中文是直觀的語言及文字,用圖畫來溝通,像看山,看字是「手」加「目」,直接畫給你看,就不用像拼字文字,看有分look see watch. ,mountain 要用很多拼字文字來表示「山」這個意思,而中文是直接畫給你看,簡單明瞭,這就是象形文字跟拼字文字最大差別,有時畫圖已表達意思,就不需要添加其他的時態或複數形態
Of course it's a comment by someone who has no understanding of linguistics. It's also extremely condescending in the way you talk about other languages as if they're inferior, such as calling them 亂七八糟 or 不合邏輯. The world doesn't revolve around China.
我係amateur linguist。有興趣就睇我既補充: 片中講到既係咁多語言黎講好多都唔算勁rare(linguistics有個term叫rara),只不過唔算係大多數,好多point只不過係同英文etc 唔同姐,好多個point其實係屬於isolating/analytic language既特性(eg no tense no morphology no plural serial vb etc.),而isolating/analytic language唔係語言既大多數(depending on the definition, 5~20% of the total languages),但未至於好rare,creole基本上都係isolating/analytic既。 Analytic/isolating lang係over-represent既,好多係多人講/大家識既語言:Vietnamese, Khmer, Thai, Yoruba, English, Haitian Creole, Afrikaan, Chinese, Malay etc. 而polysynthetic lang係多數大家覺得好陌生既:Greenlandic, Navajo, (Georgian), many Amerindian langs 呢幾點確實係語言中既少數:最後既語素文字 + 可以上至下寫。中日係現存最後通用既logographic modern writing system。 以下呢幾點先至係中文既rara特點,係真正rare,無乜非linguist知道,甚至linguist都無pay attention: 1. SVO word order 但係relative clause擺係noun之前。除Sinitic lang,其他SVO lang都係Noun-relative clause既order,中文呢個order係好counter intuitive同inefficient,因為會將VO bonding夾硬拆開 2. 中文係最少外來語既現代語言(er, 唔好同d tribal lang比 eg Sentinelese),好大原因係漢字。 3. 廣東話default既tell time係講“幾多個字” 而唔係講 “幾多分鐘”。暫時我唔知有其他語言會咁做,好多報時system非常複雜eg German
我覺得對老外來說,「量詞」是抽象和難掌握的,如一輛車、一匹布、一枝筆、一場夢。雖英語也有這概念,如 a cup of tea, a bowl of soup 等,但不會有什麼 a xx of car, a xx of pen 等語法。什麼名詞配什麼量詞,對老外來說也是很難掌握,除了多聽多講多應用外,別無捷徑。🙂
中文其实最有趣的地方,是语言(spoken language)和文字(written language)的区分。新文化运动之前,白话文与文言文是完全分离的,哪怕现在也有口语和书面语的区别。书面语完全可以写出很长很复杂的句子,也可能会用一些生僻词,但在日常交流的时候,往往不会用长句子,正常人也不会用生僻词。至少从我的了解,英语的 spoken language 和 written language 是没有区别的,平时怎么说就怎么写。能体会到中文口语和文字的差别,估计对非中华文化圈的人来说,就是一个非常大的考验吧,也不知道在教学的时候会不会有意提到这一点。 汉语几大语系的差别,其实并不比欧洲很多语言之间的差别小。我以前学过俄语,跟一个北马其顿同事简单交流过一下(挨着希腊的国家),他能听懂我讲的俄语。我听他的发音,认为北马其顿语跟俄语的差别,未必有河南话跟四川话(同属北方官话语系)的差别大。 另外还有一个中华文化圈的习惯,就是名字。今年黑神话悟空很火,很多人做了 gouku 和 wukong 的区分。我觉得这个概念就有点儿难解释,毕竟中文里名字是带着“字”的。换句话说,中华文化圈里的名字,是属于 written language 而不是 spoken language 的。
似乎漢語曾經係pidgin 然後再發展成creole 語言。可能在商代嘅時候,不同母語嘅人為咗溝通而發展嘅一種通用語。 Creole 的文法上通常都會簡化。新幾內亞 English Creole, Tok Pisin 語就刪掉晒英文嘅動詞變化。過去式冇 -ed,變咗用助詞 bin (來自 been).
除了漢語系語言外,巴西的葡萄牙語都經常用問句裏面的動詞回答是與否。爾種習慣非常接近漢語。至於時態的變動,漢語的變動和英語的規則動詞接近。過去就加ed,將來的就加“將/會“。做過就加“過”字,相似於英語的have done, have eaten, have been, have seen,...... 最後,粵語的“咗”字可能是古字“徂”的便讀。可能古人有邊讀邊將“徂”讀成 “阻” 。
1) English is actually really bad with "Yes". for example, if you ask "You didn't go to school today, did you?" you can't just say "yes" . "yes" doesn't necessarily mean "affirmative". you have to add context. 2) most widely used languages are Indo-European languages and they share some basic. So when comparing to Chinese, Chinese does stand out among them. 3) Quantifier can be especially difficult for chinese learners to learn because each one is so unique. 4) Using different languages do form different ways of thinking instinctively. For example, English speakers always have to think about the tenses while Chinese speakers don't or French speakers always need to think about whether something is feminine or masculine which the concept doesn't even exist in Chinese.