Scout's journey

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@laurieorella7182 4 жыл бұрын
When I saw this commercial I almost fell off my chair. Our Golden Retriever Scout, that looks just like this Scout passed away in October 2019 in the middle of the night without warning. He had just turned 7. I had just started to wonder if something was off with him, he wasn't getting up right away on certain mornings, but then the rest of the day he was his usual goofy, prankster self whom we adored. It was devastating to find him lifeless the next morning on the floor next to us as we slept. We immediately took him to the vet and they performed a necropsy and told us our Scout had a hemangiosarcoma in his heart that had ruptured and he internally hemorrhaged. I scoured the internet having had two Golden's pass away from this awful cancer trying to find research, there wasn't much so I am very happy to hear about the University of Wisconsin and the beginning trials taking place. Unfortunately it is too late for my boys but I hope they are able to gain some insight on this disease and why it is so prevalent among certain breeds of dogs. Good luck to this beautiful Golden, I hope he has plenty of time left and a wonderful life.
@jenking4233 4 жыл бұрын
Thank God for these committed scientists and skilled hands that can EXTEND time to our beloved fur babies who truly enrich our own lives
@catherine7147 4 жыл бұрын
So awesome for Scout and his family. Our female golden is being treated by the UW and was diagnosed last June, 2019. She receives chemo, ongoing care and oversight from the UW, and our local vet. She is the same happy, healthy girl she was before treatment. We will always be so grateful for the care and support she has been given.
@robertnord6136 4 жыл бұрын
This is the kind of uplifting content that everyone needs to see! God bless Scout, his family and all of the doctors involved!
@brucemccreary38 3 жыл бұрын
Scout looks like a wonderful person. He doesn't have to speak human words for me to see the affect on him to all around him.
@allyncooper 4 жыл бұрын
I lost my beloved boxer to cancer. I'm glad that Scout was able to get the treatment to save his life. But the reality is that treatment probably cost upwards of $50,000 (maybe more) which his owners were able to afford. Donating money to advance the research into treating animal cancers is a good cause. But at a time when the average family is struggling to pay health care costs, only the wealthy will be able to afford the type of treatment Scout got.
@Denise-bn3tj 4 жыл бұрын
What an awesome petowner! You are going to have the best KARMA! Good health to Scout and all the other furry friends out there ! X Max & Panda
@derek400004 4 жыл бұрын
@space_morpher1450 4 жыл бұрын
Okay... who’s cutting onions?
@BQwain 4 жыл бұрын
I know, right?!?! They're the strong ones. Woof.
@gregorygolub3315 4 жыл бұрын
This actually made me cry.. That’s hard to do these days.
@kirajahn207 4 жыл бұрын
Geez, I thought I was the only one crying into my oatmeal.
@mariobottieri1034 4 жыл бұрын
Dear St Frances blessed are those who believe we love the blessings of all animals in our life
@ldsdudeinca 4 жыл бұрын
I've donated and I'm asking my friends in the racing community to join me. Scout and his friends at WeatherTech - have brought some well deserved attention to the good deeds being done at the University. God bless you guys, and keep searching for answers in a world full of variables. #teamscout
@dominusstyx 4 жыл бұрын
What kind of people give, to this wonderful story, thumbs down? I don't want, ever, to meet them. They'll stay, till they die, miserable and lonely.
@supernannoe44 4 жыл бұрын
you can help because you can be compassionate not only for this dog but for the thumbs down person. Isn't it sad that someone carries around such negative pain in their thoughts. What can we do to make them feel more positive and caring? Care for them too. Christ says if a man takes from you notice something more he may also need and offer it to him. The best way to make an enemy into a friend is to love them to you.
@dominusstyx 4 жыл бұрын
@@supernannoe44 Yeah. Sure. That's Your job. I'm an atheist. Good day.
@BQwain 4 жыл бұрын
@@supernannoe44 ((christ is a myth))
@marilyngoulding4821 4 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful dog. Love this story.
@susanjoycesabo8450 4 жыл бұрын
OSU Buckeye fan here. The Badgers have always been very tough competitors over the years and have ruined our football seasons periodically. But I shall never view UW the same again after seeing this. I am also an animal lover and am so grateful for institutions like this. They are on the cutting edge of veterinary medicine and contribute to the well-being of animals everywhere. Thank you, UW School of Veterinary Medicine!
@DekkarJr 4 жыл бұрын
A fair shake for research specimens, their sacrifice is for the progress of science to remain undeterred from its goal of helping us all :3
@HealthcareforPets 4 жыл бұрын
Beautiful story, our little angel is called Scout too!
@XBLonTwitch 4 жыл бұрын
God bless all those people
@craigstika2212 4 жыл бұрын
Bravo! Scout!!!! Good Boy! On Wisconsin! Fight! Fight! Fight !!! Go Bucky!!!! Thank You David MacNeil, Founder and CEO at WeatherTech!!!!!! WARF helps steward the cycle of research, discovery, commercialization and investment for the University of Wisconsin. Copyright © 2020 WARF WARF.ORG
@nickming8027 4 жыл бұрын
Wonderful. But if you can't pay for it, pray it never happens to your pet. Scout had a family who could afford it.
@emmahuffman31 4 жыл бұрын
they paid 6million dollars for this commercial to get on the super bowl tonight
@allfurone 4 жыл бұрын
. . . and your point is? . . .
@mjohn4706 4 жыл бұрын
@@allfurone Why don't you figure that out yourself
@emmahuffman31 4 жыл бұрын
S B my point was not for you to comment dumb shit. LMFAO.
@roselanesoares6717 4 жыл бұрын
I know what it is like to love a pet and the connection we have with them, but if in one hand it is worth saving a pet's life in the other hand it is a very waste of money on coronavirus days with so many people dying. I hope Scout has a long life. It melts my heart. ❤️🇧🇷
@jirapatkethirun7847 2 жыл бұрын
My Cat get Hemangiosarcoma as well, she already got cut tumor and chemotherapy with doxorubicin. But the cancer will not gone forever. Is anyone know THE NAME of Medicine that Scout got??? So I may get a new hope.
@MrWardooo 4 жыл бұрын
would be more appreciate if he build a med vet instead of spend $$$ in 30sec ad?!?!?!
@allanjohndf 4 жыл бұрын
As far as I know, its the biggest event in american television. Maybe the 6M he spent on the commercial brought even more money for them, instead of just donating. Also the recognition, imagine you doing a good job at work and there is a Super Bowl commercial thanking you for that.
@supernannoe44 4 жыл бұрын
it's a business deal-- ADVERTISING to an estimated 155 MILLION viewers is a bargain for 6 million ( about 4 cents per viewer.)and has the potential of bringing in ten times that much money to the hospital. ECONOMICS CLASSES should be mandatory in school, However any teen or adult who can read and who has compassion can do online research and make a difference in the world by learning economics and starting their own shelter or even fundraising for a need they see in their community. Go to youtube and watch "returning the favor" by Mike Rowe. All kinds of real regular people doing great things
@DekkarJr 4 жыл бұрын
They are attempting attract patients by spreading the word. :3 Its not all about money. ;3
@weaselodooms 4 жыл бұрын
@@supernannoe44 not to mention the buisness and CEOs who will see this and donate. Sure some will use it a publicity, but that in turn will cause other to reach put to this cause.
@Raulbrenno77 4 жыл бұрын
@gitouttamyway7611 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry... buuuut. Every dog owner is willing to fight for their animal These people are uber wealthy and have unlimited resources to spend on this dog. Most owners cant afford this level of care. And yes I have a golden also and would be devastated with this prognosis. Sad to say my Lilly would have that 3 month limit.
@BQwain 4 жыл бұрын
You are very right and I know I would fight as well, and like you, I lack the millions of resources that they do. I think we love our dogs more than we love our humans sometimes. The reasoning behind their spending of such exorbitant amounts of money not only on Scout, but also on the Super Bowl advertising about the program at the University of Wisconsin, is by bringing awareness to the program and hopefully extensive donations, it will greatly reduce the cost to others and improve the care for all of our K9 companions. I know their Super Bowl advertisement is one of the few I look forward to seeing.
@susanjoycesabo8450 4 жыл бұрын
@@BQwain I second that! I do not know if fees for clinical services are any lower at vet schools than in the private sector. If not, still the advances made will pave the way for specialized care in general. Historically, the costs will decline as rare procedure become more commonplace. Examples in human medicine abound both for clinical procedures as well as for sophisticated testing.
@allyncooper 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I lost my beloved boxer to cancer. It's good that research is being done on pet cancers. But the reality is only the wealthy will be able to afford it. The average person or family is struggling to pay for health care costs as it is and will never be able to afford the out of pocket expense of such advanced treatment for their pets.
@birdieloo6168 4 жыл бұрын
Sadly, you are so right. We had an 11 yr old Golden Retriever and an old Border Collie who our veterinarians estimated to be approximately the same age (as the Golden). Since he seemed to literally just materialize in our garage one day (in 2017), out of nowhere, we knew nothing about him He was a MESS! His coat was heavily matted--the underside of his tail matted to the top of his hind legs, it was a wonder he could even poop...and there was another problem...arthritis...he could hardly hunker over to potty. He was wearing an old thick, stiff collar that was so tight the hair underneath was also matted. We named him "Matt" for the obvious reasons. We got him to the vet---we were all surprised to find he wasn't micro-chipped as he was a purebred, but given his state of neglect, weren't entirely surprised. Officially he was ours!! I was so happy! We got him on joint supplements, good quality food, and it was as if we could watch him bloom right in front of our eyes...he was beautiful!! He was so attached to me I couldn't even go into the bathroom without him right by me...EVERY TIME. We could tell from his behavior he had been a farm dog, just left to his own devices---no structure, didn't know basic obedience. I taught him a couple of basic obedience commands with the hand signs too, since he was very hard of hearing. The only other thing we could tell from his history was that he knew what our truck was, and he loved to ride in it. After about 1 1/2 yrs we came home one evening (June '19), and found a puddle of bloody urine. I haven't worked for several years, but I'm a nurse, and spent several years working in urology. I know I was out of my own territory, but my background made it especially hard for my mind to not get carried away. Our vet referred us to Purdue University (we live in Indiana and are only 2hrs away). While everyone there was amazing, the entire process was an emotional rollercoaster. We had decided up front we didn't want Matt's treatment decisions to be about $$, but I've got to say, if you're an average person with average responsibilities and obligations, $$ will HAVE to be a major consideration at some point. After all the diagnostics Matt was found to have Hemangiosarcoma---the same kind of cancer as the dog in this commercial, only his primary tumor was his right kidney. It had metastasized to his heart, lungs, pancreas, liver, and spleen. I didn't want to put him thru chemo, which is what his oncologist was recommending, because my husband and I (and our Primary Care vet), were more in favor of quality of life vs quantity and Matt had been failing to some degree already. He'd been falling down easily and very poor appetite. I've had chemo myself, and although it depends on the particular drugs you are given, the side effects can be brutal, (at least mine were), and I didn't want that for him. I also didn't feel he would tolerate it very well in his condition. His oncologist told us dogs seem to tolerate chemo better than people do, so we went ahead and agreed to try. We only did one dose because he didn't tolerate it well. Alot of it tho too, was due to Matt's fear. Because of his (assumed) history of having not been handled much, (grooming, veterinary care), he became overcome with fear when we'd go to the vet here at home for his follow-up lab work and start trembling uncontrollably within 5 minutes of arriving at the vet. He was always treated so well and loved at both clinics, but he found the needle sticks painful, and I think that's why. We talked things over with our primary care vet and decided to discontinue chemo with the goal of keeping him comfortable. Oct 23, '19 we took our beloved Matt to the vet for the last time and made that dreaded decision no pet-parent wants to face. It was 4 mo (almost to the day) from finding that puddle of urine. The diagnostics were very expensive--at least a lot of $$ to us, (but was probably less here than in Wisconsin). I'm thankful for all of the advances in veterinary science and that Scout's parents were able to provide the level of care it would take to pull him over that mountain. It sounds like Scouts case was a "Perfect Storm" for the good in his favor!! We also had a senior Golden while this was going on...he looked alot like "Scout." 6 wks before losing Matt, Logan, (our Golden), came in from pottying one AM, and had a heart attack. I had an ugly cry when I watched these commercials.
@Julia-dr6kv 4 жыл бұрын
Birdieloo A truly heartbreaking story. I’m so sorry you lost your beloved dogs this way, and only 6 weeks apart.
@faiiry333 4 жыл бұрын
scout scout scout
@raaston9761 3 жыл бұрын
cancer can rot in hell it has taken so many good boys and girls cats humans animals lives in general
@mynameluvsdragonscancelled6759 4 жыл бұрын
I’m the 797th person to like
@luisfelipeas 4 жыл бұрын
I love dogs! but sorry, the dog owner paid $ 6 million in the Super Bowl commercial on television to run a 30sec version of this video. He could help many people with that money.
@Cat-pz7wj 4 жыл бұрын
The technology they used on Scout may very well be used in future to help many, many people.
@BQwain 4 жыл бұрын
As with all advertising, $6M is an investment to be able to draw in much, much more revenue to the University Of Wisconsin and the incredible work and research they do. Yeah, they could have just thrown the $6M at the school, then what? 30 seconds of Prime-est of Prime Time Super Bowl advertising will reap a much greater reward and benefit the program much better.
@easygoing2479 4 жыл бұрын
It's his money.
@isabelarencibia5913 4 жыл бұрын
@@BQwain yuyo
@Squishyfrogpants 4 жыл бұрын
Sadly, some families cant afford to treat their dogs and they have to be put down. It's all about money.
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