Sh. Saeed Fodeh SHUTS DOWN Dr. Ali Gooma's Recent Perennialist Takes

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Muhammad Umar Mustafa

Muhammad Umar Mustafa

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Watch Sh. Saeed Fodeh completely shut down Dr. Ali Gooma's recent perennialist take.
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@ibnawesome 4 ай бұрын
Just a few weeks left to register for the 6-Month Arabic Intensive (2024 Ed.) Don't miss your chance this year to take your Arabic to the very next level. Learn more at
@Bismillah8952 4 ай бұрын
May Allah preserve you and give you great reward for posting these videos
@dailylifeexperiences2797 4 ай бұрын
I abstain myself from dwelling into subjects and the differences in opinions that are the domains of the ulama (subject matter experts). I stick to what is solid, undisputed knowledge and conservative of one of the four legitimate madhabs in ASWJ, and try to stay away from matters that possibly fall into syubhah. I understand as a human, ulama are not free from error. Yet this does not dent my respect to them, and I pray that Allah bless them all, i.e. ulama of ASWJ.
@putronogo1384 4 ай бұрын
great session 👍🏽. great scholar Sheikh Saeed Fodeh حفظه الله
@AmiraEsSalim 4 ай бұрын
Great translation 👍
@Theway078 4 ай бұрын
Good translation 👌
@Bismillah8952 4 ай бұрын
جواب على تعليق شخص ما :اولا الله يعطي الجنة لمن يشاء فهو خالق ورازق ومعطي كل شئ ونحن عباده تانيا : الله من اخبرنا ان لمن يتبع دينه وهو الاسلام ويطبق تعاليمه يدخل الجنة بحوله ومشيئته
@Almuqriy 6 сағат бұрын
Assalamu alaykum va rahmatullah Could you translate more videos from Sheikh Saeed Foudah, please!?
@ibnawesome 5 сағат бұрын
Wa'alaykumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, thank you for your suggestion and comment, Brother; I currently have 20+ clips of his lined up and ready to be translated; make dua I can release them soon, Insha'Allah.
@cornesdegazelleaberdeen2134 4 ай бұрын
MashaeAllah ❤
@Manalll005 4 ай бұрын
Very good response😊👍🏻
@cmsacademy1673 2 ай бұрын
The funny thing is this was no perennials fatwa but completely political
@abuahmadmuhammad9187 4 ай бұрын
10:35 (personally, I cannot fully analyze and explain why he (Ali al Jumma would say such a thing).
@rickyalfred9710 4 ай бұрын
It’s possible shaykh Ali is referring to the part of the verse that is descriptive “whoever believes in Allah and the last day and works Amal salih” this descriptive is Islam not the labels mentioned first. There is no khliaf that what is mentioned of description in the verse is Islam.
@Holistic_Islam 4 ай бұрын
That doesn’t make any sense. You can’t just take snippets and go against the consensus of scholars. Secondly, this doesn’t apply to the current kuffar Christians and kuffar Jews.
@LowlierThanThow 4 ай бұрын
Great translation. However, the title is misleading. To go 'full blown perennialist' would mean to include Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions under the rubric of Islam. Although I haven't seen the video of Sh Ali Gomaa, I seriously doubt he would have said that. It would be more accurate to remove 'full blown', which is click bait and misrepresentation. Also (from my understanding), perennialism can include the idea of seeing the common ground in differing religions, and as Judaism and Christianity are Abrahamic, perhaps this is what the Shaykh intended. We should be people of husn al dhann. Anyway, I personally find what he has been reported to have said unacceptable because it will lead to misunderstanding.
@saifibnsalah6919 4 ай бұрын
Agree please akhi al karim change the title. I love your videos but this isn't any layman we're talking about: this is al sheykh al kabir Ali Gomaah hafidhahuAllah
@noahboah2310 4 ай бұрын
This is why i love Shaykh Jameel Haleem and the Students of Shaykh Abdullah Al Harari al Habashi, these shuyukhs always warn against wrong fatawahs and bring clearness. They teach the people with the right priorities to protect them. THEY ARE TRUE MUSLIMS AHLUSSUNNAH ASHARIS you canT buy them with money.
@abdulelosman 4 ай бұрын
I recommend you the Channel Habashi-Clips. They are without a shadow of a doubt takfeerees, especially Nabil Al-Shareef. They deviate from Ahlus-Sunnah in many things like the view regarding Muawiah, the sinnlessness of the prophet(s) and many other things. Thats the reason they are viewed by the majority of sunni muslims as an extrem sect, like the wahabis. I also would like to invite you, to watch the series "habashi scissors". They butcherd the statements of many great scholars and put them in their books to fit the habashi narrative. Thats not what i call "امانة شرعيه" .
@MillhouseSpeaks 4 ай бұрын
The ahbash disguise themselves as from Ahlesunnah but they are deviants
@davidperrotta9378 4 ай бұрын
Oh the ones who allow riba and are bought out as an organisation in almost every where in the world?
@cubanoberlin8728 4 ай бұрын
the worst of Ahlu Bid'ah nowadays.. Ahbash..
@dontemckibben6719 4 ай бұрын
Harari and his cult are just another group claiming to be on the Haqq but have beliefs that differ vastly from the ahl sunnah. Harari was not even above attacking the sahabah ikram
@QamruddinKhan-hf4dn Ай бұрын
I have a question, a salafi uploaded a video of Habib al jifri of doing shirk where he was singing al madad ya Rasulullah madad madad ya Maulana ya hussain.... What do you say about Habib Ali jifri?
@mdibrar831 23 күн бұрын
Ishtighana is not shirk as per Alhe Sunnah, it is permissible and some regard it as haram in thier school, only salafis deem it shirk
@tolhajabar5862 4 ай бұрын
كائنا من كان قائله . إن الجنة ليست حكراً على المومنين هذا ضلال مبين
@Erf895 4 ай бұрын
‏لكن حكرا على الله وقد قال الله تعالى في محكم تنزيله و من يبتغي غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين
@naughtybynature999 4 ай бұрын
This is the issue i always have with this answer. Firstly yes Sh. Ali Jumma's answer is incorrect. I dont think we should be dismissive of the girl's question however as it's an important question many have, and often leads people to lead the religion. My question is why cant we just say Allah knows best about the reality of these individuals who are not muslim and will judge them accordingly and categorize them as kuffar or ahlul fitra. You dont have to go to the extreme and say they are Muslims, but you also have room to say that Allah will decide on their salvation, and Allah is Al-Hakeem, Al-'Aleem, Ar-Raheem...We also know from saheeh hadith that there will be people who will go through additonal tests on the day of judgement and although the hadeeth gives specifics, you at least have room to say that Allah may choose to give people a second chance to follow in yawmil qiyama. This is a much more expansive answer that can assuage someone's doubts about the deen, without falling outside aqeeda parameters.
@ibnawesome 4 ай бұрын
I don't think the girl even had that question in the first place; it seemed like an elaborate set-up by Sisi and his cronies. Suppose x person was a known Jew or Christian who didn't repent before he died. In that case, we can't say Allah knows best about the reality of these individuals who are not Muslim and will judge them accordingly, as we know from the categorical nass of the Quran that whosoever dies upon either of these two religions is the worst of God's creation and will abide in Hell eternally. This isn't something that we're allowed to be wishy-washy about. Allah doesn't give second chances to people who denied Islam in the hereafter. You either heard the true message of Islam, accepted it, and then went to Heaven, heard it fully and authentically, rejected it, and then went to Hell, or you didn't hear it all/heard a distorted version of it and are excused and go to Heaven. "you at least have room to say that Allah may choose to give people a second chance to follow in yawmil qiyama." Scholars of theology don't accept the narration that you're basing this on, but if they did, then it would only apply to someone who didn't hear of Islam or heard a distorted version of it.
@naughtybynature999 4 ай бұрын
@ibnawesome I hear you. That is the standard classical view. And this is something that I've pushed back on with my own teachers. I believe this is an issue relevant in modern kalam and this falls under the debate of categorizing ahlul-fitra. The application of the ayah in question is irrelevant. I'm not trying to say that they should be considered Muslims. They clearly are not. It's more so where they fit within the categories of kuffar or ahlul fitra. So my point is this reality belongs to the Supreme knowledge of Allah. It is a matter of qadr. So why do we have to make definitive statements about salvation, when we don't make definitive statements about Allah's qadr. This issue of salvation is a point of discussion among ulema of kalaam, like you said in regards to receiving a distorted message, or (I believe in the case of some of the Maturdi's if I'm not mistaken) claiming that tawheed is the minimum required for eventual salvation. In regards to the hadith, yes this is an ahad hadith meaning it is not a fardh of aqeeda, but it is a mistake to say, "they don't accept it" because ahad hadith can be used in furu'ee issues in aqeeda. My main point here is that we should recognize that in the field of kalam, this is and has been a subject of debate, so why not just state the necessary that is required by aqeeda (which means identifying who is or isn't a Muslim), without stating definitely who is going to heaven or hell.
@TheSlaveOfAllah1992 4 ай бұрын
​@@naughtybynature999 You mean ilmul kalam? Leave ilmul kalam for your own soul before you destroy yourself. A kafir whether Jew, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, fire worshipper, etc, die upon this belief, even though they heard about Islam and was explained to them, they rejected it then they will be in jahanam Forever. This is what Allah says and His Prophet, and the Muslim Ummah. As for these kuffar heard about the elements of Islam through misguided individuals like shia, sufis -grave worshippers, qadiyanis, etc, then the hujjah has not been established upon these kuffar so on the day of Resurrection, Allah will test them.
@ryugalaw 4 ай бұрын
He didn't go full blown perenialist. He gave the young girl an incomplete answer
@ryanamalfitano7572 4 ай бұрын
Where’s the evidence that Sheikh Ali Gomaa said perennialist statements?
@asadm9522 4 ай бұрын
You might have comprehension issues. Hes statement is "the" definition of perennialism. I wouldnt be surprised as hes a the part of ulama sultan. Dhulm supporter. These people will meet their faith inshAllah. Hes known
@Holistic_Islam 4 ай бұрын
@@asadm9522I can’t comprehend how many believe support this murtadd Ali Gomaah, who is literally a scholar for the murtadd kaffir taghut Sisi who legislates kufr laws, and aids the kuffar against Muslims.
@LetterBeginning 3 ай бұрын
Asad, shut your ignorant mouth.
@Re-Destro 4 ай бұрын
He really prolonged his answer, anyways I believe other people of faith can attain salvation when I read the Qur'an, and there is other verses as well. But Gooma to say that the verse he quoted is all Islam is wrong, maybe he misspoke but there is definitely salvation for other faiths.
@Holistic_Islam 4 ай бұрын
You’re making statements of kufr. The reason why he prolonged it was to clarify to ignorant people like you. There’s no salvation for kuffar and mushrikeen. If you’re talking about people who never received the message of Islam and have no know to know about Oneness of God, then there’s ikhtilaaf regarding this matter. But then we are talking about 0.0001% of the earth’s population. Your words “I believe” are baatil, especially if your argument goes against the consensus of scholars and what is known by religion by necessity.
@mdkhan3928 23 күн бұрын
Even though I'm Ahlul hadith💓☝️ Alhumdullillah at least we are agreed on the Ijma & call out Kufr Akbar⚰️👿🔥🔥🔥for what it is. Ali Goma is a mufti of Taaghoot 😈 who has sold his Deen to Sisi.🥴🤷🏿‍♂️
@TheMohadam 9 күн бұрын
علي جمعة شغله ان يشوش حقيقة الاسلام
@mohamedroshdy5441 4 ай бұрын
So they are going to hell?
@wayyjamshid 4 ай бұрын
@mohamedroshdy5441 4 ай бұрын
@@wayyjamshid And you're going to heaven?
@wayyjamshid 4 ай бұрын
@mohamedroshdy5441 I hope because I have a chance.
@idreesmohammed5823 4 ай бұрын
According to sharaaiul Islaam (Quran and Sunnah)... in the present tense...They're definitely destined for hell....unless they embrace Islam... As far as the future/aakhirah is concerned... only Allah Tala knows who will die on Islam and who will enter Jannah or Jahanum
@Regreg347 3 ай бұрын
Yes just like Qur'an says. Kufr is destined to be in hell and Islam is destined to be in heaven.
@ziryabjamal 4 ай бұрын
Is Foudeh on the spectrum?
@sparephone8228 4 ай бұрын
Nothing different to what the khawarij scholars say. Why does Islam allow Muslim men to marry Christian and Jewish women? Why does sura 5 tell Muslims to vie in doing good works with the Ahle kitab? If the Ahle kitab have no salvation, their good work will mean nothing on the day of judgement. The word Islam itself means the self surrender of man to God.
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