0:14 ローマ帝国消滅後イタリア長い間様々な国から侵略を受けていました。(I received aggression after the Roman Empire extinction from Italian for a long time various countries.) 0:17 イタリアでは次第に多くの小さな国が生まれ協力したり喧嘩したりを繰り返します。(Many small countries are gradually created in Italy and cooperate and repeat a quarrel.) 0:20 イタリアが統一できたのは約1300年後の19世紀、つい最近のことだったのです。(It was about 19th century about 1,300 years later, just these days that I was able to unify Italy.) 0:25 地中海の焦点だった南イタリア(South Italy which was a focus of the Mediterranean Sea) 0:28 そのため周りは怖い国だらけ(Therefore the rotation is full of scary countries) 0:30 古代文明の遺産(Inheritance of the ancient civilization) 立地の良さ(Good point of the location) 生まれた時からモテ体質(Is popular since was born; constitution) 0:33 お困りですか?(Do you have a problem?) 0:34 助けろノルマン人!(Help; a Norman!) やったー!!(Great!!) 0:36 シチリア王国爆誕(Sicily kingdom establishment) 0:38 お兄さんが管理するよ!❤️(An older brother manages it!❤️) ←※女装したフランス兄ちゃんです。 (It is the French older brother who disguised himself as a woman.) 0:40 チェンジで!(By a change!) 自分で追い返しちゃう程嫌だったらしい(I seemed to hate it so as to chase it by oneself back) 0:48 こうして南イタリアは昔からありとあらゆる文化と民族を受け入れていき・・・(South Italy receives every culture and race in this way from old days; ...) 0:56 相当カオスに育ちました(I considerably grew up into chaos) 0:57 両シチリア王国(Both Sicily kingdom) 1:01 España「私が育てました!」("I brought up!" España) 1:07 革命(revolution) 1:08 王政復古に不満を持った南イタリアから革命運動が広がりました(A revolution campaign spread through the Restoration of Imperial Rule from south Italy with the dissatisfaction) 1:13 すぐにオーストリアさんに止められましたが( I was stopped immediately by Austria) 1:15 これは後のイタリア統一に繋がる確実な一歩だったのです(This was certain one step to lead to later unification in Italy) 1:21 ルネサンスが花開いた北イタリア(North Italy where the Renaissance prospered) 1:23 この時代はお金持ちたちが国を引っ張っていました(Rich people pulled a country in this time) 1:27 イタリアは誰のもの?(Whose thing is Italy?) イタリア戦争勃発(War outbreak in Italy) 1:29 結果的にオーストリアさん家に吸収されルネサンスは約60年で幕を閉じました(As a result, it was absorbed in a person of Austria, and the renaissance closed a curtain in about 60 years) オーストリア「今日からそれを着なさい」北イタリア「はい・・・」(Austria "wear it from today"; North Italian "yes ...") 1:32 北イタリア「ごはんにパスタはでますか?」オーストリア「でません」北イタリア「ピッツァは」オーストリア「でません」(North Italy "is the pasta served to rice?" As for the Austria . north Italian "pizza that "is not precocious"," Austria "is not precocious") 1:35 俺とローマ帝国になれ!(It is used to with me by the Roman Empire!) 1:43 スペイン継承戦争(The succession war in Spain) 1:50 北イタリア「やっぱりこっちで・・・」(North Italian "after all here ...") 1:52 サルデーニャ王国(Sardinia kingdom establishment) 2:03 革命(revolution) 2:04 フランスから来た革命の風はイタリア全土を包み南イタリアでの革命をきっかけに、北イタリアは統一に向けて大きく動きだすのでした(The wind of the revolution that came from France surrounded the whole land of Italy, and, triggered by a revolution in south Italy, north Italy has begun to greatly move for unification) 2:18 北イタリア「兄ちゃんに続こう!」(North Italy "will spread out to an older brother!") 2:20 一方その頃・・・(On the other hand, it is that time ...) 南イタリア「勢いで暴れてみたけれどやっぱり他の国が怖えよな〜。今更イタリア統一なんて・・・」部下「北イタリアが本気で統一を狙ってるみたいです!」(South Italy "- that after all other countries are scared though acted violently by force. As for the unification in Italy, "north Italy seems to aim at unification ... subordinate seriously!" now) 2:24 南イタリア「え?」("It gets" south Italy) 2:25 第一次イタリア独立戦争(The first Italy independence war) 2:28 第二次イタリア独立戦争(The second Italy independence war) 2:35 南イタリア「本当に馬鹿弟が南下してるぞ!!オーストリアに戦争で勝つとか俺の弟はイタリア人か!?」(South Italy "a stupid younger brother really goes south! Is my younger brother an Italian that he beats Austria by war? ") 2:41??「ロマーノ!」← ガリバルディさん(? ? "Romano!" ← Garibaldi) 2:42 南イタリア「ヴェネ・・・ッ!!誰!?」( "It is Bene ... south Italy! Who? ) 2:43 北イタリア「俺もいるよー」南イタリア「馬鹿弟!」(The north Italy "there is me" south Italian "stupid younger brother!") 2:44 北イタリア「イタリア統一するから一旦消滅してくれ!」(Because north Italy unifies Italy, "they become extinct once!") 2:47 ロマーノ「・・・・・・・・・え?」("It gets Romano ... ... ...") 2:49 イタリア王国(Italian kingdom) 2:59 統一(Unification) 3:00 1861年3月17日、イタリアの南北は統一され、現在のイタリアの前身となる、イタリア王国が成立したのです。(The Italy kingdom which the north and south of Italy were unified on March 17, 1861, and became the current Italian forerunner was established.) 3:13 イタリア語「歴史」は「物語」と同じ言葉を使います。(The Italian "history" uses the words same as "a story".) 3:16 彼らの歴史は、南北をひとまとめに語れない程、兄弟それそれの物語があります。(Their history cannot recite the north and south in a bundle, and there is the story of brothers it it.) 3:19 そんな兄弟は統一から現在に至るまで、お互いの違いを認め合うことで、バラバラなりにも一つの国として一緒に暮らしているのです。(It is scattered, and such brothers live from unification together to this day as one country by recognizing each other's differences.) ※英訳には自信がありません。なので間違いがあれば御指摘お願いします。(I am not confident of English translation. So please point it out if there is a mistake.)
MY BOYS LOOK SO PRETTY AA. I absolutely adore Romano’s smug-asf look like “Yeah you know I look sexy in my uniform ladies.~” at 1:02 And him taking NO shits from the bigger countries anymore at 1:08 Happy Unification day Italia!!
@s1mpqu33n22 жыл бұрын
As always your videos are amazing! Loving all the Hetalia content in 2022
I'm in love with your artstyle, the round faces are so perfect, just like everything else!
@絹おとうふ2 жыл бұрын
@panko67792 жыл бұрын
ok yes. YES. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED AAAAAA and like I JUST LOVE HOW YOU MADE THEM AAAAAAAA Tears are spilling out of my mouth you did them so well and them in uniform is just fsjdihfjlkshfijh
@ノマ太郎2 жыл бұрын
@kirannoying2 жыл бұрын
I'm dying. This video is so adorable and I love the amazing art!! Good job! This absolutely made my day better
@clarac.2080 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t understand a thing since I don’t speak japanese but I love the moment when Garibaldi arrives and talks to Romano XD