If your story is indeed the truth, please help those kids who became heavily dependent on all these trashy things like chat, drugs alcohol and all those bad stuff which are addictive and available all over the place with no control. Please help the young Ethiopians who are hopeless and became junkies and homeless. Please make a difference. Thank you.
I went to school with him when we were kids, and he's the most genuine smart kind kid. I wish you the best in your life, Nattye. Stay strong, my brother 🙏🏾 🫡
ናቲ ታሪክህ ብዙ ሰዎችን ያስተምራል..ከሁሉም ይበልጥ ለ ህይወታችን ጥያቄዎች መፍትሄው እግዚአብሔር መሆኑን መግለፅህ በእውነት ደስ ይላል! ብዙ ተምረናል! Please do your all best with your wife to reunited again. You guys really looks beautiful and perfect each other. I believe every thing has a solution. እኔም ተመሳሳይ ታሪክ አለኝ..Long distance relationship has big challenges but always has its own good flavor! I wish you all the best!! Thanks Seyfu be Ebs team የሚያስተምር ነገር ስላሳያችህን 🙏🏽