早年在做有關MBTI的實驗的時候就發現問題很多了,心理學界從來沒有認過MBTI;畢竟一開始MBTI只是一對小說家母女看了榮格的著作做出來的。 就像創造霍根人格發展調查的測量心理學家Robert Hogan說的:大多數人格心理學家將MBTI視為一個著作精巧的幸運餅乾 Most personality psychologists regard the MBTI as little more than an elaborate Chinese fortune cookie 真正有心理學背書的是大五人格,big5就不會有mbti有些時候互斥、有些時候獨立,還有主觀操作成分過大的問題 比起MMPI跟Big5,MBTI的作用可能更像是Holland Hexagon
@@wagon2022 還好你修正了起初的留言,不然擁有MBTI版權的CPP公司跟推廣MBTI的Myers基金會跟你說的內容甚至互相衝突 Created in 1943 by Isabel Briggs Myers to Improve "Home-Front Productivity" n 1943, in Philadelphia and Washington, the mother-daughter team of Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, self-schooled in Jungian psychology and personnel management, put the finishing touches on the new personality assessment tool. CPP, Inc., is the exclusive publisher of the Myers-Briggs instrument. For 45 years it has been the leading provider of assessments administered by professionals focused on meeting individual and organizational development needs. The company publishes assessments and training tools for a variety of applications, such as "leadership development, coaching, teambuilding, career management, and retention". The MBTI instrument sorts for preferences and "does not measure trait, ability, or character". The MBTI tool is different from many other psychological instruments and also different from other personality tests. 我各種MBTI官方以及非官方的工作坊跟授課也大概有接受了72小時以上,換算成兩小時的課程也相當於上了36堂,只差沒有去做認證而已了; 官方講師的口吻以及他們實際運用的場域就更多是組織跟企業端,基本上跟所謂個人評估是比較脫鉤的; 而且但凡鑽研你就知道了,MBTI有關的論文基本上都是管理學特別是企業管理領域。