Lankford Calls Out Re-Write of History of Border Negotiations

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Senator James Lankford

Senator James Lankford

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@politicaljoe7788 8 күн бұрын
Why do you care whether or not Kamala Harris participated in negotiations if she says she supports it and would sign it into law if elected?? She literally agrees with what you want... Trump on the other hand ordered Republicans to vote against it so he could campaign on hating immigrants... Pick your priorities... solving problems or playing games...
@presidentvictor 8 күн бұрын
I care. Ever had a coworker or manager take credit for someone else's work to bolster their career? It's just wrong. More importantly, it indicates that her "literally agrees with want you want" are likely empty words and that she would not vote for a similar bill were she to be President.
@chico6085 8 күн бұрын
You can't really be this stupid lol wow
@dahlonlee 8 күн бұрын
@@presidentvictor I don't care who gets the credit. As long as I see the results.
@ChristChild4Light 7 күн бұрын
Trump said to end it. Period. What does that tell you?
@ChristChild4Light 7 күн бұрын
We can thank Trump for any problems with bad actors coming over the border. The Biden administration also asked for hiring more border control officers along with more high tech equipment to help scan for drugs at the ports. Trump told Republicans NOT TO PASS that bill. No fault of this administration.
@wandaway1961 7 күн бұрын
It's not kamala's job to be at negociations, rght? It's congress's job. Whatever it takes to get the bill. You got it done. Thank you for your efforts. It should have went up for a vote.
@leenickshramko1100 7 күн бұрын
But she took credit for being there.
@carlosvile9832 5 күн бұрын
@@leenickshramko1100 Which is her right and will happen all the time. We still have to move forward.
@cmgweb6951 3 күн бұрын
@@carlosvile9832 Everyone has a right to lie? Sure they do, but that doesn't make it right, and it rots the system from within if we're not starting from a base of honesty.
@carlosvile9832 2 күн бұрын
@@cmgweb6951 Not lie. Take credit, the same way Trump took credit for getting rid of ISIS even though most of the work was done during Obama's last term. Obstruction for the purpose of not letting the incumbent president take credit is as dishonest as it gets, and it gets us nowhere.
@danielkingery2894 9 күн бұрын
This is all fine and good Lankford...butbits MONTHS late...why the fuck wasn't THIS how you talked on the news after the law failed? WHY NOW, BUT NOT THEN???
@hybui123 9 күн бұрын
He got threatened by Republican leadership He is on record saying that senior leadership said they’d end him if he tried to push for reform
@CosmicPerspective0 9 күн бұрын
If you look back to old videos, Senator Lankford has been talking the same way back then and right now. He is one of the few good ones. Look back and see for yourself, brother.
@danielkingery2894 9 күн бұрын
@@CosmicPerspective0 sorry dude...i been watching him. He may have thought he was doing the right thing to go contemplate the bill with them...but thinking that it was going to have any chance of doing ANY good for the open border was stupidity or foolishness on his part....and he did not , when interviewed (after it was thankfully shut down) talk plainly about how he'd been duped by the Progressives. He kept up the "bipartisanship" mantra IF he'd have come out screaming about how shitty it was of them to switch everything around....he'd have a lil more value to me....but he didn't...he played Swamp Games instead...just like a POS GOP lamo would. Democrats dont go easy on Republicans EVER....but the GOP type Republicans ALWAYS roll over on their backs, piss all over thfmselves, and show how supplicant they are. Eff that.
@OspreyFlyer 9 күн бұрын
@kansaswildfan7106 8 күн бұрын
Langford's argument is a bit misleading. While illegal immigration has skyrocketed during the Biden administration, it began in the last year of the Trump administration. You could blame the pandemic, but the Trump administration policies still did not curtail the sharp increase in immigration. Plus, illegal immigration rose steadily during Trump's administration from what it had been under the Obama Administration. It also does not account for the numbers that show that the Biden administration has also deported or expelled significantly more illegal immigrants than the Trump administration. So, maybe the issue is not really Biden administration policies, but that immigration is skyrocketing. If you break down the countries of origin, the sharpest increase in migration within the past four years is from Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Take a look at what has occurred in those countries over the past few years if you want an explanation for the sudden increase in immigration from those countries. Besides, if you really want this to be a bipartisan effort to control illegal immigration, don't make it partisan by framing it as an enforcement issue, when it at least arguably can be attributed to other causes, especially since immigration started to increase sharply under the Trump administration. If you want bipartisan support for reform of border policy, frame the issue in terms of a crisis that needs to be addressed, not in terms of the failings of one administration versus another administration.
@CosmicPerspective0 8 күн бұрын
Good detailed breakdown. I have not considered any of this. Well done.
@kansaswildfan7106 8 күн бұрын
@@CosmicPerspective0 Thank you. Honestly, I am tired of the finger-pointing on both sides. Work to fix problems in our country, and then squabble over who can take credit or blame. 🙂
@RAS0850 7 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@timothydelaney9436 7 күн бұрын
Another point not mentioned is the effect trumps wall elections proposals had on people who thought about coming here but never made the decision till they were told a wall would be put up. The numbers went immediately up after that.
@annramsey7907 7 күн бұрын
This is my Senator even though I voted straight blue against him 😢 but I have to explain that part of what I voted against was his wishy-washy ness. He got 65% of the vote. These loud rabid Trump worshippers egged him on to do something about the border. So he did his best. Trump did put a stop to it because he wanted the issue to run on. Then the the Oklahoma Republican party sanctioned him for trying to do what he thought they sent him there to do. This is his wishy-washy way of saying my border bill wasn't good enough you have to vote for Trump to get help with the border. Without saying vote Trump because no matter what he does now he can't get back in fruitcake Trump's good graces. But if he can fool some of the people at home they might vote for him again in 2026.
@christopherf6717 8 күн бұрын
Either way, politically, that people lean, Senator Lankford is not wrong in his goals for border security. Sometimes compromise means neither side gets exactly what it wants, but the Country MUST have legal mechanisms for entry into the U.S., without illegality of entries. Middle ground, even temporary middle ground, can be a bridge to changes in the future, if citizens want to protect their tax dollars and laws of the country. These things matter, and people should always try to protect the rights of US citizens before others from different countries.
@markmcwilliams2461 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for laying out the issues and programs relating to our border, and for your thoughtful approach to solving problems instead of playing political games for power gains. This is what governing is supposed to look like and mostly did look this way before traitor trump came along and destroyed the Republican party.
@RayS44Ray44 9 күн бұрын
What would it have mattered if Trump was going to nix it anyway??
@CosmicPerspective0 9 күн бұрын
I wish more people would watch this video in full.
@mycrazyisland 9 күн бұрын
I just posted this on Facebook and tagged people to watch it. It is the ONLY way people on the left will ever know the truth since they are glued to liberal media who refuse to tell the truth. I was on the left (Center-left) until I started watching Capitol Hill Hearings and realized the mainstream media OMITS facts, and OMITS essential stories. It has been an eye-opening experience for me, actually. I changed my party affiliation on my voter registration because of it. My values haven't changed. The Democratic Party left me, I didn't leave it. The liberal, mainstream media makes the GOP look like dirtbags, filled with all sorts of nasty tricks. I found the opposite to be true once I listening to Capitol Hill hearings! And, Senator Lankford is a perfect example of what I have constantly seen come out of the GOP--thoughtful and caring about the American people. I can sense a true love for the USA coming from him. He has the character I want to see in Washington, on both sides of the aisle.
@tarajoyce3598 7 күн бұрын
Either the Whitehouse was involved or it wasn't. He went back and forth on they weren't involved, they were involved, they weren't involved. The VP is the tie breaker not a negotiator. He knows that. Do you? Compromise means you don't get everything you want.
@cmgweb6951 3 күн бұрын
Baloney. He clearly stated the WH lied about bringing the group together as VP Harris claimed, and didn't bother to get involved for the first 6 weeks of their 4 months of negotiations. There was no they were, they weren't, they were again baloney. It's not like we can't roll the video back and check, like I just did.
@IExpectedBSJustNotThisMuchBS 4 күн бұрын
For pity's sake, it was wrong to stop the bill. Progress is progress and in a pinch, Trump chose not to allow protections to go forward. Border patrol, fentynal reduction. He could have run on it not being enough and his continued attack on immigrants. But he chose not to help Americans in that moment.
@cmgweb6951 3 күн бұрын
Rump isn't in charge of squat, other than running his mouth. Of course when he says jump, R's ask how high. But this is on the other Republican Senators who refused to bring it to a vote, and Dems who refused to tighten up those Parole programs. In my view, any program that just says "here, have a work permit and have a nice life" without background checks, shouldn't even be happening at all.
@carlosvile9832 5 күн бұрын
That gang of 8 bill from 2013 was spectacularly negotiated, receiving 68 votes in the senate. It would have passed the house if it had been allowed on the floor. This should have been done a long time ago.
@Mason-c2v Күн бұрын
Well said, Senator Lankford. It’s a national security issue and everyone in that body should be able to sit down and solve it.
@Jbwooten571 8 күн бұрын
Lankford... Dude... If your concern is about national security, you KNOW it is not in trump's interest. He proved that time and again.
@reallysomebody 7 күн бұрын
@fuzzytb 7 күн бұрын
“No respect to the vice-president?” I thought you were a serious politician trying pass policy for the people. Stop playing partisan games.
@cmgweb6951 3 күн бұрын
Clearly it was a slip of the tongue. This guy doesn't play MAGA games.
@deannealbrecht774 4 күн бұрын
Maybe she's talking about the 2021 proposal? Regardless of the prettying it up, the Republicans were entirely set on a closing the border. Republicans also killed the 2013 immigration bill.
@rayvincente 3 күн бұрын
Appreciate his comments. Still do not see why it was not passed when it would have started to address the issue if that was truly the concern of those who rejected it. Could always be adjusted later. What VP said was correct though. It was a bipartisan bill (by his own statements) that was rejected ultimately by the GOP house votes.
@IExpectedBSJustNotThisMuchBS 4 күн бұрын
I'm confused. So, it's okay to stop a bill from going forward that would protect Americans now?
@orion_nebula 7 күн бұрын
I'm a Democrat and I totally agreed with him on adding allowing asylum seekers at point of entries and deport the ones crossing illegally. Adding at least one or two more clauses to the bill will make it pass.
@funmilolaijaola2710 6 күн бұрын
Lankford now seem to want to gain the trust of his estranged colleagues who have vilified him and misconstrued his participations in the border negotiations as siding with democrats. He once defended his contributions to getting the negotiations done, now he is airing out his republicans reservations on the border deal. He sounds a lot more like his whinny, crying, never-do-anything boss. Suddenly he needed to exonerate himself from the deal and regain the trust of his tin-god who had since rendered him useless.
@reallysomebody 7 күн бұрын
It's sad that this senator needs babysitters
@leftbumper4548 9 күн бұрын
Thank you Senator Lankford. I don't like trump at all but this border issue does need to be addressed. Keep up the fight. It's simple. It's not inhumane. It's simply that our law enforcement, economy, and social systems cannot support the entire world. It needs to be addressed.
@pattilogrippo4171 6 күн бұрын
For some reason...Lankford?
@dahlonlee 8 күн бұрын
Kick Trump out so I can be a proud conservative again.
@dannyclaunch7420 7 күн бұрын
I have to admit I skimmed through some of this, but did he ever mention Trump's name?
@junebug9503 6 күн бұрын
Senator Lankford please pledge the efforts being made by Texas Governor Greg Abbott in enhancing border security. His proactive measures may have played a significant role in slowing the flow of illegal immigration into our country.
@cmgweb6951 3 күн бұрын
Please, Abbot controls the Texas border. Not the whole Southern border.
@josephwallis8965 7 күн бұрын
Thank you, senator, thank you for standing up.
@OutlawToys 9 күн бұрын
Thank you Mr. Lankford.
@mitchelldarnell5334 9 күн бұрын
Just close the dang border, period. Your bill was a piece of crap. Letting 5,000 people a months into our country is bull crap.
@CosmicPerspective0 9 күн бұрын
You're 100% right, it is bull crap. However, negotiating a fully closed border like you suggested is a lot tougher than you and I think. The bill that Senator Lankford and his team worked hard on, missing holidays with their families, was probably the best they could get it to even stand a chance to become law. I don't know much about it but I think this border crisis issue is more complex than we expect it to be.
@OspreyFlyer 9 күн бұрын
@kansaswildfan7106 8 күн бұрын
@mitchelldarnell5334 You clearly did not listen to what Langford said. The bill he proposed would not have let 5,000 people a day into the country. The bill would PROCESS up to 5,000 people a day under an expedited asylum process because that is the number if immigrants the bill would provide personnel to process. As he stated, 97% of asylum seekers are ultimately denied. If those statistics held up under the expedited procedure, the bill would have allowed a maximum of 150 people into the country each day (basic math). The 5,000 number is a limit of the number of immigrants able to be processed in a given day. If more than 5,000 people in a given day sought entry by asylum, the border would close and no one would be processed that day. You might still think the bill was a bad idea, which is your prerogative, but please reject the bill on its merits, not on a misunderstanding of its merits. Besides, as Langford said, the bill did not include everything he wanted, but that is the price of divided government. Neither Langford nor any other Republican or Democrat can deny that it was the most conservative immigration bill proposed in Congress in several administrations. Something could have been done to slow illegal border crossings. Instead, because MAGA wants all or nothing, we got nothing.
@mitchelldarnell5334 8 күн бұрын
@@kansaswildfan7106 The laws are being violated everyday. Come legally I've got no problem. Come in illegally and I've got a problem. Laws and regulations have a purpose. Violation of those laws are treasonous to our country and anyone supporting letting people in is great security breach to the nation.
@CosmicPerspective0 8 күн бұрын
@@kansaswildfan7106 Great explanation. You reduced the complexity down so it's simpler to understand. I think I get it now
@steveladner4346 9 күн бұрын
Safety and Security is two words that don't mean anything in an occupied country.
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