May Allah preserve sheikh Usamah al Utaybi and forgive sheikh Ubayd al Jabiri
@mustafasalman9004 ай бұрын
@maktabahassunnah6 жыл бұрын
This lying manipulative khabeeth isn't even Palestinian nor is he from the Utaybīyyah tribe. His Jordanian birth certificate shows otherwise. His name is أسامة عطايا عثمان عوض الله. Likewise his close family members, bore witness that they have no attribution to the Utaybīyyah tribe and have made public statements against this liar. His family is originally Egyptian and they immigrated to Palestine around 150 years ago.
@maktabahassunnah6 жыл бұрын
@UCdeVm_y7Bd8KnrZ0kKNV6RA The benefit is, this man can't be trusted. He is a compulsive liar who ignites and spreads fitnah all over the world. And just as what our Father and Scholar Shaykh 'Ubāyd حفظه الله said: "he has reached the level of insanity".
@fireinbabylon13966 жыл бұрын
@fireinbabylon13966 жыл бұрын
@hbk711x skimming doesnt do justice akhee. Please take your time reading it before making an informed judgement . DO You know why he been refuted recently because has sided with individuals who have brought innovating principles such as arafaat al muhammadi and others than him such as ali al madkhali, Ar rafeaa , adh dharafee who he lied upon shaykh fawzaan. Ans ulamah such as shaykh sulaymaan al ruhayli and other have accepted this refutation of them . And now we have shaykh muhammad al madkhal being belittled by spubs , is this salafiyaah ? Also the shaykh challenged them to a mubalaha(cursing) which the saafiqah have not turned up! That tells it all
@maktabahassunnah6 жыл бұрын
@@fireinbabylon1396 This website is filled with the doubtful matters, lies and deception. Whoever runs this website is an ignoramus who thinks he's more knowledgeable than the senior Scholars. Allāhu Al-Musta'an I advise you to fear Allāh and realize that you're a mere layman and nothing more. You'll be held accountable for spreading division and misguidance. You'll verily be brought forth on the day of no return! Save yourself and abandon your desires! You have been warned!
@fireinbabylon13966 жыл бұрын
@@maktabahassunnah It seems you are an integral part of this hizbi cult! And your response is typical of that nature . Arent you do the one who said that shaykh utaybi is this and that and then you feign that you are with the ulamah ! If these are lies then refute them with evidence and academically if you are truthful which you cannot do and will not do. As a scholar said "Salafiyaah wont be harmed by the barking of dogs " . JazakAllahu khayrun for your wise remarks . I fear non but Allah and the following the truth is what is required as to follow. So if its falsehood then please respond with your own evidence why you think they are lies.