I'm going to watch the dramas that I recorded. 作ってみました〜! ひな先生、夜はもう寒いし危ないので外は出なくて大丈夫ですよ💦
@HinaEnglishTeacher Жыл бұрын
Perfect sentence! お気遣いありがとうございます😊
@りょう-m1j Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your video! I hear shadowing is one of the trainings for interpreters. So I think it's natural that shadowing is too difficult for beginners like me. Anyway, I'm going to get used to practice you recommend.
@HinaEnglishTeacher Жыл бұрын
Yes you are right, shadowing is for advanced speakers! Good luck and have fun learning!
Thank you for the great advice why shadowing is not the best way of practicing to brush up pronouciation for beginners in today's video. I'm going to practice modeling as you said to get score 900 or higher on TOEIC next year!
KZbinとかフレーズの動画たくさんあるのでおすすめです! また、わからない単語の発音はネット(weblio, google translate)を私は使っていました! google 翻訳は自分の発音も査定してくれる機能もあるので、ちょーおすすめです! 詳しくはこの動画で見せてますのでご参考に: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qJyyZYZoeK90ers
@cre8ivesot5387 ай бұрын
I'mma put my comment here about feedback on this topic. In my point of view, her opinion is right, hands down. As I am an English learner from Japan, I can guarantee u guys that shadowing is not the best way to learn English apart from proficient English learner. The reason is the same as Hina mentioned in this video. If you are a beginner who has below 1500 of comprehensible vocabulary, shadowing isn't going to work efficiently because u will be confused and u cannot understand most of the sentence unless u take a lot of watching over and over. So it sounds takes time. Which means inefficient, isn't it? I know what u guys want to argue with me. That is what am I gonna recommend to u instead, right? I will mention it in Japanese later. Sorry to keep you waiting lol. Recently, all of a sudden, I'm a kinda person who became to understand what foreign people speak to u. For me it was a long trip though, cause it took almost a year after I got 5.5 in IELTS. I want u guys to get it just as one of the samples. I know nobody will pay attention to my words though, haha. I'mma go on my way, I have a strong mind. Never mind. Then, school you guys! 経験上、まずは中高生で英語始めたてであれば単語学習がよいです。単語がわかるだけでテストの内容理解に大きく役立つためです。また単語を知っていることで、リスニングのときに音がつながって聞こえる現象が減ります。コツは単語だけを覚えるのではなくて、一緒に使われる組み合わせも少しだけ覚えましょう。 しかし単語だけではテストで点数は伸び悩むでしょう。文法を理解できないと正確な意図をつかめないためです。しかし、文法がわかると文章を推測できるようになり、リスニング力向上にも繋がります。例えばwant と won'tって同じように聞こえますよね?? 英語で「アイ ウォント ビー ヒアー トゥモロー」と聞こえたときに、文法を知っていることでI want be here tomorrow. ではなく I won't be here tommorow と言ったんだなと、推測することができます。例を上げればきりがないですが、このようなことはあなたが英語をよく聞く環境にいれば、よく起きます。なので文法も覚えることでリスニングを強化できます。 ちょっと長すぎるのでこのへんで。。
@wattson30000kills5 ай бұрын
シャドウィングしたら結構喋れるようになったけどな でもトイックには役に立たないのか
@Yuel-l3f10 ай бұрын
@RABBIAZOPPA3 ай бұрын
I’m gonna get a season ticket for my favorite basketball team. It’s so expensive for me but I want to cheer them.
I'm gonna get excited to Hina's pretty voiceの方が綺麗です!笑
@norikoo6092 Жыл бұрын
thankyou correct answer
@masagaoju-qp7fd Жыл бұрын
I'm going to get high English skill like you.
@HinaEnglishTeacher Жыл бұрын
Thanks for challenging ☺️ I’m going to get high English “skills” like you の方が綺麗です!
@masagaoju-qp7fd Жыл бұрын
@おすし-f5z11 ай бұрын
@crazykid558811 ай бұрын
@HinaEnglishTeacher11 ай бұрын
@koichitamura-r1e6 ай бұрын
@user-sapphire.0730 Жыл бұрын
@HinaEnglishTeacher Жыл бұрын
@信悟日高 Жыл бұрын
I'm going to take a bath. I'm going to watch TV. I'm going shopping. こういう使い方でいいでしょうか?😊
@HinaEnglishTeacher Жыл бұрын
@misohagi-chan11 ай бұрын
I’m gonna get a English Brain. シャドーイングは以前、秒で撃沈しました😅 なぜなら、英語口ができてないこともあり、全く口が動かない。 日本語で早口言葉どころか日常の会話もドモってまともにできないのに シャドーイングは無謀。 ゆっくり英語(単語)を口にするので精一杯です。文章で、なんてもってのほか。 文章を聞き取れない、すらすら英単語を口にできない。 耳も口も英語に慣れていないレベルにシャドーイングは、やる意味を見出せませんでした。 シャドーイングが効果を成すのは、発音をしっかり聞かなくても正しい発音がわかってて、英文に抵抗なくなって、フレーズ見て自然と口が動くレベル。 つまり、より英会話を英語のリズムで、スムーズに、流れるようにできるようにする練習でしかないのではないかと思いました。
@anony3289w Жыл бұрын
質問です。 The modeling methodをする際、自分の声を録音して聞き直してチェックしたりしてますか?
Hey, learner of Japanese here and just wanted to say your English is insane. Did you ever go on an exchange program with a US school or something? 文法と単語にミスがあってもアクセントが正しければネイティブに聞こえるので、そこは気になります!!
【今だけ添削します!!】"I'm going to get a..." "I'm going to get..." を使って自分で文章作ってっみてください! アウトプット大事卍
@chintomo_ Жыл бұрын
I’m going to get a haircut.
@uy5701 Жыл бұрын
I'm going to get it.🍎👆 I'm going to get off at the next stop.🚏🚃 I'm going to come and get you.🏠🚗 I'm going to get English skill.👄 I'm going to get your time.⌚
@HideLog Жыл бұрын
I`m gonna get a sports car. A sports car is special car in Japan. Is it correct in English? … I`m fifty-four. Can I speak English fluently? とても分かりやすくて、自信が持てる教え方で、とても救われます。54歳のおっさんですが、そもそも英語で話すより、日本語でも何を話したら良いか分からず、結局会話もできません。そのコツもあれば教えていただきたいと思います。
@HinaEnglishTeacher Жыл бұрын
@uy5701 •I’m going to get high English skills の方が綺麗です! I’m going to come get your time はあまり言わないです!(時間をとりに行く、って言いたいんですかね?)
@HinaEnglishTeacher Жыл бұрын
@HideLog ありがとうございます!😆 Fix: • I’m going to get A special car まずは声に出しながらモデリングを使って、英語の日常フレーズから触れてみるのはどうでしょうか!
「シャドーイングは意味ねえって前に言ったよな!?」 0:08 What's up my homies, it's Hina here! 0:10 Let me just start by telling you a story. 0:13 Just now I was talking to this kid. 0:15 So he's like Hina, I'm actually taking the TOEIC test this week and I want to get a high score for the listening part. 0:21 How should I study it? What should I do to improve my listening score? 0:25 So I'm asking him what method he's currently using, and he tells me that he's using shadowing. Shadowing!? 0:34 But now that I think of it, I think a lot of people struggle with listening. 0:38 They don't know the best way the best technique to use to improve their listening skills. 0:43 I think we all want to be able to hear and speak native English but it seems like they talk too fast all the time and every time we try hearing them we can only pick up the really important words. 0:54 I feel you. 0:55 So today I'm going to talk about why you should avoid using the shadowing method especially if if you are a beginner. 1:01 And I'm going to teach you the methods you should really be using if you really want to improve on your listening and speaking. 1:09 So first off, let me talk about shadowing. 1:11 Why shadowing is a SH*T method as a beginner. 1:14 So shadowing is something like this. 1:17 ~“Because it will me incurring a motherhood penalty meaning they will be perceived as less dedicated to their job and will be passed over for promotions and other career advancements career advance.” 1:27 So what you do is you repeat after the English audio almost immediately, and follow it like a shadow. 1:32 The idea behind the shadowing method is to get used to the English pronunciations get your muscles and mouth used to English. 1:39 But honestly there are so many better ways to do that.
@yu-yu-2024 Жыл бұрын
1.シャドーイングが根性焼き案件すぎる理由 1:42 The first reason why I don't recommend shadowing for beginners is because. 1:47 You can't hear the pronunciations properly. 1:50 I should bring out the umbrella. 1:53 The key to being able to speak and hear English is knowing the English sounds properly, the pronounce. 2:00 Because once you know how to pronounce like a native speaker get a hang of their rhythm, the way they're talking the way they connect words deduct some parts. 2:09 When you get a hang of that, you'll be able to hear a native speaker. 2:13 This step is so important. 2:15 You can't skip this part. 2:17 Especially when you're a beginner and about to learn English. 2:20 So the problem with the shadowing method is that you're repeating an English phrase immediately after you hear it and just like the example you saw earlier, it gets way too crazy and busy. 2:32 You get too focused on keeping up with the English phrase, that you can't really focus on the pronunciations as much as you should. 2:38 You end up copying the noises in the moment, but you aren't actually understanding it. 2:43 If you really want to be able to hear a native speaker and speak like a native speaker. 2:48 Then you'll first really need to take, the time to analyze the English pronunciations properly. 2:53 This should be your number one priority. 2:56 But what's even worse is for people who might have tried the shadowing method might understand, but you end up falling into a loop thinking that you're pronouncing well. 3:05 But you actually aren't. 3:06 This is the dangerous thing about shadowing. 3:08 You end up believing that you're pronouncing well, like you're doing a good job. 3:12 But really, unless you've analyzed the English pronunciations you're just tricking yourself.
@yu-yu-2024 Жыл бұрын
2.シャドーイングが根性焼き案件すぎる理由 3:17 So reason number two why I don't recommend the shadowing method. 3:21 The reason is because you can't link the meaning of the sentence to the English phrase. 3:27 So by using the shadowing method, you might be able to improve your pronunciation slightly. 3:32 But because everything is going so fast and you get too focused on keeping up with the English phrase, you aren't able to link the meaning of the sentence and what you are saying efficiently. 3:43 What you should be doing is when you are saying a phrase out loud, 3:47 I want you to have an imagery of what you are saying and also some of the emotions that relate to it. 3:54 So for example… "I am going to get a new motorcycle." 3:58 So as you are saying this phrase is 4:00 I want you to imagine a scene where you actually getting a new motorcycle. 4:04 So I'll give you guys a few seconds. 4:07 Imagine you are getting a new motorcycle. 4:09 What does it look like? What color is it? What are some of the emotions going through right now? 5 4 3 2 1… ~
@yu-yu-2024 Жыл бұрын
4:48 So linking the English phrase and emotions that come with it is so important 4:53 because if you remember English phrases like this, 4:56 you won't have to keep on remembering English with Japanese translations by remembering it with an imagery and emotions 5:03 it allows you to think with an English brain, and I think that's something that you should aim for. 5:09 But if you use the shadowing method, everything is going so fast and you're too focused on keeping up with the English phrase and you won't really have time to link the words and phrase with imagery and emotions. 5:22 So really all you're doing is mimicking the noises in that moment and you are losing the opportunity to deepen your understanding of the English phrase. 5:31 If you are already an advanced speaker, and you've already studied your English pronunciations and you can understand pretty much everything native speakers are saying, 5:40 I would say 90 to 95%, then maybe the shadowing method is a good way to practice English. 5:46 But keep in mind that shadowing is a practicing technique that people use when they want to become translators, so their level of English is already high. 5:56 So in general, it's a very difficult way to practice English. 5:59 So I know an Indian person, who is fluent in English. 6:03 He has perfect grammar. 6:06 He can construct his own sentences very well, but he had a very thick Indian accent. 6:12 He used the shadowing method to correct his pronunciation. 6:16 So yeah, what I want to say is I recommend the shadowing method to people who already studied the English pronunciations and can understand English at a very high level already. 6:26 But if you are just about to learn English and you are a beginner, please don't use the shadowing method. 6:33 So, what is the best method you should use to improve your pronunciation?
@yu-yu-2024 Жыл бұрын
6:50 So then what is the best method to improve your listening and speaking skills? 6:55 In my opinion, there are two things that you should always meet when you want to improve your speaking and listening. 7:01 And one that is being able to pronounce like a native speaker 7:05 and two making sure that you really understand the meaning of the phrases that you are saying. 7:11 There is one method that meets these two things and that is called the modeling method. 7:17 So I'll give you an example. 7:18 So using the sentence we used earlier, I'm going to get a new motorcycle. 7:23 What I want you to do is listen carefully to the native speaker pronunciations first. 7:28 And instead of talking over the native speaker, I want you to practice pronouncing right after. 7:34 I'm going to get a new motorcycle and then you say it. 7:38 So together, let's break down the pronunciations. 8:37 ~I'm going to get a new motorcycle.