Season of Discovery Gold Seller Leaks Everything... It's Shameless.

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@MetaGoblin 8 ай бұрын
If you have any further questions guys Vostok has agreed to answer messages on his alt discord account vostok0005.
@TeddyBelcher4kultrawide 8 ай бұрын
Go live and I’ll sub
@Makanoyasha 8 ай бұрын
So, very big reach on the link between gold farm and irl drug ring, it devalues the overall video. Trying to state that "they use it to start up selling drugs" is equivalent to "working at wendys" or "being a tutor", you can replace it with anything and it would hold true for most professions. Said you wanted to clear some stuff up, made it seem like there was a sense of urgency to correct something, but you literally said the same thing everyone else did. So what were you correcting? So in MMORPGs if the number of buyers goes down, demand goes down, price goes down. Even if there is 100 buyers, gold gets injected into circulation. Someone suggested personal loot for SoD, and while there is a lot of complications to get it to work, it would change gdkp, and seems interesting. Fly hacking is something they can easily correct by adding boundary boxes, if player is in boundary for "x" seconds, flag account for review, rinse repeat until its verified to avoid false bans and effective enough to catch some bots. Some said adding a box price would hinder botting, but it's a similar scenario with monthly, regional pricing. It raises the price of gold, but doesn't do much. What blizzard needs to do is have repetitive path recognition, AI recognizing AI behavior, object routine that risk assess accounts, etc etc. Risk assessing is easy, how often does account post message, is it guided, any friends, done unique content. Bots only have single focus, and adding layers to filter would murder farms that run major setups. Small time botters would be difficult to spot, but, they are not the massive threat yet. I think I understand where you were trying to go, but the video fell short imo. Have a good one.
@alistairbolden6340 8 ай бұрын
Very thankful I ended up on Wild-Growth EU, dosn't seem to be any bots here, I guess Americans buy far more gold. The sick thing is with the small number of servers in SOD it would only take one payed gm working 40 hours a week to remove almost all the bots from every server. Every private server can do it without any issue, just fly around and ban them. As a GM you very quickly learn where bots like to hang out, where they level up ect. Bizzard like to be able to say to investors we have x number of players, and they like the money they are getting from the bots. If Blizzard wanted to they could end botting tomorrow. GDKP's thankfully are American only.
@Lmhafu 8 ай бұрын
​​@@alistairbolden6340you are very wrong and very right at the same time. Yes, they could end botting easily. Yes, they care about the numbers/amount of players. No, the players that bliz earns the least on are bots. No, Wild Growth has PLENTY of bots (got 8 chars there). No, GDKP's is not only an American issue, it's on your realm almost daily.
@IBradFrazer 8 ай бұрын
The thing is, due to how powerful classes are in SoD, it is easy to make gold, and yet, people still choose to buy it. I think the modern player has become incredibly lazy. You want gold? Buy it. You want gear? GDKP it. You want rep? Pre-made it. You don't enjoy questing? Zygor/RestedXP. You want to level faster? Buy a boost. Arena? Buy a carry. The modern player has purchased all the fun out of the game.
@compulsive_curiosity 8 ай бұрын
People playing games they dont even like by paying real money to speed run it is some peak idiocy
@icebox1954 8 ай бұрын
@@compulsive_curiosity If they just want to get BiS and beat the latest content then it makes perfect sense to just swipe the card. It's far more efficient.
@thecookiemeister5374 8 ай бұрын
“What do you mean, now we can play the game”
@106adamm 8 ай бұрын
This is society in general
@roberteltze4850 8 ай бұрын
It would have been interesting if another change they made for SOD was to disable mods. Make those raid fights a little harder without an addon announcing the bomb or other mechanism you have to react to.
@hazardpay8560 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the Journalism MetagGoblin Also, absolutely LOVE the art style you're using in your edits!
@CowsLovesCake 8 ай бұрын
The best thing about playing on living flame - eu right now is that it's been locked for over a month so there's almost no bots as they can't create characters (this can be seen in the pricing). I made an alt on Lone wolf (not locked) and you can see the difference just by standing outside SFK and literally 50 rogues a minute are running out and back to reset and that's just on one layer...
@Monnisti 8 ай бұрын
True. If you /who rogues on all dungeons there are no bots at all. Economy is perfect, 10g split in bfd is also considered good lol. When they open the server im afraid we are fucked
@icebox1954 8 ай бұрын
You can still make characters on Living Flame. You just aren't able to do so if you didn't have one already. They are still here.
@runemichaeljensen 8 ай бұрын
That is not the experience I'm having lol. I see bots everywhere in certain zones.
@Monnisti 8 ай бұрын
@@runemichaeljensen only see some herb bot druids at hillsbrad and thats it tbh. Any other server has hundreds of rogues in dungeons etc
@viktorhhh1 8 ай бұрын
where? i got 4x25 chars and play alot, and i think i have only seen 1 bot. The prices on AH are way more normal. Thunderbrow ring is like 30g, on lone wolf it's 150+ @@runemichaeljensen
@Ben-ek6pj 8 ай бұрын
The logic most golf buyers use is 1) I don’t find farming gold fun 2) I can make $100 in a day easily but could never farm 800 gold even if I play 24 hours straight. 3) I spend 1 day working extra and now I get to enjoy the game (raid & pvp) without ever having to farm. Some extend this to „I don’t want to do the same raid 10x“ and a GDKP buyer is born I personally never bought gold but I can follow the logic
@lashaxoperia5917 8 ай бұрын
Yeah farming gold is annoying, I have never ever bought gold, but farming it is very boring and when you play Classic wow you need sooo many consumes that at some point you have to farm gold. That is why my Best expansion is the Legion. SOD is fun at some point but if it becomes this GDKP bullsh... I will quit the game.
@andrewkauffold4100 8 ай бұрын
Love your work man. You're the only person on the internet reporting this kind of stuff that I'm aware of. The journalistic approach to these videos is really spectacular.
@TheRealCeeJai 8 ай бұрын
Preach has done a few videos fairly recently on RMT and gold-buying. IIRC, he made a series of it where he actually interviewed a gold-seller. Bellular has also done a series on gold-selling within the last year. I'm not replying with this to "You're wrong!" you, just letting you know there's other (large) channels out there doing deep dives into this problem as well should you wish to read/watch more about it.
@loyalitaeter 8 ай бұрын
There are actually thousands of videos about this, there's not really something new in this one.
@andrewkauffold4100 8 ай бұрын
Sounds good. Like I said "that I'm aware of". Will check this other stuff out homie.@@TheRealCeeJai
@mercy_nt1602 8 ай бұрын
Also he's the only hypocrite guy who using bots and is an user in every single bot discords and use them .
@ronzoni83 8 ай бұрын
I really feel like becoming a gold seller at this point. Seems like a great side job.
@randomthrowawaychannel1389 8 ай бұрын
I do it. Get into the GDKP communities; very low risk, same buyers
@davidcardinal3654 8 ай бұрын
It’s a mafia. I’d be careful. They will send you viruses and ddos you.
@ktas7408 8 ай бұрын
Yeah bro, seems like “the game” is to make some cash selling gold lol
@davidcardinal3654 8 ай бұрын
Dam my comment on gold sellers got shadow banned.
@seanstreck2669 8 ай бұрын
Sounds like you could outsource it. Pay a bot farm in a poor country $20/day/account to run as many accounts as your budget can afford. The broker then uses whatever means they have to drum up accounts at a cost of, say, $10/day and then you are wired the proceeds in Crypto and they pocket $10/day/account. Say an account lasts 20 days on average and you buy 10 of them. You invest $200/day and they return you $300 to $400 per day, costing you $4k after those 20 days but realizing $6k to $8k, or 2 to 4k profit in 20 days. Of course this would require immense trust in your broker, but the formula seems to be there.
@kylehofmeister6906 8 ай бұрын
Start banning people buying the gold and youll solve your issue
@littledoseTM 8 ай бұрын
Friend complained to me today that he had to buy gold again cuz everything got so expensive 😂 they dont even realize whos the problem
@pearltheboomkin1247 8 ай бұрын
When things are expensive is the best time to make gold hahaha
@wiliestrogue2924 7 ай бұрын
Report them. Cheating hurts everyone.
@oldtoby2194 8 ай бұрын
A good message, on deaf ears. 2019 classic release was a wake up for me. The players give no Flux about anyone but themselves. The normalization of gold buying, hacking, and cheating is done. The amount of cheaters FAR out numbers the a long shot, sadly. It is true in all of gaming these days.
@MorrowProduction 8 ай бұрын
I've ran BFD lockout probably 125+ times across 6 alts. All pugged, all random people every time. I've ran into way more humans playing the game normally than I have botters or "cheaters."
@BrokenToyAnimations 8 ай бұрын
@@landon7974there’s far more pug groups being advertised then gdkp runs for starters. Your delusional if you think there’s more cheaters then casual players
@106adamm 8 ай бұрын
I'm convinced this bloke is a gold seller himself, it's all he talks about
@106adamm 8 ай бұрын
@@koreanzombie6697 don't be cringe ya little fool
@ingolf82 8 ай бұрын
of course the players are to blame, they are to blame for everything, from the fact that you require 350 gear score to even enter a level up raid to botters ruining the economy
@ivyr336 8 ай бұрын
There's an obvious way to fight it though, organize. Make guilds that do not do GDKP nor requires every consumable an WB imaginable
@DoctorFlux 8 ай бұрын
GDKPs not only ruin the economy But also make insane huge gatekeeping for WoW imagine being preraid BIS for a raid but 100% unable to join a raid becuase you dont have enough gold to put in the pot for gear and they invite someone with 10k gold but gray items over you OR you need to be a "carry" with already near BIS raid gear thats the longterms effect of GDKPs : 2months as a preraid ICC BIS mage looked everywhere for just 1 run but cant find one for 2months that dont require me to be already BIS gear OR having like +50k gold and to get that gold : i cant becuase of botters / hackers the game is legit locked if you dont buy gold with how much GDKP is the meta so everyone only do GDKP runs : why i just cant make my own since non joins that run
@hiiipowerbass2337 8 ай бұрын
Also to blame for all the success with that logic
@bicknerry6762 8 ай бұрын
Form your own raids
@simionpaul3935 8 ай бұрын
Farm ur prebises and ur good to go. But i have to admit lately I have seen some bear naked green geared guys joining without even a single prebis. If you are like that ofc ppl won t take you
@Zoey-- 8 ай бұрын
Blizzard are too lazy to fix it. There's a few easy solutions. Give solo players entering dungeons equivalent to their level a -99% stat debuff. Problem solved. Bots can't farm dungeons. Hire 2 people to ban them? Too poor to finance such a hideous expense! Also this GDKP nonsense is honestly PUZZLING. Are you people playing an MMO at this point? Imagine taking down a boss and having to BID to PAY for the loot? Are you all insane :D
@sheerolife 8 ай бұрын
there is no reason to not buy gold. people dont have anymore the time to grind all day gold. blizz can implement the token if they want to stop it
@compulsive_curiosity 8 ай бұрын
I cant imagine why you would byy gold... Im a fairly casual player and have made about 40g on each of my 3 max level chars just from questing, which has been more then enough to buy anything i needed. Also prices are going down and have beem for a while, at least on the consumables and quest items ive bought. Sure there are insane 15g greens on the ah, but you literally have no reason to buy it. People have like, brain worms or something making them do this weird stuff for like 1 extra stat on a ring
@MrXiphix 8 ай бұрын
i buy gold so i dont have to do quests at max level or any farming for consumables to raid or enchantes, also to level my professions. if i couldnt do this, i wouldnt play the game at all. I have about 4 hours i can play a week, and im not gonna waste a second of it farming.
@oldjak 8 ай бұрын
so you ruin the game you are trying to enjoy for 4 hours? Brother you need an intellect buff @@MrXiphix
@pr0llicious 8 ай бұрын
As long as people play 16h per day, i will buy gold to surpass them in level/gear progress, with pocket money from a highly successful career :) The social benefits per month for the regular neckbeard is like a one days pay for us real gamers with careers. Im glad gold sellers are there for the people who dont sit on social benefits to play a video game 16/h day
@chl2161 8 ай бұрын
@MurdersFPV 8 ай бұрын
As much as gold farming/buying is ruining the community, it doesn't help that the other side of the coin is when people running raids ask for "LF1M DPS, must have 7/7 experience. Checking parses" so that new kid is like..."how do I get the experience if no one lets me in their raid without experience and what is a parse?"
@ranger-du7gk 8 ай бұрын
I occasionally buy gold in retail. As I’ve gotten older I just have way way way less time to play. I can buy 300k for like $11. Which means a couple of extra hours at work saves me hours and hours of in game gold farm time.
@inHell-rb 8 ай бұрын
the real problem is the inflation and its a death spiral. sooo many people buy gold and the inflation goes up because of this more people think about buying gold... i guess it's not helping either that the player audience is generally speaking guys 30+ which would rather job an hour and spend their money buying gold instead of farming ingame hours and hours.
dont get why people do gdkp's i just do 2x soft ress runs with my guild and my shaman is almost bis geared and my warrior alt is getting pretty geared as well. with only a couple of consumes bought lol.
@seanomac792 8 ай бұрын
This was the best video ive watched about SOD gold buying and bots period. Real journalism and hard facts. You sir are a legend! Keep up the good work!!!
@EternallyGod 8 ай бұрын
You think you dont want tons of bots, but herbs and everything are priced so extremely low right now cause of the bots. You have no idea how much the price of everything goes up after no bots exist. Like 15 years ago the bots were nuts, but everything was so people got used to it. Blizzard then banned all bots, prices in a couple weeks went up by like 10-50 times. Then most players couldnt afford to raid or do anything cause they didnt have time to farm for hours a day to raid. Bots are a needed thing in the game like it or not they help the game. They dont farm players or harass players and in my opinion are better than most players at the game. Arena bots have shown that they can get gladiator even. No one likes farming, personally i would rather buy a game token then farm gold cause it is a time saver and time is the only thing in the world you cant get more of.
@Bastyyyyyy 8 ай бұрын
I did a single GDKP run on my pala tank, got paid 50g flat at the end of the raid. didnt need any items, but the 50g were a nice boost for me :) - but that system is not for me , glad they banned it now! even more excited for phase 2
@golvellius 8 ай бұрын
i love how people in the forums report gdkp post to get removed like if they are getting threatened by the subject. very interesting
@incface 8 ай бұрын
Been saying this since Classic, but GDKP really does need to be banned. It only encourages and exacerbates the situation with people buying gold.
@pungentzeus 8 ай бұрын
its hilarious seeing broke incels seethe about buying gold. i've spent like $150 on gold in the last 7 weeks. it makes the game way more fun
@KaedeHot 8 ай бұрын
I have 3 lvl 25 characters and never been in bfd just because who cares, these idiots paying real money for nothing okey.
@НикколоКудошески 8 ай бұрын
bruh so much misinfo in this video, vostok or whoever simply lied to you about bot lifecycle, 2 weaks stockades lmao😂😂😂
@Samogen 8 ай бұрын
If you are within a raid and under lockout you shouldn’t be able to trade large amounts of gold. Extend that for two hours after you leave the instance as well and bam no more gdkp raids.
@barackbanana9786 8 ай бұрын
they probably have to buy in advance 1 or 2 days for the specific ID and get their share back later. How about not being able to trade gold in general? Would fk up proffs like enchanting tho, maybe limit to 1g/hour
@Samogen 8 ай бұрын
I thought about that too but I don’t think players trust each other enough to do that. Too many people would ninja the gold.
@shiro2400 8 ай бұрын
GDKPs are fine. I see them as gold making after u get BiS, of that phase. The issue is paying/charging so much for fake BiS gear lol. Idk why ppl even buy gear. Takes away so much of the fun that classic is built on.
@lumbermill8588 8 ай бұрын
​@shiro2400 major mana pots are 45 gold on Era. The game is unplayable unless your swiping a credit card or acting as a carry for people who are swiping.
@Burlehmangus 8 ай бұрын
This would only harm legit people. Many gdkps just mail you the gold a day later anyway.
@TreeHugg 8 ай бұрын
When I see people wearing a super expensive pre raid bis item I laugh
@MorrowProduction 8 ай бұрын
It's a litmus test for who you should invite to your raid/guild. If some dumb fuck is willing to spend 60-80g on Humberts Helm they have willingly marked themsleves as lazy idiots. (gotten leather set hood on 4/4 of my leather wearing alts)
@BIuffwatcher 7 ай бұрын
The way to deter bots is to employ some GM's. Like the clip of Xaryu looking at the flying bots. A GM could see that and go "BAN! BAN! BAN! BAN! BAN!!!" and just like that GM's go around banning people SO easy.
@malsirian0880 8 ай бұрын
Watching before the Asmon reaction video. Great video!
@dflowers6771 8 ай бұрын
holup ave u not hit the "do not recommend this channel" button when his videos pop in the feed?
@skrimblesaron6671 8 ай бұрын
What’s funny to me is saying that buying gold makes the game worse for casual players. Yet most of the people I know that buy gold (if not all) are casual gamers. And they always say the same thing. “Well I want to play endgame I just don’t have the time to farm”. And to be fair.. it’s true. If I spend most of the day in working and I only have a few hours to play I wouldn’t want to spend that precious time farming gold. I will agree that blizzard should take a hard stance on gdkps though.
@CHEFPKR 8 ай бұрын
Hot take: ban mods and remove all modding from WoW. But since Blizzard makes their game based around mods, nothing will change.
@MetaGoblin 8 ай бұрын
I honestly wouldn't have a problem with this. The retail UI is good enough they just need to have an in-game DPS meter.
@Trewf- 8 ай бұрын
they should ip ban anyone who cheats. hands down.
@JustinKenward 8 ай бұрын
I well NEVER take part in a GDKP run.... NEVER! That sht is so dumb..
@SpankersTTV 8 ай бұрын
I’m in this video at 12:00 but 1.) I don’t sell gold I just make content ❤️ 2.) I can only play about 6-8 hours a day cause I get GF Aggro 😂 but thanks for using my clip!
@diogenesalbuquerque7366 8 ай бұрын
you mean u run a bot application to make content? Secondly u play 8hrs a day and u have a GF? you are one of a kind sir...
@SpankersTTV 8 ай бұрын
@@diogenesalbuquerque7366I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not
@imswooshtv 8 ай бұрын
@@diogenesalbuquerque7366 Ive raided with him and live watched him 1 pull RFC
@TheRealCeeJai 8 ай бұрын
I am so beyond frustrated, irritated, annoyed, and fuming mad that this is still an issue in any version of WoW. That creators and influencers and regular players have had to devote so much time to discussing this issue, complaining about it, workshopping solutions for a billion dollar company, and just wasting their time in general with this problem sickens me. I truly believe gold-selling corrupts the game and it's world(s) more than any other dubious practice does. It has given rise to the "buy gold or kick bricks" gdkp runs: players buying power in what should be a more "pure" (for lack of a better term) version of WoW. This should be an easy problem to fix and the fact that Blizzard hasn't poured every resource at their disposal into combatting this problem and ending it once and for all is mind-boggling. That instead, on retail at least, they have given run-sellers (who are intrinsically linked with gold-sellers) their own official in-game chat channel to set up deals (that end up being RMT ones once outside of game, but I digress) is one of the worst and most depressing changes they've ever made. It's time for Blizzard to ban selling runs again - for gold or for real money. It all leads to the same place, and there is no place for it in an MMO, like WoW, that strives for some balance. P.S. - Yes, I think Blizz needs to nuke the token as well. I think they've seen it hasn't worked out how they thought it would, and it's just given gold-sellers and RMT merchants a different avenue to get paid. The recent "you must have bought something within X months to buy a token rule" speaks volumes to this.
@stickyone11 8 ай бұрын
I've always thought GDKPs were lame af haha, even when I played a lot more than I do now....I never understood paying gold for gear I just earned a chance at by killing the boss lol.
@orion6742 8 ай бұрын
The bidding is fun. I do a lot of GDKP's and don't buy gold. I usually alternate between getting paid one run and then using that gold for gear the next.
@biyaogw2 8 ай бұрын
@@orion6742 you accept gold bought from a gold buyer you are part of the problem. No matter how often you say I don't buy gold.
@dflowers6771 8 ай бұрын
doesnt matter, gdkp is not the problem the problem is RMT sites and the company's inability to go after them
@gregpenismith1248 8 ай бұрын
@@biyaogw2 cool story, kiddo.
@orion6742 8 ай бұрын
​@@biyaogw2 lol cry more
@ChannelRojaxx 8 ай бұрын
I'm on lone wolf and In a 10 minute span I seen at least 300 + bots run into SFK
@jshack461 8 ай бұрын
Anytime someone advertises GDKP in trade chat I immediately block them
@Levelity 8 ай бұрын
People need to start taking accountability for the community problem of gold buying. It’s their fault not the gold sellers. Good sellers don’t exist without the market.
@amalgam5107 8 ай бұрын
The modern gamer just wants the best of the best with no in game effort. They aren’t worried about the journey getting there. Just want the nice shiney things so they can show how good they are at the game.
@taylorshin 7 ай бұрын
I think it is the other way around. Those games are already too old and the player base is already deepened too much. So for modern gamers who joined later or returned after a long gap, they cannot catch up those old ones anymore. And WoW always needs a raid leader to invite those newcomers as its system. So, they have no choice but to use a shortcut method to catch up. I think WoW should have been wiped out for WoW 2. But nope... Cashcow is so ludicrous. Compared to newcomers, the old ones already have interstellar numeric stuff and want to keep it that way.
@qu3nt 8 ай бұрын
ohh i remember the good old days of Honorbuddy i was making 1 mechano hog every 2 days, never sold gold tho.
@YoIomaster 8 ай бұрын
Never did GDKP because of exactly this. Good Video, well done.
@shmrgn3160 8 ай бұрын
Kind of surprised no one has made a bot catching bot.. seems simple enough to program on the surface.
@hironobu64 8 ай бұрын
Once again, as usual, the player base are to blame for ruining the game.
@dflowers6771 8 ай бұрын
thats not fair thats like saying spciety is ruined because of people
@gregpenismith1248 8 ай бұрын
@@dflowers6771 that's exactly how that works lol
@icebox1954 8 ай бұрын
@@dflowers6771 I can't tell if you're joking or just that precious of a child.
@hironobu64 8 ай бұрын
@@dflowers6771 In this case it's literally the players. If people didn't buy gold and do other dumb shit like GDKP, which is OBVIOUSLY facilitated but buying gold, this wouldn't be an issue.
@yorik1006 8 ай бұрын
At least Blizzard isn't forcing an incredibly invasive anticheat that'd negatively impact mostly legit players
@bpkdasbaum 8 ай бұрын
12:11 I sometimes I banned bot accounts manually due to player reports or for fun and found some that were running for 3-5 days straight. That 16 hour self imposed limit of botters is just to extend the life time of an account as they know that it's one metric that is looked at by Blizzard, but there still needs to be a ban wave for the metric to be looked at, which could take months in retail or Wrath. So some botters would farm 24/7 to maximize gold yield, knowing that they would get caught anyway due some other metric. Others who were more confident in staying under the radar adn thus remained under the 16h played per day. I don't know the current status, but I would assume hunting bots is not a priority currently with the Microsoft restructuring, since even before that hunting bots was just a side quest for Blizzard. I reckon with 1900 employees fired the other day, some of them were from the risk analyst team and lots of GMs that would ban bots as a fun time activity at work.
@Mattykek 8 ай бұрын
Unless Blizzard does something about GDKPs soon, SoD will be ruined before level 60
@tyhyhh 8 ай бұрын
It won't be ruined lol it's so easy to make a normal raid
@Ghork1 8 ай бұрын
it's not really that prevailant though, and tbh i just ignore those and play with my own guild
@Mattykek 8 ай бұрын
@@tyhyhh It is for now. Its a snowball effect. Look at classic era. Elixirs going for hundreds of gold. Your raid pots will cost 1000g/week unless you make an alchemist. Then you can't afford sappers, etc.
@gregpenismith1248 8 ай бұрын
@@Mattykek what are you even on about? It is so easy to make gold in SoD. The GDKPs are totally within ToS and are not the problem. Keep crying, peasant.
@icebox1954 8 ай бұрын
@@Mattykek Buying consumables and getting 300 buffs for baby content is the real joke. I don't feel bad for the people who buy all these sweaty unnecessary things to beat a raid toddlers could do.
@harrydalgleish8464 8 ай бұрын
Park like a true BMW driver
@MetaGoblin 8 ай бұрын
I wanted to swing it in fast without hitting that pillar 😂
@aessedaiclassic 8 ай бұрын
Love this series dude. Keeps me coming back. Great job editing!
@mazzith 7 ай бұрын
Bots generally drive down gold costs of consumes as there too many being posted for a few people to buy and control the market. We saw this in classic wow vanilla with devilsaur on Skeram. One guild farmed it out and killed anyone who tried to kill them. They drove the price of the leather up.
@OGSnoberry 8 ай бұрын
I don't necessarily see GDKPs as a problem but a symptom of the problem. I participate in them myself with a group that's set up specifically for them that vets players to weed out actual RMTers (although there's a lot of memes about it) and I do it for the same reason most others I've run it with do: You make money. Look at it from the perspective of the casual gamer or the dedicated but not sweaty gamer. You spend time grinding for consumes and buffs for a raid so you do well because like it or not parses/logging are here to stay and are now a litmus for whether or not you're "good", you get into a BFD maybe it's a guild run or a pug and it's a MS>OS or some other traditional run. You spend 30-60 minutes in the raid in addition to the time you spent prepping, and you lose the rolls on gear upgrades or someone ninjas and sours the experience or the group fucks up and wipes enough times that they disband and you're stuck with a partial clear lockout. You just spent all that time for nothing. Maybe you lost your buffs and/or had to use more consumes than you should have had to (a run taking an hour to reach aku or a single death means you have to burn a 3rd 30+ silver firepower pot for example). Conversely, a GDKP. Yeah, there's absolutely the chance that you've got a real money trader in the group if the organisers don't care or aren't paying attention. And yeah there's still the chance you don't get any upgrades or loot because you don't have enough money to outbid someone that has deeper pockets, or you're a priest or a warlock and you're bidding against a mage who Farms. But, when it's all said and done, you have three things going for GDKPs that really appeal to players: because of the nature of them, the groups running them tend to be more competent and care more so company are better and you clear faster with fewer/no deaths, ninjaing is super rare because GDKP organizers make gold doing it and ninjaing ruins their reputation, and even if you don't get gear you get a payout at the end. I would rather spend 30 minutes in BFD and walk away with 10-25g for that 30min than nothing.
@Shinyshoesz 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this Meta. Please, people, share this stuff. It's so freaking lame. Gold buying sucks. Period. Especially in SOD when items are relatively easy and not as time consuming to get -- you really don't need to arbitrarily buy gold. I do hope Blizz invests a tiny amount in manual review. If there are choke points where farming is evident and abundant, why not place a person there every few hours that looks for evident bot behavior and does massive waves of bans? Another method they could explore would be to track huge gold increases in accounts and investigate those and possibly reduce the gold to zero in those people's accounts. If you buy a grey item on the neutral AH that is vendor trash for 400g maybe that should be investigated lmao. You have no benefit of giving up 400g or buying that item in the first place. Or just track when someone's profit goes up arbitrarily.
@polihayse 8 ай бұрын
1:56 The source isn't the players. It is the game itself. The game is just a system. If you could run a simulation of the real world and look at the state of WoW over time, the game will always reach this point regardless of the people playing the game. This is why it is silly to say the source is the players. Changing out the players changes nothing.
@rossstars4518 8 ай бұрын
Classic+ , personal loot drop , cancel master loot, no more gdkp
@viktorhhh1 8 ай бұрын
shit take
@branidev 8 ай бұрын
I never attempt GDKP i always join to normal raid or to ML raid and we all /roll... i don't have time farm gold like in 2015 :D
@thefox7427 8 ай бұрын
Blizzard has made it crystal clear that they care very little about the economy of the game. I hate GDKP, my guild knows it, everyone I talk to knows it. You know why I still host 1-2 GDKP’s a week? Because the game is so damn expensive to play. I have to pay to play, so I can play to pay for consumes. If there was alternate means of making decent gold, I would. Nothing beats the gold-per-hour of GDKP’s.
@R_a_X 8 ай бұрын
1. Get more talented coders for anti-cheats. 2. Implement non-kiting systems in dungeons like they did in SoM. 3. Disable trading/mailing gold for all players in a raid for as long as loot items are still tradable (and change the raid loot trade timer to real time instead of in-game time).
@BillyPitViperRonMoore 8 ай бұрын
@turtlezorg8567 8 ай бұрын
Disagree with "now casual player needs to farm 5hrs instead of 1hr to be able to buy consumes". I am a casual player that never bought gold, and been playing almost every year since 2004. I run BFD every reset in SoD. I've been raid logging for about a month now. Run BFD with consumes, log off, 3 days later logon and repeat. Not even bothering with gold making. I've yet to feel any kind of problem stemming from existence of bots or people buying gold. All such statements are greatly inflated. This problem exists in people's heads because they listen to such statements and start thinking that it's a problem. Here is how to instantly solve this problem: Stop thinking about it, pretend that you have no knowledge of bots or people buying gold, and just play the game normally. I know this works because I've been doing it since whenever bots and gold buying had first appeared, and I've yet to feel any pain from this. Liked the video as it's well made.
@DominikKmec 7 ай бұрын
How players buying gold can be a main problem of this? On first place of this problem is BLIZZARD as they are not able to handle this situation. How it is possible that i am not able to farm gold normally because prices of mats are very low because of bots farming 24/7. Thats why i am pushed to buy gold becaus blizzard is not able to handle bots. Farming 1 hour to get 10-15 gold is not worth my time.
@N3cr0S0ulja 8 ай бұрын
I'm Not seen TO MANY Bots on the Australian Servers (Oceanic Servers) And people are more chill on the Aussie servers and don't do GDKP Wrath, Yes... But NOT To many though... there has always been enough people doing PUG raids.
@sparhawk2195 8 ай бұрын
If you want to stop bots, gold sellers, GDKP and anything else that becomes purchacable in game then you need to take drastic measures. Players will have to sacrifice part of their freedom. This means locking trade, the AH and mailbox down. No more trading. AH prices are set by blizzard and can not be altered. No more sending money and items through the mail to other players. (can still send it between your characters on your account). The only tradeable (direct player to player trades) stuff would be class produced items like healthstones or mage water. You want to stop the gold farming/selling then you need to prevent them from even being able to trade gold or laundry it through the AH. If you can't trade gold then players can't buy it from the farmers. Meaning bot gold farming is pointless. Make everyone self sufficent and gold sellers won't be able to function.
@SamLSkates 8 ай бұрын
the socio-economic and political implications of the WoW economy is extremely interesting to me. I've always understood that it COULD be used as a means to launder money, circumvent regulation, or even provide a stable income for folks living in 3rd world countries. what really raised my alarm bells to the severity of the issue was the inclusion of Steve Bannon in Trump's presidential campaign strategic team back in 2016. this stuff has some deep, nefarious roots in the geopolitical climate all over the world, and I think there is a massive gap in journalistic reporting on it. mostly because older folks and non-gamers don't quite understand the depth of the issue. hoping that you keep this type of content up, and that it catches on. I would love to see an investigative team with real resources, not just a guy on youtube, do a deep dive on this.
@jowebb7 8 ай бұрын
Another thing that people don’t consider is that when you are downloading these “bots” or hacks for any game in general, you are always opening yourself up to malicious actors installing malware on your machines. I do not support booting in any means but if you unless you are spinning up VMs in the cloud, you should never download any software(booting and other game hacks included) that you don’t trust the developer of. If the developer makes bots for gold farming, it’s only a few steps removed from adding some lines of code which can side load malware onto your computer!
@Gendetta 8 ай бұрын
Stop blaming gdkps, I don't buy gold but love running gdkps. It's not the gdkps fault people buy gold and this strawman argument is worn out. Blizzard can fix all of this with wow tokens if they regulate the price better. Now I'm not in favor of tokens either to be honest but bottings not going away and is only lucrative because Blizzard allows it to be due to negligence with the token. Pay to win is just a part of the game now due to subpar gamers who don't want to earn anything anymore and just want the shiny pixels. Better to accept that and address the issues logically then keep this cycle going
@kailinaleekuk 8 ай бұрын
Given I love your content and all, and would like to see you around for a while to make it. I would like to point out a flaw in your logic and awareness. 1) You have made your face and identity public. 2) You are doing something that is hurting less then morally sound individuals income....... It's not like these people like making money the traditional way. They exploit people and a game for a living... Have you not watched goodfellas?
@evilsdemise1287 8 ай бұрын
You get a like for just mentioning the truth, even though you didn't go all in on it, which is understandable since a lot of your subs are probably part of the problem and you don't want to alienate them. But at least you mentioned it. The truth is that the players are to blame for all this ruined economy fuckery. If no one bought gold, gold sellers wouldn't exist. Simple as that. If the game gets ruined to the point where it really is unplayable, it will be 100 and 50 % the player's fault (those who buy gold).
@daganperretti8617 8 ай бұрын
I've been complaining about bots ever since I couldn't make money off gathering anymore. It's not fair to the players.
@natecw4164 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, the gold farming is what drove me away from WoW, Lost Ark and New World. I enjoy the economy in games, otherwise I'd just play a single player game. I know I'm in the minority there, I care more about crafting than raiding, but bots destroy the heart of an online economy the same way rampant counterfeiting destroys real world economies.
@chl2161 8 ай бұрын
Why are you trying to put so many layers in something simple? The bypass to ward is recycled, the methods are recycled, I don't know anyone that shady in the market. Wow gold sellers are dumber than other game currency sellers. I've seem duped gold games hold more RMV than the so called "super closed gold selling community of wow" for way longer.
@mrmr2488 8 ай бұрын
What exactly is the issue with gold farmers and gold buyers and sellers? The more gold that enters the market, the more expensive things get, which means the stuff you sell by playing legit is worth more, so you get more gold as well. I am just failing to see why gold farming is actually an issue and how it negatively effects anyone. You could make the argument that they are clogging up farming spots but if they were banned and no one could buy gold, then people would be clogging up those spots anyway. I just don't get what the fuss is about.
@Notmethoughmaybe 8 ай бұрын
hear me out hire 10 people per server, pay them 25 $ an hour they can work from home and have 24 hours of just real people with common sense banning people non stop. do 1 8 hour shift of just instance hopping then go back to playing the game normally or doing what ever you want... id do it.Edit people will still bot and gold farm but i think this way alot of the farmed gold wont make it into the market. instead of ban waves from new automated detections where all that gold is in the system.
@Kiekeboetomhier 8 ай бұрын
yea fully dead world pvp servers but not a single herb to find, people cant bother farming low amounts of gold (unless boosting or duoboxing lucrative dungeons) iff they can work there irl job for 1 hour and buy 10 times the amount they could farm themselves manually.
@nameundefined4317 8 ай бұрын
you want to know why bots plague the system? the developers of the bots are savvy enough to get jobs at the game companys that they develop the bots for I bet if the govt raided blizzards security/developer team's houses and checked their person pcs they'd find someone with alot of crypto. It's way easier to make a bot when you have source code... imagine what you could do if you built the anti cheat haha....
@Roacha9 7 ай бұрын
I fucking despise GDKP but its grown so much now seems impossible to get rid off. I hope Blizzard banning gdkp in SoD is a success so they may look to implement it into Cata classic I PRAY!
@scrummpybear 8 ай бұрын
If i have any more questions? you said you'd reveal all and told us NOTHING that hasn't already been known for years... then shamelessly ask other creators to react to it for more views under the guise that its to "help wow" whereas it'll only help your bottom line.
@fok8810 7 ай бұрын
I think instead of banning them they should randomly flag a bunch and turn off their ability to loot to their bags so that way they run the bots for hours and then realize their bags are just bricked or they can no longer trade or mail but wont be banned immediately. Mages bots could still work but once flagged turn off looting and exp for anyone in their group instance. I think instances should need a human passcode to reset things like this could deter and make it way more annoying. They could also limit actions of brand new accounts for 2 weeks. It would suck for brand new players but it would make botters wait longer before new accounts can be used and disrupt the flow of income. It would also become harder to manage the accounts because once they are flagged they can still log in and run the bot but cant get any items being banned is too predictable and like you say they just buy it at lowest available cost worldwide
@aftershock7258 8 ай бұрын
This is not even close to reality 30-40$ per day per character :D You need to change your source for sure, also you can't even imagine how hard is to not get banned within 1 hour in any dungeon with flyhack :D
@aftershock7258 8 ай бұрын
Yeah bro, these times are only in the past now it is not possible at all - speaking from experience trust me on this one :)@@koreanzombie6697
@Warchrist 8 ай бұрын
gg metagoblin like every video, btw i actual stop all my farming profession and start doing quest at level 25, the ah price of stuff is low than the vendor of stormwind, cuz i have exalted and sergeant, is a shame :(
@Domoguy13 7 ай бұрын
GDKP ruined original classic relaunch. Hope I do not quit again for the same reason, or it will 100% be the last time I play (especially pay to play a Blizz game_)
@mazztothemax1888 8 ай бұрын
I don't understand where this FOMO die hard have to be the best attitude has come from in gaming. Is it streaming? KZbin? What happened to just enjoying the game? Enjoying your journey?
@hearts136 8 ай бұрын
Join a guild, make friends, go to raid every week and eventually get your item to drop? nah... just join a gdkp and literally skip the entire fun part of the game for no reason at all...? Let me guess... next step is complain about a content drought?
@Wartrain762 8 ай бұрын
Bro. Blizzard makes their profit when they ban them. They don't give a fuck about the sub. they let the bots accumulate for about 6 months then send out a ban wave. The botters have to obtain a new cd key or steal an account. I know because its the same business model for botters on Diablo 2.
@TheStruggle84 8 ай бұрын
Wow they added runes and turned 1 dungeon into a raid! We should be so thankful for this garbage hey? Seems like the only people that think this game is good is content creators and streamers trying to profit and besides that the people running GDKP's so what do use base this garbage off?
@TheUhmmmmmmmm 8 ай бұрын
As much as I pray SoD will be different, I see it being the exact same XD
@jagos9376 8 ай бұрын
I dont understand people buying gold... you get a more gold than needed in sod, back in classic it was much much harder. now you can buy all abilities and even the lvl 40 mount at lvl 25.... so what are these people doing
@blacksabbath2559 8 ай бұрын
No P2 for me. This game is already rotten at lvl 25. Gdkp, booster, bots and so on start to plague the servers, even the rp normal ones. So i give up and keep my money instead of paying a sub for blizz.
@martinfennelly1746 8 ай бұрын
Lmfao they just banned GDKPs in SoD for P2 4 hours ago, who knows if it’ll actually work/stick but pls let this be a rare blizzard W
@rimonshamon8607 8 ай бұрын
well since season of discovery is like another mode for wow classic. as you see classes are altered in their roll like shaman able to tank for example. if thats case then why wont do some changes like earning gold at starting level , able to use summon stones rather long walk. add talent points from level 1 instead of level 10. anyway gold farming will ramine in the game so think of it as extra option to earn gold . use it or don't its up to you.
@Enslavedgames 8 ай бұрын
This is a great video. Can really tell the time you put into creating it!
@TheSuperSlothy 8 ай бұрын
Blizzard can do one, they had 20 years to fix this and instead they let greed rule them. I’m out, they can keep their streamer driven / greed dominated game, it’s a shadow of itself.
@zabban 8 ай бұрын
what u say about how they pay subcription is not true, here in argentina u have to have a credit card from the country there is no bypassing that- also that thout that blizz doenst profit is hilarios
@viktorhhh1 8 ай бұрын
they buy the credit card from argentina, didn't you listen to what he said in the video?
@MetaGoblin 8 ай бұрын
It isn't always Argentina. They snipe countries where the currency is weak against the dollar and bulk buy 1 month sub.
@zabban 8 ай бұрын
@@viktorhhh1 that cant be done but sute u can educate me about how the laws
@viktorhhh1 8 ай бұрын
@@zabban you cant steal credit card info from Argentina or?
@zabban 8 ай бұрын
sure bruh u can steal thousands of credict cards info from argentina at will to keep the mega bot farms going. but at that point why even have a bot farm if u are capable of such a feat? I SWEAR ppl dont understand shit about how the bot farm actualy work@@viktorhhh1
@Noname-uk8tp 8 ай бұрын
Lol gold buying is a gate way to being a drug dealer?.. you’re reaching dude no one’s nerdy dad is doing that , half the people I played with I got high blood pressure and I can hear their kids crying in the background
@doctorgears9358 8 ай бұрын
I never bought gold until the WoW Token got added. Then I said fuck it, if Blizzard doesn't care about the integrity of their game then why should I.
@foerfan6400 8 ай бұрын
What Blizzard needs to do is to ban the motherboard hence making the botter buy or rebuild his computer. The only solution also fu to everyone buying gold, you are all pathetic.
@DavidM-hz6rd 8 ай бұрын
why don't bots use the in-game "randomise" for their names, rather than gibberish? wouldn't that be less suspicious and result in less player reports, with zero downside?
@Audaylon 8 ай бұрын
the gold farms are only profitable if people are buying gold. who is buying gold? well, find a gdkp.
@shamantank 8 ай бұрын
Just got to “chapter 3” in this video and you could not be more wrong wtf are you smoking bud
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