Scythians and Sarmatians of ancient Ukraine 📜 7 BC - 4 AD

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12 жыл бұрын

Scythians and Sarmatians were Iranic speaking tribes from ancient Ukraine (7 BC - 4 AD). They inhabited mainly southern Ukraine (Ukrainian steppe, Crimean peninsula, basins of Dniester and Dnieper valleys). Initially nomadic tribes, in later period some settled. The direct offsprings of them are Jassic (Jasz, Jaszsag) people of north Hungary (from Jazygia), ancient Croats of west Ukraine (of upper and middle Dniester) have also absorbed some Sarmatian groups. Ossetians (Republic of Ossetia-Alania in the north Caucasus) are descendents of western Sarmatian tribes and still speak Iranic language there. Jasses (Jazygs) got assimilated by Hungarians and lost their Iranic tongue. The usage of "h" instead of "g" in Ukrainian is also Scytho-Sarmatian remnant. The city of Jassy (Jass Market) in Romania comes from Jasses (Jazygs), a big Sarmatian tribe. Even name Scotland comes from Scyths, as legend says Scots migrated from Scythia, that is Ukraine. King Artur was Sarmatian too. Sarmatian Alans invaded much of western Europe, many settled in France, Spain, Mediterenian islands.
Dozens of Ukrainian placenames and river names are Scytho-Sarmatian (Iranic) such as: Dnieper, Don, Donuzav, Dunay (Danube), Donets all come from Scytho-Sarmatian-Ossetic (iranic) word Don (water), so are other Iranic placenames in Ukraine as: Artopolot (Art was a zoroastrian deity), Sachky, Saky (= Scythians), Prut (= river), Zarvanytsya (Zarwan was a Zoroastrian deity) Samara and so on. Ukrainian last name Dryha (Dryhy were poor zoroastrians, fire worshippers), Kurys (popular among Ukrainian Lemkos, highlanders) is also Iranic (same as Kurush in Persian, that is Cyrus, Iranic name, also Persian king).
Elements of Scytho-Sarmatian warrior & social culture got preserved also by Circassians (Adyghes) (who still have warrior women) and Ukrainian cossacks. It seems that Circassians absorbed some Sarmatians or adopted Sarmatian culture from being under their lordship. Both Circassians and Ukrainian Cossacks wear red boots, red coats, colour red was colour of the fire (ancient Iranic tribes worshipped fire), princely colour (onluy princes wore red coats). Color distinguished one person among others. White hats for example were worn by Ukrainian Cossack and Circassians otamans (chiefs). Though Ukrainians and Adyghes (Circassians) dont speak same languages, traces of same Sarmatian cultures are observed all around the area, also among Ossetians, Hungarian Yazygs etc.
Music is CELTIC (Irish folk) in the video. In the 1st centuries of the 1st millenium of our era the Celtic tribes inhabited what is today western and north-western Ukraine (forest zone), while Scytho-Sarmatian tribes inhabited the steppe zone of Ukraine. On upper Dniester archeaologists found Celtic settlements and artefacts along with Sarmatian artefacts. Both groups lived in geographic proximity to each other in 1-4 AD. This perhaps explains why Celtic, Ukrainian and north-Iranian (Mazenderan, Gilan) white houses all look same, all with the same thatched roofs. On middle Volga flow there lived warlike Sarmatian tribes of Burt-asses (Su-asses), literally Beehive Asses (Jasses) / River Asses (Jasses). Traces of their culture are observed among Mishar Tatars and some say Chuvashes.
Сармати - загальна назва споріднених зі скіфами кочових іраномовних племен скотарів, що вживалася еллінськими й римськими істориками. Поділялися на:роксоланів (або Білі Аляни) - мешкали у Північному Причорномор'ї; сіраків (Прикубання); аорсів (на схід від Дону); язигів; зі середини І століття н. е. до них додалися алани.
#Scythians #Sarmatians #Alans

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@Pilgrim07 12 жыл бұрын
In this video I presented the Scythian and Sarmatian items found in Ukraine.
@sarmatianknight7938 5 жыл бұрын
ALANS, an ancient Iranian tribe of the northern (Scythian, Saka, Sarmatian, Massagete) group, known to classical writers from the first centuries A.D. (see, e.g., Seneca, Thyestes 630; Annaeus Lucan, Pharsalia8.223, 10.454; Lucian, Toxaris 51, 54, 55, 60; Ptolemy, Geographia 6.14.3, 9, 11; and other sources below). Their name appears in Greek as Alanoi, in Latin as Alani or Halani. The same tribes, or affiliated ones, are mentioned as the Asaioi (Ptolemy 5.9.16), Rhoxolanoi, Aorsoi, Sirakoi, and Iazyges (Strabo 2.5.7, 7.2.4; 11.2.1, 11.5.8; 7.2.4). In early times the main mass of the Alans was settled north of the Caspian and Black seas. Later they also occupied the Crimea and considerable territory in the northern Caucasus. The history of the Alans can be divided into three periods: (1) from the beginning of the Christian era to the great migration of peoples; (2) from that period to the Mongol invasion; (3) subsequent to the Mongol invasion. During the first period, the Alans appear as a nomadic, warlike, pastoral people who were professional warriors and took service, at various times, with the Romans, Parthians, and Sasanians. Their cavalry was particularly renowned. They participated in Mithridates’ wars with Rome (chronicled by Lucan), as well as in Roman campaigns in Armenia, Media, and Parthia in the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. (see Josephus, Jewish Wars7.244-51, Antiquities 18.97; cf. accounts in Moses of Khoren, History of the Armenians [Langlois, Historiens II, pp. 105-06, 125] and the Georgian Chronicle [Kartlis tskhovreba, in M. F. Brosset and D. I. Chubinov, Histoire de la Georgie I, St. Petersburg, 1849]). Ammianus Marcellinus (31.2) describes the Alans’ nomadic economy and warlike customs. The invasion of the Huns split the Alans into two parts, the European and the Caucasian. Some of the European Alans were drawn into the migration of peoples from eastern into western Europe. With the Germanic tribes of Visigoths and Vandals they passed into Gaul and Spain, some even reaching North Africa. The Alans fought on the side of the Romans in the battle of the Catalaunian Fields (A.D. 451), when Aetius defeated Attila, chief of the Huns. In 461 and 464 they made incursions into Italy. After Attila’s death they struggled, together with the Germanic tribes, to free themselves from Hun domination. Large Alan hordes settled along the middle course of the Loire in Gaul under King Sangiban and on the lower Danube with King Candac (the historian Jordanes sprang from the latter group). Another settlement is indicated by the name of the Spanish province Catalonia, which is but a slight deformation of Goth-Alania, “province of the Goths and Alans.” The French proper name “Alain” and English “Alan” are an inheritance from the tribe. The Alans also left an imprint on Celtic folk-poetry, e.g., the cycle of legends concerning King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table (see M. Hesse, “Iranisches Sagengut im Christlichen Epos,” Atlantis 1937, pp. 621-28; J. H. Grisward, “Le motif de l’épée jetée au lac: la mort d’Arthur et la mort de Batradz,” Romania 90, 1969, pp. 289-340). Part of the European Alans remained in the lands bordering the Black Sea, including the Crimea. The Caucasian Alans occupied part of the Caucasian plain and the foothills of the main mountain chain from the headwaters of the Kuban river and its tributary, the Zelenchuk (in the west), to the Daryal gorge (in the east). They became sedentary and took to cattle-breeding and agriculture. Towns developed, elements of state organization appeared, and political and cultural ties were established with Byzantium, Georgia, Abkhazia [see Abḵāz], the Khazars, and Russia. Dynastic marriages were concluded with these countries. From the 5th century on, Christian propaganda was conducted, first by Byzantine, later also by Georgian, missionaries. The Alans adopted Christianity in the 10th century, and an Alan episcopal see was created. In 244/857 Boḡā, a general of the caliph of Baghdad, invaded Transcaucasia and the northern Caucasus, devastating Georgia, Abkhazia, the Alan country, and the Khazar lands. The Alans soon recovered, however, and restored their state. They are often mentioned by medieval writers, both western (Procopius of Caesarea, Menander, Theophanes of Byzantium, Constantine Porphyrogenitus) and Arab and Persian. The latter use the name “Alān” or “Ās”; and in Russian chronicles and Hungarian sources the form “Yas” is found. In the 4th/10th century the Arab historian Masʿūdī indicates that the Alan kingdom stretched from Daghestan to Abkhazia. He describes its prosperity: “The Alan king (can) muster 30,000 horsemen. He is powerful, very strong and influential (among?) the kings. The kingdom consists of an uninterrupted series of settlements; when the cock crows (in one of them), the answer comes from the other parts of the kingdom, because the villages are intermingled and close together” (trans. V. Minorsky, A History of Sharvan and Darband, Cambridge, 1958, pp. 156-60). The anonymous Ḥodūd al-ʿālam (trans. Minorsky, pp. 83, 161, 318, 445) describes Alania as a vast country with 1,000 settlements; the people included both Christians and idol-worshipers, mountaineers and plain-dwellers. The text makes the important statement that, in the north, the Alans bordered on the Hungarians and the Bulgars (the ancestors of the Chuvash). In the east they gave their name to the Daryal gorge, called “Gate of the Alans” (Arabic Bāb al-Lān, Persian Dar-e Alān, hence Daryal). The Mongol invasion of the 7th/13th century and Tamerlane’s wars in the 8th/14th proved fatal to the Alan state. Its organization was destroyed, and the population suffered heavy loss. Ebn al-Aṯīr reports: “The Tatars attacked the Alans; they massacred them, committed many outrages, plundered and seized prisoners, and marched on against the Qipchaqs” (XII, p. 252; for the events of 1221 A.D., see Camb. Hist. Iran V, p. 311). The remnants of the Alans broke up into three groups. One retreated into the foothills and gorges of the central Caucasus and lives there up to the present [see Ossetes], numbering some 400,000. The people of their eastern branch call themselves “Ir”, those of the western branch “Digor.” The name “Alan” survives among them, in the form “Allon”, only in folklore. (Russian “Osetiny” is from Georgian Oseti, “Alania.” The Georgians had long called the Alans Os- or Ovs- and their country Oset-.) A second group of Alans migrated with the Qipchaqs (Comani) into Europe, settling in Hungary. The territory they occupied is to this day called Jászság, “province of the Yas;” and its capital is Jászberény. They preserved their language and ethnic identity until the 15th century, but gradually adopted the Hungarian language and became assimilated. The third group took service under the Mongol khans. According to the Chinese chronicle Yuan-shi, these “Asu” played an important role in further Mongol expansion. The Catholic missionary John de Marignolli, who spent five years in China, states that there were up to 30,000 Ās there (H. Yule, Cathay and the Way Thither III [Hakluyt Society, second ser., no. 37], London, 1914, pp. 180ff.). In the course of time they perished in warfare or were absorbed into the local population. The name “Alan” is derived from Old Iranian *arya-, “Aryan,” and so is cognate with “Īrān” (from the gen. plur. *aryānām). The ancient Alan language may, to some extent, be reconstructed on the basis of modern Ossetic (after excluding the latter’s Turkic and Caucasian additions). The Alans created no writing, and no texts survive in their language except an inscription in Greek letters on a tombstone from the headwaters of the Kuban (Grund. Iran. Phil. I, Anhang, p. 31). A few sentences are recorded by the Byzantine author Tzetzēs (Gerhardt, “Alanen und Osseten,” pp. 37-51). Various personal, ethnic, and place names are also known (see M. Vasmer, Die Iranier in Südrussland, Leipzig, 1923, pp. 25-29). This material at least indicates clearly the Iranian character of the Alan language.
@gomizsu 2 жыл бұрын
Jasz people didn't occupied the territory in Hungary. They were admitted by the Hungarian king, Béla IV Árpád, who hoped that the Jasz people would assist in resisting the Mongol-Tatar invasion. They were awarded with land and privileged position for their military services.
@ionutbejan884 Жыл бұрын
Sarmatian and Scitian is Thracins people.Not is persans people
@colinjames7569 11 ай бұрын
@user-zz5eg8ch5q 10 ай бұрын
Scythian not iranic people False history
@user-lw5 9 ай бұрын
Eurasian peoples, not Iranians
@nvanguy6868 2 жыл бұрын
You can clearly see sarmatians were iranic/slavic/ caucasian here and not turk mongoloid Tired of turks claiming everything as turkish Although im sure there was some turk admixture as the histories are all intertwined
@bossschmutzfink9865 3 жыл бұрын
Tajik pamir, wakhi, sogdian and Ossetian true heirs of Scythia
@roranavar2252 3 жыл бұрын
and Pashtun in Afghanistan
@whatever2206 5 ай бұрын
No Slavs are the true Scythians
@bossschmutzfink9865 5 ай бұрын
@@whatever2206 to a certain extent, yes. Lots of similar words and deities.
@liliannajuhasz2272 10 жыл бұрын
this may be an Irish band from Poland that has a bagpiper, but the bagpipe is also an instrument of Ukraine. They are few and far between and they are slightly different than the better known Scottish bagpipe, By the way, the Scots acknowledge that they are descended from Scyts, hence the name......
@reddeadonlinebountyhunterr7725 3 жыл бұрын
But its also on albania
@henrykkeszenowicz4664 2 жыл бұрын
Ukrainians come from a Scytho-Sarmatian tribe of Roxolani, hence the national symbol of Ukraine is the Cossack warrior of the steppe rather than some old slavic warrior. And as a Ukrainian Pole who can't live without the steppe, I'm proud of this heritage.
@eho6380 2 жыл бұрын
@@henrykkeszenowicz4664 Ukrainians are a mixture of Slavs and Turkic tribes (Kipchak, Crimeans etc.) that settled here after the Sarmatians. The Scytho-Sarmatians had the most affinity with the Yamnaya culture and if you search them up, they do not look like Slavs at all. Ukranians may have 0-5% Scytho-Sarmatian ancestry, since the Slavs were numerous, the Sarmatians were merely nomads and not in great numbers and the later Turkic tribes.
@mehanikal5639 3 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Serbia!
@SerbskiUkrainer Ай бұрын
"i Serbi, gli antichi Sciti" in "Canti popolari toscani, corsi, illirici, greci" vol.IV, 1842, by Niccolò Tommaseo.
@MasterZelenki 10 жыл бұрын
Ossetians "Иратта разма!"
@operationcrazy2696 5 жыл бұрын
Our Eastern Iranic brothers across the continent! Pashtuns, Pamirs, and Ossetians were the descendants of Scythia!
@freakrx2349 5 жыл бұрын
Marik Zelenka I believe that the Ossetians are the only remaining people to be related to the Scythian peoples. They are the descendants of the Alans who are a Scythian tribe that moved in to the Caucasus mountains to escape the Huns. They established a kingdom in the 8th century but eventually fell to the Mongols and later the Russians in the following centuries.
@yaqubleis6311 5 жыл бұрын
@@operationcrazy2696 brother Jats peoples are also Scythians origin
@tajplayer267 5 жыл бұрын
@@operationcrazy2696 wrong pashtuns are of Turkic and Jewish origin. Google Ghilzai/khilji. They are aryanized Turkish/jewish tribes. The only true Scythians are ossetian,yaghnobis (tajiks) and jassic people
@operationcrazy2696 5 жыл бұрын
They are of Indo-Scythian, not Scythian.
@P.K.Veiller 9 жыл бұрын
Can someone send/ tell me about a good documentry about Scythians? English please, becouse I can't find any good, I need it to my studies. Thanks (:
@operationcrazy2696 5 жыл бұрын
You are missing a large portion, many of the Eastern Iranic tribes of Central Asia are also very close relatives to the Scythians like the Pashtuns. You also left out Ossetians, people of the Western Iranic areas now, but their language has many similarities to Pashto than any other Iranic culture of modern times. Also genetically Pashtuns, Slavs and Ossetians contain genes that relate back to Central Asia and the Aryan people. Mother Scythia!!
@wolsky25 4 жыл бұрын
scythian homeland - European part of Central Russia (Abashevo culture)
@operationcrazy2696 3 жыл бұрын
@@wolsky25 Nope, Scythia started from a region known as Saka which was in Afghanistan. There is a tribe in Afghanistan known as the Sakazai and my tribe the yousufzai refer to them as Iskuzai, they are considered to be the original descendants of the Sakawal as the Afghans call them.
@allegoryofthecave8064 4 жыл бұрын
It blew my mind that the whole comment section is trying to put everyone on the planet on the land where Ukrainians live, but not Ukrainians them selves!!! Its taking the captain obvious to the ridiculous level :) BTW, not long ago DNA of pretty much all nationalities on the planet has been mapped and the verdict is out - Indo-Europeans (including Iranians) originated somewhere in the steppes from Carpathians to North of Caspian Sea. Also, modern linguistic analysis puts Ukrainian language the closest to the middle of Sanskrit, Iranian, and European languages. It gets better, another curiosity is coming out - Russian are actually Finno-Uralic people (based on the DNA) and still have ~100k people around Moscow that use the corresponding languages. Apparently Old-Bulgarian (first slavic translation of the Bible) was forced on them by Peter the Great when he sought to unify the empire. He choose Old-Bulgarian over Turik (official language of the empire until 1700) since it was the language already semi-familiar to people and it was used in churches. All these empires trying to look cool by trying to "prove" the oldest heritage" and the trophy goes to the militant peasants of Ukraine. I find that simply and perfectly hilarious :)))
@pavlo3511 4 жыл бұрын
AllegoryOfTheCave I read somewhere that Ukrainian is the “language of the people.” Of course both russian and Ukrainian split off from Church Slavonic, but the language that is today Ukrainian was spiked between the common people, while Russian was only spoken by the elite and clergy. Russia(Moscow) also stole most of their culture from ancient Ukrainians, Russians even took the name from the Kievan Rus. Also Ukrainian just flows better and sound better.
@allegoryofthecave8064 4 жыл бұрын
@@pavlo3511 "Russian" language originated when Finno-Turkic Altaic Orden (Golden Horde) were teaching kids (babies) that they kidnapped from the areas that refused to be subjugated. They raised the kids in inhumane conditions and trained them to be merciless brutal killing machines. Since the main target for them was the Slavs (mainly Ukrainians) that refused to fall, they taught the kids a twisted version of Slavic (~Ukrainian) that was full with logical inversions of meaning and obscenities. Since the "training camps" were somewhere past Volga, the new "breed" of invaders (yanichari?) and their language were called Volgar. It wasn't until the Huns invaded Europe and made some linguistic "adjustments" that turned Vs into Bs in most European languages, hence the Bolgar. Later, at the time of the "Kyivian Rus", some of the Bolgars were "reused" as priests in Ugro-Finnic North lands. Ukraine its self was not forced under christianity until ~16 century A.D. since there are no churches older than that in any of the villages. Another way to see the begging of "Russian" language is by looking at the archeological history of deformed skulls in Europe, it shows the start and the progress of the invasion pretty clearly. The story about "Kievan Rus" and "brotherly Eastern Slavs" is one sick fairy tale that's overlaid over history of slaughter pillage and destruction. Until the Huns, Slavs spoke ~same language and their lands were from Danube to Volga. Today, the closest living language to the original Slavic most likely is Ukrainian given that they were the last to fall, especially the "improper village dialect". Also, the meaning of "ukraine" in Turkic is raided land (eden), the original name of the land and its people was either Lan or Lon. P.S. To any good person that happens to be of Bulgarian or Turkic decent, I hope you don't take any of the above personally. What I've said above needs to be said for the sake of historical truth and all of the people that died. Future generations need to know the real history so that they do not repeat the mistakes of the past.
@allegoryofthecave8064 4 жыл бұрын
@@pavlo3511 A note about the "Ukrainian" people and their language. I do not want to call them "Ukrainians" since that was the name most likely given to them by the invaders, I will call them the people of Lan or Lanians. Looking at the DNA data, you can see that there are about ~1/3 of indigenous people left in Lan and the rest are of Finno-Turkic origin. Vast majority of that replacement seems to have happened during the course of the last century were tens of millions (possibly as high as 65 million) of indigenous people were wiped and the new "slavs" moved in. Also, with the exception of the region South West of Carpathians to Macedonia, there are still significant population of Lan people in other "slavic" countries while smaller groups are all over the planet. The people of Lan them selves trace their DNA to at least ~45k years ago to the same territory which is truly ancient and turns pretty much all of modern anthropology on its head. The fact that you have an immobile population at the ~same land, even during the Ice Age, throws volumes of books about roaming/migrating "hunter-gatherer" theories into the garbage can, the history and origin of human societies and civilization has to be examined anew. The official information about the Lan language seems to be purposely misleading. It seems like their spoken language has at least 18 vowels (only 5-6 "officially" given) that are highly structured. Also, it seems to be highly decomposible in terms of the arrangement of the morphemes, yet its not an agglutinate (Uralo-Turkic) language. More so, the morphemes them selves are hard to establish given that there are a bunch of one consonant or vowel contextual morphemes. The Lan language seems to be a puzzling language of highly structured de-arrangements which suggests an archaic foundation that is still preserved within the language. BTW, the more I look into the historical aspect of the region, the more I suspect that recent "Ukrainian Crisis" is an attempted/ongoing cleanup operation...
@Armistead_MacSkye 2 жыл бұрын
Also, these "nomads" built huge city-states.
@unounounoq 11 ай бұрын
Hi, could you give links and sources. I am wondering as I am also Ukrainian. Слава Україні!
@Runningthrewaphase 11 жыл бұрын
For all my slavic brothers and sisters I would recommend the video: Persja sprzymierzeńcem Zygmunta III Wazy There is a link to persian-polish history and sarmatian history as well. Even back in those days it was clear to see that poles saw sarmatians as their ancestors and because of this iranians helped them against the turks. Abbas I of Persia the greatest ruler of Safavid dynasty helped poles beat turks because he viewed them of sarmatian origin and turks as gypsi invaders.
@SK-rt6io 4 жыл бұрын
@mehanikal5639 3 жыл бұрын
@King Xerxes do you think Sarmatian tribe Serboi has anything to do with modern Serbs on Balkan?
@persianlorestani_shapoori9810 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a scthyian from Iran ,lorestan, assna sacavond=sacson city My name is arash sarmati scahiya We are ariyans people Iranian people Iranian language 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖we have so many scthyian in Iran(scyistan,assna scyvond in lorestan and khoozestan)and Tajikistan and Pakistan and India
@xanshen9011 2 жыл бұрын
Whats ironic is that gypsies are relatives of scythians. And yet gypsy is used as an insult in eastern europe even though you guys venerate your so called “scythian aryan” ancestors 🤣🤣🤣
@astiackizakovic7525 2 жыл бұрын
@@persianlorestani_shapoori9810 im also sakvand . Hi merakhoo .
@ecruz2317 2 жыл бұрын
whoa now this is my new jam for now, were this been all mah life. Got me chair jigging, what's the story bout "spirituality on this end of the woods?"
@petervendegh3300 4 жыл бұрын
Köszönöm a föltöltést mi Magyarok vagyunk Magúr gyermekei,Arany Szkíták vagyunk.Áldás
@endroholic7161 3 жыл бұрын
Indian JAAT💪🏻 proud Scythian descendents. Our ancestors ruled the Central Asia and Steppes. We are ruling South Asia.
@endroholic7161 3 жыл бұрын
@Мастурбек Кумысович 😂 Look at this mongol tatar russian talkin about us. We pure Indo aryan Scythians. 😂😂😂 Unlike you turk tatar russian
@jon9247 3 жыл бұрын
Where did you obtain this music, the only instrument that sound iranic are the drums, bagpipes, and the lute barely sounds like a scythian saz/tar. Jus curious
@sarmat1910 2 жыл бұрын
It's a song from a Polish band
@moonchild848 4 жыл бұрын
the bag pipe sound mostly reminds me of the Irish like myself. But i love this in combination with the heavy drumming. Fascinating ancient culture and music!!
@liliannajuhasz2272 3 жыл бұрын
Bagpipe is considered one of the ancient instruments of Ukraine. It looks slightly different than the more familiar Scottish bagpipe. BTW, Celts lived in some areas of what is modern day Ukraine long ago. There are many village names that are of Celtic origin. Celts travelled through many parts of Europe.
@romankuchevskiy250 2 жыл бұрын
Yes it’s volinka
@moonchild848 4 жыл бұрын
wow, reminds me a lot of Irish/Celtic music....It's amazingly lovely!!!
@wolsky25 4 жыл бұрын
Just common roots, the Slavs and Celts as a people appeared in central Europe, separating from Indo-Europeans, therefore similar rituals, music and appearance
@delaramsalmassi4063 2 жыл бұрын
I have heard the Slavic Peoples should be Aryan/Iranic/Iranian/Indo - Iranian Peoples and that the Slavic Peoples are descended from the ancient Iranic tribes such as the Scythians and the Sarmatians and the Alans. Is this really true?
@arianbloodborn9813 Жыл бұрын
Not all Slavic people but Ukrainians is.
@delaramsalmassi4063 Жыл бұрын
@@arianbloodborn9813 I have myself spoken to themselves and I have spoken with many various historians and scientists and archeologists and they all told me the Slavic Peoples were descended from the Aryan/Iranic/Iranian/Indo - Iranian tribes such as the Saka people and the Scythians and the Sarmatians and Alans. These Aryan/Iranic/Iranian/Indo - Iranian tribes actually lived from Mongolia to all of Central Asia to Russia and Ukraine and the Caucasus region!
@Nata-Nesa Жыл бұрын
@@delaramsalmassi4063yes this is where the proto slavs came from, later branching off into balto slavs, then later the antes and slavs, dividing into europe 🥰
@delaramsalmassi4063 Жыл бұрын
@@Nata-Nesa Where did the Slavs come from?
@delaramsalmassi4063 Жыл бұрын
@@Nata-Nesa I have heard from many various worldwide scientists the Slavs are originally Indo - Iranian/Aryan!
@aryanyazdan 11 жыл бұрын
u r a wise person, you have alot of historical information, that´s good
@RomansBookReport 12 жыл бұрын
@itchebourashka825 9 жыл бұрын
You can read the history of Osstians. Actually, they leave on both sides of the Caucasus. The descendants of Scythians and Srmatians (and also Alans) are ossetians.
@HungarianHistory2 9 жыл бұрын
Its possible coz ancient Hungarian sources said about when subartuan mezopotamian magus people married with alans in central asia, next meotis regio or all. Possible its the born of the scythians (Andronovo)
@HungarianHistory2 9 жыл бұрын
HungarianHistory2 The alan kings name was Dulo. He lived in bc 2000's its the oldest info. Dúló means destroyer in Hungarian. This dinasty was later bulgar and Magyar too.
@aleksandarrusev6323 9 жыл бұрын
+HungarianHistory2 dulo is bulgarian royal dinasty. correct my if I am wrong but i think hungaryans and bulgarians have somethink in common
@HungarianHistory2 9 жыл бұрын
Aleksandar Rusev But hungarian word. Dúl, feldúl, dúló. Word to attack, total destroyer. What is chuvas (volga bulgarian) language? turkized hungarian! Ancient bulgaria nand hungarian was same and we are different routes since 7th century.
@KakashiSoup 4 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately not genetically, I have looked at the descent of the Ossetians and it is hardly recognizable, which influence the Scythians have on the DNA of the Ossetians. That is, the Ossetians are not the descendants of the Scthian or Sarmatians
@persianlorestani_shapoori9810 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a scthyian from Iran ,lorestan, assna sacavond=sacson city My name is arash sarmati scahiya We are ariyans people Iranian people Iranian language 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖we have so many scthyian in Iran(scyistan,assna scyvond in lorestan and khoozestan)and Tajikistan and Pakistan and India
@azeeramon Жыл бұрын
Are you ok? Is your brain functioning? There are no direct descendents of Scythians today. No one can say I'm Scythian in this age
@ionutbejan884 Жыл бұрын
Iranian people not is ariyans people.The ariyans people is white face
@servantofsusa 2 ай бұрын
​@@azeeramonossetians are
@kimberlyzworld 3 жыл бұрын
Music is banging!!
@IdelUralState 11 жыл бұрын
Nice video. Congratulations!
@lora2754 5 жыл бұрын
@Runningthrewaphase 11 жыл бұрын
Sistan derives its name from Sakastan which, on its part, derives from the name of the Saka tribes. The Saka (known as Scythians in Greek sources) began to settle in this region during the Parthian era. The more ancient Old Persian name of the region - prior to Saka dominance - was zaranka ("waterland"; cf. Pashto dzaranda).
@seanhastings4432 6 жыл бұрын
I love the music
@indramuhammad1942 4 жыл бұрын
Me too
@MouAresounTaPneusta 3 жыл бұрын
Source of the music track? No name in the description.
@Runningthrewaphase 11 жыл бұрын
Slavs in the era of the Proto-Slavic language came into contact with various Iranian tribes, namely Scythians, Sarmatians, and Alans, which were present in vast regions of eastern and southeastern Europe in the first centuries CE. The names of two large rivers in the centre of Slavic expansion, Dnieper and Dniester, are of Iranian origin, and Iranian toponyms are found as far west as modern day Romania. - Matasović 2008:47
@ionutbejan884 Жыл бұрын
Slavs not is a sarmatian people
@ionutbejan884 11 ай бұрын
Slavs not is sarmatians
@hercin86 Ай бұрын
not slavic not even a bit related, slavs are not a thing at that time in the east and steppes. scythian is proto turkic language and culture is not related to iranian. jesus... stop following stupid sources.
@catlovers4789 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you I'm Persian from South zagross mountain Iran close Shiraz and perspolise .I'm civil engineer but i love history . professor zartosht setoode too explain about this ..Islam destroyed and sleep our cóuntry peoples and not know about history but this new generation is open-minded. Too sorry that Turkish and Arab source try to make fake history and some péoples accept .. they said Sakai to Assyrian peoples were Turks and some scientist too help them for this fake history thank you
@TrissTess69 3 жыл бұрын
@Warriorfrom Timeslongforgotten Original peope of turkey are hati ( circassian people) anatolians( mix of circassian and apelasgian people) , pelasgians but not white
@TrissTess69 3 жыл бұрын
@Warriorfrom Timeslongforgotten Original peope of turkey are hati ( circassian people) anatolians( mix of circassian and apelasgian people) , pelasgians but not white
@TrissTess69 3 жыл бұрын
saka are persians
@TrissTess69 3 жыл бұрын
@Warriorfrom Timeslongforgotten you mean hattis? they are nopt turkic they are circassians indeed they speak agglutinative langae like turkish coming both from sumerian( sumerian coming itself from dravidians
@TrissTess69 3 жыл бұрын
@Warriorfrom Timeslongforgotten hattis and pelasgians are the first people of turkey
@colinjames7569 Жыл бұрын
I was wandering untethered in this universe. Until i found the music of my ancestors. Now it all makes sense
@persianlorestani_shapoori9810 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a scthyian from Iran ,lorestan, assna sacavond=sacson city My name is arash sarmati scahiya We are ariyans people Iranian people Iranian language 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
@mirenciyano4764 3 жыл бұрын
Lorestan is kurdistan
@shaw-shawee 9 жыл бұрын
Sarmatians are Iranian .
@HungarianHistory2 9 жыл бұрын
send the name of your iranian stele evidence.
@shaw-shawee 9 жыл бұрын
Google Ukrainian iranian Samarian's . . More than half of Europeans are by blood Persians ( Iranian ) such as Germans / Croatians /Some Polish ans so on , I forgot to mention the Yaasins of Hungary that live north east of Hungary . All the royal family's of Europe were Sarmatian Including The royal family of England whom are NOT English but German and Sarmatian .
@GollyImSorry 5 жыл бұрын
Many other nations can make the same claim. Sarmatians are related only to sarmatians and to no one else. Not to iranians not to russains not to ukranians nor to any else modern "nation".
@m4rt1nDRK 5 жыл бұрын
@@shaw-shawee "some polish" us Poles and lusatian Serbs have the highest % dna that of sarmatians and scythians. Read about Haplogroup R1A1. Ukraine is so mixed now most people living there has nothing in common with Slavs or Scythians nor Sarmatians. Genetic research is amazing. Read about it.
@maugustyniak 5 жыл бұрын
Um, that's "Iranic", as in Indo-Aryan, not Iranian. You're to brown to be Sarmatians.
@kompetenzouranium3827 7 жыл бұрын
1:53 min there is a cap or hood of ancient Guds (Latin name- Getae (getai), german- Goths.) they went to the Black sea from Baltic sea in 3 times. In 410 year they took Rome and army under command of Alaric went to the Spain through France. This is written in Getica of Jordan, written nowadays in books of Jurate Statkute de Rosales. The states of Guds were Tracia, Dacia etc.
@kompetenzouranium3827 7 жыл бұрын
2:48 the same situation- the hood is Gudian. They spoke language similiar to the Lithuanian, Latvian and old real Prussian. They were blondies with blue eyes, and in mixed small sculptures their hair is not silver, but golden color. The shamanic music for this video is strange and does not fit
@ionutbejan884 11 ай бұрын
@ionutbejan884 11 ай бұрын
@tantibusdraws6165 5 жыл бұрын
What’s the name of the song?
@flashgordon9640 3 жыл бұрын
@dude999b7 8 жыл бұрын
Huns are Turkic people while Scythians are iranian (nor persian) jeez ppl dont confuse these stuff also the reason hunnic Scythian culture arw similiar is because they lived very close to each other for a long time
@roranavar2252 3 жыл бұрын
I'm frow Iraqi türkmens but my Dna heritage like Scythians tribe, Not only me, but the Turkish Ottoman dynasty, the Turkish royal Ashina dynasty, the Hun Royal Arpad dynasty, the Balkar Turks, the Kyrgyz Turks, and the Bashkir Turks,. And the Turks of the Tatars, and the Turks of the Tuvan and the Altai
@JB-ef6vy 6 жыл бұрын
Zakharii I think you should amend the title to something like “ Archeological findings of Ancient Scythian and Sarmatian tribes in Ukraine “
@Wofka1986 12 жыл бұрын
What happened to the video of archangel michael?
@petarbodin2739 7 жыл бұрын
@akpstar6331 7 жыл бұрын
They were a mix of nordid iranian cromagnid look at the sycthian ice princess from altay. She look robust iranid also dinarid origin is armenoid
@whatever2206 5 ай бұрын
Yeah Slavs are iranian
@hercin86 Ай бұрын
@@whatever2206 no they are not not even a bit related. you are delusional.
@ARIAGLAG 11 жыл бұрын
Тюрки уже и Туранцев относят к тюркам :-) на созвучии. Туранцы ираноязычны были.
@whatever2206 5 ай бұрын
How do you explain the fact that Zaza Kurds have I2a din genetics around 35-40% ? The haplogroup of Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs and other Slavs as well.
@hercin86 Ай бұрын
could you share the source of it?
@shawndavid1612 11 жыл бұрын
thanks zak..Yah bless
@Pilgrim07 11 жыл бұрын
I just looked up for T-J mtDNA frequencies of Iranic peoples and it was date just for Kurds in general, dont know where from...I thought Iranic people like Tajiks or Pakistani groups might be related but it wasnt a case. And Basques have high T mtDNA rates...Scythian genes seem to be found among very archaic peoples...But "claimed Scythians" (popularized by Russians) from Siberia have different genetic pool I saw...
@maxofthetitans 10 жыл бұрын
The Slavic people broke off from their Indo European ancestors and for a long time lived in central Eurasia on the steppe. They migrated into the area of eastern europe around the 3rd to the 4th century. Also Eastern Europe at the time was more than just Iranian tribes. There were germanic people, thracians, dacians, greeks it was a big racial mix not just Iranians.
@eho6380 2 жыл бұрын
The Slavs never left Europe or entered, they lived in the forest in Modern-day Polesia. They migrated to the steppe in the middle-ages and absorbed the Scytho-Sarmatian tribes.
@luismiguel174 2 жыл бұрын
Good And the music
@alexandrw8824 4 жыл бұрын
Музон прикольний.где скачать?
@Runningthrewaphase 10 жыл бұрын
Then you have to search for the sarmtians living in Hungary as Jasz people. They do not speak iranian but they did, and their language has been reactivated, but I dont know when they stopped.
@lovelyartin 4 жыл бұрын
Read about Iranian peoples!
@persianlorestani_shapoori9810 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a scthyian from Iran ,lorestan, assna sacavond=sacson city My name is arash sarmati scahiya We are ariyans people Iranian people Iranian language 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
@Runningthrewaphase 11 жыл бұрын
In prehistoric times, the Jiroft Civilization covered parts of Sistan and Kerman Province (possibly as early as the 3rd millennium BC). Later the area was occupied by Aryan tribes related to the Indo-Aryans and Iranian Peoples. Eventually a kingdom known as Arachosia was formed, parts of which were ruled by the Medean Empire by 600 BC. The Medes were overthrown by the Achaemenid Persian Empire in 550 BC, and the rest Arachosia was soon annexed. I think that information should be enough.
@rojanaryan3230 2 жыл бұрын
All aryan sons of scytians
@nvanguy6868 2 жыл бұрын
Arachosia was the greek name Harauvatya was the iranic name Croats/ horvati/ hrvati trace their origin from there
@Maria_2950 6 жыл бұрын
I'm just here because I wanna know the name of the song. Somebody help me please!
@dkokalanov 5 ай бұрын
What is the background music?
@Pilgrim07 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, on maternal line Ossetians have Iranic genes, true.
@wolsky25 4 жыл бұрын
@Ksjs Jdjdb only in your dream mongolian, refugees from inner Mongolia (China). Scythians -aryan tribe.
@wolsky25 4 жыл бұрын
@Ksjs Jdjdb and Jesus was too turkic (kazah)
@wolsky25 4 жыл бұрын
@Ksjs Jdjdb No, kazakh scholars have proven that Jesus was kazakh from Dulat clan.
@dastanrasul 4 жыл бұрын
@Ksjs Jdjdb oke lol
@sagarkumardey4430 3 жыл бұрын
@Ksjs Jdjdb lol
@DMSBrian24 10 жыл бұрын
that music ain't irish but Polish (Slavic), there are uilleann pipes there indeed but that means nothing... it's like saying that you can't play Polish music on piano because it becomes german or italian (i dont really know where piano comes from)
@ashvin5012 9 жыл бұрын
nice song what is it?
@iddigitydawg 11 жыл бұрын
So what's the name of the band?
@user-ek2qz4xz8t 10 жыл бұрын
It is interesting to know that last Scythians/Sarmatians where Antes who where finally fully slavinised in 7th century.
@HungarianHistory2 10 жыл бұрын
@user-ek2qz4xz8t 10 жыл бұрын
HungarianHistory2 Scythians where Indo Europeans, Hungarians are Ugro-Finnics, END OF STORY
@HungarianHistory2 10 жыл бұрын
***** Scythians were multinational unio, the royal scythians were hungarian speakers, evidence: Issyk kul silver dish, bc 300-400, Kazahstan Issyk kul regio. Hungarian runes and words on a silver dish. End of panaryan propaganda. Slavic genes from kurgan, not from Scythians, folks who have siberian scythian DNA our neighbours, coz they are hungarian blooded! Source: Kayser at all " siberian kurgan people" Karasuk, Tagar, Andronovo was Hungarian cultures. Hungarian language is protolanguage in 68% and not uralic or turk. Source : Paris Sorbonne University etimon PC tests.
@HungarianHistory2 10 жыл бұрын
HungarianHistory2 Tarihi Üngürüsz, Hungarian origin, history book wrote by Kattar leader of the Huns ad 373.! Saved Mahmud Tercüman turkish named bayer historical, when the Ottomans occupied Székesfehérvár. HAbsburgs destroyed our other chronicles and Sicamberia palace too, it made by trojans! Alwxandros was parthian, and didnt die in Asia,attacked european lands later.This book about realorigin of the folks: Hungarians from Sumerians(Royal Scythians) and Tatars=Scythians, Iran is Scythian but not aryan regio, post-sumerian Hungarians in Agjem. French people are trojans from Sicamberia, Francio and Paris named trojan prince and king gavename to France and Paris.. Your land was Scythian and Ruthenian. Ruthenians are the ancestors of all slavs..
@user-ek2qz4xz8t 10 жыл бұрын
HungarianHistory2 Too much information for one day.
@VendPrekmurec 11 жыл бұрын
They both spoke Slavic languages...with different "dialects"... And there were no "Rus Vikings", only Rus Vagri(Variags); and Vagrians or Variags were simply Venetic western Slavic tribe which came from current territory of Poland, Germany& Sweden; Their capital city was called Stargard (means "old city"; where Gard was/is old Slavic name for Grad (yes like "Stalingrad"; "Stalin's city"); but they've moved to Novgorod (yes another transliteration of Grad is Gorod) which meant "New City").
@ionutbejan884 11 ай бұрын
Slavs not is sarmatian
@iddigitydawg 11 жыл бұрын
I'd appreciate it bro. Thanks
@wolfgangslayer83 4 жыл бұрын
Wat song name PLEASE LET ME KNOW
@Runningthrewaphase 11 жыл бұрын
I am part caucasian northern iranian.
@KakashiSoup 4 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately not genetically, I looked at the descent of the Iranians and it is hardly recognizable, which influence the Scythians have on the DNA of the Iranians. That is, the Iranians are not the descendants of the Scthians or Sarmatians
@Araman111 4 жыл бұрын
@@KakashiSoup I am from northern Iran and my DNA result came out to be 90 percent or more related to Alans(Sarmatians).
@andradaacarpei3752 4 жыл бұрын
Iranian not is in Europe.Sarmatian and scitian is tracians people
@immortal5563 4 жыл бұрын
@@KakashiSoup my genetic results doesn't approve what you said P.s: I'm from Southern Iran and I had 85% caucasian genetics
@immortal5563 4 жыл бұрын
@Sean M blue eyes and blonde hair doesn't represent Aryan race. In certain natural situations color of eyes, skin and hairs change due lack of melanine when skull and genetics remain the same. For example many Kurdish people who live in mountains are blonde and pale white when some of them are ordinary looking middle esstern like brown eyes olive-white skin and brown hair. And it has nothing to do with race mixing. Also kalash people who are descendents of East scythians have reddish-brown Hair. That's because they were settled in mountains of north sibera for centuries where melanine doesn't produce in your body due lack of uv flashlight from the sun. And as far as I concern ossetians in Caucasus has the same face recognization of Iranians from ahvaz, shiraz, isfahan, tehran, etc...
@Pilgrim07 11 жыл бұрын
Turks immigrated from Central Asia. Area north of Aral Sea was inhabited by Massagetae, Iranic tribes. In general centrall Asia was initially inhabited by Iranic (Scythian) tribes. Turks came there and mixed with them. The fact that Turks speaks Turkish language doesnt mean they are all of Turkic origin. Scythian elements are found Kazakh folk patterns (very similiar to those in Ossetia and Circassia), and Kazakh men clothing for example. The problem is that we tend to judge all by "language"
@runescapesupersaiyin 6 жыл бұрын
thats probably the stupidest thing ive ever heard since pre scythian is kurgans and those send white people into north europe ur brown u come from india iranians are always on that since turks are red and papau australia have blacks we have mayan pyramids etc do a research if a persian might stretch to kazakhstan its not permenantly iranian all ur iranian dna is always fuckedup look at kurds or afhgans always same issue
@hercin86 Ай бұрын
yeah you should judge by language cos a different language family means that they are secluded from other people around and shows that they are different from people around (not talking about word exchanges but language family) also genetically scyhtians are in turkic haplogroup.
@onlygod8639 3 жыл бұрын
amazing from Iran 👌👌👌👌👌
@inarakaspyakorah295 7 жыл бұрын
What is this music?
@slawowycz 6 жыл бұрын
nice vid, miy ukrayinske brat
@deniszdrv4601 6 жыл бұрын
Schytians,Celts,Huns,Avars,Hungarians,Bulgarians etc. we are brothers.
@loakhuar 4 жыл бұрын
that's the most humanist comment i've ever seen
@petervendegh3300 4 жыл бұрын
Úgy igaz testvérem Arany Szkíták vagyunk.
@andriusgimbutas3723 2 жыл бұрын
@Kawa KZbin Because all humans are brothers
@Pilgrim07 11 жыл бұрын
mtDNA haplogroups T and J are found in European peoples at the rate of ab. 10 % with maximum rates found on the British isles and as told, also along the north Carpathian basin (Czechs, Lemkos). Scots do claim that their ancestors came from Scythia and some things point at that these were the ancient Picts of Scotland. Migration of Carpathian Croats (intially Iranic tribe, later slavicized) westwards along the Carpathians is well witnessed. Among Iranics, Kurds seem to be the most "Scythian"..
@aaronlandau5575 11 жыл бұрын
I need this song. and what's this internet debate about?
@Pilgrim07 11 жыл бұрын
God any case mtDNA analysis of Scythian remnants from Scythian burial in Cherkasy region of central Ukraine, showed that dominant mtDNA haplogroups of Ukrainian Scythians were westeurasian haplogroups T and J. Among Iranic peoples the top highest proportionate amounts of these are found in Kurdish people and a bit less in Persians...not Ossetians, Ossetians are sarmaticized local Caucasians. In Europe - among Czechs and Lemkos. In Boikos T is top highest at 30% but J is only 5 %...
@ammianusrex6088 10 жыл бұрын
Thousands of comments.Discussion about DNA and UFO> Could anyone finally address the question what is the TITLE OF THE MUSIC, please !!! ??
@MouAresounTaPneusta 3 жыл бұрын
@cariocabassa 4 жыл бұрын
The Scythians were Eurasian looking or Indo-European looking??
@hunternichols9463 4 жыл бұрын
Both actually the Scythians were separated into 2 parts Eastern (Where we get more Asianic features) and Western Scythians who are what we call Slavic people or Indo European's the Scythians Migration could've had their migrations all the way to the Scottish Isles Via the Scottish Declaration of Independence and the Eastern Scythians could've been the Huns but that's just speculation
@CaptMorgasm 9 жыл бұрын
Can someone explain to me when these places became majority caucasian and how the languages changed from iranian? are their still iranian indigenous people in these regions? thank you I am very ignorant to the topic.
@CaptMorgasm 9 жыл бұрын
CaptMorgasm Also, absolute banger of a song, would listen again.
@CaptMorgasm 9 жыл бұрын
CaptMorgasm Oh, from the description (which I should of read completely before commenting) states similarties between the celts and these cultures, did the celts kinda absorb them?? Thanks.
@AlexP-jz9sg 8 жыл бұрын
+CaptMorgasm Iranians are Caucasian (racially) and part of the Indo-European (Aryan) family, and Caucasians (Kavkaz) are largely related to Iranians genetically and some linguistically. Kavkaz also have close relations genetically with some surrounding Slavs and Turks.
@Runningthrewaphase 11 жыл бұрын
Sistan was once the homeland of Sakas, a Scythian tribe of Iranian origin. The Saffarids, one of the early Iranian dynasties of the Islamic era, were originally from Sistan.
@delaramsalmassi4063 Жыл бұрын
Excuse me very much but may I ask you where you are from?!
@Runningthrewaphase Жыл бұрын
@@delaramsalmassi4063 Lahestan
@delaramsalmassi4063 Жыл бұрын
@@Runningthrewaphase Great to meet you! Is it true the Polish and the Russians and the Ukranians and the Belarusians and the Hungarians and the Bulgarians and the Serbs and the Croatians and the Bosnians are of the Aryan/Iranic/Iranian tribes such as the Saka people and the Scythians and the Sarmatians and the Alans?! Is this really true or is it false because many German and Iranian and Russian and Ukranian and Polish and Bulgarian and Serbian and Croatian historians and scientists and archeologists have told me this! My Bulgarian friends on KZbin called Peter Todorov and Bulgarian Nationalist have told me Bulgarians and all Slavic Peoples were of Aryan/Iranic/Iranian origin!
@Runningthrewaphase Жыл бұрын
@@delaramsalmassi4063 Salam to you my brother. I think some slavs may have come from sarmatian tribes, but the core of slavs are not iranic, they are lechitic meaning they come from people that are their own distinct group. But some iranic tribes have mixed with them creating darker slavs and also a lot of iranian words in slavic languages show that there has been some influence from iranian culture into slavic.
@delaramsalmassi4063 Жыл бұрын
@@Runningthrewaphase But many scientists and historians and archeologists have told me the Slavs are of Aryan/Iranic/Iranian origin!
@Runningthrewaphase 11 жыл бұрын
Tūrān (Persian توران) is the Persian name[1] for a region around Central Asia, literally meaning "the land of the Tur". As described below, the original Turanians are an Iranian. Learn your history boy.
@loakhuar 4 жыл бұрын
What kind of bullshit is this ? The regional name 'Turkestan' is also a Persian name, 'Land of Turks', but it doesn't make the people in that region Persian or indo-european
@roranavar2252 3 жыл бұрын
The Scythians and Sarmatians are not Slavs, but Iranians who converted to Turkish, and some of them still speak Iranian, such as Pashtuns , Ossetians and Wakhins.
@roranavar2252 3 жыл бұрын
Asina or Ashina is the aristocratic tribe of the Turkish confederation Kök Türk, they have an Scythian genetic heritage, and the name of their tribe (Ashina) is found in Iranian Scythian and is used in the Avesta and Sanskrit language as well.
@roranavar2252 3 жыл бұрын
Most of the Turkic tibes in Central Asia, Siberia, the Volga, the Caucasus and the Urals, have the genetic heritage of the Scythian, Sarmatian and Cimaarian. including me
@Ali-np5gx 2 жыл бұрын
@Mr Jesus 🤣😂🤣😂 turan in central asia means turkic
@dijanazivanovic8867 7 жыл бұрын
Simular songs have in Serbia Are Serbs Are Sarmatian tribes Sarmi Sarbi Sorabi?
@mittarv1162 8 жыл бұрын
Great Indo-European people. We are the greatest!
@iazygsarmatian4638 7 жыл бұрын
@Oshin-kf8wo 6 жыл бұрын
Mitt Arv They are East Iranian
@cyber5659 7 жыл бұрын
Scythians where of indo-iranian origin speaking a Eastern Iranian language. they where not turks or fucking magyar, look up the modern ossetic language which is derived from alanic and sarmatian scythian.
@marmary5555 6 жыл бұрын
Harald af svearike Thank you. Iranic speaking peoples around the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus today are the descendants of Scythians and not some pony-riding turco mongols.
@Odessitization 11 жыл бұрын
balkan slavs, so called dinaric slavs (haplogroup I2a) were assimilated and have a big group of a darker phenotype, serbs, bulgarians etc. also many finno-ugric peoples (N3) were assimilated by russians, especially in the horth. these are common processes. 45% of german population are germanized celts. but this doesn't concern the fact that there is a continuity between scythians & sarmatians and ukrainians & russians. google picutures "sarmatia map" and "scythia map". notice the dates.
@energylife1557 2 жыл бұрын
Greetings to my ancestors and respect!!!I will follow the path of truth, even if it is prevented.This is not why our ancestors, fathers and mothers fought, protected us!!!!!!!Come on brothers father mother and we son!!! 3337777777 This the music fantastic!!!i listen to all day long!
@Runningthrewaphase 11 жыл бұрын
versions of the Achaemenid royal inscriptions, as well as in Greek Zarángai, Zarangaîoi, Zarangianḗ (Arrian; Isidore of Charax), and Sarángai (Herodotus) and in Latin Zarangae (Pliny)
@mikedz5726 11 жыл бұрын
Ossetians are the direct descendants of the Scythians and Sarmatians
@KakashiSoup 4 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately not genetically, I have looked at the descent of the Ossetians and it is hardly recognizable, which influence the Scythians have on the DNA of the Ossetians. That is, the Ossetians are not the descendants of the Scthian or Sarmatians
@godworden2768 4 жыл бұрын
Of coarse they are not! The busts of Scythians look like my family some of them and other people I know in Holland and Germany and Scythian is to Saka is to Saxon. I know I come from them in some part and that means nothing accept lond dead family and does not mean someone has won the genetics lottery or something like that as everyone gets judged on/by their own actions and who ever my ancestors were I would research them and respect them whether Zulu's or Japanese Samurai or lowly Gypsies it don't matter much to me as long as it's the truth and is real. Ya'll are crazy with your egos and identities!
@lovelyartin 4 жыл бұрын
@@godworden2768 Read about Iranian peoples!
@BelgrimSoulthief 8 жыл бұрын
It would seem no one knows the origin of the Scythians. They're as elusive as the Huns.
@joeblo5799 8 жыл бұрын
+Darrel Hackett the Huns are scythians and they come from Babylon, King Nimrod had two sons named HunUR and MagUR (today know as Magyars/Hungarians, although I'm sure he had more than 2 sons but these 2 are documented as such). now the question then becomes where did King Nimrod come from, Nimrod son of Kush and others down the line that lead to Noah, now the question is where did Noah come from, the great flood is the answer. but where did the flood start, well central Europe after the last ice age is the only place that did not freeze over, more specifically the Carpathian Basin (life had flourished in the basin all throughout the ice age, not saying it was easy) and so the story is Noah build an ark and filled it with animals and saved the world. So if we just for kicks say Noah arrived with the flood and the flood started in northern Europe after the ice melted and if the lineage of Noah, ..., Kush and Nimrod are correct then HunUR and MagUR were just returning to their homeland. which also means that the Hungarians did not arrive in 7th century with Arpad, (side note UR, Arpad, Kutya and a bunch of other cities/towns/villages are names of cities in Mesopotamia, but yet these are Magyar/Hungarian words with meaning) In Hungarian Noah means; "to grow" or "will it grow", spelled a little different but the pronunciation is the same. Nimrod means the blessed one, again spelled a little different and the pronunciation is the similar. There is a lot the world is not being taught about the Magyars/Hungarians. Ancient Chinese text describes the Huns or the word Hun as being or meaning Human or Human being (or in China as Hunan)also side note; the Chinese did not invent; silk, gun powder nor paper. these are all Scythian inventions. The word Mag (taken from the word Magyar) means seed in Hungarian or the Magyar language. hope this little bit of KNOWLEDGE, not INFO is helpful to you. from a wondering wunder HUN.
8 жыл бұрын
+joe blo Wow! I know it's an old comment, but oh boy! That is some serious nonsense about the Hungarian language. Noah? Pronounciation is not even close, and the rest as well. It was interesting to read for me as a Hungarian, but based on the language bit, I guess the rest is nonsense as well.
@joeblo5799 8 жыл бұрын
Tamás Miholecz yes i know, noah is pronounced different today, but if you take into consideration of the story of the ark and how it/he/she was used to save all the animals and plant life on earth, ya. so now let's break down the Hungarian word for grow or the word for will it grow as a plant or being/life, so let's start with nő, nő being either to word for grow or can also be the word for female, nö-e being a question, such as will it grow, the other question being "is she female". don't forget that in those days there were no names to identify people like today or i should say that names reflected what that person did or does. So let's recap the story, we have Nő-e who saved mankind in order for mankind to grow again and another story about Noah and that being the 3 siblings (brothers) one being Sem and how Sem found Noah/Nőe naked and laughed at the situation, and was cast out of the nation. Sem being the line for the semitic tribes being the jews and the arabs, remember both are tribes of the Sem line. not just today but for the longest time the question of the jews has had serious repercussions for the world about the jews being degenerate and the arabs being thieves. now say in Hungarian the word for "nothing" as in he has nothing in his soul, I'll help you, it is sem or semi. so now let us examine the word rab, rab being the root word here as in rablo, rabszolga, rabbi and so on, in the Hungarian language Rabbi means jewish priest, rablo means thief, do I really need to go on, or are you going to dismiss your own language and the answers it hold within it. the sooner we Magyar/Hungarians get back to our roots the sooner we can get this monkey off our backs/throat. please send constructive feedback and breakdown where I was wrong about my analysis.
@joeblo5799 8 жыл бұрын
Tamás Miholecz I also have been thinking about the english language about the possible who,where and why, the when we kinda know. just like the Hungarian Language has keywords like elhunyt, hunvagy and so on which leads me to think about english and the possible reason for it, the west is predicated on the rule of law, so if you dissect the keywords such as judicial system, judiciary, judge, jury and so on. if you use the logic of the Hungarian language and apply that same logic to these keywords then you get the answer to the who and the why the english language was developed. can you tell me what my conclusions are based on this notion of breaking down some of the key words, can you give me an answer based on this theory using those words provided?
@joeblo5799 8 жыл бұрын
Tamás Miholecz just a few other observations I have made; 1. france's wine region is called Bordeaux magyarul wine is called Bor 2. because of the shit that just happened in Nice France and the guy who killed people with the truck made me think more about France and the Magyar connection, the French Riviera and the town of Nice with it's beautiful views of the mediterranean, vagy lehet hogy azert kapta azt a nevet of nézd (Néze, Nicce) ezt a kilatastd.
@vkolodnitskyi9224 4 жыл бұрын
@gyulagyula 11 жыл бұрын
hol talaltak ezeket a kincseket where did they find these treasures ?
@IdelUralState 11 жыл бұрын
"Actually, the hypothesis about Iranian-linguality of the Eurasian steppe cattlemen, built on the comparative analysis of linguists between the languages of ”Avesta” and modern European languages, is a fruit of the Eurocentrism theories. According to that theory the Türkic-lingual cattle breeding tribes of the Eurasian steppes were declared to be Iranian-lingual." A.Askarov, The Aryan problem: new approaches and views, History of Uzbekistan in archeological and written sources, Tashkent 2005
@roranavar2252 3 жыл бұрын
The Scythians and Sarmatians are not Slavs, but Iranians, and some of them still speak Iranian, such as Pashtuns and Ossetians.
@robertomassa731 2 жыл бұрын
Turks are Scytho-Siberians. Eastern Iranians mixed with Southern Siberians, mostly Altaic.
@user-kp5mw5bo4r 8 жыл бұрын
Volga Bulgar its Scytho-Sarmatian
@goodmustacheman9657 7 жыл бұрын
@zagros5543 7 жыл бұрын
Ильдар Абдрязяков No, Iranian
@tiami3886 6 жыл бұрын
sarmat not scythian, completly different culture. today we can talk about scytho-sarmat heritege.
@mustafaziyaakgul3331 5 жыл бұрын
tiami sarmatians were mentioned by historians , they spoke a dialect of scythian , so shhhh
@chitunaaful 5 жыл бұрын
@kspo kcpo iujni osetin G2a
@Runningthrewaphase 11 жыл бұрын
In my opinion they look and act very persian. There is an ossetian man called Ruslan Karaev, In an interview here on youtube called "Errol Zimmerman interviews Ruslan Karaev" I noticed that he had a typical persian body language even though he was speaking russian. And I also noticed how persian some of them look, specially the Gabulov brothers Vladimir Gabulov and Georgy Gabulov.
@nvanguy6868 3 жыл бұрын
Karaev is ossetian, ossetians are north iranians He is a good fighter
@lucsnyder1783 3 жыл бұрын
That brass instrument sounds like a carnyx..
@ADIMM0 11 жыл бұрын
The classification of the Scythian languages go as follows Indo-Iranian Iranian Eastern Iranian Scythian now give your supposed classification and branches to proof they are slavic
@avarskiscyth6346 4 жыл бұрын
they assimilated and mixed themselves out of existence, that's proof enough. Also in Ukraine you still have a lot of people that look far from looking Slavic (blonde hair, blue eyes big forehead type of phenotype) I'm one of them Yes I know my pic depicts a Portuguese symbol. I should mention that I was born in Poland but I know I had family from Ukraine that were most certainly Cossacks.
@godworden2768 4 жыл бұрын
Are you joking? Why have all you people who don't understand this stuff at flocked to these videos to act like you know even anything at all about this kind of History ?
@godworden2768 4 жыл бұрын
And just curious what are "Iranian" languages? You need to realize the people at the top lie to dumb down and divide the herd so one can't accept what they are told as gold.
@sonic0609 11 ай бұрын
They had also include Altaic people too.
@whatever2206 5 ай бұрын
@larac6729 8 жыл бұрын
people in the comments arguing about whether Scynthians were Celts Turks Persians Hungarian etc etc... Meanwhile I'm stuck on the title saying "ancient Ukraine", 😂 there was/is no such thing! There is a present-day UA, but not an Ancient UA. lmfao! 😭
@larac6729 8 жыл бұрын
**Scythians 💘
@petarbodin2739 7 жыл бұрын
Real early scythians had nothing in common with turanids or mongoloids. Later they mixed or assimilated in turkics, caucasians, balts, ugro-finnic and slavs. Because of that some cuucasian and turkic people can have red hair or blue eyes.
@BahmanAGeophysics 5 жыл бұрын
Americans are british migrants, just like europeans are Iranian Neolithic migrant farmers. Iranic people are unique in the world in a sense that they are native residents of greater Iran aks middle east for around 90000 years. In fact Iran plateau is the first settlement of humanity out of Africa and most other races are branches of Iranic gene pool. That's why the Iranic people are the center of civilization and around them genetic diversity reduces in far eat, north europe and south africa, because all other nations are merely migrant people who are multiplied with inter-clan reproduction and inbreding. Relation of Iranic people today to the world are like the same relation between British people and American/ Australian people in thousands of years.
@allegoryofthecave8064 4 жыл бұрын
It blew my mind that the whole comment section is trying to put everyone on the planet on the land where Ukrainians live, but not Ukrainians them selves!!! Its taking the captain obvious to the ridiculous level :) BTW, not long ago DNA of pretty much all nationalities on the planet has been mapped and the verdict is out - Indo-Europeans (including Iranians) originated somewhere in the steppes from Carpathians to North of Caspian Sea. Also, modern linguistic analysis puts Ukrainian language the closest to the middle of Sanskrit, Iranian, and European languages. It gets better, another curiosity is coming out - Russian are actually Finno-Uralic people (based on the DNA) and still have ~100k people around Moscow that use the corresponding languages. Apparently Old-Bulgarian (first slavic translation of the Bible) was forced on them by Peter the Great when he sought to unify the empire. He choose Old-Bulgarian over Turik (official language of the empire until 1700) since it was the language already semi-familiar to people and it was used in churches. All these empires trying to look cool by trying to "prove" the oldest heritage" and the trophy goes to the militant peasants of Ukraine. I find that simply and perfectly hilarious :)))
@irenadmytryk1551 3 жыл бұрын
In ancient times, Ukraine wasn’t called Ukraine.
@3333sweetie 2 жыл бұрын
How are Scythians related to Indo-Aryans and Slavs?
@IdelUralState 11 жыл бұрын
Turks are Turks = Turanid = Europoid = WHITE Sarmat-Scythian DNA markers can be only found among Eastern Europeans (assimilated Turks) and Siberian Turks. Persians got nothing to do with R1a1.
@HungarianHistory2 10 жыл бұрын
Most of slavs believe it the east baltic form is the slavic but no. East baltic is influenced by lapponoid and uraloid. The slavic forms are the west baltid baltid influenced by cro magnid and nordid and possible the nori , noricum blonde dinarid form. In ad 127 just 3 slavic tribes existed it means 150 000 people. Ptolemy map tribes names. Velt, Vened, Stavan other 50 tribes were my blood. It means 2 500 000 people. Came the Hungarians (and not huns) under Kattar (and not Balambér) and gave freedom to slaves (sclavus, windisch) inAD 400s (and not 5-600s) they were the slavs. Slavic moving happaned in4th century and not in Avar ages. Today Romania (without Transylvania) was slavic in Hun Empire (Magna Hungaria). And not dacian,roman, hottentotte or bushman.
@UnskilledGod 9 жыл бұрын
HungarianHistory2 Slavic is from Sarmatian and Scythian. 'Western' Slavs are the remnants of Balts, Germans, and Nords.
@HungarianHistory2 8 жыл бұрын
+Chernaya Zvezda maybe, possible. sclavus and windisch (vend) means slave. in roman-german dialects. but many slavs looks finnugrian Jelztin, Hruscov, Kurnikova. But the echte original scythians are the magorians, we.
@kamilbabur9703 6 жыл бұрын
HungarianHistory2 Hungarians aren’t descended from Scythians and Sarmatians, but from Huns, Avars and Magyars.
@blacksea-caspiansea9504 6 жыл бұрын
And Huns, Avars, Cumans, Onogurs are all descended from Scythians ;)
@giovanighost7323 5 жыл бұрын
Then you are clearly a mutt so much much for pure blood and divinity worthless apostlic magicians. Heaven have no value nor respect for a slavgician. For freedom for honour for glory for matrimony for heaven for all due to law princible faith and dicipline.. holy roman dios roman ....
@slimshadythe2nd 10 жыл бұрын
I thought Scythians were Iranian while Ukraine today is Slavic
@Soul-co7ki 3 жыл бұрын
Slavic people and Iranic people are actually cousins.
@Pilgrim07 11 жыл бұрын
Seems like native Caucasians (some Circassian tribes) married Sarmatian women and from this union came out Ossetians...but the strange thing is that they speak the language of mothers, though with a heavy Caucasian pronunciation.
@turkthekhagan4916 8 жыл бұрын
Even that music you've played in background is turkic music :D
@Userius1 7 жыл бұрын
Lol. It actually is Slavic music, and has nothing to do with Turkic. In fact it was used on another video and many people commented on how it sounds so similar to Celtic music. Get a fucking clue...
@turkthekhagan4916 7 жыл бұрын
Slavic? are you fucking kiding me? There was no slavs when there was turkics on this world.Fucking cheap peoples
@Userius1 7 жыл бұрын
Tհε Hսռ Tսгĸ TM Lol Turkic came during Attila's time. Point is this isn't Turk music. Learn how to read before you reply
@Userius1 7 жыл бұрын
+The Hun Shit btw I rechecked and yes this totally is Slavic music. Nothing to do with Turkic.
@Userius1 7 жыл бұрын
Oh and it's actually played by an Irish band in Poland. Perhaps more Celtic, but very similar to Slavic...still not Turkic at all.
@ADIMM0 11 жыл бұрын
Then please shed light on these "slavic" scythian language and please give at-least two names of these "slavic" languages and provide a sample of these languages, it's a well established fact that the scythians spoke Indo-Iranian languages, the Saka (saka scythians) Language was an Indo-Iranian tongue, infact scythian languages have their own language branch in the Indo-Iranian family, and do provide the classification of these scythian languages, whether they're west or east slavic.
@ADIMM0 10 жыл бұрын
The ossetian language is an Indo-Iranian language not a caucasian language, which caucasian language family is it then, Northwest or Northeast ?, and please do give the sub-groupings, according to mainstream-linguistic Ossetian is a eastern Iranian language and it is in the Northeastern sub-grouping,
@lovelyartin 4 жыл бұрын
Read about Iranian peoples!
@VendPrekmurec 11 жыл бұрын
Language is a root to the history...
@Mr.TomMoon 3 жыл бұрын
The Scythians were pushed westwards of the sarmations, but the scythians wanted no great war for this little land, so they made at first peace. But the romans had problems with this, for their accurate historical records - so they got the idea to call the scythians "Germanii" means original and pure (Scythians) and the Sarmatians hold their old name also (Magy was their king, the magyars were the upper folk, and their middle and lower class had no name one part later became mixed with the Finlandish people, but at his time there were more asiatic people). After another greater asiatictribe try to kill the Sarmatians, the Sarmatians pushed more in the Germanii (Scythian) theretory and killed a lot of the Germanii - And here starts odins story, he was a warking to land and slew the Sarmations like they were little childs. Then the Magy made Odin to their King and he married the daugther of the Magy. Later the Odin was killed by the Magy so that no one knows and he declared Odin to a god so that he can say his babyson is a halfgod and the magy had the cepter for many many years. The remain Germanii-Warriors were laughing at the magy and goes back to their own country, cause in their eyes Odin lost his freedom and his life when he became King of the Sarmations - there he falls in the hands of the unfree lying halfbloods.
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