doing.. All to make him start to awaken...
@lifttech65 2 ай бұрын
It was a big ship so it only logical to think that there were more stasis pods than just the one they found.
@ridgelon13 7 ай бұрын
The comics had some ancients on the ship in stasis that woke up shortly after everyone went to sleep and that journey never happened.
@jgeear 7 ай бұрын
SGC befriends the Ori priests and they share tech and a power drive that can fit through the gate and get them all home.
@dragonhawkeclouse2264 7 ай бұрын
the Destiny was NOT left between galaxies.......they were only a third of the way through that galaxy now yes, Eli said, "out and around this galaxy" indicating the idea of, we are going to change course the make an immediate exit out of the galaxy, and then we will change course again to go around the galaxy to reach the next however, presumably, Eli had just put the last few in the pods, and then within the first day, went to the observation deck. technically, it could very well have been that, the scene of him being at the observation deck's windows, that COULD have been meant for, if they were able to pick up a season 3, and we find out that, that was 2 weeks after Rush and Young went in......that could be when he figures out how to fix the pod, or when he decides to upload himself into Destiny
@jonson856 2 ай бұрын
Just finished the last episode :C If the show were to be picked up again, today, and I had a say in the story, I would say of course Eli survived. He repaired the pod... somewhat. He knew when entering and activating it, he would survive, but because he couldnt repair the pod to 100% functionality, it would drain much more power. Destiny would fall short after 3 years of FTL travel and then drift another 150 years before reaching the next galaxy (with just enough energy left to recharge in the next star). Eli enters the pod anyway. Better they wakeup 150 years too late than not at all. About 25 years after Destiny started the long journey, the crew is woken up. And of course they still havent reached the next galaxy. Col. Young wakes up and looks into the face of some unknown colonel. It is busy, loads of people opening stasis pods. People not from the Destiny. But people from earth. As it turns out SGC found another Icarus type planet. Langara (from S2E15) was unfortunately destroyed when the Lucian alliance tried to conquer the planet and Earth defended it. In those 25 years a lot has changed. The people of Earth know about the Stargate program. Earth has become a new economic super power in the Milky way galaxy. The Lucian alliance just couldnt compete with companies such as VW, Audi, Shell, Exxon Mobil, Walmart, Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook. xD It took a 10 year long war between Earth and the Lucian alliance as well as another 12 years to find another Icarus type planet, and 3 more years to build the facility and all to run the 9th Chevron program safely and have a permanent supply line. SGC already knew that Destiny would drift for a long way since just before Eli entered the stasis pod, he informed SGC about everything using the communication stones. So, as the Tauri could finally send another expedition to Destiny, they brought with them a few new power sources which are compatible with Destiny's systems (e.g. McKay and Zelenka found a way to build ZPMs). Since so much time has passed, the people we know from SGC have already retired and are now civilians. SGC is run by completely different people now. Except Telfort. He has been promoted to general.... The Destiny crew has aged by about 15 years (2009 - 2024). As it turns out the stasis pods could not put a person fully into stasis, so they still aged but much slower. Which also explains how Eli lost so much weight.
@peterkn2 3 ай бұрын
My guess: Eli would have survived alone for a long time, maybe showing signs of mental breakdown. Then, one day, he encounters an alien race, he goes on some grand adventures with them and he's a better man than ever. The aliens help him repair a hibernation pod and the ship and then he goes to hibernate with the crew because he misses them. When they wake up, he recounts his tale with the crew.
@grcunyus 7 ай бұрын
SGU was not shy about killing off cast members. IRL everyone is expendable.
@brettsbuilds2064 7 ай бұрын
did we all just forget about the magic CHAIR LOL
@darkage5 6 ай бұрын
No. You just didn't read any of the MANY comments already talking about the chair.
@h2opower 7 ай бұрын
Here is what you are not taking into account. How much food and water does one human require for two years? How much fresh breathable air or sanitation needs does one human require in two years? The only way he would be able to survive would be to either fix the problem or a more exciting choice would be to stumble across the source code for the machines and upload a virus into them as they over specialized thus breading in that weakness that they simply would not be able to overcome. One thing you seem to have forgotten is all the life support needs to be shut down in something like two weeks for the ship to be able to have enough power to make the trip. If he doesn't allow the ships systems to shut down he kills everyone which is why Russ would have never been allowed to stay and attempt to fix the broken pod as Russ would just do the wrong thing to save himself even if it meant killing someone in a pod as they slept so that he could take their place.
@robertheinrich2994 7 ай бұрын
sorry, it's easier to fix it. astronomically, approximately half of all stars are in galaxies. the other half is not. they are somewhere in between. the destiny just needs a few stars on the trip to recharge. the only thing why the writers of SGU did not explore that: in reality, finding those stars is rather difficult.
@jazzlover10000 3 күн бұрын
I always envisioned the final episode of the rather dreary SGU being one where some cavemen are eating the crew of The Destiny. In the final scene of SGU, only their shoes are left behind.
@qelapafu 6 ай бұрын
Lots of simple solutions but I feel like there could be a number of step he’ll need to complete to save himself. Some are menial fetch quest but other might require huge sacrifices. He could strand himself on accident given the choice to go home or try and keep saving the crew, get advice from an ascended being, find some kind of AI that helps him and keeps him sane.
@HughHarding46 7 ай бұрын
One thing you did not consider, Eli used the Stones and traded places with people who had the necessary manual skills and could do the repairs. A general guess would be that they had only searched 5-10% of the ship. Maybe he found things in the storage holds that could have been used to repair parts. Just my two-cents.
@sufyaankriel9241 7 ай бұрын
One that might work is that Eli explores uncharted areas of the ship, ans while he makes discoveries/repairs, etc. he finds another group of pods, and that's where he takes his nap. Of course, one of the reasons why things are "different", is that something happened with what he was doing (whether its another seed ship, some sort of cosmic event, a race tried to dial the Destiny, etc. the writers will have to sort that out), causing the 2 or 3 years to become 10 years, and suddenly everyone looks different and older, including Eli..... well that's my 2 cents on it.
@observedReality 7 ай бұрын
Fixing the repair drone service bay would be be a good use of dwindling power that puts the crew in danger and kills off non returning cast but Destiny comes out all for the better. Bam, Opening! Eli is a hero but he's distraught he's killed crew or rather blames himself for using that power. He struggles, some like his approach (Rush) some don't.. more hard choices, odd signal, incoming activation, closing credits.
@mstanfa 6 ай бұрын
Do not forget there is the whole time dilation field possibility as well.
@NoArmsJames 7 ай бұрын
I've always thought that Destiny was never met to be able to dial home. I always assumed it was going to be a one-way mission when the ancients created it.
@rom65536 7 ай бұрын
Eli is going to upload himself into Destiny's computer, so he can control the ship and be with Ginn.
@taradarwin7896 7 ай бұрын
I always thought they should wake up to find the blue aliens running the ship... (maybe with Eli and the blue aliens working together in peace, that would have been a fun twist)
@universalparadoxes2081 7 ай бұрын
They missed out on making a really cheep episode, or several episodes with just 1 actor in it. He was also the only character that was not annoying.
@traverserred 7 ай бұрын
I think the best way to bring the show back would be to change the main character to whichever actor looks like they haven’t aged. And it be from their pov being the last person to be woken up. If everyone else was awakened offscreen before that person it would explain why they have aged. Example person wakes up is greeted by someone who is older and is told sorry it took so long to wake you up, it required a lot of power, we’ve been waking people up slowly over time. It’s been like ten years not three. The last galaxy was a piece of cake, it was huge with no enemies and tons of supplies, and all we did was wake up a person at each star recharge. Now we’re headed out of that galaxy fully stocked and repaired and the last thing to do is wake up the last person.
@zeromancer-x 3 ай бұрын
Dead in the corner, but his mind was uploaded into the Destiny's computer.
@kevinjohnson613 7 ай бұрын
Another option that was never discussed. Alternating people in the pods. Each of the younger crew people could simply have taken a few months and spread out the deprivation.
@darkage5 6 ай бұрын
What would they eat? They lost the crops during the refueling in the blue giant. There is a hole in the dome in that chamber anyway. Yes it was plugged with a force field but would you feel safe going there? Eli was living on borrowed time getting the pod fixed.
@secretarts 7 ай бұрын
The SGU never explored all of the ships areas, I would think as Eli with the help of the 2 uploaded minds would have found a part of the ship that was able to make survival possible, or that Eli would have become Evolved/Enlightened. Still I tis always fun to see where different writers/directors take a story.
@joshcurrie8548 Ай бұрын
The conclusion was shown in comics. He lived
@eisenklad 7 ай бұрын
i have a head canon for Eli to survive. it involves the beings that created the Drone ships to appear. my theory is the Drone ships are made by Guardians that limit people who want to access the origin of universe ( from the signal that the ancients detected and created the Destiny to reach) the planet builders have move on just like how the ancients have ascended. but the Guardians who understood that the Galactic reset/creation device should only be activated after the end of Everything. these guardians also gave the ancients ZPM tech, which for some reason in the whole SG franchise, humans never found the tech for, we seen ZPMs scattered and tech to create alternative power source , but nothing that makes zpm. the Asurans could make ZPMs because they copied everything the ancients had. so only Repli-Weir can make ZPMs for humans. that's a can of worms. an extra race in shadows that seem good is bad or bad is actually good. first Unas, seemed evil in Thor's hammer, but Shakka and other tribes was good. the Tollan was neutral, then good then foolish. Asgard was good but SG:A now have the malicious rouge faction. so having The drone makers that appears to be very strict/evil, turn out to be the saviour would fit with SG. why else would the Ancients leave Destiny empty? they acquired an informal alliance that gave them ZPMs, a near infinite power source compared to destiny Solar scoops. and they can move the city ships through hyperspace using 3. but the Ancients got caught up with the Wraith, and the Drone makers wouldn't allow more ZPMs risk falling into wraith control. thus the Ancients were left to fend for themselves.
@scarsdale7186 7 ай бұрын
I'd say either repairing the pod, or finding out there was more pods in a location that they couldn't reach without some repairs. They were talking about trying to repair areas that were unsafe to enter when the attacks got started, plus the additional damage the attacks had caused made taking that action unreasonable to attempt. So with no farther attacks happening, and the reduced need for power and resources, Eli could have made such attempts. If it were me, I'd rather take those risks than dying alone.
@owainwilliams6786 7 ай бұрын
I like the idea of him saving himself, maybe have him search a part of the ship were he finds more pods and goes in one.
@scottmason2094 7 ай бұрын
Yes. I want to believe!
@Erekose2023 6 ай бұрын
Consider... The pods required material;s to repair them, and just enough could be repaired to cater for everyone... Bit of a stretch... but then One pod is found to have some obscure fault that just refuses to work. Everyone gets a pod except for one. One person has to vol;unteer to remain awake while the ship shuts down. Doesn't that sound like some sort of test? Maybe the ship messing with the pod to see how the crew react to this stress, a bit like the Colonels dream sequences of a battle scenario? And Eli passed the test. So maybe in a future series, they would have awoken to find Eli had found the pod working again, but no one could figure out how come. OR second option. Unknown to all, a second project was under way, with an inhabitrated Icarus planet, where the Alliance was trying to gain control. The SGC was negotiating, and part of the negotions was to allow them to use the gate to recharge some ZPM's. but, McCAy who was in charge of this side of things had his own little side project. When the Alliance tried a coup, which was repulsed, the Stargate was in an overload which would destroy it, but before then, they dial Destiony, and as McCay and co get beamed back to their ship, a Puddle Jumper piolot takes supplies, and a recharged ZPM through to Destiny. AND ALSO Seed Ship STargates have ponly a limited range to dial out. However, Destiny has contact with all the gate, since they detected the damaged gate turning on and off with Morse Code. Hence it would seem that Destiny could in fact dial out to any gate due to having more power than a planet side gate. Ones outside rangte would be 'locked out' because if anyone went thorugh they would have no means to dial back to Destiny, until it came within range. BUT it would be possible to actualkly dial out to Destiny from any gate within a galaxy. How? Using a modified McCay dialling system which was used for the Intergalactic Gate system in SG:Atlantis. Uploaded into the local galactic gate syste, all you need to do is activate the program, dial Destiny, evenm if out of range, and let the algorithm wortk out the best route of gates to take. and Bingo AND ALSO There are who knows how many more Seed Ships out there, after all at least one is still ahead of thgem as the Gates have been laid. Gates have a power source of some type. If they find another Seed Ship they could [possibly salvage some of these power units to augment the power system of Destiny. StarGAte:Universe still had so much to offer.
@davidhenderson3400 6 ай бұрын
I actually had an idea for how it would end. They would all wake up and couldn't find no trace of Eli no where on the ship no trace at all. At first they think maybe he just spaced itself but then they check all the records and logs and stuff for the airlocks and stuff and find out that that is not the case. Then it some crew members swear that they've seen him walk down the hall around the corner only with the go there and be no one there. Then they will find a half eating fresh food around parts of the ship food that he liked in places that he hung out. They all start to wonder if he died and they just didn't find his body in the ship haunted or maybe he survived the two years and eent insane and now wonders the aimlessly about the ship. And it goes on and on and they never do find out what happened to him or what's going on with the sightings. As the years go on the sightings get less and less. Then one day the sightings just stop never to be seen sgain.
@computeraisle 6 ай бұрын
I think he would have found a way by exploring the ship, and discovering a prototype ZPM perhaps.
@cynthiaall 7 ай бұрын
Eli had a plan. I could tell because of his smile at the end. Perhaps to live in virtual reality with his girl friend.
@mickybaus6848 7 ай бұрын
Rogue stars exist that have been flung out of galaxies. The Destiny could have come across one of these systems.
@Asertix357 7 ай бұрын
My theory has always been that Eli didn't so much fix the pod itself, but found a way to use one of the ship's suits to plug into the broken pod that allowed for it to act as a bridge for the broken components.
@PoeLemic 23 күн бұрын
I so hope that they reboot the SGU show, because I want to know what happened to Eli. I don't understand why they left Eli holding the bag.
@LJGrindewald 7 ай бұрын
If they got Kino footage of the obelisk on Eden, the planet the aliens created, maybe Eli can find the signal in that footage and broadcast it on Destiny so the aliens come and restore the ship. They could return it to brand new like they did the shuttle and it would unlock areas of the ship we haven't seen plus, everything working at full capacity like shields and weapons.
@chadvanderlinden9548 Ай бұрын
FTL engines use so much power that it's absolutely silly to worry about turning off extra lights or shutting down parts of the ship to save resources. If you shut off the engines, you'd have power for millions of years.
@PneutaticDragonStudiosLLC 7 ай бұрын
in the show, the ship went through multiple galaxies, correct? What if it went through the Pegasus Galaxy and picked up a DART before leaving, and Eli found it and put himself in the system so he could survive until the crew woke up, and left a note on how to release him once they all woke up? Maybe accidentally releasing a Wraith when they got Eli out also so that the Wraith would be the big baddie of the week....
@TheEyered 7 ай бұрын
Maybe a boring way is the Ancients have some vested interest in seeing the Destiny's mission kept ongoing still.
@dstyd 6 ай бұрын
Another posibility is that another ship is found and Eli manages to get it to the Destiny. There is also a Fan made comic involving SGU that is on the topic of this. Like an Ancient living onboard in a hidden pod or they find more pods or something. David Blue who played Eli has mentioned getting back into SGU or the SG universe. They are starting up again at least. As of now David Blue is playing games and having podcasts on Twitch for anyone interested. He is not fat anymore. He lost a lot of weight.
@darkage5 6 ай бұрын
When exactly would Destiny stop? It couldn't that was the whole point of everyone going to sleep. Drones were picketing all of the gates between their position all the way to the edge of that galaxy. The gates were in star systems with Yellow Suns. The ones that Destiny needed to refuel They had no choice but to shut everything down and put everyone to sleep to conserve enough energy. He wouldn't be stopping for any reason.
@dstyd 6 ай бұрын
@@darkage5 Only reason for Destiny to stop is he stopped it. Or someone did. If it stops it will run out of power befor reaching a place to fuel.
@kevinjohnson613 7 ай бұрын
Another option. Eli kills everyone in the pods, eats them, one at a time, and then uses the power saved from not using the pods to reach the next galaxy.
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