Serbia Train Station Collapse Possible Causes Novi Sad

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@lexmarks567 2 күн бұрын
Sounds like Shoddy repair work and cost cutting and added cosmetic changes that added weight to a weakened structure.
@jeffostroff 2 күн бұрын
That’s the typical scenario in these cases, unfortunately.
@Ms777Lena Күн бұрын
Exactly. Vučić is only doing project good for money laundry. Usually choosing streets, this one was an oversight.
@jasusiakasi9164 Күн бұрын
Do you know 65 million € was the cost of this "reconstruction " ? Typical money laundry! And they all wash hands from responsibility ! They claim :"We assure you responsible people for this tragedy will be found..." How ironic and satire. We know they took the money, that was most important for them ,not people lives ! 😢
@Deni-u3i Күн бұрын
​@@jeffostroff I'm from Bosnia, sometimes we Bosnians, Serbs, Croats like to fight, but when there's a big tragedy like this, most people sympathize with their neighbors! I am so sorry for those 14 people, half of them were children, teenagers, two sisters aged 7 and 13! Recently in Bosnia, a place called Jablanica, 24 people died from a flood! but experts say that they wouldn't have died if it wasn't for the illegal quarry on the hill that crashed into the village! Serbs helped with rescue teams, money as well as Croats! This tragedy in Novi Sad, Serbia! The building was built in 1964 in what was then Yugoslavia! It was 60 years old, it would have been 60 years more without problems until a CHINESE company started to renovate it! They overloaded the old building and created a tragedy! I would never let the Chinese build my house! Yugoslavia was a serious country! hundreds of construction companies built in Libya, Iraq, Arab countries, Russia, everywhere! Now six small countries are the target of the Chinese and others
@00mihec00 Күн бұрын
​@@Deni-u3ichinese company was only working on that project... Its the engineres and designers fault that coused this.... They didnt do inspection on the old structure before pimping it out too look good
@mixbic6143 Күн бұрын
Corruption did this.
@vanCaldenborgh Күн бұрын
Often it is also the technical university engineers are left out of all decision making positions (higher management ). In the 1960ties engineers made out about 50% of the management of technical companies or technical departments of the government. This radically changed in 1990ties, practically all over the world, now it is almost business administration only.
@mixbic6143 Күн бұрын
@vanCaldenborgh This is exactly what happens in Serbia these days. Corrupted and non educated politicians are making decisions, but now they will find some poor engineers to blame.
@mariemccann5895 Күн бұрын
@@mixbic6143 It's not just happening in Serbia, it is most of the world I think.
@nenad2427 Күн бұрын
70 years old
@MakeMake-o2f Күн бұрын
@@nenad2427 To je tačno. Zapravo 60 godina ne 70 godina. Objekat ovih dimenzija i namene zahteva redovno i adekvatno održavanje, kao i nadzor, preventive radi u cilju uočavanja eventualnih anomalija . Takav pristup održavanja i nadzora objekta u celini omogućava uvid u stanje istog.
@AlexM-t6h Күн бұрын
It doesn't matter when the building was designed. All structures made in Tito's Yugoslavia were made to last. This building was RENOVATED in 2021 and 2024. Now they are saying that only the canopy was not renovated, which is B.S. Buildings are not meant to collapse on their own in peace time, on a sunny afternoon. I think it's Chinese labor plus domestic corruption.
@dragana2245 Күн бұрын
They added glass on top where there used to be an open space and that extra weight was not supported.
@lilien231 Күн бұрын
@@dragana2245 I betonske ploče , političari lažu da nad nadtrešnicom ništa nije rađeno ? Od jednog Inženjera Džajića bili su opomenuti , i pismeno da to ne rade i zbog čega . Radila je Firma iz Novog Sada , još uvek kriju koja ?
@puzzled012 Күн бұрын
subcontractors were locals,project was local...
@bruno.calico Күн бұрын
Blind trust is not acceptable in engineering matters. Whatever happened needs to be investigated and the responsible held accountable.
@andmoreagain7 Күн бұрын
It does not matter if it was renovated or not either. Where was the inspection? Who is making sure that buildings we all go through/beside are not going to end up falling on us? I hate this country and its people. Enough.
@dawn1003 Күн бұрын
Ne nagadjaj!Konstruktor je strucno obavio posao pre 60 god i stajala je bez problema! Ovi sto su renovirali nisu ispostovali sve predvidjene korake struke!
@chilechichich465 Күн бұрын
Живим у Новом Саду и увек ме хватала језа од конструкције на уласку у жељезничку станицу јер није имала потпорне стубове. То је био огроман прпоуст у основном пројекту и градњи. Ипак, реконструцкија се ради да се нешто старо поправи. Ако су већ радили реконструкцију, зашто нису додали стубове напред? Да буде горе, уместо ојачања конструкције, неко је додао значајно оптерећење на старе носеће елементе?!
@firstlast-pt5pp Күн бұрын
professionals only work on things within their scope - the canopy was brittle - who is responsible for that assessment if any was required ?
@pirana036 Күн бұрын
Izvini odakle si ti sto pises na engleskom???
@krlenjuska Күн бұрын
Tacno. Samo sto je 60 godina jako dug period i realno bi bilo da su je srusili i napravili novu. Srbija je puna ovakvih gradjevina - jedva stoje i odavno ne ispunjavaju nikakve uslove ali se iz vise razloga ne ruse a ne kontrolisu se uopste jer ovde za to realno niko nije zaduzen. Ja ne mislim da je problem u ovom slucaju sadasnja vlast jer je npr Laundz izgoreo za vreme prosle vlasti i nikakve promene se nisu desile povodom toga. Posle toga se desio pozar u kontrastu i takodje nije bilo nikakve epohalne promene. Nece je biti ni posle ovoga. Vlast ce se promeniti jednog dana ali nista se veliko realno promeniti nece. Do sledece katastrofe i tako u krug...
@tkdivb 23 сағат бұрын
​@@krlenjuskaBudimpesta i Bec su puni zgrada iz 50 - ih godina 20-og veka, pa ih niko ne rusi niti same padaju.
@Paco1337 Күн бұрын
They cleaned up quickly to destroy evidence
@mir-jan3496 Күн бұрын
A father and his two kids 9 and 6 years old died, it is unforgivable.
@admiralgma Күн бұрын
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
That is heart wrenching, and also was it a young soccer player and his beautiful girlfriend?
@admiralgma Күн бұрын
@@jeffostroff yes....its heartbreaking....
@mir-jan3496 Күн бұрын
@@jeffostroff That I didn't knew, so sorry. Most of them were young people, they travel.
@bnast6849 Күн бұрын
It's all terrible, among the victims there was a 75 year old man that wanted to go home after finishig paperwork for his hip replacement. His Family said he was very happy about it and had a lot of plans.
@lilip4781 Күн бұрын
Thank you for spreading the word 🖤
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed the video.
@hipikbb Күн бұрын
@jankovicmisa Күн бұрын
Few months ago the grass was removed and very massive glass and steel frame was added which eventually over extended those cross hanging supporting columns.
@J4ckCr0w Күн бұрын
And marble, in total amount of 30 tonnes.
@firstlast-pt5pp Күн бұрын
​@@J4ckCr0w- when were they added? - because they said the recent works did not involve the canopy
@firstlast-pt5pp Күн бұрын
note the glass curtain is still intact and not a crack I can see
@J4ckCr0w Күн бұрын
@firstlast-pt5pp Of course, they say, because they are guilty. They removed the old thin marble, put a thicker one, added more concrete, metal trusses on top, glass and all that in the amount of 30 tonnes without reinforcing the old hanging beams. It simply sheared them all off except the right first one. That was a counterweight for the entire roof, which is now also structurally unstable and downright dangerous.
@J4ckCr0w Күн бұрын
@@firstlast-pt5pp Imagine the thickness then.
@YamadaSena Күн бұрын
I'm from Novi Sad, you can notice that the canopy is attached to the roof with those criss-crossing black cables or rods. It was calculated by the guarantor to carry a certain weight, but those who renovated it, put a load on the canopy, it is enough for only one of those black rods or cables to give way, and then everything is pulled out in a chain, and then the canopy of 100 tons falls on people. And to make it worse, they put benches there for people waiting for the bus to sit there.
@adriano8679 Күн бұрын
Presudno je izgleda što su te noseće vešaljke (sajle pričvršćene za krov) potpuno korodirale, a to niko nije kontrolisao, što je katastrofa i meni potpuno neshvatljivo
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
Yes, that is a possible scenario, the over-stressed supports could have easily failed
@MeiZimepre Күн бұрын
Imate izjave ljudi koji su radili na tom projektu i lepo kazu da je nastresnica preoterecena nastresnicu su nakacili aluminisku konstrukciju koja je nosila teske staklene ploce plus .. A to su uradili posle posete predsednika kompletno su sve ponovo radili ... Za svaku posetu ministara i usranog predsenika su dovodili posebne firme koje su to sminkali iqko nije stanica bila gotova.. Imate na UNS kanalu sve dokaze i izjave ...
@YamadaSena Күн бұрын
@@adriano8679 Verujem da nisu renovirali to se nebi dogodilo, arhitekta nije kriv, da je arhitekta kriv to bi se desilo mnogo ranije, ne sada nakon renoviranja. To je arhitekta iz doba kada nije bilo javasluka, doba Jugoslavije, arhitekta je proracunao koliko moze da drz, a oni su optererili vise nego sto je dozvoljeno, ankeri su popustili, desila se tragedija, I jos gore stavili klupe dole. Stvar je potresns jer bilo ko od nas ili nase porodice su mogle biti tamo.
@TamasHejja Күн бұрын
Why you clear my post?​@@jeffostroff
@PejicVladimir 2 күн бұрын
It was just a green carpet on top, but they added heavy glass panels on those openings, and that was never there in the original design. Actually on the new footage first section that fell was on the right, just slightly faster then the rest of it.
@mikibl Күн бұрын
Very true and correct. The structure started collapsing from the right to left. Very right cable was snapped first from the mounting point in concrete cantilever construction. All other support cables were snapped from the top of the bulding. This very right mounting point where the mouting got ripped off may give more insight if it preserved?
@Sedmica527 Күн бұрын
Najcudnije od svega da tolika terasa nije imala potporne stubove..
@mir-jan3496 Күн бұрын
I ja se pitam, za sigurnost nicega nije previse. Onolika betincina na sajlama.
@adriano8679 Күн бұрын
@@mir-jan3496 I most na Adi je na sajlama, ako ovako budu kontrolisane narednih godina neizbežna je nova katastrofa!
@mindfortress105 Күн бұрын
da da da, kriv je projektant od pre 60 godina, niko od ovih sto su bili placeni da to odrzavaju nije kriv, niko od ovih sto su nadgledali renoviranje nije kriv.
@ede_1 Күн бұрын
Tebi je čudno, drugima nije. To je konzolna ploča, ista stvar kao balkon na kući; upravo je poenta da nema stubove ispod nego se drži samo sa jedne strane
@mir-jan3496 Күн бұрын
@@ede_1 Nije ovo kuca, nego zeljeznicka stanica.
@crvenazvezda1956 Күн бұрын
@MakeMake-o2f Күн бұрын
Već sam odgledao prilog i saslušao isti. Ozbiljan pristup temi, odnosno ovom incidentu. Po struci nisam građivanac, ali vodeći se logikom smatram da je izvođač radova pre rekonstrukcije( renoviranja)trebao da se osvrne na prvobitni projekat i na osnovu istog da analizira šta se može rekonstruisati, kako i u kojoj meri? Isto tako smatram da svaki objekat treba redovno i adakvetno održavati, što podrazumeva i redovan nadzor, proveru istog u celini.
@zoricavaljan5856 Күн бұрын
I was in novi sad on October 8th taking the train to Beograd. I visited Serbia after 40 years_ its a beautiful city. That could have been me and my sister. So sad for all those families who lost loved ones.
@cokrlicix Күн бұрын
65 milion euros was spent on renovations, and they did not renoveted the canopy, but they did put the new layer of tiles and paint. Making it heavier than it previously was. Chinese consortium that did the work, is not to blame, they did what was asked of them. Govermant is responsible for this, they are corupted to the bone, they had enough money to build a new building and somehow all of the money was spent on a facade, without doing a canope, only critical part of the structure.
@afrosrb7828 Күн бұрын
Honestly I've been expecting something like this would happen, because Serbia been having insane many NEW and RENOVATED construction going on the last years and because I'm hearing president Vučić often saying _"I'm asking the Chinese constructors to work fast and finish this or that project in a certain time",_ which indispensable forces the workers to work fast, which again leads to making mistakes easier. I'm a learned bricklayer and construction draftsman and from what you've shown, it's actually clear that the additional weight was just the final trigger that caused the collapse, hence it's obviously partially the engineer's fault. Concrete should last more than just 60 years, but there're many factors that come into play which also cause a built to weaken. One thing is sure though, these two steel reinforcements at 16:30 WERE NEVER ENOUGH to achieve the actual required stability! You'd need a whole web-like reinforcement, that goes through the link and connects the MAIN BUILDING'S PART with the CANOPY. And even after that, it wouldn't be enough without additional columns underneath! Just a year ago I traveled from Belgrade to Novi Sad with the train and past under this canopy while leaving the station and went under it tens of times in my life. It gives me shivers
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
The Champlain Towers South collapse that I did 3 dozen videos on since 2021 collapse, showed everyone with a rude wake up call how water can seep into concrete over time, attack the rebar rods, rust them, and cause spalling, weakening and cracking of the concrete.
@duskobozovic1570 Күн бұрын
​@@jeffostroffLike the Morandi Bridge in Genoa, Italy in 2018.
@jelenajelena3466 Күн бұрын
Korupcija i SNS mafija
@gezimlimoni2319 Күн бұрын
Tacno,, samo dodaj Jos kineski standardi...pozz iz Prishtine
@nadacalo9289 Күн бұрын
Ne lupaj gluposti!
@nadacalo9289 Күн бұрын
​@@gezimlimoni2319Kosovo and Metohija is Serbia🇷🇸
@jelenajelena3466 Күн бұрын
@@nadacalo9289 samo ti jedi sendvič i neka prijatno
@gezimlimoni2319 Күн бұрын
@@nadacalo9289 Nikad a mozda ni tad! Lepo ti je receno jednom,,,e pa eto opet Jos jednom....Samo ti jedi sendvic I neka ti je prijatno!!!
@mindfortress105 Күн бұрын
Corruption and lack of maintenance, simple as
@slavisamalisic3896 Күн бұрын
Najgore sto moze da se desi jednom narodu je da ima nestrucnu, polupismenu, korumpiranu i bahatu vlast...upravo zbog takve vlasti je, u Novom Sadu, poginulo 14 ljudi, zena i dece, a troje ce, ako prezive, ostati teski invalidi...
@J4ckCr0w Күн бұрын
What happend was that anchors were sheared of due to excessive weight of added marble and glass construction in excess of 30 tonnes. That and added corruption led to deaths.
@ivanstepanovic1327 Күн бұрын
This is not the first time that something recently built or reconstructed in Serbia has collapsed. There were roads, support walls for the roads... But nothing this big, nothing in a major city and there were no victims so far. Thus it was easy to cover up. Long live tofu-dreg 😥😥
@matija92 Күн бұрын
I really appreciate you covering this, thank you!
@diavolo974 Күн бұрын
Glavno je da ce sad javnost da zamajavaju ko je kriv i na kraju nikom nista... Kao i za sve drugo sto urade, umetnici u precutavanju...
@grenadier4702 Күн бұрын
I walk there regularly and it's just horrifying, especially knowing I could've easily been one of the victims...
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
I would also steer clear of cranes
@aleksandarmatevski1258 Күн бұрын
It's a horrific and extraordinary tragedy. What's especially disturbing is that construction is taking place everywhere around the Balkans (Belgrade, Bucharest, Skopje and more) by the same/similiar contractors in the same scheme/chain on inspections and approvals. It was just a question of time something like this would happen, and unfortunately it's will most likely happen again.
@marijacekic5236 Күн бұрын
Jao tako mi je žao nedužnog naroda. Pozz iz Slavonije.
@augustvonmackensen9785 Күн бұрын
Seems like all the “A” frames ripped out of the roof awning and came down with the rest of the structure, which to me would indicate: a. Anchor point failure due to overloading b. Anchor point failure due to environmental influences over time c. Combination of both aforementioned scenarios ( to me, most likely scenario )
@milenatos Күн бұрын
A is the correct answer
@kucavetrova Күн бұрын
The canopy was a part counterlever, part hanged on the rod bracings, which I think is what you call "A" frames. Possibility is that the "A" rods were also taking weight from the roof to liberate the internal station space from columns, in which case the canopy acted as a counterweight, and in case of canopy colapse, the roof load bearing might be now compromised, and the roof prone to colapse. It would require examining the sectional drawings of the station to determine the actual roles of those bracings/"A" frames/load hangers. However, in my view, the forensics should look up to find a sound record of colapse, mobile phones, cctv, ...etc. in try to determine whether the colapse of the whole structure was in sound simultaneous, or more like sequential like mashine gun sound, as there were repetitive structural elements, which very unlikely colapse all at once. This may give a hint of what happened first, and caused further destruction. It is indicative that the canopy fell nose-down, and beams connections to building still kept to some extend forming a triangular shape of debris in places. My quess is if the beams connections collapsed first we would have more of a snaky shape of destruction as the rods/"A" frames would give some minimal time of holding and resistance before colapsing. It is also indicative that no rod/"A"frame has left hanging; they all have detached from the top. Jeffostroff is rightfully pondering about the canopy to the right , and I just want to say that the canopy to the right is part of a completely different building and structure by it. They are just connected by a dilatation joint to look like one building. This is why it stayed intact.
@markeeecmarkoni2855 2 күн бұрын
The other day I commented from Croatia about Hotel Dubrovnik in Argentina and here is a comment two days later on this unfortunate event in the city I was visited and which has one of the most famous festivals in Europe.Nice memories.......sorry about the accident
@jeffostroff 2 күн бұрын
yup still collecting up info on the Argentina collapse
@jelenatroyanska3656 21 сағат бұрын
Dragi moj, nije niko tu kolabirao, osim rodbine. Nije se desio kolaps saobraćaja, niti ljudi. Nevini ljudi su IZGINULI. IZ GI NU LI!!! ČETRNAESTORO ljudi, žene, DECA, dečica i omladinci.
@mm17101978 Күн бұрын
All throughout the country frankly sir! Thank God a man in his 70s waiting for his bus got up from a bench 10 seconda before everything collapsed and he survived! Excellent video! Sadly I am very pessimistic about "the investigation", my wife is Serbian, we often travel there, I speak the language. No wonder she left Serbia in 1995! I have been in quite a few train and bus stations in Serbia, I am worried about all of them now!
@milos929 Күн бұрын
Oskara i ekipu na Robiju !!!
@mmaus688 Күн бұрын
You neglected to mention a very important thing in this video, and that is the steel cables that came out of the roof of the station and connected to the overhang. Those cables are what actually held the entire structure in place, not the concrete beams going into the building. There are two videos, one is from across the street where you can very clearly see all cables simultaneously fail and the entire overhang falls at the same time. The question that is currently being investigated is which of these failed: A. The cables themselves, B. The anchors on the roof or C. The concrete around the anchors. The structure was designed essentially to be held solely by those cables, thats why the connection to the building superstructure looks like a cold joint.
@milenatos Күн бұрын
That is correct. The "A" cables were those bearing the tension as the structure was actually hanging from the roof. Another important thing here: the roof and the canopy were in tension where canopy also provided the stability of the roof. Now that the canopy is gone and the tension is gone, the roof is not stable anymore
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
I'll have to check out those videos and see if I can find out more about the investigation.
@mmaus688 Күн бұрын
@@jeffostroff Hope to see another video on this topic, however knowing the government i doubt many details will be made available to the public other than what was gathered from eyewitnesses and photos.
@vladimirradosavljevic6354 Күн бұрын
Smatram da je ovo pravi pristup problemu. Pored detaljne pretrage da li je i koliko opterećenja naknadno dodato na nadstrešnicu (bez dodatne računice), ipak fokus treba staviti na tačke gde se čelične zatege kače o testerasti krov zgrade. Da li se pojavila korozija na koju niko nije obratio pažnju ili je neko prilikom izvođenja radova na ovom delu krova železničke stanice krajnje nestručnom intervencijom oslabio veze i učinio da se zatege sve u istom momentu nažalost otkače?
@aleksandarolujic7673 Күн бұрын
Those cables together with the canopy provide tension to the whole roof. Now that the canopy is gone, the whole building is in danger.
@BOKIBACKA Күн бұрын
Sve se to popravi ali se životi više nemogu vratiti!
@ypcomchic 2 күн бұрын
Rip. Sad to hear this. Sounds like the glass weight along with the cracked cement did it in. Thanks for posting this video!
@Darkkfated 2 күн бұрын
It's almost like people forget how freaking heavy water is. Go fill a 5-gallon bucket to the top with water and pick it up - it weighs damn near 50 pounds. 10-ish pounds per gallon. Now, just imagine how many gallons can soak into that grass/astroturf after a rainfall (Or, worse, into the sand on the pool deck at Champlain Towers South that Jeff referenced). Now consider just how much static load that adds to all the load-bearing pieces of these structures - static load that the original designers almost certainly never accounted for.
@jeffostroff 2 күн бұрын
Yes, water can add a tremendous amount of weight to a structure.
@jacojojo42 2 күн бұрын
8lbs per gallon it’s a lot
@billd66 Күн бұрын
I mean, a kilogram is literally defined as the weight of 1 liter of water.
@drljacamilos773 Күн бұрын
A tek kad napada sneg od pola metara.
@Garth2011 Күн бұрын
@@jacojojo42 8.34 lbs per gallon of water.
@J4ckCr0w Күн бұрын
Regarding evidence analysis, the subcontracting local company that actually did all the work took of all the material that collapsed from the accident site to be ground down and destroyed.
@tomislavkobilarov5704 Күн бұрын
Odakle ti ta informacija, da li je to tačno? Poz.😮
@J4ckCr0w Күн бұрын
@tomislavkobilarov5704 Check out english translafed news, was confirmed by ministers which were onsite.
@J4ckCr0w Күн бұрын
Also, all cables were cut and in front of the station right now.
@DepressedLemur9 Күн бұрын
@@tomislavkobilarov5704 Jeste tačno, isti izvođač radova, i to zvanično. To ti je onaj što se kezio te večeri, ima snimak
@MelJandric Күн бұрын
I'm commenting before seeing the whole video, so forgive me if anyone else pointed this out. There are several videos from Serbian TV, one of the engineers stated that the canopy was originally covered with tiles and during renovation they simply covered the tiles with another layer just to make it pretty.... increasing the weight....
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
yes i mentioned that in the video, and they added glass too
@milanbabic3966 Күн бұрын
Niko nezna šta je razlog padu Nadstrešnice , kojoj je rok trajanja istekao pre 14 godina Po glavnom projektu izgradnje Železničke stanice iz 1964 god stoji da je rok trajanja Nadstrešnice na ulazu ŽS. 50 godina. Izdržala je ona tih 50 godina i više, al Naprednjačku Rekonstrukciju nije...
@code123ns Күн бұрын
You are missing two things here: one, it was tied to the rooftop above by those black columns you can see. All of the hangers broke instantly at the top - except the rightmost one. That one broke at the bottom, right where this canopy was joining that other one that remained standing. There is now a frontside video of the colapse and you can see that it progressed from right to left. Secont - they added a gallery on the other side of that entrance. Possibly, it was tied into the same beam that was holding the canopy on the other side.
@miraana1 Күн бұрын
Thank you for your analysis sir. Very detailed
@borismalovic-fn8je Күн бұрын
Sve OK, samo je tema promašena. Ovde nije ključno konzolno uklještenje, ovde su ključna čelična užad(sajle), koje su vezane za krov i nose betonsku konstrukciju(svu njenu težinu po vertikali), uz pomoć konzole, koja sprečava kretanje u horizontalnoj ravni. Pucanjem sajli (koje je trajalo manje od sekunde) cela nastrešnica pada, brže nego kula od karata. Armatura na konzoli je glatka(danas se uglavnom koristi orebrena), samo se izvukla pod težinom greda, ili je popucala i za posledicu ima 14 mrtvih i troje teško povređenih. Ali jako je teško na osnovu slika nešto zaključiti, potrebni su detaljni pregledi i proračuni materijala i izvedenih radova.
@rajkotodorovic1871 14 сағат бұрын
Glatka armatura je mekano gvozdje. Rebrasta armatura je celik visoke zatezne cvrstoce .
@MichaelSmith-cp7gm 2 күн бұрын
I don't see grass on top of the fallen structure.
@jeffostroff 2 күн бұрын
yes, so I don't know it it was removed recently, or if it was a carpet that was rolled out of the way to rescue survivors
@borivojejasic9934 2 күн бұрын
​@@jeffostroff hi from Serbia, if you need some info/data, i can try to send it for you. Works were done last year and the structure was messed up etc. Iron was made and it was made heavier.
@borivojejasic9934 2 күн бұрын
​@@jeffostroffplatform on the inside was also added
@videoizazov Күн бұрын
The grass was artificial
@s.nemanjaa Күн бұрын
​​@@jeffostroff It is a green carpet, not real grass. But carpet was removed during last reconstruction and glass panes were added. However, those panes shouldn't be an issue as they don't add a massive weight. Glass is 8mm thick. The day when it collapsed was sunny, and it wasn't raining for days. The structure is designed to hold a few dozen cm of snow. Seems like anchors were not reconstructed and A holders couldn't hold the weight anymore.
@radmilaobradovic9601 Күн бұрын
@faccebookk3704 Күн бұрын
The purpose of that canopy is actually counter weight that held the roof structure. No engineer, no matter how good he was, and those who designed the station were top notch, at the world level, cannot introduce the variable called idiocy into the static equations. With the fall of that canopy, we come to a situation where the roof is also compromised. Personally, I think the drop is due to the work on the canopy and not the added weight. Of course, adding weight is pointless because it defeats the purpose of the canopy as a counterweight. It is very important what and how they worked on the canopy itself. In order to determine this, the supporting elements should be inspected, and the nature of the fracture should be determined.
@赤青白 Күн бұрын
An investigation into who was responsible is currently taking place, but what we know is that in 2020 a Chinese infrastructure company was contracted to renovate the building, which was built in 1964. However SOMEONE in government did not allow the Chinese workers to touch the canopy roof. There is not much to ponder, it was someone either from the local authorities of the city of Novi Sad, or the Ministry of Infrastructure.
@mariemccann5895 Күн бұрын
Has the signature of corrupt cowboy builders.
@monizei Күн бұрын
Čitam također, da su betonske blokove koje su držali sipove na krovu, sklonili pri rekonstrukciji istog. Tako da te sipke nisu imale nista što ih je gore držalo.
@MolinaUdofo Күн бұрын
Since the cantilevered beams are still dangling from the wall, the pictures suggest that the tension-members' anchors on the roof gave in. Not an expert, just an observation.
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
yes it seems that way. Remember concrete is weak in tension, but strong in compression
@angelatanurdzic7508 9 сағат бұрын
Hvala za ove iscrpne informacije. 👍
@BurnabyGardener Күн бұрын
The canopy was suspended with cables from the "zig-zag" shape roof. I think you've haven't addressed that in your video. I've found a picture online with all black cables that are broken and are laying on the ground, except the last one where the canopy remained standing up.
@andrijailic1079 Күн бұрын
I won’t rush to conclusions but few pertinent facts are available. 1.There was work done on the canopy and glass and marble was added. 2. Due to added weight the anchors probably snapped. 3. Cantilever beams show structural rust that probably exacerbated the problem. 4. Last but not the least this is a textbook example of money laundering thru government funds where subprime work is done and astronomical amounts of money are pocketed into the ruling party’s cronies whose companies did this “great job”.
@afrosrb7828 Күн бұрын
Regarding the pronunciation of the name, it's a Đ (can also be written as DJ), pronounced as a soft J in English, like the name ĐOKOVIĆ or DJOKOVIĆ. And the last letter Ć is the well known letter at the end of the typical Serbian surnames, pronounced like the CH in the name from the famous NBA head coach Gregg Popovich or the actress Milla Jovovich
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
Thanks! That explains it perfectly how to pronounce
@marikakovacevic5989 Күн бұрын
Ovo je prilično korektna analiza.
@Jazzinthedark84 2 күн бұрын
Would you consider doing a video about the structural failings that led to so much death in the Grenfell tower fire of June 2017 in the UK? I'd be interested to hear your perspective on the many failures that led to a disastrous loss of life.
@jeffostroff 2 күн бұрын
I had considered it, fires like that have always fascinated me, as the coconut grove fire in Boston which my grandfather covered working for the local paper
@Jazzinthedark84 2 күн бұрын
@jeffostroff I think it would be a great topic for you. Especially with how thorough your coverage is. From what I've learned just by watching your videos it seems like Grenfell is a textbook example of how to do everything wrong.
@jm036 Күн бұрын
I don't think there were any structural failures in grenfell, far from in fact, the structure held. Rather the stay put in case of fire doctrine didn't consider that the building would be one day covered in very flammable insulation materials.
@Jazzinthedark84 Күн бұрын
@@jm036 So non fireproof/incorrectly fitted doors, windows etc intended to compartmentalise each individual apartment, that... well... didnt; isn't structural? The way the external cladding behaved and caused fire to enter apartments from the outside... Isn't a structural issue? Yes the building didn't fall, and thank goodness because who knows how many more would have died if it had, or what other buildings nearby might have fallen as a result (several were severely damaged as it was mainly by the heat) but the structure can still fail without total or partial collapse.
@jm036 Күн бұрын
@Jazzinthedark84 Yes, it isn't.
@mikioni 2 күн бұрын
Ne moze se ocekivati nista dobro od toliko tona betona i gvozdja. Pa jos ako nije dobro uradjeno.
@emilijavulic1663 Күн бұрын
As I understood in original interview of Mr Djajić (Dj" and "Ć" like "Djoković"), the concrete gaps were filled with big paper packets that were used for cement.
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
Yes that sounds like a poor engineering solution to a potentially deadly problem.
@m1k4c Күн бұрын
Architect Stojadinovic said that the company which did renovations few years back reported possible structural problems, but it was Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments (as usual in Serbia) that prevented the city from doing anything about it. Building was made by the communist regime in a relatively modern history, so modern that you can't really even call it "historical", but there you go. This roof was never supposed to be made out of concrete. It was hanging down from the upper ceiling (not the wall), hanged by steel wires. So, there was probably some material wear and tear, material tiring due to its age, changes in temperature etc... Unfortunatelly, when those renovations were finally done, I'm citing the said architect again "they solved observable, instead of structural problems". This same Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments is preventing solution to the main traffic problem in my town (Uzice), preventing the city to solve the problem of single worst town intersection because of the stupid facade on a private house on that intersection. Which is admitedly ancient history compared to 50yo station, probably early 20th century. Btw, if anyone missed it - every house in any center of any old town will likely have an old facade, you can use stupid facades to stop everything in this time and prevent from moving forward. A guy who owns the house couldn't take 20.000 eur if he was selling - for the entire house, not the stupid facade, it's in sorry condition, falling apart, entire thing is dangerous and ugly - but entire town is hostage to some corrupt agency that doesn't even have an office in our town. Also - they don't take care of these old houses - no one does. They're not really crazy, they wouldn't spend a single dime from state budget to maintain a fkn facade, it's just an excuse to take bribe, that's how entire thing works. Not entire Serbia, just this agency. And generally state tenders in my town. Sad thing about 14 dead in Novi Sad is that nothin's gonna change... Just some government crocodile tears for a week or two and then back to business.... Maybe they replace one agency with another, invent other kind of problem, but without corruption entire state would crumble. Anyway... If the question is "who killed 14 people", I just wanted to give my take on it all. And, obviously, I'm not some kind of "anti-monument" activist, we have beautiful medieval churches and castles as well as modern achitecture marvels, even some Ottoman-period buildings are worth preserving, but keeping a dangerous roof on a train station because it represents 50yo communist architecture is just mindless. Unfortunatelly, Novi Sad wasn't in position to offer bribe to the Agency, it seems this is the reason why we should privatize.
@chilechichich465 Күн бұрын
Great example was that building in Miami, very reminiscent of this railway station in Novi Sad: 1. badly designed static component from the beginning (no supporting columns) 2. it was waiting to collapse in both cases 3. added unnecessary weight after 40 years (Miami) and after 60 years (Novi Sad) 4. incompetence of the people involved in every step of construction, maintenance and supervision
@POPY868 Күн бұрын
Pozdrav prijatelju dobar video ste uradili. Iznenadijo sam se da znate Srpski?
@saleprofi122 Күн бұрын
Pa da i nije ali jeste postoje procedure u gradjevinarstvu koje se moraju ispostovati.To znaci da se ceo objekat mora snimiti uociti slabe tacke pogotovo ako u taj objekat ulazi veliki broj gradjana.
@amer5356 Күн бұрын
Svaka cast za video
@Dennis-vh8tz 2 күн бұрын
To me, the beam behind the cantilevers didn't look sufficient to support the cantilevered roof - it was rather thin and narrow, and with glass above and below didn't seem to have a lot of structural support. In the before pictures I saw black (presumably steel) rods connecting the roof which later collapsed to the corrugated roof above. In the post collapse images those black rods are gone, but their mounting points can be seen in the (apparently) undamaged upper roof. I'm thinking those rods may have been the primary weight bearing elements for the lower roof, with the cantilevers and beam behind them holding the roof in place laterally without bearing it's weight. My guess would be that the bolts (or equivalent) attaching those rods to upper roof sheared due to some combination of age/corrosion and the additional load of the new glass panels.
@dzonikg Күн бұрын
It was much thicker before reconstuciotion ,find video "Železnička stanica Novi Sad - Počela rekonstrukcija" from 2022 (2:18 long ) and go to 0:20 and you will see that it had much wider support beams
@TheGrejp Күн бұрын
​@@dzonikg The wide beams above the doors weren't structural, it was just a cover between two beams
@dzonikg Күн бұрын
@@TheGrejp So not true,there are photos from under before reconstruction , they were from reinforced concrete
@TheGrejp Күн бұрын
@@dzonikg That doesn't mean it was structural. There's a photo from 1963 when the station was under construction, you can see that the structural beams are only narrow. The wider parts had nothing to do with the collapse, but the poor work quality during reconstruction, added weight and corruption did.
@scottstewart5784 Күн бұрын
I don't think those were cantilevered beams. I think MOST of the load was carried by the rods.
@Goran-xn2bt Күн бұрын
@nesad1234 9 сағат бұрын
ne dijelim vase misljenje koje ste iznjeli u ovom vasem prilogu. mislim da ne razumijete uopce ideju kako je ova nadstresnica projektirana. prvo da vamodgovorim zasto je dio u nastavku ostao netaknut. jednostavo tu je dilatacija. tako da uticaj sa nadstresnice nije se mogao prenijeti na taj drugi dio. odgovor na vase drugo razmisljanje o koliciniarmature u gornjoj zoni. pa to uopce nisu konzole kako ih vi nazivate vec grede, gje je jedan oslonac pridrzan zategom. vjerorojatno ce se prekontrolirati proracun, koji po mom dosadasnjem iskustvu ce sigurno biti korektan. objekat je stajao decenije i nije bilo nikakvih problema. ono sto bi mogao biti jedan od uzroka je boljka koja je na ovim prostorima prisutna, a to je slabo ili nikakvo odrzavanje objekata, te da je usled dotrajalosti popustila jedna zatega koja je izazvala lancanu reakciju. drugi moguci razlog je nestrucno gazdovanje objektom i ne promisljeno dodavanje viska opterecenja koje je izazvalo lancanu reakciju. treca pretpostavka je da je mozda sam izvodjacdoprinjeo svojim aktivnostima da je doslo do havarije. rezultati istrage ce pokazati sta je pravi uzrok, pod uvjetom da to politika ne zataska. slike urusene nadstresnice jasno pokazuju da su popustile zatege, a ne grede koje su to nosile.
@marksmediatv7734 Күн бұрын
I was in the train station 12 hours prior to the collapse. They were working on a new balcony that was being added on to the same wall the canopy roof was attached and new sliding doors were being installed.
@George-xi4bu Күн бұрын
very good analysis !!
@iasmina6692 Күн бұрын
Thank you for such a good analysis. I live in that city,and I used to pass in front of that building every time I arrive in the city by bus. There.s a wide sidewalk in front of it and those benches, on a sunny day, are almost inviting you to sit down under that structure. of course nobody is thinking that it will fall on their head. it.s chilling, May they rest in peace, there were also children among the victims. Imagine a woman left her 6 year old son on the bench and she went to buy the bus ticket :(
@NekuraCa 2 күн бұрын
The two roofs don't look to be structurally connected.
@tomislavkobilarov5704 Күн бұрын
They are not, it is terrace of restoran !!
@michaelsmith9590 Күн бұрын
From photos shown, yes.
@Rose50Reno 10 сағат бұрын
Thanks Jeff for the information and your initial questions. Just after watching this video with the mention of the Chinese consortium, I went to The China Show channel. 3 weeks ago they streamed - Nothing is Safe in China - Now We Know Why - Episode #233 When you get past their silliness around 36:54 Soft Power Hour starts. The taxi car port failure looks somewhat similar to the Serbian Train Station collapse. Inquiring minds wonder . . . The tape measure comparisons (55:22) was chilling at best.
@neznamdeteram9494 Күн бұрын
Preziveti u toj supljini moze se smatrati pukom srecom i refleksu zrtveda ga par tona ne udari u glavu.
@user-uc9pn4gd8m Күн бұрын
Kakav refleks kad je pala za sekund?
@KiselinaSRB Күн бұрын
I hope you do an update on this in time. There is a security camera video capturing the collapse form the out side. And you can see the right side its left end start going down first then the rest of the structure followed ...
@robertstanley3248 9 сағат бұрын
Did the rods from the roof to the cantilever perform vertical support or were they decorative. I don't see any hanging from the roof. Did an initial failure somewhere else result in additional load on the rods? Or did the rods start to fail at the rooftop?
@birdfly8959 12 сағат бұрын
Vjerojatno zamor materijala.
@dominicm2175 2 күн бұрын
He seems completely oblivious that all of the black rod supports going to the upper roof all failed at the upper roof connection, and that there is no grass seen in photo of the collapse
@asmodeuso27 2 күн бұрын
those rods seems to be aesthetic only
@nkelm452 Күн бұрын
I agree
@ddm965 Күн бұрын
@@asmodeuso27 Grešite . Držale su je utege-sajle s jedne a sa druge strane stupovi pod horizontalnim serklažom . Vizualno više od pola dubine nadstrešnice se ponašalo kao proste grede sa momentima sila u po dva zgloba. To se prepoznaje upravo po većoj količini armature u donjoj zoni na mestu loma greda/ Stanica je u vreme izgradnje bila vrlo napredne i sofisticirane konstrukcije. Renoviranjem dodato opterećenje je uticalo na rušenje konstrukcije .Po ovoj površini nadstrešnicu je očekivalo dodatno opterećenja od 30-40 tona snega... Opterećenje stakla sa konstrukcijom nije bilo veće od 10-15 tona a pošto je nadstrešnica pala "bez" 50 cm snega na sebi "krađa" od proračuna tog opterećenja bila je propust ali ne jedini-mermerne obloge,zapušeni slivnici, nesavesni izvođači, loši nadzori svega je tu bilo...
@ddm965 Күн бұрын
@ddm965 Күн бұрын
Da. Kada je pukao prvi spoj svi su pukli...
@bashchelik100 Күн бұрын
thanx mister Jeff!
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the video!
@hipikbb Күн бұрын
We do not enjoy, we sad!
@panbanana70 Күн бұрын
Nesposobna i korumpirana vlast naprednjačka vlast je učinila ovo zlo
@gazibengazi 15 сағат бұрын
A major tragedy. The structure on the canopy is a simple green carpet. Aside from repainting, no reconstruction was undertaken, nor was any additional weight added. Such constructions are typically designed with a safety factor of 1.5-2.0. The canopy itself weighs nearly 150 tons. No accident results from a single factor but rather from a series of interrelated causes. In this case, it is most likely due to a lack of inspections over the years.
@Traderjoe Күн бұрын
And where is this grass in the collapse wreckage pictures? I didn’t see any.
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
The grass may have been removed recently, or if it as artificial turf, it may have been rolled out of the way.
@JohnStedman-d4s Күн бұрын
It appears that the series of triangulated tubular metal tensile ties which were connecting the cantilevered porch roof to the projecting ends of the upper concrete roof beams were sequentially overloaded and failed almost simultaneously in a "zipper" effect. The cantilevered concrete beams which directly supported the porch canopy then became overloaded in turn, and the whole thing pancaked as one, giving almost no warning or time for those underneath to escape. Lack of structural redundancy, minimal or no safety factors and lacklustre quality control were probably the Causal Factors. Serbia is a country where much of the construction industry and the associated government oversight is deficient or corrupt, and "Building Control" is lax, so this was definitely a foreseeable and preventable tragedy and, although egregious negligence was almost certainly involved, there will be few repercussions. Just as Champlain Towers South was poorly built under the reign of corruption in Miami 40 years ago, so many such potential disasters lie in wait to take innocent lives just because criminals without morals or ethics are allowed to flourish.
@zoltanmolnarcsikos4714 Күн бұрын
Statikailag ez a leomlott síma tető egy egyszerü gerenda túlnyúlással amely az épület oszlopjára (pillérre) támaszkodik a másik oldalon pedig a az épület vasbetontetőszerkezetéhez volt felkötve (fekete acél profilokkal -idomacél). A leszakadás oka az acélrudak bekötésének elgyengülésében látom a fenti csomópontban -az épület vasbetontetőszerkezeténél. Lehet, hogy a kivitelezéskor a hegesztés minősége szolíd lett és az elmult 60 év alatt a korrózió is gyöngítette. Nem mondanám, hogy itt Szerbiában az építőipar és a kapcsolódó kormányzati felügyelet valamint az "Épületellenőrzés" és a kivitelezés hiányos vagy korrupt lenne.
@ddm965 Күн бұрын
​@@zoltanmolnarcsikos4714 Slažem se . Očito i jasno je mesto loma a i razlozi kolapsa konstrukcije. Ovde manjkao projekat procene postojećeg stanja pre projekta rekonstrukcije. Neko se isuviše oslonio na iskustvo... Jedna utega puca- kolaps i urušavanje u sekundi. Ovo je samo naizgled jednostavna konstrukcija. Doduše kada se vide one sferne grede ab rešetke gnezda u Pekingu ovo je ...
@Danny-bd1ch 2 күн бұрын
Is the roof supporting the overhang, or is it the other way around?
@jeffostroff 2 күн бұрын
The overhang supports itself by those cantilever beams that you see emerging from the wall horizontally. I think those black tubes are cosmetic.
@stevanpejic8517 2 күн бұрын
​@jeffostroff I'm concerned that during the renovations more weight was applied to the canopy during the works. The grass is astroturf, but definitely additional moisture and weight with horizontal materials has played its tragic part.
@V100-e5q 2 күн бұрын
@@jeffostroff I doubt that. Nobody puts decorative rods there if they would not have had a function. The beams coud not serve as cantilevers because there was no countermeasure to deal with the bending momentum the beams introduced into the wall. Also the few rods in the top layer hints to that. The rods supported one end and the now exposed big beam in the facade the other. Hence many rebar rods in the bottom layer and very few in the top layer. That looks pretty obvios to me. I would concentrate on the support rods coming from the main roof.
@royreynolds108 2 күн бұрын
@@V100-e5q If nobody puts decorative rods up on a structure, I suggest you look at the FIC bridge failure. Those rods were just light pieces of pipe and the span was supposed to be a simply-supported span.
@TheGrejp Күн бұрын
​@@jeffostroff Thank you for the analysis. Regarding the black tubes, most people from the area seem to claim that they were indeed structural and that the canopy is partially supported by the cantilever beams and partially hanging from the roof. They could be wrong, of course, but old photos taken during construction show the tubes already in place before the canopy was even finished, tied directly into the grid-like structure inside it, so I'm inclined to believe this. It could also explain why there was so little rebar, especially near the top of the beams.
@ivokovacic9661 Күн бұрын
čelična ovješenja i njihov spoj sa krovom??
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
Te čelične cijevi su vjerojatno samo kozmetičke, izvršavaju vrlo malo prenosa opterećenja, osim možda držati dio tog gornjeg krova, ali sjetite se čak i njihova težina počiva na vrhu donjeg krova koji se srušio, dodajući na opterećenje prema dolje na tom krovu. Those steel tubes are likely just cosmetic, performing very little load transfer, except maybe to hold up part of that upper roof, but remember even their weight is resting on top of the lower roof that collapsed, adding onto the downward load on that canopy roof.
@CheefCoach Күн бұрын
@@jeffostroff Based on placement of the steel rebars on the concrete beams (which is down), those steel tubes were primary carrier.
@ddm965 Күн бұрын
@@jeffostroff pričaš gluposti
@BlUdNIcaR Күн бұрын
​@@ddm965ti znaš bote sekte? Sudbina ti familije a prvo dece bila ispod nadstrešnice.
@estradabih7977 Сағат бұрын
Na mjestu gdje su se zatege odvojile , beton, gotovo, neoštećen !
@doktorzafejs5782 Күн бұрын
This structure has been standing since 1964, and it was obviously well-designed and thoroughly calculated. Three years ago, they performed a ‘reconstruction’ of the building, but supposedly did not touch the canopy. The QUESTION IS WHETHER they did any work on the roof?? Because if they did, it’s possible that this is the cause.
@doktorzafejs5782 Күн бұрын
Imre Farkas, Milan Matović, Main Station, 1964
@doktorzafejs5782 23 сағат бұрын
When i say roof, i mean the roof of the building not the roof of the canopy.
@jeffostroff 14 сағат бұрын
I still think those black tubes were cosmetic, not load bearing
@Tekwyzard 13 сағат бұрын
@@jeffostroff If those black tubes were not merely cosmetic, it'd explain why there appears to me that there's a lot more rebar on the underside of the fallen beams. The extra rebar would be to resist the tension forces of the canopy being the counterweight for the roof of the train station, which would be trying to pull the canopy up. Were this to be correct, as a lot of respondents on here suggest, then as they also say, the whole roof, and indeed front wall of the station is no longer structurally safe. Someone has added too much weight somewhere, maybe even up on the stations roof as well as the canopy, and the design safety margins were too small, including age and maybe lack of proper maintenance, for the overall tensioning system to take the weight. Once the black tubes/rods or their anchorages let go, the feeble looking rebar atop the concrete beams didn't stand a chance of keeping the canopy up.
@doktorzafejs5782 11 сағат бұрын
​@@jeffostroff No, it’s not that simple. This building is protected by law as a cultural monument. The building and its surroundings were designed by a highly esteemed professor of that era. In the 1960s, material costs were extremely high in Yugoslavia, while labor was cheap, so architects competed to create the best solutions using as little material as possible. The roof is connected to the canopy with black tubes; the canopy actually serves as a counterweight, keeping the accordion-shaped roof stable across a large span. Now, the entire building is at risk, specifically the roof. By law, it should now be restored to its original appearance, as it is a cultural heritage site.
@ResidBabovic Күн бұрын
Internal gallery parallel with external overhanger was added in process of construction, and it may endangered construction in process of installing. Safety standards were pretty advanced in the time of construction, and civil engineers of the time were amongst better in this part of world.
@Traderjoe Күн бұрын
I don’t know about the weather there, but if they get snow, I bet over the years that snow load and temperature fluctuations and freeze/thaw cycles are compounded into the longevity of the structural integrity of anything. Even if it was fake grass, it absorbs water and slows down runoff, which adds weight. Sad for the people lost. Hopefully they didn’t suffer.
@purrsandfurrs 8 сағат бұрын
I lived in Novi Sad. The original construction didn’t have glass and steel on top top of it. These were added during the reconstruction.
@cyclonasaurusrex1525 2 күн бұрын
I must be wrong: Was the cantilever attached to the front rather than extending through it?
@NaturalnaGlupost Күн бұрын
How many people need to die in that country to get it? The corruption is coming from the top. Poor people.
@shiningstar8766 Күн бұрын
Original project documentation was unavailable. Obviously someone did not calculate would the overhang support the additional weight, plus the corrosion from the water. Just my guess
@jeffostroff Күн бұрын
Yes, and more and more, engineers and architects need to start thinking about what would happen to my design if people added weight to it later on. What if they added a paver brick layer on top, and decide to make it a patio for parties and dances? That would be devastating but we need to think of these things when we design buildings.
@vzaba 11 сағат бұрын
Yes, they added glass. I am in Serbia. There are pictures. It also looked like steel framing for the glass which would have added even more weight. It's horrible. People are still in critical condition fighting for their lives.
@milanradakovic6786 22 сағат бұрын
Drugar, ok analiziraš ali ne baš dovoljno stručno. Govoriš o pukotinama na podužnoj betonskoj gredi, a to nisu pukotine, to je samo malter koji m su lepljenje i učvršćene ukrasne ploče.
@Valentina-hd7hn Күн бұрын
Nisam ing. Ali se pitam ko je potpisao tehnicki pregled?
@mikibl Күн бұрын
Very good analisys. There are so many questions to answer . From 1964, this construction was subject to so many harsh winters; some times with heavy snow and eis load and survived. On this particular day, whether was perfect. It must be something related to additional loads and aging of the structure?! This clean concret separation at the beams snapping section is pointing to no continues pooring of the concrete?!
@chrislambert9435 Күн бұрын
The Chinese Construction Company (or any other Company) may have done the Work, but so what ! ! who was it that directed/commissioned them to do this work ? ?
@gofindanicecarCarl Күн бұрын
Serbia and the Chinese cooperation😂 Small balls to make a response to China.
@mm17101978 Күн бұрын
Excellent video sir!
@ruckusrodkustom8140 2 күн бұрын
Shouldn’t the ties from the roof help support the canopy? Or at least hold up during the collapse?
@rangolastarfarajevic7151 Күн бұрын
They got damaged in the "restauration" process, there are images on some Serbian forum. You have to take into account that our (Serbian) government is highly corrupt. That's the main reason for these kind of incidents. Everything they touch falls apart soon after. I'm surprised that this was the first disaster that people died in.
@J4ckCr0w Күн бұрын
They were not reinforced.
@alisamatlas495 22 сағат бұрын
I live in Serbia Belgrade ,you better described all clues and mistakes and dates better than Serbian NEWS and interview ! BRAVO!!!! NICE JOB
@jeffostroff 14 сағат бұрын
I appreciate the feedback, thanks for watching!
@dixieleflore1409 2 күн бұрын
Such a tragedy 😢🙏🇷🇸
@J4ckCr0w Күн бұрын
That could have been avoided if the government was not as corrupt.
@МусаКесаџија 15 сағат бұрын
Класично преоптерећење без икаквог стандарда сигурности. И да није било додатно оптерећено питање времена је када би само пало пошто је зграда била јако стара.😢
@JamieW-o7b Күн бұрын
The upper roof was already showing damage by age and water, the lower roof should have been "questioned" too! Was a nice design and a practical layout for its day.
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